Energy Audit Case Study

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  • 8/13/2019 Energy Audit Case Study


    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009


    1.1 G ENEREAL 

    In todays po!er scenario" !e are facing a ma#or po!er crunc$% &ay 'y day" t$e gap

     'et!een demand and supply of electric energy is !idening% At present" t$e difference

    is a'out (%()" going up to a'out *2) in t$e pea+ period% Bridging t$is gap from t$e

    supply side is a very difficult and expensive proposition% Also" limited energy

    resources" scarcity of capital and $ig$ interest costs for t$e addition of ne! generation

    capacity is leading to t$e increased cost of electrical energy in India% T$e only via'le

    !ay to $andle t$is crisis" apart from capacity addition" is t$e efficient use of availa'le

    energy" !$ic$ is possi'le only 'y continuously monitoring and controlling t$e use of

    electrical energy%

    T$e rate at !$ic$ t$e energy demands and prices are increasing it may 'e impossi'le

    to pursue t$e present rate of development% &eveloping countries" li+e India" !ill 'e

    forced to retard its development , industriali-ation program for !ant of sufficient

    energy reserves% Besides t$is t$e environmental implications of $ap$a-ard energy

    utili-ation also need to 'e closely studied% In.efficient use of energy $as stretc$ed t$e

    glo'al environment to its limits as can 'e seen from unpleasant responses of t$e

    nature% /reen $ouse effect" acid rain" smog" deforestation" s$ift in climatic conditions"

    etc%" are some of t$e indications% Setting up additional generating capacities to meet

    increasing energy demands is not only a very expensive alternative 'ut also very time

    consuming approac$% Additional po!er plants" meaning additional pollution and

    furt$er degradation of t$e environment% $ile Energy Conservation" 'esides 'eing a

    1uic+ and economical approac$ $as t$e potential to provide an effective solution to

    emerging environmental $a-ards%

    Considering t$e scenario of t$e Indian Industrial sector and its energy utili-ation

    efficiency" t$ere is urgent need to revie! manufacturing tec$nologies and t$e present

    energy management approac$% !ing to old and o'solete industrial tec$nologies and

    mac$inery t$e extent of energy !astage is very $ig$% Energy Conservation potentialin t$e industrial sector of our nation $as 'een pro#ected 'et!een 30 to 40 )% Energy

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  • 8/13/2019 Energy Audit Case Study


    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    conservation measures range from simple good $ouse.+eeping practices to plant

    moderni-ation% To +no! extent of energy is 'eing !asted it is very essential to +no!

    !$at amount of energy is 'eing consumed% 6onitoring industrial energy utili-ation on

    continuous 'asis and relating it to t$e production is t$e first step of any energy

    conservation programme%

    1.2 Energy Management

    Energy 6anagement is t$e #udicious and effective use of energy to maximi-e profits

    7minimi-e costs8 and en$ance competitive positions%

    T$e aim of energy management is to reduce t$e amount of energy a 'uilding

    consumes% /ood energy management starts from an understanding $o! a 'uildinguses energy% T$e next stage is to identify inefficiencies and agree actions to improve

    efficiency% T$ese actions need associated targets and ongoing monitoring to measure

    t$eir performance%

    Actions ta+en to improve efficiency can vary% Some cost not$ing" ot$ers are lo! cost

    and some re1uire greater investment% Some use tec$nology" ot$er focus on people 'ut

    good energy management !ill normally deliver savings t$roug$ a com'ination of


    Improving energy efficiency can 'ring many 'enefits

    :o!er energy costs

    ;educed car'on emissions

    Improved !or+ing conditions

    Better control

    Aids IS *400* accreditation

    &emonstrates corporate 5 social responsi'ility

    1.3 Principe! "# Energy Management

    T$e principles of Energy 6anagement involve t$e follo!ing<

    =rocure all t$e energy needed at t$e lo!est possi'le price 7Example< 'uy from

    original sources" revie! t$e purc$ase terms8

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    6anage energy use at t$e $ig$est energy efficiency 7Example< improving

    energy use efficiency at every stage of energy transport" distri'ution and use8

    ;eusing and recycling energy 'y cascading 7Example< !aste $eat recovery8

    >se t$e most appropriate tec$nology 7select lo! investment tec$nology to

    meet t$e present re1uirement and environment condition8

    ;educe t$e avoida'le losses% 76a+e use of !astes generated !it$in t$e plant

    as sources of energy and reducing t$e component of purc$ased fuels and 'ills8

    1.$ Energy Management %trategy

    Energy management s$ould 'e seen as a continuous process% Strategies s$ould 'e

    revie!ed annually and revised as necessary% T$e +ey activities involved in t$e process

    are outlined 'elo!<

    1.$.1 I&enti#y a %trategic C"rp"rate Appr"ac'

    T$e starting point in energy management is to identify a strategic corporate approac$

    to energy management% Clear accounta'ility for energy management needs to 'e

    esta'lis$ed" appropriate financial and staffing resources must 'e allocated" and

    reporting procedures initiated% An energy management program re1uires commitment

    from t$e !$ole organisation in order to 'e successful%

    1.$.2 App"int Energy Manager

    T$e energy manager" !$o s$ould 'e a senior staff mem'er" !ill 'e responsi'le for t$e

    overall coordination of t$e program and !ill report directly to top management%

    Energy managers need to $ave a tec$nical 'ac+ground" need to 'e familiar !it$ t$e

    organisations activities and $ave appropriate tec$nical support%

    1.$.3 %et (p an Energy M"nit"ring an& Rep"rting %y!tem

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    Successful energy management re1uires t$e esta'lis$ment of a system to collect"

    analyse and report on t$e organisations energy costs and consumption% T$is !ill

    ena'le an overvie! of energy use and its related costs" as !ell as facilitating t$e

    identification of savings t$at mig$t ot$er!ise not 'e detected% T$e system needs to

    record 'ot$ $istorical and ongoing energy use" as !ell as cost information from 'illing

    data" and 'e capa'le of producing summary reports on a regular 'asis% T$is

    information !ill provide t$e means 'y !$ic$ trends can 'e analysed and tariffs


    1.$.$ C"n&(ct Energy A(&it

    An energy audit esta'lis$es 'ot$ !$ere and $o! energy is 'eing used" and t$e

     potential for energy savings% It includes a !al+.t$roug$ survey" a revie! of energy

    using systems" analysis of energy use and t$e preparation of an energy 'udget" and

     provides a 'aseline from !$ic$ energy consumption can 'e compared over time% An

    audit can 'e conducted 'y an employee of t$e organi-ation !$o $as appropriate

    expertise" or 'y a specialist energy.auditing firm% An energy audit report also includes

    recommendations for actions" !$ic$ !ill result in energy and cost savings% It s$ould

    also indicate t$e costs and savings for eac$ recommended action" and a priority order

    for implementation%

    1.$.) *"rmai+e an Energy Management P"icy %tatement

    A !ritten energy management policy !ill guide efforts to improve energy efficiency"

    and represents a commitment to saving energy% It !ill also $elp to ensure t$at t$e

    success of t$e program is not dependent on particular individuals in t$e organi-ation%

    An energy management policy statement includes a declaration of commitment from

    senior management" as !ell as general aims and specific targets relating to<

    Energy consumption reduction 7electricity" fuel oil" gas" petrol etc%8

    Energy cost reduction 7'y lo!ering consumption and negotiating lo!er

    unit rates8


    Budgetary limits

    Energy cost centers

    rganisation of management resources%

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    1.$., Prepare an& Un&erta-e a Detaie& Pr"ect Impementati"n Pan

    A pro#ect implementation plan s$ould 'e developed as part of t$e energy audit and 'e

    endorsed 'y management% T$e plan s$ould include an implementation time ta'le and

    state any funding and 'udgetary re1uirements% =ro#ects may range from esta'lis$ing

    or c$anging operational procedures to ensure t$at plant and e1uipment use minimum

    energy" renegotiating electricity supply arrangements etc% to adopting asset ac1uisition

     programs t$at !ill reduce energy consumption% An overall strategy could 'e to

    introduce energy management pro#ects" !$ic$ !ill ac$ieve maximum financial

     'enefits at least cost to t$e organisation%

    1.$./ Impement a %ta## A0arene!! an& Training Pr"gram

    A +ey ingredient to t$e success of an energy management program is maintaining a

    $ig$ level of a!areness among staff% T$is can 'e ac$ieved in a num'er of !ays"

    including formal training" ne!sletters" posters and pu'lications" and 'y incorporating

    energy management into existing training programs% It is important to communicate

     program plans and case studies t$at demonstrate savings" and to report results at least

    at *2.mont$ intervals% Staff may need training from specialists on energy saving

     practices and e1uipment%

    1.$. Ann(a Reie0

    An energy management program !ill 'e more effective if its results are revie!ed

    annually% ;evie! of energy management policy and strategies !ill form t$e 'asis for

    developing an implementation plan for t$e next *2 mont$s%

    India is a &eveloping nation% Its per capita Energy Consumption is very lo!% To

    ac$ieve Economic /ro!t$" !e need to 5 $ave to use more 5 more energy to increase

    t$e pace of development%

    e need to increase t$e manufacturing of good in ?uality 5 @olume%

    It is estimated t$at Industrial energy use in developing countries constitutes a'out 4.0 ) of t$e total commercial energy consumption% 6uc$ of t$is energy is converted

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    from imported oil" t$e price of !$ic$ $as increased tremendously so muc$ so t$at

    most of developing countries spent more t$an 0 ) of t$eir foreign exc$ange

    earnings% ot !it$ standing t$ese fiscal constraints" developing countries need to

    expand its industrial 'ase li+e us if it $as to generate t$e resources to improve t$e

    1uality of life of its people% T$e expansion of industrial 'ase does re1uire an

    additional energy input !$ic$ 'ecomes more and more difficult in t$e present


    /eneration of po!er needs resources% ;esources availa'le on eart$ are of &iminis$ing

     ature% It is getting depleted very fast !it$ time as use is increasing exponentially%

    T$ere are some resources" !$ic$ are ;ene!a'le e%g% Solar =o!er" ind =o!er and

    /eot$ermal =o!er% Tec$nology is also 'eing developed to $arness t$ese ;ene!a'le

    ;esources to generate =o!er% T$e capital investment re1uirement is very $ig$ as

    compared to normally availa'le resources% It can 'e 1uoted $ere t$at !it$ t$e

    availa'le tec$nology" !e could $ardly generate ) of total po!er generation as on

    date %ence" to restrict t$e use or increase t$e life of diminis$ing type of resources%

    :et us see t$e ot$er aspect of life" !$ereas every'ody cant understand all tec$nical

    reasons or 'enefits of t$e !$ole !orld until $e $imself reali-es some 'enefit for $is

    action or efforts% In t$is competitive !orld" cost competitiveness is very very essential

    for survival of every individual% To esta'lis$ any !or+ , motive or tas+" energy in one

    or ot$er form is an essential component%

    T$us t$e need to conserve energy" particularly in industry and commerce is strongly

    felt as t$e energy cost ta+es up su'stantial s$are in t$e overall cost structure of t$e


    ence it calls for 6AA/E6ET D EE;/ or in ot$er !ords

    6AA/E6ET D ;ES>;CES or EE;/ CSE;@ATI%

    It 'ecomes clear from t$e a'ove data 5 statement t$at Energy needs to 'e 6anaged ,;esources needs to 'e managed irrespective of a &E@E:=E& ATI or A

    &E@E:=I/ ATI%


    In t$e existing transition period 'et!een an era of a'undance of relatively inexpensive

    electric energy and one in !$ic$ energy of all types is scarce expensive" increasing

    emp$asis is 'eing placed on innovative tec$ni1ues t$at improve t$e efficiency of

    generation " distri'ution and usage of electricity% T$e 'asic p$ilosop$y 'e$ind

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    &emand Side 6anagement seems to 'e t$at it is c$eaper to save a !att t$an to

     produce one% It is definitely more reasona'le, cost effective, easier to save t$an to

    increase production 'y one !att from current capacity%

    In a paper F*G By =%;avi 'a'u descri'es t$e application &emand Side 6anagement

    and descri'es ;esi-ing operation of transformer% In t$is paper t$e aut$or descri'es t$e

     pro'lem in a su'.station at Hurnool !$ere a transformer of $ig$ rating !as proposed

    a resi-ed and revised sc$edule% In t$e analysis it !as found t$at a smaller rating

    transformer !as more efficiently !or+ing !it$ $ig$er value of T>D%

    T$e energy loses !ere reduced to a maximum extent and moreover lo!er capacity of

    t$e transformer !as sufficient to meet t$e load%

    S%=%S ;ag$av and Jayant Sin$aF2G descri'es &emand Side 6anagement t$roug$

    =o!er Sector reforms !$ere t$e met$ods adopted to reduce t$e transmission and

    distri'ution 'y *00) metering% >se of electronic meters" installation of capacitor

     'an+s and $ig$ voltage distri'ution system etc% $ence t$ey conclude t$at

    strengt$ening of su' transmission and distri'ution net!or+ is extremely important in

    en$ancing efficiency and promoting demand side management%

    In &ecem'er *999 &r%C%=alanic$amyF3G descri'es t$e need for energy conservation

    for 'ot$ environmental and economical 'enefits% Dactor li+e limited fuel reserve"

    ageing" transportation" operational efficiency and environmental impact influence t$e

    generation of po!er% To overcome t$ese pro'lems restructuring of state electricity

     'oard !$ere updating energy conservation plans every year and suggested incentives

    for rene!a'le energy sources !ere called for as a application of &S6%

    In t$e year 6ay *999 &r% 6%@%Hris$na ;ao F4G descri'es t$e usage of intelligent

    metering systems for revenue improvement% T$e universal pro'lem faced 'y all t$e

    utilities across t$e !orld is in ensuring t$e correct measurement of energy consumed

    is t$e commercial losses% T$e pro'lem is more acute in developing countries !$ere

    t$e losses may vary from *0.40)% T$ese losses are mainly due to !rong meter

    reading" defective metering" malpractice in usage of energy" persons indulging in

     pilferage% As a solution to t$ese pro'lems $e suggests usage of A6;s 7automatic

    meter reading8 and meter testing !$ic$ is a critical activity of distri'ution

    management as t$e utility $as suffered considera'le revenue loss due to non.testing of

    meters and allo!ing installation of meters !it$ errors%

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009


     Energy Audit is t$e +ey to a systematic approac$ for in t$e area of

    energy management% It attempts to 'alance t$e total energy inputs !it$ its use" and

    serves to identify all t$e energy streams in a facility% It 1uantifies energy usage

    according to its discrete functions% Industrial energy audit is an effective tool in

    defining and pursuing compre$ensive energy management programme%


    As per t$e Energy Conservation Act" 200*" Energy Audit is defined as t$e

    verification" monitoring and analysis of use of energy including su'mission of

    tec$nical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency !it$

    cost 'enefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption%


    In any industry" t$e t$ree top operating expenses are often found to 'e energy 7'ot$

    electrical and t$ermal8" la'our and materials% If one !ere to relate to t$e

    managea'ility of t$e cost or potential cost savings in eac$ of t$e a'ove components"

    energy !ould invaria'ly emerge as a top ran+er" and t$us energy management

    function constitutes a strategic area for cost reduction% Energy Audit !ill $elp to

    understand more a'out t$e !ays energy and fuel are used in any industry" and $elp in

    identifying t$e areas !$ere !aste can occur and !$ere scope for improvement exists%

    T$e Energy Audit !ould give a positive orientation to t$e energy cost reduction"

     preventive maintenance and 1uality control programmes !$ic$ are vital for

     production and utility activities% Suc$ an audit programme !ill $elp to +eep focus on

    variations !$ic$ occur in t$e energy costs" availa'ility and relia'ility of supply of

    energy" decide on appropriate energy mix" identify energy conservation tec$nologies"

    retrofit for energy conservation e1uipment etc%

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    In general" Energy Audit is t$e translation of conservation ideas into realities" 'y

    lending tec$nically feasi'le solutions !it$ economic and ot$er organi-ational

    considerations !it$in a specified time frame%

    T$e purpose of Energy Audit is to determine !ays to reduce energy consumption per

    unit of product output or to lo!er operating costs% Energy Audit provides a 'enc$.

    mar+ 7;eference point8 for managing energy in t$e organi-ation and also provides

    t$e 'asis for planning a more effective use of energy t$roug$out t$e organi-ation%

    SJBIT as a professional college $as 4 undergraduate courses and 3 postgraduate

    courses !it$ a full time !or+s$op" computer centers and ot$er la's% It $as T

    connection !it$ &iesel /enerator set 'ac+up !it$ many >=S systems% College is a

    developing institution !it$ plans to start researc$ centers and some more =/ courses%

    Heeping t$ese points into consideration energy audit on t$is institution plays a vital

    role to optimi-e t$e cost of energy and maintenance cost%

    2.3 O45ECTIE%

    T$e institutes annual energy 'ill $as crossed 20 la+$s !e aim to conserve *0.

    *) of its energy consumption !$ic$ !ould result in savings of a'out 2 la+$


    To prepare a single line diagram of t$e distri'ution system for t$is institution%%

    To study t$e existing energy utili-ation pattern of t$e institution%

    To suggest energy conservation opportunities for optimum utili-ation of



    T$e type of Energy Audit to 'e performed depends on<

    Dunction and type of industry

    &ept$ to !$ic$ final audit is needed" and

    =otential and magnitude of cost reduction desired

    T$us Energy Audit can 'e classified into t$e follo!ing t!o types%i8 =reliminary Audit

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    ii8 &etailed Audit


    =reliminary energy audit is a relatively 1uic+ exercise to<

    Esta'lis$ energy consumption in t$e organi-ation

    Estimate t$e scope for saving

    Identify t$e most li+ely 7and t$e easiest areas for attention

    Identify immediate 7especially no.,lo!.cost8 improvements, savings

    Set a Kreference point

    Identify areas for more detailed study,measurement

    =reliminary energy audit uses existing" or easily o'tained data


    A compre$ensive audit provides a detailed energy pro#ect implementation plan for a

    facility" since it evaluates all ma#or energy using systems%

    T$is type of audit offers t$e most accurate estimate of energy savings and cost% It

    considers t$e interactive effects of all pro#ects" accounts for t$e energy use of all

    ma#or e1uipment" and includes detailed energy cost saving calculations and pro#ect


    In a compre$ensive audit" one of t$e +ey elements is t$e energy 'alance% T$is is 'ased

    on an inventory of energy using systems" assumptions of current operating conditions

    and calculations of energy use% T$is estimated use is t$en compared to utility 'ill


    &etailed energy auditing is carried out in t$ree p$ases< =$ase I" II and III%

    =$ase I . =re Audit =$ase

    =$ase II . Audit =$ase

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    =$ase III . =ost Audit =$ase


    2.$.2.1 DETAILED ENERGY AUDIT MET6ODOLOGY" t$e met$odology of Energy Audits needs to 'e flexi'le% A

    compre$ensive ten.step met$odology for conduct of Energy Audit at field level is

     presented 'elo!% Energy 6anager and Energy Auditor may follo! t$ese steps to start

    !it$ and add,c$ange as per t$eir needs and industry types%

    Ta7e 2.1 Ten !tep! #"r &etaie& energy a(&it

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009



    An initial site visit may ta+e one day and gives t$e Energy Auditor,Engineer an

    opportunity to meet t$e personnel concerned" to familiari-e $im !it$ t$e site and to

    assess t$e procedures necessary to carry out t$e energy audit%

    &uring t$e initial site visit t$e Energy Auditor,Engineer s$ould carry out t$e

    follo!ing actions< .

    &iscuss !it$ t$e sites senior management t$e aims of t$e energy audit%

    &iscuss economic guidelines associated !it$ t$e recommendations of t$e


    Analyse t$e ma#or energy consumption data !it$ t$e relevant personnel%

    'tain site dra!ings !$ere availa'le L 'uilding layout" steam distri'ution"

    compressed air distri'ution" electricity distri'ution etc%

    Tour t$e site accompanied 'y engineering,production 

    2.$.2.3 T6E MAIN AIM% O* T6I% I%IT

    To finalise Energy Audit team

    To identify t$e main energy consuming areas,plant items to 'e surveyed

    during t$e audit%

    To identify any existing instrumentation, additional metering re1uired%

    To decide !$et$er any meters !ill $ave to 'e installed prior to t$e audit eg%

    H$" steam" oil or gas meters%

    To identify t$e instrumentation re1uired for carrying out t$e audit%

    To plan !it$ time frame

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     To collect macro data on plant energy resources" ma#or energy consuming


     To create a!areness t$roug$ meetings, programme



    Energy consumption 'y type of energy" 'y department" 'y ma#or items of

     process e1uipment" 'y end.use 6aterial 'alance data 7ra! materials" intermediate and final products" recycled

    6aterials" use of scrap or !aste products" production of 'y.products for re.use

    in ot$er industries" etc%8

    Energy cost and tariff data

    =rocess and material flo! diagrams

    /eneration and distri'ution of site services 7E%g% compressed air" steam8%

    Sources of energy supply 7e%g% electricity from t$e grid or self.generation8

    =otential for fuel su'stitution" process modifications" and t$e use of co.


    Systems 7com'ined $eat and po!er generation8%

    Energy 6anagement procedures and energy a!areness training programs

    !it$in t$e esta'lis$ment%

    Existing 'aseline information and reports are useful to get consumption pattern"

     production cost and productivity levels in terms of product per ra! material inputs%

    T$e audit team s$ould collect t$e follo!ing 'aseline data<

    Tec$nology" processes used and e1uipment details

    Capacity utilisation

    Amount 5 type of input materials used

    ater consumption

    Duel Consumption

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    Electrical energy consumption

    Steam consumption

    t$er inputs suc$ as compressed air" cooling !ater etc

    ?uantity 5 type of !astes generated

    =ercentage re#ection , reprocessing

    Efficiencies , yield

    It is important to plan additional data gat$ering carefully% ere are some 'asic tips to

    avoid !asting time and effort<

    6easurement systems s$ould 'e easy to use and provide t$e information to t$e

    accuracy t$at is needed" not t$e accuracy t$at is tec$nically possi'le

    6easurement e1uipment can 'e inexpensive 7flo! rates using a 'uc+et and


    T$e 1uality of t$e data must 'e suc$ t$at t$e correct conclusions are dra!n

    7!$at grade of product is on" is t$e production normal etc8

    &efine $o! fre1uent data collection s$ould 'e to account for process


    6easurement exercises over a'normal !or+load periods 7suc$ as startup ands$utdo!ns8

    &esign values can 'e ta+en !$ere measurements are difficult 7cooling !ater

    t$roug$ $eat exc$anger8


    *(e !(7!tit(ti"n9 Identifying t$e appropriate fuel for efficient energy conversion

    Energy generati"n: Identifying Efficiency opportunities in energy conversion

    e1uipment,utility suc$ as captive po!er generation" steam generation in 'oilers"

    t$ermic fluid $eating" optimal loading of &/ sets" minimum excess air com'ustion

    !it$ 'oilers,t$ermic fluid $eating" optimising existing efficiencies" efficienct energy

    conversion e1uipment" 'iomass gasifiers" Cogeneration" $ig$ efficiency &/ sets" etc%

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    Energy &i!tri7(ti"n: Identifying Efficiency opportunities net!or+ suc$ as

    transformers" ca'les" s!itc$gears and po!er factor improvement in electrical systems

    and c$illed !ater" cooling !ater" $ot !ater" compressed air" Etc%  

    Energy (!age 7y pr"ce!!e!9 

    T$is is !$ere t$e ma#or opportunity for improvementand many of t$em are $idden% =rocess analysis is useful tool for process integration



    T$e tec$nical feasi'ility s$ould address t$e follo!ing issues

    M Tec$nology availa'ility" space" s+illed manpo!er" relia'ility" service etc

    T$e impact of energy efficiency measure on safety" 1uality" production or


     T$e maintenance re1uirements and spares availa'ility


    Based on energy audit and analyses of t$e plant" a num'er of potential energy saving

     pro#ects may 'e identified% T$ese may 'e classified into t$ree categories:

    *% :o! cost L $ig$ returnN

    2% 6edium cost L medium returnN

    3% ig$ cost L $ig$ return

     ormally t$e lo! cost L $ig$ return pro#ects receive priority% t$er pro#ects $ave to

     'e analy-ed" engineered and 'udgeted for implementation in a p$ased manner%

    =ro#ects relating to energy cascading and process c$anges almost al!ays involve $ig$

    costs coupled !it$ $ig$ returns" and may re1uire careful scrutiny 'efore funds can 'e

    committed% T$ese pro#ects are generally complex and may re1uire long lead times

     'efore t$ey can 'e implemented%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 17

  • 8/13/2019 Energy Audit Case Study


    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009


    Pri"rity Ec"n"mica




    Ri!- :


    A ; G""& ell defined

    and attractive




     o ;is+,

    ig$ly feasi'le

    4 ;May 7e ell definedand only




    may 'e

    updated" lac+

    of confirmation


    ris+,6ay 'e


    C ;6e& =oorly defined

    and marginally



    tec$nology is



    D ;N" Clearly not


     eed ma#or


     ot feasi'le


    To carryout detailed energy audit%

    To 1uantify energy consumption and esta'lis$ 'ase line energy information%

    To construct energy and material 'alance%

    To perform efficiency evaluation of energy and utility systems%

    To compare energy norms !it$ existing energy consumption levels%

    To identify and priorities energy of saving measures%

    To recommend energy efficient tec$nologies and alternate energy sources%

    Energy Efficiency pro#ects $ave t$e follo!ing cost components%

    Energy Audit c$arges%

    Consultancy fees for a detailed pro#ect report%

    Consultancy c$arges for implementation of pro#ect%

    Cost of mac$inery" including cost of retrofitting,renovating" modification of

    existing items" 6iscellaneous assets for esta'lis$ing a monitoring system and

    C$arges for monitoring t$e energy efficiency on long term 'asis%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 18

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009


    &emand.side management 7&S68 refers to cooperative activities 'et!een t$e utility

    and its customers 7sometimes !it$ t$e assistance of t$ird parties suc$ as energy

    services companies and various trade allies8 to implement options for increasing t$e

    efficiency of energy utilisation" !it$ resulting 'enefits to t$e customer" utility and

    society as a !$ole%

    3.1 4ene#it! "# t'e D%M initiatie! 

    Benefits of t$e &S6 initiatives are manifold a fe! of t$em is listed 'elo!%

    3.1.1 C(!t"mer 7ene#it!

    Satisfy electricity demands%

    ;educe, sta'ili-e cost 7'ills8%

    Improve value of service%

    Improve lifestyle and productivity%

    3.1.2 %"cieta 7ene#it!

    ;educe environmental degradation%

    Conserve resources and protect glo'al environment%

    6aximi-e customer !elfare%

    3.1.3 Utiity 7ene#it!

    :o!er cost of service%

    Improve operating efficiency and flexi'ility%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 19

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    ;educe capital needs%

    Improve customer service%

    T$e implementation of &S6 programs in India is li+ely to<

    Improve t$e efficiency of energy systems%

    ;educe financial needs to 'uild ne! energy facilities 7generation8%

    6inimi-e adverse environmental impacts%

    :o!er t$e cost of delivered energy to consumers%

    ;educe po!er s$ortages and po!er cuts%

    Improve t$e relia'ility and 1uality of po!er supply%

    3.2 Impementing D%M

    &S6 programs are utility and customer specific% Digure 'elo! descri'es various steps

    involved in implementing a &S6 initiative%

    *ig(re 3.1 !'"0ing !tep! in D%M pr"gram

    Steps in typical &S6

    Step *< :oad ;esearc$

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 20

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    T$is stage in t$e &S6 implementation !ill typically assess t$e customer 'ase" tariff"

    load profile on an $ourly 'asis and !ill identify t$e sectors contri'uting to t$e load

    s$ape% T$is step !ill also identify pea+ load contri'utors%

    Step 2< &efine load.s$ape o'#ectives

    Based on t$e results of t$e load researc$ in t$e utility" &S6 teams define t$e load

    s$ape o'#ectives for t$e current situation% @arious load.s$ape o'#ectives . =ea+

    Clipping 7reduction in t$e pea+ demand8" @alley Dilling 7increased demand at off.

     pea+8" :oad S$ifting 7demand s$ifting to non.pea+ period8" and :oad Building

    7increased demand8 are possi'le% T$ese are represented in figure 'elo!%

    *ig(re 3.2 L"a&;!'ape tec'ni

  • 8/13/2019 Energy Audit Case Study


    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    @alley.Dilling . t$e improvement of system load factor 'y 'uilding load in off.

     pea+ periods

    :oad S$ifting . t$e reduction of utility loads during periods of pea+ demand"

    !$ile at t$e same time 'uilding load in off.pea+ periods% :oad s$ifting

    typically does not su'stantially alter total electricity sales%

    Conservation . t$e reduction of utility loads" more or less e1ually" during all or

    most $ours of t$e day

    :oad Building . t$e increase of utility loads" more or less e1ually" during all or

    most $ours of t$e day

    Dlexi'le >tility :oad S$ape . refers to programs t$at set up utility options to

    alter customer energy consumption on an as.needed 'asis" as in interrupti'le,

    curtaila'le agreements%

    Step 3< Assess program implementation strategies

    T$is step !ill identify t$e end.use applications t$at can 'e potentially targeted to

    reduce pea+ demand" specifically in sectors contri'uting to system pea+% T$is step

    !ill also carry out a detailed 'enefit.cost analysis for t$e end.users and t$e utilities"

    including analysis of societal as !ell as environmental 'enefits%

    Step 4< Implementation

    Implementation stage includes program design for specific end.use applications"

     promotes t$e program to t$e target audience t$roug$ mar+eting approac$es suc$ as

    advertising" 'ills and inserts" and focused group meetings 7specifically in case of

    commercial and industrial sector8%

    Step < 6onitoring and Evaluation

    T$is step trac+s t$e program design and implementation and compares t$e same !it$

     proposed &S6 goal set 'y t$e utility% A detailed 'enefit.cost analysis in t$is case

    includes identifying t$e avoided supply cost for t$e utility vis.O.vis t$e total program

    cost for t$e utilities and 'enefits to t$e participants including t$e reduced 'ills or

    incentives to t$e end.users%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 22

  • 8/13/2019 Energy Audit Case Study


    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    $. Energy a(&it met'"&""gyT$e met$odology adopted for t$is audit !as

    %(reying p'a!e9 T$is involved visual inspection and data collection and

    o'servations on t$e general condition of t$e facility and e1uipment and


    Mea!(rement p'a!e9 T$is involved verification of energy consumption and

    ot$er parameters of load 'y measurements%

    Rec"mmen&ati"n! p'a!e9 &ata o'tained t$roug$ survey and measurement

     p$ase !ere analysed corrective measures $ave 'een recommended%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 23

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    ). %UREY DETAIL%

    T$e first and t$e most important step in energy auditing is t$e survey of t$e campus%

    T$e aut$enticity of o'servation and recommendations made in energy audit depends

    on correctness of t$e information gat$ered t$roug$ survey% e started t$e survey !it$

    follo!ing o'#ective<

    To collect t!elve mont$ energy 'ills of t$e institute to assess energy

    consumption pattern in different mont$s t$roug$ t$e year%

     To dra! t$e single line diagram of t$e distri'ution system of t$e institute%

    To identify different +inds of loads connected in t$e institute along !it$ t$eir

    1uantity and electrical specification%

    it$ a'ove details to estimate t$e total connected load" in terms of !attage" in

    t$e campus%

    To study t$e condition of connected loads" !iring" 6CB" fuse etcP

    ).1 Anay!i! "# energy 7i!

    Energy consumption pattern of t$e college can 'e gauged t$roug$ t$e study of energy

     'ills of preceding mont$s% It t$ro!s lig$t on several important aspects li+e maximum

     po!er demanded 'y t$e college in a particular mont$N overall operating po!er factor

    of t$e loads in t$e collegeN penalties" if any" paid 'y t$e college for lo! operating

     po!er factor or for exceeding t$e contract demand etcP ence" t$e energy 'ills of

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 24

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    last t!elve mont$s of t$e college !ere collected for analysis 'earing in mind t$e

    a'ove factors% Extracts of energy 'ill is presented in t$e form of ta'le%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 25

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009


    T$e energy tariff applica'le to t$e institute is T27B8

    T$e amount of po!er t$at t$e supplier 7BESC68 $as agreed to ma+e

    availa'le for delivery to t$e college and !$ic$ t$e college $as agreed to

     purc$ase is 200+va i%e% College $as agreed for a contact demand of 200+va

    from supplier 7BESC68% If t$e maximum po!er demanded 'y college

    exceeds C& in any mont$ institute is lia'le to pay penalty%

    *0+va" !$ic$ is Q) of C&" is t$e 'ase value for !$ic$ demand c$arges $as

    to 'e paid at rate of ;s 200,+va% If t$e maximum demand exceeds C& t$en

    demand c$arges is on t$at value and not on *0H@A 7Q) D C&8%

    In t$e last t!elve mont$s t$e maximum demand recorded !as *2*+va" in

    mont$ of ovem'er" 200( and t$e demand !as minimum at (3+va" in t$e

    mont$ of January" 200(% T$is is 'ecause ovem'er 'eing mont$ in middle of

    t$e semester and January 'eing vacation period% Also" since maximum demand

    in any mont$ $as not exceeded *0+va 7Q) of C&8 option of reduction in C&

    from 200+va to *0+va can 'e considered% T$is !ould result in savings of

    demand c$arges%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 26

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    Grap' ).1 !'"0ing ma=im(m &eman& "# 12 m"nt'! "# prece&ing year

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 27









    Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov


  • 8/13/2019 Energy Audit Case Study


    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    In no mont$ $as t$e po!er factor gone 'elo! t$e recommended value of 0%9%

    T$is s$o!s t$at loads in college are operating at a $ealt$y po!er factor and

    installation of any po!er factor improving devices is not necessary .

    Grap' ).2 !'"0ing ariati"n "# p"0er #act"r t'r"(g' t'e year

    Total annual energy c$arges of t$e institute amounts to ;s 20"(Q"(R0,.

    7;upees t!enty la+$ eig$ty seven t$ousand eig$t $undred and sixty only8%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 28

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    ).2 Tari## &etai!

    T$e collage $as opted for T27B8 +ind of tariff

    T$e demand c$arges are calculated at t$e rate of ;s 200,+va% T$e minimum

    amount of demand c$arge is levied on Q) of contract demand !$ic$ !ould

    amount to ;s 30000,mont$% If t$e maximum po!er demanded 'y t$e institute

    exceeds Q) of C& t$en t$e demand c$arges are calculated on t$is maximum

    demand and not on t$e Q) of C&

    If t$e po!er demand of t$e institute exceeds C& i%e% 200 +va t$en t$e 1uantum

    of increase in demand is c$arged at t$e rate of *% times normal rate per +va

    i%e% at ;s 300,+va

    If t$e operating po!er factor of t$e institute is 'elo! t$e recommended value

    of 0%9 t$en for every po!er factor reduction 'y 0%0* t$en surc$arge of 3 paisa

     per units levied on total unites consumed


    T$e institute $as a 20+va" **+v,433v distri'ution transformer !$ic$ is energi-ed 'y

    a **+v feeder from BESC6 su'station% T$e institute also $as *2+va diesel

    generator as 'ac+up %t$e institute $as t!o :T 'us% Bus* feeds EEE 'loc+" IS 5 CS

     'loc+" administrative 'loc+" $ostel" canteen" pump sets and street lig$ting% Bus2 feeds

    SJB College of nursing" B/S Sc$ool and commercial complex% :T 'us* $as a

    generator 'ac+up% T$e single line diagram of t$e distri'ution system of t$e campus is

    given 'elo!%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 29

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    *ig(re ).1 !'"0ing !inge ine &iagram "# &i!tri7(ti"n !y!tem "# camp(!

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 30

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    ).$ LOAD DETAIL%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 31

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    T$e loads connected in campus can 'e generally classified into follo!ing types<

    :ig$ting load%


    Computers" printers" and p$otocopiers%

    =ump sets%

    Electrical mac$ine la'%

    6o'ile communication to!ers%

    &etails of t$ese loads $ave 'een given in su'se1uent sections%

    ).$.1 LIG6TING LOAD

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 32

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 33

    Ta7e ).2 Detai! "# ig'ting "a&

    Type "#


    L"cati"n 8(antity %peci#icati"n T"ta




    nt tu'elig$t

    Classroom *R

    3R!,fitted !it$

    electromagnetic 'allast%


    Staffroom 0 *%(

    :a's **0 3%9R

    :i'rary Q2 2%R







    Corridor R0 2%*R





    Staffroom * 0%34

    ffice 30 0%R9






    R0 *0! 9





    *R *00! *%R

    Total !attage 3Q%(

  • 8/13/2019 Energy Audit Case Study


    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    ).$.1.1 O4%ERATION%

    6ostly" fluorescent tu'e lig$ts and CD:s are used for classroom and ot$er

    general purpose lig$ting%

    T$e institute totally $as QQ fluorescent tu'e lig$t in various classrooms"

    staffrooms" la's" li'rary and $ostel% All of !$ic$ are fitted !it$

    electromagnetic 'allast and eac$ !it$ a !attage of 40!%

     Institute totally $as *00 CD:s in classrooms" staffrooms and office% Eac$

    CD: is of 23! rating%

    T$ere are R0 sodium vapour lamps used for street lig$ting and anot$er 20

    lamps used for same purpose%

    alogen lamp used for stage lig$ting in seminar $all%

    Total lig$ting load is 3Q%(+!%

    ).$.2 *an "a&

    Ta7e ).3 Detai! "# #an "a&

    L"cati"n 8(antity %peci#icati"





    Classroom *2



    Staffroom 4 3%Q(

    :a's *20 (%4

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 34

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    :i'rary 0 3%







    ).$.2.1 O4%ERATION%

    T$ere are *R num'er of fans in t$e institute all fitted !it$ electronic


    6ost of t$e regulators dont $ave t$e +no' to vary t$e speed of t$e fan%

    ence t$ey run at maximum speed irrespective of t$e needs%

    Total fan load amounts to 3R%*2 +!%


    ).$.3.1 COMPUTER%

    Ta7e ).3$ Detai! "# c"mp(ter! "a&

    L"a& L"cati"n 8(antity %peci#icati"n T"ta

























    Computers Classroom 2 . . 4%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 35

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

      *(0! *30! R0!

    Staffroom *0 40 3%Q

    :a's *R 24 3R%*

    :i'rary 22 ( R%34

    ostel **0 R%R

    Total !attage Q%29

    ).$.3.2 PRINTER%

    Ta7e ).) Detai! "# printer!

    L"a& L"cati"n 8(antity Rating T"ta



    La!er D"t


    La!er D"t


    =rinters ffice * *0 20! 20! R%2

    :a's * . 20! 3%Q

    Total !attage *0

    ).$.3.3 P6OTOCOPIER%

    Ta7e )., &etai! "# p'"t"c"pier!%

    L"a& L"cati"n 8(antity Rating T"ta 0attage



    ffice 3



    :i'rary * *%

    Stores * *%

    Total !attage Q%

    ).$.3.$ O4%ERATION%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 36

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    T$ere are a'out RQ computers in various departments and in office" of

    t$em 43 are fitted !it$ :C& monitors" *9Q are fitted !it C;T monitors

    and 2 !it$ over $ead pro#ectors%

    6ost of t$e computers in 'ro!sing centre and in office are eit$er in on

    state or screensaver mode even !$en not in use%

    Students $ave a tendency to run many applications simultaneously%

    All printers and p$otocopiers remain on all t$roug$ t$e !or+ing $ours of

    t$e day and not only during printing,p$otocopying #o'%

    ).$.$ PUMP %ET%

    Ta7e )./ Detai! "# p(mp !et! "a&



    L"a& T"ta 6P


    T"ta 0attage


    * =umps used for !ater pumping Q0 2

    2 =umps used in !ater treatment


    30 22

    Total *00 Q4

    ).$.) MAC6INE LA4 DETAIL%

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 37

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    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 38

    Ta7e ). Mac'ine a7 &etai!


  • 8/13/2019 Energy Audit Case Study


    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009


    T$e college $as rented out space for mo'ile service providers to erect mo'ile

    communication to!ers at t!o places. one in EEE 'loc+ and t$e ot$er in SJB College

    of nursing% Eac$ of t$ese to!ers consumes approximately 20+! of po!er and remains

    operational all t$roug$ t$e day%


    T$e loads !ere segregated 'ased on t$e end use as lig$ting and fans"

    Computer,printers" !ater pumping" mac$ine la'" mo'ile to!ers% ?uantification" types

    and necessary measurements !ere carried out% T$e details are given $ere%

    *ig(re ).2 !'"0ing !egregati"n "# "a&

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 39

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009


    After total survey of t$e campus total connected load in t$e institute !as found to 'e



    ,.1 LIG6TING LOAD%

    T$e energy consumption of DT:s 7Dluorescent Tu'e :ig$ts8 !$ic$ are commonly

    used in t$e campus is s$o!n 'elo!%

    Ta7e ,.1 !'"0ing mea!(rement! #"r *TL in ca!!r""m!

    *TL 0it' Magnetic c'"-e

    >"t!? I>Amp? P>@? p#  

    224%3 0%3 4R%2 0%(

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 40

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    *TL 0it' Eectr"nic 7aa!t

    >"t!? I>Amp? P>@? p#  

    22R% 0%2 3( 0%(3

    Ta7e ,.2 !'"0ing mea!(rement! #"r C*L in ca!!r""m!


    >"t!? I>Amp? P>@? p#  

    22 0%*2 24 0%(Q

    De! of t$e lux measurements ta+en in t$e campus are as s$o!n 'elo!%

    Ta7e ,.3 Mea!(re& i(minati"n ee at ari"(! "cati"n.

    L"cati"n @it' &ay ig't >(=? @it' &ay ig'tig't >(=?

    EEE &s c$am'er 33 **

    EEE staffroom 34* RR

    6ac$ines la' *3Q .

    Circuit simulation la' RQ2 (9

    =o!er system simulation la' R20 (93

    Classroom 20* *(34 2324

    Classroom *0 *R( *((

    :i'rary RR (Q

    Bro!sing centre 4 Q43

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 41

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    Rec"mmen&e& i(minati"n ee a! per EC4C !tan&ar&!9

    Ta7e ,.$ Rec"mmen&e& i(minati"n ee


    Conference" reception room 200.Q0lux

    Clerical !or+ Q00.*00lux

    Typing drafting *000.2000lux


    =ac+ing !or+" entrance passage *0.300lux

    @isual !or+ at production line 300.Q0lux

    Electronics parts assem'ly line% *00.3000lux


    =u'lic room *00.200lux

    ;eception" cas$ier 220.*000lux


    Indoor stairs" corridor *0.200lux

    S$o! !indo!" pac+ing ta'le Q0.*00lux

    Dore front of s$o! !indo! *00.30000lux


    Auditorium" indoor gymnasium *00.300lux

    Classroom 200.Q0lux

    :a'oratory" li'rary" drafting



    T$e lux levels are found to 'e less t$an t$e standard values in some places li+e EEE

    &s c$am'er" classrooms on front side of 'uilding%

    ,.2 *AN LOAD

     =o!er consumption of ceiling fans !it$ electronic regulators !ere measured" it !as

    seen t$at it consumes ! more t$an its rated value Q0!%

    Ta7e ,.) !'"0ing mea!(rement! #"r *an in ca!!r""m!

    Ceiing *an Eectr"nic Reg(at"r

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 42

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    >"t!? I>Amp? P>@? P.*

    * 233%Q 0%*4 *3 0%3(

    2 233%R 0%24 3Q 0%RR

    3 233%*( 0%%2R 49 0%(*

    4 233%2 0%%32 Q 0%99


    T$e po!er consumption 'y t$e computer and printer under different modes of

    operation are s$o!n 'elo!%

    Ta7e ,., %'"0ing mea!(rement! per#"rme& "n c"mp(ter!

    an& printer!




  • 8/13/2019 Energy Audit Case Study


    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009

    9 :aserJet printer7=


    n *( 0%4

    *0 :aser #et printer7=


    =rinting 2 0%R4

    ** :aserJet


    n Q 0%3(

    *2 :aserJet


    =rinting 4*0 0%Q


    =ractical t$ree p$ase circuits $ave to 'e c$ec+ed for load 'alancing so t$at it !ould

    result in uniform distri'ution of currents in individual p$ases% If not t$e performance

    of distri'ution system is seriously affected due to neutral s$ifting !$ic$ may $appen

    due to un'alance in t$e p$ases% To c$ec+ symmetrical distri'ution of load among

    t$ree p$ases" p$ase currents !ere measured in EEE 'loc+% T$e values recorded are

    ta'ulated 'elo!%

    Ta7e ,./ %'"0ing mea!(re& p'a!e


    % n". Time Ir>A? Iy>A? I7>A?

    * 09%0


    23%2 **%Q (%Q

    2 *0%0


    2(%Q 9%9 **%

    3 **%0


    2(%R *R% *4%R

    4 *2%0


    2(%0 *%0 *4%

    *3%0 24%0 *4%0 *3%0

    &ept of E5E" SJBIT" Bangalore 44

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    Energy Audit of SJBIT Campus to explore energy conservation opportunities 2009


    Q *4%0


    32%2 *3%( *2%4

    ( *%0


    3* *4%2 *R%2


    Dor t$e optimal performance of electrical loads t$e voltage across t$em s$ould not

    vary 'eyond ,. ) of t$eir rated voltage% To c$ec+ t$e variation of voltage" p$ase

    voltages !ere measured at EEE 'loc+ of t$e college at different timings% T$e variation

    of voltage !as !it$in accepta'le limits% =$ase voltages measured is ta'ulated 'elo!%

    Ta7e ,. %'"0ing mea!(re& p'a!e


    % n" Time r>? y>? 7>?

    * 09%0


    22 22R 224

    2 *0%0


    220 22* 220

    3 *2%0


    220 220 22*

    4 *4%0


    224 223 22



    223 222 220

    6ean 222%4 222%4 222


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    ,., LOAD CURE

    &aily load curve is a grap$ t$at depicts daily variation in load from time to time on an

    $ourly or $alf $ourly 'asis% It is plotted ta+ing loads on axis and time on axis% It

    $as great importance as it gives information on variation of load t$roug$ t$e day"

    maximum demand for t$e day" total energy consumption for t$e day" load factor and

    average load%

    &aily load curve of t$e campus is s$o!n 'elo!%

    Grap' ,.1 !'"0ing t'e &aiy "a& c(re "# camp(!








    16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16




    Consumption !as seen to 'e constant at 2R +va from *0 pm to R am%

    A sudden increase in consumption" from 2R +va to R( +va" !as seen at R am

    due to pumping%

    T$ere is a gradual increase in consumption from R am on!ards% It reac$es a

     pea+ value of *02 +va at 2 pm% T$is is due to start of la' sessions%

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    Consumption again decreases from 4 pm to a value of R +va and remains so

    till *0pm%

    Consumption is lo!est from *0 pm on!ards since street lig$ts and fan loads in

    $ostel are t$e only loads in operation%

    =ea+ demand for t$e day does not exceed even t$e Q) of contract demand%


    T$is is also a type of curve !$ic$ indicates t$e variation of load 'ut loads 'eing

    arranged in descending order of t$eir magnitude i%e% greatest load on t$e left" lesser

    load to!ards rig$t and least load to!ards extreme rig$t%

    Grap' ,.2 !'"0ing &aiy "a& &(rati"n c(re "# camp(!.








    14 12 10 8 6 16 18 20 4 2 0 22




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    n perusal of t$e last t!elve mont$s energy 'ills of t$e college" it is o'served

    t$at maximum demand in any mont$ $as not exceeded Q) of contract

    demand% ig$est maximum demand recorded is *2* +va !$ic$ is considera'ly

    less t$an *0 +va !$ic$ 'eing t$e Q) of contract demand% But as per t$e

    tariff" demand c$arges are calculated on Q) of contract demand , maximumdemand" !$ic$ever 'eing t$e $ig$est% ence" t$e college $as 'een paying

    demand c$arges for Q) of contract demand even !$en its maximum demand

    is less t$an t$at% T$erefore it is strongly recommended college management

    s$ould consider for a reduction in contract demand from 200 +va to *0 +va%

    T$is !ould result in savings of ;s 90"000,.7;upees ninety t$ousand only8 per


    T$e illumination level in classrooms on t$e rear side of t$e 'uilding is found

    to 'e considera'ly $ig$er t$an t$e recommended illumination level and t$at on

    front side to 'e far less t$an t$e recommended values% T$erefore it is

    suggested t$at 23! CD:s used in classrooms on t$e rear side of t$e 'uilding

     'e replaced !it$ *(! CD:s% T$is measure !ould also result in energy savings

    of *0(0 +!$ and t$e corresponding savings in energy c$arges% It is also

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    suggested t$at all CD:s in classrooms on front side of 'uildings 'e replaced

    !it$ 3R! DT: to augment illumination level to t$e recommended values%

    =resently 3R! DT:s are used for corridor and staircase lig$ting% Since t$ese

    lig$ting are used for illuminating space at nig$t for visual and directional

    cues% A illumination level of *0lux is sufficient for all purposes% T$erefore

    DT:s can 'e replaced !it$ *(! CD:s% T$is results in energy saving of 4Q2

    +!$ and t$e corresponding savings in energy c$arges%

    All DT:s in college are fitted !it$ conventional electromagnetic 'allast" !$ic$

    are inefficient in terms of energy consumption" !att loss is $ig$ 79.*2!8 !$en

    compared !it$ t$at fitted !it$ electronic 'allast" !$ic$ $ave !att loss of 2.

    3!% T$erefore it is suggested t$at t$ey 'e replaced !it$ electronic 'allast% T$e

    savings in po!er !ould 'e a'out (.*0! per tu'e% Total savings in energy

    c$arges !ould 'e approximately a'out ;s R0"000,. 7;upees sixty t$ousand

    only8 per year and t$e pay 'ac+ period is a'out 2% years%

    Electromagnetic 'allast $as t$ese disadvantages.

    *% att loss is $ig$ 79 to *2att8%

    2% Starting is not instant%

    3% &oes not !or+ at lo! voltage%

    4% =%D% is very lo! 70%R lagging8%

    % Surges are generated during starting%

    Electronic 'allast $as t$ese advantages.

    *% att losses are very lo! 72.3 !att8%

    2% Instant start" no need of starter%

    3% or+s satisfactorily at lo! voltage 7*0.2Q0@84% =%D% is $ig$ 7not less t$an 0%98%

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    Existing ceiling fans !ere found to 'e dra!ing Q! of as against t$eir rated

    value of Q0!% Assuming duty cycle of R $ours per day fan load alone

    consumes (3"92+!$ of energy per year% If t$ey are replaced !it$ more

    energy efficient fans" !$ic$ consumes maximum of 0!" considera'le savings

    in energy 72Q"(R4+!$8 is possi'le% As energy efficient fans are costlier t$an

    t$e conventional ones" pay'ac+ period !ould 'e long" a'out Q% years% But in

    t$e long run t$ey !ould prove to 'e economical%

    T$ere are *9Q computers in t$e college fitted !it$ C;T monitors% A C;T

    monitor consumes a'out (0.*00! !$ereas a TDT monitor consumes 2.30!

    i%e% C;T monitors consumes approximately Q0! more t$an TDT monitors%

    Assuming an operating period of R $ours saving in energy ac$ieva'le after

    replacing C;T monitors !it$ TDT monitors !ould 'e 29"Q(R+!$ per year and

    savings in energy c$arges !ould 'e ;s *"44"4R4,. 7;upees ne la+$ forty four

    t$ousand four sixty t!o only8 per year !it$ a pay 'ac+ period of R%R years%

    It !as o'served during t$e survey t$at all computers in 'ro!sing center" office

    and la's 7during la' sessions8 are left idle !it$ screensavers !$ic$ !ould not

    result in any saving of po!er% Instead" if energy saving po!er settings is

    adopted in t$ese computers reasona'le amount of energy could 'e saved%

    o!ever" it is advisa'le to s$ut do!n t$e systems !$en t$ey are not re1uired

    to 'e used for long periods%

    It !as also o'served t$at printers" p$otocopiers and pro#ectors !ere +ept in

    stand.'y mode all t$roug$ !or+ing $ours of t$e day and not turned on only

    !$en need arises% T$is is resulting !astage of energy as t$ese devices

    consume an average of Q.*0! of po!er even in stand.'y mode% ence" it is

    recommended to turn on t$em only !$en need arises

    T$ese a'ove recommendations $ave 'een presented in follo!ing ta'le%

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    Ta7e ,.1 Rec"mmen&e& mea!(re! #"r impementati"n



    Rec"mmen& mea!(re Energy

    !aing! :

    year -0'

    %aing! in

    R! : year



    nt in R!

    %impe pay



    * ;eduction in contract

    demand from 200 +va

    to *0 +va%. 90"000 . .

    2 ;eplacing 23! CD:

    !it$ *(! CD:%*"0(0 "23( *0"000 *%9 years

    3 ;eplacing DT: lig$ts in

    corridors !it$ *(!

    CD:%4"Q2 23"04Q 9"000 mont$s

    4 ;eplacing DT: !it$

    electromagnetic 'allast

    !it$ electronic 'allast%*2"3Q2 R0"000 *"0"3R0 2% years

    ;eplacing all existing

    ceiling fans !it$ energy

    efficient fans%2Q"(R4 *"3"*40 *0"32"00


    Q% years

    R ;eplacing C;T

    monitors !it$ TDT


    29"Q(R *"44"4R4 9"("000 R%R years

    Q Adopting energy saving *2"2( 9"(2 . .

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     po!er settings for


    ( ot to +eep printers"

     p$otocopiers and

     pro#ectors in stand.'y


    230 *"*0 . .


    In order to streamline t$e use of energy in t$e SJBIT campus and to ensure its

    efficient utili-ation" !e propose t$ree possi'le energy management structures% A final

    decision on t$e type of energy management structure suita'le for t$e institute s$ould

     'e ta+en 'y t$e Institute management%

    Appointment of an Energy 6anager for t$e institute" !it$ suita'le experience

    and a proven trac+ record% T$e person s$all 'e responsi'le for t$e day to day

    energy conservation activities% e! staff s$ould 'e allotted to t$e Energy

    6anager or some staff mem'ers from Electrical 6aintenance Section 'e made

    responsi'le to $im,$er% An annual revie! of t$e energy performance of t$e

    institute is to 'e performed and a certain percentage of t$e 1uantified savings

     'e s$ared !it$ t$e Energy 6anager%

    T$e Executive Engineer 7Electrical8 s$ould $imself ta+e over t$e

    responsi'ility of ensuring efficient energy use on t$e campus% T$is !ill ensure

     prompt implementation of measures% T$is system may also re1uire additional

    staff% A performance related incentive in t$e form of a 'onus can 'e provided

    to t$e Electrical 6aintenance staff 'ased on savings ac$ieved%

    Dormation of an Institute level committee $eaded 'y t$e =rincipal to revie!

    t$e implementation of energy conservation measures% All departments and

    section $eads s$ould su'mit a annual report of compliance for revie! and

    action% Sections, departments not ac$ieving savings to 'e penali-ed and

    suita'le incentives may 'e given to t$e performing departments%

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    An annual revie! of t$e implementation of t$e energy saving measures s$ould

     'e ta+en up and performance s$ould 'e monitored% A report of t$e same

    s$ould 'e sent to t$e =rincipal% Electrical energy consumption s$ould 'e made

    a su'#ect in t$e Institute 'udget !it$ separate $eads for departments and

    $ostels% Energy performance can 'e a 'asis for providing incentives to $ostels

    and departments%


    e $ave ac$ieved our o'#ective of saving more t$en * ) of annual energy c$arges t$roug$

    t$is audit% Implementation of all t$e recommended measures can 'ring a'out a t"ta !aing "#

    ar"(n& R!. ).1 a-'! per year i%e% 24) of t$e present electricity 'ill% T$e total investment

    re1uired !ould 'e to t$e extent of ;s% *2%Q la+$s and an aerage !impe pay7ac- peri"& "#

    ar"(n& 3./ year!. e $ope t$at t$ese recommendations are implemented%

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    6easurement of room lengt$ K:" !idt$ K and mounting $eig$t Km !as


    Calculation of ;oom Index" ;I U: , 7m7: !88%

    Based on ;oom Index" minimum num'er of illuminance measurement points

    re1uired !as determined from 'elo! ta'le and t$ese points !ere evenly

    distri'uted in t$e room%



    N(m7er "#

    mea!(ring p"int!

    ;I V * (

    * V ;I V 2 *(

    2 V ;I V 3 32

    ;I W 3 0

    Illumination !as measured at t$ese points using cali'rated lux meters% T$e

    average of t$ese values of measured illuminance at all points is calculated%

    If E*" E2"P" En are illuminance measurements at points *"2"P%" n t$en

    Average illuminance" Eav U E*E2 E3 P%% En ,

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    DT: !it$ magnetic c$oc+ consumes 4R!

    DT: !it$ electronic 'allast consumes 3(!

    Saving in po!er per tu'e is U 4R.3( U (!

    Assuming an operating period of R $our per day annual energy savings is U

    (Q*RR300,*000 U *2"3Q2+!$% 7assuming 300 days of operation8

    Savings in energy c$arges per year U *23Q24%( U ;s R0"000,.

    Cost per electronic 'allast is ;s 2*0,.

    Total capital investment U 2*0Q*R U ;s *"0"3R0,.

    Simple pay'ac+ periodU *03R0,R0000 U 2% years

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    *"rm(a (!e&9

    Total energy consumed for eac$ setting

    U o of computers x &uty cycle x 24 x Average po!er x o of operating days in a


    T$ere are R0 computers in institute and t$ey consume a'out 3! in sleep


    In operation t$ese computers consumes a'out RR!%

    e $ave assumed * $r as t$e period during !$ic$ computers are idle i%e% not

    in use per day%

    If in t$is period energy saving po!er settings are adopted t$en energy saved

     per year is U 7RR.38*R0300,*000 U *2"2(+!$ Savings in energy c$arges is U *22(4%( U;s 9"(2,.

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    L(= meter.$aving range to measure illumination level from *.*"00"000lux"

    cali'rated to standard incandescent lamp at color temperature 2(RH%

    Camp "n meter. It is a true ;6S" porta'le instrument% It measures 'ot$ AC

    and &C" R00@ AC and (00@ &C" 2000A%

    P"0er #act"r meter; $aving range of 0%.* lag Llead%

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    *2% on conventional energy sources . /%&%;ai LHanna$ pu'lications






