EMI Sonic Foundry EMI Ready f

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  • 8/13/2019 EMI Sonic Foundry EMI Ready f



    Please adhere to these guidelines, and be advised that any Awards missingrequired inormation will not be !ro"essed#


    All Awards must be reviewed and signed o by your resear"h manager#Templates should only be used from the Best Practices Career Center for each deliverable to

    maintain up-to-date templates. The deliverable submitted to the Best Practices team for each Award recipient should

    include the award write-up in Word document format (no PPTs).

    ubmit one deliverable document per Award recipient! send all finali"ed deliverables.

    #f one study contains Awards for multiple re$ions% submit separately for each re$ion.

    Please ensure that there is no content used as is from any website&other source to

    maintain credibility of our wor'. Any pla$iari"ed content that is found at any sta$e willbe sent bac' to the analyst for rephrasin$.

    Submitting Awards$

    All awards $oin$ throu$h AP review (#A% APAC and select *A CB+s) should be

    submitted to the BP, team for review.

    AP will send comments bac' to analyst! then after incorporation of review comments%

    please send bac' to AP for a re-chec'.

    After edit incorporation and mana$er review% please send the award write-up to


    +se the followin$ for the email subect line of eachsubmission

    &'ear( &Region( &Award Title( )Banquet i a!!li"able* &IR+industrymar-et(/ 0112 *orth America Customer trate$y 3eadership (Customer 4alue nhancement) 05


    Com!lete the ollowing and !rovide, along with the ne.t !age, or ea"h Awardwithin the deliverable$

    Required Submission Inormation or ea"h Award

    Required Submission Inormation or ea"h Award$

    Ban6uet 7ear and *ame 0189 ,#3 ilicon 4alley

    :e$ion in which Award is $iven *orth America

    :e$ion in which Award is to be pitched

    ;ar'et 3ecture Capture and

  • 8/13/2019 EMI Sonic Foundry EMI Ready f



    Required Conta"t Inormation or ea"h Award(Award Recipient must be absolutelyinterviewed. All efforts must be made to conduct interviews with competitor 1 and

    competitor 2. Pl. provide the below information for all 3 interviews and indicatewhich nominated company is 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ranked

    *ame and Title :ob 3ipps% @ecutive 4ice President% onic oundry #nc.% #nc.

    (:an'ed 8st)

    Phone and mail 8 ?1 DD9 8?11 ! rlippsEsonicfoundry.com #nterview Fate 1?.1.89

    Gelpful comments re$ardin$ the contact and company

    o *ame and Fate of +pcomin$ ;aor Trade show where recipient can

    levera$e award.

    *ot Applicable

    o What type of interest has the recipient shown% if anyH Gow lon$ was

    the interview with the award recipient (81 min% 91 min% etc.)H

    onic oundry #nc. was very 'een in the best practice process. The

    interview lasted for over an hour. A prompt response to a follow-upmail was also received.

    o Gow is the award relevant to the companyH

    onic oundry #nc. already seems to have a very stron$ emer$in$

    mar'et presence. #t has already made several initiatives with respectto its strate$ies% products and services in order to cater to emer$in$

    mar'et re6uirements. The ;# award would reco$ni"e onic oundry#nc.Is efforts in emer$in$ mar'ets.

    o Based on your research or industry 'nowled$e% please identify relevant

    industry dynamics or important events (if any) that could be helpful toBP ales teamH

    mer$in$ mar'ets are e@pected to contribute si$nificantly to the

    $rowth in the lecture capture and 'nowled$e mana$ement industry inthe ne@t five years. Thus% the need of the hour is for lecture capture

    and 'nowled$e mana$ement solutions companies to e@pand theiremer$in$ mar'et presence. onic oundry #nc. already has a stron$

    presence in these mar'ets and is loo'in$ to further e@pand itspresence.

    o #f re6uested by BP ales team% would you and&or an #:, team

    member (#;% r. Analyst) be willin$ to conduct an award briefin$ to

    s'eptical clientsH (Briefin$ could cover the research process% why thecompany was chosen for the award% positive thin$s industryparticipants and&or customers are sayin$ about the company% etc.)

    The research is ;# specific% if re6uested for a briefin$% we would be

    happy to conduct it over email.

    o thers

    2013 Frost & Sullivan 2 We Accelerate Growth

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    onic oundry #nc. has been wor'in$ closely with *A Fi$ital ;ediateam headed by ;u'ul

  • 8/13/2019 EMI Sonic Foundry EMI Ready f



    Emerging Market Innovation, Lecture Capture and Knowledge

    Management, North America, 201

    !ro"t # $ullivan%" &lo'al (e"earch )lat*orm

    rost J ullivan is in its >1th year in business with a $lobal research or$ani"ation of 8%11analysts and consultants who monitor more than 911 industries and 0>1%111 companies.

    The companyIs research philosophy ori$inates with the CIs 9?1-Fe$ree PerspectiveK%

    which serves as the foundation of its TA; :esearchK methodolo$y. This uni6ue approach

    enables us to determine how best-in-class companies worldwide mana$e $rowth%

    innovation and leadership. Based on the findin$s of this Best Practices research% rost J

    ullivan is proud to present the 0189 *orth America mer$in$ ;ar'et #nnovation Award in

    3ecture Capture and

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    Ke- Indu"tr- Challenge" Addre""ed '- Emerging Market Innovation

    4irtual learnin$ is a nascent mar'et in emer$in$ countries. #nnovation in -learnin$

    can be used to levera$e the unmet demand for hi$her education in these countries%

    overcomin$ e@istent infrastructural barriers to education.

    ,overnment aided proects on e-learnin$ in emer$in$ mar'ets re6uire that the

    $overnment fundin$ $oes to the proect throu$h a local firm. mer$in$ mar'et

    innovation simplifies this situation and develop uni6ue business models wherein

    partnerin$ with proper local companies helps in addressin$ local re6uirements.

    ufficient bandwidth is a pre re6uisite for virtual learnin$ in emer$in$ mar'ets.mer$in$ mar'et innovation helps in optimi"in$ the technolo$y such that users can

    e@perience 6uality video even in low bandwidth environment.

    +sin$ mer$in$ ;ar'et #nnovation to address these challen$es% lecture capture and

    'nowled$e mana$ement solution companies can broaden their portfolio and $ain visibility

    in $lobal mar'ets.

    Impact o* Emerging Market Innovation Award on Ke- $takeholder"

    The mer$in$ ;ar'et #nnovation Award is the presti$ious reco$nition of onic oundry

    #nc. accomplishments in the 3ecture Capture and

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    This Award represents the creativity and dedication of onic oundry #nc.Is

    e@ecutive team and employees. uch public reco$nition can boost morale and

    inspire your team to continue its best-in-class pursuit of a stron$ competitive

    position for onic oundry #nc.

    Chart 1: Best Practices Leverage for Growth Acceleration

    Ke- .enchmarking Criteria *or Emerging Market Innovation Award

    or the mer$in$ ;ar'et #nnovation Award% the followin$ criteria were used to benchmar'

    onic oundry #nc.Is performance a$ainst 'ey competitors

    ocus on ,rowth throu$h ,eo$raphic @pansion

    Ability to 3ocali"e for mer$in$ ;ar'et :e6uirements

    #nclusive Approach to mer$in$ ;ar'ets

    Customer ervice Adapted to :e$ional *eeds

    +ni6ue ,o-to-;ar'et ;odel and #mpact on ,rowth

    2013 Frost & Sullivan 6 We Accelerate Growth

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    /eci"ion $upport Matri and Mea"urement Criteria

    To support its evaluation of best practices across multiple business performance

    cate$ories% rost J ullivan employs a customi"ed Fecision upport ;atri@ (F;). The

    F; is an analytical tool that compares companiesI performance relative to each otherwith an inte$ration of 6uantitative and 6ualitative metrics. The F; features criteria

    uni6ue to each Award cate$ory and ran's importance by assi$nin$ wei$hts to each

    criterion. The relative wei$htin$ reflects current mar'et conditions and illustrates the

    associated importance of each criterion accordin$ to rost J ullivan. undamentally% each

    F; is distinct for each mar'et and Award cate$ory. The F; allows our research and

    consultin$ teams to obectively analy"e each companyMs performance on each criterion

    relative to its top competitors and assi$n performance ratin$s on that basis. The F;

    follows a 81-point scale that allows for nuances in performance evaluation! ratin$s

    $uidelines are shown in Chart 0.

    Chart 2: Performance-Based Ratings for Decis ion S!!ort "atri#

    This e@ercise encompasses all criteria% leadin$ to a wei$hted avera$e ran'in$ of each

    company. :esearchers can then easily identify the company with the hi$hest ran'in$. As a

    final step% the research team confirms the veracity of the model by ensurin$ that small

    chan$es to the ratin$s for a specific criterion do not lead to a si$nificant chan$e in the

    overall relative ran'in$s of the companies.

    2013 Frost & Sullivan 7 We Accelerate Growth

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    Chart $: %rost & Sll ivan's 1(-Ste! Process for )dentif*ing Award Reci!ients

    2013 Frost & Sullivan 8 We Accelerate Growth

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    .e"t )ractice Award Anal-"i" *or $onic !oundr- Inc

    The Fecision upport ;atri@% shown in Chart D% illustrates the relative importance of each

    criterion for the mer$in$ ;ar'et #nnovation Award and the ratin$s for each company

    under evaluation. To remain unbiased while also protectin$ the interests of the other

    or$ani"ations reviewed% we have chosen to refer to the other 'ey players as Competitor 8

    and Competitor 0.

    Chart +: Decision S!!ort "atri#: ,merging "aret )nnovation Award

    !easurement of 1"1# (1 $ lowest% 1# $hi&hest Award Criteria




















    Relative 3eight )4* 564 564 564 564 564 7664

    onic oundry #nc. 2.1 2.> .> 2.1 2.> 2.81

    Competitor 8 .1 5.> 5.> .1 .1 5.1

    Criterion 7$ /o"us on +rowth through +eogra!hi" E.!ansion

    onic oundry #nc. is securin$ its mar'et presence and $eo$raphical $rowth by

    penetratin$ mar'ets that have infrastructural barriers to education that can be overcome

    by the companyIs fla$ship software application. The company% throu$h its robust video

    mana$ement platforms has ta'en academic% enterprise and event webcastin$ to a new

    hi$h. ;ediasite% the companyIs patented webcastin$ platform automates the capture%mana$ement% delivery% search and analytics of video lectures% online trainin$%

    conference presentations and e@ecutive briefin$s. With some of its partnerships outside

    the traditional *orth American and Western uropean mar'ets% onic oundry #nc. has

    made virtual learnin$ a protocol for elementary% secondary and hi$her education in a

    number of emer$in$ mar'ets. The company has strate$ically partnered with the

    2013 Frost & Sullivan 9 We Accelerate Growth

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    ;ichi$an 4irtual +niversity for a proect on e-learnin$ in *i$eria. #t is also caterin$ to

    emer$in$ countries such as outh Africa% #ndia% and some countries in the ;iddle ast.

    Tar$etin$ the niche area of video in education% ;ediasite is used for distance learnin$ or

    even for archival content to be made available to students. The company is therefore not

    only loo'in$ at $rowth throu$h physical $eo$raphic e@pansion but also virtual $rowth by

    e@tendin$ its technolo$y and service portfolio to meet specific re6uirements of emer$in$

    mar'ets by partnerin$ with appropriate local technolo$y firms and other academic


    Criterion 5$ Ability to 8o"ali2e or Emerging 0ar-et Requirements

    onic oundry #nc.Is ;ediasite technolo$y has the potential to easily capture and

    disseminate learnin$ processes. Challen$es such as lac' of connectivity and accessibility to

    educational institutes have found a panacea in the form of e-learnin$ that is facilitated by;ediasite. #n *i$eria the demand for hi$her education is 6uadruple the capacity the country

    can provide. onic oundry #ncIs ability to locali"e for indi$enous re6uirements is not only

    limited to its technolo$y services but also to the business model adopted accordin$ to

    varyin$ re$ulatory environments. onic oundry #nc. has forayed into *i$eria as part of a

    consortium comprisin$ the ,overnment% local university and ;ichi$an 4irtual +niversity for

    an e-learnin$ proect. The proect was underta'en to address *i$eriaIs re6uirement for

    impartin$ education to those affected by accessibility issues. The proect not only captures

    content from the +. education system but also local content and screens it to students.

    The ;ediasite platform also addressed the challen$e of inade6uate bandwidth and lac' of

    smart-devices. #t allowed the content to be made available over the internet and delivered

    over customi"ed android devices! ine@pensive tablets to view the content and to tac'le the

    issue of a paucity of available computers. Addressin$ a universal challen$e of low bandwidth

    in 'ey emer$in$ mar'ets such as #ndia% ;ediasite is customi"ed to deliver 6uality

    e@perience even in very low bandwidths. 3evera$in$ the availability of capital in the ;iddle

    ast% onic oundry #nc. au$mented the countryIs pace of education reform by providin$

    virtual and e-learnin$.

    Criterion 9$ In"lusive A!!roa"h to Emerging 0ar-ets

    mer$in$ mar'ets are characteri"ed by the re6uirement of multiple re$ulatory compliances

    and also by mar'ed cultural differences. onic oundry #nc. #nc. has ta'en an inclusive

    approach to emer$in$ mar'ets by en$a$in$ local firms either by settin$ up oint ventures or

    partnerships. The company therefore ensures it has complete visibility of the mar'et% and

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    sensiti"es its products to specific cultural standards. mer$in$ mar'ets are crucial to onic

    oundry #nc.Is operations as 91N of revenue comes from outside the +nited tates and

    Canada. Ac'nowled$in$ varyin$ levels of technolo$ical pro$ress in emer$in$ countries% the

    company has en$ineered a technolo$y that is easily customi"ed based on the needs of the

    mar'et. Partnerin$ with local firms assume a lar$er importance where $overnments prefer

    to partner with local bodies and channel funds toward education throu$h local entities.

    Adoptin$ this% the company achieves its two-fold obective! of impartin$ virtual learnin$ and

    also complyin$ with re$ulatory mandates. .

    Criterion :$ Customer Servi"e Ada!ted to Regional ;eeds

    onic oundry #nc. is concerned with two levels of service- one that supports the buyer of

    its technolo$y and the second% the actual users of the technolo$y. The company provides

    assistance to its partners throu$h the internet and to its users throu$h local partners. The

    company adopts a sophisticated model of LTrain the TrainerI such that its local

    representatives are well e6uipped to handle 6ueries. The company also e@tends its service

    to include support to physical infrastructure such as electronic whiteboards% document

    cameras and control systems of ;ediasite. The companyIs foresi$ht is evident from its

    technolo$y desi$n that operates on low bandwidth. onic oundry #nc. thus eliminates or

    minimi"es support services arisin$ as a result of low bandwidth by ensurin$ a superior

    6uality learnin$ e@perience despite bandwidth limitations.

    Criterion go?to?mar-et@ 0odels and Im!a"t on +rowth

    onic oundry #nc.Is $o-to-mar'et model is stron$ly founded on the principle of no

    substitution for local presence% trainin$ and support. The company understands that the

    mere si$nin$ of a distribution a$reement does not $uarantee revenues% it follows up by

    ensurin$ company resources are available to educate its partners on its mission and

    vision. #nnovative thin'in$ to 'eep its partners abreast with chan$in$ dynamics of the

    industry has set the company apart from its competitors that use virtual tools such as

    email and advertisin$. Testimony to the success of this model is a Catholic elementary

    school in ;acao% Gon$ classrooms fitted with ;ediasite.

    The company therefore ma'es sure of seamless inte$ration of its technolo$y% obectives

    of the educational institutes% $overnments and its local partners.

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    mer$in$ mar'ets are challen$in$ to operate in% however% onic oundry #nc. #nc.% has

    implemented its resolute vision to miti$ate the lac' of proper educational infrastructure

    and meet the physical needs for hi$her education in emer$in$ mar'ets. #n line with this

    vision% onic oundry #nc.Is strate$ies have been appropriately reoriented and technolo$y

    tailor made to suit emer$in$ mar'et re6uirements. As a result% today onic oundry #nc. is

    already well positioned in emer$in$ mar'ets% and is set to further tap into the $rowth

    potential that these mar'ets present. or these reasons% rost and ullivan is proud to

    present the 0189 mer$in$ ;ar'et #nnovation Award% 3ecture Capture and below% the followin$ si@-step process outlines

    how our researchers and consultants embed the C 9?1-Fe$ree PerspectiveK into their

    analyses and recommendations.

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  • 8/13/2019 EMI Sonic Foundry EMI Ready f



    Critical Importance o* EAM (e"earch

    rost J ullivanIs TA; :esearch methodolo$y represents the analytical ri$or of our

    research process. #t offers a 9?1-de$ree view of industry challen$es% trends% and issues by

    inte$ratin$ all seven of rost J ullivanMs research methodolo$ies. ur e@perience hasshown over the years that companies too often ma'e important $rowth decisions based on

    a narrow understandin$ of their environment% leadin$ to errors of both omission and

    commission. rost J ullivan contends that successful $rowth strate$ies are founded on a

    thorou$h understandin$ of mar'et% technical% economic% financial% customer% best

    practices% and demo$raphic analyses. #n that vein% the letters T% % A and ; reflect our

    core technical% economic% applied (financial and best practices) and mar'et analyses. The

    inte$ration of these research disciplines into the TA; :esearch methodolo$y provides an

    evaluation platform for benchmar'in$ industry players and for creatin$ hi$h-potential

    $rowth strate$ies for our clients.

    Chart .: Benchmaring Performance with /,A" Research

    A'out !ro"t # $ullivan

    rost J ullivan% the ,rowth Partnership Company% enables clients to accelerate $rowth

    and achieve best-in-class positions in $rowth% innovation and leadership. The companyMs

    ,rowth Partnership ervice provides the C and the CMs ,rowth Team with disciplined

    research and best-practice models to drive the $eneration% evaluation and implementation

    of powerful $rowth strate$ies. rost J ullivan levera$es >1 years of e@perience in

    partnerin$ with ,lobal 8111 companies% emer$in$ businesses and the investment

    community from more than D1 offices on si@ continents. To oin our ,rowth Partnership%

    please visit http&&www.frost.com.

    2013 Frost & Sullivan 14 We Accelerate Growth
