End-to-End The Parish Magazine of Rivenhall and Silver End May 2017 50p The flowers at St Mary’sChurch on Easter Sunday looked amazing thanks to all the helpers who came to create such a wonderful display. (Many thanks to Ann Kerr for the Picture)

End-to-End The Parish Magazine of Rivenhall and Silver End May 2017 Web.pdf · The Parish Magazine of Rivenhall and Silver End May 2017 50p The flowers at St Mary’sChurch on Easter

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Page 1: End-to-End The Parish Magazine of Rivenhall and Silver End May 2017 Web.pdf · The Parish Magazine of Rivenhall and Silver End May 2017 50p The flowers at St Mary’sChurch on Easter


The Parish Magazine of

Rivenhall and Silver End

May 2017 50p

The flowers at St Mary’sChurch on Easter

Sunday looked amazing thanks to all the

helpers who came to create such a wonderful


(Many thanks to Ann Kerr for the Picture)

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Our Services this Month

May 2017

7th May 4th Sunday of Easter

9.30 am St. Francis Morning prayer

11 am St Mary Family service

14th May 5th Sunday of Easter

9.30 am St. Francis Morning Prayer

11 am St Mary’s Holy Communion

21st May Rogation Sunday

9.30 am St. Francis Holy Communion

11 am Rogation Day Service

This will be a joint service at Edward Heath Farm 240 Witham Rd


25th May Ascension

7.30 pm St. Mary’s Holy Communion

28th May Sunday after Ascension

9.30 am St Francis Morning Prayer

11.00 am St Mary’s Holy Communion

Church Contacts

Priest-in-Charge Rev. Paul Watkin 01376 583930

[email protected]

Churchwarden Peter Hope 01376 502605

Rivenhall Contact Carole McCarthy 01376 512781

Silver End Contact Ruth Aitken 01376 583846

Musical Director Emmelia Van der Walt 07940 512407

Please hand articles for the magazine to Peter Hope or contact by

email [email protected] by 18th of the month.

Rivenhall Website www.stmarysrivenhall.co.uk

St Francis Silver End Website www.st-francis.org.uk/

Find More information on our activities by visiting our Facebook page search:-

<THE PARISH OF RIVENHALL AND SILVER END> or follow the link on our Website

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Monthly musings from your Team Vicar

As I write for you this month, it is in the knowledge that by the time

you are reading this Rob will have completed his work with us here

in our benefice; and as I wrote about last month will be getting

ready to very shortly move to the sunnier climate of the Algarve and

on to a new chapter of his life and ministry.

As I pondered on this it occurred to me that this month we remem-

ber the feast of the Ascension. Now Ascension Day always falls on a

Thursday due to the fact that Easter always falls on a Sunday, with

Ascension Day of course following 40 days after Jesus' resurrection.

As a side-note, I sometimes feel that Ascension Day is not acknowl-

edged as much as it should be within the church year. We do after

all (and rightly so), make a real celebration of how Jesus entered the

world at Christmas. Likewise, we celebrate the joy of the new life of

the risen Jesus at Easter. Should we not therefore, also make a fuss

and truly acknowledge when Jesus physically left the world on As-

cension Day too? So you might like to come along to St Mary's

church (at 7:30pm) to mark the occasion, which this year falls on

the 25th May.

I have however sometimes wondered that one of the reasons why it

is not always celebrated as much as it might otherwise be, is not on-

ly because it always falls on a Thursday, but also because if we think

about it, it can be harder for us to really grapple with. For what did it

feel like to those who witnessed this unique event, and how would it

have appeared to them first hand? Well, we find the explicit details

in Luke 24:50-51, as well as in Acts (from the same authorship) 1:9.

After the reality of this happening having really sunk-in for them, I

suppose that it may have been a very difficult time for the remaining

disciples between then and Pentecost in their wondering in what was

going to happen next. But we are reminded by Jesus (e.g.: John

16:7) that he had to go back to the Father in order for the Holy Spir-

it to come, which in turn gave birth to the post-resurrection church.

Plus, we are also reminded that Jesus promises to be with us always

though his presence in the Spirit, at the end of Matthew in 28:20.

What I think that all of this teaches us today is to trust in God. To

trust in God by trusting in all that Jesus taught his disciples, and in

turn teaches us too. Life for those disciples was full of change and at

times uncertainty, but God was always faithful to them, giving birth

to the church and steering their lives in the right direction. Likewise

God is ever faithful to us as well, and though for all of us there will

inevitably be times within all of our lives when we are wondering ex-

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actly what direction things are going to move in next, when we ex-

plicitly place our trust into God‘s hands we will frequently find that

when we look back over the course of events which took place, that

we will see God's hand there, as well as the times when we were

being held by him too.

Like those faithful disciples of Jesus, let us trust in God's presence

within our own lives. Not only individually but also corporately. Let

us trust that God will sustain us during this time of change, and that

as I am sure God has good things in store for Rob and his wife An-

gela in this new chapter of their lives, that there will be renewal and

good things around the corner of time for our benefice too.

But let us also pray for renewal in our lives. As I recall saying from

the pulpit during our Easter celebrations last month, as Christians

we are called to live as 'Easter People', and to live our lives con-

stantly open to God: Sharing the Good News of our faith with others

through both word and action, to really ponder on what this means

for us today, and to allow ourselves be challenged in new ways as

well. To ask: what are the things to re-think? What needs to

change? And how should things continue to make God's love be

known to others today?

So may I wish you all a joyous Ascension Day, and pray that we

might all know God's presence with us ever more closely in the next

few months ahead. But finally, don't forget to come along to St

Mary's church Rivenhall at 7:30pm on the 25th May as we cel-

ebrate the feast of the Ascension, and in turn then look forward

to celebrating Pentecost on the 4th June – the birthday of the

church! Paul Watkin. The 50/50 Club March 2017 winners

1st Mrs M Prime, 2nd Mrs J Joles, 3rd Mr B Hagan.


From the Registers March 2017


7th April David Mathew Adams and Lucy Clare Bostock

Internment of Ashes

12th April Ernest Roy Lines & Phyllis Patricia Lines.

Funerals None Christenings None

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Collects and Reading For May 2017

7th May 4th Sunday of Easter

All Age Service


Acts 2:42-47

1 Peter 2:19-25

John 10:1-10


Risen Christ,

faithful shepherd of your Father's sheep:

teach us to hear your voice

and to follow your command,

that all your people may be gathered into one flock,

to the glory of God the Father.

14th May 5th Sunday of Easter

HC Readings

Acts 7:55-60

1 Peter 2:2-10

John 14:1-14


Risen Christ,

your wounds declare your love for the world

and the wonder of your risen life:

give us compassion and courage

to risk ourselves for those we serve,

to the glory of God the Father.

21st May Rogation

Special Service

This will be a joint service at Edward Heath Farm 240 Witham


Readings (St Francis) 6th Sunday of Easter

Acts 17:22-31

1 Peter 3:13-end

John 14:15-21


Risen Christ,

by the lakeside you renewed your call to your disciples:

help your Church to obey your command

and draw the nations to the fire of your love,

to the glory of God the Father.

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25th May Ascension Day



Ephesians 1:15-end

Luke24:44-end Collect

Risen Christ,

you have raised our human nature to the throne of heaven:

help us to seek and serve you,

that we may join you at the Father's side,

where you reign with the Spirit in glory,

now and for ever.

28th May Sunday after Ascension

Holy Communion


Acts 1: 6-14

1 Peter 4:12-14

John 17:1-11


Risen, ascended Lord,

as we rejoice at your triumph,

fill your Church on earth with power and compassion,

that all who are estranged by sin

may find forgiveness and know your peace,

to the glory of God the Father.



Present: Cllrs. Abbott (Chairman), Wright, Knubley, Clark, and


Also present: Parish Clerk and 2 members of the public.

Public Forum

The following matters were brought to Members’ attention:

Broken glass on the footway along Oak Road – swept up by a

member of the public.

Increased number of HGVs travelling via Rivenhall.

The Openreach broadband box still remains unrepaired near

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the Village Green – a further reminder to be sent.

Matters for Discussion

Annual Parish Assembly & Annual Report

Subject to minor amendments the draft Annual Report was ap-

proved. The Clerk to provide 330 copies for distribution by the end of

April, before the Annual Parish Assembly on 2nd May.

BDC Community Governance Review

Members agreed the following as a response to BDC:

1. How many Parish Councillors do you consider are needed to run

your Parish? 7 as present.

2. If your Parish is warded, are these still appropriate and reflec-

tive of the community or should they be reviewed? Not warded.

If the parish is not warded would you want this to happen? No

3. Grouping: Would your Parish Council wish to maintain existing

arrangements? Yes

4. Boundaries: Do your current Parish Boundaries accurately re-

flect your Community/Parish? Yes

Are there any significant areas you would wish to have included

in the review? Yes, Eastways Industrial Estate.

5. Naming: Does the name of your Parish and/or wards reflect

your community? Yes

Highways Maintenance

ECC is currently declining to carry out resurfacing at the entrance to

The Drive. The Chairman will again request that this work is done as

the surface is breaking up badly.

ECC has now repainted the surface directional sign to the A12 on Oak


Concrete materials have been left on the verge along Henry Dixon


There appears to be some confusion regarding the closure of the Pot-

ters level crossing. This will be discussed at the May meeting.

General Maintenance

It was agreed that repairs to Footpath 4, accessed from St. Mary’s

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Road not be proceeded with due to the required closure of the foot-

path not being a possibility.

The Maintenance Contractor will be requested to reinstate the bro-

ken post on the Village Green at the junction of Beech Road and

Rickstones Road.

Planning Applications

17/00518/NMA: Change of render finish – 16 Tusser Close.

Members raised no objection to this application.

Planning Results

17/00106/FUL: Two storey side extension – 7 St. Mary’s Road.

Application granted by BDC.

16/02181/ELD: Lawful Development Certificate – Fair Rest, Brax-

ted Road.

Application granted by BDC.

Planning Appeals

The major development site for 350 dwellings on fields off Western

Road, Silver End has been given approval on appeal.

Ongoing Planning Issues

A12 & A120 Projects

Kelvedon PC has indicated their preferred route for the A120 is

route A. Approximately 3,000 responses to the A120 consultation

were received in total.

Rivenhall Airfield – IWMF

ESS/24/17/BTE/SPO & 17/00536/ECC: Change of stack height

from 35m to 55m.

It was agreed that the observations outlined by the Chairman be

notified to both ECC and BDC.

Following the Environment Agency consultation it was agreed that

the Chairman circulate detailed comments prior to their submission

to the Environment Agency.

Coleman’s Farm Quarry

A Liaison Group is to be initiated by ECC in due course.

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Braintree District Local Highways Panel

The latest information is as follows:

a. 7.5T weight restriction, Oak Road – The ECC Cabinet Member

has decided to withdraw his decision to drop this scheme. A new

report will be drawn up and that will include further work on

whether an exemption can be given to the landowner for access

to his field.

b. Extended 30 mph limit along Church Road – Discussions contin-

ue regarding a possible reintroduction of the original proposal

for a 40 mph “buffer” zone.

c. Rectory Lane – The stopping up of this lane has been rejected

by ECC. ‘Quiet Lane’ signs are to be installed at both entrances

to Rectory Lane in due course. Rectory Lane is the only Quiet

Lane scheme proceeding this year in Braintree District.

d. Oak Road - A new scheme has been submitted re HGVs ignoring

weight and height warnings going down Oak Road to the railway


e. Rickstones Road – a new scheme has been submitted request-

ing signs warning drivers of horse riders.

f. Rectory Lane/Rickstones Road junction – a new scheme has

been submitted to try to improve safety at the junction. The

main suggestions are to replace the 2 out of date, bend warning

signs with current standard 20 mph advisory signs warning of

bends/concealed junction and to assess the road lining at the

junction to make it as safe as possible with consideration given

for pedestrians crossing while using the John Ray Walk.

To agree the final accounts for 2016/17

The Clerk/RFO produced the balanced and reconciled accounts. It was

agreed that these accounts be accepted as a true and accurate rec-

ord. The Chairman then signed Section 1 of the Annual Return.

Information exchange and items for the May agenda

Possible installation of parking restrictions at the turning point in

Foxden. For the May agenda.

Dates of future meetings

The Annual Parish Assembly will be held in the Village Hall on Tues-

day 2nd May at 7pm with the May monthly meeting to follow at 8pm.

Tuesday 6th June at Henry Dixon Hall, starting at 8pm.

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Ann Clarke’s Monthly Recipe Uplands Biscuits,


8oz margarine

5oz castor sugar

10oz Self Raising Flour

2oz Custard Powder

1 large egg

Grease 2 baking trays

Set oven to 180, gas 4

Beat fat and sugar until very soft. Add beaten egg and rest of the

ingredients. Knead well. Roll out and cut with a plain biscuit cut-


Bake for 10 minutes until golden brown.

When cold sandwich in pairs with jam. Decorate with a little white


End to End Nature Care.

The month of May always seems one of the busiest in the world of

the naturalist with so much happening and so many fascinating

things to look at and investigate. Our weekly Wednesday evening

activities also get into full swing: details are below or on our web-

site www.e2e.silverend.org or from Simon on 01621 810141 or

07947 388180.

On the subject of websites, while the last thing to be encouraged at

this (or indeed any) time of year is to sit indoors staring at a com-

puter screen - although wifi, 4G and mobile devices do not make

that essential nowadays - the internet is a fantastic means by

which to stay abreast of what is happening in the natural world,

both locally and further afield, and even to make your own contri-

bution by posting news, sighting, photographs and the like.

There are so many useful and interesting websites that it would be

futile to try to list them all but here are some possible starting

points. Facebook (www.facebook.com) is rather notorious for end-

less updates about people’s family and social lives but there are

very many naturalists’ profiles on there, often organised into

groups with shared interests. Essex Field Club has a very active

group on there which anybody with a Facebook profile can ask to

join or indeed just browse (just search for “Essex Field Club” on the

Facebook home page). The Field Club itself also has a very good

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website (www.essexfieldclub.org.uk) and organises an extensive list

of activities that are open to all. Another County-wide organisation is

the Essex Wildlife Trust (www.essexwt.org.uk) who have numerous

reserves, large and small, dotted all over Essex and organise very

many events for people of all ages and interests.

There are websites dedicated to popular areas of interest locally too.

A couple of good examples are the Essex Birdwatching Society’s site

(www.ebws.org.uk) which features a particularly useful “Recent

Sightings” page as well as a mass of other information, and the Es-

sex Botanical Society (http://www.kenadams.org.uk) which although

not always featuring recent finds does include lots of details about

local plant identification and botanical excursions countywide.

That is all just a taster of what is on offer and part of the beauty of

the internet is that you can explore and find sites very relevant to

you and ,in most cases, have your own input to them, posting photo-

graphs and making comment. And if nothing does exactly what you

want then there is nothing to stop you creating your own site.

Our activities for May are listed below – all are very welcome to join


03 May

19:00 for 19:30

Spring flowers and nightingales, Tiptree Heath. Meet

at 19:00 at Stovern's Hall Farm (TL825172) to car

share or at 19:30 at the Heath car park 10 May

19:30 Early orchid hunt in Rivenhall Thicks. Meet at the sug-

ar beet stand by the sharp bend in the Rivenhall/

Silver End road (TL822187). 17 May

19:00 for 19:30

Spring flowers at Oxley Meadow, Tolleshunt Knights.

Meet at Stovern's Hall Farm (TL825172) at 19:00 to

car share or at the reserve (TL918149 - parking lim-

ited) at 19:30. All are invited back to Simon's after-

wards. 24 May

19:30 Newt lamping/freshwater dipping, Silver End pits.

Meet at the Western Arms. 31 May

19:30 Plant hunting on Bradwell gravel pit restoration area.

Meet in the layby opposite the path to Watery Lane

on Cuthedge Lane (TL820222). Bring hand lens and

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Sky Notes May 2017

Jupiter remains prominent throughout May and once again the Moon

makes a close pass. At 11pm on the 7th May the Moon will be just 1

degree (2 Moon widths) above Jupiter.

Full Moon this month is on the 9th.

Saturn makes a return to late evening skies, though is low down. By

the end of the month the ringed planet can be seen at midnight low

in the South, about 16 degrees to the left of, and at the same altitude

as, the bright star Antares. Each year 3 of the 4 major outer planets

of the Solar System reach opposition (opposite to the Sun) with a

similar brightness as seen from Earth. Saturn’s brightness however

slowly varies according to our view of its ring system. Currently the

rings are wide open, reflecting extra sunlight back towards us and so

making Saturn appear brighter. As the ring angle closes again,

Saturn’s brightness falls. In 2025 the rings will be edge-on to us.

After 12 years spent exploring the Saturnian system, the NASA Cas-

sini spacecraft will be deliberately aimed to fall in to Saturn where it

will completely burn up later this year. Before then the spacecraft will

fly between the rings and the cloud tops of Saturn which should pro-

duce some spectacular images.

The Cassini mission has been very successful. Among the many dis-

coveries was confirmation that the Saturn’s giant moon Titan has

seas and lakes. These appear in shape similar to those on Earth, but

instead of holding water, Titan’s seas contain liquid hydrocarbons at

temperatures of minus 180 degrees C.

Summer twilight returns this month and lasts through to late July.

So the window for star gazing is shortened but still there is plenty to

see after the Moon has left the evening sky. From dark locations the

summer Milky Way will be visible rising in the East in the post-

midnight skies of mid-May. One of the brightest sections as seen

from Essex runs through the constellation of Cygnus and on very

clear nights it is possible to see some structure in these clouds of

stars and dust that make up just one part of our galaxy.

A Spurn Head Walk

With spring in the air and a spring in their step, John and Jane

Macrae together with Jackie Allan spent an April weekend in York-

shire’s East Riding, basing themselves in the 2017 UK City of Culture

which this year is the historic port of Kingston-upon-Hull. This is a

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brief account by John.

On the first day we explored some of the nooks and crannies of the

old town where there are some delightful buildings (and two particu-

larly enjoyable ancient hostelries which were not avoided!) An early

highlight was the excellent Hull & East Riding Museum where we were

learned much about the local Holderness area and we gazed in awe at

the Hasholme Logboat, a late Iron Age boat carved from one massive

oak tree: the boat is over 44 feet long and has a 4 ft 6 in beam. We

did not know this existed, and despite many other remarkable local

artefacts, this is really something to behold.

Anyway, as the title suggests, the second day was a walk up and

down the length of the sandy/shingle spit that leads to Spurn Head.

For this we drove to Kilnsea (the end of the public road) and walked

southwards along the eastward-facing North Sea shingle shoreline.

Until five or six years ago a narrow concrete road connected Spurn

Head to the mainland road system but his has been eroded, and a ¾

mile long stretch of the spit is now over-washed on most high tides.

Being a retired flood defence engineer, John knew his tide tables so

the intrepid three were in no danger!

After about one mile, Jackie’s footsteps were increasingly sinking into

the shingle - no quicksand here but this “settlement” was caused by

her increasingly large collection of fossils and rock specimens (Simon

Taylor beware!)

The length of Spurn Head spit was heavily fortified during both the 1st

and 2nd World Wars, though most of these installations have long

eroded and fallen onto the sea. In 1914 a railway line was built along

the spit - this carried military supplies, military personnel, and sight-

seers until it too succumbed to the action of the sea: from time to

time we saw the old steel rails emerging from the sands then disap-

pearing just as rapidly.

Still on the shore and still walking southwards we walked past the

lighthouse and on to the spit’s southerly point where, looking across

to my Lincolnshire birth county we spied several porpoise regularly

diving out of the water. (Did you know that the porpoise and its ce-

tacean cousins are the closest living relative of the Hippopotamus?)

We also spied the two Humber Estuary’s protective offshore forts -

Bull Sand, and Haile Sand Forts.

OK, we rounded Spurn Head and walked by the local RNLI station.

Another fact - this is the only 24/7 manned RNLI station in the UK:

this is because Spurn Head’s treacherous waters require a local life-

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boat but there is no population nearly who can be called-out and

can be guaranteed to reach the lifeboat since the land route is now

regularly over-washed by high tides.

Anyway, we installed ourselves by the foot of the lighthouse and

consumed our picnic lunch (much fortified by the surprise appear-

ance of three glasses and a bottle of NZ Pinot Noir from my ruck-

sack!) Suitably refreshed we clambered to the top of the (now)

redundant lighthouse and in near-perfect sunny conditions gazed

at the crystal-clear 360˚ vista.

We gently strode back to Jackie’s car, partly on the remains of the

old road and partly along a footpath by the spit’s western facing

shore. Under gloriously sunny blue skies we finished this 8¼ mile

ramble, flushed with success, and facially flushed with the effects

of the sun (and probably the wine too!) A grand Walk.

Rivenhall Playing Fields Association

Minutes of Meeting held on 18 April 2017

Open Forum

There was nothing to discuss under this heading.

Matters Arising

Tree and Storage Shed – The tree just inside the driveway has a

fungal infection and is recommended for removal. Another tree will

be planted to replace it. Application for this cost will be made to

BDC for the tree clearance and separate funding for new storage


I.Fete – 17 June from 2pm. Donations are required for the following


i. bottles of wine are required for the Wine and Water stall;

ii. various items for the Tombola and Raffle stalls;

iii. old crockery for the Smash the Crockery stall;

iv. Cakes for the refreshment tent.

There will also be a Raffle, Throw a Wellie, a refreshment tent, a

bouncy castle, pony rides, and many other stalls. Stalls are availa-

ble for anyone at a cost of £10 each. Please apply to the Hall for


Youth Club First Youth Club evening will be 12 May.

Race Night To be Held on 20 May.

PA The PA system has been repaired and serviced.

Five Year Power Test

An electrician has been contacted and we await a quote for work to

be carried out.

Any Other Business

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Elections – The hall will be used as a polling station for the local

election on 4th May and possibly the General Election on 8th June.

Free Ads Booklet – The RPFA is looking into using a free ads

booklet to advertise hall events.

Post Office – This is open on Friday mornings from 9.30am to


Noticeboard – A notice with a list of everyone on the committee,

with hall contact telephone number and email address will be put

on the noticeboard.

Perspex Box – The RPFA is researching the cost of a Perspex box

to be mounted on the wall by the front door so that such things as

late cancellation notices can be put in there.

Outside PA System – This will be charged up ready for use at the


Film Night –The 28th April film will be Miss Peregrine’s School for

Peculiar Children.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 May 2017 at 7.30pm.


12 August 2017

Rivenhall Oaks Golf Centre

(By kind permission of Mr Simon Brice)

If you’re interested in playing and would like

further details, please contact Ann Kerr on

01376 515437. Thank you.


This year ‘s Summer Fete will be held on Saturday 17th

June from 2 PM to 5 PM at Rivenhall Village Hall and the

playing field. Lots of fun and games for all ages. Anyone

interested in running a stall selling Arts and Crafts etc

please contact Pauline Marshall on 01376 512836.

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Scottish Country Dancing

Rivenhall Village Hall

Comencing 9th JANUARY , 7.30 -10pm EVERY OTHER MONDAY (EG

3RD/17TH/1st May

Great for fitness and a good laugh too!

Call Sue on 01206 303338

Rivenhall Carpet Bowls

Rivenhall Village Hall Every Thursday 7.30pm – 10pm

Come along for an evening of fun with this friendly club.

The Ark

It's Open House at Rivenhall Village Hall

Meets most Saturdays 2pm - 4pm (see calendar for exceptions)

Come along with friends for Tea, Coffee & Cake

Have fun with Arts, Crafts & Puzzles

Meet new friends, all ages welcome

Sponsored by the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Tel: 07538 599584 or email [email protected]

Coffee Morning

Rivenhall Village Hall

Every Friday 9am – 12 noon

Tea, coffee, cake and a chat with friends

Table Tennis

Rivenhall Village Hall

2nd &4th Monday of the Month

1.30 pm – 4.30pm, Entry £3

Membership of Witham and Braintree U3A required £15 pa

visit the Witham and Braintree U3A website or for

further information please

call Ken hazell 01621 892417 email [email protected]

or email [email protected] or visit the table tennis page on the

village hall website www.rivenhallvillagehall.co.uk


Saturdays 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Rivenhall Village Hall, Entry


Everyone Welcome

Call Jack on 01376 514255

Riventots Pre-school Rivenhall Village Hall (Term Time)

Monday – Thursday 8.30am –

3.30 p.m (Mon 9.15–1.30)

Lunch if required 12 noon – 1pm

Call Ruth on 078 111 04813

or email [email protected]

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Rivenhall Gardening Club

Bring and Buy Sale Free Entrance

Rivenhall Village Hall Tuesday 9th May 7.30pm Plants Books Cakes Handcrafted Cards Raffle Refreshments Please come and support your local Gardening Club

Erde 121 trailer for sale good condition

£100 ono Ring 07831208607.

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Beautiful Rooms For Rent In Witham & Braintree

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Jeremy Larke



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Feering Flower Club

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Entry non-members £7 members £4.50

Watch a demonstrator

Friendly chat and exchange ideas

Sale Table


For more information contact

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Pat Clark 01376 512418


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Thursday Mornings

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Philip Little

Property Maintenance Magician

Local service at local prices

Knowledgeable and friendly

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Essex Community Messaging


Officers: A group of males have recently been

involved in committing distraction burglaries in

the Basildon, Brentwood and Thurrock areas, by

posing as Police Officers. They have fake but very

convincing Essex Police Identity Cards and use

these to trick and scam their way into vulnerable

people's homes with the intent to steal cash and

valuables. They have to date mainly been concentrating on elderly

females, but everyone is at risk. If anyone calls at your property

posing as a police officer please do not let them in without first

checking their identity. Please telephone 101 to verify that the person

at your door is a bona-fide officer. Best advice is not to open the door

to anyone you do not know or are not expecting. A good tip is to open

an upstairs window if possible and speak to the caller, asking their

details, before opening the door until you are certain who they are. If

you mention that you are going to call the police to verify their

identity, a valid police officer will be happy to wait whereas it is likely

that a bogus caller will disappear quickly.

Please try and note a brief description of the person at the door and

give this to the police if the caller proves not to be a bona-fide officer.

Other types of bogus caller also pretend to be from utility companies

or similar organisations. The above advice applies in all cases. Some

general advice is given below: General advice: -Representatives from

water, gas and electric companies rarely visit without appointments.

Genuine callers make appointments in advance and will always be

happy to wait while you check their identity. Some utility companies

now also operate a password scheme for extra security – please call

your provider for details.

Police or bank officials would never visit you or call you by telephone

and ask for your bank details or ask you to withdraw large sums of

cash. -Be wary of strangers who call unexpectedly. If in doubt keep

them out! -Bogus callers succeed because they're believable - they're

well practised and will have a convincing story and set of excuses

ready. -Next time the doorbell rings remember – check before you

open the door. Who to call: If you suspect you, or someone you know

has been visited by a bogus caller please call the Police as soon as

possible - you may well prevent other crimes occurring. In an

emergency dial 999, otherwise report incidents to Essex Police on

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101. You can also report any crimes or incidents free and

anonymously Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. If you have been sold

shoddy products or bought overpriced goods at the door you can

report this to Consumer Direct on 03454 04 05 06.

Turning the pages of History

Research by Tracy Taylor

This month I am taking a look at the old Rivenhall Reviews and End

to End magazines. I came across this article in the May issue of

1962, and it reminded me about my father who was a conductor on

Moore ‘s Buses and the tales he use to tell me.

Dear Sir, I have been asked by the conductors of the Eastern National

Omnibus Company to advise passengers travelling to and from

Witham not to request stops other than the official ones at the Oak

and in Rickstones Rd near Mr Hewitt’s. Both drivers and conductors

have been reprimanded recently for stopping at points other than the

official stops. Yours etc.., A. E. Moss (Cllr)

In May 1967 the Rivenhall boys Football Club finished runners-up in

the Chelmsford Sunday League, Division 11, which put them up to

Division 1 for the next season. The deciding match was against Little

Waltham Res. At Rickstones Road. Little Waltham scored the first

goal and Paul French equalised. M. Pease and H. Law each had near

misses then Eric Groves scored a second goal for the Little Waltham.

The Rivenhall lads then got down to some serious football and, finally,

from a perfect corner shot by Peter Stapleton, Ron Aldridge netted

the ball to give Rivenhall the one point they needed.

In 1977 we were raising funds for the Organ that stands in Rivenhall

Church now. (My Mother often recalls the panic that Mr. Albert Scott

was in when it arrived one Wednesday morning…where were they

going to put all the pipes etc.., as it came like a big meccano set!) In

the May issue a report from the Treasurer Mr. Dale that with recent

contributions from Dress Party, Whist Drive raised between them

£40. The ½pence collection bottles both in Rivenhall and Silver End

churches raised so far £31. The Total fund so far raised £849.50p.

They hoped on the up and coming Gift Day on 21st May 1977 that

they would reach the £1,000 mark! With the Hatfield Peverel

Salvation Army Band were to play in the evening. Tickets Adults 50p

and Children 25p

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St. Frances Church gift day was reported in May 1978, with the total

so far raising £62.75p. This was to go towards the floor being sanded,

sealed and polished. Also the Sanctuary fitted with carpet tiles.

Cold Calling Alarm Companies

Following calls from residents concerned about cold callers selling

burglar alarms police advice is, if you are concerned about your

security and considering fitting a burglar alarm, contact your local

police crime reduction officer who will give you free advice. We

recommend that you get at least three quotes from accredited

companies found using the web sites www.nsi.org.uk or

www.ssaib.org before making your choice, or choose a Trading

Standards “Buy with Confidence” accredited company. Buy with

Confidence companies have been vetted by Trading Standards and

have all the right accreditations; have a look at

www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk or ring 0345 404 0506.

Residents throughout the county have reported receiving unsolicited

telephone calls from companies who say that crime is on the increase

and that they are at risk. These companies offer to install a free or a

very cheap burglar alarm and claim or imply they are working with

agencies such as the Home Office or the police. This is not true.

Most people who have been contacted by these companies have had

the good sense not to allow them to visit their home but on the odd

occasion where work has been carried out, the cost to the customer

has been exorbitant. On occasions it has been stated that this is a

special offer due to their age or other circumstances and the burglar

alarm will be either very cheap or even free, what is not mentioned

though is that there will be a yearly monitoring and maintenance fee

which in some cases is very expensive.

The callers may block their own telephone number so they can’t be

called back. However if any interest is shown in their product the

company will persistently call and badger the homeowner to agree to

a visit particularly if they find out they are elderly.

My advice is not to buy a burglar alarm from a cold caller over the

telephone or at the door and don’t agree to a visit.

If you do feel that you have been a victim of cold calling regarding

home security then contact Trading Standards on 08454 040506 or

[email protected]

“As a crime prevention officer I always welcome calls from people who

want advice to keep themselves and their property secure whether it

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is installing an appropriate burglar alarm or something as simple as

having proper locks fitted to your home.”

Crime prevention officers listed below for your area will be happy to

help with any queries about home security and they can all be

contacted using the national police non emergency telephone number

of 101. Stephen Armson-Smith

Rivenhall Playing Fields Association

Minutes of Meeting held on 27 March 2017

At 7.30 in Rivenhall Village Hall

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from various people.

Signing of Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting of 13 February 2017 were agreed and


2. Open Forum

Three residents of Silver End attended the meeting. They wanted to discuss

how the RPFA run the village hall, events, hirers, costs, maintenance, caretaking

etc. They are considering taking on a Silver End building and adapting and

running it for village hire in a similar way to Rivenhall Village Hall.

3. Matters Arising

a. It was decided that rather than the whole of the minutes of each

meeting being printed in End to End, that there should be a synopsis


b. The Chairman’s Allowance has been paid.

4. Hire Deposits

It was decided to continue with the current system for now.

5. Witham Carnival and Rivenhall Prince and Princess

It is too late to do this for this year’s carnival. This will be pursued in time for

next year’s carnival.

6. Essex and Suffolk Water

Essex and Suffolk Water and Thames Water have advised us to contact them

again in mid April when rates and tariffs have been finalised.

7. Potential Acquisition of New Storage Shed

Available areas have been measured up. There is room for an 8’ X 4’ shed.

8. Youth Club

There would charge £5 per child for a year, and then small charges for such

things as drinks and sweets. Aiming for 25 to 30 children per session. The first

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session will be on 12 May and will be once a month, depending on diary. It

was suggested that we put the dates in End to End.

9. Kids Film Club

This is going on hold for now.

10. New Year’s Eve Party

This will not be going ahead.

11. Any Other Business

a. Summer Fete – Fete will be on 17 June from 2pm to 5pm. Stalls can

be booked for £10.

b. Race Night – This will be held on 20 May.

c. RPFA Noticeboard – New notices to go up have been printed.

d. Christmas Grotto Presents – Some presents have already been

bought and wrapped for this year’s Christmas Grotto.

e. Renewals and Bills – The insurance renewal has been received. The

electricity and gas services will be reviewed at the end of the current


f. Roof Tiles – Roof tiles have now been replaced.

g. Publicity – The Publicity Officer said he had some contacts at Essex

Chronicle, Essex Light News(?) and Braintree and Witham Times.

h. April Film Night – Next month we will be showing Miss Peregrine’s

School for Peculiar Children.

12. Items for Next Meeting Agenda

Please let the Clerk know if you wish to add items to the Agenda.

13. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on 18 April 2017 at 7.30pm.

14. Close of Meeting

The meeting closed at 9.45pm.

Vietnam Phu Quoc Island and Singapore

We now reach day 11 of our trip and we took a short flight from

Saigon to Phu Quoc Island which is situated off the coast of

Cambodia in the Gulf of Thailand

Our journey to the hotel was short . Much of the island is covered

by National park and the small town we visited had a main market

selling crafts and fish . The main industry is tourism with new hotels

popping up on the south west coast .

Our hotel had once been a colonial home and was situated on a

white sandy beach surrounded by palm trees This is where we

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spent the next five nights relaxing ,reading, swimming and walking

along the beach early in the morning before the sun became too

warm . Next to our hotel was an Australian bar where the young

back packers would visit in the evening to buy cheap beer .The

owner had settled on Phu Quac many years ago and had made a

great success of his business .Peter loves to snorkel but was

disappointed with the few fish he saw Our hotel was small and the

staff were all local people who spoke some English which was a great

help !

The days past quickly and we were on our way again this time to our

final destination , Singapore a two hour plane journey .We had left

the quiet island of Phu Quoc and moved on to a modern thriving

large city known as the City in a Garden and well known for its

shopping malls and exceptional attractions such as the Marina Bay

Sands .and many Temples and parks .Singapore has four official

languages ,English ,Chinese , Malay and Tamil It was originally

known as Temasek meaning sea town in Javanese .In 1299 an

Indonesia king visited the island and thought he saw a lion which he

named Singapura meaning Lion City and even now Singapore’s

mascot is the Merlion. In 1826 the population of Singapore was

1,000 Malays and now the population is approximately six million

Our journey from the airport to the hotel took us along fast wide

roads with high rise buildings on either side ,many having roof top

gardens restaurants and amazing views One of the highlights of our

visit was a trip to Sands Sky Park Sitting on the top of the three

hotel towers at Marina Bay Sands , it is a tropical oasis longer than

the Eiffel Tower The observation tower is 57 levels above the heart of

the city giving a view of the bay and harbour and the vibrant colours

of the gardens by the bay The hotel swimming pool is also on the

same level and is an infinity pool giving the impression that it

merges into the surrounding landscape /sea . Next to this amazing

building is Super Tree grove These 25-50 ft structures/ trees, are

manmade and are designed for plants to cling on to until they reach

the top We took the lift up to the walk way which towers above these

structures and also gives spectacular views above the city and bay

The city itself was already for Christmas The large modern shopping

Malls had very tall Christmas trees , lights and decorations

everywhere and with the temperatures at 30 degrees I found it hard

to comprehend that it was nearly the end of November

The cuisine is very similar to that of Vietnam and we enjoyed eating

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in the open air food market where we were able to help ourselves

to the food of our choice from the food sellers around about and

then sit at the tables in the middle of the market , enjoying the

cooler evening air and watching the hustle and bustle of the city

On the last day of our holiday we walked from our hotel to the

National Orchid gardens which began its breeding program in 1928

and now has 1000 species on display all with the most gorgeous

blooms on plants of different shapes and colours ,many dedicated

to famous people

All good things come to an end but after 3 weeks away from home

we were all ready for the long flight home to see our families and

friends This certainly was a holiday of a life time and I am pleased

to say that the eight of us are still good friends ready to plan our

next adventure! Clare Hope

If you would like to see any of our photographs please let the

editor know


The Club's monthly meeting, incorporating the Daffodil Show,

was held in Rivenhall village hall on Tuesday 11th April 2017.

Chairman, Mrs. Pat Clark, gave out the notices. She was sad to

report the recent death of John Coote who had judged our annual

Fuchsia/Flower Show for many years. The Fuchsia cuttings for the

Summer Show were distributed and Cyril Philpott gave us the

benefit of his considerable knowledge with regard to the growing

and care of them in order for us to produce some prize winning


The Club was pleased to welcome Malcolm Bradbury, our Judge

for the Daffodil Show.

Daffodil Society's Bronze Medal Daffodil Society's Diploma

The Miniature Daffodil Cup The Alpine Shield


Best Daffodil Bloom Junior Class — Easter Card




Susan Donnell would like to give credit to the late Myrle Rowsell

for Susan's winning entry in the Best Daffodil Class. Myrle was a

Gardening Club member and having moved into her bungalow,

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Susan picked the bloom from the garden!


1st Daphne Burton 2nd Pat Clark 3rd Don Scott HC Susan Donnell


1st Pat Clark (one entry)

Flower of the Month

1st Pat Clark 2nd Faith Murton 3rd Don Scott HC Darcey Spenner

The next Club meeting will be on TUESDAY 9th MAY, 7.30pm in

Rivenhall village hall. This will be a BRING AND BUY evening to

which everyone is welcome. We hope to have a variety of stalls

including plants, cakes, books and miscellaneous items. There will

be a raffle and refreshments and an opportunity to discover what

the Gardening Club is all about. We look forward to seeing you all.

Club competitions (members): Horticultural — any vegetable.

Domestic — fruit cake from the recipe in the Schedule. Flower of

the Month. Please note that the Club will not be having a Plant

Sale this year, we thank our past customers for their support. For

further information please contact the Club Secretary on 01376


Barn Dancewith

St George Barn Dance Band

To be Held at

Feering Community Centre

Coggeshall Road Feering CO5 9QB

Friday, 23rd June 20177.30 p.m. - 11.30

Tickets £15

including Ploughman’s Supper

Family Ticket £30 (Children under 16)

Tickets and Reservations from:-

Clare Hope Tel 01376 502605

Mob 07939 726299

Please Bring Your Own Drinks and Glasses

In Aid of Tower Repairs Following Storm Damage by “Doris” 23rd of Feb.

For St Mary’s Church Rivenhall



The Editor of the Magazine

Peter Hope O1376 502605

Would like to hear from

Silver End Residents about

the Activities and Events

happening in the Village

IF Someone could volunteer

as a liaison person and

email me every month with

local activities contact me


[email protected]

Information required by

18th of the month

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Organisations in Rivenhall

Clerk to Parish Council Keith Taylor 516975

Email [email protected] meets every first Tuesday

Age Concern (Witham area) Margaret Prime 514255

End to End Nature Care Simon Taylor 01621 810141

Gardening Club Carole McCarthy 512781

Meets on 2nd Tuesday at 7.30pm in Village Hall

Carpet Bowls Mick Marshall 512836

Meets every Thursday at 7.30pm in Village Hall

Playing Fields Association Mick Marshall 07749 657390

Spread Your Wings Dance Acam Laura Pearson 01376 741317


Hire of Village Hall Pauline Marshall 07749 657390

Or email [email protected]

Hire of Henry Dixon Hall Dot Taylor 571551

Mobile Library May Wed 10th, 24th Beech Road 4.10 to 4.30. p.m.

Oak Stores Sam and Kirsty Norman 618659

Organisations in Silver End Clerk to Parish Council Mrs B. M. Temple 618464

Email [email protected]

Bowls Club Roy Howard 583222

Children’s Centre Faye Savage 587960

Neighbourhood Police Braintree Policing Dial 101

Congregational Church Sharon Gray 583913

Friendship Club Ruth Aitkin 583846

Silver End Gad Abouts Denise Sullens Smith 583055

Gardening Club Liz Woor 585586

Guiding Group Carol Hutchings 07857 663959

Neighbourhood Watch Judy Hill 07896 975839

Scouting Group Denise Sullens Smith 583055

St Mary’s Church (R.C.) Vivian Phillips 583598

Tennis Club Jason Cairns 584581

Workers Educational Assoc. Brian Gillion 583706

Luncheon Club Helen Thomson 583255

Doctors Surgery 583387

Silver End Heritage Society Jackie Nesbitt sec 585702

Silver End United Football Club Mark Edgell 01376 584639

Web Site www.silverendunitedfc.co.uk

Womens Institute Brenda Warnes 07931 548193

Community Warden Jackie Windard 07785 515526

Post Office in Co-op - please note that it closes at Lunchtime 1-2pm

Closes 1 pm Wednesday and 12.30 pm Saturday

Library: Tues & Thurs - 2pm to 6pm Saturday 9am to 1pm

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Pictures to accompany the article on Vietnam

The Marina Bay Sands Hotel—Orchids in the Botanical Gardens—The

new Botanical Gardens with their amazing plant climbing Cones.

Easter 2017 the

Walk of Witness

was probably the

best attended

that the Editor

can remember!

And there were

over 40 people in

St Francis Church

for the Ecumeni-

cal service follow-

ing the walk.