ECS210: Curriculum as (Online) Community October 29, 2013 @kbhildebrandt @41mikes #ecs210 Image: Katharinewillis

ECS210: Curriculum as (Online) Community October 29, 2013 @kbhildebrandt @41mikes #ecs210 Image: Katharinewillis

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ECS210: Curriculum as (Online) Community

October 29, 2013@kbhildebrandt



Getting started

✦ Think about: When you want to figure out the answer to a question, where do you turn?

✦ https://todaysmeet.com/ECS210

✦ Today's meet page


The advent of the Internet “removes many constraints of space and time [so that] some of the current social patterns that are evident in suburbia or in workplace offices will not be as much in evidence in 2020 as technology reconfigures people’s sense of presence” (Anderson and Rainie, 2010, p. 15).  

Anderson, J. Q., & Rainie, L. (2010a). The future of social relations. Retrieved from Pew Internet website: http://pewinternet.org/~/media//Files/Reports/2010/PIP_Future_of_Internet_ 2010_social_relations.pdf

Wellman, B. (2002). Little boxes, glocalization, and networked individualism: From little boxes to social networks. Revised Papers from the Second Kyoto Workshop on Digital Cities II, Computational and Sociological Approaches. Retrieved from http://homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman/publications/littleboxes/littlebox.PDF

Individual -> ConnectedScarcity -> Abundance

MYOB Learning -> ParticipationSchool learning -> 24/7 Learning

Participation on the web - viral videos


Participation to help others


Participating to learn - Anytime learning


Obvious to you, amazing to others

So what does this mean for teaching

and learning?

“I don’t think education is about centralized instruction anymore; rather, it is the process establishing oneself as a node in a broad network of distributed creativity” (Ito, 2011, p. D9).

Ito, J. (2011, December 6). In an open-source society, innovating by the seat of our pants. The New York Times, p. D9. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com.libproxy.uregina.ca:2048/ps/i.do?action=interpret&id=GALE|A274194814&v=2.1&u=ureginalib&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w&authCount=1

Howard Rheingold - Media Labs Speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvnpW8sdHNQ

NCTE http://www.ncte.org/governance/21stcenturyframework

21st century literacies

1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

2. Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence

3. Agility and Adaptability

4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism

5. Effective Oral and Written Communication

6. Accessing and Analyzing Information

7. Curiosity and Imagination

Wagner’s Survival Skills for the 21st century

Conlon, K. (2008, August 20). The global achievement gap. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved from http://www.gse.harvard.edu/news_events/features/2008/08/20_wagner.php


What might 21st century learning look like in the subject areas...

Visit http://moourl.com/ecs210

1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

2. Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence3. Agility and Adaptability

4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism

5. Effective Oral and Written Communication

6. Accessing and Analyzing Information

7. Curiosity and Imagination

What does this mean for how we teach?

Crowdsourcing ideas...

How we allow students to learn and express their learning...



Thinning the walls of our classrooms

How might the changing nature of learning and the increased prevalence of technology be related to social justice and anti-oppressive education?

What is made possible/impossible by these

tools and this type of learning?