Emerging Biometric Applications Expectations and Reality (in 25 minutes or less!)

Emerging Biometric Applications Expectations and Reality (in 25 minutes or less!)

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  • Emerging BiometricApplicationsExpectations and Reality(in 25 minutes or less!)

  • An Emerging Technology

  • What are Biometrics?The term biometrics refers to a science involving the standard analysis of biological characteristics.

    A biometric is a unique, measurable characteristic or trait of a human being for automatically recognising or verifying identity.

  • Who are you?No, who are you, really???

  • Authentication Methods in Network & Internet SecuritySomething you areBiometrics Positive identificationNever lost or stolenSomething you knowPasswordsPINsMothers maiden name Something you haveATM cardSmart cardDigital certificate

  • BiometricsInnateIrisRetinaEarFingerprintPalm / handFace (visual & heat)Skin detail / veinsDNA / Blood / Saliva / anti-bodiesHeart rhythmFootprintLipsBehavioralGaitSignatureTyping style

    MixedVoiceBody odour

  • Why Biometrics?Biometric identification (e.g., fingerprints, face and voice) will emerge as the only way to truly authenticate an individual, which will become increasingly important as security and privacy concerns grow.

    - Gartner Group 26th April 2000

  • How do Biometrics Work?Enrolment: Add a biometric identifier to a database

    Fingerprint, Voice, Facial or IrisVerification: Match against an enrolled record

  • Fingerprint Image Identification

  • Randomness

  • Accuracy v. Affordability v. Acceptability01234Accuracy >>Affordability >>Courtesy, Veridicom Corp.

  • Benefits for the Consumer

  • Benefits of BiometricsBiometrics link a particular event to a particular individual, not just to a password or token, which may be used by someone other than the authorized user

  • Business ScenariosThe password problemRemote accessWho is using our fee-based web-site?Challenge-response tokensToo many physical-access devicesProtecting the single-sign-on vault

  • The Password ProblemTheyre either too easy or theyre written down somewhere!

    Users forget them!

    Help Desk has to sort out the mess!

  • The Password Problem

    Write it Down4728816% of respondentsNeverOccasionallyOftenAlwaysSource: CCH

  • The Password Problem

    Resets per YearSource: CCH

  • The Password ProblemIdentifiable costsLost productivityFlow-on productivity lossesSupport teamManagement and infrastructure

    US research - $340 per incident*

    Anecdotal some incidents over $AU10,000*BioNetrix Corp - www.bionetrix.com/inserts.pdf

  • Choosing Technologies and Partners

  • Privacy Concerns and EthicsCriminal stigma3rd party use of dataSold or given for other than intended purposeProvided to law enforcementUnauthorized accessIdentity theftTracking of actions through biometricsReligious objections - Mark of the Beast

  • Australian Privacy ActNPP 4 Data Security

    An organisation must take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

  • Privacy Policy Recommendations5 basic principlesNotice disclose ALL data capturedAccess anyone can view their stored dataCorrection MechanismInformed Consent no 3rd-party involvementReliability & Safeguarding

  • Who would use BiometricsStrong identification and authenticationMedium high data securityNon-repudiation (I didnt do it!)

  • Who would use BiometricsThe last metreFee-for-service web sites e-Commerce transaction verification

  • Selecting Biometric TechnologiesUser / environment considerations

    Technology factors

  • Technology Comparison

  • AccuracyFalse rejection rateMeasures how often an authorized user, who should be recognized by the system, is not recognized.I am not recognised as me!

    False acceptance rateMeasures how often a non-authorized user, who should not be recognized by the system, is falsely recognized.You are pretending to be me!

  • Matching vs. Non-Matching Prints

  • Selecting a Biometric SolutionWho can help?

  • Your Vendor / ConsultantExisting relationshipAbility to integrate biometrics into existing platformAbility to draw on other experience

  • Australian Biometric Testing OrganisationRecently incorporatedImpartial testerEducation sourceGovernment & industry funded

    www.biomet.org/[email protected]

    Introduction to Biometrics 1-day course August 30th

  • What problem are we solving?If biometrics is the answer, whats the question?

  • Evaluation StrategyDefine the requirementsTesting & trialingManagement buy-inInternal champion (not the IT Manager)

  • Who is using it?Connecticut Dept Social WelfareHealth ApplicationABN-AMRO

  • What are some of the products?

  • Give Passwords the Finger!