EKG Refresh and Practice Normal SinusRhythm . Rate: 60 - 100 beats perminute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular - Regular o Pwaves: Uniform in appearance Upright w/ normal shape One Preceding each QRS Nor more than.10 second o PR interval: 0.12 - 0.20second r QRS: 0.10second or less P-Waves: Should be no morethan 2.5 mm in height,andno morethan .10 second in width PRInterval: Includes the p-waveasit leaves the baseline andends at the betinningofthe QRS complex QRS Complex: Measured from the beginningof the QRS complex (asthe first wave leaves the baseline) to the end of the eRS complex (whenthelast wavebegins to level out into the ST segment).The end of the QRS complexis calledthe J-Point' Normally positive in lead II ST Segment: Beginswith the endof the QRS complexandends with the onset of the T-wave. Normally flat. Coisideredelevated if it is above the baseline anddepressed if it is below the baseline. An elevated ST segrnent is a sign of myocardialinfarct. T-Wave: Beginsasthe deflectiongraduallyslopes upwardfrom the ST segment and ends whenthe waveform retums to baseline. Shouldbe positive in a LeadII. Analyzing a Rhythm StriP o What is the rate? o Is it regularor irregular? o If irregular,is therea pattemof irregularity? o Are thereP-waves? ...are they all the same? o If so, is the P-R interval of normal lengthandarethey all the same? o Is thereonly oneP-Wave for every QRS complex?

EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

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Page 1: EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

EKG Refresh and Practice

Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minuter Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular

Ventricular - Regularo Pwaves: Uniform in appearance

Upright w/ normal shapeOne Preceding each QRSNor more than .10 second

o PR interval: 0.12 - 0.20 secondr QRS: 0.10 second or less

P-Waves:Should be no more than 2.5 mm in height, and no more than .10 second in width

PRInterval:Includes the p-wave as it leaves the baseline and ends at the betinning ofthe QRS complex

QRS Complex:Measured from the beginning of the QRS complex (as the first wave leaves the baseline) to the end of

the eRS complex (when thelast wave begins to level out into the ST segment). The end of the QRScomplex is called the J-Point'

Normally positive in lead II

ST Segment:Begins with the end of the QRS complex and ends with the onset of the T-wave. Normally flat.

Coisidered elevated if it is above the baseline and depressed if it is below the baseline. An elevated ST

segrnent is a sign of myocardial infarct.

T-Wave:Begins as the deflection gradually slopes upward from the ST segment and ends when the waveform

retums to baseline. Should be positive in a Lead II.

Analyzing a Rhythm StriPo What is the rate?o Is it regular or irregular?o If irregular, is there a pattem of irregularity?o Are there P-waves? ...are they all the same?o If so, is the P-R interval of normal length and are they all the same?o Is there only one P-Wave for every QRS complex?

Page 2: EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS Complex

Normal SinusRhythm (NSR)

Regular 60 to 100Positive; Rounded; Normal PRInterval; One P wave for each

QRS complexNarrow


Regular Less than 60Positive; Rounded; Normal PRInterval; One P wave for each

QRS complexNarrow


Regular 100 to 170Positive; Rounded; Normal PRInterval; One P wave for each

QRS complexNarrow

Page 3: EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

Rhvthm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS ComplexSupraventricular


Regular Over 170Not visible, though may be

present burried in QRS complexor T waves


Premature AtrialContraction


Regular withIsolated


That ofUnderlying


Positive; Rounded; Normal PRInterval; One P wave for each

QRS Complex



Irregular 60 to 100Positive; Rounded; Normal PRInterval; One P wave for each

QRS ComplexNarrow

Page 4: EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS Complex

Sinus Block orSinus Arrest

Regular withSudden Pause

60 to 100Positive; Rounded; Normal PR

Interval; May see one non-conducting P before pause


Atrial FlutterRegular orIrregular

Atrial: 250-400:Ventricular

usuallv 60-100

Positive; Peaked or "Sawtooth"Appearance to Baseline; Unable

to measure PR IntervalNarrow



Atrial: Nocoordinated


usuallv 60-100

None; Wavy deflections affectingbaseline as atria quiver


Page 5: EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS ComplexJunctionalRhvthm

Regular 40 to 60lnverted; May occur before/after

ORS complex or be hiddenNarrow


Regular 60 to 100Inverted; May occur before/after

QRS complex or be hiddenNarrow


Regular More than 100Inverted; May occur before/after

QRS complex or be hiddenNarrow

Page 6: EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS ComplexPremafureJunctional


UsuallyRegular with


That ofUnderlying


That of Underlying Rhythm; PJCwill have Inverted or hidden P


1' AV Block Regular

That ofUnderlying

Rhythm; Usually60 to 100

Positive; Rounded; PR Intervalmore that0.20sec; One P wave

for each QRS ComplexNarrow

2' AV Block,Mobitz I



Usually 60 to100, May beBradycardic

Positive; Rounded; PR IntervalWNL at first but lengthens

progressively until P does notconduct to QRS


Page 7: EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS Complex

2" AV Block,Mobitz II

UsuallyRegular, Maybe Iregular

Atrial: Varies,Ventricular:Usually Less

Than 60

Positive; Rounded; PR Intervalfor conducting beats is alwaysWNL; More than I P wave for

each QRS Complex

Usually Narrow

3' AV Block(Complete Heart


Atrial andVentricular

Regular but notCorresponding

Atrial: 60 to100,

Ventricular:Usuallv 20-40

Positive; Rounded; Unable toMeasure PR Interval; P:QRS

Ratio variable; P waves may behidden in QRS or T waves

Typically Widened

Bundle BranchBlock

That ofUnderlying


That ofUnderlying


Positive; Rounded; Normal PRInterval; One P wave for each

QRS Complex

Borderline Wide: 0.100.14 sec; UsuallyNotched (QRR'S)

Page 8: EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS ComplexIdioventricularRhythm GVR)

Regular 20 to 40 Absent Wide

Accelerated IVR Regular 40 to 100 Absent Wide




That ofUnderlying

Rhythm withIsolated


That ofUnderlying


That of Underlying Rhythm; No P

Wave Preceedine PVC

That of UnderlyingRhythm; PVC Wide

and May HaveOpposite Deflection

from UnderlyingRhrrthm

Page 9: EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm · 2017-06-27 · EKG Refresh and Practice Normal Sinus Rhythm. Rate: 60 - 100 beats per minute r Rhythrn: Atrial - Regular Ventricular

Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS Complex


Regular 100 to 250Usually Absent; If Present Will

Not Correlate with QRS Complex

Wide; QRS Adjacentto QRS or Only T

Waves VisibleMaskine Baseline


Irregular ZeroNo Coordinated Systole; Wavy

Deflections Affecting Baseline asVentrical Quiver


Asystole None Zero

Lack of Electrical Activity;Baseline Usually Flat or NearlyFlat (Mild Deflections Will Be

Less Than 2mm in Height)
