understanding people. realising success.

ELLI in business

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understanding people. realising success.



However,( the( reality( of( our( modern(world,( with( its( emphasis( on( data,(accountability,(controls(and(compliance(means(that(for(many,(formal(education(and(training(fail(to(produce(a(workforce(that(is(willing,(confident(and(creative.((

The# Effective# Lifelong# Learning#Inventory# (ELLI)# is# a# scientifically#rigorous# way# of# assessing,# then#improving,# essential# characteristics# of#effective# lifelong# learners.# # And# it# is#used# by# schools ,# col leges# and#businesses#throughout#the#globe.#


•A(theory(of(learning(•An( online( learning( platform( for(persona l( se l f >assessment( and(organisational(growth(

•A( set( of( strategies( for( developing(learning(capacity(

The ELLI advantage


Improve# learning# design# and# delivery#so# that# staff# benefit# more# fully# and#effic i en t l y# f r om# t r a i n i ng# a nd##development#initiatives##

Enable( leaders( and(managers( to( work(effect ive ly( w i th( ind iv idua ls( by(increasing( awareness( of( learning(strengths(and(development(areas(

Build# employee# engagement# by#helping# to# personalise# ‘routes’# to#achievement#of#workplace#potential#

Contribute( to( a( culture( in( which(learning,( and( the( management( of(learning,(are(seen(as(integral(to(success(

Optimise# ‘informal# learning’# by#demonstrating# its# value# in# support#of,#or# in# place# of,# formal# learning# and#training#programmes#

Support( coaching.( mentoring( and(personal( development( programmes( in(the(workplace(

Develop#organisational# #resilience#and#capacity# to# cope# with,# and# embrace,#change#




The ELLI Research

The( ELLI( research,( developed( at( the(University(of(Bristol,(set(out(to(identify(the( characteristics( and( dispositions( of(effective(lifelong(learners.((

Seven( dimensions( of( 'learning( power'(emerged,(via(factor(analysis,(each(with(elements( of( ‘thinking,( feeling( and(doing’.((

These( factors( embrace( not( only( the(psychology( of( the( learner,( but( also(external( factors( such( as( social(psychology,( management( of( the(env i ronment ,( how( l ea rn ing( i s(facilitated( and( consideration( of( the(individual’s(past(history.

The Learning Dimensions

Users( and( organisations( receive( a(profile( based( on( the( research>verified(Seven#Dimensions#of#Learning.((

Unlike( learning( styles( or( personality(types,( the( learning( dimensions( are(applicable( to( everyone,( and( can( be(developed(by(everyone.( The(profile( is(not( static,( but( rather( changes( over(time,( provoking( a( strategy( of( change(and(improvement.((

We( believe( that( ELLI( is( the( most(flexible,( intuitive,( relevant( and(effective(learning(tool(on(the(market.((


Coaching & Mentoring The# ELLI# profile# can# be# placed# at# the#heart# of# any# workplace# coaching# and#mentoring# programme,# forming# a#coherent# and# evolving# focus# for# oneNtoNone#and#team#discussions.#

Organisational Strategy Is# your# workforce# engaged?# Knowing#how# your# workforce# ticks# will# help#you# take# steps# to# create# a# more#productive#culture.#Better#information#means#better#decisions.

Leadership Development Good# leadership# is# all# about# good#learning,# and# recognising# strengths#and# weaknesses.# ELLI# can# help# your#business# develop# middle# and# senior#leaders#in#line#with#your#strategy.#

Training & Consultancy We# can# prov ide# t ra in ing# and#consultancy# to# help# maximise# the#impact# of# ELLI# in# your# business#context#N#for#apprentices,#leaders,#and#the#entire#workforce.




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Is your business not seeing the full picture?


It( can( be( hard( to( know( how( your( organisation( is( performing(


