August 2012 Dharat Suhavi: Volume 2 Issue 7 Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! In Memory of those who died in Oak Creek, Wisconsin This month was one of the most challenging for Sikhs, as well as all Americans, who believe in the inherent dignity of all people, and strive for love and acceptance, across all communities, neighborhoods, and places we call ‘home.’ Our thoughts remain with the families of those who lost loved ones in Oak Creek, Wisconsin on that tragic morning of Sunday, August 5th. They continue to inspire us through their resilience, grace, and deep compassion for all those affected. May we learn from their courage in these moments that test our strength, and respond to this tragedy in the spirit of chardhi kala—enduring optimism. If you would like to support the families, the independent, nonsectarian Oak Creek Victim Relief Fund continues to accept donations, which will go directly to them. You can also visit Beproud.org to learn about current initiatives by the Sikh community to create a safe world for all, and end hate. EcoAmritsar: Stakeholders Announce Plans for 2017 Sikhs from across the city of Amritsar came together this summer for an historic meeting hosted by EcoSikh to announce plans for the greening of the city, in anticipation of the 440th anniversary of the foundation day of Amritsar, by the fourth Sikh Guru, Guru Ram Das Ji. We’ve detailed some of the major commitments here: At the launch of ‘EcoAmritsar 2017’ Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC, the Sikh body that manages Darbar Sahib and gurdwaras across the northern states of Panjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh) Representative announced that an environmental proposal submitted by EcoSikh will be reviewed at their executive meeting and implemented in the coming months. The proposal includes a plan to celebrate the foundation day of Amritsar each year, and commit to organic farming on ten percent of all gurdwara land in Amritsar District. Local government leadership announced its commitment to water and energy conservation: the City of Amritsar committed to enforcing rainwater harvesting in all government buildings and areas larger than 500 square meters, collecting rainwater for reuse and groundwater recharge. The Punjab Energy Development Agency, – PEDA, the state’s major proponent of solar and renewable energy will ensure that ten percent of the city’s energy is renewable. The agency also plans to install a solar power plant at Darbar Sahib and would soon be putting up solar steam cooking system, which would cut down liquid petroleum gas consumption in the langar hall in half. Professional associations, including the Amritsar chapter of the Indian Medical Association committed to using LED lighting in specified buildings, and support for environmental programs in Amritsar schools.

EcoSikh August 2012 NewsletterSahib!and!would!soon!be!putting!up!solar!steam!cooking!system,!which!would!cut!down!liquid! petroleum!gas!consumption!in!the!langar!hall!in!half.! Professional!associations,!including!the!Amritsar!chapter!of!the!Indian!Medical

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Solar&Gurdwara&in&the&United&Kingdom&&&The!Leicester!Sikh!Gurdwara!in!the!United!Kingdom!has!set!the!precedent!for!gurdwaras!across!Europe!after!installing!400!solar!panels!to!reduce!its!carbon!footprint.!And!one!of!the!exciting!things!for!us!at!EcoSikh!was!to!discover!how!quickly!this!made!financial!sense,!as!well!as!being!consistent!with!our!Sikh!values.!!Each!week!the!Gurdwara!welcomes!25,000!visitors!who!come!to!reflect!on!Sikh!teachings!(gurbani),!prepare!and!enjoy!food!from!the!community'kitchen!(langar),!and!receive!care!for!families!and!elders!with!disabilities.!To!run!the!operations!of!this!fourbstory!former!warehouse,!the!local!Sikh!community!was!paying!nearly!£1,700!($2,685!USD)!monthly!energy!costs.!The!Sikh!sangat!of!Leicester!decided!to!take!a!different!course:!they!pooled!together!£125,000!($197,404!USD)!to!install!rooftop!solar!panels,!fulfilling!the!community’s!needs,!lowering!greenhouse!gas!emissions,!and&saving&£600,000&($947,!580)&in&the&next&20&years—an!effort!praised!by!the!city!and!regional!conservationists!alike.!!!In!the!end,!all!of!this!is!well!worth!it,!according!to!Surinderpal!Singh!Rai,!the!general!secreaty!of!the!Gurdwara.!"They!will!have!paid!for!themselves!within!a!matter!of!years!and!the!result!is!we!can!use!the!savings!to!invest!in!services!for!the!community.!On!top!of!all!that,!we!are!also!doing!out!little!bit!to!help!protect!our!environment."!!We!hope!that!this!example!–!and!these!numbers!–!will!inspire!many!more!gurdwaras!around!the!world!to!check!whether!solar!might!be!a!good!direction!for!them.!Please!keep!us!informed.!!&A&Special&Thanks&to&Our&Dedicated&Summer&Interns&and&Volunteers&&&EcoSikh’s!work!would!not!be!possible!without!the!stream!interns!that!work!alongside!us,!whether! it! is!through! village! level!meetings,! local! actions,! or! by! sharing! their! technical! expertise! and! passion! for! a!greener!planet,!for!all.!!!This!month!we!offer!a!special!thanks!to!two!dedicated!volunteers:!!











Bandana!Kaur!!Program!Manager,[email protected]!"

