ECQ Book Revised3

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  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    ISBN-13: 978-1456516451

    ISBN-10: 1456516450

    Embellishing Crazy Quilts...for beginners


    Kathy Seaman

    © ShawklDesignsStudio, January 2011

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    EMBELLISHING CRAZY QUILTS, Copyright © 2011, Shawkl Designs Studio by Kathy Shaw

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system,

    without the written permission of the publisher or the author.

    The author and publisher have tried to make all of the content as accurate and as correct as possible.

    Illustrations and text have all been carefully checked and cross-checked. However, due to the variability ofmaterials, personal skills, and so on, neither the author nor publisher assume any responsibility for any damagesor other losses incurred that result from the material presented herein. All instructions and diagrams should be

    carefully studied and clearly understood before beginning any project.


    To my mom, Carolyn Seaman, who has always been supportive of my passion

    for needle-arts!

    To my brothers (Scott, Mike, & John Seaman) and my sisters (Rita

    Naugher, Anna Edison and Jan Thomas) who can always be counted on for

    support in times of crisis, laughter in times of joy, and craziness the rest

    of the time! Big sis loves ya’ll!

    To my daughter Sommer Johnson and my son Johnny Johnson who are my

    first loves and my greatest crazy projects!

    To my darling grandchildren...Chase ,Luke, and Aidan….they are the beat of

    my heart and my inspiration!


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    Table of Contents

    Acknowledgments 4

    Introduction 5Chapter One — Templates 7

    Chapter Two — Base and Combination Seams 12

    Chapter Three — Seam Stitch Charts 15

    Chapter Four — Monogram Motifs 49

    Chapter Five — Embroidery Motifs 66

    In Memoriam 147

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


      When you have quilted and taught quilting as long as I have, you sometimesbegin to believe that there is not much you haven’t tried. Oh, there are new things

    always coming on the patterns, new books. But, many of them aren’t

    really “new” just a newer version of an old favorite. So, I was extremely surprisedto realize that over the past couple of decades...I had completely ignored one style

    of quilting all together...crazy quilts!!

    Unbelievable!! How could that have happened? So, I owe a HUGE thank you

    to my cyber friend Nicki Lee Seavey of RavioLee Dreams for “insisting” I sign upfor a small 6-inch crazy quilt heart swap she hosted. And, I forgive her all the

    sleepless nights I have had since then...sewing on beads and lace to a project that

    had to be finished for the next day! And, I forgive her all the funds I’ve spend on

    increasing my crazy quilt embellishment stash...instead of putting more back for a

    rainy day! And, I forgive her all the late suppers I have cooked because I neededanother few minutes of stitching to finish up a project! Thanks Nicki...I owe you

    big time!

    Gratitude to my friends on the HGTV Message Board for always being there

    to support me. Ya’ll know how special you are to me! I love you!

    Hugs to my other fiber, bead, and needle-art friends on various websites

    and message boards ...that constantly challenge me, encourage me, make me laugh

    (and sometimes cry), you are the best cyber-friends a gal could every have! Big

    Hugs especially to the wonderful ladies at Crazy Quilters International, Friendly

    Stitchers, and Cyber Stitchers Yahoo Groups..ya’ll are the best!

    Thanks to my pal Shari Jensen for allowing me to co-author her beginner

    crazy quilt course on her Yahoo site — Mentors and Apprentices (MAP/SAM). You

    are so giving to be willing to promote needle-arts...and learning those arts...and

    doing it free of charge! You are certainly one of my heroes!

    Thanks to my friend Kelly Pruitt for taking me to my first quilt class

    decades ago!

    My appreciation to all my blog followers at who visit with me

    from around the world; your continued vote of confidence and support is


    And lastly, huge thanks and BIG HUGS to my grand-daughter Aidan...for

    tolerating a grandmother that is always stitching. And thanks for helping me sort

    my stash, select just the right colors, and for attempting some stitching and

    beading yourself! Nana loves you! Keep up the great stitching!!

    Thanks to all who have encouraged my crazy quilting process along the way…

    Kathy Kathy Kathy Kathy  


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    IntroductionIf you read the know that I have been quilting for a

    long, long time...but have only been creating crazy quilts for a short time. So, to

    most (including myself) I am still a beginner. However, I am compelled to also

    share with you...that since I am retired, with no children or hubby at home now...Istitch between five and fifteen hours each day. So, compared to the average

    hobbyist...I probably have more hours under my belt than many true beginners.

    Even so, an expert I am not. And, I think that is just what makes this book

    such a great treat. If I can do these stitches, believe me when I say...anyone can!

    Every seam is just simple needle up, needle down...and does not require a

    knowledge of complex stitches. Probably, even without any additional instruction you already know how to do a straight stitch, a lazy daisy stitch, a French knot?

    Those were usually taught by a grand-mother, mother, sister, friend...or from abook or embroidery pamphlet. And if not...don’t fret...the internet is full of

    instruction videos and stitch libraries for the basic stitches in these charts.

    Now, having said all of that...I will also add that I have included some of my

    own little “tricks”. You see, as a beginner...I was not well versed as an embroidery

    person. Oh, I can hold a needle and do basic things...but would not at all be

    qualified to enter any of those projects into competitions! So, my worst fear when

    starting on my crazy road ...was how in the world to do work that would appear

    neat and tidy. Years of cross stitch had already taught me that using even weave

    cloth was one sure way to keep your stitching straight. But, that wasn’t possible oncrazy quilt projects since they were made from all types of cloth. Perhaps I could

    use waste canvas? Well, that didn’t work out...too cumbersome and too costly! Or,

    I could use tissue paper and draw out all the stitches...then do the embroidery.

    Yes, this would work...but too time consuming for seams! (Although I do still use

    this method for motifs!)

    Finally, I decided that if I had little marks where the main parts of the

    stitches should go...that would work. So, I ordered all the templates I could find

    on the market. But, I found it tedious to count little holes to mark, I developed different templates for my own basic stitches I liked touse. These could be made in the scale I like to work in...and all I had to do was

    insert my pencil into the little holes I had mark different points along

    the fabric seam where I wanted to create a combination stitched seam. Those

    little pencil marks would guide my stitching and keep it straight and uniform.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    This opened up a whole different world for me regarding seams! Ichallenged myself to create twelve dozen seams in twelve months that would use

    only the simple embroidery stitches I knew. Basically, I limited my journey to the

    straight stitch, lazy daisy, and French knot. As I became more confident (around

    the 100th stitch ), I was more comfortable and branched out to add the chevronstitch, the herringbone stitch, and the feather stitch as a base. These twelve

    dozen stitches were included in my blog and are the basis for the core idea of this

    book. More seam charts are included in this book; and all of the different seam

    charts are shown in three different scales. This is done to remind you that scaleshould be considered when you work on a project. The proportion of the different

    elements in a block will make the entire project more pleasing to the eye. This is

    especially true for seam embellishments. Therefore, a combination seam

    treatment stitched on a 6” heart will be smaller in scale than if that same seam

    treatment were stitched on a 14” heart.

    The templates I created to help me mark straight basic seams are also

    included in the book. They can be copied on to mylar, acetate, transparent paper,

    etc. Each can then be cut apart into the different base stitch templates. Each has

    been marked with “dots” where the needle would go up or down to create the base

    stitch. So, after each is cut apart, a small hand held hole punch (or other tool of

     your choice) can be used to make little holes in place of the “dots”. Personally, I

    purchased a 1/16th hole punch in the scrapbooking section of my local hobby shopfor this purpose. A water soluble pen, a chalk pencil, or a sharp No.2 lead pencil

    (my choice) can be used to mark your crazy quilt fabric seam with the template of

     your choice. I have included some basic “how to” instructions on creating thetemplates and using them in the book as well...or you can do your own thing if you

    stitch straight without any templates.

    Generally, after the seams are stitched, there is plenty of room left on

    crazy quilt projects that need to be filled in!.So, monograms and motifs are the

    next natural progression of stitching. I have included lot’s of alphabets that can

    be stitched in simple embroidery stitches. I like to do a simple back stitch for the

    letters...and then wrap it with the same color of thread to give it more texture.

    You can of course use a different color as well. Next, I do the embroidery workthat completes each monogram...depending on the design, that could be satin

    stitch, stem stitch, or just more straight stitches, lazy daisy, and French knots.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


      The last chapter includes more than 50 embroidery designs that can bestitched on crazy quilts to fill in space. These can be resized to fit the individual

    patch size. Some could also be combined; for example, a flower could have a

    butterfly combined with it...or several sizes of the same flower could be combined

    to create a floral stem.

    I hope you enjoy this book and it becomes a treasured part of your crazyquilt library. And, if you like...come join me on my blog at, in my

    studio at and in my Yahoo group at Shawkl_Blog_Files for

    additional patterns, charts and tutorials!

    Lastly, this books has a lot of designs and charts in it. However, it should

     just begin to wet your appetite for more. Crazy quilts can be filled with all sorts

    of adornments. Embroidery is just the beginning! Hopefully, this book will help youto expand your basic combination seam stitches. Then, you can add beads, sequins,

    ribbon, buttons, charms, lace, and the list just goes on and on…

    Happy Stitching, and welcome to my crazy world!


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Chapter One — Templates

    Template Instructions:

    1. Print the templates on to regular paper, vellum, or transparency sheets.

    2. If you use regular paper...take the print to a copy/print shop (Office Depot,Office Max, Joe’s Printing, etc) and have them reproduce the page onto a

    transparent sheet. If you want even more variety, have them make a copy at

    75% and at 90% as well.

    3. Take the transparent template sheet and cut each of the individual templates

    out as shown in this photo.

    4. Use a small hole punch (no larger than 1/16 size) to create a hole where each

    “dot” is located on the templates. Use this hole as a guide to mark your stitch

    on to the crazy quilt patch seam line.5. Place the template on top of the fabric crazy quilt patch, align the seam as you

    want your finished embroidery to be (center, or off-center to left/right of theseam line). Using your choice of writing instruments (water soluble pen, lead

    pencil, sharp #2 pencil, etc) place the pencil tip into the template hole and

    twist...this leaves a small dot on the fabric as seen in these photos. This will


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    Template One

    This page may be photocopied for personal use (up to 5 copies). It is copyright protected from mass production

    and from any for-profit venture such as selling copies, (electronic or written), inclusion in patterns, etc..

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    Template Two

    This page may be photocopied for personal use (up to 5 copies). It is copyright protected from mass production

    and from any for-profit venture such as selling copies, (electronic or written), inclusion in patterns, etc..


    Half Circle

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    Template Three

    This page may be photocopied for personal use (up to 5 copies). It is copyright protected from mass production

    and from any for-profit venture such as selling copies, (electronic or written), inclusion in patterns, etc..

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    Template Four

    This page may be photocopied for personal use (up to 5 copies). It is copyright protected from mass production

    and from any for-profit venture such as selling copies, (electronic or written), inclusion in patterns, etc..

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Chapter Two — Base and Combination Seams

    A base seam is the beginning of a combination seam. It is the foundation

    that other embroidery work or beading is added to. The templates have thesebasic base seams...zigzag, circles, half circles, herringbone, and so forth.

    Additional embroidery stitches are added to this base seam to create moreelaborate seams. These are traditionally called “combination seams” because more

    than one embroidery stitch is combined to create the final seam.

    For is a basic zigzag base seam:

    Now, that is a bit boring don’t you think?

    But, when we add some other straight stitches, and some French knots, and

    some beads...the stitch transforms into a beautiful combination seam treatment!

    So, let’s see what happens when we add these simple stitches and French knots.


    How to build a combination seam—

    The French knots are added first at the top and bottom of each slant stitch. Nextthe five-spoke fan is stitched in simple straight stitches. The templates include

    this fan.

    This stitch looks much more interesting just with these straight stitches

    added, but what if we added some ribbon roses or beads along the middle?

    Oh, that’s much better! But, we are not finished about some additional

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      Each of the combination seam treatments is built in this same manner.Begin with the base seam is “zigzag”...then add the other stitches

    included in the chart diagram. French knots, lazy daisy (detached chain) and so


    You have 150 to choose from! Even more variety can be obtained if you

    want to elongate or widen the angle of the base stitch to provide additional

    stitching room on our seam.

    Play with the seams, make them your very own creation! And there is grid

    paper included if you want to create some charts as well!

    French knots added to the outside to expand the height of the stitch?

    Now, this is one gorgeous seam. The large circles could be a stitched ele-ment as shown of the left side of the photo below. Or, the French knots and addi-

    tional stitched elements could be substituted with seed beads and floral beads as

    shown on the right side of the photo.


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  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Chapter Three — Seam Stitch Charts

    There are 150 different seams charted in this chapter. Each is presentedin three different sizes so scale can be considered. Each stitch is simple to stitch.

    Review the seam chart...determine it’s base stitch. This is easy, it’s in the heading

    for that seam chart group.

    Select the template that matches the base stitch for the seam chart you

    want to create. Remember to select the template that is a proper scale for your

    project. Not sure what scale to use? Review the charted seams...they come in

    three sizes...but each of the three is the exact same stitch chart. Select the base

    stitch template to use for the stitch treatment based on the stitch size that

    would be the most appropriate scale for your project. The headings in the stitch

    charts will guide you in this selection.

    Start by stitching the base of your seam using the template to mark your

    seam location. Base seams can be stitched in straight stitch, chain stitch, backstitch, or wrapped back stitch. Now, look at the seam chart carefully...what wouldbe logically stitched next? Straight stitches? Lazy daisies? French knots? If you

    have any questions or issues regarding the seam charts, please leave a comment on

    my blog at

    Here are the stitches and their symbols used throughout the seam stitch

    charts. These are combined with the base seam to create each individual

    combination seam treatment.

    These represent straight stitches. Simple straight

    (running ) stitch can be used for straight lines and the

    wrapped back stitch can be used for curves.

    These represent detached chain or lazy daisy stitches. The size

    of the stitch will vary with the different stitch charts.

    These represent French knots. A substitute can also be seed beads.

    These represent satin stitched circles or ovals. A substitute can

    also be various sizes of beads or silk ribbon flowers.


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base




  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.


    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base 


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base 


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base 


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base 


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.


    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.


    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Chain Base

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Chain Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.


    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Chain Base




  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.


    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — ZigZag Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.


    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Chain Base




  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3






    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about

    6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects up to about

    7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects more than about

    12” square.

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3






    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects up to about

    6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects up to about

    7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects more than about

    12” square.

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3





    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about

    6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about

    7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects more than about

    12” square.

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Circular Wrapped Back

    Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3






    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects up to about

    6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects up to about

    7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects more than about

    12” square.

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3






    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about

    6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about

    7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects more than about

    12” square.

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base





    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about

    7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects more than about12” square.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about

    7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects more than about12” square.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base





    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects more than about12” square.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Herringbone Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Chevron Stitch Base


    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects up to about

    6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects up to about

    7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seamson projects more than about

    12” square.


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Chevron Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Chevron Stitch Base





    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about

    6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about

    7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects more than about

    12” square.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Chevron Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Cretan Stitch Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Cretan Stitch Base




    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about6” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects up to about7” to 12” square.


    Use for crazy quilt seams

    on projects more than about12” square.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Feather Stitch Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.

    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Feather Stitch Base




  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Blanket Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.



    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Straight Stitch Base


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Small Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to about 6” in diameter.

    Medium Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks up to 7” to 12” square

    Large Scale: Use for crazy quilt seams on blocks larger than 12” in diameter.




    Combination Seam Treatments — Embroidery — Straight Stitch Base

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Tissue paper is my favorite tool to use when transferring embroidery

    designs to crazy quilt projects. It works the same on dark or light

    backgrounds, it does not damage the fabric, it is inexpensive, and it is


    Step 1: Trace the monogram on to the tissue paper.

    Step 2: Baste the tissue paper pattern on to the fabric crazy quilt patch.

    Step 3: Stitch the basic monogram letter or embroidery design.

    Step 4: Remove the tissue paper. A pair of tweezers or a straight pin ishelpful to remove the last remaining bits of tissue paper caught under the


    Step 5: Free-hand stitch the remaining small embroidery details.

    Step 6: Embellish the design with silk ribbon, beads, sequins, etc.

    Now, let’s have a look at the different monograms...each can be copied and

    resized to fit your specific need.


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  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



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  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



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  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Chapter Five — Embroidery Motifs

    Embroidery motifs are a major element of crazy quilt

    embellishments. Crazy quilts for centuries have been adorned with

    embroidered spiders and their webs, florals, animals, monograms, trees, and

     just about any other topic you can think of.

    Some motifs are considered good luck such as spiders, spider webs,

    horse shoes, and four-leaf clovers. Victorian style quilts usually include

    hearts as the universal sign for love and at least one monogram.

    Crazy quilts that are based on a specific theme, such as English

    Garden, Fairy Princess, etc. are enhanced by embroidery motifs that

    coincide with that theme. While this book includes dozens of different

    embroidery motifs, especially traditional ones, it can not include embroidery

    designs for every possible topic.The most important motif to learn to stitch on a crazy quilt, in my

    opinion, is the spider and web. While there are a few people who do not

    want these on one of their quilts, it is important to respect the traditions

    of crazy quilting so that they can be passed on to future generations. Since

    this motif is recognized as a symbol of good luck; having a crazy quilt

    without at least one spider’s web is thought to be unlucky for the owner and

    the stitcher. Whatever legend or story you prefer...spiders and their webs

    are recognized as a MUST HAVE in crazy quilt permitted

    of course. If the idea of stitching a spider just “gives you the willys”...try acharm or some pretty beads to help offset those yucky feelings! Stitch the

    web in shiny metallic threads if you want a little extra “bling” to the

    project, or in black silk thread if you want a more sinister version.

    Tissue paper is my choice in transferring any embroidery design, and

    instructions for it’s use are in Chapter 4.

    Just as with monograms, you can add silk ribbon and/or beads to the

    embroidery as appropriate. Each design can be reduced or enlarged to fit

    the specific space on your project. Several designs have also been provided

    in different sizes.


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  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3





    ~Forever Yours~

    ~Be Mine~

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    The lady can hold theumbrella or flowers

    below...or add an item

    of your choice.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    Resize as needed to fit your


    Stitch spokes “X” first. Couch them in place with the web “rounds” as you stitchfrom inside to outside in circles. Let the rounds lay loose and then come back and

    couch the “U” part down in the center.

    It is effective to stitch the rounds by needle up at one spoke; needle down onopposite side of next spoke, and needle up at near side of the same spoke. That

    couches the spoke in place. Repeat in a circular fashion around the spokes.

    Continue outwards until the spokes are covered. Note that the shape of the web

    might not be circular; it is determined by the shape of the patch being covered.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    Satin stitch or appliqué the bow

    and leaves . The five spoke stars

    are placements for silk ribbon

    embroidery spider web roses.

    Embroidery handle and basket

    bottom in stem stitch or wrapped

    back stitch.

    Buttons could be used in place of

    flowers as well.

    Resize as needed to

    fit your project.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    The ribbon can be satin

    stitched or a piece of silk

    ribbon could be tied into a

    bow and couched in place.

    The various size circlesrepresent berries, and can be

    satin stitched or various size

    beads and/or sequins could beused. The five-spoke stars

    represent spider web roses.

    The remainder is embroidery.

    Stitch the tree and top star, then addsequins, beads, or French knots as the tree


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  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    For a large patch area, consider grouping the three sizes of this flower together

    to make a floral branch.

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  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



    The wisteria flowers are wonderful done in beads. But,they are also often seen done in French knots with

    various sizes of silk ribbon to obtain large and small


    This chart could also be enlarged for appliqué, or to be

    done in buttons.

  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    Grapes can be stitched, or larger motifscan be created with buttons or appliqué


    Berries can be created with beads,buttons, French knots or

    sequins...depending on the motif’s size.


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    A simple little vine ofembroidery leaves and beads

    can fill any long thin patch. For

    squares or rectangles, consider

    a tree.

    Chain stitch and wrappedback stitch are easy to

    embroider, and make

    beautiful tree trunks and


    Embroider the stars instraight stitch. Or

    substitute sequins, beads,

    or ribbon roses or leaves.


  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



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  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3



  • 8/16/2019 ECQ Book Revised3


    “In Memory of Buck Seaman”