ecdp Email Bulletin 31 - FINAL

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  • 8/3/2019 ecdp Email Bulletin 31 - FINAL


    Monthly Bulletin 31This update includesarticles on the followingtopics:

    ecdp news

    1. ecdps14th AGM:2. Lived experience works

    ecdps Annual Report2010/11

    3. ecdp enterprisetraining offers

    4. Blue Badge Reform:

    ecdp Lived ExperienceOfficer on BBC Essex

    local news

    5. Creative Activities atZinc Arts

    6. Birchanger WoodsAccessible WoodlandPaths

    national news

    7. World AIDS Day 1December

    8. Government announcecare home residents to

    December 2011

    Dear Members,

    Welcome to the final bulletin of 2011. As theholiday season approaches we have beenreflecting on ecdps achievements throughout theyear.

    On page 4 you can find ecdps annual report,which notes some of the highlights for us and ourmembers. Our AGM, held last month was also agreat opportunity to share some of thesesuccesses with members. You can read moreabout the AGM on page 3.

    ecdp will be shut over the holiday period, from4pm on Friday 23 December until 8am Tuesday 3January. Information about holiday cover will beavailable on the ecdp website nearer the time.

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish all ofecdps members a very happy festive period

    season and all the best for the New Year. Wevery much look forward to working with you in2012.

    Best wishes,

    Rich WattsDirector of Policy & Development
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    Monthly Bulletin 31 December 2011

    keep DLA/PIP mobility9. Disability hate crime

    book, Scapegoat, winsliterature award

    10. Olympic and ParalympiNews:

    Paralympics Tickets goback on sale tomorrow!

    The Olympic Torch iscoming to Essex

    London 2012 Festival11. EHRC Manifesto for

    Change Consultationevent

    12. Pats Petition

    If you want to get in touch with us about anyof the articles included in this bulletin:

    Telephone: 01245 392 300Email:[email protected]: Ivan Peck House, 1 Russell Way,

    Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3AA.[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    ecdps 14th AGM

    Last month ecdp held its 14th Annual General Meeting(AGM). The AGM provides an opportunity for members tohear about the achievements and challenges the organisationhas faced over the last year. Mike Adams, ecdps CEO, (firstpicture on the right) gave a presentation, which reported oneach ofecdps services. Mike also shared details ofecdpsnew trading companies.

    Jeff Banks, ecdps Treasurer (second picture on the right)then presented ecdps finances for the year ending March2011.

    During the formal part of the AGM board members areelected to the ecdp board. Pat Gaudin and CharlesMcKay were elected, and Steve Carey, Ann Nutt andJeff Banks were re-elected.

    Honorary positions were also voted on by members;

    Steve Carey was elected Chair, Ann Nutt as Vice-Chairand Jeff Banks as Treasurer.

    For any further of information on ecdps AGM and anyof the presentations above please contact ecdps LivedExperience Officer, Faye Savage, in the first instance:[email protected], 01245 214 023.

    ecdp news
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    Lived experience works: ecdp's AnnualReport 2010/11

    ecdp is pleased to publish its annual report for 2010/11.

    The last year has been one in which the lived experience

    and voice ofecdps members has made a significantcontribution to local and national issues affecting disabledpeople. Across a wide range of disability topics and at acrucial time for disabled people, our members everydaylives and views have shaped and influenced decisions andwork done by local public agencies and the new coalitiongovernment.

    Our members and clients have also remained central to thework and priorities ofecdp itself: setting the agenda for ourwork and ensuring we delivered what we said we would.

    All of this has been made possible by ecdps unique approach to itswork: combining the representative voice of disabled people in Essexwith the solid delivery of support services that enable people to havechoice and control over their lives.

    In the last 12 months, this approach has led to the following particularhighlights:

    Our lived experience approach was the biggest driver in everythingwe did and in influencing the life changes of disabled people. Thisincluded significant work on topics such as:- Access to Work- Welfare reform (Disability Living Allowance and the PersonalIndependence Payment)- Disability hate crime- HealthWatch

    Separate visits from two new Government Ministers the Minister

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    for Disabled People and the Minister for Care Services within 8weeks of their taking office in May 2010

    Giving evidence to the Welfare Reform Select Committee Several citations for ecdp as best practice in a range of government

    and other public agency publications

    Engaging nearly 200 volunteers in our work and their communities,of which over 80% were disabled people

    Driving the development and delivery of the Right to ControlTrailblazer in Essex one of only seven in the country particularlythrough our work in establishing and running a dedicated serviceuser reference group

    Continuing to deliver high quality support services to over 4,500people to ensure they had choice and control over their care andsupport

    The first full year of operation forecdp enterprise the team setup to generate income for ecdp so we dont rely on contract- orgrant-funded income

    Being one of the first voluntary and community sector organisationsto publish Open Data

    The next 12 months will undoubtedly be some of the hardest that ecdphas faced, reflecting trends that can be seen across the public, privateand voluntary sectors as a whole. We will remain focused onharnessing the lived experience of our members and clients to shapeand inform the work we do, and delivering high quality services. In thisway, we will be as well placed as we can be to ensure our workbenefits as many people as possible.

    As always, we couldnt have achieved the above without our

    committed and dedicated staff making a difference in the everydaylives of disabled people. Similarly, we have benefitted greatly from theinput and partnerships of colleagues across the public, private andvoluntary sectors in Essex, the Eastern region and across England.

    Without the contribution of the lived experiences of our members,though, ecdp couldnt do the work it does. We would therefore like tothank all of our members and every individual disabled person whohas been a part of our work this year.

    You can download a Word version of our Annual Report here: ecdp

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    Annual Report 2010/11.

    ecdp news

    Find ecdp online

    For up-to-date news on the work we are doing at ecdp, find usonline

    Our website:

    Our Facebook page:

    Our Twitter page:
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    ecdp enterprise training offers

    ecdp enterprise is the commercial arm ofecdp. Amongstthe services it offers, it provides high quality training for arange of different organisations, including providers, publicbodies and service users.

    This week we will be running our popular Direct PaymentsAwareness training. This covers:

    What is a Direct Payment?

    How do people use Direct Payments?

    What are the benefits of a Direct Payment?

    By the end the half day session participants will be able to answerthese questions and have a fully rounded insight into what DirectPayments are and how they work. Participants will also have theopportunity to ask questions of current Direct Payment recipients, asour training is delivered by qualified trainers who are also DirectPayment users.

    I feel empowered to promote direct payments previousparticipant feedback.

    Full details are available on the ecdp website and you can alsodownload them here: ecdp enterprise Direct Payment Awarenesstraining.

    On 13 December, ecdp enterprise will also be running an AdultSafeguarding Course. This session is 25 and runs for half a day details can be found on the ecdp enterprise website.

    ecdp news
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    Blue Badge Reform: ecdp Lived

    Experience Officer on BBC Essex

    At the end of November, our Lived Experience Officer, Faye Savagewas invited to speak to BBC Essexs Ray Clark about the 10charge some councils will be making for blue badges from Januarythis year.

    Blue badges are a benefit which enable disabled people who have

    an impairment which affects their mobility to use certain car parkingspaces, and up until now, local authorities have only been able tocharge a maximum of 2 to produce them.

    We have recorded Fayes discussion with Ray using audioboo, whichyou can listen to on our website: ecdps Lived Experience Officerspeaking to Ray Clark on BBC Essex.

    Ray Clarks full show, including the views of Essex residents who

    called in after Faye spoke to share their experiences of blue badges, isavailable on iPlayer (blue badge section starts at 1:06:10): Ray Clarkshow - Monday 21 November.

    Fayes key points, based on the lived experience of our members,were as follows:

    The 10 charge while an example of the extra costs associatedwith being a disabled person is not the main issue; if charges are

    going to be made, now more than ever it is essential that theprovision a blue badge entitles disabled people to use, is adequate.(Our members tell us that they often find they cannot get spaces, orthe spaces are not located near enough to the places they want togo.)

    Demand for blue badges has naturally increased as the populationof disabled people has grown. While national reforms can reducethe number of fraudulent badges being used, provision does needto be made for the majority of badge users who have beenassessed.

    ecdp news
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    The extra cost of the badge is partly due to the redesign of thebadge, making them harder to copy. ecdp welcomes this changefor two reasons:

    1. Making a badge harder to copy or use fraudulently willdisincentivise the theft of badges from disabled peoples cars.Increasing credibility in the scheme should prevent the stereotypingof those with invisible impairments as fraudulent users.

    2. A central database of all badge users is to be created. Thisshould, in theory, mean that badges are more portable, so when auser moves from one local authority to another, it will be easier toreapply.

    One point that Faye did not get the opportunity to discuss is thechange in assessment that has been developed as part of the reforms:

    The NHS will no longer be funded to provide assessments, via

    GPs. This funding will be transferred to local authorities, who alsoproduce the badges, but will not be ringfenced. They will useindependent mobility assessments, carried out by professionalssuch as occupational therapists and physiotherapists.

    The reform documents state that although the groups of disabledpeople eligible have not changed this more robust assessmentcould mean some are no longer entitled to a badge. ecdp feels it isessential that disabled people who rely on their blue badge toenable them to access their communities independently are stillable to access this vital support and hope that the new assessmentmodel reflects this.

    ecdp has previously shared a timetable for reforms, which is availablefrom our website, here: ecdp - Blue Badge Reform timetable

    ecdp news
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    March 2010: Monthly Update 10

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    Local News

    Creative Activities at Zinc Art

    Zinc is celebrating the opening of its new arts centre withan exciting programme of activities and is inviting youngpeople to join them on two days of creative workshops.

    Workshops will be running in the December holidays foryoung people aged between 5 and 16 years who havephysical, sensory or learning disabilities.

    These days will include drama, painting, music and creative play, and allactivities are specifically designed to be multi-sensory and accessible. These

    days also offer a short break to parents and carers.

    If you are interested in attending the Creative Activities workshop, or youknow a young person who would like to attend, please contact SoniaCakebread at Zinc on 01277 365626 or [email protected] .Alternatively you can book through the Zincwebsite.

    For: 5-16 year olds with physical, sensory or learning disabilities

    When: Thursday 22 December and Friday 23 December 2011 10:30am 3:30pm

    Where: Zinc Arts Centre, Great Stony, High Road, Chipping Ongar, Essex,CM5 0AD

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    Local News

    Birchanger Wood Accessible Woodlandpaths

    Daphne Wallace-Jarvis, Secretary and Trustee of theBirchanger Wood Trust, has written the below article tolet ecdp members know about the new accessible pathswhich they have just opened.

    Birchanger Wood is 69 acres of ancient woodland andwe have just completed our second stretch ofrefurbished woodland path and now have 2,642 meters

    of all-year-round wheelchair-friendly woodland paths.

    These paths are 2 meters in width and suitable for persons of all ages andabilities. The paths have been refurbished for exercise, enjoyment and solaceby disabled people, including wheelchair users. In addition they are used bymums and buggies, older people and anyone not so sure on their feet, aswell as for the benefit of all local residents in Essex and Hertfordshire.

    These refurbished paths also help with the conservation of the undergrowingEnglish bluebells and wood anemones in Birchanger Wood since feet and

    wheels which remain on paths do not damage them and so their growth isencouraged.

    The Trust would like to welcome you Birchanger Wood to use this leisure andpastime facility now that this length of suitable woodland path is available butit regrets that there are no toilet facilities, or shelter, but there are somebenches and the path is circular in fact it is shaped rather like a saucepan!

    Come and enjoy our paths; Birchanger Wood is 75% in Essex and is situated

    on the Essex/Herts borders. It has Bishops Stortford as the nearest town.

    You can find more information on the Birchanger Wood website
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    March 2010: Monthly Update 10

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    National News

    World AIDS Day - 1 December

    World AIDS Day has been held on 1 December every year since1988 and was the first ever global health awareness day. WorldAIDS day is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fightagainst HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and tocommemorate people who have died. In 1991 the red ribbon, wornon World AIDS day, became an international symbol of awarenessand support for those living with HIV/AIDS.

    The World AIDS day website has a huge amount of informationabout the awareness day and about HIV/AIDS generally:

    Today, many scientific advances have been made in HIV treatment, there arelaws to protect people living with HIV and we understand so much more aboutthe condition. But despite this, people do not know the facts about how toprotect themselves and others from HIV, and stigma and discriminationremain a reality for many people living with HIV. World AIDS Day is importantas it reminds the public and Government that HIV has not gone away thereis still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice andimprove education.

    World AIDS Day is an opportunity for you to learn the facts about HIV and putyourknowledge into action. If you understand how HIV is transmitted, how itcan be prevented, and the reality of living with HIV today - you can use thisknowledge to take care of your own health and the health of others, andensure you treat everyone living with HIV fairly, and with respect andunderstanding.

    The Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) the leading and largest HIV and sexualhealth charity in the UK is asking people to Stand Up and Stand Out this

    World AIDS day. They are running a number of events in the East of England,details of which can be found on their website, where you can also find a list ofsuggestions of how you can raise awareness: THT - events.

    If you are doing something for World AIDS day and would like to share detailsof the event with other ecdp members, please contact Faye by phone 01245214 023 or email [email protected].[email protected]://[email protected]
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    National News

    ecdp member, Danny West, has shared his story, which you can read on theecdp website, to mark the day. Danny lives with HIV and now uses his livedexperience as a coach, trainer and leadership consultant.

    ecdp membership

    Did you know that ecdp membership is free to disabled peoplewho live or work in Essex?

    As well as this monthly update, you will receive a quarterlymagazine and the opportunity to provide your lived experienceto help shape our work.

    For more information, please contact using the details at thestart of this bulletin.
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    March 2010: Monthly Update 10

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    National News

    Government announce care homeresidents to keep DLA/PIP mobility

    Disabled people living in residential care will continue to have their additionalmobility needs met through Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and thePersonal Independence Payment (PIP), the Minister for Disabled People,Maria Miller announced today.

    Listening to the concerns raised by disabled people and disabilityorganisations, the Government first announced that it would not remove themobility component of DLA from October 2012 from people living in residentialcare homes and that it would also gather more evidence before making a finaldecision for PIP.

    Following months of consultation with disabled people and disabilityorganisations and reflecting on the findings on the Low Review, the Ministerfor Disabled People has now announced her decision. When DLA is replacedwith PIP in 2013, disabled people in residential care will continue to receiveany mobility component of PIP they are entitled to.

    Fulfilling potential: Working together to empower disabled people

    Today, the government announced a discussion with disabled people togather suggestions for a new cross-government disability strategy.

    This new strategy will build on previous discussions with disabled people,including the Independent Living Strategy, the Roadmap and the UKsreport to the UN on implementation of the Convention on the Rights ofDisabled People.

    The Office for Disability Issues (ODI) has worked with disabilityorganisations to create a discussion document which is available todownload on their website. They would like to hear from disabled people,and the people and organisations that support them. Responses are due by5pm, 9 March 2012.
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    National News

    Disability hate crime book, Scapegoat, winsliterature award

    Journalist and disability campaigner Katharine Quarmbyhas won a top award at the Ability Media InternationalAwards (AMIs) for her groundbreaking portrayal ofdisability hate crimes, Scapegoat: Why we are failingdisabled people.

    The award was presented at a glittering ceremony at theworld famous London Studios. The packed event wasattended by some of the UK Arts industrys mostinfluential and well respected players includingDownton Abbey actor Dame Maggie Smith, childrensTV pioneer Anna Home and filmmaker Mike Leigh.

    The AMI awards, created by Leonard Cheshire Disability in 2009, identifyoutstanding creative projects that encourage a more inclusive world fordisabled and disadvantaged people.

    Heralded by the international panel of judges as a very important and well-researched book, Scapegoat: Why we are failing disabled people won theLiterature Award 2011. The book, written by the campaigning journalist,Katharine Quarmby, examines the roots of the uncomfortable, and oftenhostile, attitudes towards disabled people, and passionately argues for greaterrecognition of those crimes as hate crimes.

    Bestselling author, Silver Dagger Award-winning Lindsey Davis, presented theaward to Katharine Quarmby.

    Katharine comments: I am honoured to receive this award from this wonderfulorganisation, Ability Media International. I hope that this award will help toraise awareness of disability hate crime. I see it as honouring not only mywork but the testimonies of the many families bereaved by this crime in thebook - and all the disabled people and their allies who have contributed to my

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    National News

    work in so many ways.

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    National News

    Olympic and Paralympic News

    Paralympics Tickets go back on sale tomorrow!

    Remaining tickets for the London 2012 Paralympic Games goback on sale tomorrow, Friday 2 December 2011at 1pm.

    ParalympicsGB finished second in the medal table at the Beijing2008 Games. With superb prospects again for next summer, thisis your chance to cheer on the British team as they chase their

    biggest medal haul ever!

    A useful competition schedule showing the availability of ticketsin each sport can be found on the London 2012 website.Full price tickets start at just 10, with tickets for young people and olderpeople costing only 5.

    Please note that these tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis,not via an application process, and tickets will not be available for all sessionsand in all price categories. As before, Visa card will be the only acceptedmethod of payment.

    The Olympic Torch is coming to Essex!

    The route the Olympic Torch will take on its relay through Britain before thestart of the Olympic and Paralympic Games has been announced. Between18 May and 27 July, the Olympic Flame will come to within just 10 miles of95% of the population of the UK, through a total of 1,018 cities, towns andvillages, including a number of places in Essex.

    The flame will pass though over 20 of Essexs towns and will even stop foran evening celebration in the County Town ofChelmsford on Friday 6 July.You can find the list of towns, and the dates the flame will be stopping thereon the London 2012 website: Location and Regions by date.

    An interactive map, also available on the London 2012 website, shows the
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    National News

    full route the torch will take.

    London 2012 Festival

    The organisers of the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympicgames have revealed more details of the London 2012 festival:the biggest celebration of arts and culture ever held in the UK.The festival will run from 21 June - 9 September 2012 and willinclude all different arts events: music, film, books, fashion andmuch more. Millions of free tickets will be released over thecoming months. Keep an eye on the ecdp website for moreinformation!

    Twelve of the UKs leading artists have created striking postersfor the Olympic and Paralympic Games as part of the London 2012 Festival.They join a 100-year-old tradition, with previous artists including DavidHockney, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol. You can view all the postershere: Posters London 2012.

    Two of the posters celebrating the Paralympic Games arefeatured on the ecdp website. What do you think of them? Arethere any parts of the London 2012 festival you are

    particularly looking forward to? Let ecdp know by commentingbelow the website article, [email protected],calling 01245 214023 or tweeting us@ecdp.

    Information about all of the London 2012 festival events isavailable here: London 2012 Festival.[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    National News

    EHRC Manifesto for Change consultationevent

    The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)is hosting a major consultation event on Tuesday 17January 2012 with disabled peoples organisations,third sector advice and support organisations andpublic sector organisations.

    The focus of the event is to develop pragmaticapproaches for public authorities to tackle disability-related harassment with

    the strategic input of disabled peoples organisations.

    The event, to be held in Manchester, will offer the opportunity for disabledpeoples organisations to influence the development of public authoritiesaction plans and have a say about what their priorities should be in tacklingdisability-related harassment.

    To express an interest in attending this event, please email the Commission:communications@ and for further information,
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    March 2010: Monthly Update 10

    National News

    Pats Petition

    A woman called Mrs Pat Onions has launched a petition

    following the recent Hardest Hit march in Edinburgh.

    As Pat says: We were determined to attend the Hardest Hitrally in Edinburgh. Determined, in spite of disability, to standwith the others who had made the long and difficult journey.Determined to show we were united as one voice We knewthere were many thousands who couldnt make it. Disability, illhealth, providing care, or cost would prevent them coming.We made it.

    As a result, Mrs Onions has launched a petition so that people who couldntmake it in person to the various events could show their support.

    You can access the petition here: Pats petition.

    Were very pleased to share this petition with our members. It is important thevoice of all disabled people can be heard in issues that affect their everydaylives.

    The Autumn 2011 edition of the ecdp magazine is out now!

    All members have been posted a copy of the Autumn 2011ecdp magazine.

    You can also find it on the ecdp website,