Physical Technical Testing Institute E Ostrava-Radvan ice EC-Type Examination Certificate Equipment or Protective Systems Intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94191EC (3) EC Type Èxamination Certificate Number: FTZÙ IO ATEX 0108X (4) Equipment: \ ‘~Gas-Vo1ume Conversion Device type ECOR3 TOP (5) Manufacturer: C ‘L CONCORDIA SOC. COOP. (6) Address: Va A. Grandi 39, 41033 Concordia SIS (Mo), Italy (7) This equipment or pro ective system and any of acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate nd thèdocuments therein referred to. (8) The Physical Technical Testi ~ lnst~tute, notified body number 1026 in accordance with Article 9 of the Council Directive 94191EC of 23 March 1994, certifies that this equipment or protective system has been found to compl with thè,~Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of equlc ent and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Anne I toth~”Directive. The examination and test results are recort -d in cànfidential Report 10/0108d ce 1:05.2010 (9) Compliance with Essential Health and safety requiremen s”has been assured by compliance with: EN 60079-0 : 2006; E 9.’1’1 : 2007 •~\ \ (10) If the sign ,,X” is placed after the certificate number, it in.icates that the equipment or protective system is subject to special conditions for safe use specified he àhedule to this certificate. (11)This EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates onlyto th- design;\~xamination and testing of the specified equipment or protective system in accordance to th directive 94/9/EC. Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing oroces~’ ~and supply of this equipment or protective system. These are not covered by this certifica -. (12) The marking of the equipment or protective system shall include following: Il 2G Ex ia hA T3 (ECOR3 TOP ar. ‘Bx) Il 2G Ex ia IIC T41T3 (ECO TOP ar.~’) This EC-Type Examination Certificato is valid tilI: 15. 02. 2015 Responsible person: Date of issue: 15.0 .2Ò1 Dipi. Ing. ~indIer Jaroslav Number of pages: 5 Head of certification body Page: 1/5 This certificate is granted subject to the genera conditions of the PhysicaiTechnicalTesting Institute This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. FTZÙ, Pikartskà 7, 716 07 Ostrava l&advanice, tel +420 596 232 715, fax +420 596 232 672, e-mail: ftzu ftzu.cz

EC-Type Examination Certificate nr. FTZU 10 ATEX 0108X_ECOR3 TOP

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Page 1: EC-Type Examination Certificate nr. FTZU 10 ATEX 0108X_ECOR3 TOP

Physical Technical Testing Institute EOstrava-Radvan ice

EC-Type Examination CertificateEquipment or Protective Systems Intended for usein Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

Directive 94191EC

(3) EC Type Èxamination Certificate Number:

FTZÙ IO ATEX 0108X(4) Equipment: \ ‘~Gas-Vo1ume Conversion Device type ECOR3 TOP

(5) Manufacturer: C ‘L CONCORDIA SOC. COOP.

(6) Address: Va A. Grandi 39, 41033 Concordia SIS (Mo), Italy

(7) This equipment or pro ective system and any of acceptable variation thereto is specified in theschedule to this certificate nd thèdocuments therein referred to.

(8) The Physical Technical Testi ~ lnst~tute, notified body number 1026 in accordance with Article 9of the Council Directive 94191EC of 23 March 1994, certifies that this equipment or protectivesystem has been found to compl with thè,~Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating tothe design and construction of equlc ent and protective systems intended for use in potentiallyexplosive atmospheres given in Anne I toth~”Directive.

The examination and test results are recort -d in cànfidential Report N°

10/0108d ce 1:05.2010

(9) Compliance with Essential Health and safety requiremen s”has been assured by compliance with:

EN 60079-0 : 2006; E 9.’1’1 : 2007•~\ \

(10) If the sign ,,X” is placed after the certificate number, it in.icates that the equipment or protectivesystem is subject to special conditions for safe use specified he àhedule to this certificate.

(11)This EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates onlyto th- design;\~xamination and testingof the specified equipment or protective system in accordance to th directive 94/9/EC.Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing oroces~’ ~and supply of thisequipment or protective system. These are not covered by this certifica -.

(12) The marking of the equipment or protective system shall include following:

Il 2G Ex ia hA T3 (ECOR3 TOP ar. ‘Bx)

Il 2G Ex ia IIC T41T3 (ECO TOP ar.~’)

This EC-Type Examination Certificato is valid tilI: 15. 02. 2015

Responsible person: Date of issue: 15.0 .2Ò1

Dipi. Ing. ~indIer Jaroslav Number of pages: 5Head of certification body Page: 1/5

This certificate is granted subject to the genera conditions of the PhysicaiTechnicalTesting InstituteThis certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included.

FTZÙ, Pikartskà 7, 716 07 Ostrava l&advanice, tel +420 596 232 715, fax +420 596 232 672, e-mail: ftzu ftzu.cz

Page 2: EC-Type Examination Certificate nr. FTZU 10 ATEX 0108X_ECOR3 TOP

Physical Technical Testing Institute



(14) EC-Type Examination Certificate N° FTZÙ 10 ATEX 0108X

(15) Description of Equipment or Protective System:The ECOR3 TOP Gas-Volume Conversion Device is designed to calculate the totalized volumeof gas using the output from a gas meter and electrical signals from external temperature andinternal or external pressure sensors.The apparatus is powered by a built-in lithium battery and a back-up battery and/or an external1.S. power supply. Variants A and Bx are equipped with a GSM/GPRS module which is poweredfrom the built-in battery pack model Elgas LP-04.All circuits of the apparatus are intrinsically safe whereas RS485 and RS232 outputs aregalvanically isolated.An TR interface is available for wireless setting and communication trough a certified IR head.All electronic elements are mounted on several printed circuits boards which are housedin a plastie enclosure.External connections except of TR interface are made via integraI terminals.

Technical data — see page 3 and 4.

(16) ReportNo.: 10/0108

(17) Special conditions for safe use:17.1 Under certain extreme circumstances, the plastic enclosure may store an ignition-capable level of

electrostatic charge. Therefore the device shall not be installed in a location where the externalconditions are conducive to the build-up ofelectrostatic charge. Additionally, the equipment shallonly be cleaned with a damp cloth.

17.2 Permissible battery types: Saft LS33600, Saft LS 14250

(18) Essential Health and Safety Requirements:Essential health and safety requirement of Directive 94 9/EC are covered by the standardmentioned in (9), according which the product was verified and in the manufacturer’s instructionfor use.

Responsible person: Date of issue: 15.05.2010

Dipi. lng. ~indler JaroslavHead of certification body Page: 2/5

Thiscertjfjcate is granted subjectto the generai conditions of the Physicai Technical Testing Institute.This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule inciuded.


FTZO, Pikartslcà 7,71607 Ostrava Radvanjce, tel +420 596 232 715, fax +420 596 232 672, e-mail: [email protected]

Page 3: EC-Type Examination Certificate nr. FTZU 10 ATEX 0108X_ECOR3 TOP

Physical Technical Testing Institute




(14) EC-Type Examination Certificate N° FTZÙ 10 ATEX 0108X

Input/outyut parameters:

VF inyuts NAMUR Dli, D12:U0=IOV;10=11 mA;P0=27mW

IIC IIB, hAC0 2,81.iF 18~tFL0 200 mH 700 mH

terminals HF , HF- (JNPUTS)

‘ts and binary inputs DII D12, D13, D14:U0 = 6,5 V; L~ = 8 mA; P0 = 15 mW

IIC - 118, hA

L__ 2,8p.F 18~tFL0 200 rnH 700 mH

Comm’inication line RS485 — internal bus, board KP 065 08:U0=6,5V;10= I A; P~=1,1W

IIC IIB, hA~C0 3,5 j.iF 250 ~F~L0 30uH 120

terminals GND, U , D-, D+

Digital outputs DOi to D04: terminals GND, DO], D02, D03, D04 (OUTPUTS)U1= 15 V;~P1= I W;C, 500 nF;L~ O

External supply: terminals PWR (GND, +)U, = 10V; I = 0,2 A; P = 0,33W (P 0,41 W only forJBZ-02, JBZ-01)

=0; L =0

Communication line RS485 — communication with the higher level system:terminals GND], U1+, Dl-, DlU, = 10 V; ~ = 0,33 W (sum of power in RS485 and RS232)C1=2,8~tF;L~=0

Date of issue: 15.05.2010

Dip!. Ing. indier JaroslavHead of certification body Page: 3/5

This certificate is granted subject to the generai conditions of the Physical Technical Testing institute.This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included.

NF iflD’ terminals LF -, D13 -, D14+/- (INP UTS)

Responsible person:

FTZÙ, Pikartsk~ 7, 716 07 Ostrava Radvanice, tel +420 596 232 715, fax +420 596 232 672, e-mail: ftzu ftzu.cz

Page 4: EC-Type Examination Certificate nr. FTZU 10 ATEX 0108X_ECOR3 TOP

Phys~caI Technical Testing Institute




(14) EC-Type Examination Certificate N° FTZÙ 10 ATEX 0108X

Input/output parameters:

Communjcatjon line RS232 — communjcatjon with the higher level system:terminals GNDJ, CTS, TXD, RXDU1 = 20 V; ~ P = 0,33 W (sum ofpower in RS232 and RS485); Ci = 200 nF; LiorMTL5O51 (only terminals 1, 2, 5, 6)

I.S. parameters for terminals on the extention board No. 1 (KP 072 10)


Digital inputs DuO, Dlii: terminals DuO -, DI]] -

U0 = 6,5 V~ I~ = 8 mA; P0 = 15 mWIIC IIB, hA

C0 2,8pF l8jiFL0 200 mH 700 mH


Lnication line RS485 — int(~‘ GND, U+, D-, D+V;10= 1 A;P~= 1,1W

Analog inputs AllO, AIli:Serve only for connection of temperature sensor Pt1000 (All 1) and pressure sensor Elgas (Allo).

Analog inputs A112. A113 (4-20 mA): terminals A112(GND, +), AI]3(GND, +)U1 =28 V; 1=93 mA ; P = 660 mWC = 40 nF; L1 O

-25°C ~ Ta <+40°C - only ECOR3-25°C ~ Ta ~ ~700~~CALT~



i~‘ A0210N~ iO2~

Dipi. Ing. ~indler JaroslavHead of certification body Page: 4/5

This certificate Is granted subject to the generai conditions of the Physical Technicai Testing Institute.This certificate may oniy be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, scheduie inciuded.

mal bus (valid for KP 065 08 too. if used~:

~_________ IIC IIB, hA~C0 - 50j.tF

- 120itH

Ambient temperature:Temperature class T4:Temperature class T3:

Responsible person:

TOP, var. Cx

Date of issue: 15.05.2010

FTZti, Pikartska 7,71607 Ostrava Radvanice, tel +420 596 232 715, fax +420 596 232 672. e-mail: ftzu a ftzu.cz

Page 5: EC-Type Examination Certificate nr. FTZU 10 ATEX 0108X_ECOR3 TOP

Physical Technical Testing Institute

Ostrava-Radva n ice

(13) Schedule

(14) EC-Type Examination Certificate N° FTZÙ 10 ATEX 0108X


Documengatjon: Date:

1. EC-Type Examination Certificate No. FTZÙ 09 ATEX 0290X (7 pages)

2. User manual (146 pages)

3. Drawings ofLabel (6 sheets)

Dipi. Ing. ~indler JaroslavHead of certification body

15 .02.20 10

02 2010


This certificate is granted subject to the generai condìtions of the Physical Technical Testing instituteThis certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, scheduie included.

Responsible person:


Date of issue: 15.05.2010

Page: 5/5

FTZÙ, Pikartsk~ 7, 716 07 Ostrava Radvanjce, tel +420 596 232 715, fax 420 596 232 672, e-mail: ftzu ftzu.cz