Elite Fleet Info Flyer 2018 General Letter0r.b5z.net/i/u/10148853/f/Elite_Fleet_Info_Flyer_2018_General_Letter.… · !-Letter of Recommendation for Elite Fleet Member from 2016.!!!-Website

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Page 1: Elite Fleet Info Flyer 2018 General Letter0r.b5z.net/i/u/10148853/f/Elite_Fleet_Info_Flyer_2018_General_Letter.… · !-Letter of Recommendation for Elite Fleet Member from 2016.!!!-Website





Page 2: Elite Fleet Info Flyer 2018 General Letter0r.b5z.net/i/u/10148853/f/Elite_Fleet_Info_Flyer_2018_General_Letter.… · !-Letter of Recommendation for Elite Fleet Member from 2016.!!!-Website

!!!!!!!!!!What Is Elite Fleet?!Elite Fleet is a team of High school and College aged students who are formed for the distinct purpose of leading recreation and assisting in Children’s Camp operations for TEBA’s Kids Life Camp.!!What , When, and Where is Kids Life Camp? !The Tryon Evergreen Baptist Association develops and provides a children’s camp for one week in the summer which is open to any church that would like to attend. !! -Kids Life Camp is July 22-28, 2018!! -The camp is run through Carolina Creek Christian Camp located in Riverside TX, just !! east of Huntsville.!! -The camp has two 3 day sessions and will accommodate 1200 children and adults over !! the entire week. !!What will the Elite Fleet Do?!The Elite Fleet lead recreation at camp for all of the children and adults who attend. This team also works before, during, and after camp to assist with logistics and assisting the camp leadership team in all forms of activities. However, while recreation and logistics are a major part of the Elite Fleet, the most important aspect of the week is sharing your faith with Children. !!Who can serve in the Elite Fleet?!In order to be accepted into the Elite Fleet you must participate in an application process which includes your personal testimony, a demonstration of why you would like to participate and a letter of endorsement from a Christian leader who is active in your life. !!What can I expect from an Elite Fleet Experience?!Elite Fleet is a wonderful way to serve the Lord in a very real, tangible and exciting way. The commitment to Elite Fleet will be a challenge like you have never experienced as you commit your heart, soul, mind, and strength to camp for 8 straight days. The rewards are eternal and impact God’s Kingdom forever. This experience will also help you develop as a leader, team member and promises experiences that will serve you for the rest of your life.!!How do I apply for Elite Fleet?!Complete pages 1 & 2 of the Elite Fleet Application.Give page 3 of the Application to your pastor or youth minister to complete.DEADLINE: Application forms must be delivered to the TEBA office no later than April 16, 2017!!!!



Page 3: Elite Fleet Info Flyer 2018 General Letter0r.b5z.net/i/u/10148853/f/Elite_Fleet_Info_Flyer_2018_General_Letter.… · !-Letter of Recommendation for Elite Fleet Member from 2016.!!!-Website

Resources:!! -Letter of Recommendation for Elite Fleet Member from 2016.!! -Website for Kids Life Kamp!!!!To Whom It May Concern, !It is my pleasure to send you this letter of recommendation and character reference for Shelby. I had the opportunity to meet Shelby in 2016 and have been afforded significant opportunities to see her perform admirably in situations that required great personal character and leadership. It is for this strength of character and commitment to excellence that I am writing to you today on her behalf. !In 2016 I had the opportunity to lead a select group of High School and College Students called the Elite Fleet. This team of students was hand picked through an application process that involved a demonstration of commitment, a personal essay and a letter of recommendation from a leader that is active in their lives. This summer, Shelby was selected to be a member of this 12 person team that led recreation for a children’s camp, which had over 1,000 participants. During the 8 days of camp Shelby would log-in over 130 hours on the rec field and in various other roles leading children, supporting adult volunteers and implementing camp logistic needs. !Her participation in the Elite Fleet would require commitment and sacrifice from her physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. I can personally attest to her performance under such demanding circumstances and affirm that she performed admirably at every level. !Elite Fleet not only allowed me the chance to see Shelby excel under pressure, it also provided me the insight to see her interaction with small-group dynamics and teamwork. She was a great member of the team and helped to elevate all of her teammates to their very best abilities. !I am absolutely confident that no matter the task before her, Shelby is capable of performing at the best and highest level. She will quickly become an asset to your team and future endeavors. !Thank you for considering Shelby and I look forward to seeing how this opportunity will continue to provide her with opportunities to grow and open doors for a bright and wonderful future. !Sincerely, !Eric Larson Children’s Pastor !!! !www.kidslifekamp.org