1 Eph Channeled and compiled by Elizabeth (Starlightowl) Hibel Copyright 2008 This manual may be passed to students but must be kept in its entirety Nothing added or removed without the written permission of the founder Dog: noble, loyal, teaching

Elizabethhibel Dog Empowerment

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Elizabethhibel Dog Empowerment

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    Channeled and compiled by Elizabeth (Starlightowl) Hibel

    Copyright 2008

    This manual may be passed to students but must be kept in its entirety

    Nothing added or removed without the written permission of the founder

    Dog: noble, loyal, teaching

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    Dog was the servant/soldier that guarded the tribe's dwellings and protected them from surprise attacks.

    Dog helped during the huntings and provided warmth in winter.

    It is a symbol of loyalty, unconditional love, protection and service.

    Its Medicine incorporates the loving kindness of the best friend and the protective energy of the guardian.

    If your Power Animal is Dog, your devotion towards your family and friends is infinite.

    You get great satisfaction from rendering service to others, offering your hand to a friend in need.

    A kind word, a caress, an act of kindness mean much more to you than material things.

    However, there is a risk of coming too close to the other side: allowing people to take advantage of you because of your gentle nature.

    Dog reminds you that your loyalty should always be to yourself, to your own truth.

    He reminds you that by respecting and valuing yourself you can truly render a service to those who honour what you can give them.

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    Throughout history dogs have been known as protectors and guardians.

    Their acute hearing and keen sight forewarned their masters of impending danger. Dogs are known as mans best friend.

    They serve selflessly never asking for their service to be prasied. They hold the energies of unconditional love and teach us its true meaning.

    The domesticated dog is a faithful companion to humans and has a strong willingness to serve.

    Their sense of spirit and the ability to love even when abused is incredible. The dog teaches those with this totem how to give and receive love unconditionally.

    It also carries the energy of forgiveness.

    People with dog medicine would do well in service oriented jobs.

    Dogs are intelligent and sensitive.

    They are able to sniff out dangerous situations accurately and guide us into safety

    . Psychic gifts have long been are associated with the dog because of their ability to detect subtle energy frequencies often unknown to mankind.

    If dog suddenly appears in your life pay attention to your immediate surroundings and let the dog guide your footsteps.

    Certain breeds of dog were designed for specific functions.

    The study of the breed and its purpose can help you define the energy associated with it.

    Since wolves and coyotes are its ancestors these should be studied as well.

    The behavior of a dog often reflects the personality of its owner.

    Through its observation and constant interaction with you it anticipates your next move, and serves as a mirror image of who you truly are.

    The dog is a great teacher for those who are willing to be loyal students. The choice is yours

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    For the Celtic people, the dog, horse, and bull were considered the three most

    important domestic animals with a sacred significance.

    Throughout most of northern Europe, the dog was associated with various mother goddesses.

    It was commonplace to bury a great leader with his pack of dogs, and for the Irish, both the wolf and the hunting dog were used as symbols of

    accomplished young warriors.

    A warrior society of the Cheyenne called themselves the Dog Soldiers, or Crazy Dogs, and vowed never to retreat in battle, regardless of the fierceness

    of the fray or how badly they might be outnumbered.

    Artemis/Diana, the classical mythological figure of the Goddess of the Hunt, manifested for the evening's pursuit of game surrounded by her pack of dogs.

    The powerful goddess figure of the huntress is replicated in Sarama, the Vedic mother of the Dogs of Yama, and the Hounds of Annwn, the Celtic


    The Scandinavians portrayed the dog as the guardian of the underworld; thus, it was customary to bury a dog with the deceased as a guide to the


    In their cosmology, it will be the hound Garm that will set in motion the events leading.to Ragnarok, earth's fiery end, and it will be the wolf Fenrir

    that will break loose at the time of destruction.

    A number of the eastern Native American tribes also believed that a dog was stationed to guard the Way of the Departed Spirits.

    The ancient Egyptian's Anubis, the dog-headed god, is also a Canine

    gatekeeper of the Other World, responsible for admitting souls to paradise.

    Hecate, the Goddess of Death, is portrayed always attended by dogs, her animal totems. Her most fierce, Cerberus, the three-headed hound, is set to

    guard the gates to her underworld kingdom.

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    An old Semitic tradition states that the Angel of Death can only be seen by dogs which is why, the old tales say, dogs howl at the moon to announce a


    English folklore has the ominous legend of the Black Dog, a beast whose appearance presages doom, death, or, at best, despair. There is also a legend of a benevolent Black Dog, who appears to guide travelers to a safe haven.

    If you were born during the Year of the Dog, the Chinese zodiac describes you

    as a generous, loyal, honest person who works well with people.

    The Inuits have a legend of the Dog People not to be confused with the Cheyenne Dog Soldiers-the offspring of a great red dog and an Inuit woman.

    This beast marriage produced five ugly monsters and five dogs, and the disgusted mother set them all adrift on rafts. The five dogs reached the shores of Europe and begat among them the white people. The monsters evolved into

    horrible, blood-thirsty cannibals who still haunt the northern icelands.

    No less than five Christian saints have the dog as their animal symbol. Of course there is St. Bernard, but there are also St. Dominic, St. Roch, St.

    Eustace, and St. Hubert.

    According to Grandmother Twylah, the traditional Seneca see the dog as representing fidelity and devotion, the symbol of a friend who is always

    available whenever he or she is truly needed.

    If you have discovered the dog to be your totem animal, it is quite likely that you prize dependability, loyalty, and faithfulness as primary virtues in your

    selection of friends. You will certainly be able to expect such strong allegiance from your dog totem, Whenever this spirit helper is near, you will feel strong

    emanations of love surrounding you. With the dog as your totem animal, you will also experience a strong sense of

    being protected and watched over, night and day. This spirit helper will be a dependable guide in your explorations of higher consciousness, and you may rely on it always to warn you of any impeding

    threat from Dark Side entities. You are certain to feel its comfortable vibration near you as you enter the Silence to gain deeper wisdom teachings.

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    Throughout history the dog has been a protector and guardian of humans. Often referred to as man's best friend, the dog is a symbol of faithful service, friendship and loyalty. Some people have the dog as their personal totem or power animal throughout their entire life, while others may call upon the energy of the dog for a particular need. When you call upon the totem energy of the dog you are calling on a very loyal and protective companion. The energies and lessons of the dog totem are naturally those that you would find in the characteristics of earthly dogs. These include faithfulness, loyalty, care and attention to friends, comfort and fierce protection. People who naturally tend to carry dog medicine throughout their lives tend to be selfless individuals who often enjoy doing work that involves public service such as counseling, medical care or philanthropic work. Besides faithfulness and other compassionate characteristics, the energy of the dog totem also includes a playful, spontaneous and gregarious nature. So calling upon dog medicine can be helpful if you are seeking more enjoyment in life or stronger social skills. If you wonder whether you may need the energy of the dog totem in your life you can ask yourself these questions.

    x x Do you need to work on being a more loving or forgiving person?

    x Do you need to have more enjoyment or spontaneity in your life?

    x Would you like to be a more social person or foster stronger friendships?

    x Would you like to strengthen certain qualities within you such as

    forgiveness, tolerance, courage or compassion? If you answer yes to any of these, or you feel that you need the spiritual energy of the dog totem in your life for any reason, there are simple ways to invoke this energy. When you pray to or invoke the dog totem, or any animal totem, you are calling upon the spirit of the species.

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    You are bringing the wisdom and teachings that have been woven into that animal throughout the ages into your own life. One of the simplest ways to bring the energy of the dog totem into your life is through visualization . Spend some time in a quiet place where you can visualize the energy of the dog. Close your eyes and picture it in whichever form you find most suitable for you. Focus on the strengths that you wish to draw into your life, the strengths that are the medicine the dog has to offer you. Then call upon the spirit of the dog totem by saying something such as "Dog spirit, I call upon you. Bring your strengths to me and live within me." Afterward welcome the spirit of the dog and give thanks. You can also call upon the energy of dog medicine any time you have a particular need . To do this just visualize Dog spirit and breathe in the energy while quietly calling upon it. Dog medicine has much to teach us and the energy of the dog can be helpful in many aspects of life. Call upon the energy of the dog totem whenever you need to, and accept the valuable lessons and protection that it has to offer. .

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    Most Native tribes had dogs as protection and as an alarm system.

    The Greeks symbolized the dog as Cerberus, the three-headed dog who guards the gates of Hades...again, a guardian.

    In India the dog was a symbol of all caste systems and to the early Christians, dog was a watchful guardian and even a symbol for a priest (guardian of his flock).

    Dogs can teach us so much - about judgment, about loyalty, about companionship, about love.

    If dog is your totem, what does it say about you?

    Look at how you compare to the qualities of dog - are you judgmental, faithful, loving, forgiving?

    Are those qualities you need to work on?

    Do you need to be more playful, more territorial or less territorial? Our totems teach us, that is why we have drawn them to us.

    "If a person carries Dog medicine, he or she is usually serving others or humanity in some way.

    Here you will find the charity worker, the philanthropist, the nurse, the counselor, the minister, and the soldier...

    The message that Dogs are trying to give you is that you must delve deeply into your sense of service to others.

    Canines are genuinely service-oriented animals, and are devoted to their owners with a sense of loyalty that supersedes how they are treated..

    .It is as if a tolerant spirit dwells in the heart of every canine that asks only to be of service." (from Medicine Cards, by Jamie Sams, David Carson)

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