HARBORVIEW FELLOWSHIP Empowering Passionate Disciples Equipping people to passionately Live like Jesus lived, Do what Jesus did, and Advance His kingdom together.

Empowering Passionate Disciples Equipping people to passionately Live like Jesus lived, Do what Jesus did, and Advance His kingdom together

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Empowering Passionate Disciples

Equipping people to passionatelyLive like Jesus lived,

Do what Jesus did, andAdvance His kingdom together.

Change Agents of Hope & Life

Change Agents of Hope & Life

Prepared & Distinct Living - Pt.3Love One Another 1 Peter 1:22-25

Love One Another DeeplyReviewvss. 1-12 – emphases of suffering and salvationvss. 13-25He exhorts them to hope (1:13), grounded in

God’s salvation of 1:3–12.He exhorts them to holiness (1:14–16).He exhorts them to fear God (1:17–21)He exhorts them to love one another (1:22–25)

Love One AnotherFear God

Be Holy

Set Your


onGod’s Life &Governmen


1 Peter 1:22–25 (ESV) Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, 23 since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God;

1 Peter 1:22–25 (NLT) — 22 You were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth, so now you must show sincere love to each other as brothers and sisters. Love each other deeply with all your heart. 23 For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.

Love One AnotherLOVE ONE ANOTHERGreek words translated love• Eros • Storge• Philia• Agape

Love One AnotherLOVE ONE ANOTHERGreek words translated love

Agape . . . selfless, sacrificial, unconditional, motivated by the well-being of the Agape’s object.

“Agape is not the victim of emotion but the servant of one’s will.”

“The opposite of agape is not hatred but selfishness.”

Love One Another


Love One AnotherJesus’ comprehensive commandFoundational pillar for the Early Church

John 13:34–35 (NLT) So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

Love One Another"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." Rom. 12:10"Serve one another in love." Gal. 5:13“And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another. . .” 1 Thess. 3:12 “Dear brothers and sisters, we can’t help but thank God for you, because your faith is flourishing and your love for one another is growing.” Thess. 1:3

Love One AnotherEarly Church TestimoniesTertullian reported that the Romans would exclaim, “See how they love one another!”

Justin Martyr stated: “We who used to value the acquisition of wealth and possessions more than anything else now bring what we have into a common fund and share it with anyone who needs it.”

Love One AnotherEarly Church TestimoniesClement, describing the person who has come to follow Jesus, wrote, “He impoverishes himself out of love, so that he is certain he may never overlook a brother in need, especially if he knows he can bear poverty better than his brother. And if he suffers any hardship because of having given out of his own poverty, he does not complain.”

Love One AnotherDescribing Real Love1 Corinthians 13:4–8 Love . . .

is patient, is kind, does not envy, does not boast, not proud, not rude, not self-seeking, not irritable,

keeps no record of wrongs,

not rejoice in wrongdoing,

rejoices with the truth,

bears all things (protects)

believes all things (trusts)

always hopes, endures (perseveres) never falls (ends).

Love One AnotherDescribing Real LovePatientThe Gk Wd literally hints of taking a long time to

get angry, to suffer long with others offense and animosity.

KindKindness includes attributes like friendliness,

compassion, generosity, considerateness, and tenderness.

Love One AnotherDescribing Real LoveNot EnviousJealousy is a feeling of displeasure caused by the

prosperity of another, coupled with a desire to have that which you do not have. The loving person will rejoice at the success of others.

Not Boastful“Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth”

(Proverbs 27:2). Genuine love is selfless. It seeks to extol the virtues of others.

Love One AnotherDescribing Real LoveNot ProudThe original language denotes one who is inflated

with a sense of personal pride. This pride is unreasonable self-esteem, generally accompanied by disrespect and rude treatment of others.  

Not RudeLove doesn’t seek to be offensive. Love operates

with determined politeness, respect, and grace.

Love One AnotherDescribing Real LoveNot Self-seekingThe meaning is: love does not pursue its own interests.

Love is not selfish, self-absorbed, self-willed. Jesus lived in stark contrast to such a trait (Philippians 2:5-8). Love thinks of others and seeks to serve.

Not IrritableLove is not crabby, prickly, or cantankerous. Genuine love

is not combative or easily angered. If conflict for truth has to come, let it be with firm grace.

Love One AnotherDescribing Real LoveNot Resentful (keep record of wrongs)Love does not keep score. The one who says, “I must forgive you, but I

will never forget what you did,” has miserably failed the test of agape. Love does not harbor bitterness nor resentment.

Not rejoice in wrongdoing, Only in TruthAgape never rejoices when evil prevails. Rejoicing in wrongdoing is at

variance with biblical love.Biblical love rejoices in truth both in God’s righteousness and His ways. Biblical truth does not rejoice in scandals and injustice but rejoices with

justice; it does not rejoice with sexual immoralities but rejoices in God’s standard for sexuality; it does not rejoice with exploitation or corruption but love rejoices in honesty and integrity.

Love One AnotherDescribing Real LoveBears all ThingsThe verb conveys the picture of one object on top of another, thus

hinting of either support by the lower object or covering by the upper object.

Love supports or will be a cover for those who are in need of such. Believes all ThingsLove is not gullible. Believing error is both wrong and dangerous.

The sense of the verb pisteuo here is that of trust. Love will give the benefit of the doubt. Love will trusts without being gullible.

We must resist being quick to being skeptical; like the Bereans (Acts 17:11).

Love One AnotherDescribing Real LoveHopesLove is optimistic; believes for God’s best in situations and

for people.EnduresThe Gk. Wd. hupomeno means to remain under, to

persevere, to bear up under a load. It is used often to bear up under suffering, trials, adversities, persecutions. Love stays with it, it endures, and it perseveres in difficult circumstances.

Never EndsAgape never ends, will not cease, it is eternal.

Love One AnotherRemoving Obstacles to Real Love




Empowering Passionate Disciples

Equipping people to passionatelyLive like Jesus lived,

Do what Jesus did, andAdvance His kingdom together.