Benvenuti a ECCV 2012

ECCV 2012 Conference opening slides

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ECCV 2012 Conference opening slideshttp://eccv2012.unifi.it

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Benvenuti a ECCV 2012

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The Rector of the University of FlorenceProf. Alberto Tesi

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The ECCV 2012 Figures

Submissions – Main Conference Program: 1437– Demo Program: 25– Workshop proposals: 37 – Tutorial proposals: 12

ECCV 2012 Conference Program – Main Conference Oral Program: 40 papers– Main Conference Poster Program: 368 papers– Main Conference Demo Program : 21 demonstrations– Exhibits: 11

ECCV 2012 Tutorial Program: 8

ECCV 2012 Workshops Program: 21 − 450 papers submitted − 257 papers accepted

Registered Attendees 1135 + onsite registrations

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ECCV 2008 # Papers Submitted 871

# Accepted papers 243 27.9%TOTAL Orals 40 4.6% TOTAL Posters 203 23.3%

ECCV 2010 # Papers Submitted 1174

# Accepted papers 327 27.9%TOTAL Orals 39 3.3% TOTAL Posters 288 24.5%

ECCV 2012 # Papers Submitted 1437

# Accepted papers 408 28.4%TOTAL Orals 40 2.8% TOTAL Posters 368 25.6%

The ECCV Program Selection

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Computer Vision at ECCV 2012

Geometry, Shape and


Recognition and Classi-


Features and Matching

13%Action and Activities10%

Models, Optimization and Learning


Tracking and Registration


Lighting and Color



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The ECCV 2012 International View

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The ECCV 2012 Conference Location

Oral and Demo Sessions Exhibits

Poster Sessions

Palazzo Affari

Palazzo Congressi

Congress Center Main Entrance

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ECCV 2012 7-day Program

Sunday 7th Tutorials / Workshops 9.15 – 13.00 14.30 – 18.15

Monday 8th Main Conference 8.45 – 13.10 14.30 – 18.30Tuesday 9th Main Conference 8.45 – 13.00 14.30 – 18.30Wednesday 10th Main Conference 8.45 – 13.00 14.30 – 18.30Thursday 11th Main Conference 8.45 – 13.00 14.30 – 18.30

Friday 12th Workshops 9.15 – 13.00 14.30 – 18.15Saturday 13th Workshops 9.15 – 13.00 14.30 – 18.15

Read the program and abstracts in your booklets and online

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ECCV 2012 Keynote SpeakerMonday October 8th

Prof. Tomaso Poggio MIT, USA

The quest for a theory of Vision: from the level framework (revised) to the Invariances of the Ventral Stream

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ECCV 2012 Scholarships− 10 Student grants 600 € − 31 Student volunteers Free Admission

ECCV 2012 Best Paper Award 1000 € ECCV 2012 Best Paper Prize Honorable Mention 500 € ECCV 2012 Koenderink Prize for Fundamental Contributions in Computer Vision 1000 € ECCV 2012 Best Student Paper Award 500 € ECCV 2012 Best Demo Award NVIDIA Quadro 6000 GPU

Will be announced at the Gala Dinner on Wednesday night

ECCV 2012 Scholarships, Student Support, Awards and Prizes

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Tweet your questions to Oral Speakers…Session Chairs will select one or two tweets for the speaker

Video lectures (orals) and video poster spotlightsPoster topics distributed uniformlyOnline and printed abstracts for “reading ahead” ECCV 2012 iPhone appJob portal for young researchersTweet facility during orals

Reviewing process - PC

ECCV 2012 New Features

Tweets to : #eccv12

For help or special assistance tweet to : #eccv12help

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ECCV 2012 Reviewing Process

54 area chairs handled about 27 papers each

Area chairs selected reviewers in parallel with no race against time zones

642 reviewers generated 3799 reviews

85% of reviews rated helpful by authors about 27 papers each

Area Chair triplets ordered their ≈85 papers in meetings chaired by a Program Chair

Progran Chairs merged triplet lists

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Outstanding reviewers

Criteria: AC nominations and reported fairness40 awardees (top 6%)

Roland AngstTamar AvrahamLubomir BourdevSteven BransonMatthew BrownBarbara CaputoAyan ChakrabartiAlbert C.S. ChungTim CootesSanja FidlerCharless FowlkesYakup GencChristopher Geyer

Michael Goesele

Bastian GoldlueckeMatthieu GuillauminAbhinav GuptaMichal HavlenaNicolas HeessAdrian HiltonKoray KavukcuogluScott McCloskeyPhilippos MordohaiFrancesc Moreno-NoguerTakahiro OkabeFlorent PerronninSrikumar RamalingamScott SatkinWalter Scheirer

Alexander ShekhovtsovIlan ShimshoniGreg SlabaughNoah SnavelyRobby TanAkihiko ToriiTali TreibitzIvor TsangJoost de WeijerAlexander WeissBangpeng Yao

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At future ECCV conferences, (starting ECCV14) a prize will be given in commemoration of

Mark Everingham

to a researcher or team of researchers who, through a long-term effort going beyond a single publication, have significantly contributed to the practical impact of computer vision e.g. by making available a substantial body of programming code, an on-line service, a detailed comparison between methods or tutorial-style book, evaluation tools or

datasets, or studies that reveal important insights into current methodologies.

Memorial site: http://www.bmva.org/obituaries: mark_everingham

Mark Everingham Prize


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ECCV 2012 Social Events

Entrance to Fortezza da Basso

Welcome Dinner at Fortezza da BassoMonday 8th 19:00

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ECCV 2012 Social Events

Stazione Leopolda

Gala Dinner at Stazione LeopoldaWednesday 10th 20:00

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The ECCV 2012 Special Events

Monday October 8th at Fortezza da Basso

XIX century - Harmoniemusik

Renaissance Music and Dances

Wednesday October 10th at Stazione Leopolda

Middle Ages - Gregorian Chant

Tuesday October 9th at San Miniato al Monte

Read the Special Events pamphlet

Italian Music through the Ages

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A Few Recommendations

Oral presenters Follow guidelines, give your slides to the ECCV 2012 Slide Center well in advance and introduce yourself to the Session Chairs before your session starts

Poster presenters Follow guidelines, put up your presentation well before your session starts and don’t forget to remove it at the end

Ask Student Volunteers for any technical request or instant needs

Ask ECCV 2012 Secretary service for any administrative problem or special request

Enjoy the coffee points at Palazzo Affari during session breaks

Display your badge at all times

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Thank You to our Sponsors UNIVERSITA’ di FIRENZE

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Thank You So Much to All the Chairs… The Program Chairs Pietro Perona– California Institute of Technology, USA

Andrew Fitzgibbon – Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UKSvetlana Lazebnik – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USAYoichi Sato – University of Tokyo, JapanCordelia Schmid – INRIA, Grenoble, France

The Honorary Chair Tomaso Poggio – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA The Tutorial Chairs Emanuele Trucco – University of Dundee, UK

Alessandro Verri – University of Genoa, Italy The Workshop Chairs Andrea Fusiello – University of Udine, Italy

Vittorio Murino – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy The Demonstration Chair Rita Cucchiara – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy The Industrial Liaison Chair Björn Stenger – Toshiba Research Europe, Cambridge, UK The Web Chair Marco Bertini – University of Florence, Italy The Publicity Chairs Terrance E. Boult – University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA

Tat Jen Cham – Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeMarcello Pelillo – University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy

The Publication Chair Massimo Tistarelli – University of Sassari, Italy The Video Proceedings Chairs Sebastiano Battiato – University of Catania, Italy

Giovanni M. Farinella – University of Catania, Italy The Travel Grants Chair Luigi Di Stefano – University of Bologna, Italy The Travel Visa Chair Stefano Berretti – University of Florence, Italy

The Local Committee Chair Andrew Bagdanov – MICC, Florence, Italy

The 54 Area Chairs …..

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A Special Thank You to …….

Marco B. Fernando Gianpaolo Giuseppe L. Andrea Daniele Svebor

Federico Giuseppe S. Lamberto Marco F. Fabio P. Fabio B. Laura

Pietro Iacopo Giuseppe Lorenzo Matteo Stefano Lea

and to all the Consulta Umbria Staff and the Volunteer Students, and……

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We wish you a fun time in Florence and

a great ECCV 2012 Conference

A special thanks to all of you

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ECCV 2012 Keynote SpeakerMonday October 8th

Prof. Tomaso Poggio MIT, USA

“The quest for a theory of Vision: from the level framework (revised) to the Invariances of the Ventral Stream”