EFFECT OF ANNEALING ON OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF ...lfd/Lfz/463/02/Ljp46302.pdfSite-selective photoluminescence, photoluminescence excitation, and time-resolved luminescence in as-grown

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  • Lithuanian Journal of Physics, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 311–319 (2006)


    Y.-C. Cheng a, S.-W. Feng a, C.C. Yang a, C.-T. Kuo b, J.-S. Tsang b, S. Juršėnas c,S. Miasojedovas c, and A. Žukauskas c

    a Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering,National Taiwan University 1, Roosevelt Road, Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

    b Advanced Epitaxy Technology Inc., Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.c Institute of Materials Science and Applied Research, Vilnius University, Saulėtekio 9, LT-10222 Vilnius, Lithuania

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Received 24 February 2006

    Site-selective photoluminescence, photoluminescence excitation, and time-resolved luminescence in as-grown and ther-mally treated In0.15Ga0.85N / GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) was investigated as a function of well width in the tem-perature range of 10–300 K. Thermal annealing at 800 ◦C for 30 min monitored by microstructure imaging was shown toresult in an alteration of MQWs optical properties intricately depending on the well thickness. The observed blue shift of theluminescence band and pronounced changes in the absorbance indicate a remarkable interdiffusion of indium at the quantumwell–barrier interface for MQWs with thin (2 nm) wells. Meanwhile for thicker (3 nm) wells, a pronounced red shift of theluminescence band and an increase in the luminescence decay time was observed and attributed to electron–hole wave functionseparation facilitated by the smoothened band potential profile. In the thickest wells (4 nm), annealing resulted in even morepronounced improvement of microstructure, which led to a noticeable reduction of the localization energy of the electronicexcitations (an annealing-invoked luminescence peak blue shift that overweighs the red one caused by intrinsic field) and tosuppression of nonradiative recombination (an increase in luminescence efficiency). The results are accounted for in terms ofannealing-invoked In–Ga interdiffusion, which behaves as either diffusion of indium to barriers or “uphill” diffusion within thewells depending on the well width.

    Keywords: InGaN, multiple quantum wells, annealing, luminescence

    PACS: 78.55.Cr, 78.47.+p, 78.67.De

    1. Introduction

    InGaN-based multiple quantum wells (MQWs) arethe key structures for manufacturing of violet, blue, andgreen light emitting diodes and laser diodes [1, 2]. Fab-rication of the light emitting devices requires furtheroptimization of the structures for increased efficiencyand lifetime. Thermal treatment is one of the techno-logical factors that may facilitate optimization of ac-tive, barrier, and contact layers. Typically during theepitaxial growth of InGaN / GaN structures and duringthe fabrication of devices, the structures undergo sev-eral high-temperature impacts [1]. However, thermaltreatment introduced for a particular layer might havean unexpected impact on the other layers. In particular,thermal treatment can change the distribution of the in-dium composition and influence the strain in the quan-

    tum wells through ordinary diffusion [3–5] and “uphill”(strain-induced) diffusion [6–9].

    Usually thermal annealing is related to indium andgallium interdiffusion across the interface of quantum-well and barrier layers [3–5]. This results in a blueshift of the photoluminescence (PL) and absorbancespectra [5]. A complete merging of the barrier andwell layers has been observed in an InGaN / GaN struc-ture after annealing at high temperature [4]. On theother hand, In–Ga interdiffusion in InGaN alloys israther intricate because of immiscibility of InN andGaN materials, which can result in phase separationin InGaN layers [6, 7]. Since InGaN alloys usuallyare grown at temperatures below 1473 K, the criti-cal temperature above which the InN–GaN system iscompletely miscible [10, 11], in all InGaN alloys thephase separation is expected based on thermodynam-ics considerations. The phenomenon of InGaN phase

    c© Lithuanian Physical Society, 2006c© Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2006 ISSN 1648-8504

  • 312 Y.-C. Cheng et al. / Lithuanian J. Phys. 46, 311–319 (2006)

    separation [6–14] is of considerable interest, since InN-rich regions were reported to play a crucial role inlight generation in nitride-based light emitting struc-tures [15–19]. Phase separation has been observed us-ing several growth techniques, preferably in thick films[6–9, 12].The observed phase separation is evidentlydriven by strain due to the mixing of the two latticemismatched components of the InGaN alloy system.Indium atoms are expelled from the InGaN lattice thatresults in an occurrence of an alloy of different compo-sition and in a reduced strain energy of the system. Ithas been predicted that for a standard growth temper-ature, spinodal decomposition occurs for indium con-centration above 20% [10, 11]. Post-growth thermalannealing was reported to facilitate the formation ofindium-rich regions in InGaN quantum wells [6–9, 13].On the other hand, thermal annealing can lead to re-distribution of strain energy and reduced phase sepa-ration, which is sensitive to strain effects. Both phaseseparation and strain effects are expected to enhancewith increasing the InGaN well width. Therefore, theannealing-induced In diffusion mechanism can be de-pendent on well width.

    In the present work, the impact of post-growth ther-mal treatment on optical properties of InGaN / GaNMQWs with various well layer thicknesses was investi-gated. As-grown and annealed samples, which displaydifferent images of high-resolution transmittance elec-tron microscopy (HRTEM), were investigated by site-selective PL observation-energy-selective photolumi-nescence excitation (PLE), temperature dependent PL,and time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL). Dis-tinct changes of the MQWs optical properties for thesamples of different well layer thickness were linkedwith the microstructure changes invoked by thermaltreatment.

    2. Experimental details

    The samples were grown on c-plane sapphire bymetalorganic chemical vapour deposition. Followingthe deposition of 30 nm GaN buffer layer and a 2.3 µmGaN layer, MQW structures consisting of five pairs ofIn0.15Ga0.85N well and 10 nm thick GaN barrier weregrown. Three samples with different well widths of 2,3, and 4 nm were prepared and referred to as samplesw20, w30, and w40, respectively. The growth temper-atures were 1010 and 720 ◦C for GaN and InGaN, re-spectively. A set of three as-grown samples and threecounterpart ones thermally annealed in a quartz tube

    furnace at 800 ◦C in nitrogen ambient for 30 min wasinvestigated.

    A continuous wave He–Cd laser (photon energyhν = 3.812 eV) was used for PL excitation. Thesamples were placed in a cryostat for temperature de-pendent measurements. For TRPL measurements, aVerdiTM laser-pumped mode-locked Ti : sapphire laserwith 100 fs pulse width and with frequency doublingby a beta barium borate (BBO) crystal was used (hν =3.177 eV). Luminescence from the sample was col-lected and focused into a spectrometer prior to imagingin a Hamamatsu streak camera. The temporal resolu-tion of the operation mode was 4.7 ps. PLE experi-ments were conducted using quasi-monochromatic ex-citation light source from a xenon lamp dispersed bya 0.15 m monochromator. The bandwidth of the exci-tation light from the xenon lamp was set at less than3 nm.

    HRTEM investigations were carried out by a 200 keVPhilips CM 200 and a 300 keV JEM 3010 micro-scopes. All the high-resolution micrographs were takenat Scherzer defocus and the sample was viewed alonga [112̄0] zone axis. The 300 keV JEM 3010 micro-scope was equipped with a 2000×2000 slow-scan CCDcamera and a Gatan Imaging Filter. HRTEM picturesare exposed for a reasonably short period of time in or-der to reduce alteration of the specimen [20, 21]. Themain reasoning is based on comparison of the imagesof as-grown and annealed samples.

    3. Results

    3.1. High-resolution transmission electron microscopyof InGaN / GaN MQWs

    Figure 1 shows the HRTEM images of the as-grown(a–c) and annealed (d–f) samples of various well thick-ness, respectively. The periodic structure of MQWs canbe clearly resolved in all images. Darker areas in theimages correspond to the regions of an increased in-dium concentration and / or enhanced strain.

    Typically for ternary InGaN system, the In concen-tration and strain are rather randomly distributed alongMQW layers. Although all our as-grown samples nom-inally contain the same molar fraction of indium, actualphase separation pattern in the layers of various thick-ness might be different. Growth of MQWs of a lagerthickness requires longer time, thus the quantum welllayers have more time for strain relaxation and phaseseparation. Eventually, more pronounced fluctuations

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    (a) (d)

    (b) (e)

    (c) (f)Fig. 1. HRTEM images of the as-grown (a) w20, (b) w30, (c) w40 and annealed (d) w20, (e) w30, (f) w40 samples.

    of indium content are expected. This can result in dif-ferent impact of thermal annealing. The w20 as-grownsample (Fig. 1(a)) exhibits rather diffusive distributionof strain and indium content, although distinct posi-tions of QWs can be identified. After thermal anneal-ing, the dark areas in the images related to the QWsenhance and occupy a remarkable part of the barrier re-gion (Fig. 1(d)). This allows us to make a suggestionabout indium interdiffusion in to the barriers and / or

    enhancement of strained interface regions due to ther-mal annealing in thin w20 layers.

    The thicker MQWs w30 (Fig. 1(b, e)) and w40(Fig. 1(c, f)) show opposite structural changes underthermal treatment. After thermal treatment, initiallylarge and randomly distributed around QWs dark re-gions become thinner. This suggests “uphill” diffusionof indium and / or reduction of strain in the interfaceregions of thick InGaN / GaN MQWs.

    To verify the suggestions that follow from the

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    Fig. 2. Normalized photoluminescence spectra and photolumines-cence excitation spectra of as-grown (solid line) and annealed (dot-ted line) InGaN / GaN MQWs (a) w20, (b) w30, and (c) w40, mea-

    sured at 10 K.

    analysis of microstructure revealed by HRTEM images,the impact of thermal treatment on optical properties ofthe MQWs is considered in detail below.

    3.2. Low-temperature site-selective PL and PLEspectroscopy

    Solid lines on the left-hand side of Fig. 2 show nor-malized PL spectra of as-grown InGaN / GaN MQWsamples obtained at 10 K. The main luminescencespectral properties are typical of low-temperature emis-sion in InGaN / GaN MQWs [16, 18, 22]. The lumines-cence spectrum of the w20 sample (Fig. 2(a)) consistsof a main band at 2.958 eV, which can be attributedto localized exciton states, and its phonon replica lo-cated on the low energy wing at about 2.865 eV. Theband at the high energy wing of the main luminescenceband might be related to shallow impurity related cen-tres [22]. The shape of the spectrum weakly depends onthe excitation photon energy (not shown). Meanwhile,the luminescence intensity rapidly decreases with tun-ing of the excitation photon energy below 3.1 eV as itis seen in the PLE spectra. With increasing the wellwidth of the as-grown samples, the luminescence spec-tra steadily redshifts with the main peak positioned at2.767 eV and 2.589 eV for samples w30 (Fig. 2(b))and w40 (Fig. 2(c)), respectively. The red shift is con-tributed by several impacts: (i) a decrease in quan-

    tum confinement energy, (ii) the quantum confinedStark effect (QCSE) due to an increase in electron–hole wave function separation caused by intrinsic field,and (iii) deeper localization of the electronic excita-tions due to an enhancement of disorder-related fluc-tuations of the band potential profile. At the same time,the bandwidth is seen to decrease with the well width:the estimated full with at half magnitude (FWHM) is128, 108, and 89 meV for the samples w20, w30, andw40, respectively. The shape of the luminescence bandbecomes more sensitive to the excitation photon energywith increasing the well width (not shown): the bandbroadens and blueshifts with an increase of the exci-tation photon energy. This can be attributed to an en-hancement of band potential fluctuations related to thegrowth time dependent phase separation on the growthsurface [8, 9].

    Solid lines on the right-hand side of Fig. 2 show PLEspectra of the w20, w30, and w40 as-grown samples.The PLE spectra exhibit typical dependences of MQWstructures with spectral variation in optical density ofthe QW (InGaN) and barrier (GaN) materials reflected.The PLE signal is much stronger for the excitation pho-ton energy above 3.5 eV due to the larger thickness ofthe barrier layer (10 nm). The boundary between thePLE features of InGaN and GaN layers is sharp dueto the edge of excitonic absorbance in GaN. The ab-sorbance edge of InGaN material below 3.1 eV is lesssteep indicating on the presence of compositional fluc-tuations, which were seen in the HRTEM images.

    With an increase in well width from 2 to 4 nm,pronounced changes can be revealed in the well ab-sorbance region: (i) an increase in PLE signal due toincreased optical density of the InGaN layer, (ii) a red-shift of about 66 meV that is in line with the quantumconfinement effect (note, that intrinsic electric field canalso affect excitonic absorbance spectrum), (iii) a pro-nounced sensitivity of the PLE signal intensity to theobservation photon energy (not shown). The latter ef-fect is due to aforementioned sensitivity of the shape ofthe luminescence band to the excitation photon energyin thicker wells, which is an indication of increased dis-order.

    In addition, a pronounced difference in the PLE sig-nal caused by absorbance in the GaN barrier layers(hν > 3.50 eV) is peculiar for different well widths.Instead of a rising dependence, which is predictablefor a MQW structure of good quality, a significant de-cline of the PLE signal for the excitation photon energyabove 3.50 eV is observed in the as-grown structureswith increased well width. This can be attributed to an

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    enhancement of nonradiative capture of just photogen-erated excitons (electrons and holes) with a higher ini-tial excess energy. To produce luminescence from theQW states, the excitons (carriers) excited in the barrierlayer are to be captured in the well. However, excita-tions with a larger excess energy have a smaller well-capture probability and, consequently, a higher overallprobability of trapping to nonradiative centres. Thus,the decline in the PLE spectra for hν > 3.50 eV can beexplained under assumption that increased well widthresults not only in reduced quality of the well mate-rial but also of the barrier and / or interface. This isin line with the HRTEM images (Fig. 1(a–c)) wherean increased patterning of the barrier layers in theas-grown samples with increased well width can be dis-tinguished.

    Dotted lines in Fig. 2 show normalized PL and PLEspectra of annealed InGaN / GaN MQWs measured at10 K. The PL spectrum of the annealed w20 sampleblueshifts by about 20 meV in comparison with theas-grown one (Fig. 2(a)). The PL spectrum of the an-nealed w30 sample redshifts by about 71 meV, whilethat of the w40 sample blueshifts by about 45 meV.This indicates an intricate impact of thermal treatmenton the luminescence properties of MQWs of variouswell widths.

    The PLE spectra (dotted lines on the right-hand sideof Fig. 2) show significant spectral changes as well.(The spectra are normalized at 3.50 eV to reveal spec-tral changes occurring upon annealing.) The most pro-nounced impact of thermal treatment appears for thethin-well sample w20 (Fig. 2(a)). A decline of thespectral dependence of the PLE signal in the barrierspectral region at hν > 3.50 eV evidences a remark-able increase in nonradiative trap density. This is inline with significant reduction of the luminescence ef-ficiency (see below). Additionally, by detailed compar-ison of the spectra a blue shift of the PLE feature dueto wells at the absorbance edge can be distinguishedconcurrently with the blue shift of the PL line. Theseobservations support a suggestion drawn from the mi-crostructure analysis that thermal treatment results in Ininterdiffusion from the well layers to the barriers [3–5].

    The impact of thermal treatment on the PLE spec-tra of the thicker QW layers is of opposite character(Fig. 2(b, c)). The sample w30 shows little changes inthe PLE spectrum in the barrier spectral region hν >3.50 eV, while the even thicker w40 sample shows anopposite trend: thermal treatment results in a flatterspectral dependence indicating on reduction of the non-radiative traps. Again, this is in line with the narrowing

    Fig. 3. Variations of PL peak positions versus temperature ofas-grown and annealed samples (a) w20, (b) w30, and (c) w40.

    of the dark regions in the HRTM images (Fig. 1(c, f)).The QW absorbance edge becomes flatter for the w30sample and steeper for the w40 sample. As discussedbelow, such behaviour might be due to several impactssuch as indium diffusion, increase in disorder due tocomposition fluctuations, and electron–hole wave func-tion separation due to intrinsic field.

    3.3. Temperature dependent PL and TRPL

    The temperature variations of the PL peak positionin the three pairs of the as-grown and annealed sam-ples are shown in Fig. 3. Both before and after thermalannealing, the characteristic “S” shape variation of thePL peak can be distinguished in each case indicating onmigration of excitations within spectrally and spatiallydisordered system [23, 24]. In both the as-grown andannealed samples, the amplitude of the initial decreasein peak energy diminishes with the well thickness. Asrevealed by Monte Carlo simulation of exciton hopping[23, 24], this can be attributed to an increase in spa-tial separation between the localized states in thickerwells that is in line with enhanced In segregation seenin HRTEM images (Fig. 1). Similar behaviour mightbe caused by reduced lifetime of the excitons or car-riers; however, our TRPL results indicate that lifetimeincreases with the well width. This increase in carrierlifetime is typical for spatial separation of electron and

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    Fig. 4. Variations of PL intensities versus temperature of as-grownand annealed samples (a) w20, (b) w30, and (c) w40.

    hole wave functions in thicker wells (QCSE). It shouldbe noted that temporal profile of MQWs luminescencewith partially screened intrinsic field generally is non-exponential and here, for simplicity, averaged values ofluminescence decay time were used. The “S” shapebecomes more pronounced in the annealed samples.Again, this can be attributed to a decreased spatial sep-aration between the localized states and / or increasedlifetime. To our opinion in the thin wells (w20), themajor effect is due to increased lifetime (see Fig. 5(a)),whereas in the thicker wells (w30 and w40) both effectsmight be important.

    Figure 4 shows temperature dependent variations ofthe integrated PL intensity in the as-grown and an-nealed samples. Thermal treatment is seen to cause asignificant reduction in PL intensity in the w20 sample(Fig. 4(a)), in agreement with the suggestion on In in-terdiffusion and consequent degradation of the barriersand interfaces. Correspondingly, the flatter temperaturedependence in the annealed sample is an indication ofa larger energy required for delocalization, which fa-cilitates nonradiative recombination [25]. Sample w30shows similar temperature dynamics (Fig. 4(b)), how-ever without a remarkable change in the activation en-ergy. This can be attributed to an increased role of

    Fig. 5. Variations of PL decay times versus temperature ofas-grown and annealed samples (a) w20, (b) w30. That of the

    as-grown w40 is also shown.

    electron–hole wave function separation due to intrin-sic field in thicker wells that agrees with the observedred shift of the PL peak position (Fig. 2(b)). We sug-gest that such a separation is facilitated by a smootherpotential profile in the annealed wells as evidenced bythe HRTEM images and temperature dependence of thePL peak position. With further increase in well thick-ness (sample w40), the principal impact of annealingis an increase of the PL intensity in the entire range oftemperatures. In combination with the blue shift of thePL peak position (Fig. 2(c)), such an increase can beattributed to a significant smoothing of the band poten-tial profile and a subsequent decrease of the localizationenergy. An additional increase in PL intensity mightbe caused by a reduced number of nonradiative centresin the barrier layers and interfaces that is in agreementwith the HRTEM images (Fig. 1(c, f)) and PLE spectra(Fig. 2(c)).

    Figure 5 shows PL decay time at the PL spectralpeaks as a function of temperature in the as-grown andannealed samples [14]. (In the annealed w40 sample,the PL decay time becomes too long to be measuredby our technique.) The low-temperature lifetime of theas-grown samples rapidly increases with the well widthand is equal to 1.8, 9, and 137 ns for w20, w30, and w40samples, respectively. This increase is obviously due to

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    spatial separation of electron and hole wave functionsin thicker wells [26, 27]. This is in line with the in-crease in Stokes shift with the well width (Fig. 2). Ther-mal annealing generally results in an increase of carrierlifetime, however, with the peculiarities dependent onthe well width. In the w20 sample, the lifetime altersnegligibly at low temperature and exhibits a remarkableincrease at elevated temperatures. This effect agreeswith the temperature dynamics of the PL intensity inthat annealing of a thin well results in an enhance-ment of potential fluctuations and in a higher energy re-quired for delocalization, which initiates the nonradia-tive process [25]. Interestingly, despite the unchangedlifetime at low temperature, the annealed sample ex-hibits a lower PL efficiency (Fig. 4(a)), probably be-cause of reduced rate of carrier capture to the well dueto degraded barriers and / or interfaces. Contrarily, thethicker wells (w30) show a remarkable increase in low-temperature lifetime after thermal annealing, the differ-ence between the as-grown and annealed samples dis-appearing with temperature (Fig. 4(b)). Such behaviourmight be accounted for by an increased electron–holewave function separation at low temperatures due to in-creased carrier / exciton diffusivity in the annealed sam-ple. At elevated temperatures, annealing results in neg-ligible changes of lifetime, since the excitations are de-localised. In the thickest sample (w40), localization en-ergy is higher and annealing facilitates the QCSE in theentire temperature range.

    4. Discussion

    Our results on HRTEM, PL, PLE, and TRPL inInGaN / GaN MQWs revealed the dynamics of radia-tive and nonradiative processes being dependent on thewell thickness and the impact of thermal treatment,which was shown to essentially depend on the quantumwell width.

    Quantum well width dependent dynamics of recom-bination processes in InGaN / GaN MQWs is usuallyexplained by the QCSE and inhomogeneous distribu-tion of indium as well as by nonradiative centres dueto structural and point defects [15–17, 26–28]. Basi-cally, dynamics of the QCSE with the well width isenough understood for a smooth band potential pro-file [26, 27]. Meanwhile, inhomogeneous distributionof indium, which results in fluctuations of the band po-tential profile, displays a much more intricate depen-dence on the well width. There are several studies onaccumulation of indium atoms on the growth surfaceand generation of misfit dislocations with increasing

    the thickness of the InGaN layer [29, 30]. The con-current plastic relaxation cannot be complete and ho-mogeneous in all regions of the InGaN well, result-ing in an inhomogeneous strain distribution within thelayer. The inhomogeneous strain distribution could, inturn, enhance the local diffusion of indium atoms andthereby spinodally increases the composition fluctua-tions. Under favourable conditions, these fluctuationsmay result in phase separation [8, 9]. Phase separationrequires long-range diffusion and a correlation shouldexist between phase separation and the growth time.The larger the layer thickness, the longer growth timeis required, thus the quantum well layer has a longertime for strain relaxation and a more pronounced varia-tion in indium content is expected. Our data on opticalproperties of InGaN / GaN MQWs allow one to inferthat increasing the well width results in (i) increasedpotential profile fluctuations, which are known to re-markably influence the migration of electronic excita-tions, (ii) a modified nomenclature of nonradiative cen-tres due to indium decomposition and modification ofinterfaces, (iii) enhanced spatial separation of the elec-tron and hole wave functions in the wells.

    Increased fluctuations of the band potential profileare evidenced by enhanced patterning of the HRTMimages, by sensitivity of the PL spectra to the excita-tion photon energy, sensitivity of the PLE spectra tothe observation photon energy, flattening of the wellabsorbance edge monitored by PLE, and smootheningof the “S”-shaped temperature dependence of PL withthe increase in the well thickness. The decrease in car-rier capture to the wells efficiency due to nonradiativerecombination is clearly monitored by changes in thePLE spectrum in the barrier region. Enhanced spatialseparation of the electron and hole wave functions isevidenced by a significant increase in carrier / excitonlifetime and by an increase in Stokes shift of PL, withboth increases partially attributed to increased potentialfluctuations. All these observations clearly indicate anincrease in disorder with an increase of the well width.

    Differences in degree of disorder of as-grown sam-ples with various well widths lead to different impactof thermal annealing on luminescence from localizedstates. Since the average indium concentration in oursamples is of 15%, only slightly below the critical value[10, 11], one can expect different trends in diffusionrelated processes (diffusion or spinodal decomposi-tion) invoked by thermal treatment. Our data confirmsthat thermal annealing, which basically results in ther-mally activated In–Ga interdiffusion including “uphill”strain-induced diffusion and spinodal decomposition,

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    affects microstructure and strain in the wells, barriers,and interfaces. Eventually, thermal annealing modi-fies (i) the efficiency of carrier capture to the wells,(ii) electron–hole wave function separation within thewells, and (iii) nonradiative recombination rate, i. e. thebasic processes, which govern the quantum efficiencyof light generation in InGaN / GaN MQWs.

    After thermal annealing, thinner samples that ini-tially are of the best structural and optical quality areheavily deteriorated. We attribute this effect to in-dium interdiffusion into the barrier layers, which ismonitored by the HRTM images. Annealing leads tochanges in indium content as evidenced by the blueshiftof the InGaN related emission and absorption bands.Indium interdiffusion also results in formation of alarge amount of nonradiative defects both in the welland barrier that is confirmed by a significant reductionin luminescence efficiency and by modification of thePLE spectra in the barrier region. Meanwhile, no in-dications of changes in spatial separation of electronsand holes were distinguished, probably because of thewell thickness being too small for the QCSE to mani-fest itself.

    Thicker as-grown samples are already much moredisordered due to indium segregation. This leads to anincrease in the number of surface related defects. In-creased thickness results in a noticeable enhancementof the QCSE that is monitored by the increased carrierlifetime, decreased PL efficiency, and red shift of thePL peak. Annealing seems to improve materials qualityand to make potential profile smoother. The smootherpotential profile facilitates electron–hole spatial separa-tion, which results in the enhanced QCSE (an increasein the carrier / exciton lifetime, a decrease in PL effi-ciency, and the red shift of the PL band).

    For the thickest samples investigated, thermal an-nealing results in even more significant improvementof microstructure that is evidenced by the narrowing ofwell-related dark regions in the HRTM images, as wellas by modification of the barrier related PLE spectrum.This implies that indium is preferentially reorganizedin the InGaN layers rather than diffused into GaN bar-riers. Consequent smoothening of the well potentialprofile leads to an increased electron–hole spatial sep-aration due to intrinsic field. However the blue shift ofthe PL peak and an increase in PL efficiency show thatannealing invokes a competing impact that outbalancesthe manifestation of the QCSE. We attribute this impactto improved microstructure, which results in shallowerlocalization and remedy of nonradiative recombinationcentres.

    5. Conclusions

    Summarizing, temperature dependent site-selectivePL, PLE, and TRPL study of three pairs of as-grownand annealed at 800 ◦C for 30 min In0.15Ga0.85N / GaNMQWs with the well widths of 2, 3, and 4 nm were per-formed. Our results imply a nontrivial dependence ofMQWs emission properties on thermal treatment. Dif-ferences in degree of disorder in as-grown samples ofvarious well width leads to different impact of thermalannealing on luminescence from localized states. Theblue shift of the PL peak and pronounced changes inthe absorbance indicate a remarkable interdiffusion ofindium at the quantum well barrier interface for thinMQWs. Meanwhile, the pronounced red shift in PLand an increase in the excitation lifetime in thickerMQWs is attributed to manifestation of the QCSE dueto intrinsic field. Also, MWQs of larger thickness wereshown to possess larger variations in potential profileand a larger amount of structural defects. The per-formed optical and microstructure analysis evidencesan improvement of the MQW structural quality andincreased emission efficiency in the thicker structuresupon post-growth thermal annealing.


    This research was partially supported by the jointLithuanian–Latvian–Taiwan grant, by the EuropeanCommission supported SELITEC centre (ContractNo. G5MA-CT-2002-04047), and by National ScienceCouncil, The Republic of China, under the grantsNSC 90-2112-M-002-052, NSC 90-2215-E-002-027,and NSC 90-2215-E-002-041.


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    Y.-C. Cheng a, S.-W. Feng a, C.C. Yang a, C.-T. Kuo b, J.-S. Tsang b, S. Juršėnas c, S. Miasojedovas c,A. Žukauskas c

    a Nacionalinis Taivanio universitetas 1, Taipėjus, Taivanisb Chsinčiu pramonės parkas, Chsinčiu, Taivanis

    c Vilniaus universitetas, Vilnius, Lietuva

    SantraukaIštirtos ką tik išaugintų ir 30 min 800 ◦C temperatūroje atkai-

    tintų In0,15Ga0,85N / GaN daugialakščių darinių liuminescencijos,sužadinimo spektrų bei laike išskleistos liuminescencijos 10–300 Ktemperatūroje savybės, kurios palygintos su didelės skyros elekt-ronų mikroskopijos atvaizdais. Pastebėta, kad kvantinių dariniųatkaitinimas lemia optinių savybių pakitimą, kuris sudėtingai pri-klauso nuo kvantinės duobės storio. Plonose kvantinėse duobėsepastebėtas liuminescencijos smailės poslinkis į didesnės energijossritis bei būdingi pakitimai sugerties spektre, dėl indžio difuzijosį barjerinę sritį. Platesnėse (3 nm) duobėse pastebėtas liumines-cencijos smailės poslinkis į mažesnės energijos sritis bei išaugusi

    krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmė. Taip atsitinka, elektronų bei skyliųbanginėms funkcijoms atsiskyrus erdvėje dėl sumažėjusių poten-cialo fliuktuacijų. Plačiausiose (4 nm) kvantinėse duobėse atkai-tinimas padarė dar didesnę įtaką sandarai, žymiai sumažindamaskrūvininkų lokalizacijos energiją (poslinkis į didesnės energijos sri-tis didesnis nei vidinio elektrinio lauko nulemtas poslinkis į mažes-nės energijos sritis) bei sumažino nespindulinę rekombinaciją (su-intensyvėjo liuminescencija). Aiškinama, kad tokie rezultatai gautidėl atkaitinimo sukeltos In–Ga abipusės difuzijos, kai priklauso-mai nuo duobės storio arba indis difunduoja į barjerinę sritį, arbavyksta indžio kondensacija (neigiama difuzija) pačiose kvantinėseduobėse.