ELEC 6411 - Project Final Report Final

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  • 8/18/2019 ELEC 6411 - Project Final Report Final



    ELEC-6411 Final Project Report  

    Bi-directional Cascaded Buck 

    -Boost Converter


    Design and simulation

    Submitted to:

    Dr Luiz A. C. Lopes 

    Submitted by:

     Andrew Jensson, 40009961 

    Rajendra Thike, 27679319 

    Date of Submission: December 21, 2015 

    Term: Fall 2015 

  • 8/18/2019 ELEC 6411 - Project Final Report Final


     ABSTRACT Power electronic converters are efficient in supplying power at a regulated voltage or regulated

    current. Buck converters can supply power at a voltage level lower than the source while boost

    converters can supply power at higher voltage level than the supply. Besides these converters,

    there are converters which can source or sink the power depending on the requirement. In

    general, these are bi-directional converters either with current reversal capability or voltage

    reversal capability. 

    In this project, a cascade type bi-directional buck - boost converter has been analyzed and

    designed for supplying power to charge an ultracapacitor or use the power stored in the

    ultracapacitor. The converter is capable of changing the direction of the current and

    incrementing the voltage level either lower or higher compared to the source voltage. Analytical

    design of each component’s parameters including inductor, MOSFET rating, and harmonic filter

    for safe operation of the selected 165 F ultracapacitor from Maxwell. The converter was

    simulated in PSIM for four of its operating conditions, viz. buck charging of ultracapacitor, boost

    charging of the ultracapacitor, buck discharge of ultracapacitor and boost discharge of

    ultracapacitor. The harmonics from the simulation for each case was analyzed and a second

    order LC filter was designed for the supply and load accordingly. The resulting current ripple

    waveforms were found to have less harmonic magnitude as calculated.

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    Abstract  i 

    Table of contents  ii 

    List of Figures  iii 

    List of Tables  iv 

    Chapter 1  1 

    1.  Introduction  1 

    2.  Scope  2 

    Chapter 2  3 

    1.  Converter components  3 

    2.  Converter Analysis  5 

    3.  Converter Operation  5 

    Chapter 3  8 

    1.  Specification of the ultracapacitor  8 

    2.  Selection of the switch  8 

    3.  Switching frequency  8 

    4.  Inductor design  9 

    5.  Battery  9 

    Chapter 4  10 

    1.  PSIM simulation  10 

    2.  Buck - Charge mode  11 

    3.  Boost - Charge Mode  12 

    4.  Buck – Discharge Mode  13 

    5.  Boost - Discharge Mode  14 

    Chapter 5  15 

    1.  Harmonic analysis  15 

    2.  Numerical Fourier analysis  15 

    3.  Filter design  16 

    4.  Filter implementation  17 

    5.  Simulation  17 

    Chapter 6  20 

    1.  Results  20 

    2.  Conclusions  21 




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    Figure 1. 1 Conceptual Bi -directional Cascaded Buck -Boost Converter topology  _____________________________ 1 

    Figure 2. 1 MOSFET schematic diagram _____________________________________________________________ 3 

    Figure 2. 2 Inductor schematic diagram _____________________________________________________________ 4 Figure 2. 3 Schematic diagram of a battery   __________________________________________________________ 4 

    Figure 2. 4 Basic structure of a capacitor   ____________________________________________________________ 5 

    Figure 2. 5 Schematic diagram of the converter   ______________________________________________________ 6 

    Figure 4. 1 Converter schematic in PSIM  ___________________________________________________________ 10 

    Figure 4. 2 Buck - Charge waveforms  ______________________________________________________________ 11 

    Figure 4. 3 Boost - Charge waveforms  _____________________________________________________________ 12 

    Figure 4. 4 Buck - Discharge waveforms ____________________________________________________________ 13 

    Figure 4. 5 Boost - Discharge waveforms  ___________________________________________________________ 14 

    Figure 5. 1 Ideal rectangular current waveform ______________________________________________________ 15 

    Figure 5. 2 Current harmonic content without filter   __________________________________________________ 16 

    Figure 5. 3 Harmonic filter implementation in simulation ______________________________________________ 17  

    Figure 5. 4 Current waveforms for Buck - Charge mode with filter  _______________________________________ 18 

    Figure 5. 5 Current waveforms for Boost - Charge mode with filter   ______________________________________ 18 

    Figure 5. 6 Current waveforms for Buck - Discharge mode with filter  _____________________________________ 19 

    Figure 5. 7 Current waveforms for Boost - Discharge mode with filter  ____________________________________ 19 

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    LIST OF TABLES Table 2. 1 Converter modes of operation  ____________________________________________________________ 6 

    Table 2. 2 Relation of drive-mode and switching state  _________________________________________________ 6 

    Table 3. 1 Ultracapacitor parameters  _______________________________________________________________ 8 

    Table 3. 2 MOSFET parameters  ____________________________________________________________________ 8 

    Table 3. 3 Inductor parameters  ____________________________________________________________________ 9 

    Table 6. 1 Design and simulated converter results ____________________________________________________ 20 

    Table 6. 2 Design and simulated filter results  ________________________________________________________ 20 

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    CHAPTER 1 

    1.  Introduction 

    Power electronics converters have a wide range of applications. One of particular interestis the regulated dc supply. In many applications, the output voltage may be required to be

    higher or lower compare to the source. Buck -Boost converters can be used to achieve this

    requirement. However, in some applications, the direction of power flow should also be

    reversible. For such conditions, bi-directional converters are used. There are many

    different topologies for the bi-directional converters with each topology having certain

    advantages over others.

    The Bi-directional Cascaded Buck -Boost Converter, which for simplicity will be referred

    to as “converter” from herein, is one topology of dc-dc converters that has unique

    features and functions that make it an attractive option for certain applications. Whenvariable power must be sent and returned to a dc source (hence bi-directional), a dc-dc

    converter may be selected; even providing a more stable operating dc source for critical

    loads, a Bi-directional Cascaded Buck -Boost Converter may be utilized. The “cascaded”

    component stems from the series connection of both types of converters. The converter

     presented in this project has application in many systems. 

      Electric Vehicle Drive and Regenerative Brakingi 

      Back -up Power Supplyii 


    Photo-voltaic Systems 

      Energy Recovery Systems 

      Back -to- back Wind Power Systems 

    For the purpose of this project, the converter will be modeled in an electric vehicle

    inspired application, with the load of the converter being an ultracapacitor. Depending on

    the status of the ultracapacitor, it will be charged or discharged using a Buck or Boost

    configuration. The topology for this converter is shown in figure 1.1 iii. 

    Figure 1. 1 Conceptual Bi -directional Cascaded Buck -Boost Converter topology  

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    2.  Scope 

    This project is limited to the design of the inductor between the two legs, selection of the

    switching devices and the rating of the switches based on the load. Additionally, a second

    order LC filter is designed and component are selected for the battery side and theultracapacitor side. Design of the controller is out of the scope of this course project, so it

    is not discussed in this report. The designed converter is simulated in PSIM software for


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    CHAPTER 2 

    1.  Converter components 

    Before designing a functional converter, one must understand the fundamentals of

    operation of the circuit, as well as fundamental components and concepts individually. 

    i.  MOSFET 

    Based on the characteristics of different available power electronic switches, the

    MOSFET was selected; the criteria which will be discussed in a later chapter of this

    report. For the purpose of design and analysis of the converter, the MOSFET operates

    as an idealized switch. This means that the MOSFET will not have a voltage drop

    across it when closed and no current will leak through it when opened. The idealized

    MOSFET will also have an instantaneous turn-on and turn-off time and is capable of

    operating under all voltage and current conditions present in the converter. To operate

    the MOSFET, a gate signal will be applied to the “G” node when a closed switch isdesired; under all other conditions, the gate signal will be grounded with 0 v. 

    Figure 2. 1 MOSFET schematic diagramiv 

    ii.  Inductor  

    The inductor plays a vital role in the converter circuit; namely to act as the energy

    storage medium while the MOSFETs are switching to provide the desired output

    voltage. The basic inductor is a simple component in that it has a magnetic or air core

    with a wire coiled around. There are many other types of inductors, but the scope of

    this project will not explore these configurations, rather the inductance is the only

     parameter considered. When current passes through the coil of wire, the inductor presents “inertia”, or resists the change of current, depending upon the current applied

    and the inductance, measured in henries.

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    Figure 2. 2 Inductor schematic diagramv 

    iii.  Battery 

    Batteries are the portable source of power which can store and generate electrical

     power as a result of a chemical reaction. For electrical vehicle and other applications

    where power is bi-directional, rechargeable batteries are used. These batteries can go

    through many charge and discharge cycles, however there is some limit on the

    continuous current and the current should have low ripple to maintain expected life of

    the battery. 

    Figure 2. 3 Schematic diagram of a battery  

    iv.  Capacitor  

    The capacitor is another energy storing element in the converter to aid in reducing the

    voltage ripple and is often applied on the supply and output of a converter. For the

    design of the converter within the scope of this project, the capacitor will be

    considered ideal, meaning that it contains no parasitic resistance. A capacitor acts as

    an energy storage device and will oppose the change in voltage by drawing in the

    ripple currents, so the current that is supplied to the capacitor is dependent on the rate

    of change of the voltage applied, and the capacitance, measured in farads.

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    Figure 2. 4 Basic structure of a capacitor vi 

    v.  Ultracapacitor  

    An ultracapacitor is an energy storage device that is utilized in applications wherefrequent bursts of power is required for short duration. The energy storage density

    for ultracapacitor is very high compared to normal capacitors. Ultracapacitors

    typically store 10 to 100 times more energy per unit volume or mass than

    electrolytic capacitors, can accept and deliver charge much faster than batteries,

    and tolerate many more charge and discharge cycles than rechargeable batteries. 

    2.  Converter Analysis 

    i.  Steady-state Analysis 

    Steady-state analysis is an important tool used by designers and engineers to allow for

    certain assumptions that simplify the design process. The assumptions presume that

    all analyses of the circuit will be done after any transient or sub-transient responses of

    the components have been cleared. This is done to allow designers to calculate

     parameters and components while utilizing simplified equations and processes.

    ii.  Continuous Conduction Mode 

    Also known as CCM, this describes the operation principle of the converter when the

    inductor is not allowed to fully discharge its stored energy. Forcing the converter to

    operate in CCM will simplify the design procedure and analysis of the circuit. This is

    done by sizing the inductor so that the current flowing through the inductor never

    reaches a zero-value and this allows for a designer to use common analysis and

    design equations to create a converter that operates as expected. 

    iii.  Discontinuous Conduction Mode 

    Known as DCM, this mode of operation is more difficult to analyze than CCM. DCM

    occurs when the current flowing through the inductor is allowed to reach a zero-value

    and therefore becomes discontinuous with respect to time. The converter used for this

     project never operates in this condition. 

    3.  Converter Operation 

    The converter in figure 2.5 operates in four modes as listed in table 2.1 where specific

    nomenclature and the convention of current direction is outlined. Here, the terms

    “charging” and “discharging” are used with respect to the ultracapacitor. 


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    i.  Buck - Charge 

    In this mode the ultracapacitor voltage is less than the battery voltage. Switch Q1 is

    switched in pwm mode to charge the ultracapacitor in current controlled mode. The

    switching is based on the maximum current through the ultracapacitor. 

    ii.  Boost - Charge 

    When the ultracapacitor voltage is greater than the battery voltage, switch Q1 is kept

    on and switch Q4 will be switched on pwm mode to get higher output voltage than

    the battery voltage. Here again the control is done based on the current through the


    iii.  Buck - Discharge 

    To discharge the ultracapacitor when its voltage is greater than the battery voltage, the

    converter is operated in current controlled mode operating the switch Q3 in pwmmode. 

    iv.  Boost - Discharge 

    When the ultracapacitor voltage is lower than the battery voltage, the converter is

    operated in this mode to supply power to the battery. This is done by keeping Q3 on

    all the time and switching Q2 in pwm mode with current through inductor being


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    CHAPTER 3 

    1.  Specification of the ultracapacitor 

    To specify the individual components that make the converter, a circuit consisting of a

     battery and an ultracapacitor was selected. This type of load and source is an analogy to

    an electric vehicle application. In this application, the current flowing is bi-directional

    and the magnitude must be limited to a value within the tolerable levels of the

    components. The Maxwell BMOD0165 P048 BXX ultracapacitor with the parametersvii 

    given in table 3.1 was selected as an appropriate load for this study. 

    Table 3. 1 Ultracapacitor parameters 

    Capacitance  Rated Voltage  Max Continuous Current  Leakage Current  ESR  

    165 F  48 V  77 A  5.2 mA  6.3 mΩ 

    From the leakage current, the leakage resistance is calculated to be 9,231 Ω. 

    2.  Selection of the switch 

    From the rating of the ultracapacitor and the level of the operating voltage, the switching

    device should be selected. The maximum voltage across each switch is 48 V and the

    average current through each of the switch is maximum continuous current through the

    ultracapacitor. Because of the low voltage, high current, high switching frequency

    capability, a MOSFET is selected as the switching device. The MOSFET must be

    capable of handling the application demands without damage; therefore the

    STMicroelectronics  STH185N10F3-2 MOSFETviii  with 100% safety margin was

    selected. The parameters of the MOSFET are listed in table 3.2. 

    Table 3. 2 MOSFET parameters 

    Voltage,   100 V Continuous current,   180 A Thermal resistance junction-case, −  0.48 °C/W Turn on delay time, ,   25.6 ns Rise time,   97.1 ns Turn-off delay, ,  99.9 ns Fall time,    6.9 ns Resistance of drain-source, R DS(on) max  4.5  mΩ 

    3.  Switching frequency 

    The MOSFET must be able to dissipate the heat generated due to conduction and

    switching losses. The switching frequency,   of the converter, is calculate by balancingthe rate of heat generation and the rate of heat loss.

    The conduction loss is given by Pcond= R ds(on)*ID2*duty_cycle …(2.1) 

    For the worst case, duty_cycle is considered unity. 

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    The switching loss is given by Psw= ½*VDS*IDS*(td(on)+ tr +td(off)+tf )*f sw  …(2.2) 

    The maximum allowable power loss can be calculated using equation (2.3) 



    To limit the junction temperature to 100oC, the maximum allowable power loss is

    calculated to be 156.25 watts. As per the datasheet, the drain to source resistance varies

    with temperature, at 100oC, it is given by equation (2.4). 

    R DS(on)=1.5*R DS(normal) …(2.4) 

    Considering the non- perfect junction between the MOSFET and the heat sink the

    switching frequency is selected to be 1/5th  of the switching frequency given by the

    calculations using equations (2.1) to (2.4) which is 50 kHz.


    Inductor design 

    Once the switching frequency is fixed, the size of the coupling inductor, L, can be

     properly designed. In order to maintain the continuous current mode operation of the

    converter, the inductor can be sized according to the following equationix: 



    Using a fair assumption of maintaining continuous conduction mode at 5% of the safe

    continuous current value, which is set at 80% of the maximum continuous allowable

    current, the following values are obtained and are listed in table 3.3. 

    Table 3. 3 Inductor parameters 

    Switching Time,


    Voltage,  80% Max Continuous

    Current, Safe Operating Point 

    Minimum Inductor

    Current, , Induct


    = µ  24   80% ∗ 77 = 61.6   5% ∗ 61.6 = 3.08   20 µH 

    5.  Battery 

    For this project, an ideal battery in the PSIM software component library is selected. A

    small resistance of 5 mΩ is added in series with the battery to represent the internal

    resistance of the battery. Other parasitic and intrinsic factors of the battery are not

    considered in this project. 

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    CHAPTER 4 

    1.  PSIM simulation 

    A circuit shown in figure 4.1 is made in PSIM for simulation realization. 

    Figure 4. 1 Converter schematic in PSIM 

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    2.  Buck - Charge mode 

    Figure 4. 2 Buck - Charge waveforms 

    In this mode Q1 is operated in pwm mode with Q2, Q3 and Q4 turned off. For simulation

     purpose, the battery voltage is fixed at 24 V and ultracapacitor voltage is set to 20 V. The

    inductor current is forced to maintain 80% of rated ultracapacitor current i.e. 62 A. The

    modulating triangular waveform, gate signal to transistor Q1, battery voltage,

    ultracapacitor voltage, capacitor current, inductor current and the battery current are


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    3.  Boost - Charge Mode 

    Figure 4. 3 Boost - Charge waveforms 

    In this mode Q1 is on all the time with Q4 operated in pwm mode while Q2 and Q3 are

    turned off. For simulation purpose, the battery voltage is fixed at 24 V and the

    ultracapacitor voltage is set to 40 V. The inductor current is forced to maintain an average

    value of 62 A. The waveforms as in buck charge mode are plotted in figure 4.4 and figure

    4.5. It shows that ultracapacitor current has a pulsed waveform while inductor current and battery current has an average value of current close to 65 A. 

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    4.  Buck – Discharge Mode

    Figure 4. 4 Buck - Discharge waveforms 

    The ultracapacitor is discharging into the battery with current being maintained within a

    ripple of approximately 3 A near an average value of 62 A. The voltage of the

    ultracapacitor in this simulation is 40 V, and the battery voltage is 24 V; this gives a duty

    cycle for the switching MOSFET (Q3) of 0.6, which can be seen in the gate voltage

    waveform. The current in the ultracapacitor is pulsed waveform with a peak to peak

    ripple of around 65 A. 

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    5.  Boost - Discharge Mode 

    Figure 4. 5 Boost - Discharge waveforms 

    The voltage of the ultracapacitor is measured to be 20 V and is slowly decreasing as it discharges

    into the battery; this explains the negative values for current in figure 4.5. The duty cycle of the

    switching MOSFET, Q2 is calculated as 0.2, which can be seen in the gate voltage waveform.

    The inductor current is held within the 3 A ripple around 72 A, while the battery current is a

     pulsed waveform with a peak to peak ripple of nearly 75 A. 

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    CHAPTER 5 

    1.  Harmonic analysis 

    From the waveforms shown in figure 4.2 to 4.5, the battery current is pulsed in buck

    charge mode and boost discharge mode while the ultracapacitor current is pulsed in boost

    charge mode and buck discharge mode. This is due to the nature of the circuit and the

    switching operation required to obtain the buck and boost modes. To determine the

    harmonic content present in the pulsed waveforms, the pulsed waveform is assumed to

    have an ideal rectangular shape as shown in figure 5.1. 

    Figure 5. 1 Ideal rectangular current waveform 

    With the idealized rectangular waveform shown in figure 5.1, the Fourier series analysis

    is simplified and using equation 5.1, the amplitude of the harmonic currents is calculated. 


    (sinℎ)… (5.1) 

    When d is 0.5, the amplitude of harmonics is largest. The fundamental component, ,with a frequency of 50 kHz, which is the same as the switching frequency,  , has a peak

    to peak amplitude of

    This large amplitude is undesirable for the life of the battery and ultracapacitor, and afilter is needed to limit this value. 

    2.  Numerical Fourier analysis 

    The fast Fourier transform (FFT) tool of the PSIM software used for buck charge mode

    without filter results the graph in figure 5.2 showing the dominant harmonic to be 50


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    Figure 5. 2 Current harmonic content without filter  

    3.  Filter design 

    It is chosen to limit the peak to peak amplitude of the currents in the devices to 5% of the peak amplitude. For that following equations are used to design the second order LC



      … (5.2) 

    () = 20log() … (5.3) 

    log( ) log( ) =()

     … (5.4) 



     … (5.5) 

    Using equations 5.2 to 5.5, the resonant frequency of the filter,  , is calculated to be9.9 kHz. The angular frequency becomes  = 2 = 62.25 /. 

    The resonant angular frequency of the second order harmonic filter can be written as

    equation 5.6. 

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    Figure 5. 4 Current waveforms for Buck - Charge mode with filter  

    Figure 5. 5 Current waveforms for Boost - Charge mode with filter  

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    Figure 5. 6 Current waveforms for Buck - Discharge mode with filter  

    Figure 5. 7 Current waveforms for Boost - Discharge mode with filter  

    Comparing the results in figure 4.2 to figure 4.5 with figure 5.4 to figure 5.7 respectively, the

    current waveforms have lost their pulsed rectangular shape and are now much closer to an ideal

    dc voltage. There is still a ripple due to the sizing of the filter, which was necessary to maintain

    designed operation characteristics after implementation, while removing as much of the

    harmonic current content as possible. There is a possible resonance effect shown in the

    waveform shape, but this impact on the components is much less than the large pulsed current

    waveform that was present prior to filter implementation.

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    CHAPTER 6 

    1.  Results 

    The average inductor current was designed to sustain 80% of the maximum continuous

    current rating of the ultracapacitor with a maximum ripple of 5% at a switching

    frequency of 50 kHz. The second order LC filters were designed to limit the current

    ripple in the battery and ultracapacitor to 5% of the battery voltage and 5% peak -to- peak

    of the current amplitude. A summary of the results are listed in table 6.1 and table 6.2. 

    Table 6. 1 Design and simulated converter results 

    Mode of


    Inductor Average

    Current,  Inductor Ripple

    Current,  Comments 

    Designed  Simulated  Designed  Simulated 

    Buck - Charge  61.6 A  62 A  3.08 A  2.2 A  Simulation as designed 

    Boost - Charge  61.6 A  64 A  3.08 A  7.0 A  higher than designed 

    Buck- Discharge

     61.6 A


    60 A 

    3.08 A 

    9.0 A 

    higher than designed 

    Boost - Discharge  61.6 A  72 A  3.08 A  4.0 A  IL,design< < IL,max 

    Inspiration for the controller came from a similar projectx that utilized separate

    controllers for each mode. However, a single controller was implemented for every mode

    of operation which may have influenced the switching control. This controller does not

    have precise control over the controlled variable. 

    Table 6. 2 Design and simulated filter results 

    Mode of


    Battery Ripple

    Current, ∆ Ultracapacitor Ripple

    Current, ∆ Comments 

    Designed  Simulated  Designed  Simulated 

    Buck - Charge  3.5 A  3.0 A  3.5 A  0.5 A  Simulation as designed 

    Boost - Charge  3.5 A  1.2 A  3.5 A  4.5 A   higher than designed Buck - Discharge  3.5 A  0.4 A  3.5 A  2.5 A  Simulation as designed 

    Boost - Discharge  3.5 A  4.5 A  3.5 A  0.5 A   higher than designed 

    As table 6.2 indicates, the peak -to- peak amplitude of the currents are limited near 5% of

    the peak amplitudes of the battery and ultracapacitor currents, as designed using the

    simulated results in figures 4.2 to 4.5. The rectangular wave assumption used to size the

    filter may have introduced the deviation from 5% limit in the Boost modes listed above.

    The effects seen in the resulting waveforms in figures 5.5 and 5.7 seem to identify aresonance scenario within the filter design. 

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    2.  Conclusions 

    The Bi-directional Cascaded Buck -Boost Converter topology was analyzed and designed

    for a specific application supplying power to charge the ultracapacitor or use the power in

    the ultracapacitor. The size of the switches, inductor and filter were determined using

    analytical equations. The converter was simulated in PSIM to verify its operation. The

    harmonics in current was analyzed using both Fourier series method and numerical

    Fourier transform in software. Designing a second order LC filter, the dominant harmonic

    current was limited to with 5% of the peak amplitude which was verified in simulation. 

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