Endtime July Aug 2007

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    no one put the nger on the real problem. If they would have, Mr.Immigration may not have died.

    Kennedy: So tell us. What did the autopsy reveal?

    (About that time Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff andSenator John McCain joined the group.)

    Sessions: They found that Mr. Immigrations body was absolutelyfull of infection. He was infected with Controlitis.

    Senator John McCain: With what? What do you meanControlitis? I dont know what youre talking about.

    Sessions: Well, many of us lawmakers thought the answer toterrorism was to impose more and more control on people. Theimmigration Bill called for giving every American a national IDcard, putting everyones information into a national database,and not allowing them to even hold a job in this country unlessthey were numbered and controlled. Thats what is meant byControlitis!

    Secretary Michael Chertoff : Wait just a minute! There was nonational ID in the Immigration Bill. Sure weve got the Real ID Act.But thats no national ID!

    Sessions: Mr. Chertoff, Ive got a question for you. Is the Real IDcard that you want every American to have by May of 2008 an IDcard?

    Chertoff: Of course. You know it is.

    Sessions: Question number two. Was the Real ID card created by acity law, a state law or a national law?

    Chertoff: it was created by a national law. But that doesnt meanthat its a national ID!

    Sessions: Mr. Chertoff, if its an ID card and if it was created by anational law, its a national ID cardno matter how you twist it orturn it. And everybody in America knows thatexcept perhapsyou folks at Homeland Security. The autopsy shows that it was the national ID provisions ofthe bill and the requirement that every American be placedinto a national database in order to hold a job that killed Mr.Immigration. Thats what the doctors said.

    McCain: Did the doctors say how they reached that conclusion?

    Sessions: Yes, actually they did. The Baucus-Tester Amendmentcalled for stripping the Immigration Bill of all its Real ID provisions,including its requirement of a national database and employmentveri cation. The doctors noticed that, when the promoters of theImmigration Bill tried to table the Baucus-Tester Amendment,they were soundly defeated. This demonstrated to them that themajority of the senators understood the American people dontwant to be numbered, tracked in a database and told by thegovernment whether they can work or not. Thats what causedthe doctors to conclude that Mr. Immigration died of Controlitis.

    Kennedy: I reject that conclusion. It sounds like to me that thedoctors performing the autopsy had a political agenda. I still sayit was anti-amnesty that killed Mr. Immigration.

    (At this point, Senators Reid and Kennedy drifted away from thegroup, huddling in a small room just off the main viewing area ofthe funeral parlor.)

    Kennedy to Reid: You know that Sessions is right. But we cannever publicly admit it because thats the whole reason for thebill. Weve been waiting 30 years for the chance to establish anational ID for all Americans. We cant manage what we cantmeasure. And we cant measure what we cant track. And wecant track what we cant number and put into a database.

    Reid: Why are the American people so paranoid about being

    numbered and tracked anyway? We only want to do it for theirgood. How else are we going to keep track of the terrorists?

    Kennedy: Well, well! Theres Senator Baucus himself. Lets work

    on him a little bit.

    Reid: Hello, Senator Baucus. Reluctant congratulations on yoursuccessful defeat of the Immigration Bill.

    Senator Baucus: I didnt ever expect to hear those words fromyour mouth, Senator. But thanks anyway.

    Kennedy: I do have to ask you one thing. After all of our effortsto deal with this huge immigration problem, thanks to you, wereright back where we started. Since you didnt like our deal, whatsyour plan for dealing with 12 million illegal immigrants? Do youeven have one?

    Baucus: As a matter of fact, I do. But its not forcing everyoneto have a number, a national ID card and their information in anational database so that we can control them.

    Reid: Well, how are you going to control them then?

    Baucus: Thats the point! Were not going to control them.Americans dont want to be controlled. They want to be free.Control and freedom are opposites. Once we set up a system ofcontrol for Americans, the freedoms weve enjoyed since the birthof this nation will be gone.What we have to do is keep track of non-citizens that are inAmerica. Thats where we are most vulnerable to terrorism andother acts of violence against this country.

    Reid: But thats the problem. How do you tell non-citizens fromcitizens?

    Baucus: Its really very simple. We have to make sure everyonethat is in the United States is here legally. We can do this withthree simple steps:We must build a fence along our Mexican border. Thats wheremost illegal immigrants are coming across. Israel has proven thatfences do work. San Diego has also proven that they work.Once the fence is working effectively, we resolve the status ofthose immigrants that are already in our country. It may notbe practical or desirable to simply deport them. Some of themcontribute signi cantly to Americas economy. Furthermore, wemust admit that the U.S. government bears as much responsibilityfor them being here as they do. We knew they were coming in bythe millions and purposefully did nothing about it. We wantedthem here for their cheap labor. If amnesty is the only way to clearup the mess we have created, then we should do what we have todo to resolve the problem.We should require every non-citizen employee to present properdocuments showing they have permission to legally work in thiscountry. Every legal citizen would only have to sign an affi davitaffi rming that he or she is an American citizen.

    Reid: Wait a minute! Run that by me again. Youre saying thatU.S. citizens will only have to certify in writing that they are legalcitizens in order to get a job?

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    United States Citizenship Certi cation

    WARNING TO EMPLOYEE: Making false statements on this document is a felony and will bepunished by 40 years in prison. NO EXCEPTIONS! STRICTLY ENFORCED!

    Under penalty of perjury, I hereby af rm that I am a citizen of the United States of America.

    __________________________________________Signature of employee

    WARNING TO EMPLOYER: Making false statements on this document by you is a felony thatwill be punished by 40 years in prison. NO EXCEPTIONS! STRICTLY ENFORCED!

    Under penalty of perjury, I hereby af rm that I have read aloud the warning above to prospectiveemployee (Full Name) , and that he/she has fully understood the warning and thesevere penalties of any false statement on this form.

    __________________________________________Employers signature

    Reid: And you think THAT will work? They will just lie about it.

    Baucus: They probably will until the rst liar is put into prisonfor 40 years. Then, all of a sudden, all of the illegals that have liedwill be going to their employers asking for their forms backandleaving their jobs. And we wont need a national ID card, a nationaldatabase or an employment veri cation system!

    Reid: That will never work. Its way too simple.

    (About that time, Senator Jon Tester and Senator Jim DeMint, seeingthe animated conversation in progress, quietly joined the group.Tester was the co-sponsor of the Baucus-Tester Amendment thatultimately killed the Immigration Bill, and DeMint fought aggressivelyto defeat the bill.)

    Baucus: All of our complicated solutions havent worked. Maybeall we need is a simple, down-to-earth solution. Senator Reid, allwe have to do is enforce our laws. We are like parents that dontknow how to raise children. We tell them we are going to dosomething, but we never do it. Consequently, they dont pay anyattention to us anymore.

    Kennedy: Im against it. Thats inhumane. That would constitutecruel and unusual punishment. Furthermore, these people need

    to work, and we need their labor in this country.

    Baucus: If we need their labor here, then raise the annual quotasof immigrants allowed to come here legally. But dont allow themto keep coming here illegally.Senator, how would you feel if, when you went home this evening,you found a stranger had moved into one of your spare bedroomswithout your permission? You wouldnt stand for it one minute!What if he wouldnt leave? Would you be cruel or inhumane if you

    called the police? Of course not! Thats your home. The same goes for our country. The United States is our home! Ifwe invite people to move into our home, thats ne. But if theymove in uninvited, we should not be expected to tolerate that.

    McCain: Theres one more thing I want to understand concerningthis immigration ght we have just come through. My phone callsand my mail over the last few days were overwhelmingly againstthe Immigration Bill. My constituents were not just against it. Theywere passionately against it! A signi cant percentage of my phonecalls and mail against this bill referred to religious objections tothe Real ID and employment veri cation. I never did get it. Whatwas that all about?

    Senator Jon Tester: Senator McCain, there is a prophecy inthe Bible foretelling a time on earth when every person will be

    Baucus: Yes. Thats all. I anticipate the form reading something like this:

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    required to take a mark or a number. Without this number, a person will not be permitted to buy or sell. If an individual takesthis mark or number called the mark of the beast, that individual will suffer eternal damnation according to the Bible. Theprophecy is 2,000 years old and can be found in Revelation 13:15-18. The scripture teaches that the prophecy will cometo pass at a time when a world government is gaining control. It also states that this numbering system will be themechanism employed to force people to do what the government says. With the emergence of globalization,the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the World Court, and otherglobal institutions, many people believe the time for the ful llment of this prophecy is just ahead of us.

    McCain: But arent the people that believe this just a small ultra-right religiousfringe? My offi ce was hammered with phone calls, faxes, and emails!!

    Tester: Actually, it is not a small fringe of Americans that believe in theprophecies of the Bible. A 2002 Time/Warner poll discovered that 59percent of the American people believe the prophecies of the Bibleand a large percentage of them believe the time for the ful llmentof these prophecies is now.

    McCain: So youre telling me that a majority of Americans believe atime will come when every person will be forced to receive a numberand that this number will be required to participate in the economy?Wow! No wonder my phones being ringing off the hook! This immigration bill requires exactly that!

    Tester: Senator, theres one more thing you should understand.Even though the prophecy was given 2,000 years ago, itsful llment has never been possible until now. Only since theinvention of the computer and the birth of the Internet has itbecome possible to implement such a system. Whether youagree with them or not, many people see the requirement ofthe Real ID Act that every person must have an ID card with hissocial security number embedded in it or else he or she canthold a job or have a bank account as leading to this biblicalprophecy. After all, without a job and without a bank account,how much buying and selling will a person be able to do?

    Senator Jim DeMint: You know, I read the funniest thingthe other day. The possibility of establishing a national IDcard came up during a cabinet meeting of the ReaganAdministration.

    McCain: You mean way back in the 1980s? They werepromoting a national ID way back then?

    DeMint: Absolutely. This national ID is not a new idea. Thosewho want to obtain socialistic control over the lives of everyAmerican are trying to sell this national ID as the answer to 9/11and terrorism. But they dont care how they sell it, just as longas they get control!

    McCain: So what did Reagan say when the subject was raised?

    DeMint: Youre not going to believe it! He said, Thats the markof the beast!

    Tester: He said that about establishing a national ID? Thatsfunny! Now all the Republican candidates for president aretrying to win the nomination by claiming to be like Reagan.But theyre all voting for the national ID, except forRon Paul from Texas.

    McCain: So the doctors are right! It was national identi cationand employment veri cation that brought the immigrationbill down! Interesting!

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    Iden t ifica t ion, Pleas eMore and more coun tries are requiring ci t izens to carr y na tional smar tcard IDs.

    Ma y we s e e your p apers ? In man y coun tries in Euro pe , S ou t h Americ a , a nd As ia ,

    your answer b e t te r be yes . Increas in gly, n a ti ons a re re quiring c i ti zens t o carr y s t a t e -

    is sued iden t ifica t ion. Thes e da ys , s ome of t hos e IDs h old biome t ric d a t a , lik e finger


    prin ts a nd d ig i t a l pho t os , in a ddi ti on t o o ther p ers ona l informa t ion. The t rend w ill

    soon hi t Nor th America : In a m o ve wide l y s e en t o b e c re a t ing a de fa c t o na t io na l ID


    Congres s a ppro ve d t he R EAL ID Ac t, w hich gi ves s t a t e s u n t il 2 008 t o adop t federa


    s ta ndards for d ri vers lic enses , inc ludin g smar t ca rd t ech nolog y. In t he e ven t t his leg


    is la t ion or your o wn c oun t r ys polic y m ak es you wan t t o renounce your c it izens hip ,

    here s a guid e t o na t io na l ID progra ms a round t he world . Mark Wals h

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime July Aug 2007


    M A N D AT O R Y

    O P T IO N A L

    N O N AT IO N A L I. D .


    N AT IO N A L I. D . P O L IC Y

    A D O P T IN G E L E C T R O N IC I. D .

    D E V E L O P IN G A N I.D . W IT H A N E M B E D -

    D E D C O M P U T E R C H IP O R MA G N E T IC

    S T R IP


    K E E P S R E C O R D S O F IN F O L IK E C IT I-

    Z E N S F IN G E R P R IN T S O R P HO T O S

    B O T H O F T H E A B O V E

    ID E N T IT Y- T R A C K IN G P R O G RA M S

    Sources: Asia Paci fic Smar t Card Associa tion, Elec tronic Pri vac y In forma tion Cen ter, Pri vac y I

    n terna tional, UK Home O f fice Iden tit y and Passpor t Ser vice; map: neu tura.org

    Reprinted with permission from Wired Magazine

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime July Aug 2007


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    Tony Blair:Mideast Peacemaker?

    On June 27, 2007, Mr. Tony Blair, formerPrime Minister of the United Kingdom, was namedas the of cial peace envoy to the Middle East for TheQuartet. Maybe you were as surprised as I was to hearthe announcement of Mr. Blairs appointment. It was

    puzzling and unexpected. As I listened to the newsreport, my mind sorted through what I knew about Mr.Blair. I tried to process his acceptance of the positiononly hours after he stepped down as Great BritainsPrime Minister. What was the urgency? Surely theman deserved a brief vacation before starting his newassignment. The questions, why? and what doesthis mean? kept pressing in. Why would Tony Blairvoluntarily resign the prestigious title of prime ministerand immediately assume the role of an envoyamessengerfor The Quartet? At rst it seemed like astep down to mea big step. In 1997, Mr. Blair won a landslide victory

    for his Labour Party and became the youngest primeminister since 1812. He was the only prime ministerto lead the Labour Party to three consecutive victories,ever. As prime minister, Mr. Blair also enjoyed thetitles and positions of First Lord of the Treasury, theMinister for the Civil Service, the Leader of the LabourParty, and a distinguished Member of Parliament. Forten years his of cial residence was 10 Downing Street.And now Blair was trading in the title of prime ministerwith all of its rights and privileges for the role of a

    messenger? Hum. . . there had to be more to it. What exactly is an of cial envoy for TheQuartet, and what does he do? Mr. Blairs new job as

    reported in the UN News is, to focus on the work ofThe Quartet and to promote an end to the con ict inconformity with the Roadmap. That sounds rathervague. Better keep digging. In order to understand Mr.Blairs assignment and appointment, some backgroundinformation is necessary.

    What Is, The Quartet And Its Mission? The Quartet is a foursome of internationalentities established in 2002 to mediate a peaceagreement between Israel and The Palestinian Authority(PA). The Quartet consists of the U.S., represented

    by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; the United Nations, represented by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; the European Union, represented by HighRepresentative of Foreign Affairs Javier Solana; and theRussian Federation, represented by Foreign MinisterSergei Lavrov. These four entities apparently believe

    they speak for the world and can accomplish peace ina region that has never been at peace. And, accordingto Bible prophecy, there will be no lasting peace untilthe second coming of Jesus. Nevertheless, The Quartetvalidated its existence and named its mission, TheRoadmap For Peace.

    What Is, The Roadmap For Peace? The Roadmap For Peace was drafted by therepresentatives of The Quartet in 2002 and introduced

    by President Bush in 2003. Its goal was to create aPalestinian state by 2005 that would peacefully existwith Israel ending the Israeli-Palestinian con ict. To

    H e lp W a n t e d eImme diate ope ning for an international Peac e e nvoy for the U.S.,

    the UN, the EU, and the Rus sian Fe de ra tio n to brok er a pe rm an entpeac e treaty and end the Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed. Idealcandidate m ust be willing to devote long hours in ne gotiations withenemy leaders thousands of miles away from home and family, mustbe able to endure harsh criticism and death threats from radical

    extremists, and must be able to speak English.

    by Linda Sargent

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    obtain this goal, a series of benchmarks were outlinedin a three step process and accepted by both sides.However, due to the continuing terrorist attacks andsuicide bombers, the target date was not met. In fact,there has been little progress even at the Phase Onelevel with each side pointing the nger of blame atthe other.

    Israel accuses the Palestinians of refusing tocondemn the suicide bombers and terrorist activities by Hamas and other extremists groups. Israel hasunequivocally stated she will not negotiate withterrorists. Additionally, the Palestinians havedemanded that all refugees, estimated to be about3.7 million, be able to return to Israel. Israel willnever agree to this because the Palestinians wouldthen outnumber the Jews enabling them to take overJerusalem and the nation. The Palestinians assert that Israel is not seriousabout dismantlingand withdrawingits settlements inthe Gaza Strip andWest Bank. Further,they accuse Israel ofcreating more divisioninstead of movingtoward peace by

    building the security

    wall that separates thetwo states.

    Is There A RenewedHope For Peace? There have

    been numerous failedattempts to negotiate

    peace in the MiddleEast in recent years: the Camp David Accords, the

    Madrid Conference, the Oslo Accords, the Oslo II, theHebron Agreement, the Wye River Memorandum, theSharm e-Sheikh Memorandum, the Camp David 2000Summit, the Taba Summit, and now, the RoadmapFor Peace. Even though high ranking individuals

    previously represented The Quartet with its RoadmapFor Peace, all failed and returned empty handed. Theyincluded former Senator George Mitchell, ex-CIAdirector George Tenet, and Generals Anthony Zinni,William Ward, and Keith Dayton. The position has

    been vacant since the last appointee, former WorldBank President James Wolfensohn, left in April 2006after less than a year at the post.

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    Based on reports coming out of the MiddleEast, few observers expect Mr. Blair to accomplishmuch or last very long either. But, lets give the man achance and look at what Tony Blair has going for himthat the other leaders may have lacked. Recently, The Quartet reaf rmed its goal andobjective stating, it is more urgent than ever that we

    advance the search for peace in the Middle East and promote an end to the con ict in conformity with theRoadmap. This statement came after the terroristgroup, Hamas, took over the Gaza Strip in early Juneand challenged the authority of Mahmoud Abbas, theduly elected President of the PA, and leader of hisFatah party. Also, President Bush, who adopted a hands-off

    policy early on in his administration, has apparentlyshifted courses. He recently announced that the U.S.will broker a Middle East peace summit in the fall,

    bringing togetherleaders fromIsrael, the PA,and select Arabgovernments inthe region, thatsupport a two-state solution andreject violence.An Arab-Israeli

    summit of thismagnitude hasnot occurredsince the 1991

    peace conferencein Madrid andcould proveto be pivotal.Although

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will chair the

    conference, Mr. Blair will play a central role as TheQuartets messenger. With so much at stake, whywould Mr. Blair take onthe assignment when so many others have failed? It has been suggested that Mr. Blair wantsa chance to redeem himself and leave a legacy of

    peace after involving Great Britain in the perceivedfailure in Iraq. His nal days in of ce were marred byunpopularity, especially in the Muslim world wherehe is seen as a puppet for the U.S. The Palestiniansalready held Great Britain in low regard for its role inhelping the Jewish people establish a state after WorldWar II. They believe Blair accomplished nothing for

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    them during his ten years as prime minister. Theyexpect little from him as The Quartets envoy. Even so, Blair has proven to have great

    powers of dtente and persuasion. During his termas prime minister, he successfully brokered a peaceagreement in Northern Ireland, an area that had beenracked by religious wars for decades. Mr. Blair also

    was at the forefront in promoting peace inThe Balkans. If he is successful in helping to end theIsraeli-Palestinian con ict, he will be hailed as thechampion of the Middle East, a title coveted byformer presidents Carter and Clinton. Blairs legacywould be unparalleled as the man who nally brought

    peace to a region that has been at war for centuries--de nitely not a step down from prime minister of theUnited Kingdom. However, there is another reason Mr. Blairmay succeed in obtaining a Middle East peaceagreement that the observers, international of cials,and The Quartet itself likely have not considered. IfMr. Blair is successful it will be because Gods clockfor the countdown to Armageddon is ticking, and itsrunning out of time. The recent appointment of Mr. Blair hascreated a stir among prophecy scholars. They arelooking once again at the Abrahamic Covenant thatestablished Israels right to exist. The Book of Daniel

    foretells that the Antichrist will con rm the AbrahamicCovenant seven years prior to Armageddon. Perhapsunbeknownst to Mr. Blair, The Roadmap For Peacemay be the vehicle used to con rm the AbrahamicCovenant.

    But it does not stop there. Revelationchapter 13 described the Antichrist as having sevenheads and ten horns and a mouth as the mouth of alionthe symbol of Great Britain. Oh yes, the recentappointment of Tony Blair has created quite a stir.

    A Middle East peace agreement goes way beyonda handshake between Israel and President Abbaswith a smiling Tony Blair looking on. Blair wouldleave a legacy all right, but it invites the question, IfTony Blair con rms the Abrahamic Covenant as themessenger for The Quartet, is he the Antichrist? Ifso, it is the beginning of the nal seven years beforethe return of Christ. If so, we are about to witnessthe implementation of the Mark of the Beast withoutwhich we will not be able to buy or sell. If so, theworld is headed for great tribulation such as it hasnever seen before. If so, we can look up for ourredemption draws nigh.

    The Roadmap For Peace

    Phase I: Ending Terror and Violence,Normalizing Palestinian Life, and BuildingPalestinian Institution s

    * Palestinian leadership issues unequivocalstatement reiterating Israels right to exist in peace andsecurity and calling for an immediate end to all acts ofviolence against Israelis anywhere. * Israeli leadership issues unequivocal statementaf rming its commitment to the two-state vision ofan independent, viable, sovereign Palestinian stateliving in peace and security with Israel, and callingfor an immediate end to violence against Palestiniansanywhere.

    * Palestinian institution-building includesdrafting a constitution for Palestinian statehood andconducting free elections. * Israel withdraws from Palestinian areasoccupied since September 2000, as security progresses,freezes all settlement activity, and dismantles outposts.It takes measures to improve the Palestinianhumanitarian situation.Phase II: Transition * An independent Palestinian state is createdwith provisional borders and attributes of sovereignty.The Palestinian leadership continues to act decisivelyagainst terror and to build a practicing democracy basedon tolerance and liberty. * An international conference will be convened

    by the Quartet after the Palestinian elections to supportPalestinian economic recovery. Multilateral MiddleEast issues also will be addressed, including water,environment, economic development, refugees, and armscontrol issues.Phase III: Permanent Status Agreement and End of

    Israeli-Palestinian Con ict * Palestinian reform is consolidated andits institutions stabilized while effective security

    performance is sustained. Israeli-Palestinian negotiationsaim at a permanent status agreement in 2005. * A second international conference convened bythe Quartet leads to a nal,permanent status resolutionon borders, Jerusalem, refugees, and settlements. It alsosupports a comprehensive peace settlement betweenIsrael and Lebanon and Israel and Syria, as soon as


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    O ne of the greatest prophetic ful llments of all time willbe the con rmation of the covenant. Te con rmationof the covenant is when the Antichrist and the worldcommunity con rm Israels right to exist in the Holy Land. It alsomarks the beginning of the nal seven years immediately precedingArmageddon.

    Within three and one-half years of the con rmation of the

    covenant, a Jewish temple will be built on the emple Mount, andanimal sacri ces will be resumed there.

    Tony BlairWhile still prime minister of Great Britain, ony Blair stated

    that peace in the Middle East was the worlds number one priority.Apparently, he still believes what he said. No sooner was the ink dryon his resignation as Britains prime minister than it was announcedthat he would become special envoy to the Middle East on behalfof the international Quartet (consisting of the US, the EU, Russiaand the UN). It should be remembered that the Quartets Roadmapfor Peace is a plan for peace in the Middle East that contains all the

    elements of the prophesied con rmation of the covenant.Te world community is investing tremendous amounts of

    political capital in sending such a high-pro le world leader as Blair

    to the Middle East. It apparently thinks the time has arrived to put allof its weight behind achieving a solution to the worlds most vexingdiplomatic problem.

    Blairs rst challengeIt has already been announced that Blairs rst priority will not be

    to revive the peace process. He intends to concentrate on helping the

    Palestinians establish structures that would allow them to govern astate if they had one. It has apparently dawned on someone that thePalestinians would not know how to manage an independent nationif one were given to them. With ten years at the head of one of theworlds greatest nations, it is assumed that Blair is well quali ed tohelp Palestinians build their governmental structures.

    Hamas takeover of GazaEver since the victory by Hamas in the Palestinian elections in early

    2006, the situation in the Palestinian territories has been quite murky.Since Hamas was offi cially designated a terrorist entity by both theUS and the EU, funding was cut off to the Palestinian Authority once

    Hamas became part of the government. Te West tried to strengthenFatah and Mahmoud Abbas while weakening Hamas. However,the Palestinian people had voted for Hamas, whose very reason

    Dramatic shift in the Middle EastHamas takes over Gaza Tony Blair appointed Mideast envoy

    Mideast Update

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    or existence is the destruction o the nation o Israel. In spiteo tremendous diplomatic and nancial pressure being broughtagainst Hamas, it has stead astly re used to recognize Israels rightto exist.

    Since May o 2007, Fatah and Hamas had teetered on the brinko civil war in Gaza. Finally in early June, the smoldering con ictburst into the open. Hamas overpowered Fatah, captured millionso dollars o weapons that the US had given to Fatah, and orced

    Mahmoud Abbas to ee into the West Bank. By June 15th, Hamaswas the undisputed ruler o Gaza.Abbas retaliated by dissolving the Palestinian government and

    appointing a new emergency government without any Hamasinvolvement.

    Te West quickly grabbed the opportunity and resumed ullsupport o the new government led by Abbas. President Bushimmediately pledged $190 million in aid to strengthen the newgovernment. Apparently, the U.S. intends to deal with Abbaswhile ignoring Hamas and Gaza altogether. Tis gives ony Blairsomeone to work with as he attempts to put together a legitimatePalestinian government.

    Peace breakthrough ahead?In spite o the chaos emanating rom Gaza, several major

    developments seem to indicate the possibility o a major peacebreakthrough in the Middle East.

    On July 9th, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert openly calledon Syrias Bashar Assad to conduct peace talks with Israel. Assadaccepted Olmerts invitation on the condition that Israel wouldcommit to returning to the Israeli-Syrian border as it was priorto 1967.

    At the recent Arab League Summit, Arab countries renewedtheir offer o the Saudi Peace Initiative. Te Saudi Plan says that,

    i Israel will withdraw to 1967 borders, the Arab countries willmake peace with her and establish diplomatic relations with her.A delegation representing the Arab League is scheduled to visitJerusalem to begin discussions o the Saudi Initiative.

    Just as this edition o Endtime magazine is going to press,President Bush has called or a regional peace con erence on theIsraeli-Palestinian con ict.

    And then on July 18, 2007, Javier Solana, the EUs representative

    to the Quartet, speaking at a press con erence in Ramallah afermeeting with Abbas, said, Some initiatives are going to be taken inthe coming days that may lead to the dream o all o us, especially ithe Palestinians start a political process.

    Con rmation of the covenant just ahead?When we look at the revival o the Saudi Peace Initiative, the

    appointment o ony Blair as the Quartets peace envoy, the planned visit o the Arab League delegation to Jerusalem, and the open talkso peace negotiations by the leaders o Israel and Syria, it is obviousthat a major peace offensive has been launched. Te big questionis: Will it be success ul unlike many similar efforts that have ailed

    be ore it, or will it simply be added to the long list o ailures?We know that the con rmation o the covenant by the

    international community is going to happen. Its prophesied inthe Bible. We also know that the international community is moreengaged in the Middle East than ever be ore. Lastly, we know thatthe other prophecies that are to occur around the same time as thecon rmation o the covenant are in the process o being ul lledright now.

    So will the split between Hamas and Fatah and the ony Blairappointment open the door or the con rmation o the covenantand the launching o the nal seven years? We will soon know!

    security wall

    dividingIsrael from Palestine

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    C R A I G : Americanfreedom has neverbeen so threatenedas it has been since9/ 11. Unwarrantedwiretapping, monitor- ing of private E-mail sand the surveillanceof web activity have allbeen deeply disturb- ing to freedom lovingAmericans. The mostbothersome develop-

    ment of all has beenthe passage of theReal ID Act whichcreates a national IDcard for every Ameri- can.Jim Harper has beenone of the foremostopponents of the Na- tional ID. He is ourguest for this editionof Politics and Reli- gion.

    I R V I N : Jim Harper is the director of inform ation policies stud- ies of the Cato Institute. In his work he focuses on the dif cultproblems with adapting law and policy to the problems of the infor- mation age. He is also a member of the Department of HomelandSecuritys dada privacy and in tegrity advisory committee and hehas writ ten a book called, Identity Crisis. It has everything to dowith the ru sh toward a national ID, in fact a global ID, thats takingplace in our society right now. Jim has been a guest on our pro- gram previously, a wonderfu l guest I might add. Jim, nice to haveyou on Politics and Religion once again .

    J I M H A R P E R : Thanks for having me back.

    I R V I N : A lot hashappened since wewere together last,Jim. We had th is hugemonumental battleover the immigrationbill and it went down todefeat last week. Fromwhere you sit, you are amember of HomelandSecurity Advisory Com- mittee. From whereyou sit, what was the

    signi cance of the de- feat of the ImmigrationBill last week?

    J I M H A R P E R :Well, its interesting be- cause one of the partsof the bill that had verylittle discussion duringthe public debate andnewspaper s, televisionand radio was title III.Title III of the bill dealtwith internal enforce- ment and it , basically,

    would have requi red everyone to have a Real ID if they were goingto work in the United States. A new program to get federal approvalfor working would have been strengthened, actually, it existed ina very weak form alr eady, in the Form I-9, which a lot of peopleare familiar with. When you start a new job you have to submit toyour employer, some paperwork: license and social security num- ber. Well the idea th ere was to strengthen that program, make anelectronic and require, in the course of all that, to have everybodycarr y a Real ID. So it really was an attempt to resurrect Real ID,which has been taking a real beating in the states and continuesto in the states rejecting it.Over all, immigration reform , people have a lot of ideas about

    where they stand on that. But, as far as t his part of it, Title III, nowthat was an attempt to resurrect Real ID and the fact t hat it hasgone to defeat is a good thing by me.

    Immigration Bill Is Dead,Real ID Act Still Lurks

    i n t e r v i e w

    Politics & Religion July 3, 2007Interview with Jim Harper(transcription by Julie Cunningham & Ginger Boerkircher)



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    I R V I N : So why was the Immigration Bill defeated? Was it am - nesty or was it employment veri cation that sank the ship?

    J I M H A R P E R : You know, it s hard to kn ow exactly whatthe causes were but, as you know, there was a deal struck in a verydelicate balance. I think when everyone is unhappy in Washington,that s the best sign that there has been a compromise reached.So, there was a lot of hope that there would be an overall bill buta lot of people disliked it strongly and some of t he folks believedit was amn esty and they were opposed to it; plenty of reasons forit to go down.I do think t hat Real ID Act is a catalyst for the failur e of the b ill.There was a rather complicated legislative procedure underwayand the thing that stopped the process was a vote on whetherReal ID should stay in the bill. Senators Tester and Baucus, bothfrom Mon tana, a state that has come out very strongly againstReal ID, they offered an amendment that would have strippedReal ID out of the immigration bill. There was a motion to tablethat amen dment, meaning to put the amendment aside and verylikely, when you table an amendmen t, you never see it again. Soit was, essentially a vote against that amendment . And that votefailed, meaning that a majority of senators in t he U. S. Senate donot support Real ID and would not take steps to prop it up through

    this immigration bill. That stopped voting and the next morningthey had thei r cloture vote. This was a vote to see if they wouldproceed to nal passage, and that vote failed. That was the endof imm igration reform probably for the year. So Real ID was a cata- lyst. The majorit y of senators we know now oppose Real ID. Theproblem, of course, is getting them to act on that and take it backout of federal law.

    I R V I N : I wanted to ask you, in part icular, because I know youare probably as well positioned as anyone who is against the RealID Act, to sort of tell us what the truth of the matter is. I had de- termined that it was not amnesty that killed the bill. Kay BaileyHutchison, our senator from Texas, had an amendment that would

    have required for illegal immigrants to go home, properly apply,and then come back. It was a bill against the blanket amnestythat was provided by the imm igration bill. Well, they tried to killthat amendmen t and they succeeded. The senators voted againstrequir ing people to go home so they were really voting for amnestyand the majority voted not to r equire them to go home. I concludedthat it was not amnesty that k illed it . Like you say, the Box-Testeramendm ent, they tried the same th ing with it, and they were goingto table it . And when that vote was taken t hey said, no, we wantthis amendment in there, which would strip the Real ID provisionsfrom the bill. I was highly encouraged.The senate voted 10 0:0 to pass the Real ID Act, but, of course theyreally didnt. They voted to pass the appropriations bill but it was apolitical slight of hand. I had reached the conclusion that it was theReal ID provisions which killed the immigration bill. I just wanted tobounce it of f you to see if you were in agreement on that.

    J I M H A R P E R : I think so and isnt this a great example ofhow Washington works though: ready-re-aim. Back in M ay 20 05they red. Now theyre starting to aim and theyre looking at RealID and realizing this was a mistake. Were not going to prop it up.Thats important progress. Of course its not enough yet and wehave to see that congress mends the errors that its made in thepast with Real ID.

    I R V I N : That s my next question because we still have a law onthe books that requires all of us to have a national ID card. Actu- ally, it says by May 11 of next year, 10 months from right n ow.Now we know that there s a lot of fancy footwork going on. Thereare some states that have outright passed laws against it. Thereare other states that h ave passed resolutions against it saying,We want i t taken away. But, as of r ight now, its still law. Is thatcorrect?

    J I M H A R P E R : That is correct. It still is the law. Its still theexpectation of the federal law that we should all start to get theseReal ID/ National IDs, star ting in May of next year. Since so manystates will not, WILL NOT, and they have said in t heir law t hat theywill not comply, its not going to happen. But some states will takesteps forward. In some cases state adm inistrators are tr ying tomove forward despite what the consciences is in their states andthat s interesting to watch.The most impor tant d evelopment current ly is the appropriationsprocess. The rum or is: there will be m oney put into appropriation sto try and buy the states off on this.

    C R A I G : Im recalling a ph one conversation you and I had acouple of months ago. You mentioned to me, off t he air, that thesupposed extension for Real ID was actually a trick, a manipu la- tion by the Department of Homeland Security to try and stop thislandslide of opposition to Real ID and to cause states to come into

    compliance. Can you elaborate on that a little bit ?

    J I M H A R P E R : Well, sure. The regulatory processes areawfully complicated but when DHS issued its notice of proposedrule making, that is the starting point for issuing regulations un- der th e Real ID Act, it made an int eresting offer to states. It saidthat if states commit by October of 2007 to implement Real ID,we would extend their deadline for implementation until Decem- ber of 2 00 9. So the bargain is that if you commit early, well giveyou more time. If you dont commit, then were going to hold youto the May 20 08 deadline. Thats next year coming up very soon.And so it was really, I think recognizable to careful observers asa political ploy to try to drive states to commit to compliance

    before they were fully aware of all the costs they were gettinginvolved with. I dont think its worked. I havent seen states, yet,step up and signal that theyre going to comply. And as Ive said,many states are directly refusing to comply. But well know bet terin October of this year what states have gone for that trick andwhat states give their pledge of allegiance to the Department ofHomeland Security rather th an t o their citizens of privacy and civilliberties. So its an interesting ploy coming out of DHS.

    I R V I N : Yea. So when t hey say were going to give you add i- tional tim e, how in the world is that going to work because if somestates have additional t ime and other states do not, are you goingto line up at the airpor t and say: OK, we will accept this noncompli- ant drivers license from Utah but we wont accept a noncomp liantdrivers license from Texas. I mean, th is is going to be fun .

    The senate voted 100:0 topass the Real ID Act, but, ofcourse they really didnt. They. voted to pass the appropriations

    bill but it was a political slightof hand.

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    J I M H A R P E R : Imagining what the federal governmentmight do is really Alice in Wonderland stuff. But I t hink it s muchmore likely than them picking and choosing among differentstates, who can travel and who can t, is that they will just back off.The threat all the t ime with Real ID has been that drivers licenseswont be acceptable for traveling if you dont and invariably, whenpush comes to shove, the feds will back down. The feds will haveto accommodate people who don t have this national ID. So I thinkwe can all be con dant, as citizens, more importantly state leg-

    islators should be con dent t hat t hey can act to protect us. Theydont have to kowtow to the federal government on this Real IDAct. They dont have to put their citizens into a national databaseat the comman d of the federal government.

    So its importan t to recognize that a power, a big power knownas the federal government is trying to use identity to increase itspower at the expense of all of us and at the expense of other inter- ests and other powers.

    I R V I N : You explain that in your book, Identity Crisis.

    J I M H A R P E R : Whatever bad idea is put forward by au- thorit ies, we have rights, as individuals, and those rights are a bul- wark against those bad ideas being put into effect and so thatswhy its so importan t, even in peaceful times, even though we loveour country. We love our country because of its respect for ourindividual rights and thats our strength against any kind of badidea that may take hold among the authorities and the elites.

    I R V I N : Jim, weve run out of time. Thank you so much.Like you point out, many of the people t rying to pass these lawsmay be honorable and good people, well meaning people but onceyou get a law set up then an Adolph Hitler nds his way into power.They are able to take these same laws and use them to enslavethe American people and thats the reason its so important todefeat these things before they can develop.

    State legislators should be con dent that they can

    act to protect us. They dont have to kowtow to thefederal government on this Real ID Act. They donthave to put their citizens into a national database at

    the command of the federal government.


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    Q uartets M an: Tony Blair United States of Africa? Interview with C ongressman D uncan Hunter RFID : Wave of Future

    Tisha BAv and the Third Temple Arab League in Jerusalem N ational ID: Another Defeat






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