Hilltop Baptist Church 220 S. Pennsylvania Ave Casper, Wyoming 82609 Mission Statement Our mission is to: 1. See people saved. 2. See people grow in their relationship with God. 3. See people grow in their love for one another. Church Physical Address: 2555 E. 2nd St. Casper, WY 82604 Mailing Address: 220 S. Pennsylvania Ave Casper, WY 82609 Phone Number: 307-265-6540 Fax: 307-265-6542 Office Hours: Pastor Rob Peterson Monday - Thursday Pastor Josiah Kiracofe Monday - Friday (afternoons) Amanda Platt/Koy Green Wednesday-Friday Website: www.hilltopbaptistchurchcasper.com Email Address: Pastor Rob Peterson: [email protected] Amanda Platt: [email protected] Josiah Kiracofe: [email protected] Sunday Schedule: Wednesday Schedule: Youth Group ....................................5:30-7:00 PM Fellowship & Prayer ........................6:00-7:00 PM Sunday School 9:30 AM Morning Service 11:00 AM Evening Service 6:00 PM

Email Address: Sunday Schedule: Wednesday Schedulehilltopbaptistchurchcasper.com/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2… · 2.See people grow in their relationship with God. 3.See people

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Page 1: Email Address: Sunday Schedule: Wednesday Schedulehilltopbaptistchurchcasper.com/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2… · 2.See people grow in their relationship with God. 3.See people

Hilltop Baptist Church 220 S. Pennsylvania Ave Casper, Wyoming 82609

Mission Statement

Our mission is to: 1. See people saved.

2. See people grow in their relationship with God.

3. See people grow in their love for one another.

Church Physical Address: 2555 E. 2nd St.

Casper, WY 82604

Mailing Address: 220 S. Pennsylvania Ave

Casper, WY 82609

Phone Number: 307-265-6540

Fax: 307-265-6542

Office Hours: Pastor Rob Peterson

Monday - Thursday

Pastor Josiah Kiracofe

Monday - Friday (afternoons)

Amanda Platt/Koy Green


Website: www.hilltopbaptistchurchcasper.com

Email Address: Pastor Rob Peterson: [email protected]

Amanda Platt: [email protected]

Josiah Kiracofe: [email protected]

Sunday Schedule:

Wednesday Schedule: Youth Group....................................5:30-7:00 PM

Fellowship & Prayer........................6:00-7:00 PM

Sunday School 9:30 AM

Morning Service 11:00 AM

Evening Service 6:00 PM

Page 2: Email Address: Sunday Schedule: Wednesday Schedulehilltopbaptistchurchcasper.com/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2… · 2.See people grow in their relationship with God. 3.See people

P A S T O R ’ S P E N

Hil l top Bapt is t Church

From the Pastor’s Pen

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” Isaiah 55:8 (NIV)

One of the highlights of our time when Betsy and I go to the Billy Graham Training Cen-

ter at the Cove, is when we get to listen to Richard Blackaby. Over the past 8 years, we’ve at-

tended 4 different times, and he is always the keynote speaker. He speaks every morning for

3 consecutive days.

This year he spoke much about what it was like growing up with a Dad who left a thriv-

ing church in San Francisco to pastor a church running 10 people in attendance in a small ru-

ral Canadian Province. Many people thought Henry Blackaby was nuts to leave a prominent

pastorate in exchange for a small, out-of-the-way ministry. However, if you follow the story of

the Blackaby’s you’ll remember that those years at the small Canadian church were the years

he experienced and developed the material for his classic work, “Experiencing God.”

Two of the key takeaways from that story was the fact that Henry started networking

and church planting even while their church was only running 10 people! They also started a

ministry to college students knowing full well that college students aren’t notorious for being

big tithers! The theme of Experiencing God is noticing what God is doing around you, and then

joining Him in that work… not the other way around where pastors and church people plan

ministries and then pray for God to bless those ministries! It’s a pretty basic idea, and one

that you have undoubtedly heard by now, but I thought as we begin 2018 a refresher might be

in order.

With the unfolding of a new calendar year, you too have the opportunity to stretch your

faith and improve your powers of observation. With the coming of 2018, part of you might be

tempted to guard your time and resources, and focus on protecting what’s already strong in

your life. However, my challenge to you is to adopt that attitude that allows you to surrender

ALL of your resources and time to God! Maybe He’s calling you to do something extraordinary,

something outrageous, something unthinkable. But if He’s calling you to it, is it really that ex-

traordinary, outrageous, and unthinkable? See Isaiah 55:8 above.

Not a single day of 2018 has been lived yet. But it could be your best year ever. It

could be the year when you step out in faith and work with God, it could be the year you grow

like you’ve never grown before, it could be the year when you experience God in the sweetest,

most-powerful way yet. It takes faith, and it takes courage. But when you do so, prepare to

have God blow your socks off!!!

God Bless,

Pastor Rob

Volume 25 Issue 1

January 2018


Page 3: Email Address: Sunday Schedule: Wednesday Schedulehilltopbaptistchurchcasper.com/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2… · 2.See people grow in their relationship with God. 3.See people

The Messenger


Page 3

Lord’s Supper

We will observe the Lord’s Supper

during service on January 7th.

Rescue Mission

Youth are serving on Tuesday,

January 23rd, at 5:45 PM.

Trail Life Meetings

We will meet on Monday,

January 8th & 22nd, 6:00-7:00 PM.

Men’s Breakfast

The next men’s breakfast will be

Saturday, January 13th, 8:00 a.m.


The next potluck will be January 28th.

The Ladies Class will be serving.

Nursery Schedule

Jan. 7—Debbie/Julie & Kendell

Jan. 14—Jamie/Jamie & Dianne

Jan. 21—Caroline/Dianne & Emma P.

Jan. 28—Dianne/Linda & Jessica

Baby Shower for

The Keller’s

We are excited to cel-ebrate a new addition to our Hilltop Baptist


Tanner and Kendell Keller are expecting a baby girl in February. Please join us for a baby shower in the fellowship hall, on

Saturday, Jan. 20th at 11:00 AM.


Koy Green 1

Betsy Peterson 13

Amanda Platt 14

Don Sloas 17

Dianne Hall 20

Josie Kiracofe 20

Vickie Johnson 20

Garrett Peterson 29

(If your birthday is not listed, please contact the church office.)

Highland Park Hosts ’Night to Shine’ - Highland Park Church is host-ing ‘Night to Shine’, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. This is an for people with special needs ages 14 and up. HPC is looking for volunteers and participants. Please see the bulletin board in the church entryway for more information.

Nursery Toy Drive - We are collecting toys for the nursery to replace the broken ones. It’s not too late to donate new or gently used toys! You may drop the toys off in the upstairs cry room. The kiddos thank you for your donations!

Evangelism Conference—IGNITE: Setting Our Churches on Fire One Soul at a Time! All are invited, and encouraged, to attend this time of worship, inspiration, instruction and fellowship on Janu-ary 29th & 30th, at the Ramkota Hotel in Casper. Please see the bulletin board for more information.

New Bible Study for Mom’s - This is an eleven-week series, small group devotional, to be held on Sunday’s at 1:30 pm, starting January 16th. The study guide is called, ‘Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood’ by Melissa B. Kruger. If you choose, study guides can be purchased on Amazon.

The Heart of Casper Women’s Bible Study Group - Will begin a new study, Tuesday evening’s at 6:30 p.m., starting January 16th. The study is ‘Proven—Where Christ’s Abundance Meets Our Great Need’ by Jennie Allen. The books are $15.00. Please see Julie Phillips with any questions.

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Page 4 The Messenger

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January 2018

Evangelism Conference

Rescue Mission

5:45 PM



Baby Shower

for the Keller’s

11:00 a.m.



8:00 a.m.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Trail Life


Potluck -

Ladies Class

to serve

Trail Life


Bible Study for

Mom’s 1:30 p.m.

Women’s Bible

Study 6:30pm

Women’s Bible

Study 6:30pm

Women’s Bible

Study 6:30pm

Bible Study for

Mom’s 1:30 p.m.

Bible Study for

Mom’s 1:30 p.m.

5:30-7:00 PM


& Prayer


5:30-7:00 PM


& Prayer


5:30-7:00 PM


& Prayer


5:30-7:00 PM


& Prayer


5:30-7:00 PM


& Prayer
