Engineering Design and the Technological Design Loop Drafting and Design I

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Engineering Design and the Technological Design Loop Drafting and Design I Technology is… • The sum of all human knowledge, used to transform resources for the purpose of meeting human needs. • Make things work better. • A strategy for the survival of our people. • The means by which people control or modify their natural environment. • The application of knowledge (science).

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Engineering Designand the Technological Design


Drafting and Design I

Technology is…

• The sum of all human knowledge, used to transform resources for the purpose of meeting human needs.

• Make things work better.• A strategy for the survival of our people.• The means by which people control or

modify their natural environment.• The application of knowledge (science).

Technology Engineering Science• The process of

using knowledge and resources to meet human needs and wants.

• The products that are developed through that process.

• Using technological and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.

• A descriptive discipline that makes observations through experimental investigation in order to explain physical and natural phenomena.

• Science seeks to answer the question “Why?”

Technology vs. Science

The Design Process

• A thinking process that involves planning with intention and purpose.

• Process involves switching between:• Thinking• Questioning• Evaluating• Doing

• Documenting - IMPORTANT!

Step 1. Identify the ProblemSo what’s the problem?• Question: What it is you want or need to


Step 2. Create a Design BriefThis is what we have to accomplish!• Provides direction for the work of the

designer.• Summarizes the criteria and constraints for

the problem.

Step 3. Research and Investigation

• Gather and document information that could be useful for reference later on.

• Information could surround:• Ergonomics• Human Factors• Engineering• Structural• Mechanical systems

Step 4. Generation of Solutions

• As many solutions as possible = GOOD!

• No solutions get shot down, no bad ideas.

• Referred to as BRAINSTORMING

Step 4. Generation of Solutions

• Some ideas may not be workable because:• Of costs• Technical know-how• Other reasons

• Do not think about this as you brainstorm!!• Workable ideas should be further developed

before they can be seriously considered.• Some solutions generate other solutions.

Step 5. Choosing the Best Solution

• Two strategies• List attributes (good and bad) of ideas and

compare them.• Develop a matrix

• Rate each solution against specific criteria.

Step 6. Developmental Work

• Plan your prototype• Modeling• Experimentation• Try different materials• Stage for technical planning

• Engineering drawing• Blueprints• Exploded-view drawings

Step 7. Modeling and Prototyping

• CONSTRUCTION• Can create

• Computer models • Appearance models - look like finished

product• Functional models - operational models• Prototypes - function and look like the

finished product.

Step 8. Testing and Evaluation

• Does the product do all that it is suppose to do?

• Have you accomplished your goal?• Is more developmental work needed?• Try giving it to an appropriate individual

who may use it. Handicapped, Navy• Receive Feedback

Step 9 - Redesign

• Inevitably, problems arise with all design projects. Therefore, some redesign and tweaking is typically necessary.


1. Identify the Problem

2. Frame a Design Brief

3. Research and Investigation

4. Generate Solutions

5. Choose a Solution

6. Developmental Work

7. Modeling and Prototyping

8. Testing and Evaluating

9. Redesign