EB 12 13 Application Booklet Round2

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  • 8/2/2019 EB 12 13 Application Booklet Round2


    Round 2

    LCVP Application

    Application Boo

    EB 2012/2013

    One AIESEC in the World

  • 8/2/2019 EB 12 13 Application Booklet Round2


    Take a chance on you ! Fear flows around everyone, in their thoughts, wordsand actions. Its a part of who we are. Nevertheless,being courageous doesnt mean having no sense of fear, it means that in spite of your fears you still takeaction.

    What does distinguish us AIESECers from other people? We are the bold ones, the people that are not afraid to challenge things, andthe ones that are keen on improving everything.

    An AIESECer does not wait for the right time, cause the right time is NOW !Dont be afraid to make mistakes, to learn new things, to put yourself outside your comfort zone.

    Again, we are not expecting you to know everything! We need you to challenge thestatus quo and be an agent of change and improvement. Dont be afraid to ask, toquestion, send emails and search for answers. That always the first step, to changethe world!

    Be the change that you want to see in the world by Ghandi

    Are you willing to give something back to the society? To grow, to help others findtheir path? Do you want to play a role in the improving how things are done? Doyou want to be part of the Executive Board? Then work for it! Nothing comes easy,but I can garantee you that the rewards that you are given are priceless.

    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Challenge yourself !

    Lets make @ happen!

    Zacarias OliveiraLCP


  • 8/2/2019 EB 12 13 Application Booklet Round2



    The term will last13 months , from April until May. Read the booklet carefully. Make sure that you completed the application form before you send it, and dont wait the last

    minutes to send it! Only full right Members of AIESEC can apply to these positions. Be clear, honest,concise and creative!We strongly advice you to contactanyone for information and/or advices, especially the

    formerEBs and theLCP 12-13 .


    The application package must be submitted inEnglish until the7th of April at 23:59 GMT,to [email protected] [email protected] .

    The application package must be submitted in only one rar file nameEB_Aveiro_1213_Application_Nameaplicant

    In this file you must have the nomination letter, an executive summary, the questionnaire anfolder with the endorsement letters.

    1. The nomination letter with your signature.

    2.Executive summary, you mustsummarise your whole application.

    3. Questionnaire, withone page dedicated to yourBiography and CV , and one pagededicated to yourBlank page . The questionnaire,cannot extend 17 pages (without covers)

    4.Endorsements; You can haveat the maximum of 3 endorsement letters , please preferfrom someone that lead you and/or someone that was lead by you, talking about thexperience of working with you.

    6. Name all the files with this system for example, Nameaplicant_Executive Summary

    5. Please make it appellative and easy to read!


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    EB Selection & Election process

    The 2nd phase will be the General Assembly on the14th of April 1) Initial speech with a maximum of 10 min ;2) Q&A to the applicants, with 2 rounds of questions, if needed a 3rd round, wi30seconds to the first applicant to answers and 2min to answer.3) All applicants will be submitted to a confidence vote of the G.A.

    The 3rd phase will be agroup dynamics The 4th phase will be aindividual interview The 3rd and 4th phases will be on the15th of April .Final selection and allocation will be responsibility of the LCP

    Important dates

    30,31,1 April RIMT II7th April Deadline Application14th April General Assembly15th April Final selection and Allocation18 April 1st EBmeeting22,23,24 April Local EB-EB TransitionMar,Apr,May Local VP-VP Transition11 to 15 May Start Congress (National)First half july Team DaysFirst half july Plan WeekendFirst half Sept September Functional Meeting (National)Last half Sept Team daysOctober RIMT INovember Team Days7 to 11 Dec National Congress (National)February Re-Plan WeekendMarch RIMT IIApril Team DaysMar, Apr Local EB-EB TransitionMar, Apr, May Local VP-VP Transition

    Holidays 3 weeks




    Our Term


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    EB Structure:

    This is the new structure, approved in the last General Assembly. In here, you can find the mafunctions of each area, not set in stone of course, just a guide, the purpuple boxes representonly the areas of work, simplifying.

    EB Responsabilities:

    Attend all EB MeetingsAttend all Team DaysAttend all LC meetings, General Assemblies and Local ConferencesAttend all mandatory national conferencesIs responsible for all the stategical planning and development of the LCEach VP is responsible for the development of their areas and the quality of the experiencetheir members and to gain knowledge.Facilitate and preparation of local conferencesParticipate in at the national level in workgroups or taskforces and cooperate with the MC.Fills all legal and tracking documents needed, local or national and does its analisis.Prepares and ensures a good transition to the successors.

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    EB Responsabilities:

    Artigo 16 Das Competncias da Direco

    Compete a Direco:a) Garantir a continuidade do Comit, criando condies para o desenvolvimento pessoa

    profissional dos membros;b) Elaborar um Plano de Actividades Anual e o respectivo Oramento, a apresentar na

    Assembleia Geral Ordinria para aprovao;c) Executar o Plano de Actividades Anual e o respectivo Oramento, coordenando tod

    os seus departamentos, no sentido da sua integrao nos objectivos gerais da AIESEC;d) Apresentar o Relatrio e Contas na I AGO do mandato seguinte;

    e) Apresentar o Relatrio Financeiro semestral na II AGO do mandato corrente. No caso no aprovao do Relatrio Financeiro Semestral pela Assembleia Geral;f) Nomear os coordenadores para projectos, bem como para tarefas especficas;g) Fomentar o prestgio da AIESEC no seu meio socioeconmico;h) Reunir semanalmente em dia e hora a acordar pelos seus membros. Os resultad

    mais importantes devero constar em acta;i) Ceder ao Conselho Consultivo (BoD e BoA) as informaes por estes solicitad

    relativamente s actividades do Comit Local e situao financeira; j) Informar e convidar os membros do Conselho Consultivo para os even

    organizados pelo Comit Local, assim como enviar o relatrio anual e outras publicaesComit aos mesmos;k) Alocao de membros s reas funcionais;l) Apoiar os coordenadores e os membros ao longo de todo o processo de integrao

    na Associao formao e integrao;m) Seleccionar, coordenar e definir os objectivos de equipa;n) Elaborar o State of the National Association (SONA).

    Compete ao Local Committee Vice President Incoming Exchange :

    a) Promoo e angariao de parcerias internacionais em ICX;b) Assegurar a matchability dos TNs;c) Assegurar a gesto, coordenao e planeamento do delivering matching aos TNs;d) Assegurar a qualidade do delivering ao TN taker;e) Assegurar a qualidade de recepo e integrao dos trainees

    f) Anlise e estudo da base de dados em ICX;g) Assegurar o preenchimento de todos os documentos necessrios avaliao da experindos trainees e TN takers; nico Garantir que todo o processo de recepo e integrao dos trainees realizado de acordo com os critrios de qualidade exigidos pela AIESEC emPortugal e AIESEC Internacional;

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    Job descriptions:

    Compete ao Local Committee Vice President :

    a) Gesto interna do Comit Local, desde a sua ergonomia sua operacionalidade;b) Gesto financeira do Comit Local, bem como acompanhamentocontrolo financeiro dos projectos;c) Elaborar oramento do Comit Local de acordo com o plano de actividades anual;d) Elaborar e apresentar um Relatrio Financeiro semestral;e) Elaborar o relatrio de Contas relativo ao mandato at 31 de Ju

    onde dever constar no mnimo:1) Mapa de dvidas e anlise do mesmo; 2) Demonstrao de Resultados; 3) Balano; 4) Mapa de

    Desvios Oramentais

    f) Apresentar mensalmente um balancete e um mapa de tesouraria;g) Assegurar o cumprimento dos Regulamentos Econmico-Financeiros previstCompndio da AIESEC em Portugal;

    h) Apresentar nas reunies de Direco a situao econmica do Comit Local;i) Assegurar sustentabilidade dos projectos;l) Procura e obteno de fundos governamentais;k) Representar a AIESEC em Aveiro em qualquer evento ou reunio de inter

    assegurando o desenvolvimento dos mecanismos apropriados;l) Auxilio na coordenao das relaes com parceiros e conselho consultivo;m) Auxilio na gesto do relacionamento com a Universidade de Aveiro;n) Desenvolver um plano de estratgias de financiamento do Comit Local;o) Garantir o desenvolvimento e o funcionamento do sistema de relaes externas,

    como apoiar a prossecuo de parcerias com instituies externas.

    Compete ao Local Committee Vice President External Relations :a) Garantir que todo o processo, pesquisa de empresas e TN raising, realizcom os critrios de qualidade exigidos pela AIESEC Internacional;b) Garantir toda a pesquisa de empresas e TN raising;c) Garantir toda a gesto e manuteno da CRM;d) Elaborao e adaptao de novos produtos para apresentao s empresf) Garantir Servicing aos parceiros, ONGs outras empresas em contacto;

    f) Manter relaes institucionais com os Stakeholders;g) Colaborao com LCVP e LCVP MKT no desenvolvimento de parcerias estratrelaes externas;h) Anlise e pesquisa de mercado com vista criao de Projects based onexchange (Pbox)

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    Job descriptions:

    Compete ao Local Committee Vice President Outgoing Exchange :a) Promoo e angariao de parcerias internacionais em OGX;b) Assegurar a qualidade de seleco, induo, formao e reintegrados STMs;c) Assegurar a gesto, coordenao e planeamento do delivering matching dos STMs;d) Anlise e estudo da base de dados em OGX;

    e) Assegurar o preenchimento de todos os documentos necessrios avaliaoda experincia de STMs. nico Garantir que todo o processo de STMs realizado de acordo com oscritrios de qualidade exigidos pela AIESEC em Portugal e AIESEC Internacional;

    Compete ao Local Committee Vice President Marketing :a) Elaborar e promover materiais adequados s necessidades dos membrodoComit Local para o seu bom desenvolvimento e integrao;d) Promoo e divulgao da AIESEC nas Universidades;f) Auxiliar na comunicao das actividades da AIESEC junto stakeholders;

    d) Assegurar uma boa gesto e implementao da Brand;e) Realizao de estudos de mercado e Brand Audits;f) Gesto das redes sociais, site e media;g) Garantir a boa relao com rgos associativos das universidades.

    Compete ao Local Committee Vice President Talent Management :a) Planear e acompanhar o percurso dos membros na organizao;b) Assegurar uma boa induo, integrao e alocao de LTMs;c) Garantir uma boa taxa de reteno dos membros;d) Elaborar e promover materiais adequados s necessidades dos membrodo Comit Local para o seu bom desenvolvimento e integrao;e) Promover todas as oportunidades locais, nacionais e internacionais qu

    esto disposio dos membros;f) Garantir toda a gesto e manuteno da base de dados dos membros;n) Auxilio integrao e acompanhamento dos trainees, e integrao ereintegrao dos EPs;g) Tracking aos LCVPs no que diz respeito ao acompanhamento dos membros;h) Assegurar que todos os membros tm Job Description;i) Capitalizao de antigos membros para as actividades do Comit Local;

    j) Gesto da informao interna, assegurando que esta chegue a todos osmembros. nico Garantir que todo o processo integrao e reintegrao realizado deacordo com os critrios de qualidade exigidos pela AIESEC em Portugal e AIESEC

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    Preparation & Trainning

    You can contact the elected LCP for any doubts that you might have regarding yourapplication.I alsoSTRONGLY advise you not to do the application by yourself!I Strongly advise you to contact the EB, former EB, VPs around Portugal and the world toget different perspectives, and also people that you might think that can help you gather

    the knowledge that you nedd.You will be given training and transition.Here are some contacts that you might find useful:


    In terms of documents to help you gain knowledge, there are a lot. But Ill point out the onesthat I feel can give you better general knowledge that youll be needing for this application andyour term, you can download them if you want in this wiki , this include:

    Sonas Aveiro PlanAIESEC WayAIESEC 2015 visionSome wikis

    Contacts Aveiro:

    EB Aveiro

    Carisa Martins LCVP CR [email protected] Costa LCVP NCR [email protected]

    Andreia Duarte (Fufi) LCVP TM [email protected] Nogueira LCVP FIN & Projects [email protected]

    Zacarias Oliveira LCVP X [email protected] Pinto LCVP COMM [email protected]

    LCP's Aveiro

    Joo Dias LCP 08-09 [email protected] Telles LCP 09 [email protected]

    Ana Sofia Carvalho LCP 10 [email protected] Ramalho LCP 11 [email protected]

    BOD'sCristiana Lopes Bod 11 [email protected]

    Ana Catarina Ferreira Bod 12 [email protected] Santos Bod 12 [email protected]

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    Contacts Portugal:


    Paulo Sousa LCP [email protected] Bezerra LCVP COMM & TM [email protected] Borges LCVP X [email protected] Esteves LCVP Fin [email protected]


    Flvio Fernandes LC P [email protected] Lima LC VP [email protected]

    Carlos Cunha e Silva LC VP F [email protected] Oliveira LC VP TM [email protected] Roseira LC VP IM [email protected]

    Catarina Ncia Vilas Boas Ribeiro LC VP ICX RCX [email protected] Cruz LC VP ER [email protected]

    Manuel Bacelar Azevedo LC VP OGX [email protected] Barbosa LC VP M [email protected]

    Porto Catlica

    Gerson Antunes Costa LCP [email protected] Osswald LCVP F [email protected] Martins LCVP @XP (OGX/TM)[email protected]

    Catarina Joo Azevedo LCVP ICX [email protected] Machado LCVP C [email protected]

    Coimbra NEFE

    Joana Fernandes LCP [email protected] Rainho LCVP [email protected] Sobral LC VP CR [email protected]

    Carolina Louro LC VP NCR [email protected] Pereira LC VP X [email protected]

    Ana Figueiredo LC VP COM [email protected] Santos LC VP TM [email protected]


    Paulo Duarte LCP [email protected] Correia LC VP [email protected]

    Cristina Vatamaniuc LC Fin Director [email protected]

    Pedro Santos LC ER Director [email protected] Khurdenko LC X Director [email protected]

    Alina Starchenko LC TM Director [email protected] Bencheci LC Comm Director [email protected]


    Ricardo Vitorino LCP [email protected] Pereira LCVP Comm [email protected] Wentink LCVP ER [email protected] Lima LCVP Exchange [email protected]

    Daniele Parsotamo LCVP Finance [email protected]

    Ana Cabral LCVP Projects [email protected] Machado LCVP TM [email protected]

    Lisboa Catlica

    Joo Antunes LCP [email protected]

    Ruben Neves de Oliveira LCVP COMM [email protected] Pedro LCVP X [email protected] Nascimento LCVP ER [email protected]


    Rita Abrantes LCP [email protected] Narciso VP Sales & Projects [email protected] Martins VP FIN [email protected] Santana VP COM [email protected] Calado VP ICX [email protected] Bello VP TM [email protected]

    Toms Relvas VP OGX [email protected]


    Sandrina Pereira LCP [email protected] Prates VP OGX [email protected] Tom VP TM [email protected]

    Lawrence Almeida VP BD [email protected] Incio VP FIN [email protected] Saiote VP ICX [email protected]

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    Questionaire1 Personal Data1.1 Biography+CV, You have 1page to describe your life story, who are you, your qualities an

    relevant CV information, foto, contacts, language skills, nationality, date of birth, course, ect.2 Your Motivations & XP2.1 What drives you in life?2.2 What is your biggest dream?2.3 Why do you want to lead AIESEC in Aveiro? What are you willing to abdicate?2.4 Describe your @XP from the moment you joined AIESEC, positions occupied, knowledgearned, and evaluate and rate yourself justifying, each position with 1,2,3 or 4.2.5 What were the reasons why you didnt apply in the first round?

    3 LC State off 3.1 Evaluate the evolution of AIESEC in Aveiro since its beginning, stating achievements andfrom each of the EBs. 3.2 State the Key Learning Points and Successes in each functional area. Rate, justifying, the performances with 1,2,3 or 4.3.3 Evaluate our delivering of the value prepositions and the Identify at least 2 problems in eprogram TMP, TLP, GIP, GCDP both OGX, ICX and provide solutions to them.3.4 Evaluate our sustainability, its importance and state how many internships we need to besustainable?3.5 Analyse our relationships with Business associations since the beginning of the LC.3.6 Evaluate critically the recruitment, both promotion and selection.3.7 Analyse our ICX GCDP programmes, pay attention to Raised, Match, Reception, Sustainaand allocated resources.

    4 Future LC4.1 Consider that efficiency is n of realisations = n of members of the LC. We have 50memband 13realisations. What were the reasons that didnt allow us to be efficient? Present the data thatallowed you to reach a conclusion.4.2 List 2 best case practices, one from Portugal and one from OUTSIDE Portugal, that you wlike to see in the LC. Stating practical examples, why are the best cases practices and name th4.3 Why in your opinion does @ have a official language? Taking into account that we hadinternational applicants for TMP, and also TMP that dont speak English, how can we deal with that?

    5 EB5.1 What is in your opinion the role of the LCP? And the role of the EB?5.2 What does it mean to be strategical? Was your VP strategical? List practical examples.5.3 What were the biggest problems in transition in the past 3years? Present solutions.5.5 What are my biggest flaws and qualities, and how are you going to cope with that?

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    6 Your Area6.1 List by order of preference all functional areas to work in the EB.6.2 Identify 2 problems that you wish to solve during your term in each of the areas of your t2 preferences and provide solutions.6.3 Present synergies that you envision in the LC and explain how should they work.6.4 Answer: 3 questions of your top preference, 2 questions of your 2nd preference and 1question from your 3rd preference. Name them, 6.4.1 until 6.4.6

    VP1 How would you raise financial partnership in Aveiro? List all the steps to accomplish it.2 How would you envision our external relevance in the next year?3 What would be your contribution to raise a financial culture in the LC?TM1 What is for you the role of TM in this new structure?2 How can you guarantee that all TLP are having a good XP? List all the steps to accomplish3 How will you ensure that our efficiency level is at its highest?MKT1 What is for you the role of MKT in this new structure?2 Evaluate our past 3years of branding and marketing.2 Present a plan to boost our awareness in Aveiro in the next 2months. OGX1 Having our EP available in the system, present a plan to match them in the next 2 months.2 How can we improve our delivering to the EPs? 3 How should we deal with international partnerships?ICX1 Having our TN available in the system, present a plan to match them in the next 2 months.2 How can we improve our delivering to the TNs and trainees? 3 How can we ensure Trainees to our TNs? ER

    1 Evaluate the importance of ICX Segmentation study, stating benefits and how would you d2 How can we boost our numbers in Summer Inside, keeping the project sustainable efficient? Present a plan to do it in the next 3 months.3 What product is missing in our portfolios, and why?

    6 Conclusion6.1 What question is missing in this questionnaire, and answer it.6.2 What is your most wonderful memory?

    7 Blank paper challengeYou have a page, only to answer this questions: In what way are we different from theTOP 3 LCs in Wena? What can we learn from them? How would you change the waywe operate to be the TOP LC?


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    The end

    Be theowner of yourdestiny!