Endtime Nov Dec 2001

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  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Nov Dec 2001


    November/December 2001


    ol. 11/No. 6 www.endtime.com $3.00

    Attack on AmericaProphetic ImplicationsAttack on AmericaProphetic ImplicationsIs New York City

    Mystery Babylon?

    Is New York City

    Mystery Babylon?

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    Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether or not we are living in the last days

    before the second coming of Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramatic proof that

    these are the endtimes. The proofs below defy coincidence.

    Euphrates River to Be Dried Up In Revelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the Euphrates Riverwill be dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of the battle of Armageddonaccording to verse 16 of the same chapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle at which time Jesus will return and fighton the side of the nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will establish His kingdom and usher in His one thousand-year reign ofpeace. On January 13, 1990, the Indianapolis Starcarried the headline Turkey Will Cut Off Flow of Euphrates for One Month. Thearticle stated that a huge reservoir had been built by Turkey. While filling up the reservoir, the flow of the Euphrates would be stoppedfor one month and a concrete plug for a diversion channel built. These things have now been done. With this newly built dam, Turkeyhas the ability to stop the Euphrates River at will. The conditions for fulfilling this 1,900 year-old prophecy are now in place.

    In Revelation 9:15-16,the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 million soldiers will launch a war which would kill the third part of men. Never in thehistory of the world until our present generation has there been a power on earth that could field 200 million soldiers. However, thelate ruler of China, Mao Tse Tung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million. The CIA World Factbook reportsthat in the year 2001, it is estimated that China has 200,886,946 men of military age, and this number is growing by 10 million peryear.

    In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies that aworld dictator will soon rule over a world government. He will cause all people in the earth to receive a number without which theywill be unable to buy or sell. We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in a most astonishing way. Nearly every humanbeing in the world now has been assigned a number. In America it is our Social Security number. In the past few years, we have seenthis number extended to newborns. A child without a Social Security number cannot be declared as a dependent on an income taxreturn. We have seen the emergence of electronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many people urging the abolishment of cash.All of these things could not possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Only after the invention of the computer could such aworldwide numbering system be administered.

    Revelation 13:7 andDaniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. The term New World Order has become a prevalent phrase in theworlds political culture. Mikhail Gorbachev made the term famous, and Pope John Paul II has referred to it repeatedly. In theSeptember 12, 1990 issue of theChicago Tribune, our former president George Bush said, Iraq is the first test for the New WorldOrder. He emphatically stated that the Iraq War is Saddam Hussein against the world. The United Nations troops are continuallyreferred to as the multi-national forces. The decision has been made to establish an interdependent community of nations that will rulethe world under United Nations authority. The Bible says that this will lead us into a great world government. The formation of thisgovernment is at hand.

    Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertaining to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously?

    China Goes to War

    Worldwide Numbering System Predicted

    The Emergence of a New World Order

    or Divine Providence?


  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Nov Dec 2001


    World Events from a Biblical Perspective

    [email protected]


    Cover Story8 Attack on America PropheticImplicationsThe events of September 11th haveslammed the accelerator to the floor on vir-tually every major area of Bible prophecy.From Middle East events leading to thebeginning of the final seven years, to the6th Trumpet war, Interfaithism and themark of the beast, the world has never seensuch dramatic and sweeping effects onprophecy fulfillments as now. The world

    will never be the same. What will rise outof the ashes of the World Trade Center andPentagon?

    Departments4 Edi torial

    Gorbachev: New InternationalOrder

    6 Letters & Feedback

    8 World Review

    Israel: Support for SeparationIs Arafat Era Over?Lest We Forget GorbachevIn the Taiwan StraitsEurope at a GlancePatriot Bill: Too Powerful?Temple Mount Cornerstone

    0 Radio Log,Regional Bible Studies

    1 News from the Front Office

    Prophecy Conference Schedule

    Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 1301 South 8th Street, Richmond, IN 47374. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. Periodical postage paid #009267, ISSN# 1066-

    6885, Richmond, IN, and additional ma iling offices. 2001 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMAS-TER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 2066, Richmond, IN 47375-2066. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-ENDTIME. Other inquiries call 1-765-962-63448:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Eastern).

    AP WideWorld Photo/Gulnara Samoilova

    AP WideWorld Photo/Amr Nabil

    AP WideWorld Photo

    AP WideWorld Photo/Chao Soi Cheong

    Feature Articles14 Is New York City Mystery Babylon?

    The Bible prophesies the destruction of Babylonin the 18th chapter of Revelation. Many of theevents that happened in New York City onSeptember 11th bore an eerie resemblance to partsof this prophecy. Some of the similarities are hard

    to ignore. Many have asked, so lets take a look!

    18 M ikhail Gorbachevs View of theAttack on AmericaJim Garrison, President of Mikhail GorbachevsState of the World Forum, eloquently lays out theglobalists solution for world terrorism: Massivewealth redistribution and one-world government!Let us all understand the planstraight from thehorses mouth. Reprinted with permission.

    20 Americas Wake-up CallGlobalism expert Gary Kah looks at the implica-tions of the terror attack though the eyes of theKoran, by exploring Islams connection withFreemasonry, the Vatican and Gorbachev and whatit all could mean in the end for the United States.

    Cover: AP WideWorld Photo/Jerry Torrens

    Dont forget to check outour website for late-breaking

    developments. Updated severaltimes daily!


  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Nov Dec 2001



    EditorialBy Irvin Baxter J r.


    Gorbachev: New International Order Magazine Staff

    Endtime MinistriesStatement of Faith

    Editor-in-ChiefIrvin Baxte r Jr.

    Assistant Editor

    Eddie Sax

    Office ManagerJana Robbins

    Ministry GrowthKara M cPeak

    NetworkAdministratorDave Northrop

    Webmaster, LayoutDan Barkley

    Radio OperationsJim Stigleman

    AccountingDebbie Barkley

    We believe that the Bible is the inspired

    Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the

    Savior of the world, and that He will

    come again to establish a kingdom that

    shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44).

    Those who are born again (John 3:3-5)

    will have eternal life and rule as kings

    and priests with Christ forever.In 1968, Irvin Baxter J r. discovered the United States

    and other modern nations in the Bible. He also found the

    Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn

    down, reuniting Germany, and that event would be the

    catalyst to spark an international movement called the

    "New World Order." These things have now come to


    Irvin Baxter J r., a Pentecostal minister, began

    Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message

    For The President, a book explaining the major prophe-

    cies of the Bible which he had been teaching since 1968.

    After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment

    accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to launch

    Endtime. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the

    prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now

    being fulfilled in intricate detail.

    Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the

    truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation. Endtime

    does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as

    they may be. This will be left to other publications.

    What is EndtimeMagazine?

    In the aftermath of the attack onAmerica, former Soviet Union PresidentMikhail Gorbachev was interviewed by

    Larry King. Gorbachev said that....we(the world) had waited too long after

    the end of the Cold War to move on with theNew International Order. As the worlds lead-ing advocate of global governance, Gorbachevsees the present crisis as another powerfulargument for the establishment of one-worldgovernment.The most critical test of the presidency of

    George W. Bush may be whether he is able tolead the war on terrorism without succumbingto the siren song of the advocates of one-worldgovernment. How is Bush doing to date?

    On the positive side, the president has resis-ted calls to channel all decisions concerning thewar on terrorism through the United NationsSecurity Council. In so doing, he has retainedU.S. sovereignty and freedom of action.

    On the negative side, Bush has yielded tothose who salivate to exploit the present crisisin order to plunge the world headlong into theclutches of one-world government. OnOctober 11, 2001, theSan Francisco Chroniclereported that two NATO Airborne Warningand Control Systems aircraft, with crews from

    12 different nations, would begin patrollingthe skies over the United States.You heard right! Foreign troops from 12 dif-

    ferent nations have now been engaged to patrolthe skies of America! President Bush com-mented concerning this alarming develop-

    ment, This has never happened before, thatNATO has come to help defend our country.But it happened in this time of need, and forthat we are profoundly grateful.This is the first time foreign planes have had

    direct responsibility for defense of the UnitedStates. The question that must be asked iswhether we actually needed NATO militaryassistance, or was this simply a ploy to getAmericans used to foreign troops in actionwithin our borders.

    Marcus Corbin, a senior analyst at theCenter for Defense Information, provided theanswer, Sending the AWACS planes is largelya political gesture. NORAD (the NorthAmerican Aerospace Defense command) is per-fectly capable of doing the jobs AWACS planescan do.This alarming development demonstrates

    once again that Americas most lethal enemy isnot Osama bin Laden, but our own leaders whowould surrender the sovereignty of the UnitedStates to a foreign powera one-world gov-ernment.

    We should continue to pray that President

    Bush will not be numbered among those whowould lead America into the NewInternational Order of Mikhail Gorbachev.

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    Re-creating History

    I listened to your program where you interviewed the Muslimdefending his faith. He seems like an intellectual trained in thepost-modernistic, deconstructionistic understanding of reality.This means that what seems like 2 + 2 = 4 is only true depend-ing on what culture you are in. It all depends on how you inter-pret it. (Its all about what is is as Bill Clinton so gloriouslyspelled out). Its not about words as concrete things, but aboutcontext and meanings in todays culture. Its all about re-creat-ing history.

    It reminds me of the twisted words at the Dachau Nazi con-centration camp where the entrance sign statesWork Shall SetYou Free. Its doublespeak and intentional confusion. This manseemed like a perfect politician, gracious and kind. God protectus from people like that.Thank the Lord that Jesus is the truth and His words never

    change their meaning. Thanks for standing for the truth!

    In Yeshua,

    A. Fishman

    National ID: Precursor or M ark?

    I have a question concerning the National ID mess. Do youfeel that this will be the mark of the beast or do you feel theNational ID is merely a precursor?

    N. Dampier

    Reply: The beast (the Antichrist) will have to be in powerbefore the mark of the beast can be implemented. We know thisbecause Scripture tells us that people will be required to worship

    or pledge allegiance to the beast in order to get the mark thatwill be used for buying and selling.

    The Inevitable M ark

    I appreciate your frankness about how you see things andwhere you believe scripture is leading us. I know it is importantto stand for righteousness especially in these last days. My ques-

    tion is this; why should we call our leaders and the president andvoice against the National ID mark when scripture plainly statesthat it is inevitable. Are we just buying some time or are ourefforts in vain because these things must come to pass?

    We do want the Lord to come quickly, dont we? Thank youfor your time and all that you represent.

    P. Jones

    Reply: The mark of the beast will be a very evil thing, and weshould always resist evil. Furthermore, Daniel 11:40-44describes nations fighting against the Antichrist during the

    final three and one-half years. We know this because theAbomination of Desolation, which happens three and one-halfyears before Armageddon, occurs in verse 31. Since theAntichrist will have opposition on a national level almost to theend of his reign, I would like for the United States to be one ofthose opposing forces.

    A Pledge Without God

    It would be interesting to discuss what we are going to do ifthis ID card turns out to be the mark. The fact of the matter isthat they could have you sign a document that says simply that

    Letters to the Editor


    Letters &FeedbackWhats On Your Mind?

    EndtimeWants to Know.

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    you pledge your alliance to the country and leave out under G-d! Then what do we do?

    G. Freed

    Reply: I have already determined that I will not pledge alle-giance to the United States without the phrase under God. Weshould always obey the authority over us unless it contradictsthe authority over it. Consequently, we can pledge obedience to

    our nation only as long as our nation recognizes the ultimateauthority of God.

    Powerful Book

    YourThe China War & The Third Templebook is powerful. I t wasamazing to see how easily things can change in the world thatwould allow the scriptures to come true. I really believe that theHoly Spirit moved you to write many parts of the book.

    I also received your two videos: Israel Prepares forArmageddon and The China Threat.The time is short, but there is just enough time left to do

    what God wants us all to do before He returns. Work while it isday because the night is quickly coming. God bless.

    D. Musick

    200 M illion M uslims

    Could the Muslim nations unite to form the 6th Trumpets200 million-man army?

    Multi tudes of inquirers

    Reply: I have believed for many years that the 200 million-man army would come from China. And I still believe that to betrue. However, there is one other entity on earth that could pos-sibly put together this prophesied army.

    Since there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, it would bepossible for them to field an army of 200 million soldiers. If, infact, the Muslims are the army to which the prophecy ofRevelation 9:15-16 speaks, then it appears that the prophesiedwar has now begun. Since this war will kill one-third ofmankind, the possibility that we have entered that war is sober-ing indeed. Time will soon tell.

    Soon: No Tolerance for Full Gospel

    I watched the gathering of many religions today on MSNBCand was stunned, however not in shock. I can truly see how theworld has changed in little more than a week. Prior to all thesethings happening, it was fairly acceptable in this country to saythat J esus is the only way to eternal life. But I feel that theacceptability is shrinking fast. As the worlds faiths unite,believing the full gospel will no longer be acceptable, nor tol-erated. I feel we are seeing the day dawn before us when anyonewho doesnt embrace this unity and peace (Interfaithism)will be an outcast and eventually spoken of as the terrorists are

    now. Its Islam today, Christianity tomorrow.As a believer that J esus Christ is the One True God and His

    blood has the only saving power, I must not flinch in this belief,no matter what the cost. To this generic god I saw come alivetoday, I will not bow down. True peace only comes from God,and He alone will bring it. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

    My husband and I are Endtime listeners, and we are now in aposition to be supporters as well. We will be sending $30 permonth at this time, more as the Lord provides.


    Reply: Thank you and Amen!

    Does Bible Really Say Temple Will Be Rebuilt?

    The cornerstones to the new temple were to have been laid onOctober 4that 9:30am. To me this a great and marvelous thing,but it has not been reported anywhere.

    I have searched the Bible and I cant find where it says thatthis temple must be rebuilt. Where in the Bible does it say that?

    D. Crockett

    Reply: The Bible doesnt say that the temple must be rebuilt.But it does prophesy that it will. II Thessalonians 2:3-4 clearlydescribes the time when the Antichrist will sit in the temple. Ifthere is no temple, the Antichrist could not fulfill this prophecy.

    In Revelation 11:1-2, the Apostle John was told to measurethe temple. According to the passage, this measuring will takeplace 42 months before Armageddon. If there is no temple 42months before Armageddon, then the measuring of the templecould not take place.There will be a temple standing on the Temple Mount in the

    endtime. Consequently, we know that its construction mustbegin before long.

    Oprahs Yankee Stadium Interfaith M eeting

    I want to personally thank everyone in this ministry. You guyshave really helped my understanding of the endtimes. God isreally working through you to bring salvation and revelation tomany.

    As I watched Oprah Winfreys Interfaith meeting at YankeeStadium, I came to realize that the events of September 11 have

    triggered a sweep into theInterfaith movement. It is all hap-pening so rapidly now.Thanks again for all you have done, are doing, and will do in

    the future for myself and countless others. I will be in prayer forthe ministry.

    S. Blankenship


    Endtime thanks you for your letters. The letters we use inEndtime do not necessarily reflect the views of Endtime and/or itsstaff.

    Endtime reserves the right to edit letters according to space andeditorial style.

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    The one comment heardrepeatedly in the aftermathof the September 11th ter-rorist attack on America was,The world will never be the

    same. All of us instinctively know this istrue, whether or not we understand whatthe changes produced by the attacks on

    the World Trade Center and the Pentagonwill ultimately be.The questions that nag at each of us

    have to be: How will these events affectmy life? How do these things fit into theprophecies of the endtime? Where is Godin all of this?

    What prophecies lie ahead?There are many prophecies in scripture

    for the times just ahead. In this article, wewill consider seven of the major ones. Theprophecies we will discuss are:

    Confirmation of a covenantconcerning Israels right to thePromised Land

    Jerusalem shared between Jew andGentile

    A war that kills one-third ofmankind

    Temple built on the Temple Mount Antichrist sits in the temple

    claiming to be God The Great Tribulation

    Mark of the beast

    Lets briefly examine each prophecy anddiscuss how recent events are alreadyimpacting its fulfillment.

    1. Confirmation of a covenantconcerning Israels right tothe Promised Land

    Daniel 9:27 states that the Antichristwill confirm a covenant with Israel. Thisconfirming of the covenant marks thebeginning of a seven-year period, which

    culminates at the Battle of Armageddon.It is at Armageddon that Jesus returns tothe earth to establish His 1,000-year king-dom.

    We know that it is the Antichrist whoconfirms the covenant because the hethat confirms the covenant in Daniel 9:27also stops the sacrifice and places theabomination of desolation. Daniel 11:31clearly states that it is the Antichrist thattakes away the daily sacrifice and placesthe abomination of desolation.The covenant in this prophecy appears

    to be the covenant that God made withAbraham in Genesis 15:18 when God

    AP WideWorldPhoto/Chao Soi Cheong

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    Cover Storypromised the land of Israel to Abrahamsseed. We know this because, within threeand one-half years of the confirmation ofthe covenant by the Antichrist, a Jewishtemple will have been built and animalsacrifices will have been resumed.Consequently, we can conclude that theconfirmation of the covenant will affect

    the status of Jerusalem and will result inthe building of Israels Third Temple onthe Temple Mount.The present Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    is being fought specifically over whetheror not Israel has a right to the landdescribed in Genesis 15:18. Until recent-ly, the International Community, as awhole, has leaned toward the Palestinianside in this conflict. The pendulum ofworld opinion began to swing towardIsrael when Arafat turned down the peacedeal offered by Israeli Prime Minister

    Ehud Barak at Camp David last year.Barak offered to return virtually all of theterritories captured in the 1967 War,including the entirety of the TempleMount itself, to Palestinian control. Mostof the world thought for sure that Arafatwould jump at this unprecedented peaceoffer. Instead, Arafat launched a newround of terrorism, which has now ragedfor over a year.

    When news of the successful attack onthe World Trade Center and the Pentagonreached the Palestinians on September

    11th, they began to dance in the streets incelebration. Video footage of the celebra-tions was shown on the television net-works around the world. Quickly, YasserArafat realized how damaging this wasgoing to be for the Palestinian cause. Heordered the confiscation of the videofootage. The photographers who capturedthese pictures were apprehended andwarned that if their news services airedthe footage showing the celebrations,their lives might be in danger. Some of

    these scenes were shown around theworld, but were quickly pulled after thefirst day.

    In the meantime, Yasser Arafat rushedto the nearest clinic to donate blood forthe victims of the attacks on America.There just happened to be plenty of cam-eras present to record this action. By theway, this footage was NOT confiscated bythe Palestinian police. It was distributedfreely for all of the world to see.The rejection of Baraks peace deal and

    the suicide bombings in Israel during the

    past year have convinced the Israelis thatthey do not have a peace partner.Consequently, many of them have decid-ed that the only solution is to unilateral-ly separate from the Palestinians.Discussion is ongoing at this time con-cerning the possibility of building a fencebetween Israel and the areas controlled bythe Palestinian Authority. Separationseems to be the likely outcome of thepresent situation, and it also seems to bewhat the Bible prophesies will happen.

    Many have believed that the confirma-tion of the covenant would be a peaceagreement between Arabs and Israelis.However, this seems unlikely since horri-ble slaughter is specifically prophesied inthe West Bank area during the final threeand one-half years of the prophesiedseven-year period (Matthew 24:15-21). Itseems more plausible that the confirma-tion of the covenant will be a tacit agree-

    ment between Israel and the Antichrist,speaking on behalf of the InternationalCommunity.

    When in Egypt in October of 2001,British Prime Minister Tony Blair statedthat he doubted terrorism would ever beeradicated until the Palestinian-Israeliproblem was solved. President Bushapparently agrees with this assessment.During the second week of October,2001, his State Department issued a com-muniqu calling for the establishment ofa Palestinian state.

    The terrorist attack of September 11thhas successfully focused the attention ofthe World Community on the Mideastconflict. The Antichrist, as the recog-nized leader of the World Community,will apparently arrive at an agreementwith Israel concerning settling the Arab-Israeli conflict. It seems that the attack onthe World Trade Center has hastened thatday.The International Community seems to

    understand more clearly, since the attackon America, how it feels to be a victim ofterrorism. It is easy to see why they wouldsay to Israel, If you unilaterally separatefrom the Palestinians, establishing lineswith which we agree, we will supportyou.

    It seems likely that the above scenariocould occur within the next 4-6 months.Things could drag out for another 2 or 3years. Whenever these developments take

    place, they will mark the beginning ofthe final seven years before Armageddon.It is not always easy to foresee every

    eventuality. However, if events open theway for the building of Israels ThirdTemple on the Temple Mount, we can bealmost positive that the final seven yearshave begun.

    2. Jerusalem shared betweenJew and Gentile

    In Revelation 11:1-2, John wasinstructed to measure the temple, but to

    When news of the terror attacks first reached the Middle East, Muslim Palestinians were cap-

    tured on film dancing in the streets, indicating their the true feelings for America. Recognizing

    the public relations nightmare, Arafat had most of the film was confiscated. He then ran to donate

    blood for the victims.These photos made the newswires.


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    not measure the outer court because itwould be trodden down of the Gentilesfor 42 months. This clearly prophesiesthat the temple will be under Israeli con-trol for the final 42 months beforeArmageddon, but the outer court of thetemple will be under Gentile control.

    On October 11, 2001, President Bush

    called for the sharing of Jerusalem. Hestated that it should be the capital of boththe Palestinian state and the Jewish state.The 2,000 year-old prophecy and therecent sharing proposal of the U.S. presi-dent are in perfect agreement. This shar-ing arrangement will undoubtedly be oneof the provisions of the confirmation ofthe covenant.

    3. A war that kills one-third ofmankind

    The prophecy of Revelation 9:15-16

    simply states that an army of 200 millionsoldiers will trigger a war that will killone-third of mankind2 billion people.

    Mao TseTung, the late leader of China,boasted in his diary that China could fieldan army of 200 million. China has repeat-edly declared its intention to reuniteTaiwan with Mainland China, by force ifnecessary.

    When Taiwan held her first democraticelections in 1996, China lobbed missilesfive miles off the Taiwanese coast. Chinahoped to intimidate Taiwan from holdingthese elections because she didnt wantthe Chinese race to be infected by the dis-ease of democracy.

    In order to protect Taiwans fledglingdemocracy, the United States sent twoaircraft carriers into the Straits of Taiwan.China had no weapons that could coun-teract these floating naval bases.Consequently, she was forced to backdown. However, China immediatelyplaced an order with Russia to purchasetwo Sovremenny ships. These ships are

    aircraft carrier destroyers. They are capa-ble of firing nuclear tipped missiles thatcan sink aircraft carriers with a single hit.China took delivery of these two ships inthe year 2000.

    With the war on terrorism inAfghanistan, the United States has sentevery aircraft carrier that was in theWestern Pacific to the Middle East. Atthis time, we have no aircraft carriers inthe Straits of Taiwan. Stripped of this pro-tection, Taiwan is wide open to a surpriseattack from the mainland. Remember,

    China has stated repeatedly that she iswilling to lose millions of men and majorcities in order to preserve the unity of theMotherland.

    Another critical factor in this equationdeserves our attention. China presentlyhas 25 intercontinental ballistic missilesequipped with nuclear warheads. These

    city-buster bombs are ten times as pow-erful as the atomic bomb that wasdropped on Hiroshima in World War II.

    It is almost certain that each of thesemissiles is aimed at U.S. cities. ShouldChina launch these nuclear weaponsagainst the United States today, 25 majorU.S. cities would cease to exist. The U.S.

    has nothing to stop them. We have noanti-missile defense system in place.

    President Bush has proceeded withplans to build an anti-missile defense sys-tem. However, it will not become opera-tional until 2004. In 2004, China willlose her ability to threaten the U.S. withnuclear attack should a conflict developover Taiwan.

    Consequently, China finds herself in atwo-year window of opportunity. If she is

    going to make good on her threat to takeTaiwan, by force if necessary, the logicaltime to move is within the next twoyears.

    With all of the U.S. aircraft carriers inthe Middle East, the most logical time forChina to make her move is right now!The bottom line is simply thisthe ter-ror attack on America may have createdthe situation that will soon destroy one-third of mankind.

    It should be noted that scripture doesnot specifically state that China will be

    the source of the 200 million-man army.She does seem to be the most logicalchoice. However, one other entity onearth could conceivably provide theprophesied 200 million-man armytheMuslims. China has a population of 1.3billion. There are 1.2 billion Muslims inthe world. It is possible that the Muslims

    could provide the 200 million-man armyspoken of in Revelation 9.If the Muslims are the ones spoken of in

    the prophecy, then the war that will kill 2billion human beings has just begun! IfChina is to be the 200 million-man army,the war could be launched at any timeprobably sooner rather than later.

    4. Temple built on the TempleMount

    Both II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and

    Revelation 11:1-2 clearly state that therewill be a Jewish temple on the TempleMount before and during the final threeand one-half years precedingArmageddon.The new emphasis by the Bush admin-

    istration on some kind of settlement inthe Middle East and the stance in favor ofa shared Jerusalem can only expedite theprophesied building of Israels ThirdTemple.

    5. Antichrist sits in the templeclaiming to be God

    The prophecy states that the man of sin(the Antichrist) will sit in the temple ofGod, claiming to be God (IIThessalonians 2:4). How could an inter-national leader such as the Antichrist eversit in the Holy Place claiming to be God?

    President Bushs proposal to shareJerusalem, which was first put forward byBill Clinton at Camp David, willinevitably also call for the sharing of theTemple Mount, which is the core of

    Jerusalem.Anticipating this, former Israeli PrimeMinister Ehud Barak actually proposedthe sharing of the Temple Mount betweenJew and Muslim. Understanding thepotential conflict of such an arrangement,Barak suggested that the UN could begiven supervision over the Temple Mountfor the purpose of maintaining order. Thiscould explain how the internationalleader of the world, the Antichrist, willbe able to stand on the Temple Mount,claiming authority and sovereignty there.

    I f the Muslimsare the ones

    spoken of i n theprophecy, then

    the war that wi l lki ll 2 bi ll i onhuman bei ngshas j ust begun!

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    6. The Great TribulationThe Antichrist sitting in the temple

    claiming to be God is referred to in scrip-ture as the Abomination of Desolation.The Abomination of Desolation is theevent that triggers the prophesied time ofgreat persecution called the GreatTribulation.

    Jesus said in Matthew 24:15-21,When ye therefore shall see the abomi-nation of desolation, spoken of by Danielthe prophet, stand in the holy place,(whoso readeth, let him understand:)Then let them which be in Judaea fleeinto the mountainsFor then shall begreat tribulation, such as was not sincethe beginning of the world to this time,no, nor ever shall be.The Great Tribulation will be a cam-

    paign against the religious and politicalnon-conformists of the world. Anyone

    who will not buy into the all-encompass-ing religious system of Interfaithism andthe universal system of global governancewill be considered a threat to world peaceand harmony.

    Since the attack on America, we haveseen an unprecedented emphasis placedon recognizing the validity of the greatreligions of the world. We are being toldrepeatedly that Muslims worship thesame God that the Jews and theChristians worship. President Bush hasstated that the Muslim religion is a great

    religion.Muslims do not believe Jesus was the

    Messiah, or that He was God or even theSon of God. They do not believe Jesusdied on the cross, and they do not believethat He gave His blood for the sin ofmankind. The Bible tells us that thosewho do not believe that Jesus is come inthe flesh are antichrist. To deny that Jesusis God is to deny God Himself. TheMuslim religion is not a great religion. Itis paganism, and it denies the atonement

    accomplished by Jesus Christ on the crossof Calvary.The present media campaign against

    all who are not religiously inclusive ispreparing the way for the coming GreatTribulation.

    7. Mark of the beastRevelation 13:15-18 describes the sys-

    tem of security and identification thatwill be implemented during the time ofthe Antichrist. And he causeth all, bothsmall and great, rich and poor, free and

    bond, to receive a mark in their righthand, or in their foreheads: And that noman might buy or sell, save he that hadthe mark, or the name of the beast, or thenumber of his name.

    As a result of the terrorism ofSeptember 11th, a cry has gone out fornew systems of safety and identification.Advocates of one-world government havelong campaigned for a national ID card.Americans, loving freedom and privacy,have adamantly resisted every effort bythe government to impose such a system.In the aftermath of the recent terrorism, anational ID has once again been givenconsideration. Britains Prime MinisterTony Blair has announced the institutionof a national ID card in Great Britain.This card will be required in order to fly,buy gasoline, or open a bank account. In

    other words, you will have to have it inorder to function in British society.Prime Minister Blair and President

    Bush discussed the possibility of nationalID cards together. It is easy to see how thetragedy of September 11th is acceleratingthe march of society straight into thearms of the mark of the beast. Our latestreports, thankfully, are saying thatPresident Bush does not favor a nationalID card for America at this time.

    As we can see, almost every major

    prophecy for the time ahead has beenimpacted by the terror attacks onAmerica. The confirmation of thecovenant and the war that kills one-thirdof the worlds population could come topass literally within months. Never hasthe urgency been so great!

    So what should we do?As we see all the prophecies of the

    endtime moving swiftly toward fulfill-ment, our first reaction should be toreaffirm our own personal salvation.Jesus said in Matthew 24:44, Thereforebe ye also ready: for in such an hour as yethink not the Son of man cometh. J esustold us that we must be born again inorder to become a part of the kingdom ofheaven.

    After we have obeyed the biblical plan

    of salvation, then we should enthusiasti-cally share the gospel of Jesus Christ withevery person possible. Jesus said inMatthew 24:14, And this gospel of thekingdom shall be preached in all theworld for a witness unto all nations; andthen shall the end come.

    If we are ever going to evangelize theworld, the time is now! If we ever plan toreach our lost loved ones, it must be now!Remember, we must work while it is day;for the night cometh, when no man canwork.

    Cover Story

    Singer Lee Greenwood performs, during the "A Prayer for America" service at Yankee Stadium

    on September 23rd. Prayers at this Interfaith event were led by Cardinal Edward Egan, left, and

    a medley of spiritual leaders from most of the worlds major religions.


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    I t was a day to remember...But was i t a day foreseen?


    The Bible prophesies thedestruction of Babylon inthe 18th chapter ofRevelation. Many of theevents that happened in

    New York City on September 11th borean eerie resemblance to parts of this

    prophecy. Some of the similarities arehard to ignore. Many have asked, so letstake a look.

    It has been widely taught in recentyears that, while Revelation 17 describesreligious Babylon, Chapter 18 portrayseconomic Babylon. Political Babylon iselsewhere. The three Babylons are taughtto be separate. Based on this theory, it isreasoned that the United States, repre-sented by its financial center, New YorkCity, is economic Babylon.

    The frightening images captured andimmortalized on the fateful day of the ter-ror attack resembled some of the prophe-cies about Babylon in Revelation 18,leading many to wonder if this prophecyhas now been fulfilled.

    Apparent Similarities M ysteryBabylon vs. New York City

    Revelation 18:8: Therefore shall herplagues come in one day, death, andmourning, and famine; and she shall be

    Prophecy Insight



    Covered head to toe in soot, people make their way amid debris from the World Trade Center.We read in Revelation 18:17-19: For in one hour

    so great riches is come to nought... And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!... And they

    cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city..." Was this prophecy fulfilled on September 11?

    Is New York CityMystery Babylon?Was Revelation 18 Fulfilled on September 11, 2001?

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    utterly burned with fire: for strong is theLord God who judgeth her. It did happenin one day death, mourning and fire.

    9b-10: they shall see the smoke of herburning, Standing afar off for the fear ofher torment, saying, Alas, alas, that greatcity Babylon, that mighty city! for in onehour is thy judgment come. Much

    smoke, many standing afar off seeing thetorment, the towers fell in just over anhour.

    19: And they cast dust on their heads,and cried, weeping and wailing, saying,Alas, alas, that great city, wherein weremade rich all that had ships in the sea byreason of her costliness! for in one hour isshe made desolate. The images of peopleescaping from the buildings covered headto toe in soot comes mightily close to thisverse. Many were certainly made rich bythe activities at the World Trade Center.

    21: And a mighty angel took up astone like a great millstone, and cast itinto the sea, saying, Thus with violenceshall that great city Babylon be throwndown, and shall be found no more at all.The World Trade Center is no more.

    A Closer Look at the Simi lari tiesSo it seems like a fit. But wait. Lets

    look a little closer at some of these con-clusions.

    Revelation 18:2 begins: Babylon thegreat is fallen, is fallen. We have yet toprove whether or not New York City iseconomic Babylon. So this scripture,however poetic, offers us no proof.

    8: Therefore shall her plagues come inone day, death, and mourning, andfamine; and she shall be utterly burnedwith fire: for strong is the Lord God whojudgeth her. Taking a second look at thisverse, we should recognize that faminewas, in no way, a result of this catastro-phe. Furthermore, the word utterlydenotes absoluteness and totality. The

    subject is economic Babylon, not a fewbuildings of the many located in lowerManhattan. The New York StockExchange was not destroyed. The marketsare open. The word utterly does not fit.

    19: And they cast dust on their heads,and cried, weeping and wailing, saying,Alas, alas, that great city, wherein weremade rich all that had ships in the sea byreason of her costliness! for in one hour isshe made desolate. Nobody cast dust ontheir own heads in an act of mourning asthey saw their money going down the

    tubes. The people covered head to toe insoot were escaping for their lives. Toliken this verse to those covered in soot isirresponsible.

    21b: Thus with violence shall thatgreat city Babylon be thrown down, and

    shall be found no more at all. The citywas not thrown down, only a few build-ings. We cannot say that the city shallbe found no more. Only the World TradeCenter shall be found no more.

    It has been said that the United Statesis Babylon of Revelation 18. When con-fronted with the fact that Babylon is acity, not a country, it is contended thatthe U.S. is represented by its financialcenter, New York City. We now see thatin order to really link the description

    given to us in Chapter 18, we must fur-ther narrow Babylon down to a few spe-cific office buildings, while overlookingthe fact that trading has now resumed.

    M ore Problem Verses in Chapter18

    Verse 2 states that Babylons fall resultsin her being the habitation of devils, andthe hold of every foul spirit, and a cage ofevery unclean and hateful bird. This doesnot fit.

    According to verse 9, leaders of nations

    world over, who have committed fornica-tion and lived deliciously with her,should be in great mourning right now.But they are not.

    Verses 11-14 prophesy that the mer-chants of the earth shall weep and mourn

    over her; for no man buyeth their mer-chandise any more: Obviously not ful-filled.

    Verse 16 describes Babylon as beingclothed in fine linen, and purple, andscarlet, and decked with gold, and pre-cious stones, and pearls. This neitherdescribes the World Trade Center, norlower Manhattan, nor the City of NewYork, nor the United States of America.

    Verse 23 states that by the sorceries ofthis Babylon were all nations deceived.

    In what way were all nations deceived?Verse 24: And in her was found theblood of prophets, and of saints, and of allthat were slain upon the earth. Does thisdescribe New York or the U.S.A.? No, itdoes not. Neither New York nor theUnited States has ever been involved inreligious persecution. It simply does notfit.

    Summary to dateOnly the World Trade Center fell, not

    Wall Street, not the city, not the country.

    Revelation 18:8 says Babylon shall be utterly burned with fire. Verses 11-14 prophesy that "the

    merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise

    any more:" The photo above was taken from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on

    Monday, September 17, six days after the attacks. Obviously, Revelation 18 has not been



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    The word utterly can only apply to afew buildings. Stocks are trading. Nofamine took place. There is no record ofpeople casting dust on their heads inmourning. The city can still be found. Avery small percentage of those who workin economic Babylon lost their lives.Nations are still doing business with

    Wall Street. Her merchandise is stillbeing bought. She is not clothed in pur-ple and red. She does not deceive by sor-ceries. And she has no record of killingprophets and saints.

    Regardless of whether you have beentaught in the past that Babylon is theUnited States, New York City, the WallStreet district, or the specific buildings ofthe World Trade Center, Revelation 18does not fit. Yes, there are some strikingsimilarities, but thats as far as one shouldgo.

    Babylon of Revelation 18 =Babylon of Revelation 17

    By comparing certain scriptures inRevelation 18 with parallel verses inChapter 17, we will prove beyond allshadow of a doubt that the Babylon of 17and 18 are one and the same. Then wewill proceed to identify who Babylonreally is.

    First, we will compare Revelation 17:2with 18:3 and 18:9:

    With whom the kings of the earthhave committed fornication, and theinhabitants of the earth have been madedrunk with the wine of her fornication(17:2)... For all nations have drunk of thewine of the wrath of her fornication, andthe kings of the earth have committedfornication with her, and the merchants ofthe earth are waxed rich through theabundance of her delicacies (18:3)... Andthe kings of the earth, who have commit-ted fornication and lived deliciously withher, shall bewail her, and lament for her,

    when they shall see the smoke of herburning (18:9).Clearly, these two chapters describe the

    same entity. It would be hard to concludeotherwise. Now compare Revelation 17:4with 18:16:

    And the woman was arrayed in purpleand scarlet colour, and decked with goldand precious stones and pearls, having agolden cup in her hand full of abomina-tions and filthiness of her fornication(17:4)... that great city, that was clothedin fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and

    decked with gold, and precious stones,and pearls! (18:16).

    According to these verses as well,Revelation 17 and 18 describe the sameBabylon.Theres more. 17:6a versus 18:24a:And I saw the woman drunken with

    the blood of the saints, and with theblood of the martyrs of Jesus (17:6)... Andin her was found the blood of prophets,and of saints (18:24).

    Enough said.

    Babylons Destruction Is atArmageddon

    Now that we have proven that therecan be no distinction between theBabylon of one chapter to the next, letslook at two more parallels. Revelation14:7b-8 speaks of Babylons fall.

    for the hour of his (Gods) judg-ment is come... Babylon is fallen, is fall-en, that great city, because she made allnations drink of the wine of the wrath ofher fornication.

    We can see that this description isidentical to 17:2, 18:3 and 18:9.Revelation 18:2 also uses the Babylonthe great is fallen, is fallen terminology.And we see that the fall of Babylon is thehour of Gods judgment.The final parallel is found in the 7th

    Vial. This is where the rubber meets the

    road on trying to parallel Revelation 18with the events of September 11th. Weare about to see that the destruction ofBabylon occurs not on September 11,2001, but at the time of the Battle ofArmageddon.

    Revelation 16:16-21 clearly states thatthe events of the 7th Vial include theBattle of Armageddon. According toverse 19 they also include the judgmentupon Babylon. And the great city wasdivided into three parts, and the cities ofthe nations fell: and great Babylon camein remembrance before God, to give untoher the cup of the wine of the fierceness ofhis wrath. The judgment upon Babylondescribed in the 7th Vial is furtherdescribed in Chapters 17 and 18. We willprove this by paralleling 16:19 with 18:5.

    great Babylon came in remem-

    brance before God, to give unto her thecup of the wine of the fierceness of hiswrath (16:19)... For her sins have reachedunto heaven, and God hath rememberedher iniquities (18:5).This remembrance by God is followed

    by a description of the fierceness of Hiswrath. Its His judgment. The subject ofRevelation 17 and 18 is the judgment ofthe great whore (17:1). Chapter 18describes this judgment the fiercenessof the plagues and wrath that He willpour out upon her.

    Prophecy Insight

    Revelation 17 depicts a woman riding a red-colored beast, and gives us clues as to her identi-

    ty. Revelation 18 goes on to describe what happens to her. The two chapters are one continu-

    ous stream of thought; they cannot be separated!


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    In summary, the Babylon of Chapter 17is the Babylon of Chapter 18. Its fall isthe hour of Gods judgment (14:7-8),which includes the judgment of the greatwhore (17:1). I t is when God remembersher (16:19, 18:5). The 7th Vial occurs atthe time of the Battle of Armageddon,and therefore, the judgment of the great

    whore described in Chapter 18 occursthen too.

    So Who Is Babylon of Revelation18?

    Now that we have taken great pains toprove what Babylon is not and why shedid not fall on September 11, 2001, letssee who she is. Revelation 18 describesher judgment, but Chapter 17 tells us heridentity. We are given several unmistak-able clues:

    Verse 18 tells us that the woman is a

    city. Verse 15 teaches that she is also aninternational system, sitting on peoples,multitudes, nations and tongues. Verse 9explains that the woman (the city) sits onseven hills. Verse 4 says that the woman isarrayed in purple and red. According toverse 6, the woman was to be a great per-secutor of Gods people.There is a very powerful force on this

    earth that fulfills every one of theseprophecies to the letter.

    Rome is a city. It is universally knownas The City of Seven Hills. It is the

    headquarters for the Roman CatholicChurch, which claims one billion mem-bers from all over the world.There are two ruling bodies in the

    Catholic Churchthe Cardinals whowear red, and the Bishops andArchbishops who wear purple. Historytells us that the Vatican and the papacyhave been responsible for the deaths of atleast 50 million Christians over the last1,700 years.The Vatican fulfills this prophecy so

    accurately it is astonishing. Rome is theMystery Babylon in Revelation 14, 16,17 and 18. It is not America, and it is notNew York City.

    On the surface, the parallels betweenRevelation 18 and the terror attack arestriking and worthy of a second look. Thesecond look, however, reveals that there isno connection.I f you would l ike more information about

    Revelation 17, please contact Endtime. Simply

    request the free bookl et, Why So ManyChurches.

    1. The day of the Lord will come as a _____ in the night.A. Mouse B. Thief C. Murderer D. None of these

    2. Who sat at Jesus feet and heard His word?

    A. Mary B. Martha C. Lazarus D. All of these3. Whom did Paul persecute?A. Romans B. The Church of God C. The Sanhedrin D. The Pharisees

    4. What physical difficulty did Isaac have when he was old?A. Cross-eyed B. Arthritis C. His eyes were dim D. He had a limp

    5. Why did Christ die on the cross?A. For our sins B. He was forced into doing it. C. Because Satantricked Him into doing it. D. The Bible doesnt say.

    6. What bird did God command to feed Elijah?A. Sparrow B. Bittern C. Raven D. Hawk

    7. Whose face looked like the face of an angel when the council looked at him?A. Titus B. Stephen C. Timothy D. Peter

    8. Before whom does the Lord prepare a table, in Psalm 23:5?A. Mine enemies B. My friends C. The neighbors D. The king

    9. In Ephesians 4:11, one of these is not for the perfecting of the saints.A. Prophets B. Apostles C. Pastors D. Novices10. What did Jesus say to the leper? I will, be thou

    A. Likewise B. Gone C. Clean D. Cursed11. How did Moses obey God to obtain water from the rock at Messah?

    A. By striking it B. By speaking to it C. By drilling a holeD. By standing on it

    12. This son of Jonathon, dropped by his nurse, became crippled.A. Joab B. Mephibosheth C. Abner D. Jonathon

    13. With only three hundred men he defeated the Midianites.A. Joshua B. Moses C. Gideon D. David

    14. From what tribe did the Lord spring?A. Judah B. Gad C. Asher D. Simeon

    15. Who did God send to prepare the way for Jesus?

    A. Barnabas B. John Mark C. John the Baptist D. Joseph16. Who was inflicted from head to foot with boils?A. Elisha B. Job C. Adonijah D. Nathan

    17. Cast not your pearls before this animal, said Jesus.A. Camels B. Swine C. Mules D. Cows

    18. Paul refers to _____ as My own son in the faith.A. Timothy B. Titus C. Silas D. Demas

    19. What is a little member that boasts great things?A. Ear B. Midget C. Tongue D. Mind

    20. This leader was told to be strong and of a good courage.A. Joshua B. Caleb C. Gehazi D. Samuel

    Whetstoneby John L. Bryant

    Answers on page 31

    Who Is Babylon?Clues from Revelation 17 Rome New YorkIs it a city? yes no

    Headquarters of an international system? yes could be

    Arrayed in purple and red? yes no

    Known for killing saints and prophets? yes no

    Does it sit on seven hills? yes no

    Mother of harlots? Does she have children? yes no

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    The Globalist Perspective

    Jim Garrisson serves as President of

    Mikhai l Gorbachevs State of the World

    Forum. The State of the World Forum is a

    think-tank of prestigious world leaders. I ts

    goal is to determine the course that global gov-

    ernance should take as we move into the 21st

    Century. The fol lowing op-ed piece by Jim

    Garrison articulates the view of Gorbachevs

    State of the World Forum and those who

    believe that one-worl d government is the only

    answer to the myriad problems confronting ourworld.

    On September 11, 2001, weAmericans lost our senseof invulnerability andjoined in the universalityof human suffering. Not

    only for a moment did the world becomeAmerica, as so many noted, but Americabecame the world.

    As we mourn our dead, let us also

    mourn the frailty of the human spirit andhumanitys incapacity to be consistentlyhumane. As painful as our agony is here,what America has just suffered is whatothers throughout the world have experi-enced, sometimes with even more devas-tating impact, and sometimes at thehands of Americans. People around theearth are caught up in a complexity ofhatreds as both victims and victimizers:in Ireland, in the Middle East, in theBalkans, in Rwanda, in South Africa, inAfghanistan, in Cambodia, in Vietnam.

    The list is endless.Given the enormity of the barbarity

    America experienced, the Governmentwill certainly exact vengeance. Thedestruction of the World Trade Towersand the Pentagon were veritable acts ofwar against the United States. While weplan our vengeance, however, let us alsobe aware that, from the point of view ofour enemies, we are guilty of horrendouscrimes against them; thus their hatredagainst us. To plan such acts as whatoccurred on September 11, with such ahigh degree of sophistication and preci-sion, are not simply the acts of madmenbent on a binge of random destruction.They were calculated deeds deliberatelyconceived, meticulously planned andmethodically executed by men andwomen of such deep conviction that theywere willing to give their very lives asinstruments of the success of their mis-

    sion.President Bush has rightly declaredwar against such terrorism. We mustknow that Osama bin Laden is a warriordedicated to more than just war; he isleading a holy war against the UnitedStates and Israel. He is not a diplomat; heis not a negotiator; he is not a compro-miser. He is a man of war who, ironically,was an ally of the CIA in the 1980s dur-ing the war in Afghanistan against theSoviets. He has been building his armyand his tactics for decades with an abso-

    lutism that only elevating war to therealm of the holy can instill. He will killuntil he himself is killed. When we even-tually do this, as I assume we will, wemust understand that in his place willarise myriad new Osama bin Ladens,equally committed, equally impassioned,equally ruthless. When one fights firewith fire, fire is not always vanquished. Itcan lead to a conflagration that burnsbeyond any borders, particularly if one isfighting a fire that is considered holy.

    As we seek his demise, it is perhapsworth reflecting on some truths providedby the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah,now upon us. At the core of this com-memoration of the Jewish New Year liesthe story of Deborah, a woman judge ofancient Israel, whose leadership includedthe mourning of Sisera, the Generalagainst whom the Jews of the time werefighting. At the moment of victory

    against him and also in the midst of theirgrieving for their own dead, Deborahintuited that the pain of the mothers onthe other side was just as intense as thatof her own people. In this, she understoodone of the great truths of all religions,that we are all one, which, if we can bearto think the thought, means that Osamabin Laden is us, and we are him, and weare all made of the same dust.

    Bush and bin Laden are caught up inthe act of co-origination. In a deep andmysterious way there is a deep syn-

    M ikhail Gorbachevs

    view of theAtta ck on Am e rica

    An Op-Ed by Jim Garr i son

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    chronicity of opposites coming togetherbetween them with a force that, if we canendure and live through it, can potential-ly redeem us. Bin Ladens attacks cameagainst the two icons of American power:global capitalism in the World TradeCenter and U.S. military might in thePentagon. Adding insult to injury, the

    hijackers used American technology todestroy American symbols, transformingAmerican civilian airplanes into guidedmissiles against American institutions.Underestimating the enemy, Americanintelligence was caught completelyunprepared.

    More deeply, the attack came againstperhaps the most conservative adminis-tration in modern American historywhich has been systematically withdraw-ing from all multilateral agreements andtreaties with the exception of those which

    increase American economic power.Paradoxically, the actions of September11 were taken against the son of the manwho organized the coalition of nations tofight Desert Storm, the catalytic point atwhich bin Laden turned his armiesagainst the Untied States. History hasbestowed upon George W. the task oforganizing a coalition against the manthat his fathers coalition turned into theenemy. The President, who is withdraw-ing from the world in order to maximizeAmericas freedom for unilateral actionsin the world, has been met by the ulti-mate unilateralist: bin Laden. The super-power has met the super-empoweredindividual.To succeed, Bush the unilateralist must

    become the premier multilateralist. Hemust forge a coalition of nations againstworld terrorism like the world is trying toforge to deal with global warming,nuclear disarmament, trafficking in smallarms, chemical and biological weapons,all coalitions and treaties from which he

    has disengaged. Perhaps the ultimateirony of this complex set of interactions isthat this Administration might learn thatglobal cooperation and global gover-nance, meaning the alignments of nationstates around rules and norms for interna-tional priorities, deliberation and com-merce, actually serve the national securityinterests of the United States rather thanthreaten them.

    Working within the complexity ofcoalitions might enable us to tackleanother complexity: that the war against

    terrorism can only be truly won when wealso declare war on the roots which causesuch acts of barbarity: poverty, illiteracy,injustice, and disease. Terrorism does notarise in a vacuum but has it roots in his-torical, political, social and economic dys-functions so deep, so cruel, so systemicthat they create and sustain discontent

    until it spills over into a desperation thatsees no recourse other than wantondestruction against those perceived asresponsible for the plight of the terrorists.Unless there is an equally dedicatedattack on the causes of terrorism, therewill never be victory in the war againstterrorism.

    Let us meet our measure of vengeancetherefore with an equal measure of mercy.

    In so doing, perhaps we can come to real-ize that the world is not simply a roughterrain that needs to be made flat in orderto enable the global corporations, finan-cial interests and entertainment industry

    to have a richer harvest. While good forbusiness, free trade zones may not do jus-tice to the complexity of the world ecolo-gy with all its voices, cultures, historiesand traditions, all of which have theirown unique legitimacy and all of whichmust be given their rightful place ofhonor.

    While at the level of politics we seekvictory over terrorists, at the level of heal-ing our redemption might come with ourwillingness to grapple with the complex-ities occurring around us: that when

    opposites collide, they co-create; and it isprecisely our ability to hold the oppositesin a spirit of empathy and humility thatgenerates the capacity for the redemptionwe seek. If out of the present crisis theUnited States emerges more connectedwith the rest of the world, more willingto compromise national sovereignty with-

    in the context of the needs of the largercommunity of nations, more willing tolive cooperatively within coalitions thanoutside them, then light will have trulycome from out of the darkness andredemption out of the recesses of hatredand war. In one of the deepest paradoxesof contemporary history, the present crisismight compel America to reconnect withthe wellspring of values the rest of theworld intuits it needs Americas leader-ship in order to achieve.

    If we can attain this level of under-

    standing, we will have learned the wis-dom of limits, that in an increasinglycomplex and interdependent world, nocountry is an island unique unto itself;and, since there are no longer frontiers towar, the only sustainable solution to hateis to stop the underlying causes that pro-duce it, working within the communityof nations to achieve goals that benefit thepoor as well as the rich, the south as wellas the north, the developing nations aswell as those more advanced. Achievingthis, America will fulfill the deepestyearning of one of its founding fathers,Benjamin Franklin, who wrote that hebelieved the real destiny of Americawould not be about power; it would beabout light.These thoughts I pass your way, keenly

    aware that many might disagree. I amdeeply sensitive to the fact that wisdom isa very elusive thing. We often have theexperience but miss the meaning. Itinvariably comes slowly, painfully, andonly after deep reflection. This is to say

    that my thoughts now will change as mysubjective interaction with the eventitself changes, as they will with the pas-sage of time and the constant ebb andflow of the world situation. In a year wewill all look back on September 11 andview it completely differently than we dotoday. Let us all be humbled by this andmodulate our certainties accordingly; andlet us engage with each other with deep-ened empathy and compassion.Repri nted with permission from Jim

    Garrison and State of the World Forum

    I f out of the

    present cr i si s theUni ted Statesemergesmore

    wi l l i ng to compro-mi se nati onalsoverei gntytheli ght wi ll havetruly come from

    out of thedarkness

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    On Tuesday morning,September 11th, Americawas caught off-guard,completely unpreparedfor an act of terror on such

    a monstrous scale. My wife and I satstunned in front of our television as theunbelievable series of events unfolded.Like most Americans, we were horrifiedby the images of terror, pain and griefthat came across our set. We have beengripped by the scope of this tragedy and

    sympathize with those in New York,Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. wholost loved ones.

    Now America must respondbuthow? What do we need to know aboutour enemies, about ourselves and aboutGods purpose if we are to see victory inthis land?

    The Heart of IslamIt is important for us to realize that

    most of Americas six million Muslimsare not terrorists. A majority, I believe,

    are peace-loving and decent citizens wholove this country. Although we as Bible-believing Christians disagree with manyof their religious beliefs and practices,and must not support them, it would bewrong to persecute Muslims for theirfaith. Rather, we must go out of our wayto show them the love of Jesus Christ,hoping they will receive His gift of for-giveness and eternal life.

    Having said this, we must neverthelessbe aware of the fact that Islam has histor-ically been a bloody religion. This is part-

    World Government Watch

    Nearly two million Muslim pilgrims partake in Friday prayers inside and outside the Great Mosque in Mecca, Islams holiest shrine.While American

    Muslims claim that Islam is a religion of peace, the Koran in numerous places clearly teaches otherwise.



    Americas Wake-UpCall

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    ly due to the strong influence of violentsecret societies in Islamic culture and thewide acceptance of peripheral religiouswritings that promise a better place inparadise including a harem of 72 vir-gins for those men who die while tak-ing the lives of unbelievers. It is alsodue to Islams holiest book, The Koran,

    which is militant in its views towardChristians and Jews. Consider the follow-ing quotes taken directly from TheKoran:

    p. 2 of introduction (Islamic viewof Jews & Christians) The Koranaccuses the Jews of corrupting theScriptures and the Christians of wor-shipping Jesus as the son of God,although He had expressly com-manded them to worship none butHim.

    Surah 5:51 (No friendship with

    Jews or Christians) Believers, takeneither the Jews nor the Christiansfor your friends. They are friendswith one another. Whoever of you

    seeks their friendship shall becomeone of their number. God does notguide the wrongdoers.

    Surah 9:73 (Make war on unbe-lievers) Prophet, make war on theunbelievers and the hypocrites anddeal rigorously with them. Hell shallbe their home: an evil fate.

    Surah 9:5 (Slay the idolaters/unbelievers) When the sacredmonths are over slay the idolaterswherever you find them. Arrestthem, besiege them, and lie inambush everywhere for them.

    Surah 5:33-34 (Enemies should beslain or crucified) Those that makewar against God (Allah) and Hisapostle (Muhammad) and spread dis-order in the land shall be slain orcrucified or have their hands and feetcut off on alternate sides, or be ban-

    ished from the land.Surah 47:3-6 (Behead the enemy)

    This, because the unbelievers followfalsehood, while the faithful follow

    the truth from their Lord. Thus Godlays down for mankind their rules ofconduct. When you meet the unbe-lievers in the battlefield strike offtheir heads and, when you have laidthem low, bind your captives firmly.Then grant them their freedom ortake a ransom from them, until War

    shall lay down her burdens. Thusshall you do. Had God willed, Hecould Himself have punished them;[but He has ordained it thus] thatHe may test you, the one by theother.

    Surah 4:99 (Special reward foraggressive martyrs) He that leaveshis home in the cause of God shallfind many a refuge in the land andgreat abundance. He that leaves hisdwelling to fight for God and Hisapostle and is then overtaken by

    death shall be recompensed by God.Surely God is forgiving and merci-ful.

    Surah 22:57 (Eternal punishment

    A masked Palestinian holds a Koran and a knife while marching in a funeral procession in the streets of Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip Tuesday,

    November 14, 2000, for three men killed during clashes with Israeli soldiers.


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    for unbelievers) Those that have

    embraced the true Faith and donegood works shall enter the gardens ofdelight; but the unbelievers whohave denied Our revelations shallreceive an ignominious punish-ment.(Source: The Koran, Translated by N. J.

    Dawood, Penguin Books, London, 1999)Many Muslims in the United States

    have probably never read all of the Koranor, at least, do not take all of its decreesliterally. The problem is, if they keeptheir innermost beliefs to themselves,

    how do we distinguish those Muslims

    who accept all of The Korans teachingsfrom those who do not. If only one in athousand were willing to kill for theirfaith we could be in serious trouble. Iwould not be surprised if there are hun-dreds, if not thousands, of potentialIslamic terrorists in this country at thisvery momentnot a pleasant thought!

    Our leaders will need great wisdomand discernment to deal with this delicatesituation. How does one protect peace-loving Muslims while punishing thosewho approve of terrorism, if one cannot

    tell the difference?

    The Goal of TerrorismI first became a student of global reli-

    gious and political trends during the1980s when I was the Europe and MiddleEast Trade Specialist for the governmentof Indiana. My travels took me to over 20

    countries where I worked hand-in-handwith U.S. Embassy personnel who wereresponsible for arranging most of mymeetings. Through my contacts at theembassies and in the international busi-ness community, I soon discovered thatthere was a concerted effort underway toestablish a one-world government. Apush was also being launched to unify theworlds religions into one collectivewhole. Various Interfaith/New Age meet-ings were being planned to make thishappen. I wrote about these develop-

    ments in my two booksEn Route to GlobalOccupation and The New World Religioninan attempt to warn the world, particular-ly Christians, of things to come. If wewere forewarned, we could perhapsbecome spiritually prepared for the diffi-cult times ahead.

    As a result of my research, I becamefully convinced that terrorism is animportant part of the one-world agenda. Ibelieve Satan is using it to apply pressureon Western society to get people to goalong with a solution that under normalcircumstances they would never accept. Ifhumans could be brought to the pointwhere they thought the world was on theverge of destruction, then perhaps theymight finally be willing to embrace aone-world political/religious systempromising to bring peace while solvingEarths many problems.

    If this conclusion is accurate, then wecan be certain that Osama bin Laden andhis Taliban supporters are not actingalone. The Al Qaeda network of terrorists

    is vast and has a large secret support basethroughout the Islamic realm and aroundthe world. During my years with the gov-ernment I discovered that secret societiesare a big part of Middle Eastern culture(and have a significant influence in othernations too). The most dominant of thesesocieties is Freemasonry.

    A prominent Arab-Christian leader inLebanon once told me that King Assad ofSyria was a Mason. He thought thatSaddam Hussein was as well, although hecould not verify it. Many of the most

    World Government Watch

    What motivated the September 11 attacks? Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden leans more

    toward scriptures in the Koran such as Surah 9:73: Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and

    the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them...

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    influential globalists who are pushing theone-world agenda are also Masons,including Mikhail Gorbachev. Recentlywhile doing a talk show in California, thehost, Dr. Stan Monteith, told me that henow has documentation proving thatGorbachev became a Mason while inEngland.

    The fact is, secret societies have an ulti-mate goal. This is why they exist and whythey are secret. (As is the case withMuslims, many Masons are naivelyinvolved and have no idea of what theirorder is about at its highest levels.) Onpages 144-145 of En Route to GlobalOccupation, I wrote about their hiddenagenda: In August 1871, Albert Pike,the head of Scottish Rite Freemasonrydescribed a distant final war, which hefelt would be necessary to usher in theNew World Order. According to Pike,

    this conflict between two future super-powers would be sparked by first ignitinga crisis between Islam and Judaism. Hewent on to state:

    We shall unleash the nihilists andthe atheists and we shall provoke agreat social cataclysm which, in allits horror, will show clearly to allnations the effect of absolute athe-ism, the origin of savagery and ofmost bloody turmoil. Then, every-where, the people, forced to defendthemselves against the world minor-

    ity of revolutionaries, will extermi-nate those destroyers of civilization;and the multitudes, disillusionedwith Christianity whose deistic spir-its will be from that moment onwithout direction and leadership,anxious for an ideal but withoutknowledge where to send its adora-

    tion, will receive the true lightthrough the universal manifestationof the pure doctrine of Lucifer,brought finally out into public view;a manifestation which will resultfrom a general reactionary movementwhich will follow the destruction ofChristianity and atheism, both con-quered and exterminated at the sametime.I continued to write, Should such a

    crisis be permitted to occur, the amountof destruction would be staggering.

    Humanity would tremble with fearbelieving that man is about to destroyhimself It would be a time of despairand mass confusion. Add to this theresulting chaos of global financial mar-kets, which are already on the brink ofdisaster; the economic turmoil wouldonly contribute to the worlds state ofpanic.

    Once such a war began, there would beno guarantee that the United States orEurope would remain entirelyunscathed. I penned these words in

    1987. The book went to print in 1991. Ihad no idea how close this depictionmight eventually come to reality.

    Americas DestinyWhere does America fit in, and what

    role, if any, is it playing in shaping theemerging global government? During

    the last century our beloved country hasbeen blessed beyond measure. By thegrace of God and through His favor, it hasrisen to become the wealthiest and mostpowerful nation on Earth. However, sinceWorld War II the influence of the U.S.has increasingly been manipulated byinternationalists to accomplish their pur-pose.

    Beginning in a major way with thefounding of the United Nations, the chieftask of the United States would be tobuild the New World Order. Only the

    U.S. had the wherewithal to put all of thepieces in place. It has been our financialresources, creative technology and cultur-al diversity that have made the occultNew Age dream of one world possible.We are also the only nation comprised ofpeople from all other nations, giving usan unparalleled influence over the rest ofthe world.

    But now that we have taken humanityto the verge of global unification throughthe United Nations, is there anything leftfor us to do? Has the United States ful-

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    filled its destiny in the eyes of globalplanners? How might the answer to thisquestion affect our future?

    If global leaders still have a purpose forAmerica in their overall scheme of things,then perhaps we have a bit more time.But, if in their eyes, we have achieved ourpurpose, then we are expendable and

    could soon be eliminated from the pic-ture. I addressed these possibilities in EnRoute to Global Occupati on. Regarding thefate of America, I wrote:

    Having gained some idea ofAmericas role in building the NewWorld Order, the only remainingquestion I had was What will hap-pen to the U.S. once it has fulfilledits mission? There is some disagree-ment among researchers on thisquestion. Some believe thatonce we have entered the

    New World Order, Europewill be made the headquar-ters of the world govern-ment. Others believe that theseat of power for the worldgovernment will be in theUnited States, specifically inNew York City.

    As things currently stand,New York would be the log-ical choice to be the worldscapitol, given the fact that itis the most powerful andinfluential city in the worldand that the United Nations,the Council on ForeignRelations, and the TrilateralCommission are all head-quartered there. However,the secret hierarchy ofEurope, which is still ulti-mately in charge, might havedifferent plans. If they intendto locate the world capitol in Europe,they will find a way to do so. Such a

    decision, however, would probablyinvolve either the economic devasta-tion or physical destruction of NewYork City. This could be accom-plished in several ways economi-cally, through a planned collapse ofthe stock market or a severe depres-sion resulting from our excessivenational debt; or physically, as an actof terrorism, as a nuclear accident,or through a limited nuclear war.Whatever method would be selected,the European hierarchy, I believe,

    would be capable of carrying it out(if God allows it).

    Is New York destined for destruc-tion? I dont know the answer to thisquestion, nor do I wish such a fateupon the people of that city. (page65)The current unfolding crisis could

    determine Americas future, one way orthe other. Maybe the purpose of therecent attacks was merely to give Americathe opportunity to further lead the wayin uniting the world against a commonenemy terrorism. At this very momentan unprecedented international coalitionis being built to combat this terriblemenace. But could this coalition and thesteps it puts in motion actually helpspeed the cause of global government?

    Civil liberties

    The worlds unified response to terror-ism, no matter how restrained, will onlyserve to strengthen the hand of govern-ment at the expense of personal liberty. Itwill lead to higher taxes, increased sur-veillance, less privacy and fewer freedoms,to say nothing of the many smaller incon-veniences such as having to arrive twohours early at airports for flight travel.All of these are natural responses by gov-ernments to protect their citizens, butrepresent a victory for terrorists nonethe-less. If national governments arent

    extremely careful, these measures couldbe used to further empower the existinginternational infrastructure, leading usmore quickly to world government.

    InterfaithismSeptembers atrocities are producing

    another result. The spirit of Interfaithism

    is running at an all time high in America.Every religious service I have witnessedon network television during the last twoweeks has been Interfaith in nature. Theeventual success of a world governmentwill depend heavily on the degree of reli-gious unity it can achieve throughout theworld. Chapters 13 & 14, of Revelation,describe a global political system thatwill use its economic and military mightto enforce a deceptive form of religious

    worship. Once in place, this cor-rupt Antichrist system will

    become so invincible that onlythe return of Jesus Christ willstop it (II Thessalonians, chapter2).

    We have considered onepotential scenario for America;but another possibility exists. IfAmerica has fulfilled her purposefor the cause of globalism, thecoming war could be a trapdesigned to bring her to ruin.How could this happen? Letsconsider a potential sequence ofevents.

    Future PosibilitiesIn the very near future

    America will undoubtedly retal-iate for the evil perpetratedagainst her. Bin Laden expectsnothing less and will useAmericas response to unifyIslamic fundamentalists. He and

    his supporters will do so by declaring aJ ihad (holy war). When this declaration

    goes forth a sizable segment of the Islamicpopulation, not only in the Mideast, butelsewhere, could respond. If so, a secondand unprecedented wave of terrorismwould hit the U.S. and, possibly, Israel.But this would be just the beginning.

    After multiple rounds of terroristacts potentially ranging from biologi-cal/chemical warfare to the detonation ofnuclear devices the impact on U.S. cit-izens and the economy would be devastat-ing. Completely preoccupied with man-aging these disasters, and in a state of dis-

    World Government Watch

    I f global leaders sti l l havea purpose for Amer i ca i nthei r overal l scheme ofthi ngs, then perhaps we

    have a bi t more time. But,i f i n thei r eyes, we have

    achi eved our purpose, thenwe are expendable andcould soon be elimi nated

    from the pi cture.

  • 8/13/2019 Endtime Nov Dec 2001



    array, America would be in her weakesthour. If Americas historical enemies(Russia and China) were ever to make amove, this would be the time. Asunthinkable as it may seem, they coulduse such an opportunity to finish us off.

    We have been led to believe that we arethe worlds only remaining superpower;

    but nothing could be further from thetruth. A number of former Soviet militaryleaders some of them now Christians have warned the United States thatwhile Russia appears to be economicallyweak, from a military standpoint she isstronger than ever. The fact is, Russia hasbeen engaged in a concerted militarybuild-up while we have been scalingback.

    In my book The New World Religion, Idocument numerous aggressive state-ments made by Mikhail Gorbachev since

    the beginning of glasnost and perestroika.None is more troubling than the follow-ing. Speaking to the Politburo in 1987,he remarked:

    Gentlemen, comrades, do not beconcerned about all you hear aboutglasnost and perestroika and democ-racy in the coming years. These areprimarily for outward consumption.There will be no significant internalchange within the Soviet Union,other than for cosmetic purposes.Our purpose is to disarm theAmericans and let them fall asleep.(page 135)Gorbachev is not alone in his views.

    There are still forces in Russia (as well asChina) who would love to see Americabrought down.

    Fortunately, a third and more opti-mistic scenario exists for the UnitedStates. If we, as a nation, repented of oursins beginning with you and me and if we humbled ourselves before God,I believe He would restore His protective

    covering over our nation and delay ourdoom, as He did with Nineveh many cen-turies ago. Our repentance would have tobe genuine and come from our leadershipdown. However, the clock is ticking.Time is short!

    Setting the StageIf the year 2000 was a coming-out cel-

    ebration for globalists, this year and theyears to follow promise to be a time ofimplementing the one-world agenda. Theevents and meetings being planned for

    the rest of this year and beyond are specif-ically designed to give teeth to theUnited Nations and the cause of worldgovernment.

    Global planners are covering all of thebasesfrom economics and Interfaithreligion to issues of sovereignty, gun con-trol, and laws on how to rear children.

    Paramount to the success of their global-ization efforts is the publics acceptance oftheir extensive environmental program,which is intended to be the main vehiclefor achieving UN empowerment. Thecore document of their agenda is theEarth Charter, viewed as the MagnaCarta of the new-world civilization. Thechief spokesperson on behalf of theCharter is Mikhail Gorbachev.

    Gorbachev officially unveiled theCharter during a formal ceremony inUrbino, Italy on June 8th. He hopes to

    get his Charter cleared through the UNby the end of next year, after which heexpects to move forward with the rapidimplementation of global government. Ifthe U.S. doesnt cooperate in helping toempower the UN, Gorbachev and hisallies have hinted that the world govern-ment might be constructed around aunited Europe instead, with Russia at thehelm.

    Enter the VaticanWorking closely with Gorbachev on

    this agenda is Pope John Paul II. In TheNew World Religion, I share excerpts fromaDenver Postarticle in which Gorbachevdescribes his special relationship with thepope:

    I have carried on an intensive cor-respondence with Pope John Paul IIsince we met at the Vatican inDecember 1989The sense of mutual affection and

    understanding which resulted fromour meeting is to be found in each of

    our letters.I cannot help but say that we sharea desire to move forward and com-plete what we began together

    When I was with him, I realizedthat the pope had also played a rolein what we came to call the newpolitical thinking

    What I have always held in highesteem about the popes thinkingand ideas is their spiritual content,their striving to foster the develop-ment of a new world civilization.

    Besides being pope, J ohn Paul II isalso a Slav, and, of course, that toowas conducive to our mutual under-standing.

    However, I remain convinced thatthe closeness of spirit that was estab-lished between us was of muchgreater signifi