Elastollan ® Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU)

Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

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Page 1: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding


Thermoplastic PolyurethaneElastomers (TPU)

Page 2: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

T h e m o r e t h e r e i s i n i t , t h e m o r e y o u c a n g e t o u t o f i t


elastic and resis-tant to buckling

flexible at lowtemperatures,impact-resistantand flexural inbending

tight bendingradii (for hoses)

good resilience

good dimensio-nal stability

resistant to oils,greases andozone

resistant toweathering

abrasion andwear resistant

resistance tomicrobial attackand hydrolysis(also in salt water)

thematerialis whatcounts

There is a lotin Elastollan –just like theseRussian dolls.

Page 3: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

The material is what counts

At some stage comes the question:what material shal l we use ? – The answer can be crit ical to success orfai lure, since the material must sus-tain what the product promises. Andmoreover: besides its physical pro-pert ies the material should be easy and economical to process, compatiblewith the environment, and ult imatelycapable of recycl ing.

Utilise potential

Elastol lan, the thermoplastic polyure-thane elastomer made by BASF, provi-des the market with a material with outstanding potential for innovation.Through customised Elastol lan formula-tions we are able to meet complex specif ications for demanding applications.

Elastol lan’s career as a problem-solverbegun over 30 years ago. Constantlydeveloped and adapted to the require-ments of the market, Elastol lan hasestabl ished itself successful ly as amult i-talented material in virtual lyevery branch of industry.



ElastollanThe registered trademark Elastollan is used by BASF for its thermoplastic polyure-thane elastomers (TPU). The material Elastollan has especially good physical pro-perties, making it suitable fordemanding applications invirtually all sectors of industry.

Processing� Injection moulding� Extrusion� Blow moulding

sound andvibrationdamping

extremely goodresistance topenetration andtear propagation

hardness from55 Shore A to 74 Shore D

may be colouredas desired

can be painted

glass-fibre rein-forced versionalso available

long life –resistant toageing

recyclableget out ofit whathas beenput into it

E l a s t o l l a n – i t ’s g o t e v e r y t h i n g i n i t

can be processedon conventionalinjection moul-ding, extrusionand blow moul-ding machines

Page 4: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

Problem-solving – is it a problem ?

I t is easy to get “cold feet” whenfacing demanding remits or complexspecif ications without assistance.That is when problem-solving itselfbecomes a problem.

Problem-solving – no problem!

In such cases as these, a strong,competent and motivated partner onwhom you can trust is indispensable.For problems involving materials, BASF has been a f irst choice amongleading companies for many years.

We work flat out for you

Our offer: tel l us about your subject,your problem, your requirement profi le.Turn your material problem into ours.

Yo u a r e n o t a l o n e


S y n e r g i e s : c o m b i n e d s t r e n g t h s

The lonely life of thisman of the wild is anadventurous one.Even in snowstormsand with shortages offood and fuel, he iscompletely self-reliant.

Without help, life is hard,very hard – and not onlyin the Arctic….

Page 5: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding


For our business part-ners, everything ismobilised

Full serviceOur staff, with their commit-ment, motivation, training, com-petence and skills, represent the“heart” of the company. Combi-ned with our comprehensivetechnical equipment resources,they put us in a position to offerour business partners everyconceivable aid in solving theproblems at hand.

Customer adviceOur customer advisers, withtheir technical, chemical andcommercial qualifications, standready to assist our businesspartners on site with word anddeed. We get to grips with yourrequirement profile and makeyour problem into ours.

Research and developmentOur researchers in the fieldsof chemistry and engineering,together with our marketingstaff, have a clear objective: the development of marketableproducts for the present andthe future. This involves theoptimization of existing productsand especially the realisation ofentirely new concepts.

Applications engineeringIn our pilot plant with its injec-tion moulding machines andextruders we can reproduce andtest out virtually any productionsituation in-house, then bring itto the production stage.

Mechanical and chemicaltestingAll standard physical and chemical tests are carried out in-house. We have a special testing facilites.

As a world leader in the f ield ofTPU we mobil ise our extensive potential for your use. Together withyou we shall analyse the problemand – we shall solve it, with topquality, innovation and eff iciency. “The wishes of our customers havetop priority” is a key motif in our philosophy.

Our combined competence leadsto successful synergies and partnerships

Each Elastogran granule representsmore than 30 years of TPU know-how.We have drawn together our compe-tence in materials to create the potential for problem solving and innovations:� customer service� research and development� standard and special physical

and chemical tests� applications engineering know-how

in injection moulding machines andextruders.

An ongoing exchange of experienceensures benefits to our business part-ners – in the form of new applicationopportunit ies from materials which areentirely new or else further optimised.

Our Elastol lan is the TPU benchmarkthroughout the world. We owe thissuccess to our product and to the co-operation of our business partners.

Page 6: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

E l a s t o l l a n s h e a t h i n g t u r n s w i r e s i n t o p e r f e c t c a b l e s a n d c a b l e c o n n e c t o r s


Conventional wiring technologyin modern carshas clearly reached its limits.One solution is touse flexible flatcable coated with Elastollanthermoplastic polyurethane(PU). Such ca-bles are not onlylighter and requi-re less space,they also providebetter performan-ce and safety.

Demanding usein industrial robots: trailingcables, pneumatichoses, protectivehoses and elec-tric cables aremade from Elastollan. Utili-zing it’s flexibility,abrasion-resistantand flame-resis-tant characteris-tic’s, giving long-term resistanceto mechanicalwear.

Resists the manifold strainsin the field ofphotovoltaic: cable sheathingmade of halogen-free, flame-retardant Elastollan. It withstands theeffects of UV andozone radiationjust as well asmicrobes and hydrolysis.

C a b l e s w i t h E l a s t o l l a n p r o t e c t i o n a g a i n s t

Page 7: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding



� abrasion-resistant� flexible from -40 to +125°C� resistant to cutting, tearing

and tear propagation� good electrical properties� microbial resistance

(polyether grades)� resistant to hydrolysis� resistant to oils and greases� resistant to ozone and

high-energy radiation.

Special Elastollan gradesare also� flame-retardant without

halogen� suitable for matt surfaces� crosslinkable.

Hardness: 75 Shore A to 74 Shore D.


On conventional processing machines� extrusion for sheathing� injection moulding for


Typical automotive applications

� ABS, ESP, BBK, ASR, DSC and TC systems

� control cables for injectionpumps

� battery cables.

Typical applications in machine-building and toolmaking

� trailing cables for robots� feed lines for robots and

handling equipment.

Typical applications in theconstruction industry

� power supply for constructionmachinery and equipment.

Special cable applications

� rail vehicles, medical equipment, offshore, nuclear energy and domestic applications.

Cable shea-thing and cableconnectorsmade fromElastollan areflexible, water-tight through-out their length,and resistantto breakingand impact.

ABS systemsmust be 100%reliable. Thisapplies equallyto cables andconnectors. Elastollan-sheathed wiringprovides for un-disturbed, secureflows of informa-tion, even in thatpart of the wheelhousing exposedto stone damage,water and cold.

s h e a t h i n g : r e l i a b l e s t a n d s t i l l s a n d d o w n t i m e s

Protection against downtime

Elastol lan sheathing for cables andconnectors meets the most str ingentcriteria for the protection of valuableand sensit ive power and control cables.Functional eff iciency and rel iabi l i ty aretherefore quite substantial ly enhanced.Downtime and fai lures are minimised.

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E x t r e m e l y h a r d w e a r i n g h o s e s a n d p r o f i l e s o f E l a s t o l l a n f o r m a c h i n e s a n d e q u i p m e n t



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F u n c t i o n a l l y r e l i a b l e a n d d u r a b l e : w i t h E l a s t o l l a n

Pneumatic con-trol cables madefrom Elastollanhave optimal bursting pressureand resiliencecharacteristics.They are extreme-ly hard wearingand can copewith tight bends.

These characte-ristics make themsuitable for usewherever mobileequipment issupplied withcompressed air.

Page 9: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding


Extraction andconveying hosesof Elastollan arevery flexible anddurable for usewith abrasivesubstances.

Flexible andhard wearing;profiles madefrom Elastollan,also in combi-nation withother plastics.


� abrasion-resistant� flexible from -40 to +100°C� resistant to cutting, tearing

and tear propagation� ozone-resistant� microbial resistance

(polyether grades)� resistant to hydrolysis� resistant to oils and greases.

Special Elastollan grades are also� flame-retardant without

halogen� suitable for matt surfaces� plasticizer free� antistatic.

Hardness: 60 Shore A to 74 Shore D.


On conventional processing machines.

Typical applications for hoses

� pneumatic hoses� spiral hoses� conveying hoses� hydraulic hoses (outer layers)� insulation hoses.

Typical applications for profiles

� strippers� round-section belts/v-belts� toothed belts� sealing lips� ninges� escalator-handrail.

Properties combined

Hoses and profi les must be hard-wearing, f lexible, and resistant to media, but also value for money. Elastol lan meets these requirements in an ideal manner.

Handrails madeof Elastollan canbe dyed in anyconceivablecolour. They areeasily maintainedand exchanged, ifnecessary. Theirlow flexural strength helps save operatingpower.

Features of round-sectionand V-belts madeof Elastollan: low elongation,abrasion resis-tance, flexibilityand easy to weld.

Page 10: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

H i g h l y - f l e x i b l e f i l m s , s u p e r- e l a s t i c f i b r e s a n d s o f t - t o u c h c o m p o u n d s f r o m E l a s t o l l a n


Agreeably soft is the feel of this anthracite-colouredhandle of rubber compound.Modification with Elastollangives a durable composite

Super-elastic fibres made from Elastollanwithout solvents arekind to the skin and are used in fashion textiles. In stretch hosiery, sportswear and swimwear, Elastollan gives bodycontrol combined withfreedom of movement.

Tensioned elasticity. Highly elastic and tear-resistant Elastollan film is an elegant solution for the packaging industry. The stretched Elastollan film surrounds the product, holds it carefully in place, and absorbs vibration and shocks.

Page 11: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding


Elastollan protec-tive film which is impermeable to liquids pro-tects mattresses,while allowingwater vapour topass through tomaintain comfort.

Fastening element for the fixing of cables in motor vehicles.POM base mate-rial, modified withElastollan to giveimpact strength.


� abrasion-resistant� flexible from -40 to +125°C� resistant to cutting, tearing

and tear propagation� microbial resistance

(polyether grades)� resistant to hydrolysis� resistant to oils and greases� resistant to ozone and

high-energy radiation.

Special Elastollan grades are also� flame-retardant without

halogen� suitable for matt surfaces� characterised by good

adhesion to reaction foams and laminating adhesives

� highly elastic and stretchable� suitable for thermoforming� scratchproof� weldable� no yellowing (aliphatic grades)� moisture permeable.

Hardness: 70 Shore A to 74 Shore D.


On conventional processing machines� extrusion for films and fibres� compounding for polymer


Typical applications for films

� interior trim and engine enclosure (automotive)

� protective film for mattresses� packaging film� ski and snowboard film� air cushions for shoe inserts� clothing� roof lining� wound dressing.

Typical applications for fibres

� textiles for clothing� orthopaedic items� elastic ribbon.

Typical applications for compounds

� fastening elements� safety elements� multi-component articles.Safety and comfort

Flexible f i lm of Elastol lan is not onlydecorative but also protects, seals and insulates. This enhances safetyand comfort when used in motor vehicles and other applications.

Super-elastic f ibres make skintight fabrics super-comfortable and bring the wearer into shape.

F o r i n d u s t r i a l a n d l e i s u r e u s e s :F i l m , f i b r e a n d c o m p o u n d s o f E l a s t o l l a n

Scratch-resis-tant film of Elastollanblend, with lowtemperatureflexibility, protects the surface of snowboards.The big advan-tage: the at-tractive décoris safely pro-tected from damage be-neath the film.

In compounds Elastol lan improves impact strength and adhesion to other plastics.

Page 12: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

E x p e r i e n c e t h e d i f f e r e n c e : E l a s t o l l a n i n a u t o m o t i v e a p p l i c a t i o n s


S a f e r, m o r ea t t r a c t i v e , b e t t e rv a l u e f o r m o n e y,g r e a t e r c o m f o r t :T P U E l a s t o l l a n

Good resilienceand high abrasi-on-resistance distinguish thecolourfast cup-holder made ofElastollan.

Center consoleand slider covermade of soft,non-plasticizedaliphatic Elastollanin 2-shot-over-molding design.The scratch

resistant Elastollansurface with itssoft-touch feel enhances the per-ceived quality ofthe car interior.The colour fast-ness of aliphaticTPU avoids addi-tional off-line coa-ting of the surface.

The shapely designed covermade of soft ali-phatic Elastollanconnects armrestand inner doorhandle in an elegant way.

Page 13: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding


Elastollan springseats and bellows meet the extremelyhigh specifica-tions for thechassis unit.


� resistant to oil, grease and ozone

� abrasion-resistant� notched impact strength� rigid� flexible at low temperature� good resilience� flexural strength� elastic� durable� elastic modulus up to

10,000 N/mm2.

Hardness: 55 Shore A to 74 Shore D.


On conventional injection moulding machines.

Typical automotive applications

� gear knobs� inner door handles� bushings� stop dampers� cover strips� aerials� seals� cable runs� chassis spring seatings� non-slip linings/shutters� trim� door/seat stops� cupholder.

Thanks to Elastollan this inner door handlestands out for its pleasant touch,good dampingproperties, high-quality and longlife.

For demanding applications

No other industry has such wide-ranging specif ications for materials as the automotive industry.

Elastol lan provides this branch ofindustry with a material which satisf iesits need for quality and reprodu-cibi l i ty and which moreover stands out for material propert ies such as low temperature f lexibi l i ty, good appearance and damping, resistance to oi ls, rel iabi l i ty and durabil i ty.

A surface of high quality appearance, made from Elastollan. Theslush skin of this instrumentpanel is made of a develop-ment productwith many otheradvantages: outstanding UVresistance, lowemissions andfogging, free ofplasticisers, lowdensity, good low temperatureproperties.

Flexible sealinglips made of Elastollan protectthe car interioragainst dirt andmoisture whilstproviding excel-lent adhesion topolyamides.

Page 14: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

F o r s p o r t a n d l e i s u r e :E l a s t o l l a n i n c r e a s e s t h e f u n f a c t o r


Head and foot into winter sport:Elastollan forski goggles,ski and snow-board bootshells andsnowboardsurfaces.

Page 15: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding



� abrasion-resistant� notched impact strength� rigid� flexible at low temperature� good resilience� flexural strength� elastic� durable.


On conventional injection moulding machines.

Typical applications in thefootwear sector

� soles for safety footwear, walking boots and shoes, sports shoes

� heel taps� reinforcements� trimmings.

Hardness: 55 Shore A to 60 Shore D.

Typical applications for leisure activities

� skateboard rollers� inline roller skate shells� golf trolley covers� mast sleeves� boom mountings.

Hardness: 85 Shore A to 64 Shore D.

Typical wintersport applications

� ski boot shells� shells for snowboard boots� film for snowboards� ski tips and ends� binder elements.

Hardness: 80 Shore A to 74 Shore D.

F u n , f u n , f u n w i t h E l a s t o l l a n : p e r f o r m a n c e -e n h a n c i n g , e r g o n o m i c , t r e n d y

Sport shoesoles of Elastollan in varioushardness grade andcolour combi-nations.

Ski tips andends of Elastollan protect the“boards” frommechanicalstresses fromsnow and ice.Sophisticateddesign alsoenhances thevalue of theprotectivefunction.

Also good forsafety foot-wear. Elas-tollan shoesoles arecomfortable,lightweight,fashionable,ergonomic,resistant, durable andanti-static.

Ultimate kick

Sport and entertainment take top placein our leisure society. The market is agrowing one. Consumers and producersare constantly on the search for the“ult imate kick”. With Elastol lan as material, your ideas for products soonbecome promising real i ty.

Page 16: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

Tr a n s p o r t i n g , c o n v e y i n g , s o r t i n g : w i t h E l a s t o l l a n


G e t t h i n g s r o l l i n g : w i t h E l a s t o l l a n

The rollers ofsuch permanentlyrunning escala-tors cover thousands of kilometres in ayear. That meanscontinuous stresswhich only abra-sion-resistant,tough and resili-ent materialssuch as Elastollan can withstand.

Able to take con-tinuous loading,abrasion-resis-tant and sound-damping: Elastollan rollertyres for con-veyor systemsand shoppingtrolleys.

Page 17: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding


For conveyanceof materials, Elastollan suctionelements are flexible, soft, hard wearing andresistant to tearpropagation.They adhere topaper, film andmetal surfaces.


� resistant to oil, grease and ozone

� abrasion-resistant� notched impact strength� rigid� flexible at low temperature� good resilience� flexural strength� elastic� durable.

Hardness: 55 Shore A to 74 Shore D.


On conventional injection moulding machines.

Typical applications in thefields of sorting, conveyingand transport

� bottle stands� rail pads� screen elements� castors� lift cable pulleys� guide rollers for escalators.

Meeting the requirements

A characterist ic feature of the transportindustry is the high level of specif ica-t ions for the materials used. Productsmade from Elastol lan take hard use andgive long l i fe in service. Their sound-damping propert ies create a less noisyenvironment.

Vibration-dampingElastollan rail padsbetween rail andconcrete sleeperprevent shock andvibration to thetrack. They also reduce railway noise levels.

Elastollan screenelements for long-term resistance toabrasion from hard,sharp-edged bulkmaterials of everykind.

Page 18: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

G o o d y i e l d s a n d e c o n o m i c a l u s e o f r e s o u r c e s : w i t h E l a s t o l l a n

F o r t h e f o o d p r o d u c e r s : e f f i c i e n t t o o l s m a d e f r o m E l a s t o l l a n


Page 19: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding



� abrasion-resistant� notched impact strength� rigid� flexible at low temperature� good resilience� flexural strength� elastic� durable.

Hardness: 55 Shore A to 74 Shore D.


On conventional injection moulding machines.

Typical applications in agriculture

� grass collecting fingers/rollers

� conveyor belts� seals/cages for roller

bearings� ear tags� collars and chains� picking fingers� transponders.

Typical applications in the fishing industry

� stoppers for long-line fishing lines.

Elastollan ear tags for the identification

of livestock last a lifetime. Weather-resistant, flexibleand with high tear propagationstrength, they arealso suitable tocarry barcodes and chips.

Crops being harvestedare carefully graded by flexible sortingattachments and freedfrom adhering earth.Abrasion-resistant Elastollan means longservice life.

To maintain world fishstocks, selective fishingis a much better alter-native to fishing withnets. Elastollan stop-pers on the long lineshold the cords with thefishing hooks reliably inposition, making selec-tive fishing practicablefor both deep sea andinshore fisheries.

High-tech but solid and reliable

High-tech products in the food-produ-cing sector have become indispensableinstruments for rat ional isation, en-hanced eff iciency and abil i ty to com-pete. But they are also essential aids to targeted and careful use of naturalresources.

Even more than in other sectors, bothfarming and f ishing make high de-mands on the strength and resistanceof the materials employed. Elastol lanproducts meet these criteria over thelong-term, with their resistance to phy-sical, chemical and biological factors.

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E l a s t o l l a n i n c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h o t h e r m a t e r i a l s


Handles, forexample forpower tools,are given abetter feel andbecome less easily soiled,with soft,scratchproofhandle cover-ings madefrom Elastollan.

M o r e f u n c t i o n a l t h r o u g h E l a s t o l l a n : m u l t i - c o m p o n e n t p a r t s


� abrasion-resistant� notched impact strength� rigid� flexible at low temperature� good resilience� flexural strength� elastic� durable� can be combined with

other materials

Hardness: 55 Shore A to 98 Shore A


On conventional injection moulding machines and multi-component machines.

Doctor bladesin photogra-phic develo-ping machineswipe the che-mical residuesfrom the pho-tographs. The flexibleElastollan edges protectthe photo ma-terial and areat the sametime resistantto chemicals.

A constantcompanion for peoplewho mayneed assis-tance is thispulsing de-vice. Its poly-carbonate andElastollan ca-sing is a goodexample ofcompositematerial use.

More economic production

Elastol lan can be combined with en-gineering plastics. This also optimisesthe property spectrum of the f inishedproduct. Mult i-component products make for more eff icient production by reducing handling and simplifyingproduction processes.

Page 21: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

E l a s t o l l a n – f o r e v e r y s i t u a t i o n


Professionalswimming poolcleaner. The flexible, serratedElastollan clea-ning disc clingsto the contoursof the pool, is abrasion-resis-tant and resistantto chlorinatedwater. Elastollan

horseshoesprotect boththe joints ofthe horse andthe purse ofthe rider.

The high-gradeoptics of thesebinoculars are“packaged”aesthetically in Elastollan material, whichalso makes themeasy to hold and protectsthem from windand weather.

Po t e n t i a l s o l u t i o n s f r o m E l a s t o l l a n


� abrasion-resistant� notched impact strength� rigid� flexible at low temperature� good resilience� flexural strength� elastic� durable.

Hardness: 55 Shore A to 74 Shore D.


On conventional injection moulding machines.

Linings of glass-fibre-reinforcedElastollan are able to cope withthe fluctuatingtemperatures in professionalcoffee-makingmachines owingto their thermalexpansion pro-perties.If it can’t be done, it doesn’t exist

Elastol lan provides a range of materialswhich makes virtual ly any conceivableproduct capable of real isation. Makeuse of Elastol lan’s hidden potential togive shape to your f inished products.

Page 22: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

Our future lies in the future

Only those who think about the futurewil l be able to escape the present. Weare making every effort to f ind answersto the questions and needs of tomor-row. We fol low up trends and use themto provide ideas for our portfol io. Weinvest in research and development sothat in the future too, Elastol lan wil lcontinue to be a potential solution forthe needs of the market.

W h a t c a n b e m o r e e x c i t i n g t h a n t h e f u t u r e ?


“When I grow up I’ll invent a car that runs on water. Then every-one can fill up at the tap and I’ll be famous”.

� material combinations

� TPU with TPU� TPU with PU� TPU with

rubber� TPU with


New combinations

� l ight-fast� soft touch� antistat ic� f lame resistant

New properties

I d e a s f o r t h e w o r l d o f t o m o r r o w

� foamed Elastol lan

� aliphatic Elastol lan

� f lexible Elastol lan

New products

Page 23: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding


The future has already begun

Elastol lan wil l become even more versati le, covering an even wider range of applications. We shall bringentirely new propert ies to the market,and – Elastol lan wil l become even easier and quicker to process.

Elastollan – for the products of tomorrow

For al l that, we are conscious of our responsibi l i ty towards people and the environment. In the future too, Elastol lan products wil l contri-bute to improving our quality of l i fe.

� softer, harder� better damping� l ighter� better thermal

stabi l i ty

Enhanced properties

� shorter cycle t imes

� more effective production

� greater economy

Save time and money

� more durable� more hard

wearing� more resistant� better resis-

tance to mi-gration

Saving resources

� proximity to the market

� disciplined project management

� concentrated TPU know-how

Shorter development times

Tackling the future: Elastollan

Find the answers to thequestions of tomorrow

More flexibleWe are developing Elastollanwith Shore hardness < Shore 60 A.The more flexible Elastollan gra-des will have a more agree-abletouch, be very easy to handleand not sticky. This material willbe especially suitable in materialcombinations for hard casingswith soft handles, also for ho-ses, cable sheathing and shoesoles.

Flexible and value for moneyThe aim: to provide flexible ma-terials, for example for bellowsand film. The solution: polymerblends of Elastollan with suitablematerials for good value, easily-processed finished parts withlow compression set.

More light resistantSophisticated, highly transparentvisible parts, for example films:when laminated on skis andsnowboards they protect theelaborately designed surfaces.Protective film from aromaticElastollan, with its UV radiationresistance, gives long-term pro-tection to ensure clear coloursand lettering. Our new aliphaticElastollan has “natural” light resistance.

Lighter and with better damping propertiesFoamed Elastollan for shoe solesentirely of TPU: lightweight withshock absorption, a high degreeof comfort in wear, good resis-tance to abrasion. The benefitsfor the shoe manufacturer: theproduction of high-quality solesis easier and more economical.

Enhanced heat resistanceEngineering parts made fromElastollan such as cable, hoses,rollers, seals and bellows shouldin future withstand temperaturesup to 10 to 20°C higher.

ProcessingShorter cycle times with no lossof quality increase productivityand profit for the finished partmanufacturer.

Environmental compatibilityLonger lifetimes for wearingparts means less use of naturalresources. All-TPU parts facili-tate pure material recycling.

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Leader in its Field

BASF is the leading supplier ofpolyurethane basic products, systemsand specialt ies. With its global networkof 35 polyurethane System Houses andits comprehensive product and serviceportfol io, BASF is the preferred partnerof i ts customers in many industries.With its world-scale plants BASF secures its leading market posit ion inthe manufacture of polyurethane basicproducts in al l regions of the world.

In the European Economic Area BASFPolyurethanes GmbH is running theBASF polyurethane business via i ts 14 System Houses. In Europe, BASF isboth the market and technology leaderof polyurethane systems and poly-urethane specialty elastomers.

Working hand in hand with ourcustomers

In the highly service-orientedpolyurethane systems and specialt iesbusiness, experience and expert ise arewhat customers require. With its net-work of System Houses, BASF offersfast local support in the developmentof individual solutions, including tech-nical service, sales and marketing.BASF ensures rel iable supply of basicpolyurethane products l ike MDI, TDI


A b o u t p o l y u r e t h a n e s a t B A S F

The main site of BASFPolyurethanes Europe is in Lemförde, LowerSaxony, Germany.

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Research and DevelopmentWorld-wide BASF PolyurethaneResearch for PU systems and PU special elastomers has beencentralized in the newly createdResearch Centre in Lemförde.Nearly 200 specialists work inthis think tank of expertise andcreativity for the fields of Research, Development and Applications Technology. With the know-how of this inter-national technology centre weprovide our expertise to otherBASF Group companies in Ameri-ca and Asia which are active inthe field of polyurethane.

Portfolio:BASF develops, produces andsells:� PU elastomers as thermo-

plastic specialty elastomers� PU elastomers as cellular

specialty elastomers� PU base products, such as

isocyanates, polyols, cata-lysts, auxillary materials

� PU systems, divided into system groups such as rigid,flexible, integral, compact

Sites (EMEA)� Germany (headquarters)� France� The UK� The Netherlands� Italy� Russia� Sweden� South Africa� Spain � Turkey� Hungary� Slovakia� Dubai

and polyols on a global scale from thecompany's world-scale plants.

Individual Innovations

No matter which PU application is involved – BASF turns the apparentlyimpossible into an innovative real i ty. In close project-related co-operationwith the customer our special istteams of chemists, physicists, engineers and sales experts developtai lor-made, creative and economicsolutions. We create a sol id and rel i-able base with our customers throughboth active dialogue and combinedexperience. Our sectoral applicationstechnology which stretches throughoutEurope is str ict ly focused on valueadded benefit.

Page 26: Elastollan Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers (TPU) extrusion and blow moul-ding machines. Problem-solving – is it a problem ? It is easy to get “cold feet” when facing demanding

Quality management

Client satisfaction is the basis of enduring commercial success, and westrive to meet our cl ients’ expectationsof our products and services.

In order to guarantee this, we have introduced a quality management sys-tem several years ago, extending to al lareas of the company. Every businessprocess is regularly assessed using keyperformance indicators, and is furtherdeveloped as a result. The aim is tooptimise the eff iciency and make therelationship between al l activit ies andprocesses as smooth as possible. Everystaff member is urged to contribute

ideas and advice to ensure we are con-stantly improving our processes.

The basis of our quality managementsystem is the international standardISO 9001, supported by the supple-mentary automobile industry requirements ISO/TS 16949.

Q u a l i t y m a n a g e m e n t


G o o d , b e t t e r Q u a l i t y M a n a g e m e n t

QS 9000, VDA 6.1, DIN EN ISO 9001

Top performance ispossible only wheneverything comes to-gether: personnel andmaterial, planning andexecution, motivationand will. At the limits of what is feasible, perfection counts.

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The two possible means of recycling

Protection of the environment and the husbanding of natural resourcesare establ ished corporate objectives.

Thermoplastic polyurethane’s may be recycled in an environmental ly-compatible manner by two methods:1. Thermal uti l isation2. Material recycl ing

Economic, ecological and product safety factors vary from one case to another.

Thermoplastic polyurethanes are suitable for both thermal uti l isation and material recycl ing.

Thermal utilisation

In thermal uti l isation, polyurethane makes use of what has been a long tradit ion with wood: the gaining ofenergy through combustion. Al l PURmaterials can be converted into elec-tr ical power in modern refuse incine-ration plants by using their high energyvalue, thereby making a contribution tothe conserving of natural resources.

Material recycling

Up to a maximum of 30% of TPU regrind may be added to original granules.

R e c y c l i n g – p o l y u r e t h a n e f r o m p o l y u r e t h a n e


R e c y c l i n g c o n s e r v e s r e s o u r c e s

During material recyc-ling, TPU scrap or TPUparts are reground. Upto 30% of regrind maybe mixed with originalgranules in the manu-facture of new products.

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Multitalented Elastollan

With proven product grades, recog-nised good service and constant on-going development, Elastol lan has wona permanent place in the market for awide range of applications.

Using our knowledge and many years of experience we wish to contribute toyour success: with the mult i-talentedmaterial Elastol lan and innovative so-lutions to problems, tai lored to yourrequirements.

For further information we have the fol lowing brochures ready to send inresponse to your cal l :� Elastol lan – Product Range� Elastol lan – Material Propert ies� Elastol lan – Processing Recom-

mendations� Elastol lan – Electr ical Propert ies� Elastol lan – Chemical Resistance

BASF Polyurethane GmbHEuropean Business ManagementThermoplastic PolyurethanesElastogranstr. 6049448 LemfördeGermanytelephone ++49 (54 43) 12-25 00telefax ++49 (54 43) 12-25 55www.pu.basf.eu M

A, 1



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® = Registered Trademark of BASF Polyurethanes GmbH

The data contained in this publication is based on our currentknowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that mayaffect processing and application of our product, this data doesnot relieve processors from carrying out their own investigationsand tests; neither does this data imply any guarantee of certainproperties, or the suitability of the product for a specific purpose. Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, propor-tions, weights etc. given herein may change without prior noticeand do not constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product. It is the responsibility of the recipient of our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. (07/08).

Photos: BASF Aktiengesellschaft; Bavaria Bildagentur; BremerKaffeemaschinen; Calypso; Confon; Festo; Fotostudio Schwar-zenberger; Grimme; Habasit; IFA-Bilderteam; Joseph Norres; Kai Georg Photographie; Kraiburg; Legris; Lumberg; Mauritius;Mustad; Reis; Rhodia; Superbild; Techniform; Trotters; Zefa; ZF Lemförder Fahrwerkstechnik.