EK Pahila Report

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  • 7/31/2019 EK Pahila Report


    Ek Pahila Foundation is a non-profit organization established in France and aims

    at supporting rural government schools in Nepal with the needed educational

    infrastructure, resources and sustainable solutions for the long term.



    Ek Pahila Nepal

    [email protected]

    Ek Pahila Foundation

    Report 2011-12

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 EK Pahila Report




    Devisthan Primary School, a government funded school, established in 1977, is

    ocated in Devitar, approximately 10 KM North East of Banepa, a commercial town

    n the main highway linking Kathmandu with Tibet. The school provides education

    p to grade 7 and currently has 350 students of which 55% are females and 45%

    re males.

    This village has a population of nearly 4000, of which a large majority are Tamangs

    who are considered among the under-privileged cast in Nepal. Due to poverty,

    literacy and lack of social awareness, Tamang community in this village lack in all

    spect of modern development.

    ince the establishment of the school, it had no permanent access to clean water for

    rinking and toilet facilities. The surrounding fields and bushes around the school

    remises were used as open toilets by the school community and the people of the

    earby surrounding areas. As a result of such unhygienic conditions, students were

    xposed to various illnesses and also caused embarrassment to girl-students. Although

    wo toilets were constructed in early 2011, they were non-operational due to lack of

    water supply. The schools infrastructure needed immediate revamping and repairs.

    Due to insufficient government funds and no other external financial assistance, the

    chool had been functioning very poorly.

    Ek Pahila Foundations primary goal was to help the school build and improve its

    xisting infrastructure through active participation of the parents, the local

    ommunity and the school management team for a better learning environment to

    heir children. In addition, the aim of this project was also to encourage strong social

    elationships among themselves and help them realize that the school is an important

    ong-term asset for the village and that a collaborative approach to maintain the

    chool and its infrastructure will ensure a better future for the students of Devisthan

    rimary School.

    Grade Male Fema

    6 15 25

    5 26 29

    4 17 23

    3 28 30

    2 33 27

    1 22 39



    12 21

    Total 347 Students

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    A. Project Summary

    Project Title: "" Devisthan Secondary School

    Project objectives:# Bring reliable and clean water supply - building, repair and maintenance of the schoolinfrastructure supporting the adult literacy program providing sustainable solution throug

    agriculture program

    Project period: # 1 year and 2 weeks 1st June 2011 15th of June 2012

    Beneficiaries: "" Students, teachers, parents and local community members

    Target number: " 347 students and adults

    Total Expenditures: # 6047 $

    Supported by: " List of donors - see the appendix 1

    Program management: Ek Pahila Foundation and Devisthan Secondary School


    1. Permanent water supply and pavement construction

    2. Classroom refurbishing

    3. Balcony construction

    4. Desk & Benches5. Bathroom roofing

    6. Locker for teachers

    7. Agriculture project

    8. Staircase and Balcony Construction

    9. Adult Literacy

    10. Celebration of International Womens Day

    11. Retention Wall

    12. Hand-Washing campaign13. Sports and recreations goods - contribution from a donor

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    Project Timeline 2011- 12

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    1. Permanent water supply and pavement construction

    Project duration: June 10 - July 15, 2011

    Ek Pahila Foundations first step was to set up a permanent and clean water

    supply and for this purpose the school was supplied with nearly 2000 meters of

    high quality half inch PVC pipe to connect to the water source nearly 2km

    southwest of the school. A tank of 1cc meter for water collection was also

    constructed at the source and all necessary materials such as cement, sand,

    concrete, steel rods, G-I pipes, a tap were also provided for the construction work.

    The parents, local community, school staffs and the students volunteered to lay the

    pipe underground from the source to the school. The entire work was

    accomplished in a month. In addition, volunteers were also provided with a light-

    day meal during the work period. As a result, the school now has a clean and

    permanent water supply.

    Along with this, a concrete pavement of width- 5ft breadth x length-65ft was also constructed in front of the ma

    school building in order to prevent the building foundation getting weak from rain water seepage. Besides that,

    also serves as a corridor passage to enter the classrooms.

    Construction of Pavement

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    2. Classroom refurbishing

    Project duration: October December, 2011

    The classroom floor of kindergarten situated in the 2nd building was

    parqueted with wooden planks and refurbished with a new carpet and

    the broken door was also properly repaired. In addition, educational

    materials and toys worth Rs 10600/ 104 Euros were also provided tothe school for the kindergarten class. Previously, the toddlers sat on

    dusty cemented floor and the teacher also had hard time teaching in

    the absence of any sort of educational materials. Now with these innovative educational materials and a restore

    classroom, she is now able to teach in a more fun and creative manner.

    Before Carpentry Work

    AfterParqueting Carpeted

    Before After

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    Benches Wooden Flooring Balcony wall Locker for teachers Bathroom roofing

    Classroom building refurbishing project expenditures

    3. Balcony construction

    A wall of 65ft in length, 2.5ft in height and 1.5 ft. in breadth was built on the 2nd building corridor fo

    strengthening the steel poles supporting the roof. In absence of this wall, the poles were weak and some were even

    dangling because they were not firmly fixed under the ground. After the construction of the wall, the poles holding

    the roof have been strengthened and entire front roof is one solid structure besides it also serves as a sitting plac

    for students. Furthermore, it has also improved the general outlook of the building.


    Side View

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    . Desk & Benches

    tudents of grade 2 and 3 also lacked sufficient desk and benches and sat cramped on the existing old and some

    were even broken. Twelve sets of new desk and benches were provided to the school for these classrooms and

    most damaged ones were also repaired. With the addition of the new desk and benches, the students can sit and

    tudy more comfortably.

    5. Bathroom roofing

    The bathrooms roofing was left unfinished with corrugated galvanized steel roofs sheets drooping down

    exacerbated this problem. The metal sheets were placed randomly on top of the walls and stones blocks were

    placed above to hold it from being blown away by strong winds. It had a dilapidated look and there was

    always a possibility of the sheets falling due to the sagging of the metal sheets. The roof has been fixed

    properly with additional welded steel pipe supports and is now completely safe for use.

    Before After

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    6. Locker for teachers

    Besides many other basic necessities, the school had no locker facility for the

    teachers where they could keep their books, files and other essential things. As a

    result, they had to carry them to their homes instead of keeping safely in school

    causing great inconvenience to them. A locker with 9 compartments was

    provided and since then each teacher has his/her own space to keep their

    essential things.

    7.Agriculture project

    Project duration: September - December, 2011

    A long-term plan of this project is to generate additional income to the school through utilizing its existing

    surplus 10 acres of fertile land for seasonal vegetable farming. In order to achieve this objective, necessary tools

    and fertilizers were provided to the school community along with 950 kilograms potato seeds. A total of 3245

    kilograms of potatoes were harvested and sold in Banepa which generated a net income of nearly Rs. 48,000 to

    the school. The school management community is confident that it is possible to harvest at least three different

    crops in a year. Another benefit of this project is also to provide employment to the local farmers who are in

    most cases the parents of the students themselves. The income generated from farming will help the school to

    meet some of its day to day expenses.

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    9. Staircase and Balcony Construction

    Project duration: February 15 - April 20, 2012

    As a result of heavy monsoon rains, large areas in the mountains are often washed away due to erosion, mudslide

    and landslides and Devitar village is no exception to it. The school had no staircase and the students had to climb

    on the mud hill to reach their classrooms on the main building. For this purpose, a staircase and a balcony in fron

    of the main building were constructed. This also prevented the students from accidents of falling. In addition, th

    staircase also functions as a retention wall to the eastern side of the school building. With these additional facilitie

    the students and the teachers are able to safely commute from the main building to the lower building.


    8. Chautari (resting place) construction

    Chautari, a resting place beneath a tree in Nepali, is very common in the hills of Nepal. A chautari with

    Ek Pahila Foundations name engraved was built and a!kapur tree (Dryobalanops aromatica) was planted as a

    remembrance of Ek Pahilas contribution to the school and the community.

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    10. Adult Literacy

    Project Duration: February July, 2012

    The main objective of the Adult Literacy Program was to provide

    basic education to elderly people. As stated earlier, a large

    number of this village are illiterate and have no formal

    education. The six-month literacy program was tailored to teach

    adult students basic mathematics and Nepali language. Donors

    were free to choose to sponsor the students and receive their

    profiles via email or regular post and also view short snippets of

    the teaching program via YouTube. All adult students were

    females except one male adult. Interestingly, these adults were the

    parents of the students who are currently attending Devisthan

    Secondary School. This adult literacy program has helped the

    community to understand the importance of education even


    11. Celebration of International Womens Day

    On the occasion of International womens day on March 08, 2012

    Ek Pahila Foundation Program director Madhab Shrestha

    distributed cotton bags along with sweets and stationary to all the

    students of the adult literacy program. These bags were specially

    designed by Ek Pahila foundation so that they could carry their

    books and copies for their evening class.

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    12.Retention Wall

    Project Duration: May 2 - May 20, 2012

    A retention wall below the bathroom and the adjoining building

    surrounding was constructed in order to protect the entire structure

    from soil erosion caused by heavy monsoon every year. A stone

    retaining wall of length 90 feet x an average of 5 feet in height and

    1.5 feet in breadth was constructed during this project. This

    structure is an additional support to the bathroom and the classroom

    building against any further mudslides or landslides.

    Stone retention wall under construction

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    13. Hand-Washing campaign

    On the occasion of International

    Childrens Day on June 1, 2012 Ek Pahila

    Foundation launched a Hand-washing

    Awareness" campaign. The campaign was

    focused on teaching school childreneffective techniques of hand-washing and

    its importance. A dozen soap bars were

    distributed to the school along with an illustrated diagram showing the techniques of proper hand washing.

    Extra coordination costs

    Ek Pahila Foundation is taking into account coordination and visit costs which includes the transportation cost,

    meals and phone expenditures. The program director of Ek Pahila made several visits to the school and spent

    couples of night during the implementation of the project.

    14. Donor visit

    One of our regular donors Agathe Devos visited the school on March

    1st, 2012 and gifted sports and recreations goods worth Rs 5600 to the

    school in order that the students may benefit from these goods for their

    physical and mental development. !Earlier, there were only two footballs

    for the boys and a few skipping ropes for the girls and their sport

    activities were very limited. !

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    spent in



    spent in



    spent in

    USD Funds sources

    1Permanent water supply and

    pavement construction96900 950 1101


    2Classroom refurbishing anddistribution of educational


    41412 406 471

    Medico Lion Club France

    3Balcony construction

    18972 186 216Donation and LLeo Club La

    Baule Presqu'ile France

    4Desk and benches

    51510 505 585Donation and Le Monde est un

    Bijou - Fair trade products sales

    5Bathroom roofing

    17952 176 204Donation and Leo Club La Baule

    Presqu'ile France

    6Locker for teachers

    11628 114 132Leo Club La Baule Presqu'ile



    Chautari construction (tree

    shade) 5100 50 58 Donation

    8 Agriculture project 36720 360 417 Donation

    9 Staircase and balcony


    137088 1344 1558

    NGO Le Noel des Mamans and

    Le Monde est un Bijou - France -


    10 Adult literacy 81600 800 927 Donations

    11Celebration of International

    Women's day5304 52 60


    12 Retention wall 81600 800 927 Donations

    13 Hand washing campaign 4284 42 49 Donations

    14Contribution from Agathe

    (voluntary) for 56 euro! ! !


    15 Extra coordination cost 26724 262 304 Donations

    ! Total amount spent 616794 6047 7010 !


    Expenditure Table

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    water supply18%

    classroom refurbishing29%


    Staircase Balcony construction21%

    Adult Literacy program3%

    Retention wall16%

    Total expenditure for Devisthan Primary School 2011-12