Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 J-01-13 1 P.T.O. [Maximum Marks : 100 PAPER-II ECONOMICS (To be filled by the Candidate) Signature and Name of Invigilator OMR Sheet No. : ............................................... Roll No. (In words) 1. (Signature) __________________________ (Name) ____________________________ 2. (Signature) __________________________ (Name) ____________________________ Roll No.________________________________ (In figures as per admission card) Time : 1 1 / 4 hours] 01 J 1 3 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal / polythene bag on the booklet. Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal / without polythene bag and do not accept an open booklet. (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. (iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet. 4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You have to darken the circle as indicated below on the correct response against each item. Example : where (C) is the correct response. 5. Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you mark at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 6. Read instructions given inside carefully. 7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet. 8. If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other unfair means, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. 9. You have to return the original OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall. You are however, allowed to carry duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination. 10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen. 11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited. 12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers. Instructions for the Candidates ¯Ö¸ßõÖÖÙ£ÖμÖÖë Ûê ×»Ö‹ ×®Ö¤ì¿Ö 1. ¯ÖÆ»Öê ¯Öéš Ûê ‰ ¯Ö¸ ×®ÖμÖŸÖ Ã£ÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ †¯Ö®ÖÖ ¸Öê»Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ ×»Ö×ÜÖ‹ … 2. ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ ²ÖÆã×¾ÖÛ »¯ÖßμÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æï … 3. ¯Ö¸ßõÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸´³Ö ÆÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸, ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö †Ö¯ÖÛ Öê ¤ê ¤ß •ÖÖμÖêÝÖß … ¯ÖÆ»Öê ¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ †Ö¯ÖÛ Öê ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖÛ ß ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ •ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûê ×»Ö‹ פ μÖê •ÖÖμÖëÝÖê, וÖÃÖÛ ß •ÖÖÑ“Ö †Ö¯ÖÛ Öê †¾Ö¿μÖ Û ¸®Öß Æî : (i) ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê Ûê ×»Ö‹ ¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö ¯Ö¸ »ÖÝÖß Û ÖÝÖ•Ö Û ß ÃÖᯙ / ¯ÖÖê×»Ö£Öß®Ö ²ÖîÝÖ Û Öê ± Ö›Ì »Öë … ÜÖã»Öß Æã‡Ô μÖÖ ×²Ö®ÖÖ Ã™ßÛ ¸-ÃÖᯙ / ײ֮ÖÖ ¯ÖÖê×»Ö£Öß®Ö ²ÖîÝÖ Û ß ¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö Ã¾ÖßÛ Ö¸ ®Ö Û ¸ë … (ii) Û ¾Ö¸ ¯Öéš ¯Ö¸ ”¯Öê ×®Ö¤ì¿ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö Ûê ¯Öéš ŸÖ£ÖÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Û ß ÃÖÓÜμÖÖ Û Öê †“”ß ŸÖ¸Æ “ÖîÛ Û ¸ »Öë ×Û μÖê ¯Öæ¸ê Æï … ¤Öê ÂÖ¯Öæ ÞÖÔ ¯Öã ×ßÖÛ Ö ×•Ö®Ö´Öë ¯Öé š/¯ÖÏ ¿®Ö Û ´Ö ÆÖë μÖÖ ¤ã²ÖÖ¸Ö †Ö ÝÖμÖê ÆÖë μÖÖ ÃÖß׸ μÖ»Ö ´Öë ®Ö ÆÖë †£ÖÖÔŸÖË ×Û ÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛ Ö¸ Û ß ¡Öã×™¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö Ã¾ÖßÛ Ö¸ ®Ö Û ¸ë ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖß ÃÖ´Ö μ Ö ˆÃÖê »ÖÖî™ÖÛ ¸ ˆÃÖÛê ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ ¤æÃÖ¸ß ÃÖÆß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö »Öê »Öë … ‡ÃÖÛê ×»Ö‹ †Ö¯ÖÛ Öê ¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ פ μÖê •ÖÖμÖëÝÖê … ˆÃÖÛê ²ÖÖ¤ ®Ö ŸÖÖê †Ö¯ÖÛ ß ¯ÖÏ ¿®Ö-¯Öã ×ßÖÛ Ö ¾ÖÖ¯ÖÃÖ »Öß •ÖÖμÖê ÝÖß †Öî ¸ ®Ö Æß †Ö¯ÖÛ Öê †×ŸÖ׸ŒŸÖ ÃÖ´ÖμÖ ×¤μÖÖ •ÖÖμÖê ÝÖÖ … (iii) ‡ÃÖ •ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûê ²ÖÖ¤ OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛ Û ß ÛÎ ´Ö ÃÖÓÜμÖÖ ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö ¯Ö¸ †Ó×Û ŸÖ Û ¸ ¤ë … 4. ¯ÖÏŸμÖêÛ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûê ×»Ö‹ “ÖÖ¸ ˆ¢Ö¸ ×¾ÖÛ »¯Ö (A), (B), (C) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (D) פ μÖê ÝÖμÖê Æï … †Ö¯ÖÛ Öê ÃÖÆß ˆ¢Ö¸ Ûê ¾Öé¢Ö Û Öê ¯Öê®Ö ÃÖê ³Ö¸Û ¸ Û Ö»ÖÖ Û ¸®ÖÖ Æî •ÖîÃÖÖ ×Û ®Öß“Öê פÜÖÖμÖÖ ÝÖμÖÖ Æî … ˆ¤ÖƸÞÖ : •Ö²Ö×Û (C) ÃÖÆß ˆ¢Ö¸ Æî … 5. ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûê ˆ¢Ö¸ Ûê ¾Ö»Ö ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö ¯Ö¡Ö I Ûê †®¤¸ פ μÖê ÝÖμÖê OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛ ¯Ö¸ Æß †Ó×Û ŸÖ Û ¸®Öê Æï … μÖפ †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛ ¯Ö¸ פ μÖê ÝÖμÖê ¾Öé¢Ö Ûê †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ ×Û ÃÖß †®μÖ Ã£ÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ ˆ¢Ö¸ דÖÅ®ÖÖÓ×Û ŸÖ Û ¸ŸÖê Æï, ŸÖÖê ˆÃÖÛ Ö ´Öæ»μÖÖÓÛ ®Ö ®ÖÆà ÆÖêÝÖÖ … 6. †®¤¸ פ μÖê ÝÖμÖê ×®Ö¤ì¿ÖÖë Û Öê ¬μÖÖ®Ö¯Öæ¾ÖÔÛ ¯ÖœÌë … 7. Û ““ÖÖ Û Ö´Ö (Rough Work) ‡ÃÖ ¯Öã×ßÖÛ Ö Ûê †×®ŸÖ´Ö ¯Öéš ¯Ö¸ Û ¸ë … 8. μÖפ †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛ ¯Ö¸ ×®ÖμÖŸÖ Ã£ÖÖ®Ö Ûê †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ †¯Ö®ÖÖ ®ÖÖ´Ö, ¸Öê»Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸, ± Öê®Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ μÖÖ Û Öê‡Ô ³Öß ‹êÃÖÖ ×“ÖÅ®Ö ×•ÖÃÖÃÖê †Ö¯ÖÛ ß ¯ÖÆ“ÖÖ®Ö ÆÖê ÃÖÛê , †Ó×Û ŸÖ Û ¸ŸÖê Æï †£Ö¾ÖÖ †³Ö¦ ³ÖÖÂÖÖ Û Ö ¯ÖÏ μÖÖêÝÖ Û ¸ŸÖê Æï, μÖÖ Û Öê‡Ô †®μÖ †®Öã×“ÖŸÖ ÃÖÖ¬Ö®Ö Û Ö ¯ÖÏ μÖÖêÝÖ Û ¸ŸÖê Æï, ŸÖÖê ¯Ö¸ßõÖÖ Ûê ×»ÖμÖê †μÖÖêÝμÖ ‘ÖÖê×ÂÖŸÖ ×Û μÖê •ÖÖ ÃÖÛ ŸÖê Æï … 9. †Ö¯ÖÛ Öê ¯Ö¸ßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖ¯ŸÖ ÆÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ ´Öæ»Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛ ×®Ö¸ßõÖÛ ´ÖÆÖê¤ μÖ Û Öê »ÖÖî™Ö®ÖÖ †Ö¾Ö¿μÖÛ Æî †Öî¸ ¯Ö¸ßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ Ûê ²ÖÖ¤ ˆÃÖê †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö ¯Ö¸ßõÖÖ ³Ö¾Ö®Ö ÃÖê ²ÖÖƸ ®Ö »ÖêÛ ¸ •ÖÖμÖë … ÆÖ»ÖÖÓ×Û †Ö¯Ö ¯Ö¸ßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ ¯Ö¸ OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛ Û ß ›ã¯»ÖßÛê ™ ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö »Öê •ÖÖ ÃÖÛ ŸÖê Æï … 10. Ûê ¾Ö»Ö ®Öß»Öê/Û Ö»Öê ²ÖÖ»Ö ¯¾ÖÖ‡Õ™ ¯Öê®Ö Û Ö Æß ‡ÃŸÖê´ÖÖ»Ö Û ¸ë … 11. ×Û ÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛ Ö¸ Û Ö ÃÖÓÝÖÞÖÛ (Ûî »ÖÛã »Öꙸ) μÖÖ »ÖÖÝÖ ™ê²Ö»Ö †Öפ Û Ö ¯ÖÏ μÖÖêÝÖ ¾ÖÙ•ÖŸÖ Æî … 12. ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ ˆ¢Ö¸Öë Ûê ×»Ö‹ Û Öê‡Ô †ÓÛ Û Ö™ê ®ÖÆà •ÖÖ‹ÑÝÖê …

Economics learning question set in 6 years

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Page 1: Economics learning question set in 6 years

Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50

J-01-13 1 P.T.O.

[Maximum Marks : 100


(To be filled by the Candidate)

Signature and Name of InvigilatorOMR Sheet No. : ...............................................

Roll No.

(In words)

1. (Signature) __________________________(Name) ____________________________

2. (Signature) __________________________(Name) ____________________________

Roll No.________________________________(In figures as per admission card)

Time : 1 1/4 hours]0 1J 1 3

1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top ofthis page.

2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type ofquestions.

3. At the commencement of examination, the question bookletwill be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requestedto open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off

the paper seal / polythene bag on the booklet. Do notaccept a booklet without sticker-seal / withoutpolythene bag and do not accept an open booklet.

(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questionsin the booklet with the information printed on thecover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questionsmissing or duplicate or not in serial order or anyother discrepancy should be got replaced immediatelyby a correct booklet from the invigilator within theperiod of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither theQuestion Booklet will be replaced nor any extratime will be given.

(iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Numbershould be entered on this Test Booklet.

4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B),(C) and (D). You have to darken the circle as indicated belowon the correct response against each item.Example :where (C) is the correct response.

5. Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMRSheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you markat any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it willnot be evaluated.

6. Read instructions given inside carefully.7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.8. If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or

put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for thespace allotted for the relevant entries, which may discloseyour identity, or use abusive language or employ any otherunfair means, you will render yourself liable todisqualification.

9. You have to return the original OMR Sheet to the invigilatorsat the end of the examination compulsorily and must notcarry it with you outside the Examination Hall. You arehowever, allowed to carry duplicate copy of OMR Sheet onconclusion of examination.

10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.

Instructions for the Candidates ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖÙ£ÖμÖÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ×®Ö¤ìü¿Ö1. ¯ÖÆü»Öê ¯Öéšü Ûêú ‰ú¯Ö¸ü ×®ÖμÖŸÖ Ã£ÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †¯Ö®ÖÖ ¸üÖê»Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü ×»Ö×ÜÖ‹ …2. ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ ²ÖÆãü×¾ÖÛú»¯ÖßμÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü …3. ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü, ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¤êü ¤üß •ÖÖμÖêÝÖß … ¯ÖÆü»Öê

¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖÛúß ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ•ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ פüμÖê •ÖÖμÖëÝÖê, וÖÃÖÛúß •ÖÖÑ“Ö †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê †¾Ö¿μÖ Ûú¸ü®Öß Æîü :(i) ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ¯Ö¸ü »ÖÝÖß ÛúÖÝÖ•Ö Ûúß ÃÖᯙ /

¯ÖÖê×»Ö£Öß®Ö ²ÖîÝÖ ÛúÖê ±úÖ›Ìü »Öë … ÜÖã»Öß Æãü‡Ô μÖÖ ×²Ö®ÖÖ Ã™üßÛú¸ü-ÃÖᯙ /ײ֮ÖÖ ¯ÖÖê×»Ö£Öß®Ö ²ÖîÝÖ Ûúß ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü …

(ii) Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü ”û¯Öê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú ¯Öéšü ŸÖ£ÖÖ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûúß ÃÖÓÜμÖÖ ÛúÖê †“”ûß ŸÖ¸üÆü “ÖîÛú Ûú¸ü »Öë ×Ûú μÖê ¯Öæ¸êüÆïü … ¤üÖêÂÖ¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ×•Ö®Ö´Öë ¯Öéšü/¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûú´Ö ÆüÖë μÖÖ ¤ãü²ÖÖ üÖ †ÖÝÖμÖê ÆüÖë μÖÖ ÃÖß׸üμÖ»Ö ´Öë ®Ö ÆüÖë †£ÖÖÔŸÖË ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü Ûúß¡Öã×™ü¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖß ÃÖ´ÖμÖ ˆÃÖê»ÖÖî™üÖÛú¸ü ˆÃÖÛêú ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ¤æüÃÖ¸üß ÃÖÆüß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ »Öê »Öë …‡ÃÖÛêú ×»Ö‹ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü פüμÖê •ÖÖμÖëÝÖê … ˆÃÖÛêú ²ÖÖ¤ü ®ÖŸÖÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ¾ÖÖ¯ÖÃÖ »Öß •ÖÖμÖêÝÖß †Öî ü ®Ö Æüß †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê†×ŸÖ׸üŒŸÖ ÃÖ´ÖμÖ ×¤üμÖÖ •ÖÖμÖêÝÖÖ …

(iii) ‡ÃÖ •ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ÛÎú´Ö ÃÖÓÜμÖÖ ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ¯Ö¸ü †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü ¤ëü …

4. ¯ÖÏŸμÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ “ÖÖ¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü ×¾ÖÛú»¯Ö (A), (B), (C) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (D) פüμÖêÝÖμÖê Æïü … †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú ¾Öé¢Ö ÛúÖê ¯Öê®Ö ÃÖê ³Ö¸üÛú¸ü ÛúÖ»ÖÖ Ûú¸ü®ÖÖ Æîü•ÖîÃÖÖ ×Ûú ®Öß“Öê פüÜÖÖμÖÖ ÝÖμÖÖ Æîü …ˆ¤üÖÆü¸üÞÖ : •Ö²Ö×Ûú (C) ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Æîü …

5. ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûêú ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ÖÏ¿®Ö Ö¡Ö I Ûêú †®¤ü¸ü פüμÖê ÝÖμÖê OMR Ö¡ÖÛú Ö¸ü Æü߆Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê Æïü … μÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü פüμÖê ÝÖμÖê ¾Öé¢Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ×ÛúÃÖß †®μÖ Ã£ÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü דÖÅ®ÖÖÓ×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, ŸÖÖê ˆÃÖÛúÖ ´Öæ»μÖÖÓÛú®Ö®ÖÆüà ÆüÖêÝÖÖ …

6. †®¤ü¸ü פüμÖê ÝÖμÖê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖë ÛúÖê ¬μÖÖ®Ö¯Öæ¾ÖÔÛú ¯ÖœÌëü …7. Ûú““ÖÖ ÛúÖ´Ö (Rough Work) ‡ÃÖ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú †×®ŸÖ´Ö ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ëü …8. μÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü ×®ÖμÖŸÖ Ã£ÖÖ®Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ †¯Ö®ÖÖ ®ÖÖ´Ö, ¸üÖê»Ö

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9. †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖ¯ŸÖ ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü ´Öæ»Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ×®Ö¸üßõÖÛú ´ÖÆüÖê¤üμÖ ÛúÖê»ÖÖî™üÖ®ÖÖ †Ö¾Ö¿μÖÛú Æîü †Öî¸ü ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü ˆÃÖê †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ³Ö¾Ö®Ö ÃÖê ²ÖÖÆü¸ü ®Ö »ÖêÛú¸ü •ÖÖμÖë … ÆüÖ»ÖÖÓ×Ûú †Ö¯Ö ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ ¯Ö¸üOMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ›ãü¯»ÖßÛêú™ü ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö »Öê •ÖÖ ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …

10. Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ®Öß»Öê/ÛúÖ»Öê ²ÖÖ»Ö ¯¾ÖÖ‡Õ™ü ¯Öê®Ö ÛúÖ Æüß ‡ÃŸÖê ÖÖ»Ö Ûú ëü …11. ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü ÛúÖ ÃÖÓÝÖÞÖÛú (Ûîú»ÖÛãú»Öê™ü¸ü) μÖÖ »ÖÖÝÖ ™êü²Ö»Ö †Öפü ÛúÖ

¯ÖÏμÖÖêÝÖ ¾ÖÙ•ÖŸÖ Æîü …12. ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ ˆ¢Ö¸üÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ÛúÖê‡Ô †ÓÛú ÛúÖ™êü ®ÖÆüà •ÖÖ‹ÑÝÖê …

Page 2: Economics learning question set in 6 years

Paper-II 2 J-01-13

1. Under Cournot Model of Duopoly,

each duopolist will produce (A) half the output (B) one-fourth of the output (C) one-sixth of the output (D) one-third of the total output 2. As long as the substitution effect

dominates the income effect, the labour supply curve is

(A) negatively sloped (B) positively sloped (C) bend backward (D) shifting towards left 3. The distinguishing characteristics of

monopolistic competition are I. Product differentiation II. Non-price competition III. Large number of firms and

freedom to entry and exit IV. Firms are interdependent Codes : (A) I & III are correct. (B) I, II and IV are correct. (C) I, II and III are correct. (D) I, III and IV are correct. 4. Assertion (A) : Monopoly is Pareto

inefficient. Reason (R) : It would be possible to

change the allocation of resources to make the amount of income he would be prepared to pay in exchange of the reduction in price.

Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct

and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is incorrect explanation of (A).

(D) (R) is correct, but (A) is incorrect.

5. If MPL/MPK does not change with

any proportionate change in labour and capital then the production function is

(A) Linear (B) Non-linear (C) Homogeneous (D) Homothetic

6. Match the items in the List – I with items in List – II. Select the correct answer from the code given below :

List – I List – II I. Agency

Theory of Firm

1. O.E. Williamson

II. X-inefficiency

2. M.C. Jensen and W.J. Meckling

III. The Utility Maximisation Model

3. Wilfredo Pareto

IV. Edgeworth box diagram first used by

4. Harvey Leibenstein

Codes : I II III IV (A) 3 2 1 4 (B) 2 4 1 3 (C) 2 3 4 1 (D) 3 4 1 2

7. At the point of tangency between short- run average total cost and long- run average cost, the short-run marginal cost

(A) greater than long-run marginal cost

(B) less than long-run marginal cost

(C) is far above long-run marginal cost

(D) equals long-run marginal cost


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

Page 3: Economics learning question set in 6 years

J-01-13 3 Paper-II

1. ׫ü†×¬ÖÛúÖ¸ü Ûêú Ûæú®ÖÖì ´ÖÖò›ü»Ö Ûêú †®ŸÖÝÖÔŸÖ, ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ׫ü†×¬ÖÛúÖ¸üß ×ÛúŸÖ®ÖÖ ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü®Ö Ûú¸êüÝÖÖ ?

(A) ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü®Ö ÛúÖ †Ö¬ÖÖ (B) ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü®Ö/†Ö‰ú™ü¯Öã™ü ÛúÖ ‹Ûú “ÖÖî£ÖÖ‡Ô

(C) ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü®Ö ÛúÖ 16

(D) Ûãú»Ö ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü®Ö ÛúÖ ‹Ûú ןÖÆüÖ‡Ô

2. •Ö²Ö ŸÖÛú ¯ÖÏןÖãÖÖ¯Ö®Ö ¯ÖϳÖÖ¾Ö †ÖµÖ ¯ÖϳÖÖ¾Ö ¯Ö¸ü ”ûÖµÖÖ ¸üÆüŸÖÖ Æîü, ÁÖ´Ö †Ö¯ÖæÙŸÖ ¾ÖÛÎú

(A) ®ÖÛúÖ¸üÖŸ´ÖÛú ºþ¯Ö ÃÖê œü»Ö¾ÖÖÑ ÆüÖêŸÖß Æîü … (B) ÃÖÛúÖ¸üÖŸ´ÖÛú ºþ¯Ö ÃÖê œü»Ö¾ÖÖÑ ÆüÖêŸÖß Æîü … (C) ¯Öß”êû Ûúß †Öê¸ü ´Öã›Ìüß ÆüÖêŸÖß Æîü … (D) ²ÖÖÓ‡Ô †Öê¸ü ×ÜÖÃÖÛú •ÖÖŸÖß Æîü …

3. ‹ÛúÖ׬ÖÛúÖ¸üß ¯ÖÏןÖï֬ÖÖÔ Ûúß ´ÖãÜµÖ ×¾Ö¿ÖêÂÖŸÖÖ Æîü : I. ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü ×¾Ö³Öê¤üßÛú¸üÞÖ II. ÝÖî¸ü Ûúß´ÖŸÖ ¯ÖÏןÖï֬ÖÖÔ III. ±ú´ÖÖí Ûúß ²Ö›Ìüß ÃÖÓܵÖÖ †Öî¸ü ¯ÖϾÖê¿Ö ‹¾ÖÓ

²Ö×ÆüÝÖÔ´Ö®Ö Ûúß Ã¾ÖŸÖÓ¡ÖŸÖÖ IV. ±ú´Öí †ÓŸÖ:×®Ö³ÖÔ¸ü ÆüÖêŸÖß Æïü … Ûæú™ü : (A) I †Öî¸ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü … (B) I, II †Öî ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü … (C) I, II †Öî ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü … (D) I, III †Öî ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü …

4. †×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) : ‹ÛúÖ׬ÖÛúÖ¸ü ¯Öî¸êü™üÖê †¤üõÖ µÖÖ †¯ÖϳÖÖ¾Öß ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü …

ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ (R) : Ûúß´ÖŸÖ ´Öë Ûú×´ÖµÖÖë Ûêú ²Ö¤ü»Öê ´Öë ¾ÖÆü •ÖÖê †ÖµÖ ÛúÖ ³ÖÖÝÖ ¤êü®Öê ÛúÖê ŸÖîµÖÖ¸ü ÆüÖêÝÖÖ ˆÃÖê ÃÖ´³Ö¾Ö ²Ö®ÖÖ®Öê Ûêú ×»ÖµÖê ÃÖÓÃÖÖ¬Ö®ÖÖë Ûêú †Ö²ÖÓ™ü®Ö ÛúÖê ²Ö¤ü»Ö®ÖÖ ÃÖ´³Ö¾Ö ÆüÖêÝÖÖ …

Ûæú™ü : (A) (A) †Öî ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖÆüß Æïü †Öî¸ü (R),

(A) Ûúß ÃÖÆüß ¾µÖÖܵÖÖ Æîü … (B) (A) ÃÖÆüß Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (R) ÃÖÆüß ®ÖÆüà Æîü … (C) (A) †Öî ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖÆüß Æïü ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (R),

(A) Ûúß ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ ¾µÖÖܵÖÖ Æîü … (D) (R) ÃÖÆüß Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (A) ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ Æîü …

5. µÖפü ÁÖ´Ö †Öî¸ü ¯ÖæÑ•Öß ´Öë ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß †Ö®Öã¯ÖÖןÖÛú ¯Ö׸ü¾ÖŸÖÔ®Ö Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö MPL/MPK ®ÖÆüà ²Ö¤ü»ÖŸÖÖ Æîü ŸÖÖê ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü®Ö ±ú»Ö®Ö ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü :

(A) ¸êüÜÖßµÖ (B) †¸êüÜÖßµÖ (C) ‹Ûúºþ¯Ö/ÃÖ´Öºþ¯Ö (D) ÃÖ´Ö×ãÖןÖÛú 6. ÃÖæ“Öß – I ´Öë ¤üß ´Ö¤üÖë ÛúÖê ÃÖæ“Öß – II ´Öë ¤üß ÝÖ‡Ô

´Ö¤üÖë Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö ÃÖã´Öê×»ÖŸÖ Ûú¸ëü †Öî¸ü ®Öß“Öê פüµÖê Ûæú™üÖë ÃÖê ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü ÛúÖ “ÖµÖ®Ö Ûú¸ëü :

ÃÖæ“Öß – I ÃÖæ“Öß – II I. ±ú´ÖÔ Ûúß ‹•Öê®ÃÖß £µÖÖê¸üß

(×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖ) 1. †Öê.‡Ô.

×¾Ö×»ÖµÖ´ÖÃÖ®Ö II. X-†Ûãú¿Ö»ÖŸÖÖ 2. ‹´Ö.ÃÖß.•Öê®ÖËÃÖ®Ö

‹¾ÖÓ ›ü²»µÖæ.•Öê. ´ÖêÛúØ»ÖÝÖ

III. ¯ÖµÖÖê×ÝÖŸÖÖ †×¬ÖÛúŸÖ´ÖßÛú¸üÞÖ ´ÖÖò›ü»Ö

3. ×¾Ö»Ö±Ïêú›üÖê ¯Ö¸êü™üÖê

IV. ‹•Ö¾Ö£ÖÔ ²ÖÖòŒÃÖ ¸êüÜÖÖ×“Ö¡Ö ÃÖ¾ÖÔ¯ÖÏ£Ö´Ö ×ÛúÃÖ®Öê ˆ¯ÖµÖÖêÝÖ ×ÛúµÖÖ ?

4. ÆüÖ¾Öì »Öß²Öê®ÖÙüß®Ö

Ûæú™ü : I II III IV (A) 3 2 1 4 (B) 2 4 1 3 (C) 2 3 4 1 (D) 3 4 1 2

7. †»¯ÖÛúÖ×»ÖÛú †ÖîÃÖŸÖ Ûãú»Ö »ÖÖÝÖŸÖ †Öî¸ü ¤üß‘ÖÔÛúÖ×»ÖÛú †ÖîÃÖŸÖ »ÖÖÝÖŸÖ Ûêú ïֿÖÔ ×²Ö®¤ãü ¯Ö¸ü, †»¯ÖÛúÖ×»ÖÛú ÃÖß´ÖÖ®ŸÖ »ÖÖÝÖŸÖ

(A) ¤üß‘ÖÔÛúÖ×»ÖÛú ÃÖß´ÖÖ®ŸÖ »ÖÖÝÖŸÖ ÃÖê ²ÖéÆü¤ü ÆüÖêŸÖß Æîü …

(B) ¤üß‘ÖÔÛúÖ×»ÖÛú ÃÖß´ÖÖ®ŸÖ »ÖÖÝÖŸÖ ÃÖê Ûú´Ö ÆüÖêŸÖß Æîü …

(C) ¤üß‘ÖÔÛúÖ×»ÖÛú ÃÖß´ÖÖ®ŸÖ »ÖÖÝÖŸÖ ÃÖê ÛúÖ±úß †×¬ÖÛú ÆüÖêŸÖß Æîü …

(D) ¤üß‘ÖÔÛúÖ×»ÖÛú ÃÖß´ÖÖ®ŸÖ »ÖÖÝÖŸÖ Ûêú ²Ö¸üÖ²Ö¸ü ÆüÖêŸÖß Æîü …

†£ÖÔ¿ÖÖÃ¡Ö ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö¯Ö¡Ö – II

×®Ö¤ìü¿Ö : ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ (50) ²ÖÆãü-×¾ÖÛú»¯ÖßµÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü … ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ¤üÖê (2) †ÓÛú Æïü … ÃÖ³Öß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö †×®Ö¾ÖÖµÖÔ Æïü …

Page 4: Economics learning question set in 6 years

Paper-II 4 J-01-13

8. The equilibrium in a market is incomplete with increasing returns to scale only in the case of

(A) imperfectly competitive market (B) monopolistic market (C) perfectly competitive market (D) none of the above 9. If 1 = Involuntary unemployment;

2 = Disguised unemployment; 3 = Frictional unemployment; and 4 = Structural unemployment, then full employment is consistent with

(A) 1 & 2 (B) 2 & 3 (C) 3 & 4 (D) 1 & 4 10. In Keynes’ equation of absolute

income hypothesis, C = α0 + by, where C = Consumption expenditure; α0 = Consumption expenditure when income (y) is zero; and b = Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC), then which of the following statements is false ?

(A) MPC is independent of the level of income.

(B) MPC is dependent on the level of income.

(C) APC falls as income rises. (D) APC > MPC. 11. Which of the following statements is

false ? (A) The balanced budget multiplier

is unity when taxes are lump sum taxes.

(B) The balanced budget multiplier is less than unity when taxes are ad valorem taxes.

(C) Tax multiplier is less than government expenditure multiplier.

(D) Tax multiplier is more than government expenditure multiplier.

12. Match the theory/criterion of investment determination as given below in List – II with their propounders given below in List – I :

List – I List – II I. Dale

Jorgenson a. Q-Theory

II. J.M. Keynes b. Neo-classical Theory

III. James Cohin c. Accelerator Theory

IV. James Clark d. Present Value Criterion

Codes : I II III IV (A) a d b c (B) b d a c (C) c d a b (D) c a d b

13. Assertion (A) : In liquidity trap, the demand for money is perfectly interest elastic.

Reason (R) : Because in this situation, all the investors expect the market rate of interest to rise towards the natural rate of interest.

Codes : (A) (A) and (R) both are correct

and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) (A) and (R) both are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

14. The rate of net investment spending per time period depends on steepness of the downword slope of

(A) Marginal efficiency of Investment Schedule

(B) Marginal efficiency of Capital Schedule

(C) LM-Schedule (D) IS-Schedule

Page 5: Economics learning question set in 6 years

J-01-13 5 Paper-II

8. ¯Öî´ÖÖ®Öê Ûêú ¾Ö¬ÖÔ´ÖÖ®Ö ¯ÖÏןֱú»ÖÖë Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö ²ÖÖ•ÖÌÖ¸ü ´Öë ÃÖÓŸÖã»Ö®Ö ×ÛúÃÖ ×ãÖ×ŸÖ ´Öë †¬Öæ¸üÖ Æîü ?


(B) ‹ÛúÖ׬ÖÛúÖ¸üß ²ÖÖ•ÖÖ¸ü


(D) ˆ¯ÖµÖãÔŒŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖê‡Ô ®ÖÆüà 9. µÖפü 1 = †®Öîד”ûÛú ²Öê¸üÖê•ÖÝÖÖ¸üß;

2 = ¯ÖÏ“”û®®Ö ²Öê¸üÖê•ÖÝÖÖ¸üß;

3 = ÃÖÓ‘ÖÂÖÔ•Ö×®ÖŸÖ ²Öê¸üÖê•ÖÝÖÖ¸üß; †Öî¸ü

4 = ÃÖÓ¸ü“Ö®ÖÖŸ´ÖÛú ²Öê¸üÖê•ÖÝÖÖ¸üß Æîü, ŸÖÖê ¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¸üÖê•ÖÝÖÖ¸ü ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ÃÖê ÃÖÖ´ÖÓ•ÖÃµÖ ¸üÜÖŸÖÖ Æîü :

(A) 1 †Öî ü 2 (B) 2 †Öî ü 3

(C) 3 †Öî ü 4 (D) 1 †Öî ü 4 10. Ûúß®ÃÖ Ûêú ×®Ö ü ÖêõÖ †ÖµÖ ¯ÖÏÖŒÛú»¯Ö®ÖÖ Ûêú ÃÖ´ÖßÛú üÞÖ,

C = α0 + by ´Öë, •ÖÆüÖÑ C = ˆ¯Ö³ÖÖêÝÖ

¾µÖµÖ; α0 = ˆ¯Ö³ÖÖêÝÖ ¾µÖµÖ •Ö²Ö †ÖµÖ (y) ¿Öæ®µÖ Æîü; †Öî¸ü b = ˆ¯Ö³ÖÖêÝÖ Ûúß ÃÖß´ÖÖ®ŸÖ ¯ÖϾÖé×¢Ö (MPC) Æîü, ŸÖÖê ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ Ûú£Ö®Ö ×´Ö£µÖÖ Æîü ?

(A) MPC †ÖµÖ Ûêú ßָü ÃÖê þ֟ÖÓ¡Ö Æîü …

(B) MPC †ÖµÖ Ûêú ßָü ¯Ö¸ü †Ö×ÁÖŸÖ Æîü …

(C) †ÖµÖ Ûêú ²ÖœÌü®Öê ¯Ö¸ü APC ×ÝÖ¸üŸÖÖ Æîü … (D) APC > MPC 11. ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ Ûú£Ö®ÖÖë ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ ×´Ö£µÖÖ Æîü ?

(A) •Ö²Ö Ûú¸ü ‹Ûú´Öã¿ŸÖ Ûú¸ü Æîü, ÃÖÓŸÖã×»ÖŸÖ ²Ö•Ö™ ÝÖãÞÖÛú ‡ÛúÖ‡Ô Ûêú ²Ö¸üÖ²Ö¸ü ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü …

(B) •Ö²Ö Ûú¸ü µÖ£ÖÖ´Öæ»µÖ Ûú¸ü Æîü, ÃÖÓŸÖã×»ÖŸÖ ²Ö•Ö™ü ÝÖãÞÖÛú ‡ÛúÖ‡Ô ÃÖê Ûú´Ö ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü …

(C) Ûú¸ü ÝÖãÞÖÛú ÃÖ¸üÛúÖ¸üß ¾µÖµÖ ÝÖãÞÖÛú ÃÖê Ûú´Ö ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü …

(D) Ûú¸ü ÝÖãÞÖÛú ÃÖ¸üÛúÖ¸üß ¾µÖµÖ ÝÖãÞÖÛú ÃÖê •µÖÖ¤üÖ ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü …

12. ÃÖæ“Öß – II ´Öë פüµÖê ×®Ö¾Öê¿Ö ×®Ö¬ÖÖÔ¸üÞÖ Ûêú ´ÖÖ®Ö¤Óü›ü / ×ÃÖ¨üÖÓŸÖ ÛúÖê ÃÖæ“Öß – I ´Öë פüµÖê ˆ®ÖÛêú ¯ÖÏן֯ÖÖ¤üÛúÖë Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö ÃÖã´Öê×»ÖŸÖ Ûú¸ëü :

ÃÖæ“Öß – I ÃÖæ“Öß – II I. ›êü»Ö •ÖÖòÝÖÔ®ÖÃÖ®Ö a. Q-×ÃÖ¨üÖÓŸÖ II. •Öê.‹´Ö. Ûêú®ÃÖ b. ®Ö¾Ö-Œ»ÖÖ×ÃÖÛúß ×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖ III. •Öê´ÃÖ ÛúÖêÆü®Ö c. Ÿ¾Ö¸üÛú ×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖ IV. •Öê´ÃÖ Œ»ÖÖÛÔú d. ¾ÖŸÖÔ´ÖÖ®Ö ´ÖÖ®Ö/´Ö滵Ö

´ÖÖ®Ö¤Óü›ü Ûæú™ü : I II III IV (A) a d b c (B) b d a c (C) c d a b (D) c a d b 13. †×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) : ŸÖ¸ü»ÖŸÖÖ ±Óú¤êü ´Öë, ´Öã¦üÖ Ûúß

´ÖÖÑÝÖ ¯ÖæÞÖÔŸÖµÖÖ ²µÖÖ•Ö »ÖÖê“Ö®ÖßµÖ ÆüÖêŸÖß Æîü … ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ (R) : ŒµÖÖë×Ûú ‡ÃÖ ×ãÖ×ŸÖ ´Öë, ÃÖ³Öß

×®Ö¾Öê¿ÖÛú¢ÖÖÔ †¯ÖêõÖÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü ×Ûú ²µÖÖ•Ö Ûúß ²ÖÖ•ÖÖ¸ü ¤ü¸ü ²µÖÖ•Ö Ûúß ¯ÖÏÖÛéúןÖÛú ¤ü¸ü Ûúß †Öê ü ²ÖœÌêüÝÖß …

Ûæú™ü : (A) (A) †Öî ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖÆüß Æïü †Öî¸ü (R),

(A) Ûúß ÃÖÆüß ¾µÖÖܵÖÖ Æîü … (B) (A) †Öî ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖÆüß Æïü, ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (R),

(A) Ûúß ÃÖÆüß ¾µÖÖܵÖÖ ®ÖÆüà Æîü … (C) (A) ÃÖÆüß Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (R) ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ Æîü … (D) (A) †Öî ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ Æïü … 14. ÛúÖ»ÖÖ¾Ö×¬Ö †®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ×®Ö¾Ö»Ö ×®Ö¾Öê¿Ö ¾µÖµÖ Ûúß ¤ü¸ü

×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ Ûúß †¬ÖÖê´ÖãÜÖß œü»ÖÖ®Ö Ûúß ¯ÖϾÖÞÖŸÖÖ ¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö³ÖÔ¸ü Ûú¸üŸÖß Æîü :

(A) ×®Ö¾Öê¿Ö †®ÖãÃÖæ“Öß Ûúß ÃÖß´ÖÖ®ŸÖ õÖ´ÖŸÖÖ (B) ¯ÖæÑ•Öß †®ÖãÃÖæ“Öß Ûúß ÃÖß´ÖÖ®ŸÖ õÖ´ÖŸÖÖ (C) LM-†®ÖãÃÖæ“Öß (D) IS-†®ÖãÃÖæ“Öß

Page 6: Economics learning question set in 6 years

Paper-II 6 J-01-13

15. Which of the following is not specifically mentioned as a determinant of the demand for money ?

(A) Wealth (B) Nominal yield on alternative

assets (C) Inflation rate (D) Real rate of interest 16. Whose model of the following

economists makes use of the stock adjustment principle to explain business cycles ?

(A) N. Kaldor (B) J.R. Hicks (C) P. Samuelson (D) J.M. Keynes 17. The concept of vicious circle of

poverty is associated with (A) J.M. Keynes (B) Ragner Nurkse (C) Karl Marx (D) J.S. Mill 18. Inverted ‘U’ shaped income

distribution hypothesis is associated with

(A) J.B. Clark (B) David Ricardo (C) Simon Kuznets (D) Adam Smith 19. Components of HDI are I. Longevity II. Infant mortality III. Educational attainment IV. Decent standard of living Codes : (A) I, II and III are correct. (B) II, III and IV are correct. (C) II, I, and IV are correct. (D) I, III and IV are correct.

20. Arrange the proponents of classical theory of development in a sequential order :

I. David Ricardo II. Adam Smith III. J.S. Mill IV. Robert Malthus Codes : (A) II IV III I (B) IV III I II (C) III II IV I (D) I II III IV 21. Assertion (A) : In Marxian scheme

of things, M → C → M', where M' > M and M' – M is surplus value.

Reason (R) : The main cause of this surplus value is raw materials, machines, etc.

Codes : (A) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct. (B) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong. (C) Both (A) and (R) are correct. (D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong. 22. Match the items in the List – I with

items in List – II : List – I List – II I. Structural view of

Underdevelopment 1. Classical

Economists II. Laissez-faire Policy 2. Hollis

Chenery III. Departmental

Scheme of Expanded Reproduction

3. Steady State Growth

IV. Golden Age of Accumulation

4. Karl Marx

Codes : I II III IV (A) 2 1 4 3 (B) 4 2 3 1 (C) 1 4 2 3 (D) 3 4 1 2

Page 7: Economics learning question set in 6 years

J-01-13 7 Paper-II

15. ´Öã¦üÖ Ûúß ´ÖÖÑÝÖ Ûêú ×®Ö¬ÖÖÔ¸üÛú Ûêú ºþ¯Ö ´Öë ×ÛúÃÖÛúÖ ×¾Ö׿Ö™ü ºþ¯Ö ÃÖê ˆ»»ÖêÜÖ ®ÖÆüà ×ÛúµÖÖ ÝÖµÖÖ Æîü ?

(A) ÃÖ´¯Ö¤üÖ (B) ¾ÖîÛú×»¯ÖÛú ¯Ö׸üÃÖ´¯Ö×¢ÖµÖÖë ¯Ö¸ü ®ÖÖ´Ö´ÖÖ¡Ö

»Öײ¬Ö (C) ´Öã¦üÖñúß×ŸÖ Ûúß ¤ü¸ü (D) ²µÖÖ•Ö Ûúß ¾ÖÖßÖ×¾ÖÛú ¤ü¸ü 16. ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü “ÖÛÎúÖë Ûúß ¾µÖÖܵÖÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê Ûêú ×»Ö‹

×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ×ÛúÃÖ †£ÖÔ¿ÖÖáÖß ®Öê ÙüÖòÛú ÃÖ´ÖÖµÖÖê•Ö®Ö ×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖ ÛúÖ ˆ¯ÖµÖÖêÝÖ ×ÛúµÖÖ Æîü ?

(A) ‹®Ö. Ûú»›üÖê¸ü (B) •Öê.†Ö¸ü. ×ÆüŒÃÖ (C) ¯Öß. ÃÖî´µÖã»ÖÃÖ®Ö (D) •Öê.‹´Ö. Ûêú®ÃÖ 17. ÝÖ¸üß²Öß Ûêú ¤ãü“ÖÛÎú Ûúß †¾Ö¬ÖÖ¸üÞÖÖ ×ÛúÃÖÃÖê

ÃÖ´²Ö×®¬ÖŸÖ Æîü ? (A) •Öê.‹´Ö. Ûêú®ÃÖ (B) êüÝÖ®Ö¸ü ®ÖÛÔúÃÖê (C) ÛúÖ»ÖÔ ´ÖÖŒÃÖÔ (D) •Öê.‹ÃÖ. ×´Ö»Ö 18. †Öï¬Öß ‘U’ †ÖÛúÖ׸üŸÖ (µÖÖ †ÖÛúÖ¸ü µÖ㌟Ö) †ÖµÖ

×¾ÖŸÖ¸üÞÖ ¯Ö׸üÛú»¯Ö®ÖÖ ×ÛúÃÖÃÖê ÃÖ´²Ö×®¬ÖŸÖ Æîü ? (A) •Öê.²Öß. Œ»ÖÖÛÔú (B) ›êü×¾Ö›ü ׸üÛúÖ›üÖì (C) ÃÖÖ‡´Ö®Ö Ûãú•ÖÌ®Öê™ËüÃÖ (D) ‹›ü´Ö ×Ã´Ö£Ö 19. ‹“Ö.›üß.†Ö‡. (HDI) Ûêú ÃÖÓ‘Ö™üÛú Æïü I. ¤üß‘ÖÖÔµÖã II. ׿ֿÖã ´Ö韵Öã¤ü¸ü III. ¿Öî×õÖÛú ˆ¯Ö»Öײ¬Ö IV. ´ÖµÖÖÔפüŸÖ •Öß¾Ö®Ö ÃŸÖ¸ü Ûæú™ü : (A) I, II †Öî ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü … (B) II, III †Öî ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü … (C) II, I, †Öî ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü … (D) I, III †Öî ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü …

20. ×¾ÖÛúÖÃÖ Ûêú Œ»ÖÖ×ÃÖÛúß ×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖ Ûêú ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ¯ÖÏן֯ÖÖ¤üÛúÖë ÛúÖê †®Öã¾ÖŸÖá ÛÎú´Ö ´Öë ¾µÖ¾Ö×Ã£ÖŸÖ Ûú¸ëü :

I. ›êü×¾Ö›ü ׸üÛúÖ›üÖì II. ‹›ü´Ö ×Ã´Ö£Ö III. •Öê.‹ÃÖ. ×´Ö»Ö IV. ¸üÖò²Ö™Ôü ´ÖÖ»£ÖÃÖ Ûæú™ü : (A) II IV III I (B) IV III I II (C) III II IV I (D) I II III IV 21. †×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) : ´ÖÖŒÃÖÔ¾ÖÖ¤üß µÖÖê•Ö®ÖÖ ´Öë,

M → C → M' Æîü, •ÖÆüÖÑ M' > M †Öî ü M' – M †×ŸÖ¸êüÛú ´Öæ»µÖ Æîü …

ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ (R) : ‡ÃÖ †×ŸÖ¸êüÛú ´Öæ»µÖ ÛúÖ ´ÖãÜµÖ ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ Ûú““ÖÖ ´ÖÖ»Ö, ´Ö¿Öß®Öë ‡ŸµÖÖפü Æîü …

Ûæú™ü : (A) (A) ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (R) ÃÖÆüß Æîü … (B) (A) ÃÖÆüß Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (R) ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ Æîü … (C) (A) †Öî ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖÆüß Æïü … (D) (A) †Öî ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ Æïü … 22. ÃÖæ“Öß-I ÛúÖê ÃÖæ“Öß-II Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö ÃÖã´Öê×»ÖŸÖ Ûú¸ëü :

ÃÖæ“Öß – I ÃÖæ“Öß – II I. †»¯Ö×¾ÖÛúÖÃÖ ÛúÖ

ÃÖÓ¸ü“Ö®ÖÖŸ´ÖÛú ¥ü×™üÛúÖêÞÖ 1. Œ»ÖÖ×ÃÖÛúß

†£ÖÔ¿ÖÖáÖß II. þ֮֟¡Ö ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü ®Öß×ŸÖ 2. ÆüÖê×»ÖÃÖ ×“Ö®Öê¸üßIII. ×¾ÖßÖÖ׸üŸÖ ¯Öã®ÖˆÔüŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü®Ö

Ûúß ×¾Ö³ÖÖÝÖßµÖ µÖÖê•Ö®ÖÖ 3. ãÖÖµÖß

¸üÖ•ÖÛúßµÖ ×¾ÖÛúÖÃÖ

IV. ÃÖÓ“ÖµÖ ÛúÖ Ã¾ÖÙÞÖ´Ö µÖãÝÖ 4. ÛúÖ»ÖÔ ´ÖÖŒÃÖÔ Ûæú™ü : I II III IV (A) 2 1 4 3 (B) 4 2 3 1 (C) 1 4 2 3 (D) 3 4 1 2

Page 8: Economics learning question set in 6 years

Paper-II 8 J-01-13

23. Match the items in the List – I with items in List – II :

List – I List – II I. Critical Minimum

Effort Thesis 1. R.F. Kahn

II. Knife-edge Equilibrium

2. Rosentein-Rodan

III. Bastard Golden Age

3. Leibenstein

IV. Big Push Theory 4. Harrod Codes : I II III IV (A) 3 4 1 2 (B) 1 3 4 2 (C) 2 1 3 4 (D) 4 2 1 3 24. Which years in India have been the

best and the worst in terms of growth rate of national income ?

(A) 2007-08 and 1997-98 (B) 2006-07 and 1966-67 (C) 1988-89 and 1979-80 (D) 2003-04 and 1957-58 25. Rank the States in ascending order of

the crude birth rate in the recent years :

I. Andhra Pradesh II. Karnataka III. Madhya Pradesh IV. Uttar Pradesh Codes : (A) I, II, III, IV (B) II, III, I, IV (C) I, II, IV, III (D) II, I, IV, III 26. Which five year plan of India has

recorded the largest gap in terms of growth rate between the services sector and the industrial sector ?

(A) Seventh Plan (B) Eighth Plan (C) Ninth Plan (D) Tenth Plan

27. Provide the correct answer about the desired growth target of the manufacturing sector in the medium term as per the National Manufacturing Policy of India.

(A) 6 – 8 percent (B) 8 – 10 percent (C) 10 – 12 percent (D) 12 – 14 percent 28. Which of the following countries

have better Human Development Index (HDI) as per the HDR 2011 ?

I. Sri Lanka II. Pakistan III. Kenya IV. Egypt Codes : (A) Sri Lanka and Egypt (B) Sri Lanka and Kenya (C) Pakistan and Sri Lanka (D) Pakistan and Kenya 29. What was the amount of outlay under

MGNREGA in 2011-12 by the Government of India ?

(A) ` 25,000 crore (B) ` 30,000 crore (C) ` 40,000 crore (D) ` 55,000 crore 30. Provide correct answer about the

share of India in the world merchandize exports in 2010 :

(A) 0.5 percent (B) 0.9 percent (C) 1.1 percent (D) 1.5 percent 31. If the cost of transporting a goods

between two nations exceeds the pretrade difference for the goods between two nations, then trade in that goods is

(A) possible (B) impossible (C) reversal (D) cannot say

Page 9: Economics learning question set in 6 years

J-01-13 9 Paper-II

23. ÃÖæ“Öß-I ÛúÖê ÃÖæ“Öß-II Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö ÃÖã´Öê×»ÖŸÖ Ûú¸ëü : ÃÖæ“Öß – I ÃÖæ“Öß – II

I. ÛÎúÖ×®ŸÖÛú (Critical) ®µÖæ®ÖŸÖ´Ö ¯ÖϵÖÖÃÖ ×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖ

1. †Ö¸ü.‹±ú. ŒÆüÖ®Ö

II. ”ãû¸üß ¬ÖÖ¸ü ÃÖ®ŸÖã»Ö®Ö 2. ¸üÖê•ÖÌ®ÖÙüß®Ö ¸üÖê›ü®Ö

III. †´ÖÖ®ÖÛú þÖÙÞÖ´Ö µÖãÝÖ (²ÖÖÙüÖ›Ôü ÝÖÖê»›ü®Ö ‹ê•Ö)

3. »Öß²Öê®ÖÙüß®Ö

IV. ¯ÖÏ²Ö»Ö ¬ÖŒÛúÖ ×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖ 4. Æîü¸üÖê›ü Ûæú™ü : I II III IV (A) 3 4 1 2 (B) 1 3 4 2 (C) 2 1 3 4 (D) 4 2 1 3 24. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ ´Öë ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ †ÖµÖ Ûúß ÃÖÓ¾Öéרü Ûúß ¤ü¸ü Ûêú

ÃÖ´²Ö®¬Ö ´Öë ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖê ¾ÖÂÖÔ ÁÖêšüü †Öî¸ü ÃÖ²ÖÃÖê ²Öã¸êü £Öê ?

(A) 2007-08 †Öî¸ü 1997-98 (B) 2006-07 †Öî¸ü 1966-67 (C) 1988-89 †Öî¸ü 1979-80 (D) 2003-04 †Öî¸ü 1957-58 25. ÆüÖ»Ö Æüß Ûêú ¾ÖÂÖÖí ´Öë †¿ÖÖê×¬ÖŸÖ •Ö®´Ö ¤ü¸ü Ûêú

†Ö¸üÖêÆüß ÛÎú´Ö ´Öë ¸üÖ•µÖÖë ÛúÖê ÁÖêÞÖßÝÖŸÖ Ûú¸ëü : I. †Ö®¬ÖÐ ¯ÖϤêü¿Ö II. Ûú®ÖÖÔ™üÛú III. ´Ö¬µÖ ¯ÖϤêü¿Ö IV. ˆ¢Ö¸ü ¯ÖϤêü¿Ö Ûæú™ü : (A) I, II, III, IV (B) II, III, I, IV (C) I, II, IV, III (D) II, I, IV, III 26. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ Ûúß ×ÛúÃÖ ¯ÖÓ“Ö¾ÖÂÖáµÖ µÖÖê•Ö®ÖÖ ´Öë ÃÖÓ¾Öéרü ¤ü¸ü

Ûêú ÃÖ´²Ö®¬Ö ´Öë ÃÖê¾ÖÖ õÖê¡Ö ŸÖ£ÖÖ †ÖîªÖê×ÝÖÛú õÖê¡Ö Ûêú ²Öß“Ö ÃÖ²ÖÃÖê ²Ö›ÌüÖ †®ŸÖ¸üÖ»Ö ¤ü•ÖÔ ×ÛúµÖÖ ÝÖµÖÖ ?

(A) ÃÖÖŸÖ¾Öà µÖÖê•Ö®ÖÖ (B) †Öšü¾Öà µÖÖê•Ö®ÖÖ (C) ®ÖÖî¾Öà µÖÖê•Ö®ÖÖ (D) ¤üÃÖ¾Öà µÖÖê•Ö®ÖÖ

27. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ Ûúß ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ×¾Ö×®Ö´ÖÖÔÞÖÛúÖ¸üß ®Öß×ŸÖ Ûêú †®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ×¾Ö×®Ö´ÖÖÔÞÖ õÖê¡Ö Ûêú ´Ö¬µÖÛúÖ×»ÖÛú †³Öß™ü (×›ü•ÖÖµÖ¸Ëü›ü) ×¾ÖÛúÖÃÖ »ÖõµÖ Ûêú ²ÖÖ¸êü ´Öë ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü ¯ÖϤüÖ®Ö Ûú ëü :

(A) 6 – 8 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ (B) 8 – 10 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ (C) 10 – 12 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ (D) 12 – 14 ¯ÖÏןֿ֟Ö

28. ‹“Ö.›üß.†Ö¸ü. 2011 Ûêú †®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ´ÖÖ®Ö¾Ö ×¾ÖÛúÖÃÖ ÃÖæ“ÖÛúÖÓÛú (HDI) ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ×ÛúÃÖ ¤êü¿Ö ÛúÖ ²ÖêÆüŸÖ¸ü Æîü ?

I. ÁÖß»ÖÓÛúÖ II. ¯ÖÖ×ÛúßÖÖ®Ö III. Ûêú®µÖÖ IV. ×´ÖÄÖ Ûæú™ü : (A) ÁÖß»ÖÓÛúÖ †Öî¸ü ×´ÖÄÖ (B) ÁÖß»ÖÓÛúÖ †Öî¸ü Ûêú®µÖÖ (C) ¯ÖÖ×ÛúßÖÖ®Ö †Öî¸ü ÁÖß»ÖÓÛúÖ (D) ¯ÖÖ×ÛúßÖÖ®Ö †Öî¸ü Ûêú®µÖÖ

29. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ Ûúß ÃÖ¸üÛúÖ¸ü «üÖ¸üÖ ¾ÖÂÖÔ 2011-12 ´Öë MGNREGA (‹´Ö.•Öß.‹®Ö.†Ö¸ü.‡.•Öß.‹.) Ûêú †ÓŸÖÝÖÔŸÖ ¯Ö׸ü¾µÖµÖ Ûúß ¸üÖ×¿Ö ŒµÖÖ £Öß ?

(A) ` 25,000 Ûú¸üÖê›Ìü (B) ` 30,000 Ûú¸üÖê›Ìü (C) ` 40,000 Ûú¸üÖê›Ìü (D) ` 55,000 Ûú¸üÖê›Ìü

30. ¾ÖÂÖÔ 2010 ´Öë ×¾Ö¿¾Ö ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ׸üÛú ×®ÖµÖÖÔŸÖÖë ´Öë ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ Ûêú ×ÆüÃÃÖê Ûêú ²ÖÖ¸êü ´Öë ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü ¯ÖϤüÖ®Ö Ûú¸ëü :

(A) 0.5 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ (B) 0.9 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ (C) 1.1 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ (D) 1.5 ¯ÖÏןֿ֟Ö

31. µÖפü ¤üÖê ¤êü¿ÖÖë Ûêú ²Öß“Ö ¾ÖßÖã »Öê •ÖÖ®Öê Ûúß ¯Ö׸ü¾ÖÆü®Ö »ÖÖÝÖŸÖ ¤üÖê ¤êü¿ÖÖë Ûêú ²Öß“Ö ¾ÖßÖã†Öë Ûêú ¯Öæ¾ÖÔ »Öê®Ö¤êü®Ö †®ŸÖ¸ü ÃÖê †×¬ÖÛú ÆüÖêŸÖß Æîü, ŸÖÖê ˆÃÖ ¾ÖßÖã ´Öë »Öê®Ö¤êü®Ö

(A) ÃÖÓ³ÖÖ×¾ÖŸÖ Æîü … (B) †ÃÖÓ³ÖÖ×¾ÖŸÖ Æîü … (C) ¯ÖÏן־֟Öá Æîü … (D) ÛúÆü ®ÖÆüà ÃÖÛúŸÖÖ/ŸÖß …

Page 10: Economics learning question set in 6 years

Paper-II 10 J-01-13

32. According to the Rybczynski theorem, the growth of only one factor at constant relative commodity prices, leads to an absolute expansion in the output of

(A) both commodities

(B) the commodity using the growing factor intensively

(C) the commodity using the non-growing factor intensively

(D) any of the above

33. The exchange rate is kept the same in all parts of the market by

(A) exchange arbitrage

(B) interest arbitrage

(C) hedging

(D) speculation

34. Which are relevant conditions assumed by the factor price equalization theorem ?

I. The countries are characterised by different factor endowments.

II. The countries are characterised by different production functions.

III. The industries are characterised by different factor intensities.

IV. Each country will export the commodity which uses its abundant factor relatively intensively.

Codes : (A) I, II, III, IV

(B) I, III, IV

(C) I, II, IV

(D) I, III, II

35. Which of the following is true with respect to the monetary approach to the balance of payments ?

(A) It views the balance of payments as an essentially monetary phenomenon.

(B) A balance of payments deficit results from an excess demand of money in the nation.

(C) A balance of payments surplus results from an excess supply of money.

(D) Balance of payments disequilibrium are not automatically corrected in the long run.

36. When a nation imposes an import tariff, the nation’s offer curve will

(A) shift away from the axis measuring its export commodity.

(B) shift away from the axis measuring its import commodity.

(C) not shift.

(D) any of the above is possible.

37. If the international terms of trade settle at a level that is between each country’s opportunity cost then

(A) there is no basis for gainful trade for either country.

(B) both countries gain from trade.

(C) only one country gains from trade.

(D) one country gains and the other country loses from trade.

Page 11: Economics learning question set in 6 years

J-01-13 11 Paper-II

32. ׸ü²Öêו֮ÃÖÛúß ¯ÖÏ´ÖêµÖ Ûêú †®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü, ×ãָü ÃÖÖ¯ÖêõÖ ¾ÖßÖã Ûúß´ÖŸÖÖë ¯Ö¸ü ×ÃÖ±Ôú ‹Ûú ÛúÖ¸üÛú ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ Ûêú ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü®Ö ´Öë ¯ÖæÞÖÔ ×¾ÖßÖÖ¸ü Ûúß †Öê¸ü ¯ÖϾÖé¢Ö Ûú¸üŸÖÖ Æîü :

(A) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ¾ÖßÖã‹Ñ

(B) ¾ÖéרüÛúÖ¸üß ÛúÖ¸üÛú ÛúÖê ÝÖÆü®Ö ºþ¯Ö ÃÖê ˆ¯ÖµÖÖêÝÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê ¾ÖÖ»Öß ¾ÖßÖã

(C) ÝÖî¸ü-¾ÖéרüÛúÖ¸üß ÛúÖ¸üÛú ÛúÖê ÝÖÆü®Ö ºþ¯Ö ÃÖê ˆ¯ÖµÖÖêÝÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê ¾ÖÖ»Öß ¾ÖßÖã

(D) ˆ¯ÖµÖãÔŒŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖê‡Ô ‹Ûú

33. ²ÖÖ•ÖÖ¸ü Ûêú ÃÖ³Öß ³ÖÖÝÖÖë ´Öë ×¾Ö×®Ö´ÖµÖ ¤ü¸ü ÛúÖê ×ÛúÃÖÛêú

«üÖ¸üÖ ‹ÛúÃÖ´ÖÖ®Ö ¸üÜÖÖ •ÖÖŸÖÖ Æîü ?

(A) ×¾Ö×®Ö´ÖµÖ ×¾Ö¾ÖÖ“Ö®Ö

(B) ²µÖÖ•Ö ×¾Ö¾ÖÖ“Ö®Ö

(C) ÆîüØ•ÖÝÖ

(D) ÃÖ¼êü²ÖÖ•Öß

34. ÛúÖ¸üÛú Ûúß´ÖŸÖ ÃÖ´ÖÛúÖ¸üß ¯ÖÏ´ÖêµÖ «üÖ¸üÖ ×Ûú®Ö ¿ÖŸÖÖí ÛúÖê


I. ׳֮®Ö ˆ¯ÖÖ¤üÖ®Ö ‹®Ö›üÖÓˆ´Öë™ËüÃÖ ¤êü¿ÖÖë Ûúß ×¾Ö¿ÖêÂÖŸÖÖ Æîü …

II. ׳֮®Ö ˆŸ¯ÖÖ¤ü®Ö ±ú»Ö®Ö ¤êü¿ÖÖë Ûúß ×¾Ö¿ÖêÂÖŸÖÖ Æîü …

III. ׳֮®Ö ÃÖÖ¬Ö®Ö ÃÖ‘Ö®ÖŸÖÖ‹Ñ ˆªÖêÝÖÖë Ûúß ×¾Ö¿ÖêÂÖŸÖÖ Æîü …

IV. ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ¤êü¿Ö ˆÃÖê ¾ÖßÖã ÛúÖ ×®ÖµÖÖÔŸÖ Ûú¸êüÝÖÖ •ÖÖê †¯Ö®Öê ¯ÖÏ“Öã¸ü ÃÖÖ¬Ö®Ö ÛúÖ ŸÖã»Ö®ÖÖŸ´ÖÛú ºþ¯Ö ÃÖê ÝÖÆü®ÖŸÖÖ ÃÖê ˆ¯ÖµÖÖêÝÖ Ûú¸êüÝÖÖ …

Ûæú™ü :

(A) I, II, III, IV (B) I, III, IV (C) I, II, IV (D) I, III, II

35. ³ÖãÝÖŸÖÖ®Ö ÃÖ®ŸÖã»Ö®Ö Ûêú ´ÖÖîצüÛú ˆ¯ÖÖÝÖ´Ö Ûêú ÃÖ´²Ö®¬Ö ´Öë ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü ?

(A) µÖÆü ³ÖãÝÖŸÖÖ®Ö ÃÖ®ŸÖã»Ö®Ö ÛúÖê †×®Ö¾ÖÖµÖÔŸÖ: ´ÖÖîצüÛú ‘Ö™ü®ÖÖ Ûêú ºþ¯Ö ´Öë ¤êüÜÖŸÖÖ Æîü …

(B) ³ÖãÝÖŸÖÖ®Ö ÃÖÓŸÖã»Ö®Ö ´Öë ‘ÖÖ™üÖ ¸üÖ™Òü ´Öë ´Öã¦üÖ Ûúß †×ŸÖ׸üŒŸÖ ´ÖÖÑÝÖ Ûêú ±ú»Öþֺþ¯Ö ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü …

(C) †×ŸÖ êüÛú ³ÖãÝÖŸÖÖ®Ö ÃÖÓŸÖã»Ö®Ö ´Öã¦üÖ Ûúß †×ŸÖ׸üŒŸÖ †Ö¯ÖæÙŸÖ Ûêú ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü …

(D) ³ÖãÝÖŸÖÖ®Ö ÃÖÓŸÖã»Ö®Ö ´Öë †ÃÖÓŸÖã»Ö®Ö ¤üß‘ÖÔÛúÖ»Ö ´Öë þ֓ÖÖ×»ÖŸÖ ºþ¯Ö ÃÖê šüßÛú ®ÖÆüà ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü …

36. •Ö²Ö ¸üÖ™Òü †ÖµÖÖŸÖ ¿Öã»Ûú »ÖÝÖÖŸÖÖ Æîü, ŸÖÖê ¸üÖ™Òü ÛúÖ ¤êüµÖ ¾ÖÛÎú ÛîúÃÖÖ ÆüÖêÝÖÖ ?

(A) †õÖ •ÖÖê ×®ÖµÖÖÔŸÖ ¾ÖßÖã ÛúÖ ´ÖÖ¯Ö Ûú¸üŸÖÖ Æîü ÃÖê ¤æü¸ü ×ÜÖÃÖÛú •ÖÖ‹ÝÖÖ …

(B) †õÖ •ÖÖê †ÖµÖÖŸÖ ¾ÖßÖã ÛúÖ ´ÖÖ¯Ö Ûú¸üŸÖÖ Æîü ÃÖê ¤æü¸ü ×ÜÖÃÖÛú •ÖÖ‹ÝÖÖ …

(C) ®ÖÆüà ×ÜÖÃÖÛêúÝÖÖ …

(D) ˆ¯ÖµÖãÔŒŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖê‡Ô ³Öß ÃÖÓ³ÖÖ×¾ÖŸÖ Æîü …

37. µÖפü ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü Ûúß †ÓŸÖ¸üÖÔ™ÒüßµÖ ¿ÖŸÖí ˆÃÖ ÃŸÖ¸ü ¯Ö¸ü ŸÖµÖ ÆüÖêŸÖß Æïü •ÖÖê ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ¤êü¿Ö Ûúß †¾ÖÃÖ¸ü »ÖÖÝÖŸÖ Ûêú ²Öß“Ö ¯Ö›ÌüŸÖÖ Æîü ŸÖÖê

(A) ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¤êü¿Ö Ûêú ×»ÖµÖê »ÖÖ³ÖÛúÖ¸üß ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü ÛúÖ ÛúÖê‡Ô †Ö¬ÖÖ¸ü ®ÖÆüà Æîü …

(B) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ¤êü¿ÖÖë ÛúÖê ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü ÃÖê »ÖÖ³Ö ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü …

(C) Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ‹Ûú ¤êü¿Ö »ÖÖ³Ö Ûú´ÖÖŸÖÖ Æîü …

(D) ‹Ûú ¤êü¿Ö ÛúÖê ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü ÃÖê »ÖÖ³Ö ÆüÖêŸÖÖ Æîü †Öî¸ü ¤æüÃÖ¸êü ¤êü¿Ö ÛúÖê ÆüÖ×®Ö …

Page 12: Economics learning question set in 6 years

Paper-II 12 J-01-13

38. Arrange the following in chronological order :

I. The Indirect Tax Enquiry Committee (Jha Committee)

II. Tax Reforms Committee (Chelliah Committee)

III. Taxation Enquiry Commission (Matthur Commission)

IV. The Direct Tax Enquiry Committee (Wanchoo Committee)

Codes :

(A) III, II, IV, I

(B) III, I, IV, II

(C) II, III, I, IV

(D) III, IV, I, II

39. Which of the following are relevant in Zero Base Budgeting ?

I. Each item of expenditure is challenged in pre-budget review.

II. No minimum level of expenditure is allowed to be taken as given.

III. Expenditure of each item is increased marginally.

IV. Most item of expenditure is taken for granted when budget is prepared for the next year.

Codes :

(A) I and III are correct.

(B) I, II and IV are correct.

(C) I and II are correct.

(D) I, III and IV are correct.

40. Match the items given in List – I with those in List – II :

List – I List – II I. Optimal

Income Taxation

1. Charles Tiebout

II. An Economic Theory of Politics

2. Peter A. Phyrr

III. Local Public Goods

3. F. Ramsey

IV. Zero Base Budgeting

4. Anthony Downs

Codes : I II III IV (A) 3 1 4 2 (B) 2 3 1 4 (C) 3 2 1 4 (D) 3 4 1 2 41. Which of the following is tantamount

to absence of taxation ? (A) Shifting of the tax (B) Tax transformation (C) Evasion of tax (D) Tax capitalisation 42. Which of the following tax is within

the jurisdiction of States as enumerated in List – II of the Schedule VII of the Constitution of India ?

(A) Taxes on Railway freights and fares.

(B) Taxes on sale and purchase of newspapers and on advertisement therein.

(C) Rate of stamp duty in respect of certain financial documents.

(D) Taxes on luxuries, including entertainments, betting and gambling.

Page 13: Economics learning question set in 6 years

J-01-13 13 Paper-II

38. ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ÛúÖê ÛúÖ»ÖÖ®ÖãÛÎú×´ÖÛú ÛÎú´Ö ´Öë ¾µÖ¾Ö×Ã£ÖŸÖ Ûú¸ëü :

I. †¯ÖÏŸµÖõÖ Ûú¸ü •ÖÖÑ“Ö ÃÖ×´Ö×ŸÖ (—ÖÖ ÃÖ×´ÖןÖ)

II. Ûú¸ü ÃÖã¬ÖÖ¸ü ÃÖ×´Ö×ŸÖ (“Ö»ÖîµÖÖ ÃÖ×´ÖןÖ)

III. Ûú¸üÖ¬ÖÖ®Ö •ÖÖÑ“Ö †ÖµÖÖêÝÖ (´ÖÖ£Öã¸ü †ÖµÖÖêÝÖ)

IV. ¯ÖÏŸµÖõÖ Ûú¸ü •ÖÖÑ“Ö ÃÖ×´Ö×ŸÖ (¾ÖÖÓ“Öæ ÃÖ×´ÖןÖ)

Ûæú™ü :

(A) III, II, IV, I

(B) III, I, IV, II

(C) II, III, I, IV

(D) III, IV, I, II

39. ¿Öæ®µÖ ²Ö•Ö™ü®Ö ´Öë ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ


I. ¾µÖµÖ Ûúß ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ´Ö¤ü ÛúÖê ¯Öæ¾ÖÔ-²Ö•Ö™ü

¯Öã®Ö¸üÖ¾Ö»ÖÖêÛú®Ö ´Öë “Öã®ÖÖîŸÖß ¤üß •ÖÖŸÖß Æîü …

II. ¾µÖµÖ Ûêú ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ®µÖæ®ÖŸÖ´Ö ßָü ÛúÖê ¯ÖϤü¢Ö ´ÖÖ®Ö »Öê®Öê Ûúß †®Öã´Ö×ŸÖ ®ÖÆüà Æîü …

III. ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ´Ö¤ü Ûêú ¾µÖµÖ Ûúß ÆüÖ׿ֵÖê ¯Ö¸ü µÖÖ ÃÖß´ÖÖ×®ŸÖÛú ¾Öéרü Ûúß •ÖÖŸÖß Æîü …

IV. •Ö²Ö †ÝÖ»Öê ¾ÖÂÖÔ ÛúÖ ²Ö•Ö™ü ŸÖîµÖÖ¸ü ×ÛúµÖÖ •ÖÖŸÖÖ Æîü ŸÖÖê ¾µÖµÖ Ûúß †×¬ÖÛúÖÓ¿Ö ´Ö¤üÖë ÛúÖê ¯ÖϤü¢Ö ´ÖÖ®Ö ×»ÖµÖÖ •ÖÖŸÖÖ Æîü …

Ûæú™ü :

(A) I †Öî ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü …

(B) I, II †Öî ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü …

(C) I †Öî ü II ÃÖÆüß Æïü …

(D) I, III †Öî ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü …

40. ÃÖæ“Öß-I ´Öë ¤üß ´Ö¤üÖë ÛúÖê ÃÖæ“Öß-II ´Öë ´Ö¤üÖë Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö ÃÖã´Öê×»ÖŸÖ Ûú¸ëü :

ÃÖæ“Öß – I ÃÖæ“Öß – II

I. ‡Â™üŸÖ´Ö †ÖµÖ Ûú¸ü 1. “ÖÖ»ÃÖÔ ×™ü²ÖÖê

II. ¸üÖ•Ö®Öß×ŸÖ ÛúÖ †ÖÙ£ÖÛú ×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖ

2. ¯Öß™ü¸ü ‹. ¯ÖÖµÖ¸ü

III. ãÖÖ®ÖßµÖ »ÖÖêÛú ¾ÖßÖã‹Ñ 3. ‹±ú. ¸üÖ´ÖÃÖê

IV. ¿Öæ®µÖ †Ö¬ÖÖ¸ü ²Ö•Ö™ü®Ö 4. ‹®£Ö®Öß ›üÖ‰ú®ÖËÃÖ

Ûæú™ü :

I II III IV (A) 3 1 4 2 (B) 2 3 1 4 (C) 3 2 1 4 (D) 3 4 1 2 41. ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ Ûú¸üÖ¬ÖÖ®Ö Ûúß

†®Öã¯Ö×ãÖ×ŸÖ Ûêú ŸÖã»µÖ Æî ü?

(A) Ûú¸ü ÛúÖ ×¾Ö“Ö»Ö®Ö

(B) Ûú¸ü ÛúÖ ºþ¯ÖÖ®ŸÖ¸üÞÖ

(C) Ûú¸ü †¯Ö¾ÖÓ“Ö®Ö

(D) Ûú¸ü ÛúÖ ¯ÖæÓ•ÖßÛú¸üÞÖ

42. ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ Ûú¸ü ¸üÖ•µÖÖë Ûêú

õÖê¡ÖÖ׬ÖÛúÖ¸ü ´Öë ¯Ö›ÌüŸÖÖ Æîü •ÖîÃÖÖ ×Ûú ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖßµÖ ÃÖÓ×¾Ö¬ÖÖ®Ö Ûúß †®ÖãÃÖæ“Öß VII Ûúß ÃÖæ“Öß-II ´Öë ¾ÖÙÞÖŸÖ Æîü ?

(A) ¸êü»Ö¾Öê ´ÖÖ»Ö ³ÖÖ›Ìêü †Öî¸ü ÃÖ¾ÖÖ¸üß ³ÖÖ›Ìêü ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ü

(B) ÃÖ´ÖÖ“ÖÖ¸ü¯Ö¡ÖÖë Ûúß ×²ÖÛÎúß ‹¾ÖÓ ÜÖ¸üߤü †Öî¸ü ˆÃÖ´Öë ×¾Ö–ÖÖ¯Ö®ÖÖë ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ü

(C) Ûãú”û ×¾Ö¢ÖßµÖ ¤üßÖÖ¾Öê•ÖÖë Ûêú ÃÖ´²Ö®¬Ö ´Öë ÙüÖ´¯Ö ¿Öã»Ûú Ûúß ¤ü¸ü

(D) ´Ö®ÖÖê¸Óü•Ö®Ö, ²ÖÖ•Öß (»ÖÝÖÖ®Öê) †Öî¸ü •Öæ†Ö ÜÖê»Ö®Öê ÃÖ´ÖêŸÖ ×¾Ö»ÖÖ×ÃÖŸÖÖ†Öë ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ü

Page 14: Economics learning question set in 6 years

Paper-II 14 J-01-13

43. Cohin Clark has argued that for most countries of the world, the safe upper limit of taxation is

(A) 40 percent of national income (B) 30 percent of national income (C) 25 percent of national income (D) 20 percent of national income 44. Which of the following tax can be

shifted easily ? (A) Lump-sum tax imposed on the

monopolist (B) Tax imposed on residential

house (C) Capital goods meant for sale (D) Succession duty 45. In a binomial distribution, the sum of

mean and variance is 15 and the product of mean and variance is 54, then the number of observations (n) is equal to

(A) 27 (B) 30 (C) 24 (D) 33 46. If ‘r’ is the correlation coefficient and

byx and bxy are the regression coefficients of the regression lines y on x and x on y respectively, then r =

(A) bxy × byx (B) bxy / byx (C) 1 – bxy byx (D) bxy byx 47. χ2 (chi-square) test is used to test (A) analysis of variance (B) association between the

qualitative variables (C) difference between means of

two distributions drawn from the same population.

(D) difference between the means of two distributions drawn from different population.

48. Random sampling implies that (A) the observations are selected

purposively. (B) the observations are selected in

a systemic manner. (C) the observations are selected in

an adhoc manner. (D) the observations are selected in

clusters. 49. Given the following information,

match the item in List – I with List – II :

List – I List – II I. Coefficient of

Variation 1. μ4/σ4

II. Coefficient of Correlation

2. μ3/σ3

III. Coefficient of Skewness

3. σ/ –x

IV. Coefficient of Kurtosis

4. ∑xy / σx σy

Codes : I II III IV (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 3 2 4 1 (C) 3 4 2 1 (D) 3 4 1 2 50. Assertion (A) : Fisher’s index is an

ideal index. Reasoning (R) : Fisher’s index

satisfies Time Reversal and Factor Reversal Tests.

Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and

(R) is correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Page 15: Economics learning question set in 6 years

J-01-13 15 Paper-II

43. ÛúÖêÆêü®Ö Œ»ÖÖÛÔú ®Öê ¤üÖ¾ÖÖ ×ÛúµÖÖ ×Ûú ×¾Ö¿¾Ö Ûêú †×¬ÖÛúÖÓ¿Ö ¤êü¿ÖÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ Ûú¸üÖ¬ÖÖ®Ö Ûúß ÃÖã¸ü×õÖŸÖ ˆ““ÖŸÖ´Ö ÃÖß´ÖÖ Æîü

(A) ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ †ÖµÖ ÛúÖ 40 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ (B) ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ †ÖµÖ ÛúÖ 30 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ (C) ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ †ÖµÖ ÛúÖ 25 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ (D) ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ †ÖµÖ ÛúÖ 20 ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ¿ÖŸÖ 44. ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ Ûú¸ü †ÖÃÖÖ®Öß ÃÖê

ãÖÖ®ÖÖÓŸÖ׸üŸÖ ×ÛúµÖÖ •ÖÖ ÃÖÛúŸÖÖ Æîü ? (A) ‹ÛúÖ׬ÖÛúÖ¸üß ¯Ö¸ü »ÖÝÖÖµÖÖ ÝÖµÖÖ ‹Ûú´Öã¿ŸÖ

Ûú¸ü (B) †Ö¾ÖÖÃÖßµÖ ´ÖÛúÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü »ÖÝÖÖµÖÖ Ûú¸ü (C) ײÖÛÎúß µÖÖêÝµÖ ¯ÖæÑ•ÖßÝÖŸÖ ¾ÖßÖã‹Ñ (D) ˆ¢Ö¸üÖ׬ÖÛúÖ¸ü ÃÖ´²Ö®¬Öß ¿Öã»Ûú 45. ׫ü¯Ö¤üßµÖ ²ÖÓ™ü®Ö ´Öë, ´ÖÖ¬µÖ †Öî¸ü ¯ÖÏÃÖ¸üÞÖ ÛúÖ µÖÖêÝÖ 15

Æîü †Öî¸ü ´ÖÖ¬µÖ †Öî¸ü ¯ÖÏÃÖ¸üÞÖ ÛúÖ ÝÖãÞÖ®Ö±ú»Ö 54 Æîü, ŸÖÖê ¯ÖÏêõÖÞÖÖë Ûúß ÃÖÓܵÖÖ (n) ×ÛúŸÖ®Öß ÆüÖêÝÖß ?

(A) 27 (B) 30 (C) 24 (D) 33 46. µÖפü ‘r’ ÃÖÆüÃÖ´²Ö®¬Ö ÝÖãÞÖÖÓÛú Æîü †Öî¸ü byx †Öî¸ü

bxy ¯ÖÏןÖÁÖµÖÞÖ ¸êüÜÖÖ†Öë x ¯Ö¸ü y †Öî¸ü y ¯Ö¸ü x ÛÎú´Ö¿Ö: ¯ÖÏןÖÁÖµÖÞÖ ÝÖãÞÖÖÓÛú Æïü, ŸÖÖê r ²Ö¸üÖ²Ö¸ü Æîü :

(A) bxy × byx (B) bxy / byx (C) 1 – bxy byx (D) bxy byx

47. χ2 (ÛúÖ‡Ô ÃŒ¾ÖîµÖ¸ü) ¯Ö¸üßõÖÞÖ ÛúÖ ŒµÖÖ ¯Ö¸üßõÖÞÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê Ûêú ×»ÖµÖê ˆ¯ÖµÖÖêÝÖ ×ÛúµÖÖ •ÖÖŸÖÖ Æîü ?

(A) ¯ÖÏÃÖ¸üÞÖ ÛúÖ ×¾Ö¿»ÖêÂÖÞÖ (B) ÝÖãÞÖÖŸ´ÖÛú “Ö¸üÖë Ûêú ²Öß“Ö ÃÖÖÆü“ÖµÖÔ (C) ‹Ûú Æüß ÃÖ´ÖÝÖÏ ÃÖê ×»Ö‹ ÝÖµÖê ¤üÖê ²ÖÓ™ü®Ö

ÃÖ´ÖæÆüÖë Ûêú ´ÖÖ¬µÖÖë Ûêú ²Öß“Ö †®ŸÖ¸ü (D) ׳֮®Ö ÃÖ´ÖÝÖÏ ÃÖê ×»ÖµÖê ÝÖµÖê ¤üÖê ²ÖÓ™ü®Ö ÃÖ´ÖæÆüÖë

Ûêú ´ÖÖ¬µÖÖë Ûêú ²Öß“Ö †®ŸÖ¸ü

48. µÖÖ¥üד”ûÛú ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ“ÖµÖ®Ö ÛúÖ †×³Ö¯ÖÏÖµÖ Æîü : (A) ¯ÖÏêõÖÞÖÖë ÛúÖ “ÖµÖ®Ö ˆ§êü¿µÖ Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö ×ÛúµÖÖ

ÝÖµÖÖ Æîü … (B) ¯ÖÏêõÖÞÖÖë ÛúÖê ¾µÖ¾Ö×Ã£ÖŸÖ œÓüÝÖ ÃÖê “ÖµÖ×®ÖŸÖ

×ÛúµÖÖ Æîü … (C) ¯ÖÏêõÖÞÖÖë ÛúÖ “ÖµÖ®Ö ´Ö®Ö´ÖÖ®Öê œÌÓüÝÖ ÃÖê ×ÛúµÖÖ

Æîü … (D) ¯ÖÏêõÖÞÖÖë ÛúÖê ÝÖã“”ûÖë ´Öë “ÖµÖ×®ÖŸÖ ×ÛúµÖÖ Æîü … 49. ÃÖæ“Öß-I ÛúÖê ÃÖæ“Öß-II Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö ÃÖã´Öê×»ÖŸÖ Ûú¸ëü :

ÃÖæ“Öß – I ÃÖæ“Öß – II I. ×¾Ö“Ö¸üÞÖ ÛúÖ ÝÖãÞÖÖÓÛú 1. μ4/σ4

II. ÃÖÆüÃÖ´²Ö®¬Ö ÛúÖ ÝÖãÞÖÖÓÛú 2. μ3/σ3

III. ×¾ÖÂÖ´ÖŸÖÖ ÛúÖ ÝÖãÞÖÖÓÛú 3. σ/ –x


4. ∑xy / σx σy

Ûæú™ü : I II III IV (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 3 2 4 1 (C) 3 4 2 1 (D) 3 4 1 2 50. †×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) : ×±ú¿Ö¸ü ÛúÖ †×³ÖÃÖæ“ÖÛú

†Ö¤ü¿ÖÔ †×³ÖÃÖæ“ÖÛú Æîü …

ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ (R) : ×±ú¿Ö¸ü ÛúÖ †×³ÖÃÖæ“ÖÛú ÃÖ´ÖµÖ ×¾Ö¯ÖµÖÖÔÃÖ ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆ¯ÖÖ¤üÖ®Ö ×¾Ö¯ÖµÖÖÔÃÖ ¯Ö¸üßõÖÞÖÖë ÛúÖê ÃÖÓŸÖã™ü Ûú¸üŸÖÖ Æîü …

Ûæú™ü : (A) (A) †Öî ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü †Öî ü (R),

(A) Ûúß ÃÖÆüß ¾µÖÖܵÖÖ Æîü …

(B) (A) †Öî ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü, ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (R), (A) Ûúß ÃÖÆüß ¾µÖÖܵÖÖ ®ÖÆüà Æîü …

(C) (A) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (R) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü …

(D) (A) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü®ŸÖã (R) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü …

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Space For Rough Work

Paper-II 16 J-01-13