Edutainment Final

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ABSTRACTSome people may say that education and entertainment will not meet at any crossroad. It is due to the different nature of them. But nowadays, things change dramatically. People start talking and researching about edutainment. The main element of edutainment is education and entertainment. Buckingham and Scanlon (2000) Edu-tainment, is a hybrid genre that relies heavily on visual material, on narrative or game-like formats, and on more informal, less didactic styles of address. The purpose of edutainment is to attract and hold the attention of the learners by engaging their emotions through a computer monitor full of vividly coloured animations. The next question to be asked is how to deliver this new method of teaching to the children? The medium of delivery need to be practical, user friendly, and easy found. Yes, we are directly talking about mobile device. Mobile device has become a common gadget among the society. Playing games on mobile device trending nowadays as the device provide the properties such as social interactivity, portability, and connectivity. Adding another role which is learning via the devices is an industrious approach as it can enhance the culture of learning amongst children (Norizan, Khaliq, Marina, 2010).

INTRODUCTIONWith the rapid growth of the mobile devices such as mobile phones, PDA and portable game devices, the demand for better and useful applications of mobile device has increase (Norizan, Khaliq, Marina, 2010). The advances of wireless technology create a new learning model that is the mobile learning. Mobile learning has been proven effective as an educational application in recent empirical studies. Current mobile technologies (especially wireless) - frequently referred to as third generation (3G) - provide an unprecedented opportunity for inexpensive and beneficial computing power for learners (Hill & Roldan, 2005; Wagner, 2005). Compared to traditional desktop learning, mobile learning focuses on the mobility of the learning practice and promotes the interaction between the learner and learning content. However, mobile learning is not intended to replace the classroom learning but as an enhancement or an augmentation to the value of mobile devices and telecommunication network (Norizan, Khaliq, Marina, 2010). From a popular perspective, computer games seem to evoke mixed reactions. On one hand, many are troubled by the violent themes that constitute certain games, and some are concerned with the intensity of involvement and amount of time that youth devote to playing computer games. However, on the other hand, it seems that some games, such as the popular SimCity series, can be quite instructive and enlightening. These instructional games can be as engaging as action games, but we tend to regard the zeal that these games engender as less alarming. Regardless of whether you view computer games as a blessing or a curse, in the roughly 25 years in which computer games have existed, they have solidified a place in the market and in popular culture (Rosemary Garris, Robert Ahlers, James E. Driskell, 2002)In addition to their commercial popularity, computer games have captured the attention of training professionals and educators. There are several reasons for this professional interest. First, there has been a major shift in the field of learning from a traditional, didactic model of instruction to a learner-centered model that emphasizes a more active learner role. This represents a shift away from the learning by listening model of instruction to one in which students learn by doing. Moreover, Simon (1996) has noted that how we view learning has changed from being able to recall information to being able to find and use information. New interactive technologies provide opportunities to create learning environments that actively involve students in problem solving. A second reason underlying current professional interest in computer games is that some empirical evidence exists that games can be effective tools for enhancing learning and understanding of complex subject matter (Cordova & Lepper, 1996; Ricci, Salas, & Cannon-Bowers, 1996).In brief, the potential of instructional games as platforms for training is appealing. As Simons (1993) claimed, If video games can be transformed so that their users learn, a great many people may come to understand and control dynamic systems Unfortunately, there is little consensus on game features that support learning, the process by which games engage learners, or the types of learning outcomes that can be achieved through game play.The purpose of this journal is to present an example of Islamic game that we believe, can engage kids to learn one of the most basic principle in Islam which is The Halal and Haram of Food. As stated above, this is merely act as enhancement for them to learn and know Islam. It will not replace the formal and informal educational learning.

TOWARDS THE INTRODUCTION OF GAMES IN THE LEARNING PROCESS: OPEN ISSUES AND BARRIERSAs stated in the introduction, edutainment seem to have potential as learning tools, but their use in real scenarios is limited by multiple factors that span all over the product life, affecting the design, implementation and deployment phases. In this section we discuss, according to our opinion, some of the relevant issues that affect educational games. A. Issues at the Design Stage: Balancing Educational Value and Entertainment.One of the main challenges of developing an educational game is the achievement of an adequate balance between entertainment and educational value. Both are very important in the success of any educational games. If the students do not have fun playing they will finally quit the game and all the investment would be useless. However, if all the efforts are focused on the fun-factor and the educational value is left aside, the game would have little impact on the learning outcomes of the students. Therefore the development of educational games adds, to the difficult task of designing game elements that are fun and engaging, and the challenge of achieving educational value (Javier, Angel, Euginio, Pablo, Balta 2010).B. Issues at the Production Stage: the Costs.Any kind of games either PCs based or apps based, it have high cost for development. This is due to the nature of this industry which involves broad expertise, a lot of software and hardware. Those are a barrier for the introduction of video games in the educational process, as it is almost unfeasible for most educational organizations to develop their own educational games if no external funding is available (Javier, Angel, Euginio, Pablo, Balta 2010).

PROBLEMS STATEMENTThe idea of edutainment is brings forward after analyzing few problem statements, which are: A. The Muslim children were found hard to understand Islamic value and concept in their early life because the methods of delivery are not bridging them with the knowledge.In most educational institution across this country, they still use the conventional approach in teaching children. The main instrument is book, text, and examinations. Some may use the approach of pictures and others. The important question that need to be answered is does this method appeal kids? Why does the element of appeal to kids matter and need to be discussed? One simple argument is that the fact is we are teaching kids, not adult. Both of them are very different mentally and biologically. Thus, their readiness to accept knowledge and process them depends heavily on how the knowledge is delivered. We believe, by altering this method and introduce games as learning approach to engage and attract kids to the Islamic knowledge is important. Maybe, the content of selected knowledge in game is very simple compared to the abundant amount in book, but the elements of attraction is very important and keep them want to learn more in class.B. In the real or virtual world, there are only few Islamic games that really attract children sight and act as stimulus for them to further their understanding towards Islamic knowledge.This is the truth that we realize happens in our world. The amount of Islamic games is very small in the market. This is because the numbers of developer for Islamic games is also small. There are few premature assumptions that could be made such as the budget and cost issue, producing games is not in the Muslim culture, the bad perception about games itself, and others. But regardless those assumptions, the fact are games can build the learning culture in our society and engage people with knowledge. This journal is one of the effort to enhance the growth of games as educational method in our life. C. Most of the Islamic games found were on the net thus need connectivity all the time. The numbers of offline or apps based Islamic games are very small.The idea of this problem is simple. We want to make it easier for kids to use this game. Internet should not become the limiting factor. Some of us may have internet connectivity 24/7 daily. But some may not. So, the idea to build an offline or apps based Islamic games occur. Kids can easily install it and play where ever and whenever they want.

GOAL / OBJECTIVESThere are few objectives been set for the project aiming to neutralize the problems discussed above, which are:1. Developing games that attract and enhance user (kids) to learn Islamic knowledge and value.2. Adding the element of interactive narrative to the Islamic games.3. Building apps based games for Islamic knowledge that appeal kids.

CHALLENGES To develop this game, there are few challenges that need to be access, either before, during, or after the production of the game. The challenges are as below :1. Inserting the elements of interactivity in Islamic games without losing the key principle and the informational architecture of Islamic knowledge.2. Building games that attracting kids to play it and in the same time act as bridge to Islamic knowledge.3. Choosing suitable game main content from Islamic knowledge and develop it as game that appeal kids attraction.4. Developing an entertaining and addictive games for kids yet in controlled environment.

MEETING THE CHALLENGESStrategic and problem solving approach need to be taken in order to neutralize the challenges thus bringing the idea to reality. The approaches are as below : 1. Reviewing the specific Islamic content.This is the main part of our game. As the content act as spine and core thus help dictating the general process of development. As we review, we have decided to focus solemnly on the understanding of halal and haram of food. This is because, even in early stages of child development, they need to be taught about those matters. Kids will eat everyday for their growth. They need to know which can and cannot be eaten amongst food. This approach will help to solve the first and fourth challenges.2. Create story and characterTo add the element of interactive, we have added narrative element into our game. The idea is to entertain kids while playing and make them feel like they are one of those characters. the name chosen for the character is Ali and Ahmad.3. Developing flowchart The element of entertainment was added into this game via the flowchart created. The flowchart will act as general map for developer to know the overall layout and the how to play process from beginning until the end. Via the stages created, user will face different difficulties thus lead to entertainment while playing.GAMES DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENTThe idea of this journal is to create an example of flowchart for the game. It does not intend to practically develop the game. Here, we will present the idea of our flowchart for the games. Non Play-Ahmad complete collect the halal food for Ali-Ali now can eat the food

BeginningNon Play-Ali and Ahmad walk at the playground-suddenly Ali feel hungry-Ahmad help him to get the food

Non Play-Ahmad complete collect the halal food for Ali-Ali now can eat the food

Stage 3 (hard)Objectives : Learn about the halal and haram foodObstacles : Fight with speed and Haram foodRules : Avoid the Haram food

Stage 2 (medium)Objectives : Learn about the halal and haram foodObstacles : Fight with speed and the Haram foodRules : Avoid the Haram food

Stage 1(easy)Objectives: Learn about the halal and haram foodObstacles: Fight with speed and the Haram foodRules : Avoid the Haram food

User simply to choose the stage PunishmentsRewards-3 chances and if failed has to restart from start point.

Score highest point and gives Ali halal food

-3 chances and if failed has to restart from start point.

Score highest point and gives Ali halal food

Score highest point and gives Ali halal food-3 chances and if failed has to restart from start point.

As we can see, the game is divided into 3 stages which is stage 1 (easy), stage 2 (medium), and stage 3 (hard). The differences between them are the element of speed and number of haram food fall. Gradually, it will become faster and increase in number. The idea of reward and punishment is added to increase player motivation to play thus understand the knowledge in this game. Whitehall and McDonald (1993) and Ricci et al. (1996) found that instruction incorporating game features led to improved learning. Ricci et al (1996) proposed that instruction that incorporated game features enhanced student motivation, which led to greater attention to training content and greater retention.CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we have presented the importance, idea, challenges, and example of Islamic game flowchart. We strongly believe that game of this kind can and must be executed into reality. In order to nurturing our younger generation and help building greater future, all possibilities must be optimizes and gaming is one of them. May this journal add benefit to others.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTPraise to Allah S.W.T for the strength given to us to deliver this journal. Secondly, we would like the give our sincere thankfulness to Madam Siti Zaharah Binti Mohid, our lecture for this subject. She is a lecture, guidance, and a mentor for us. Without her wisdom advice and ideas, it is impossible for us to finish this journal. She improved our skills in writing and searching relevant input via the introduction of the APAs format citation and the Google Scholars. Lastly, for our friends, thank you for being there during high and low to produce this journal. Thank you very much and may Allah bless you all.

REFERENCES Buckingham D and Scanlon M (2000) That is edutainment: media, pedagogy and the market place. Paper presented to the International Forum of Researchers on Young People and the Media, Sydney.Norizan, Khaliq, Marina, (2010) Discover Mathematics on Mobile Devices using Gaming Approach, paper presented on International Conference on Mathematics Education Research 2010 (ICMER 2010).Wagner, E. D.(2005). Enabling Mobile Learning, EDUCAUSE Review.Timothy R. Hill, Malu Roldan (2005). Toward Third Generation Threaded Discussions for Mobile Learning: Opportunities and Challenges for Ubiquitous Collaborative Environments.Rosemary Garris, Robert Ahlers, James E. Driskell, (2002). Games, motivation, and learning: A research and practice model.Simon, H. A. (1996, September 6). Observations on the sciences of science learning. Paper presented at the Committee on Developments in the Science of Learning for the Sciences of Science Learning: An Interdisciplinary Discussion, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Psychology, Washington, DC.Ricci, K., Salas, E.,&Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (1996). Do computer-based games facilitate knowledge acquisition and retention? Military Psychology, 8(4), 295-307.Cordova, D. I., & Lepper,M. R. (1996). Intrinsic motivation and the process of learning: Beneficial effects of contextualization, personalization, and choice. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 715-730.Javier, Angel, Euginio, Pablo, Balta (2010). Introducing Educational Games in the Learning Process.Whitehall, B., & McDonald, B. (1993). Improving learning persistence of military personnel by enhancing motivation in a technical training program. Simulation & Gaming.