1 2017 CMO Group Review Turning Expectations into Reality

Turning Expectations into Reality 2017€¦ · productivity enhancement initiatives that helped the company meet its production and sales targets to exceed customers’ expectations

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2017CMO Group Review

Turning Expectations into Reality



His Royal HighnessPrince Khalifa

bin Salman Al KhalifaThe Prime Minister of the

Kingdom of Bahrain

His Majesty KingHamad bin Isa

Al KhalifaThe King of the

Kingdom of Bahrain

His Royal HighnessPrince Salman

bin Hamad Al KhalifaThe Crown Prince, Deputy

Supreme Commanderand First Deputy Prime Minister


Content08 CEO Message

10 CMO Message

12 Safety

Cast House achieves 5M hours without LTI Marketing SHE Week Play it Safe Campaign

22 Sales & Production

28 Training Update

32 Conferences & Events

42 Customer & Vendor Visits

48 LME, Premiums & Marketing Major Highlights

52 Alba Product Protfolio


CMO Group Booklet 2017


““ Building on our Sustainable Partnership with our Clients Across the World

Message from the CEO“Tomorrow will be different than today”

It is a matter of pride that as a Company rooted in Bahrain, Alba outreach is strong not just locally but also globally. Alba’s customer-focused strategy combined with the supply of high-quality products and prompt support service, have enabled us to expand and maintain our global outreach. Alba shares a long-lasting partnership with Bahrain’s downstream park. We are extremely proud of the thriving downstream aluminium industry, which is a significant contributor to Bahrain’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We currently sell close to 50% of our production to the local downstream customers and this will further increase once Line 6, additional 540,000 metric tonnes, goes on-stream in 2019.

While our portfolio of products have appealed to clients in more than 25 countries around the globe, we believe that there is a lot of potential for business expansion in the Americas, Asia and Europe where the physical demand for aluminium continues to be bullish. Our regional offices in Switzerland, Atlanta and Hong Kong have been catalyst to strengthen Alba’s relationship with its customers and partners – a commitment which Company takes very seriously especially as we intend to grow our footprint once Line 6 is operational.

We view our participation in global aluminium events, conferences, exhibitions and trades shows as significant as it gives Alba the opportunity to partner with new clients, build a stronger network with our existing clients as well as explore new markets to expand the Company’s outreach all the while boost our ties with key members of the aluminium industry.

We have built not only sustainable partnerships with our clients across new territories and markets but also aim to enrich our customers’ experience both locally and globally. Our marketing team’s achievements reflect our partners’ trust in the Company’s business outlook and underlines Alba’s goal to emerge as one of the world’s largest single-site aluminium smelters.


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Setting Ambitious Targets to help us in our Growth & Development

Message from the CMOWhy Are We Here?

Alba has been on the forefront of the Aluminium business in the region since 1971. The remarkable growth and development of this industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain is driven by Alba’s continuous pursuit of excellence and quality.

This passion has empowered us to increase our production capacity from120,000 Metric Tonnes when we first began our commercial operations in 1971 to a record-breaking production of 981,016 (MT)/year by the end of 2017. This would have not been possible without close teamwork and alignment between the various operational and support departments.

Alba’s Casthouse team in particular, was successful in leveraging the cumulative technical expertise of its team members to rely on numerous productivity enhancement initiatives that helped the company meet its production and sales targets to exceed customers’ expectations. Our ambitious plans to become the world’s largest single site smelter with the completion of the Line 6 expansion project will entail the challenge of selling an additional 540,000 MT of Aluminium to both our existing as well as new customers.

Now that Line 6 Expansion Project is a reality, and the marketing team has already geared up to sell the additional 540,000 MT I am confident that the team, will be able to find a new home for this metal and achieve our new targets that will support the growth and development of Alba and the Kingdom of Bahrain. As our CEO Tim Murray says: “you can always do more than you think”, we believe year 2018 presents the perfect opportunity for us to improve upon our 2017 performance and reach new frontiers in safety, production, sales, training, customer service and quality so that we can continue our never ending journey of excellence and success.


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“ Safety is a Top Priority in Everything we do

01- Safety

Safety has always been a priority in the day-to-day operations of Alba. As an important business partner, CMO group emphasized on that belief and contributed to Alba’s safety journey 2017 by organizing several campaigns.

The goal of the campaigns is to encourage safety ownership and pride in looking out for one another and understand that by working together, we can maintain a safe workplace without any Lost Time Injury (LTI).


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Casthouse achieves 5M hours without LTI:

We have been able to set new safety standards by being constantly focused on safety. In 2017, Casthouse achieved a massive 5,000,000 working hours without a single Lost Time Injury (LTI), this has enforced our reputation as one of the safest aluminium smelters in the world. Casthouse team and executives celebrated this major safety milestone.

CMO and Casthouse director thank all employees of Casthouse for demonstrating high commitment towards safety. This new milestone proves the 3rd Alba’s safety principle which states that all work-related injuries and illnesses are preventable. We are very proud of this achievement and we urge all employees to keep the same momentum.


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Marketing SHE Week:

This was the first major campaign organized by the marketing group to cover various safety related topics in 2017. The campaign served as a launching pad for close collaboration between SHE department, Alba Health Care Centre and various sections within the marketing group in conducting a series of awareness sessions that covered a wide spectrum of occupational safety and health topics. Centralized safety meetings took place on daily basis with the shop floor employees in the presence of the Executive Management team along with other safety activities such as Behavioural Observation reporting, Risk Assessment Training and Housekeeping sessions.

In line with the safety objective towards a zero accident work environment, marketing department conducted safety campaign to enhance employees’ safety awareness.


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Play it Safe Campaign:

The marketing group maintained its safety momentum by organising the second major safety campaign in 2017 titled: “Play it safe”. The adoption of a friendly approach towards colleagues, along with the infusion of creative ideas, made the campaign even more successful & admirable.

Different activities took place such as a self-awareness safety survey, centralized safety talks, housekeeping mini campaign and safety visits to various operational departments.

“Play it Safe” campaign aims to elevate safety levels at workplace towards a zero accident work environment. This campaign featured many safety sessions and activities for alba employees and contractors.


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Other Events in 2017:

Internally, the CMO group was successful in conducting a series of ongoing safety activities throughout the year, which included: weekly/monthly centralized safety talks, housekeeping campaign, near miss and Behavioural Observation reporting sessions, summer awareness campaigns, winter campaigns, PPE campaigns, heat preparation, water distribution campaigns, and mock drills along with regular monthly visits to other departments.

In line with the safety objective towards a zero accident work environment, many of Alba’s top officials paid safety visits to various operational departments to boost employees’ morale and shed the light on the importance of raising awareness of everyone about safety.

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““ Aspiring to Reach the Next Level ofExcellence in Customer Service

02- Sales & Production

At Alba, we are driven by exceeding our customers’ expectations through on-time delivery of quality products and services. Our dedicated sales team aspires to find new ways to reach the next level of excellence in customer service, technical support and overall product quality.

Year 2017 was another successful year for us in terms of reaching a new production record despite the challenges and difficulties surrounding global Aluminium industry and we are confident that Alba will always aim to exceed the industrial benchmark in Aluminium production and services. This will enable us to get prepared for our upcoming challenges in finding new markets for the anticipated increase in production with the start of operations in Line 6, making us not only the largest single site smelter in the world, but also an industrial leader in terms of customer care and services.

“Despite going through Force Majeure, we managed to regain control and maintain customers’ trust based on the efficiency of the recovery process under the leadership of our CEO Tim Murray.

Alba’s recovery did not only prove our resilience, but was also a record breaking achievement as the safest and fastest of its kind among pot lines operating under AP30 technology.”

Khalid A Latif - CMO


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Products to Prosper An Eye for Excellence

2017 Sales per product-line 2017 Production per product-line

Sales - Value Added Products Production - Value Added Products

Alba recorded a sales volume of 978K Metric Tonnes (MT) for 2017, which represents a year-on-year (YoY) increase of 0.4%, in spite of Line 5 crisis and downward forces on demand. In terms of value added products, Alba’s billets output topped 351,883 Metric Tonnes (MT), representing 34% of total production. By the end of 2017, Value-Added product sales averaging 57% of total shipments.

Alba is perceived for the high quality products, we currently produce more than 981k Metric Tonnes (MT) per annum of high quality primary Aluminium products at our location in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

37% 36%










59%56% 58%




CMO Group Booklet 2017


Leading the Way in Primary Products

Alba always committed to expand its presence around the globe, our marketing team’s accomplishments mirror the expanding global thrust of the company’s business outlook, and underline Alba’s goal to emerge as one of the world’s biggest single site aluminium smelter.

As for the local downstream customers, Alba is committed to strengthening its local customer base, currently standing at 45% of production in 2017, by increasing areas of mutual cooperation and partnership. We also believe that there is a lot of potential for business expansion in the US, where the demand for primary Aluminium is going on an upward trend.

Sales per region

Since its inception in 1968, Alba’s vision centred on the objective of delivering the highest grade of products to our customers and partners across the globe. This futuristic vision was supported by the expansion of our global footprint and presence in our regional offices in Hong Kong,

Switzerland and the United States of America.

Being close to our customers geographically helps in the delivering of top notch services and solidifying our partnership with them on all possible levels. We are optimistic that this long

standing partnership will help us achieve our future goals and provide us with the necessary momentum to expand our reaching and develop new working relationships with more

customers globally.

From Bahrain to the World










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“ Tomorrow Will Be DIFFERENT Than Today

03- Training Update

There is nothing more valuable than educations.Alba has a firm belief in the importance of training and education at all levels of the organizations, as there is nothing more valuable than education. And in line with the CEO’s expectations for 2017 marketing group’s employees completed a total of 84K hours of training which aimed at enhancing and developing employees’ skills, productivity, communication and alignment.


of H


CMO Group Booklet 2017


In addition to skill-based training courses, we paid equal importance to the development of the leadership capabilities of our staff, as means to enhancing the professional development of all key employees and prepare them for the future challenges facing Alba. This was translated through a series of training workshops on various topics such as leadership, teamwork, alignment and strategic planning.

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“ The Road Towards Line 6 Starts NOW

04- Conferences & Events

Being present on the global Aluminium industry map is an important aspect for the marketing group. Each year, Alba ensures full participation in all key Aluminium Industry related Conferences, Exhibitions, Trade shows and events, through which our delegates aim exploring new areas to expand our footprint, building a stronger network with existing as well as new customers and getting updated with the latest market news and trends.



CMO Group Booklet 2017


Connecting People

Effective participation in industry related events is an integral part of our strategic plan to increase our market presence globally.

We always aspire to be present in the most renowned Aluminium events on the annual calendar. Through these participations, we not only aim to connect with our partners and customers, but also get updated on the latest trends in the Aluminium industry and global market prices.

We also aspire to get involved with our major customers and suppliers through numerous site visits, workshops and joint events, which can also provide the ideal opportunity for us to showcase our commitment and dedication to the provision of world class services from a world class smelter.

The Aluminium Symposium, organized by Platts, is a well-known global event that offers educational and networking value to all participants to meet with industry colleagues and understand the key trends impacting the aluminium industry.

Platts 14 to16 January 2017

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The Nordic Aluminium Casthouse Conference is focused on Casthouse with over 20 presentations on Casthouse actualities.

The Aluminium trade fair in Italy gives an outline of the whole aluminium industry range and witnesses support from driving players in the aluminium industry involving primary producers, processors, technology suppliers and consumers. The conference took place from June 21 to 24 2017 at Verona city, Italy.

Alba reinforced its business relations, networking opportunities with the global aluminium industry by being one of the sponsors in Harbor’s 10th Aluminium Summit, which took a place from June 6 to 8, 2017 at Radisson Blu Aqua, Illinois, USA.

The 32nd International Aluminium Conference was hosted by Alba from September 25-27, 2017, at the Gulf Hotel, Bahrain. The conference featured a wide range of activities including field trips, gala dinner, knowledge-sharing sessions, and panel discussions.

Norcast 31 May to 01 June 2017

Metef21 to 24 June 2017

Harbor’s Aluminium Outlook Summit 06 June to 08 June 2017

International Aluminium Conference 25 to 27 September 2017

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Alba took part in the important fixture of the global metals industry’s calendar, The London Metals Exchange (LME) week, which was held from 30th October to 4th November 2017 at different venues in London, UK.

Alba marketing team participated in the regular market update that involved all the regional smelters, which provided the most suitable opportunity for networking with other major players in the industry.This flagship event is organized by the Gulf Aluminium Council (GAC) as part of its annual calendar of events.

GAC 18 to 19 October 2017

London Metals Exchange (LME) Week

30 October to 04 November 2017

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Alba was a key partner in the 21st edition of the Arab international aluminium conference, which occurred November 6 to 9, 2017 at the Shangri-La Bar Al Jissah, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

Arabal 06 to 09 November 2017

CMO Group Booklet 2017


“ Aiming Higher is an Ongoing Commitment for us

05- Customer & Vendor Visits

Alba raises the bar year after year, outperforming its own records and setting new benchmarks even amidst difficult market conditions. 2017 proved to be a challenging year for Alba but also a record year in terms of its production and sales. This is a testament of Alba’s commitment to always aim higher.


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Sapa Hydro

Sepal AUB

Novelis, Korea APM Terminal

Alba received a delegation from SAPA group, one of the premium customers in Alba’s Value-Added products portfolio.

They were briefed on Alba’s role to the national economy, its production processes, environmental and safety policies as well as employee development and training programs.

Alba hosted a delegation from Hydro from Nov 7-9, 2017, to discuss business growth opportunities and strengthen the ongoing mutual collaboration.

Hydro’s delegation was welcomed by Alba’s and briefed about the latest developments in the plant, as well as about Alba’s newest endeavours in the fields of safety, health, environment, quality …etc. Moreover, the delegation was given the chance to see first-hand the ongoing operational and maintenance processes, and to audit Alba’s performance in light of ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949:2016 and industry’s various benchmarks.

In line with the company’s commitment towards supporting business ties, Alba CMO and other Marketing officials welcomed Sepal’s delegation. This was held to maximise and build up the relationship between both parties.

Alba’s commitment towards strengthen its Business relations with their key vendors, on 7th Dec 2017, Alba visited Ahli United Bank, one of the leading banks in Kingdom of Bahrain, to discuss future business growth opportunities.

Alba’s commitment towards expanding its customers’ base and bolstering its presence in the global market gained a further momentum as the Company received on Wednesday, September 27, 2017, a senior delegation from Novelis Korea, Ltd., one of the world’s leading producers of flat-rolled aluminium products, to discuss future business growth opportunities.

APM terminal, one of the world’s largest port and terminal operators that provides cargo support and container Inland Services, visited Alba to discuss future business growth opportunities and look into areas of further cooperation between APM terminal and Alba.

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We always aim to gain hands-on experience to better understand our customers’ requirements and provide them with the support they need.

Alba is keen to enhance its presence in the global aluminium market and one of the key regions is the Asia and Pacific region. The visit aimed to provide technical support, improve customer satisfaction, give more insights on Line 6 Expansion Project as well as expand Alba’s customer base across Asia.

CMO Group Booklet 2017

48 “ We are Prepared to Face all the Upcoming Challenges

06- LME, Premiums & Marketing Major Highlights

The year 2017 was a year of surprises where the London Metal Exchange aluminium prices ticked 23% YoY higher, with its highest price since March 2012 at $2246 and lowest at $1701. This dramatic turnaround in market fundamentals sent LME aluminum prices decisively over the $2,100-per-tonne mark. Was a result of effected decisions during year ; US government launched an anti-dumping, anti-subsidy trade probe on Chinese aluminum alloy sheet imports, china pollution issues and 3 to 4 million MT of annual capacity offline at operations without permits.Furthermore, premiums main driver in US and Europe was strengthen in US market, during the year US premium had an awesome upward trend inlight with logistics problems, passing of the section 232 report and a potential import tariff on aluminium products. In Asia, supply-side reforms and china winter capacity cuts contributed in widening of the MJP premium.



CMO Group Booklet 2017


LME Aluminium Prices in 2017 Regional premium progress in 2017

Europe Region - Aluminium P1020A, Duty Unpaid

Asia Region - MJP

US Region - Mid- West









The LME year-end rally was mostly strong in all the metals. Market Intel reserch and experts expect 2018 prices to range at higher grounds with the market stronge fundamentals Looking at supply and demand, the global aluminum market to be in relative balance for 2017, a change from its Q2 projection of a slight surplus. Improvement is mostly due to planned and actual curtailments in Chinese smelting capacity as well as increased Chinese demand. Research and Markets expects aluminium use in the global automotive industry to reach $42.4 billion by 2022, with the Asia Pacific region being the largest consumer.

CMO Group Booklet 2017

52 53“ You do not build a business, you build people

07- Alba Product Portfolio Alba is proud to provide a wide range of products to meet the needs of all of our customers. Our ability to adapt quickly to meet the expectations of our customers is the cornerstone for our plans to become more resilient as one of the most important global suppliers of high grade primary Aluminium products. Alba’s product portfolio is designed to incorporate the latest changes and technological breakthroughs in specifications, content, properties and industrial applications and we are always prepared to make the necessary changes in order to meet the requirements of our customers. The process of getting the products made, packaged and shipped to our customers remains as one of our top priorities for the years to come and we aim to become the supplier of choice for the most important Aluminium users around the globe.


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Standard Ingots:

Alba’s aluminium standard ingots are ideal for downstream users who wish to re-melt this primary residual form of aluminium in their own furnaces, and then cast it to produce a variety of end products. The current total annual production capacity of our standard ingots stands at approximately 8% to 10% of total production output per annum.

Features: The standard ingots – known for their high purity – are manufactured using an ISO certified state-of-the-art technology process that succeeds in meeting the most stringent quality requirements.

Application: From the construction industry, transportation, electrical goods to household appliances, standard ingots are re-melted to produce a wide variety of end products covering the entire spectrum of aluminium applications.


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Rolling Slabs:

High quality sheet ingots -- or rolling slabs -- are used in rolling mills for manufacturing aluminium foil and sheet products. Much of the rolling slabs we sell to customers are ultimately used for the production of a variety of consumer items, such as, foils, containers and plates. After alloying in the holding furnace to obtain the required composition as specified by the customer, the slabs are then cast to the required size.

The production process for rolling slabs is subject to the same quality, safety and environmentally certified standards as the rest of Alba’s portfolio of products. This will ensure consistent product quality for subsequent rolling into a range of semi-fabricated products. The total annual production capacity of our rolling slabs currently stands at approximately 11% to 14% of total production output per annum.

Features: It takes considerable precision to achieve the superior quality of rolling slabs that we produce. We start by creating a range of aluminium alloys. These include non-heat-treatable alloys in the Aluminium Association

(AA) of USA in the AA1000, 3000, 5000 and 8000 aluminium alloy series. Once we’ve got the exact alloy composition, we manufacture rolling slabs using sophisticated direct chill casting machines using the latest metal level control technology and Wagstaff moulds. The metal cleanliness is ensured by the application of inline degassing and filtration equipment like ACD, ceramic foam filtration, considered to be the best in the aluminium industry. The slabs are supplied to a specific standard on dimensional tolerance, surface finish requirement and metallurgical characteristics to ensure complete customer satisfaction.

Applications: Rolling slabs are suitable for finished products such as ultra-light gauge foils as well as for cookware foil used for food wrapping. In lithographic applications, they are used in producing offset printing plates, and are also used in the packaging industry, transport and aviation industries, construction and general engineering applications like panelling, flooring and roofing among others.


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Foundry alloy ingots:

When it comes to car safety, only the highest quality and most reliable materials are chosen by auto manufacturers. That is why alloy wheels made from foundry alloy ingots are preferred for being lighter while boasting the same strength as steel wheels and for providing better heat conduction that can help dissipate heat from brakes. This improves performance and reduces the chance of brake failure due to overheating. They also give an enhanced cosmetic appearance to car wheels. We currently produce approximately 13% to 16% of total production output per annum of high quality foundry alloys in either Standard, Properzi ingot, or in T-bar shape.

Features:High purity primary metal is selected from the pot rooms for use in the manufacture of foundry alloys. High quality foundry alloys are based on either a nominal 7% or 11% Silicon (Si) alloy. We supply foundry ingot in either Standard ingots or Properzi continuous cast bar form according to preferences specified by individual customers. Properzi ingot is chosen by customers because this patented technology allows

for increased productivity and highly improved ingot quality. It is easy to pack and store due to its shape. The smaller space requirement between stacked ingots considerably reduces transportation costs.

Applications: Alba foundry alloy ingots exceed the most stringent quality requirements. They are mainly used by the automotive industry for manufacturing high quality automotive wheels, truck hubs and gas pump nozzles and various castings for automotive applications.



CMO Group Booklet 2017


Extrusion Billets:

Extrusion is the process of shaping aluminium by forcing it to flow through a specifically shaped opening in a die. The extruded aluminium comes out as an elongated piece with the same profile as the die opening. We produce around 35% to 38% of total production output per annum.

Extrusion ingots are widely used in the construction industry (for windows and door frames), transportation, engineering, and consumer durables. The quality parameters for extruded products such as, surface quality, mechanical properties and the inherent metallurgical features are achieved in the production process.

Features: Our extrusion ingot is supplied in either cut-to-length billet form from 500mm long or more commonly in long form with a saleable length of up to 7,600mm. The common log length to fit inside a container for shipment by sea is 5,800mm. In the extrusion plant the log we supply is cut to shorter length billets using either a saw or more commonly a hot

shear. The cut billet is then used in the extrusion of various section profiles in solid and hollow form.

Applications: Our extrusion ingot is capable of being extruded into a range of profiles for soft to high strength applications and good surface finish for value added finishing applications such as anodising and powder coating. Typical uses of extruded products from the ingot supplied by Alba include architectural applications, building and kitchen suite sections, which are produced from soft alloys. On the other hand, sections extruded from hard alloys are used in a variety of engineering and transport applications.






CMO Group Booklet 2017



Alba’s Tee Ingot is the same as the Standard Ingot, and is particularly suitable for customers who require its T shape for cost-effective handling, storage and specific shape of furnace. The form of this cast product is ideal for downstream users who require to re-melt this residual form of aluminium in their own furnaces and cast it to make their final end-products.

Features: We produce aluminium ingots of the highest purity using only the most advanced technology. The ISO certified process at the heart of the production process is monitored and controlled to provide ingots that meet the most stringent quality requirements.

Application: From the construction industry, transportation, electrical goods to household appliances, Tee ingots are re-melted to produce a wide variety of end products that cover the entire spectrum of aluminium applications.


CMO Group Booklet 2017


Liquid Metal:

We produce high purity aluminium with minimum aluminium content of 99.86 per cent. The metal, at these purity levels or higher, is supplied in liquid form to downstream industries in Bahrain. Since it takes around 5 hours for the liquid metal to solidify, we are able to transfer it in crucibles to customers whose premises are located minutes away from the smelter. What this means is that these customers can then cast their aluminium products directly, thus saving time and operation.

Features:prior to its supply to our customers in Bahrain, the metal passes through the Treatment of Aluminium in Crucible (TAC) plant via Metal Transfer Vehicles (MTV’s). This TAC treatment enhances the quality of the liquid metal by reducing the alkaline earth metals from the pot lines. All liquid metal from the pot lines is treated through the TAC plant before being transferred to the Cast house for production of various cast products.

Applications:our customers convert the liquid metal into a range of Value Added products such as primary aluminium alloys and master alloys. Primary

aluminium based EC rod, alloy rod, and wire and alloy ingot are also produced from liquid metal. Other applications include aluminium powder and aluminium pellets, aluminium wires for electrical and mechanical use, curved line conductors, aluminium clad steel (ACS) wires for transmission lines, solid conductors and aluminium casting for cars and trucks wheels.

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Safety Selfie• Safety values• Safety strikes back

Rise of L6• Cost management lifestyle

Return of TITAN • Boost market presence

Road to Resilience• The return of the 1M• Agile market strategy

2018 CMO Expectations In it, to Win it

Safety Selfie

Return of Titan

The Rise of Line 6

Road toResilience

GCC, Middle East and Africa P.O Box 570, Manama Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: +973 17 830956 Fax: +973 17 830958 Email: [email protected]

Asia-Pacific 2210, 22/F, Windsor House 311 Gloucester Road Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: +852 28080395Email: [email protected]

EuropeMerkurstrasse 25 CH-8400 Winterthur Switzerland Tel: +41 52 208 0392 Email: [email protected]

Americas Aluminium Bahrain US, Inc.1201 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 1001Atlanta, GA 30361Tel: +1 (404) 921-2506 Mob: +1 (404) 693-0829 Email: [email protected]