Efficacy of Systemic Radionuclide Therapy with p- 131 I-Iodo-L-Phenylalanine Combined with External Beam Photon Irradiation in Treating Malignant Gliomas Samuel Samnick 1,2 , Bernd F. Romeike 3 , Thomas Lehmann 2 , Ina Israel 1 , Christian R ¨ ube 4 , Angelika Mautes 5 , Christoph Reiners 1 , and Carl-Martin Kirsch 2 1 Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of W ¨ urzburg, W ¨ urzburg, Germany; 2 Department of Nuclear Medicine, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany; 3 Department of Neuropathology, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany; 4 Department of Radiotherapy and Radiooncology, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany; and 5 Department of Experimental Neurosurgery, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany p- 131 I-iodo-L-phenylalanine ( 131 I-IPA) is a tumor-specific amino acid derivative that demonstrated antiproliferative and tumorici- dal effects on experimental gliomas. This study tested the efficacy of 131 I-IPA combined with external beam photon radio- therapy as a new therapeutic approach against gliomas. Methods: Glioma cells derived from the rat F98 glioma or human Tx3868 or A1207 glioblastoma cell lines were stereotactically in- oculated into the brains of Fischer 344 rats or RNU rats. Tumor formation was verified radiologically. On day 8, groups of gli- oma-bearing rats of each tumor model underwent whole-brain radiotherapy with 8 Gy, an intravenous administration of 131 I-IPA (30 MBq), or combined treatment, aiming for a total of 12 rats per group. Another 12 animals were treated with physio- logic saline and served as control. Results: Control rats had a combined median survival (6SD) of 21 6 6 d. All revealed met- abolically and histologically large tumor masses. Efficacy of radiotherapy alone or a monotherapy with 30 MBq of 131 I-IPA was statistically insignificant on the syngeneic Fischer–F98 model (P $ 0.45 and P 5 0.10, respectively). In contrast, a subset of long-term survivors (.120 d) was observed in RNU rats bear- ing Tx3868 and A1207 glioblastoma xenografts (18%225% and 35%245% for radiotherapy and 131 I-IPA, respectively). Com- bined 131 I-IPA and radiotherapy treatment significantly pro- longed median survival for the syngeneic Fischer–F98 glioma model (P , 0.01) and human glioblastoma–bearing RNU rats alike (P , 0.05). On day 120 after monotherapy with 131 I-IPA, 45% of the RNU rats were still alive, but after 8 Gy of photon ra- diotherapy only 18%225% of the RNU and none of the Fischer rats survived. In comparison, 55%275% survival rates were reg- istered after combined treatment on day 120 for all animal models. Conclusion: These data convincingly demonstrated that systemic radionuclide therapy with 131 I-IPA combined with external photon radiotherapy is a safe and highly effective treat- ment for experimental gliomas, which may merit a clinical trial to ascertain its potential in patients with gliomas. Because only a low 131 I-IPA activity and low radiotherapy doses were applied, further optimizations including higher radiation doses and con- ventional fractionated radiotherapy are warranted. Key Words: malignant gliomas; targeted radionuclide therapy; external photon radiotherapy; combination treatment; radiosen- sitivity J Nucl Med 2009; 50:2025–2032 DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.109.066548 Despite advances in the current standard therapies— including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy—the prognosis for patients with malignant glioma remains poor (1,2). The diffuse infiltration of these neoplasms means that not even the smallest surgical instruments are fine enough to bypass the healthy neurons and resect only the tumor cells (3). Additionally, most malignant gliomas are highly resistant to external radiation or systemic chemotherapy (4–6). Therefore, overall survival (OS) generally ranges from a few months to about 1 y for glioblastoma multiforme, the most common malignant glioma (1–4). To overcome these dismal prospects, various experimental therapies have been administered, including gene therapy, antisense treatment, boron neutron capture, locoregional radioimmunotherapy, ligand–toxin conjugate administration, or 5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy; methods for sensitizing glioma cells to apoptosis induction; or methods aiming at different targets such as the coagulation system, to name only a few (7–13). Unfortunately, all these efforts have failed to appreciably increase the median OS of patients with gliomas. The finding that malignant brain tumors accumulate amino acids more avidly than do healthy brains has led to the development of amino acid–based radiopharmaceuticals for detecting brain neoplasms using PET and SPECT (14–17). The iodinated amino acids p- 123 I-iodo-L-phenylalanine Received May 25, 2009; revision accepted Aug. 28, 2009. For correspondence or reprints contact: Samuel Samnick, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of W ¨ urzburg, Oberd ¨ urrbacher Strasse 6, D-97080, W ¨ urzburg, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] COPYRIGHT ª 2009 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc. SYSTEMIC RADIONUCLIDE THERAPY ON GLIOMAS • Samnick et al. 2025

Efficacy of Systemic Radionuclide Therapy with 131I-Iodo-L ...jnm.snmjournals.org/content/50/12/2025.full.pdf · targets such as the coagulation system, to name only a few (7–13)

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Page 1: Efficacy of Systemic Radionuclide Therapy with 131I-Iodo-L ...jnm.snmjournals.org/content/50/12/2025.full.pdf · targets such as the coagulation system, to name only a few (7–13)

Efficacy of Systemic Radionuclide Therapywith p-131I-Iodo-L-Phenylalanine Combinedwith External Beam Photon Irradiation inTreating Malignant Gliomas

Samuel Samnick1,2, Bernd F. Romeike3, Thomas Lehmann2, Ina Israel1, Christian Rube4, Angelika Mautes5,Christoph Reiners1, and Carl-Martin Kirsch2

1Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany; 2Department of Nuclear Medicine, SaarlandUniversity Medical Center, Homburg, Germany; 3Department of Neuropathology, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany;4Department of Radiotherapy and Radiooncology, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany; and 5Department ofExperimental Neurosurgery, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany

p-131I-iodo-L-phenylalanine (131I-IPA) is a tumor-specific aminoacid derivative that demonstrated antiproliferative and tumorici-dal effects on experimental gliomas. This study tested theefficacy of 131I-IPA combined with external beam photon radio-therapy as a new therapeutic approach against gliomas.Methods: Glioma cells derived from the rat F98 glioma or humanTx3868 or A1207 glioblastoma cell lines were stereotactically in-oculated into the brains of Fischer 344 rats or RNU rats. Tumorformation was verified radiologically. On day 8, groups of gli-oma-bearing rats of each tumor model underwent whole-brainradiotherapy with 8 Gy, an intravenous administration of131I-IPA (30 MBq), or combined treatment, aiming for a total of12 rats per group. Another 12 animals were treated with physio-logic saline and served as control. Results: Control rats hada combined median survival (6SD) of 21 6 6 d. All revealed met-abolically and histologically large tumor masses. Efficacy ofradiotherapy alone or a monotherapy with 30 MBq of 131I-IPAwas statistically insignificant on the syngeneic Fischer–F98model (P $ 0.45 and P 5 0.10, respectively). In contrast, a subsetof long-term survivors (.120 d) was observed in RNU rats bear-ing Tx3868 and A1207 glioblastoma xenografts (18%225% and35%245% for radiotherapy and 131I-IPA, respectively). Com-bined 131I-IPA and radiotherapy treatment significantly pro-longed median survival for the syngeneic Fischer–F98 gliomamodel (P , 0.01) and human glioblastoma–bearing RNU ratsalike (P , 0.05). On day 120 after monotherapy with 131I-IPA,45% of the RNU rats were still alive, but after 8 Gy of photon ra-diotherapy only 18%225% of the RNU and none of the Fischerrats survived. In comparison, 55%275% survival rates were reg-istered after combined treatment on day 120 for all animalmodels. Conclusion: These data convincingly demonstratedthat systemic radionuclide therapy with 131I-IPA combined withexternal photon radiotherapy is a safe and highly effective treat-ment for experimental gliomas, which may merit a clinical trial toascertain its potential in patients with gliomas. Because only

a low 131I-IPA activity and low radiotherapy doses were applied,further optimizations including higher radiation doses and con-ventional fractionated radiotherapy are warranted.

Key Words: malignant gliomas; targeted radionuclide therapy;external photon radiotherapy; combination treatment; radiosen-sitivity

J Nucl Med 2009; 50:2025–2032DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.109.066548

Despite advances in the current standard therapies—including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy—theprognosis for patients with malignant glioma remains poor(1,2). The diffuse infiltration of these neoplasms means thatnot even the smallest surgical instruments are fine enoughto bypass the healthy neurons and resect only the tumorcells (3). Additionally, most malignant gliomas are highlyresistant to external radiation or systemic chemotherapy(4–6). Therefore, overall survival (OS) generally ranges froma few months to about 1 y for glioblastoma multiforme, themost common malignant glioma (1–4). To overcome thesedismal prospects, various experimental therapies have beenadministered, including gene therapy, antisense treatment,boron neutron capture, locoregional radioimmunotherapy,ligand–toxin conjugate administration, or 5-aminolevulinicacid photodynamic therapy; methods for sensitizing gliomacells to apoptosis induction; or methods aiming at differenttargets such as the coagulation system, to name only a few(7–13). Unfortunately, all these efforts have failed toappreciably increase the median OS of patients with gliomas.

The finding that malignant brain tumors accumulateamino acids more avidly than do healthy brains has led tothe development of amino acid–based radiopharmaceuticalsfor detecting brain neoplasms using PET and SPECT(14–17). The iodinated amino acids p-123I-iodo-L-phenylalanine

Received May 25, 2009; revision accepted Aug. 28, 2009.For correspondence or reprints contact: Samuel Samnick, Department

of Nuclear Medicine, University of Wurzburg, Oberdurrbacher Strasse 6,D-97080, Wurzburg, Germany.

E-mail: [email protected] ª 2009 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc.


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(123I-IPA) and p-124I-iodo-L-phenylalanine have been usedclinically for this purpose (18–20). Both these phenylalaninederivatives actively cross the blood–brain barrier after intrave-nous administration and accumulate specifically in gliomas,presumably via the amino acid transporters L and ASC (systemASC amino acid transporter for neutral amino acids), which areoverexpressed in malignant glioma cells (21–23). A specificaccumulation and prolonged retention of the radiopharmaceu-ticals were demonstrated clinically for low-grade and high-grade gliomas alike. At the same time, the uptake of theseagents in normal brain parenchyma and nonneoplastic lesionsremained moderate (18–20). Therefore, we postulated thatwhen administered systemically, L-phenylalanine that wasconjugated to a a- or b-emitting radionuclide such as 211Ator 131I could selectively deliver an effective radiation dose tomalignant glioma cells. Consequently, we developed p-131I-iodo-L-phenylalanine (131I-IPA), which—when used as a singleagent—was tumoricidal to glioma cells and improved survivalof rats with cerebral C6 gliomas (24). Besides the therapeuticb-emission, 131I-IPA seems to act synergistically tumoricidal inconnection with external irradiation (S. Samnick, unpublisheddata, 2005). The unique properties of 131I-IPA—properties thatcombine a specific and sustained tumor accumulation and anintrinsic cytostatic and radiosensitizing effect—make 131I-IPAhighly attractive as a therapeutic probe against gliomas.

In this study, we have tested the therapeutic efficacy ofsystemic targeted radionuclide therapy with 131I-IPA com-bined with external beam radiotherapy on experimentalgliomas.


Cell Lines, Cell Cultures, and Implantation SolutionsThe primary human A1207 glioblastoma cell line was provided

by Dr. Reiner Class of Symbiotec GmbH, and the rat F98 gliomacell line was from the American Type Culture Collection. Thehuman Tx3868 glioma cell line, derived from a primary humanglioblastoma multiforme, was provided by Dr. Eckard Meese ofthe Institute of Human Genetics, University of Saarland.

A1207 and F98 cells were grown in Dulbecco’s modifiedEagle’s medium (DMEM) (PAA) and Tx3868 cells in RPMI1640 medium supplemented with glucose (4.5 g/L), 10% fetalbovine serum, L-glutamine (300 mg/L), and 1% penicillin (100IU/mL)/streptomycin (100 mg/mL) (PAA). Cells were maintainedin a humidified 5% CO2 incubator at 37�C and passaged routinely.

The implantation solutions were prepared by trypsinization ofthe subconfluent cell cultures using a solution of 0.05% trypsin inphosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 0.02% ethylenedia-minetriacetic acid (PAA), followed by resuspension in fetal bovineserum–free DMEM (F98 and A1207) or PBS (Tx3868). A trypanblue exclusion test was performed on a hemocytometer to assesscell viability before implantation; the viability was greater than99% in all cases.

Animals and Tumor ImplantationMale Fischer 344 rats and RNU rats (immunodeficient athymic

Rowett nude rat), weighing 210–240 g and acquired from CharlesRiver Laboratories, were used for tumor implantation. Throughoutthe experiments, the rats were maintained in the animal facility of

the Saarland University Medical Center. The experiments wereconducted in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use ofLaboratory Animals (revised 1996) (25) and in compliance withthe German law on the protection of animals. All experimentswere approved by the local district government of Saarpfalz-Kreis(AZ: K 110/180–07, 2006).

Our tumor cell–implantation protocol was formulated on thebasis of the results of serial preliminary experiments performed toidentify the implantation coordinates and cellular suspensioncharacteristics that would lead to a valid, reproducible modelwith an optimal time frame from implantation to death in theabsence of active treatment.

For tumor implantation, the animals were anesthetized by anintraperitoneal injection of ketamine (70 mg/kg of body weight)and xylazine (Rompun 2%; Bayer Health Care) at a dose of20 mg/kg of body weight. The rats’ eyes were coated with 5%dexpanthenol (Bayer Vital) to prevent keratitis. Animals then wereplaced in a stereotactic fixation device, and a midline incision wasmade in the scalp to expose the skull, after which the bregma wasidentified and exposed. A small hole was drilled into the skull, 1mm anterior and 3 mm lateral to the right of the bregma. Then,A12078 human glioblastoma cells (105 cells in 5 mL of PBS), F98rat glioma cells (104 cells in a volume of 5 mL of serum-freeDMEM), or Tx3868 human glioma cells (105 cells in 5 mL ofPBS) were inoculated stereotactically into that hole to a depthof 5 mm, using a microsyringe (SGE Micro volume syringe;Hamilton). After the syringe was slowly withdrawn to minimizebackflow of the cell suspension, the craniectomy was resealedwith bone wax and the scalp closed. Animals were allowed torecover from the procedure and were given food and water adlibitum afterward. They were observed daily for signs of raisedintracranial pressure or for focal neurologic signs (hemiparesis,ataxia). Tumor formation was verified by MRI between day 8 andday 14 after tumor cell inoculation using a 1.5-T system(Magnetom Sonata; Siemens). To maximize the signal-to-noiseratio, animals were positioned in a dedicated wrist coil placeddirectly on the head. Coronal T2-weighted images and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images were obtained in analogy with theimaging protocol described previously (24).

Synthesis of 131I-IPA131I-IPA was prepared by isotopic radioiodination in the

presence of Cu(II). Specifically, a solution of sodium 131I-iodide(370–1,000 MBq) in 0.05N NaOH (Amersham Healthcare) and5 mL of aqueous Na2S2O5 (4.0 mg Na2S2O5/mL) was evapo-rated to dryness by passing a stream of nitrogen through areaction vessel at 90�C, followed by the addition of 150 mL ofp-iodo-L-phenylalanine solution (0.25 mg/mL 0.1N H3PO4), 20 mLof L-ascorbic acid (10 mg/mL of water), and 20 mL of aqueousCu(II) sulphate (0.10 mol/L). The reaction vessel was heated for 60min at 165�C and cooled, and the mixture was diluted with water(250 mL). 131I-IPA was separated from radioactive impurities andbyproducts by high-performance liquid chromatography, usingwater:ethanol:acetic acid (89:10:1; v/v) as the mobile phase. Thefraction containing 131I-IPA was collected into a sterile tube,buffered with 0.5 M PBS (pH 7.0; Braun), and sterile-filteredthrough a 0.22-mm sterile membrane (Millex GS; Millipore) to anisotonic and injectable radiopharmaceutical for in vivo investiga-tions. 131I-IPA was obtained in 88% 6 10% radiochemical yield.The specific activity of 131I-IPA used for in vivo studies was 0.7–1.0GBq/mmol.

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Animal TreatmentsFor each of the 3 tumor models, 48 rats (confirmed by MRI as

bearing gliomas) were randomized to receive 1 of 4 treatmentsstarting at day 8 after tumor cell implantation, including theexternal radiotherapy, the 131I-IPA, the combined 131I-IPA andradiotherapy, and the untreated control groups. Each groupconsisted of 12 rats, aiming for a total of 144 rats for all animalmodels.

In a preliminary pilot evaluation in healthy rats, we found thatthe application of external radiation doses greater than 30 Gyresulted in acute brain damage (data not shown). For this reason,the evaluation of the radiotherapy on glioma xenografts on ratsusing radiation doses up to 60 Gy as clinically used in humanswas not applicable in this study. The application of 8 Gy ofradiotherapy as whole-brain irradiation does not damage the ratbrain and resulted in a modest OS of rats with cerebral glioma(26). Therefore, whole-brain radiotherapy using an 8-Gy photonirradiation was chosen for the assessment of the efficiency of thecombined treatment, compared with single treatments alone.

The radiotherapy monotherapy group received an external 8-Gywhole-brain photon irradiation as daily 4-Gy fractions on days 8and 9 after tumor cell implantation. The irradiation was performedat a dose rate of 2 Gy/min under ambient conditions using a6-MeV linear accelerator (Mevatron MXE; Siemens). The focus-isocenter distance was 100 cm. The remainder of the rat body wasshielded from the direct beam using lead, so that the animals wereexposed only to minor scattered radiation outside the brain.

The 131I-IPA monotherapy group was intravenously adminis-tered a total activity of 30 MBq of 131I-IPA via a tail vein intwo 15-MBq portions within 7 d—that is, on days 8 and 15 aftertumor cell inoculation. This regimen was chosen according tothe kinetics of 131I-IPA in human glioma, as assessed previouslyin a mouse xenograft model and in a patient with this tumor(20,27).

The combined modality–treatment group received a 8 Gy ofphoton irradiation, followed by an intravenous administration of131I-IPA in 2 portions as described above, starting at 24 h after theend of the radiotherapy.

The control group was treated with 250 mL of physiologicsaline only, administered via a tail vein on day 8.

Animals were anesthetized by isoflurane inhalation during alltreatments, including the saline.

Evaluation of Treatment EfficacyTreatment efficacy for the radiotherapy monotherapy, 131I-IPA

monotherapy, and combined modality–treatment groups, com-pared with that for the control animals, was evaluated on thebasis of the median OS. Animals were observed until ethicalsacrifice, until death from any other cause, or through day 180after tumor cell inoculation. Animals that died before day 4 aftertreatment (there were 2 Fischer 344 rats with F98 glioma and 1Tx3868- and 1 A1207-bearing RNU rat) were excluded from theanalysis and substituted by new tumor-bearing rats. In all cases, 12glioma-bearing rats were evaluated in each treatment arm.

Histopathologic and Metabolic AnalysesThe brains of all sacrificed rats underwent histopathologic and

metabolic analyses as described below, and the results of thoseanalyses were compared with the results of an identical analysis ofa representative brain specimen obtained from a control and shamanimal of the corresponding rat model after autopsy.

For the histopathologic analysis, rat brains were taken afterautopsy and fixed in 4% neutral-buffered formalin, cut in coronalslices of 2–3 mm, and embedded in paraffin wax. Sectionswere stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Verhoeff-van Giesonstain and examined according to previously published methods(24).

Regional brain metabolism was analyzed by bioluminescenceas described previously (28). Briefly, the frozen brains wereremoved from the bone skull in a cold box at –20�C. Coronalsections (20 mm thick) were prepared in a cryostat at 220�C.Alternate sections were taken for imaging levels of adenosinetriphosphate (ATP), glucose, and lactate and then heated to 95�Cto inactivate endogenous enzymes. A solution was preparedcontaining all enzymes, coenzymes, and cofactors necessary forthe substrate-specific bioluminescence reaction but without thesubstrate of interest (ATP, glucose, or lactate). This solution wasfrozen in a block, and 60-mm-thick sections were cut in a cryostat.A freeze-dried and heat-inactivated brain section was then coveredwith a 60-mm section of the frozen enzyme block, and this opensandwich was placed on a photographic film (Agfapan 100 ASA;Agfa) for the recording of bioluminescent light emitted by thebrain sections after warming to room temperature. Exposure timeswere 0.5 min for ATP and 5 min for glucose and lactate. Thebioluminescence-induced blackening of films was quantified bycomputer-assisted densitometry using image-analysis software(Image-Pro Plus; Media Cybernetics) and expressed as opticaldensity (OD). The OD was shown to correlate linearly withsubstrate concentrations measured quantitatively in tissue extractsusing conventional enzymatic-fluorometric techniques (28).

Statistical AnalysisThe statistical significance of differences among experimental

groups was determined by Student t test. Survival was describedby Kaplan–Meier analysis. The threshold of statistical significancewas set at P level of less than 0.05. Statistics and fitting ofexperimental curves were performed with the program SigmaStat(Jandel Scientific).


Implantation procedures were well tolerated by bothRNU and Fischer 344 rats. Survival of untreated rats wasinversely related to the number of glioma cells stereotacti-cally inoculated into the brain (data not shown). In un-treated animals, mean 6 SD survival after tumor cellinoculation was 19 6 4 d in Fischer 344 rats implantedwith 1 · 104 F98 glioma cells, 20 6 4 d in RNU ratsimplanted with 1 · 105 A1207 human glioblastoma cells,and 23 6 5 d in RNU rats implanted with 1 · 105 Tx3868human glioma cells (n 5 12 each). The analysis of brainspecimens during the optimization procedures revealed thepresence of large tumor masses in rat brains at day 10 aftercell inoculation. Histomorphologically, the F98 andTx3868 gliomas were large, with necroses and numerousmitotic figures. A representative MR image of a Fischer ratbrain at day 10 after inoculation of 104 F98 glioma cellsand the corresponding brain slice confirming tumor arepresented in Figure 1. Coronal hematoxylin and eosin slicesof RNU rats bearing human A1207 and Tx3868 glioblas-tomas are shown in Figures 1D–1F.


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The F98 glioma and the human Tx3868 glioblastomaconsistently maintained an extensive infiltrative prolifera-tion, and the tumors often extended along the implantationtract all the way to the surface of the brain, withleptomeningeal spread. With respect to the behavior invivo, the only notable difference among the F98, Tx3868,and A1207 glioma cell lines was a consistent tendencyof A1207 glioblastoma to form more sharply circumscribedtumor masses and to develop more extensive edema in thesurrounding brain. Metabolically, ATP, glucose, and lactateincreased significantly (P , 0.05) in untreated tumor, ascompared with the surrounding tissue, especially in thebrain of Fischer–F98 and RNU–Tx3868 models (Fig. 2).

In the first experiment, we tested the efficacy of radio-therapy alone and of monotherapy with 30 MBq of 131I-IPAon syngeneic and xenografted orthotopic gliomas in rats. Theapplication of 8 Gy of photon radiotherapy alone resulted inno significant (P $ 0.45) increase in survival for the Fischer–F98 glioma model, as compared with untreated control rats.In particular, no F98 glioma–bearing Fischer rat was alive onday 52 after the application of 8 Gy of photon irradiation asmonotherapy. In the same time, the OS was significantly(P , 0.02) improved in RNU rats with intracerebral humanA1207 and Tx3868 glioblastomas after radiotherapy. Acomparison of both monotherapies showed that the systemicapplication of 30 MBq of 131I-IPA was more effective asa radiotherapy with 8 Gy in terms of survival on Fischer–F98, RNU–Tx3868, and RNU–A1207 glioma models. Threemonths after the monotherapies, the portion of RNU ratswith human A1207 and Tx3868 glioblastoma still alive after8 Gy of radiotherapy was a median of 32% 6 6%, comparedwith 55% 6 8% after radionuclide therapy with 30 MBq of131I-IPA. No Fischer 344 rat bearing F98 gliomas wascensored on day 52 after radiotherapy alone. From day 120onward, survival time in response to the individual mono-therapies decreased rapidly (Fig. 3).

In the second experiment performed in parallel, wecompared the efficiency of the single treatments alone withthe combined 131I-IPA and radiotherapy treatment. Overall,the combined treatment based on radiotherapy and 131I-IPAwas more effective in terms of local tumor control andprolonged median survival (P # 0.01) for the F98 glioma–bearing Fischer rats and human Tx3868 and A1207glioblastoma xenografts in RNU rats alike. In particular,the combined treatment enhanced the therapeutic efficacyof the radiotherapy on glioma-bearing rats by a factor of1.3–4.0; the median survival of rats treated with 8 Gy ofradiotherapy and 131I-IPA showed a statistical difference(P 5 0.002), compared with rats treated with 8 Gy ofradiation alone. The Kaplan–Meier survival curves of Fischerrats bearing F98 and of RNU rats with Tx3868 and A1207gliomas and subjected to the indicated treatments, comparedwith untreated controls, are presented in Figure 3. Combined131I-IPA treatment and radiotherapy was particularly effec-tive on RNU rats with cerebral Tx3868 and A1207 glioblas-tomas. At day 120 after monotherapy with 131I-IPA, at least45% of the RNU rats were still alive, but after 8 Gy ofphoton radiotherapy only 18%225% of the RNU and noneof the Fischer 344 rats survived. In comparison, 55%275%survival rates were registered after combined 131I-IPAtreatment and radiotherapy on day 120 for all animal models.Figure 1F shows an RNU rat with a human Tx3868 gliomaafter successful combined treatment. Histomorphologically,no tumor cells were left. Instead, there was a huge gap in thecortex. Surprisingly, neurologic deficits were not remarkable.Median survival times at day 120 after individual treatmentsare giving in Table 1.

Bioluminescent analysis not only revealed differenceswithin the regional ATP and glucose metabolism in thebrains of Fischer–F98 rats, compared with the RNU gliomamodels, but also compared the RNU–Tx3868 with RNU–A1207 glioma model. In all 3 animal models, the OD of

FIGURE 1. Coronal MRI (T1-weighted)scan of Fischer rat brain assessed atday 10 after inoculation of 104 F98glioma cells, demonstrating F98 glioma(A, arrow) that was subsequentlyconfirmed by small-animal PET afterinjection of 10 MBq of 18F-FDG (B,arrow). Corresponding histomorpho-logic analysis of isolated brain confirmstumor (C). Analog representative brainslice of A1207 glioma–bearing RNU ratscarified at day 10 after tumor implan-tation. At brain–tumor border, gliomacells grow diffusely into surroundingparenchyma. Gap at top of brain repre-sents bone wax (D). (E) Illustration ofbrain slice of RNU–Tx3868 gliomamodel showing tumor spreads alongventricle and for most part sharp demarcation. (F) Brain from cured RNU rat with Tx3868 glioma sacrificed at day 120 aftercombined 131I-IPA treatment and radiotherapy. In addition to lesion defect, no residual tumor cells were detectable.(hematoxylin and eosin, ·20)

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all 3 studied analytes (ATP, glucose, and lactate) wasdecreased in treated versus control animals. The reductionfrom control levels was greatest in those animals givencombination therapy, in whom the analytes had an ODsignificantly (P , 0.05) lower than that in the animals

given 1 of the active monotherapies. In addition, sub-stance losses were determined in treated rat slices afterautopsy, signaling that the combination of 131I-IPAand radiotherapy is the most effective antitumor strategy(Fig. 2).

FIGURE 2. Representative examples of metabolic and histologic outcome in F98–Fischer rat and in Tx3868- and A1207-bearing RNU rats after combined treatment based on external radiotherapy with 8 Gy of photon irradiation and 131I-IPA (30MBq). Arrows indicate tumor or hydrocephalus. A1207 glioblastoma was characterized by consistent tendency to form edemain surrounding brain. Shown is substance defect in cured RNU rat bearing Tx3868 glioma without evidence of tumor (blackarrow). H&E 5 hematoxylin and eosin; SOD 5 scale of OD.

FIGURE 3. Kaplan–Meier survival curves for RNU rats with human Tx3868 (A) and A1207 (B) glioblastomas and for F98glioma–bearing Fischer rats (C) subjected to physiologic saline (control) or to 8 Gy of photon radiotherapy, 131I-IPA (30 MBq),and combined radiotherapy and 131I-IPA treatment. n 5 12 animals of each glioma model per treatment group for eachtreatment modality.


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We have previously reported on the efficacy of radionu-clide therapy with 131I-IPA on intracranial C6 gliomamodels (24). Although the rat C6 glioma model has beenused for more than 30 y, the extent to which it recapitulatesthe characteristics encountered in human gliomas remainscontroversial (29,30). For this reason, we selected for thisstudy 3 alternative in vivo glioma models in rats, all ofwhich have been described to adequately mimic thebehavior of human gliomas (26,31). An important chal-lenge, however, remains to further increase dose effect atthe tumor side after systemic application of 131I-IPA.Various recent studies have demonstrated that the greatestpotential for systemic radionuclide therapy will not be asa monotherapy but as therapy integrated into an establishedtreatment regimen such as external radiotherapy or chemo-therapy (13,32–35). These fundamental findings and datafrom our preliminary investigation in primary humanglioblastoma cell lines prompted us to test the therapeuticefficacy of radionuclide therapy with 131I-IPA in combina-tion with external beam photon radiotherapy, which formspart of the current standard therapy protocols for gliomas.The rationale behind combining 131I-IPA with radiotherapyis that the 2 modalities together may deliver more radiationdose to the targeted tumor than either modality alone. Infact, various studies have demonstrated that if radiotherapyprecedes systemic targeted radionuclide therapy, uptake ofthe radiolabeled probe significantly increases (35). Ifsystemic radionuclide therapy precedes radiotherapy, thelow-dose-rate irradiation via radionuclide therapy maypotentiate tumoricidal effects of subsequent radiotherapythrough mechanisms that put tumor cells in a more sensi-tive phase or through a phenomenon termed protracted-exposure radiosensitization (36).

The present investigation confirmed in 3 additional ratmodels earlier findings in the intracranial C6 glioma model(24) that systemic radionuclide therapy with 131I-IPA byitself improves OS relative to that seen in control rats.However, in these experiments, when given in the sameregimen, 131I-IPA monotherapy was less effective in im-proving OS in the syngeneic Fischer 344–F98 glioma modelthan in the carcinogen-induced C6 glioma model in ourpreviously published experiments (24). This difference intumor response cannot be clearly explained so far. One causecould be the reported radioresistance of the F98 glioma line,

compared with the C6 glioma line (26). By contrast, incontrol rats 131I-IPA alone was highly effective, comparedwith control treatment in Tx3868 and A1207 glioblastoma–bearing RNU rats, in extending OS in tumor-bearing rats.

The major finding in the present investigation is that thesystemic radionuclide therapy with 131I-PA combined withexternal beam radiotherapy significantly (P , 0.01) pro-longed median survival times and was more effective thanany monotherapy alone in F98 glioma–bearing Fischer ratsand in RNU rats with human glioblastomas alike. Kaplan–Meier analysis showed that in the syngeneic Fischer–F98glioma model and in the xenotransplanted human A1207 orTx3868 glioblastoma–RNU rat models, combined treat-ment improved median OS by factors of 5–10 over thatseen in controls, over that seen in 131I-IPA monotherapygroups, and over that seen in radiotherapy-only groups.Metabolically, bioluminescent analysis not only revealeddifferences within the regional ATP and glucose metabo-lism in the brains of Fischer–F98 rats, compared with theRNU glioma models, but also compared the RNU–Tx3868model with RNU–A1207 glioma model and relative tocontrol and sham rats. The different metabolic properties ofthe 3 glioma models could explain the differences intreatment effects. In particular, the ATP and glucosemetabolism and the presence of hydrocephalus correlatenegatively with therapeutic outcome and survival rate oftreated rats. The fact that the metabolic profile recovered tocontrol might attest to the effectiveness of the combinedtreatment strategy. No toxic effects were observed clini-cally in treated animals. Moreover, in autopsies after 3 moof follow-up the survivors in the combination-therapygroup showed little if any recurrent tumor growth. Thisis, to the best of our knowledge, the best demonstration thata systemically (intravenously) applied radionuclide therapyby a single amino acid combined with external radiotherapyimproves therapy efficiency and prolongs survival inmalignant gliomas. Our finding of greater efficacy of 131I-IPA within a combination regimen than as monotherapyprovides additional evidence that, ultimately, the greatestpotential for systemic radionuclide therapy will not be asmonotherapy but will be integrated into established multi-modality regimes such as external beam radiotherapy,chemotherapy, or both.

A potential problem with systemically administratedradionuclide therapy consists of toxicity caused by the

TABLE 1. Median (6SD) Survival at 120 Days after Radiotherapy, Radionuclide Therapy with 131I-IPA, and CombinedRadiotherapy and 131I-IPA Treatment

Treatment group Control Radiotherapy 131I-IPA Radiotherapy/131I-IPA

Fischer–F98 0 0 8% 6 5% 20% 6 6%

RNU–Tx3868 0 22% 6 4% 55% 6 8% 65% 6 10%RNU–A1207 0 20% 6 5% 45% 6 5% 52% 6 5%

n 5 12 for each glioma model in each treatment group.

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portion of the radiation dose that does not reach the targettumor cells but instead reaches the whole body andsusceptible organs such as the bone marrow, liver, urogen-ital system, and thyroid gland. The present study did nothistologically evaluate the effects of the active treatmentsoutside the brain. However, in the long-term survivinganimals in the 131I-IPA–alone and the 131I-IPA and radio-therapy groups, no clinical adverse events were observedthat were suggestive of organ or tissue damage in thosebody compartments. Moreover, previous investigations of131I-IPA monotherapy found no histomorphologic abnor-malities in the liver, kidneys, and thyroid of treatedanimals, and no rat had clinical signs of malfunction ofany organ (24). Additionally, prior biodistribution studiesand radiation dose estimates based on studies in animalsand humans revealed that 123I-IPA–131I-IPA is exclusivelyeliminated by urine, and the highest absorbed doses weredetermined in the urinary bladder wall and in the kidneys(18,21,37,38). Radioactivity accumulation in bone marrow,the urogenital system, and the thyroid gland is rathertolerably low. According to the ICRP 60, the effective doseresulting from 131I-IPA was 0.13 6 0.07 mSv/MBq, in-dicating that an intravenous application of 131I-IPA shouldresult in a radiation dose lower by a factor of 2–3 than thatdelivered by conventional radioimmunotherapy (39). Thepresent study and these previous studies also show thatintravenous 131I-IPA does not share the toxicity of conven-tional antiglioma chemotherapies.

One limitation of this study was that it tested onlyrelatively low therapeutic doses. In a preliminary pilotevaluation in healthy rats, we found that external whole-brain photon irradiation with radiation doses greater than30 Gy damaged healthy rat brains and reduced the mediansurvival of the rats (data not shown). Therefore, theapplication of high-dose radiation up to 60 Gy, as clinicallyused in humans, was not applicable for this study thatfocused on rat brain. In contrast, whole-brain radiotherapywith 8 Gy alone did not lead to measurable brain damageand resulted in a modest increase in survival rate for ratswith cerebral glioma (26). For this reason, whole-brainradiotherapy using 8 Gy of photon irradiation was chosenfor a better analysis of the efficiency of the combined 131I-IPA and radiotherapy treatment, compared with singletreatments alone. However, an increase of radiation dosesmight have a greater effect on local tumor control (40), andthe impact of an 131I-IPA activity increase will be eluci-dated in ongoing studies by our group.

Despite application of relatively low radiotherapy doses,our data convincingly demonstrated that 131I-IPA combinedwith radiotherapy is more effective than single treatmentsalone and improved OS in rats with cerebral gliomas signif-icantly. If also confirmed by standard fractionated radiother-apy, systemic radionuclide therapy with 131I-IPA combinedwith a conventional external radiotherapy up to 60 Gyshould be considered a promising option for the treatmentof human gliomas, encouraging validations in patients.


131I-IPA combined with external irradiation (radiother-apy) improves OS relative to the 2 treatment modalities asmonotherapy in experimental gliomas. The combination of131I-IPA with radiotherapy would be a logical treatment tobring 131I-IPA into clinical trials for human gliomas. Thereasons for this are severalfold. First, radiation and che-motherapy are the gold standard for the treatment of humangliomas, and any novel therapy will be measured againstthem. Second, data of our study demonstrated that 131I-IPAenhanced the efficiency of radiotherapy. In the meantime,further efficacy optimization strategies should be pursuedexperimentally, including the application of radiotherapy inconventional fractionated regimens or use of methodsaiming to increase target doses and maximize dose effects.


We express our deep appreciation to Soja Hoffmann andPeter Hidiruglo for animal care and to Georg Blass fortechnical assistance. This work was supported by a grantfrom the Dr. Mildred Scheel Stiftung fur Krebsforschung(BN: 106940).


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