Elizabeth Clare Prophet - The Science of the Spoken Word

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Become the master of yourself. Rediscover the art of invocation practiced during the

golden ages of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Use precise formulas of the Word to command the flow of light from your

Superconscious to your conscious mind—unlocking an unlimited creative potential.

Learn how to call forth the violet flame—a high-frequency energy that can penetrate

your nervous system, your heart, your brain—to increase stamina, longevity, and your

extrasensory perception.

This spiritual fire can change inharmonious thought and feeling—stress, anger,

depression—into a positive and centered disposition. It can increase mental clarity. . . and

help you deal with the long-term effects of drugs.

The violet flame will cleanse your system of emotional and physical poisons. It will

transmute karma. It will erase the cause behind the effect of disease. It will even clear the

distressing records of past lives.

It will make you happy with yourself! But know this: The power of the violet flame

will remain sealed in your Higher Consciousness until you summon it by The Science of the

Spoken Word.

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The sacred word AUM releases the frequency of the Word, the same Word that went forth as the origin of creation. The ancients knew the power of the word. Civilizations have risen and fallen in the power of the spoken word. The mantras of the East, sacred intonations, have come down for hundreds of thousands of years from priests and priestesses of Lemuria. And all that comes forth comes out of the sacred AUM.

We follow the ray of the sun back to the fiery core. We follow the light within the heart back to the sun of the Presence. When we affirm the word AUM, we affirm true being. To affirm that being is to become that being. To declare that being is to know who I AM. The sacred AUM that we intone is the indestructible sound. It is the immensity. Out of the AUM comes our oneness.

The sound of the Word—the Word of the sound. It is a Sanskrit word. It means "I bow, I agree, I accept. . . " AUM! I bow before the Lord God Almighty and I agree that I am his beloved son. I accept my immortal destiny. I accept my reason for being. I accept my responsibility to be. AUM. I accept the components of my reality. I accept the flame as God within me.

AUM is the most abstract and yet the most concrete symbol of divinity. It is an instrument of self-realization. It is yours to keep. It is released from your heart by the breath of God. No mechanical instrument, no machine, not the might of civilization can equal the AUM. Only you can intone the AUM, because you are God in manifestation. Out of this one eternal syllable all that exists comes forth. All that comes forth returns to the AUM.

The AUM is spelled A-U-M, and each of the letters stands for a component of our divinity. Each letter is intended to be sounded separately. When we blend the trinity, we intone simply the AUM.

Past, present, and future form the Trinity. We are all that we are as past, as present, as future realization of the AUM. In the East the Hindus refer to the Trinity as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva; and in the West—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The concept is the same.

The A comes forth from Alpha (our Father-as the initiator, the creator, The Beginning—the origin of spirals of consciousness, of being. It is the thrust of power. The M is the OM of Omega (our Mother), the conclusion, The Ending—one, with the Holy Spirit as the integrator and the disintegrator of form and formlessness. AUM. Thus, the positive and negative polarities of being are pronounced by Elohim across the span of cosmos for the sustainment of the worlds.

From the A to the OM, all of the vastness of creation is contained. And the U in the center is the cup of creation cradling You, the Real Self, the Anointed One, the Christed One, the Buddha of the Light—you in universal manifestation, in particular manifestation. A-U-M. The Trinity in Unity. You, the centerpiece—the masterpiece—the Unity of the One and the Word, the fulcrum and the nexus. The Universal Christ is the power of preservation, of concentration, of cohesion as identity. From the thrust of the Father to the return of the Mother, you are embraced as the identity of their love. AUM.

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Thousands of years ago, the initiation of this action of the law of the AUM was given to Moses, and we still hold that sacred fire and that legacy as when Moses saw the white-fire core of his own being objectified in the bush that was aflame but was not consumed. And the voice out of the bush declared Self-awareness—being that proceeded from the fiery core and declared our God-identity, "I AM WHO I AM."

Let us think of ourselves in that barren country where Moses was. In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, let us travel back in akasha, in the records of time and space written upon the ethers; and let us stand upon that holy ground where Moses stood.

Let us hear with the hearing of the inner ear the eternal sound of the Creator: I AM THAT I AM. Let each one commune within the chamber of the heart to hear the voice of God speaking. And now let us give answer unto the Lord of Creation, the law of creation, within our hearts: I AM THAT I AM.

When we speak our mantras from the heart and we feel the flow of the intensity of the sacred fire of the heart and we commune one to another in the response of love, we feel the mounting of the flame that is our common Light, our one Light.

The ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood teach their chelas to go within to the fiery core, to dip into the fountain of light with the sacred AUM, to tarry there as Jesus did when he withdrew from the multitudes and went to a place set apart. And they teach us to come forth in the name of God-by that name "I AM THAT I AM." Therefore, the cycle of the AUM and the I AM THAT I AM which we chant gives the alternating current of going within to the Father, coming out with the Mother.

This fiat of being is the name of God. And more than a name, it contains the energy of creation. The first I AM stands for the letter A in the AUM. It is God as Alpha declaring, "I AM." The THAT stands for the U, the transition, the passing of energy unto Omega in the second I AM—the Trinity again expressed.

It is God on high declaring, "I AM THAT I AM. I AM that manifestation below which I AM above. As above so below, I AM that I am." It is God above in the Person of the Beloved "I AM" Presence affirming that as in heaven, so on earth God is the flame burning on the altar of our hearts.

When we say, "I AM THAT I AM," the I who is speaking is not the lesser self but the Greater Self. God within us is saying, "I AM THAT I AM." For who but God within has the authority to declare being, consciousness, Self-awareness?

Can the clay speak? Can the vessel dance without the flame? Can the leopard change his spots? Can the outer form be anything but the instrument of the inner flame? Only God can make a tree, as the poet said. Only God can create and uncreate the worlds.

Let us let Him speak through us, "I AM THAT I AM." Let us let Him pronounce His Sacred Name. And when he does we shall answer him saying, "Yea, Lord, I am that 'I AM.'"

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Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

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To the Children of the One

The Lost Word

for the Restoration of your Birthright.

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The Word In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the Light of men. And the Light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. As many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: I AM THAT I AM, which were born of God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.


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AUM ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 I AM THAT I AM ...................................................................................................................................... 4 XI The Power of the Ten Thousand-Times-Ten Thousand ...................................................................... 11

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The Power of the Ten Thousand-Times-Ten Thousand by the Messengers

On July 1, 1961 at the Freedom conference held in Washington, D.C., Lord Maitreya release a fiat of tremendous importance to the students of light for all time to come. We quote for you hen-portion of his dictation:

"I, Maitreya, say to you today that the ascended masters, in the great deliberations and the councils of the Great White Brotherhood, have determined that human tyranny has too long held sway over the mass mind. Therefore we have asked for a great petition whereby the student body today shall be given that which is known as the full power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand!

"From this day henceforward, every decree that you utter shall be increased by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand!

"I, Maitreya, declare that those who give decrees from this day forward shall be creating tremendous, impelling, swiftly moving acceleration which shall sweep through the earthly consciousness of mankind and compel this earth free!

"It is determined by the Great Cosmic law that this earth shall not submit to the tyranny human consciousness—which in itself, while it is intelligent substance to a degree, is not ascended-master discriminating intelligence. Therefore, it has no power! It has no power! It has no power! And I say that you must cut yourself free from that consciousness by a conscious, joyful entering in to our thought by entering in to the thought of God about you!"

The significance of this dispensation is almost beyond comprehension; for it has to do with the geometric multiplication of energy potential from this octave to the next, from the level of the human consciousness to the ascended masters' octave, and the return of that energy by the power of decrees to Our dimension where God's power can work tremendous changes which bless and heal the entire planetary body.

Ten thousand-times-ten thousand equals one hundred million. Think, then, of the infinite power of God and of the focusing of his energy through the invocations of mankind below and the amplifications of the ascended masters above. You will noon realize that those who are attempting to work changes in the world of form that will overcome disease,

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poverty, inequality, and war have at their disposal the greatest power for good ever known to man.

Every time a student of the ascended masters utters a decree of light released through the spoken Word by the power of the sacred fire and God's lame, I AM, he may benefit one hundred million people-almost a third of the people in the United States. When the decree is given three times, it has the added impetus of the power of the three-times-three.

The transcendent power of decrees to effect change in the world of form is scarcely realized by unascended mankind; for it is sometimes difficult for people to comprehend the power of invisible forces, albeit these do become visible and tangible after a certain period of concentrated use of the sacred fire.

The masters have explained that in order for them to serve mankind in the physical octave, individuals are required by cosmic law to give their energy through prayers or decrees to the hosts of light. The energy released in the giving of decrees is then amplified by the angelic hosts who have been called upon for assistance.

Man was given free will to be the authority for his world, that is, for the plane of Matter. Therefore, God does not step in to alter conditions injustice and unhappiness unless called upon by man, who then, through his free will, elects to have God take the reins of authority and direct his life Jesus accomplished this transfer of authority from the personal to the Divine when he said, "Father, not my will, but thine be done."

Thus man's free will may be defined as the opportunity to choose God to be the doer or to choose the opposite by abiding in human consciousness and allowing the human ego to "rule the roost." In choosing the latter course, individuals cut themselves off from the Divine Source of power, wisdom, and love until, through experiencing hardship and the emptiness of a self-centered existence they turn once more to embrace the Beloved One, the mighty I AM Presence.

Those who love to give decrees, those who know the great onrush of light which is

released by God into every human condition that is less than perfection through invocations made in the name of the mighty I AM Presence to the ascended masters, give gladly and freely of their time and energy to this service.

The use of the names of many cosmic beings, ascended masters, angels, and vital forces of the infinite One God does intensify the action of the decrees. How is this done? We have been taught all of our lives to believe there is only one God and we ourselves know there is only one God.

Jesus said,"If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."2

The power of three, according to cosmic law, is more intense than the power of one and serves to magnetize a greater concentration of the sacred fire. Whereas the power of one squared equals one, the power of three squared equals nine, because the I AM is in the midst of them; thus we begin to understand in part the mystical power of the three-times-three.

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When nine people come together, the power of intensity is equal to nine squared again, because the Christ is in their midst. Thus the power of the group is increased eighty-one times that of any individual member. It is easy to see that the greater the number of people gathered together, the greater is the blow struck for the Lord.

It is no strange thing, then, that as you call to many cosmic beings who are ascended, you not only receive the God-radiation of your own mighty I AM Presence and the God-radiation of the mighty I AM Presence in the Great Central Sun but you also add to that great power because each of these ascended beings has externalized a focus of some specific God-quality. This is how God himself multiplies his power—through bringing "many sons into captivity." This is how the One God becomes the many in manifestation (in manifest action).

Where the multiplication of the Godhead concerned—the breaking of the bread of the whole loaf into many portions or into the parts of God that comprise humanity—souls evolving on earth serving the One God, receive more power greater and greater numbers of humanity ascend back to the Godhead and contribute their momentum of good to the leavening of the whole loaf,

Beloved Jesus said, "I go to prepare a place for you. . . that where I AM, there ye may be also" and "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall h« do: because I go unto my Father."3

Each ascended master, having returned to the heart of the Father, intensifies through the qualification of the prism of his individualized ascended master consciousness a greater action of light. This is the beehive of cosmic activity.