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  • 7/23/2019 EDInet_XML_InvoiceRO_2.0


    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]




    EDInet XML

    Document version: 2.0

    Copyright 2014 by Infinite Sp. z o.o. (www.infinite.pl)All rights reserved.

    No dissemination or copying of this document or any part hereof is permitted unless expressly authorised by Infinite Sp. z o.o. in


  • 7/23/2019 EDInet_XML_InvoiceRO_2.0


    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]



    1. Dictionary / Dicionar

    Mmandatory, Ddependent, Nnumeric, ANalpha numeric

    2. Units of measure / Uniti de msur

    3. Details / Detalii

    Data YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS or(vagy) YYYY-MM-DD

    Numbers Decimal separator: point, is not used for grouping separator characters (eg 10,234.12 wrong, correct: 10234.12) /Separator zecimal : punct, nu este folosit ca separator pentru caracteregrupate (10,234.12 gresit, corect : 10234.12)

    4. Shortcut / Abrevieri

    GLN = Global Location Number:GTIN = Global Trade Item Number:EAN = International Article Numbering Association:


    MTR = metre PR = pair (two items combined) DZN = Dozen

    MTK = square metre TNE = metric tone (1000kg) GRM = Gramme

    KGM = kilogram CMK= Square centimetre HLT = Hectolitre

    LTR = litre CMQ = Cubic centimetre KTM = Kilometre

    PCE = piece CMT = Centimetre MMT = Millimetre

    MTK = Square metre MTQ = Cubic metre NRL = Number of rolls

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    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]



    5. Tipuri facturi (Invoice types)

    Cinci tipuri de facturi au putut fi gestionate pe baza profilului de facturare electronica din Ungaria.

    factura comerciala care ar putea fi partiala sau finala

    factura proforma

    factura preplata

    factura storno, in care trebuie mentionata factura originala sau referitor la o linie cu articole trebuie sa fie o referinta la factura originala si valoarea totala trebuie sareflecte directia in care merg banii. Daca cel ce emite factura (de obicei furnizori) au datorii catre cei ce le este adresata (comercianti de obicei)atunci valoarea totalaeste negativa. Daca comerciantii platesc emitentul unei facturi (de obicei furnizori) atunci valoarea finala trebuie sa fie un numar pozitiv. Acest lucru se refera si lafactura de corectie.

    Corectarea unei facturi se poate efectua in mai multe feluri.

    Factura incorecta trebuie sa fie creditata in intregime cu o factura storno, apoi o noua factura poate fi emisa

    Articolele din factura storno trebuie sa fie identice cu cele din factura de referinta dar cu semn minus

    Factura de corectare contine articolele incorecte cu semn negativ urmate imediat de articolele corecte fara semn

    datele articolului original trebuie date cu semn negativ

    datele articolului modificat trebuie date fara semn

    Factura de corectare contine numai diferenta intre valoarea corecta si cea incorecta a unui articolFive kinds of invoice could be managed on the basis of current e-invoicing profile for Romania.

    Commercial invoice which could be partial or final invoice

    Proforma invoicePrepayment invoiceStorno invoice, in which there must be a reference to the original invoice or to a given line of its Correction invoice, in which there must be a reference to the original invoiceor to a given line of its Items on the invoice and the total value of it must reflect the direction to where money moves. If the issuer of an invoice (usually suppliers/manufacturers)owes the invoicee (usually traders) then the total value is a negative number. If the invoicee (usually traders) pays the issuer of an invoice (usually suppliers) then the final valuemust be a positive number in every case. This rule also refers to the correction invoice.

    The correction of an invoice can be applied in several ways. The correction of an invoice could be done with an appropriately produced correction invoice whether the senderrealizes immediately or later that he started a wrongly filled invoice message.

    The incorrect invoice could be entirely credited with a storno invoice, then a new flawless invoice could be issuedThe items of a storno invoice must be identical to the reference original invoice with opposite signThe correction invoice contains the incorrect items with negative sign immediately followed by the correct items without a sign.the data of the original item must be given once with negative sign

    the data of the modified item must be given once without a sign (positive)The correction invoice contains only the difference between the correct and incorrect value of an item.

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    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]




    DESCRIPTION/ Descriere

    MMain element should contain: Version="1.0.1" xmlns:xsi= "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.infinite.pl/pub/doc/fmt/xml/invoice/1.0/invoice.xsd

    M Invoice Header/Antet factura

    301929 M AN (14) Invoice number / Numar factura

    2008-04-01 MYYYY-MM-

    DDInvoice date / Data facturarii

    2008-05-21 MYYYY-MM-

    DDDue date /Termen de plata

    3 M N (1) Payment terms type qualifier (3 = fixed date) / Calificativ termen de plata (3=data fixa)


    42 MN (2) Payment code (42 -Bank Transfer, 10Cash, 31-Encashment) /Cod plata (42 -Transfer bancar, 10-

    Cash, 31-Incasare)

    tutal s O AN (14) Payment method description/Descriere metoda de plata


    RON MAN (3) Currency code in accordance with ISO 4217 used in an order/ Cod valuta conf.ISO4217 folosit la o


    O MN (1) Invoice type (C-corrected, O-commercial)/

    O ComercialaC - corectata

    O MN (1) Document Role (O-original , A-STORNO)

    O - originalAstorno

    Comment D AN (1000) Seller comment (Purchasing information) /Comentariu vanzator

    DAN (14) Number of original invoice (in case of Storno/Corrected) /Numar factura originala (in caz de


    D YYYY-MM-DD Date of original invoice (in case of Storno/Corrected) / Data factura originala (in caz destorno/corectura)



    M Order Party

    123778 M AN(4) orAN(8) Order number at buyer / Numar comanda, Correct format is from 4 to 8 digits

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    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]



    2008-03-28T00:00:00 MYYYY-MM-DD-HH-SS

    Order date /data comanda


    M Delivery Party

    2008-05-01T00:00:00 MYYYY-MM-DD-HH-SS Delivery date /data livrare

    43900 M AN (14) Delivery note number /numar nota livrare

    2008-05-01 MYYYY-MM-

    DDDelivery Document Issue date / Data emitere document livrare


    M Party to which merchandise is sold and/or a service is provided / Beneficiar marfa sau servicii

    5940475172107 M N (13) GLN number / Numar GLN

    RO2816464 M AN (35) Tax registration number / Numar inregistrare fiscala

    AUCHAN Hyper Romania IASI M AN (35) Buyer name / Nume cumparator

    Str. Al. Tolstoi, nr. 8 M AN (35) Street / Strada

    M AN (9) House number (can occure in Street) / Numar

    M AN (9) Postal code /Cod postal

    Bac u, jud. Bacau M AN (35) City / Oras

    RO M AN (3) Country, coded ISO 3155 two alpha code /Tara, cod alfanumeric din doua cifre conf ISO 3155


    DMandatory if not the same as BuyerParty - Party to whom an invoice is issued / Catre cine esteemisa factura

    5940475000001 M N (13) GLN number / Numar GLN

    AUCHAN Hyper Romania M AN (35) Invoicee name /Numele celui ce primeste factura

    Str. Al. Tolstoi, nr. 8 M AN (35) Street /Strada

    61 M AN (9) House number (can occure in Street) /Numar

    2061 M AN (9) Postal code /Cod postal

    Bacu, jud. Bacau M AN (35) City / Oras

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    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]



    RO M AN (3) Country, coded ISO 3155 two alpha code / Tara, cod alfanumeric din doua cifre conf ISO 3155


    M Party to which goods should be delivered /Beneficiar

    5940475172107 M N (13) GLN number / Numar GLN

    AUCHAN Hyper Romania IASI M AN (35) Delivery point name / Punct de livrare

    Str. Sigmirului, Nr. 20 M AN (35) Street / Strada

    M AN (9) House number (can occure in Street) / Numar

    M AN (9) Postal code / Cod postal

    Bistrita, jud. Bistrita-Nasaud M AN (35) City / Oras

    RO M AN (3) Country, coded ISO 3155 two alpha code/ Tara, cod alfanumeric din doua cifre conf ISO 3155


    M Party which provides goods//Furnizor

    5944567876543 M N (13 GLN number / Numar GLN

    20257 DAN (9) Buyer's seller id /ID vanzator pentru comparator.

    RO12345678 M AN (35) Tax registration number /Numar de inregistrare fiscala

    99999999-22222222-33333333 M n8-n8-n8 Bank account number / Numar cont bancar

    O AN (175) Bank account owner / Detinator cont

    Raiffeisen Romania O AN (175) Bank Name / Numele bancii

    Test supplier M AN (35) Seller name / Nume vanzator

    Zsolnay Vilmos M AN (35) Street / Strada

    12 M AN (9) House number, can occur in Street / Numar

    1147 M AN (9) Postal code /Cod postal

    BUCARESTI M AN (35) City / Oras

    RO M AN (3) Country, coded ISO 3155 two alpha code / Tara, cod alfanumeric din doua cifre conf ISO 3155


    D Ship from Party / Expediat de catre

    594000000090 D N (13) GLN number / Numar GLN

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    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]



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    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]



    87662.40 M N (18) Gross amount of item ( MonetaryNetValue + TaxAmount) Total valoare


    DN (18)

    Only in case of corrected /Numai in cazul corectiei de facturi

    73052.00 M N (18) Net amount of item

    73052.00 D N (18) Only in case of corrected /Numai in cazul corectiei de facturi

    73052.00 M N (18)Line item total /Total articole(QuantityValue *UnitPriceValue- UnitDiscount)Cantitate *Pret unitar - Discount unitar


    DN (18)

    Only in case of corrected /Numai in cazul corectiei de facturi

    BUC M AN (3) Units of measure for QuantityValue /Unitati de masura pentru Cantitate Valoare

    DB O AN (3) Units of measure XCBL for QuantityValue / Unitati de masura XCBL pentru Cantitate Valoare

    BUC M AN (3) Units of measure for PacketContentQuantity /Unitati de masura pentru PachetContinutCantitate

    36526.00 M N (18) Net-net price /pret net

    36526.00 D N (18) Only in case of corrected /Numai in cazul corectiei

    43831.20 M N (18) Gross list price /Lista preturi brute(UnitPriceValue + TaxPercent* UnitPriceValue)/Valoare pret unitar+TVA*Valoare pret unitar

    43831.20 D N (18) Only in case of correction/Numai in caz corectie

    Orange juice 0.5 l M AN (35) Product description / Descriere produs


    123 D AN(35)

    2009-02-05T00:00:00 DYYYY-MM-




    2009-02-09T12:00:00 DYYYY-MM-


    WZ523 D AN(35)



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    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]




    M Invoice Summary/Sumar facturi

    3 M N (1000) Number of lines/Numar de linii

    1800424.00 M N (18) Total line items amount (MonetaryNetValue) /Total suma articole pe linie

    -40424.00 D N (18) Only in case of corrected /Numai in caz corectie

    274104.00 M N (18) Message total duty/tax/fee amount / Mesaj total taxa

    -4104.00 DN (18)

    Only in case of corrected /Numai in caz corectie

    1800424.00 M

    -1800424.00 D

    < GrossValue >2074528.00 M N (18) Invoice amount / Valoare factura

    < GrossValueDiff >2074528.00 D N (18) Only in case of corrected /numai in caz corectie

    M N (18) Tax Sumary/Sumar taxe


    S MAN (1) Tax type coded / Cod taxa:

    S = Standard rateE = Except from tax

    20.00 M AN (4) Tax rate / Procent taxa

    1370520.00 M N (18) Tax rate net amount /Suma neta taxa

    -370520.00 D N (18) Only in case of corrected /Numai in caz corectie



    274104.00 M N (18) Tax rate tax amount /Procent taxa

    -74104.00 D N (18) Only in case of corrected /Numai in caz corectie

    < TaxGrossAmount >1644624.00 M N (18) Tax rate gross amount /Suma bruta taxa

    < TaxGrossAmountDiff >-144624.00 D N (18) Only in case of corrected/numai in caz de corectie



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    EDInet Invoice XML [v.2.0]




