Electric Power Systems Research 138 (2016) 85–91 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Electric Power Systems Research j o ur na l ho mepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/epsr Impact of electromechanical wave oscillations propagation on protection schemes Ahad Esmaeilian , Mladen Kezunovic Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 16 December 2015 Received in revised form 6 January 2016 Accepted 8 January 2016 Available online 23 January 2016 Keywords: Distance relay Electromechanical wave oscillation Out-of-step Overcurrent relay Power swing Protective device a b s t r a c t Major disturbances in power system can take place after power system elements such as generators, loads, or transmission lines are suddenly disconnected. Such disturbances can create so called “electromechan- ical wave oscillations” waves which propagate through transmission lines at much lower speed than speed of light. They can cause adverse effect on power system protective relays. In this paper, electrome- chanical wave oscillation propagation is modeled, and its impact on different power system protective relays, such as overcurrent, distance, and out-of-step relays is studied. Modified protection schemes are presented for each protective device to avoid their malfunction under effects of electromechanical wave oscillations. The electromechanical model adopted in this study considers the dynamics of generator mechanical shaft as well as conversion of mechanical power to electrical. Simulations used for testing of the improved protection solutions are carried out in MATLAB considering 64-bus generator ring system and IEEE 118-bus system. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction In the last two decades, Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) made synchronized measurements available from vari- ous points across the power system. By analyzing such data, one can noticed the disturbances which propagate through the entire network at the speed much lower than the speed of light. They are called the “electromechanical wave oscillation” propagations. Transmission line faults, load shedding or generator rejection can result in mismatch between the mechanical and electrical power at the terminal of the generators [1]. As a consequence, generator rotors start to move with respect to their synchronous reference frame. Due to the rotor inertia, re-synchronization of gen- erator with the rest of system (if it happens) occurs with certain delay. This re-synchronization delay can be seen as a disturbance in the voltage phase angle, which propagates through power sys- tem with limited speed. Such oscillations can trigger a series of cascade outages and finally a wide spread blackouts may occur as reported for some historical events [2–4]. For the first time, electromechanical wave oscillations were observed and reported in July 1993 during a load rejection test in Texas [6]. In recent decades, substantial research was devoted Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 979 862 1097; fax: +1 979 845 9887. E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A. Esmaeilian). to modeling the electromechanical disturbance propagation and understanding the dynamic behavior of power system [5–9]. Continuum approach is the most recognized method to model the propagation of electromechanical wave oscillations in power system. The continuum model is based on partial differential equa- tion which offers a travelling wave description of power system dynamics and power system wide-area disturbances [6]. In [7], a continuum power system model is proposed to analyze the prop- agation of electromechanical disturbances in large power system with concentrated parameters. In this approach, power system is considered as a homogeneous system where transmission lines are represented by a reactance, and generators by a voltage source behind constant reactance. In [6], a more advanced continuum approach is proposed where the effect of loses is also included. Authors derived a nonlinear partial differential equation of the rotor angle with respect to time and two dimensional coordinates were introduced to model electromechanical disturbances propa- gation. In [9], the proposed continuum model is modified to take the geographical location of the elements of power system into the account. Gaussian smoothing method to deal with the spatially con- centrated parameters of power system to represent the distribution of parameters in continuum model was deployed. Several studies have been done utilizing a non-uniform media [10–13] to characterize wave propagation. In [12], a general method for the solution of the linearized equations for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous media is developed. This method yields solu- tions which describe propagating waves such as pulses, rapidly http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2016.01.002 0378-7796/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Electric Power Systems Research - SmartGridCenter · ∂t = Pm (x0)+Bint sin Electromechanical ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) wave −Gint 1 be −cos ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) (8) which is known as continuum

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Page 1: Electric Power Systems Research - SmartGridCenter · ∂t = Pm (x0)+Bint sin Electromechanical ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) wave −Gint 1 be −cos ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) (8) which is known as continuum












Electric Power Systems Research 138 (2016) 85–91

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Electric Power Systems Research

j o ur na l ho mepage: www.elsev ier .com/ locate /epsr

mpact of electromechanical wave oscillations propagation onrotection schemes

had Esmaeilian ∗, Mladen Kezunovicepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 16 December 2015eceived in revised form 6 January 2016ccepted 8 January 2016vailable online 23 January 2016


a b s t r a c t

Major disturbances in power system can take place after power system elements such as generators, loads,or transmission lines are suddenly disconnected. Such disturbances can create so called “electromechan-ical wave oscillations” waves which propagate through transmission lines at much lower speed thanspeed of light. They can cause adverse effect on power system protective relays. In this paper, electrome-chanical wave oscillation propagation is modeled, and its impact on different power system protectiverelays, such as overcurrent, distance, and out-of-step relays is studied. Modified protection schemes are

istance relaylectromechanical wave oscillationut-of-stepvercurrent relayower swing

presented for each protective device to avoid their malfunction under effects of electromechanical waveoscillations. The electromechanical model adopted in this study considers the dynamics of generatormechanical shaft as well as conversion of mechanical power to electrical. Simulations used for testing ofthe improved protection solutions are carried out in MATLAB considering 64-bus generator ring systemand IEEE 118-bus system.

rotective device

. Introduction

In the last two decades, Wide Area Measurement SystemWAMS) made synchronized measurements available from vari-us points across the power system. By analyzing such data, onean noticed the disturbances which propagate through the entireetwork at the speed much lower than the speed of light. They arealled the “electromechanical wave oscillation” propagations.

Transmission line faults, load shedding or generator rejectionan result in mismatch between the mechanical and electricalower at the terminal of the generators [1]. As a consequence,enerator rotors start to move with respect to their synchronouseference frame. Due to the rotor inertia, re-synchronization of gen-rator with the rest of system (if it happens) occurs with certainelay. This re-synchronization delay can be seen as a disturbance

n the voltage phase angle, which propagates through power sys-em with limited speed. Such oscillations can trigger a series ofascade outages and finally a wide spread blackouts may occur aseported for some historical events [2–4].

For the first time, electromechanical wave oscillations werebserved and reported in July 1993 during a load rejection testn Texas [6]. In recent decades, substantial research was devoted

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 979 862 1097; fax: +1 979 845 9887.E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]

A. Esmaeilian).

ttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2016.01.002378-7796/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

to modeling the electromechanical disturbance propagation andunderstanding the dynamic behavior of power system [5–9].Continuum approach is the most recognized method to modelthe propagation of electromechanical wave oscillations in powersystem. The continuum model is based on partial differential equa-tion which offers a travelling wave description of power systemdynamics and power system wide-area disturbances [6]. In [7], acontinuum power system model is proposed to analyze the prop-agation of electromechanical disturbances in large power systemwith concentrated parameters. In this approach, power system isconsidered as a homogeneous system where transmission lines arerepresented by a reactance, and generators by a voltage sourcebehind constant reactance. In [6], a more advanced continuumapproach is proposed where the effect of loses is also included.Authors derived a nonlinear partial differential equation of therotor angle with respect to time and two dimensional coordinateswere introduced to model electromechanical disturbances propa-gation. In [9], the proposed continuum model is modified to takethe geographical location of the elements of power system into theaccount. Gaussian smoothing method to deal with the spatially con-centrated parameters of power system to represent the distributionof parameters in continuum model was deployed.

Several studies have been done utilizing a non-uniform media

[10–13] to characterize wave propagation. In [12], a general methodfor the solution of the linearized equations for both homogeneousand inhomogeneous media is developed. This method yields solu-tions which describe propagating waves such as pulses, rapidly
Page 2: Electric Power Systems Research - SmartGridCenter · ∂t = Pm (x0)+Bint sin Electromechanical ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) wave −Gint 1 be −cos ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) (8) which is known as continuum

8 Power Systems Research 138 (2016) 85–91








6 A. Esmaeilian, M. Kezunovic / Electric

hanging wave forms, or periodic waves. In [13], authors integratedartial variable separation and finite difference methods to attainhe numerical solution of wave equation in the non-uniform envi-onment.

So far, most of the studies were devoted to modelling of prop-gation of electromechanical wave oscillations in power system.nly a few studies considered effects of such disturbances on power

ystem protection, monitoring and control schemes. In this paper,he required testbed development to evaluate the effects of propa-ation of electromechanical wave oscillations through protectiveevices including overcurrent, distance and out-of-step trippingOST) relays is implemented. To have a better insight in the effectf electromechanical wave propagation on protective device, aimulation testbed evaluation of relay operation under electrome-hanical oscillations of generator rotors is presented. Test casesere developed in MATLAB considering partial differential equa-

ions obtained from continuum modeling. Then, the generatedoltage and current waveforms were replayed as an input to anctual protective device to test its performance under differentcenarios.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes thelectromechanical disturbance propagation phenomena and givesn overview to the continuum modeling approach; Section 3escribes the testbed software and hardware development; Section

discusses testing of protective devices when electromechanicalisturbances propagate through their terminals; and the conclu-ions are discussed in Section 5.

. Continuum modeling of electromechanical waveropagation

Electromechanical wave oscillations occur following exchangef energy between mechanical shaft of generators and the electri-al network. The electromagnetic wave transients emerge in powerystem following energy interchange between electrical networknd inductors/capacitors. Electromechanical disturbance mathe-atically follows the swing equation of synchronous generators.hen a disturbance occurs on a transmission line, it leads to aismatch between electrical and mechanical torque of genera-

ors located in the vicinity. The difference between mechanical andlectrical torque of generators will cause deviation of the rotors’peed from their nominal values. To compensate for this change,n increase or a decrease in the rotor speed is demanded. Fol-owing the generators’ rotor angles oscillation, the adjacent buseslso encounter change in their generators’ rotor angles which againause a power mismatch. In this fashion, electromechanical wavescillation oscillations are propagated through the entire network.lectromechanical waveforms are characterized by phase angleodulation of voltages and currents with much lower frequency

0.1–10.0 Hz) than electromagnetic transients (>100 kHz). Thesescillations may also produce cyclic or ramped changes in systemrequency [14].

A proper system modeling is required before studying the effectf electromechanical waveform propagation on the power system.pplying differential algebraic equations (DAEs) is the conventionalay of modeling electromechanical wave propagation in power

ystem. Due to complexity, this approach could be time consumingnd the result would be hard to analyze for a large network. There-ore, researchers introduced a much simpler method which embedshe effect of electromechanical wave propagation into power sys-em behavior [5–9].

The so called continuum model, considers power system withpatially distributed parameters not only for impedance of trans-ission lines, but also inertia of generators. The continuum model

s based on applying partial differential equations (PDEs) describing

Fig. 1. Incremental system used for continuum modeling of system at x0.

the power systems to the infinitesimal element distributed alongthe power system. Due to generators rotor inertia, the timescale ofelectromechanical oscillations is large compared to the power sys-tem frequency. Therefore, the variables in continuum model can beconsidered as phasor parameters [9]. The continuum model mainlygrasps a global view of complicated large-scale power systemsrather than focusing on the microscopic view of the system. Usingcontinuum approach, propagation of electromechanical wave oscil-lations can be formulated similar to electromagnetic travellingwave theory.

In the context of continuum modeling, any given point could berepresented as shown in Fig. 1. This model allows for representationof lines with different per-unit impedances, shunt reactances, gen-erators and loads. The flexibility of the incremental model allowsany arbitrary network topology to be modeled with continuumapproach. Following is a brief summary of continuum formulation.In Fig. 1, the net real electrical power flow at point x0 can be writtenas:

P = R


[1 − cos

(ı (x0) − ı (x0 ± �x)


+ X



(ı (x0) − ı (x0 ± �x)


where, ı(x) represents the phase angle of voltage at x. R, X and,Z represent resistance, reactance and impedance of the branch,respectively. Using Taylor series expansion about x0, and disregard-ing higher order terms we get:

P = R∣∣Z∣∣2

(∂ı (x0)



�x − X∣∣Z∣∣2

∂2ı (x0)∂x2

�x (2)

The real power produced at the generator terminal is:

PG@G (x0) = �xGint

[1 − cos

(ı (x0) − ϕ (x0)

)]− �xBint sin

(ı (x0) − ϕ (x0)


The real power delivered to the point x0 by the generator is givenby:

PG (x0) = �xGint


(ı (x0) − ϕ (x0)

)− 1

]− �xBint sin

(ı (x0) − ϕ (x0)


where, Gint and Bint represent conductance and susceptance of agenerator. By conservation of power, the summation of power at aregion must be zero, which implies:

P = PG − Ps (5)

where, P is the net real power flow at x0, PG is real power deliv-ered by generator and Ps is the real power consumed by the load.

Page 3: Electric Power Systems Research - SmartGridCenter · ∂t = Pm (x0)+Bint sin Electromechanical ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) wave −Gint 1 be −cos ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) (8) which is known as continuum












A. Esmaeilian, M. Kezunovic / Electric

lugging Eqs. (2)–(4) into Eq. (5), we obtain:(∂ı (x0)



− B∂2

ı (x0)∂x2

= Gint


(ı (x0) − ϕ (x0)

)− 1


− Bint sin(

ı (x0) − ϕ (x0))

− GS (6)

here, GS is the load conductance. The obtained expression in Eq.6) is known as continuum equivalent of load flow equations. How-ver, the internal generator phase angle dynamics are modeledsing:


ϕ(x0, t)∂t2

+ d (x0)∂ϕ(x0, t)

∂t= Pm (x0) − PG@G (x0)


here, m (x0) and d (x0) are the generator inertia and damping con-tant and Pm (x0) is the mechanical power of a generator. Pluggingq. (3) into Eq. (7), we obtain:

m (x0)∂2

ϕ(x0, t)∂t2

+ d (x0)∂ϕ(x0, t)


= Pm (x0) + Bint sin(

ı (x0) − ϕ (x0))


[1 − cos

(ı (x0) − ϕ (x0)


which is known as continuum equivalent of swing equations.imulation studies of this paper were carried out using continuumDE Eqs. (6) and (8).

To illustrate the concept of propagation of electromechanicalave oscillations, as shown in Fig. 2a, a simple power-systemodel is used which comprises of 64 identical serially connected

enerators through identical transmission lines, forming a ring [15].he initial bus angles are evenly distributed from 0◦ to 360◦ by stepsqual to 360/64 = 5.625◦. Due to homogeneity and ring shape of the4-bus system, it is well-suited to study basic aspects of electrome-hanical wave propagation phenomena. Fig. 2b shows the phasorngle of 64-buses (in radian) with respect to time of a given disturb-nce occurring at bus 16 at t = 0. Following the change in the anglef bus 16th shown (thicker line) in Fig. 2b, the other generatorsperate in a similar manner with a certain time delay. Plotting allhe bus angles together, this time delay can be depicted as a wave

odulated on buses’ phasor angles, which travels away from theource of disturbance into the network at a finite speed. As can beeen in Fig. 2b, the speed of wave propagation is in order of a sec-nd, which is much slower than electromagnetic travelling wavesspeed of light).

. Testbed development

In this paper, two test systems are deployed as part of testbedo study effects of electromechanical disturbances propagatinghrough terminals of protective devices. The first one called 64-enerator ring system [16] which has been already introduced inection 2 (see Fig. 2a). Due to the radial nature of this test system, its used to perform testing of overcurrent relays. The second one ishe IEEE 118-bus test system [17] which is used to test performancef distance and OST relays. The simulation is done by develop-ng MATLAB script based on solving PDE equations obtained fromontinuum approach in Section 2.

Fig. 3a shows overview of the developed hardware-in-the-loopestbed. First, each test case is simulated using MATLAB and theoltage and current at all buses are captured as Common formator Transient Data Exchange (COMTRADE) files. Second, a simula-

or for open-loop transient testing of protective relays is used toransfer scaled voltage and current signals to protective devices.y using simulator and its designated software, users can utilize aortable universal relay test sets with transient testing capabilities

Systems Research 138 (2016) 85–91 87

of modern power system simulators [18]. This simulator is capableof sending signals in COMTRADE format to any relay connected tothe I/O interface, which does the necessary analog to digital con-version. Different signals captured from MATLAB simulations areindependently applied to the relays. For instance, Fig. 3b showsnormalized voltage and currents in the test software which arecaptured and imported from MATLAB simulations. Third, scaledsignals are applied to the terminals of the protective devices undertest and those simulations performed in MATLAB will be repeatedwith protective device in the loop. Finally, event files are collectedfrom relays and reported. Relay operation evaluation has been per-formed using two commercial relays [19,20]. The testbed set upbrings the electromechanical wave propagation study to a newlevel which is more realistic and close to actual power systemevents.

4. Test results and discussion

Electromechanical wave propagation may cause different prob-lems associated with security or dependability of protective deviceoperation [21–27]. For instance, the security of an overcurrent relaywith pick up setting selected to be twice as the maximum load willbe affected due to instant increase of current level caused by elec-tromechanical wave propagation. In the case of distance relay, asthe transient passes through its terminal, the apparent impedanceseen by the distance relay may fall inside one of the zones of therelay and cause security issue leading to relay mis-operation. In thecase of OST relays, both security and dependability aspects mightbe at risk [21,22]. When the disturbance propagates through OSTrelays, the relay may operate and send the trip command. Sincethe propagation of electromechanical waves is a transient phe-nomenon, the OST relays must block tripping signal to maintain thesecurity. To block relays following electromechanical wave prop-agation, a detection scheme is need to be developed to guide theblocking procedure. This can be done by applying wavelet or ANNbased methods which can recognize the transient type and makethe correct decision to avoid relay mis-operation (which will beconsidered as future work of current study). Meanwhile, if a faultoccurs on the protective zone of the relay, to maintain the depend-ability, the relay must operate and trip the faulty line. Followingsubsections discusses the probable impact of electromechanicaloscillations on overcurrent, distance and OST relays operation. Thelimitation of space allowed us to depict performance of relays at fewbuses. However, the behavior of all relays has been studied at thetime of simulation. Selection of buses is done in a way that we couldobserve different behavior of relays (correct, incorrect and marginaloperations), when electromechanical wave oscillations propagatedthrough their terminals. To see the “propagation” nature of elec-tromechanical oscillations, we also selected buses which are notadjacent to fault.

4.1. Impact on overcurrent relay

The pickup setting of the overcurrent relays can be calculatedusing different methods, however, as a rule of thumb one mayconsider it to be twice as the maximum load current. Setting upovercurrent relays in such a way may end up in a trip signal whenthe electromechanical waves pass through their locations. Over-current relays are widely used in distribution system (which is nothighly affected by electromechanical wave propagation). However,

they might be installed as back up protection in transmission andsub-transmission systems. As a result, study of the impact of elec-tromechanical wave propagation on overcurrent relays might benecessary.
Page 4: Electric Power Systems Research - SmartGridCenter · ∂t = Pm (x0)+Bint sin Electromechanical ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) wave −Gint 1 be −cos ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) (8) which is known as continuum

88 A. Esmaeilian, M. Kezunovic / Electric Power Systems Research 138 (2016) 85–91

Fig. 2. Understanding of electromechanical wave propagation. (a) 64-generator ring system and (b) bus angle modulation following a fault at bus 16 at t = 0.

Fig. 3. (a) Testbed for testing impact of electromechanical wave oscillation on protective device and (b) low voltage simulator sample output.

0 5 10 15 20 25 300






Time (Sec)




.) @



0 5 10 15 20 25 300






Time (Sec)




.) @



(b) (a)

0 5 10 15 20 25 300





Time (Sec)



t (p


@ B




0, 25


Fig. 4. Outputs of overcurrent relays installed at buses 2

In this subsection, 64-generator ring system is used to performimulation studies. Fig. 4a–c shows the magnitude of the currents

aptured by overcurrent relays located at three different buses (20,5 and 30) following a solid three phase fault inserted at bus 16.he dotted lines show the pick-up setting of the time-delayed over-urrent relay, while the magnitude of instantaneous overcurrent


and 30 during electromechanical transient propagation.

relay is set at 5 pu. It can be seen from Fig. 4a that the disturbancereaches the bus 20 in less than 1 s. The measured current exceeds

the pick-up setting level at 2.12 s and the event file retrieved fromthe overcurrent relay shows that the trip signal is initiated at 2.73 s.

Fig. 4b shows that the disturbance reaches at bus 25 after around3 s. While the measured current exceeds the pick-up setting level at

Page 5: Electric Power Systems Research - SmartGridCenter · ∂t = Pm (x0)+Bint sin Electromechanical ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) wave −Gint 1 be −cos ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) (8) which is known as continuum

A. Esmaeilian, M. Kezunovic / Electric Power Systems Research 138 (2016) 85–91 89

Table 1Modifying time dial setting (TDS) of overcurrent relays.

Bus no. PrimaryTDS (pu)

Trip signaltime (s)

UpdatedTDS (pu)

Trip signaltime (s)

20 1 2.73 1.1 No trip25 1 No trip 1 No trip



Table 2Performance of distance relays with power swing blocking (PSB) module.

Bus no. Without PSB module With PSB module

17 Trip at Zone-1 No trip15 Trip at Zone-2 No trip27 No trip No trip

30 1 No trip 1 No trip

.89 s, no trip signal has been initiated, since the current magnitudealls below the pick-up setting before the time delay overcurrent

odule operates and sends the trip signal.Fig. 4c depicts the longer delay of the disturbance reaching the

us 30. This increasing delay of disturbance propagation from buso bus illustrates the propagation speed of electromechanical wave-

orms which is much slower than electromagnetic one. It should beoted that unlike the electromagnetic wave propagation which is

n the order of microseconds, this phenomenon occurs in the order

1 2




4 11

6 7



13 15











114 115




26 2322


































G: Generators

C: Synchronous Compensators

Distance Relays

OST relays

Fig. 5. IEEE 118-bu

-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2





R (p.u.)

X (



Distance Relay @ Bus 17

-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2





R (p.u.)

X (



Distance Relay @ Bus 15




X (



(a) (b)

Fig. 6. Distance relays outputs installed at buses 17, 15, 27

42 No trip No trip

of seconds. In this case, the current disturbance is not big enoughto exceed the pick-up level. Therefore, no trip will be initiated.

By observing the results of the above mentioned case at the threedifferent buses of the ring system, following may be noted:

• The electromechanical propagation speed is in order of seconds.• The magnitude of transients die down as it propagates further

from initiation location due to damping factor of generators.









41 42 53 54 56 55






















85 88 89




100 104
























5257 58




















s test system.

-0.2 -0 .1 0 0.1 0.2





R (p.u.)

Distance Relay @ Bus 27

-0.2 -0 .1 0 0.1 0.2





R (p.u.)

X (



Distance Relay @ Bus 42

(d) (c)

and 42 during electromechanical wave propagation.

Page 6: Electric Power Systems Research - SmartGridCenter · ∂t = Pm (x0)+Bint sin Electromechanical ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) wave −Gint 1 be −cos ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) (8) which is known as continuum

90 A. Esmaeilian, M. Kezunovic / Electric Power Systems Research 138 (2016) 85–91








X (



Out of Step Unit @ Bus 26










R (p.u.)

X (



Out of Step Unit @ Bus 28

Bli nders








X (



Out of Step Unit @ Bus 38

Bli nders

8 and










-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3-0.05

R (p.u.)-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.05

Fig. 7. OST relays outputs installed at buses 26, 2

Since the speed of transient oscillation itself is in order of seconds,the best solution to avoid false trip signal is to increase time delayof overcurrent relay.

In Table 1, results of the same disturbances before and afterncreasing of time dial setting (TDS) of overcurrent relays are com-ared. It can be seen that with increasing TDS of overcurrent relayt bus 20 from 1 to 1.1 pu, false trip could be avoided.

Increasing the TDS might seem an easy way to avoid unwantedripping of overcurrent relays under propagation of electrome-hanical wave oscillations, but one should verify the coordinationf overcurrent relays after increasing of TDS. For instance, if wencrease the TDS of relay at bus 20 more than 24%, the relay will noonger be coordinated with the other relays.

.2. Impact on distance relay

Traditionally, zone-1 of a distance relay is set between 85% and0% of the line length and operates instantaneously. Zone-2 is gen-rally set at 120–150% of the line length with coordination delayround 0.3 s. Zone-3 covers 120–180% of the next line with timeelay of 1 s. When the electromechanical transient wave passeshrough the terminal of a transmission line where the distance relays located, the apparent impedance seen by the distance relay mayall inside one of the zones of the relays and relay mis-operationccurs.

In this subsection, IEEE 118-bus test system is used to performimulation studies (see Fig. 5). Fig. 6a–d shows the R–X plans ofistance relays installed at four different buses (15, 17, 27 and 42)ollowing a solid three phase fault inserted at bus 30. It can be seenrom Fig. 6a that the impedance characteristic falls inside zone-1 ofelay installed at bus 17 and false trip signal is initiated.

In Fig. 6b, the electromechanical transient causes the measuredmpedance of the relay installed at bus 15 to enter Zone-2. Sincehe impedance locus stays in the second zone for more than 0.3 szone-2 time delay setting), another false trip signal is initiated.

In Fig. 6c and d, the impedance measurements of relays do notall inside any of relay’s Zones located at buses 27 and 42. As a result,o false trip signal due to relay mis-operation occurred.

By observing the results of the above mentioned case at the fourifferent buses, the following could be concluded:

Depends on the location of distance relays, they might be affectedby electromechanical wave oscillations. If the relay is closer tothe source of electromechanical wave propagation the chancesfor mis-operation are greater.Since the propagation speed of electromechanical waves is in theorder of seconds, by using same methodology as power swing

blocking scheme one can avoid distance relay mis-operations.

Table 2 compares the results under the same disturbance bydding power swing blocking module to distance relays at four

0.1 0.2 0.3 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4-0.05

R (p.u.)

38 during electromechanical wave propagation.

locations. As expected, in all four locations, unwanted trip signalis avoided considering the PSB module in distance relays. It shouldbe noted that almost all of the modern digital distance relays areequipped with the PSB module. Therefore, with proper setting ofPSB module, performance of distance relays in actual field mightnot be affected due to the propagation of electromechanical waveoscillations through their terminals.

4.3. Impact on out of step relay

OST relays are triggered after one or more generators in powersystem are about to lose their synchronization with the rest of sys-tem. In such cases, if the swing is unstable, the OST relay should tripthose generators to safeguard the rest of power system from cas-cade event outages and ultimately a major blackout [28]. However,in the case of stable swings, the OST relay should block tripping sig-nal even though the impedance characteristic enters relays’ backupzones.

An OST relay is usually comprised of two sets of double blindersas shown in Fig. 7. When an impedance characteristic penetratesinto outer blinders, a timer starts counting. In the case of a fault,the impedance characteristic encroaches the inner blinder beforethe timer ends. Therefore, OST relay should not block the distancerelay’s trip signal [29]. In the case of unstable swing, the inner blin-der encroached after the timer ends. Consequently, OST shouldoperate and separate it from the rest of system. Finally, if a sta-ble swing occurs, only outer blinder might be entered. It shouldbe noted that OST relay settings are based upon enormous tran-sient and stability studies of the entire power system and cannotbe simply modified or [30,31].

When electromechanical disturbances propagate through theterminal of OST relays, the same condition as mentioned in previoussubsection may occur. In such cases, the inner and outer blindersof OST relays are entered, and since electromechanical wave is atransient phenomenon, it is desirable to block the tripping signalof the OST relays for the duration of the wave propagation.

In this subsection, IEEE 118-bus test system is used to performsimulation studies. Fig. 7a–c shows the R–X plane of the OST relaysinstalled at three different buses following a solid three phase faultinserted at bus 23. It can be seen from Fig. 7a that the impedancecharacteristic enters both outer and inner blinder of OST relayinstalled at bus 26, which means the OST relay detects the conditionas unstable swing. As a result a false trip signal will be generatedby the relay.

In Fig. 7b, the electromechanical wave propagation causes themeasured impedance to enter the impedance characteristics’ outerblinder of OST relay installed at bus 28, while the inner zone is neverentered. As it has already been mentioned, it means the OST relaydetects the condition as a stable swing. Therefore, no false trip will

be initiated.

In Fig. 7c, none of the OST relay zones are entered. As a result,the OST relay detects the condition as normal and no trip signalwill be initiated. By observing the results of the above mentioned

Page 7: Electric Power Systems Research - SmartGridCenter · ∂t = Pm (x0)+Bint sin Electromechanical ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) wave −Gint 1 be −cos ı(x0)−ϕ(x0) (8) which is known as continuum

























A. Esmaeilian, M. Kezunovic / Electric

ase at the three different buses, the following conclusions may beeached:

Depends on the location of OST relays, they might be affected byelectromechanical wave propagation. If the relays are closer tothe source of electromechanical wave disturbances, the chanceof mis-operation is greater.The OST relays may only fail to operate correctly when both innerand outer blinders are entered.

. Conclusion

This study could have an important role in improving the widerea protection and reducing the risk of major blackouts. Theuthors achieved the following contributions:

Specification of the theoretical framework for study of electrome-chanical wave propagation.Development of comprehensive testbed to study the phenomenaassociated with electromechanical wave propagation.Discovery of problems associated with protective device oper-ation under the impact of electromechanical wave oscillationspropagating through their terminals.Suggested solutions to avoid protective device mis-operationunder this condition.


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