WAYS OF DRINKING AND EATING To CHOKE sth DOWN: to eat or drink something with difficulty because you do not like it or because you are ill or upset. Emma managed to choke down those pills. The cough medicine tasted terrible, but I managed to choke it down. To DIET: to eat particular foods or small amounts of food because you are trying to become thinner. She has to diet to stay slim. To DOWN : to drink or eat all of something quickly. He downed the glass of water. To EAT/DRINK YOUR FILL: to keep eating or drinking until you are not hungry or thirsty any more. To SMACK YOUR LIPS : to show that you are enjoying food or drink, or are enjoying thinking about it, by making a loud noise with your lips and tongue. To SWALLOW: To cause (food or drink, for example) to pass through the mouth and throat into the stomach. I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow. To FORCE DOWN: to eat or drink something even though you do not want to. T o GULP: to swallow food or drink quickly in a way that shows you are very hungry. To BOLT / BOLT DOWN: to eat hurriedly and with little chewing. He bolted down the burger in just a minute! Drink down entirely. To GUZZLE: (informal) eat or drink a lot, with greed. You guzzled my dessert! What a pig! To SAMPLE : to taste a small amount of food and drink in order to see what it is like. To SAVOUR (AmE.: savor): to enjoy the flavour of something as much as you can by eating or drinking it slowly.

Eating and Drinking

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To CHOKE sth DOWN: to eat or drink something with difficulty because you do not like it or because you are ill or upset. Emma managed to choke down those pills. The cough medicine tasted terrible, but I managed to choke it down.

To DIET: to eat particular foods or small amounts of food because you are trying to become thinner. She has to diet to stay slim.

To DOWN: to drink or eat all of something quickly. He downed the glass of water.

To EAT/DRINK YOUR FILL: to keep eating or drinking until you are not hungry or thirsty any more.

To SMACK YOUR LIPS : to show that you are enjoying food or drink, or are enjoying thinking about it, by making a loud noise with your lips and tongue.

To SWALLOW: To cause (food or drink, for example) to pass through the mouth and throat into the stomach. I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow.

To FORCE DOWN: to eat or drink something even though you do not want to.

T o GULP: to swallow food or drink quickly in a way that shows you are very hungry.

To BOLT / BOLT DOWN: to eat hurriedly and with little chewing. He bolted down the burger in just a minute! Drink down entirely.

To GUZZLE: (informal) eat or drink a lot, with greed. You guzzled my dessert! What a pig!

To SAMPLE : to taste a small amount of food and drink in order to see what it is like.

To SAVOUR (AmE.: savor): to enjoy the flavour of something as much as you can by eating or drinking it slowly.

To CONSUME: eat or drink.

Many people experienced a drop in their cholesterol levels when they consumed oat bran.


To BITE: (past tense: bit – past participle: bitten) to use your teeth to cut or break something, usually in order to eat it. I wish you wouldn’t bite your nails.Also: To TAKE A BITE : Someone took a bite out of this donut. You take a bite with your front teeth.

To NIBBLE: to eat something by taking a lot of small bites. She nibbled at the corner of a piece of dry toast.

To PECK AT: to eat only a small amount of a meal, without much interest; eat like a bird. The anorexic girl just pecks at her food.

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To PICK AT: to eat just a tiny bit of a meal or some kind of food; to eat food in small pieces and without enjoyment. He eats very little, picking at his food with his fork.

EAT LIKE A BIRD: to eat very little.

T o TOY WITH: to keep pushing food around on your plate, instead of eating it.

T o SINK YOUR TEETH INTO SOMETHING: to take a bite of something good to eat.

To LICK: to move your tongue across something, especially in order to eat it, clean it, or make it wet. Synonym: SUCK You lick an ice cream cone with your tongue. The children sat licking ice cream. The dog licked her hand.

To SNACK: to eat between meals. She usually has a snack for lunch and then a larger meal for dinner.

To GRAZE: to eat small amounts of food regularly instead of eating meals. It also means to eat grass growing in a field. The sheep were grazing peacefully.

To CHAMP/CHOMP/MUNCH: to bite or eat food noisily. Luke munched the chicken sandwiches.

To CRUNCH: to bite hard food, causing it to make a loud noise. The children crunched the celery sticks.

To EAT UP: To finish eating all the food on one's plate or on the table. She ate up the remaining potatoes.

To SCOFF / To SCARF: to eat a lot of something very quickly. Who scoffed all the pizza?

To GOBBLE SOMETHING DOWN: to eat something very fast, swallowing large chunks. The dog gobbled the meat down in seconds.

To WOLF DOWN: (informal) to eat quickly, because you are hungry or in a hurry. He wolfed down his lunch but was still hungry.

To GARBAGE DOWN: (Synonym: To SHOVEL IN) To eat a large amount of food quickly. The children garbaged down most of the birthday cake.

To CHOW DOWN: (informal) to eat food, especially a lot of food, quickly or in an enthusiastic way.

To DEVOUR: to eat something very fast because you are hungry, to eat up greedily. He devoured three sandwiches.

To GRAB: (informal) to obtain and consume quickly. Let's grab a sandwich.

To FALL ON: to start eating food or start using something as soon as it arrives, in a way that shows you want it very much.

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To DIG IN / DIVE IN: to start eating food with a lot of enthusiasm.

T o TUCK IN/INTO: to eat food with enthusiasm because you like it or because you are hungry. When the guests arrived, Peter was already at the table tucking in.

(To eat ) HEARTILY: (adverb) if you eat heartily, you eat everything on your plate with enthusiasm.

To STUFF/GORGE ONESELF: (informal) eat so much that one can't eat anything else. He didn't want any meal because he had stuffed himself with bread and butter.

To OVEREAT : eat more than is necessary or healthy. If you want to lose weight, you shouldn't overeat. Synonym:

PIG OUT: (informal) When she's depressed she always pigs out on chocolates.

make a pig of oneself: (informal) eat too much.

She made a pig of herself, she had the whole pizza for herself!

To POLISH OFF: finish a meal quickly or easily.

I was so hungry I polished off all the food.

GNAW: keep biting something hard.

I watched my dog gnawing at the large bone.


To DRINK: to take a liquid into the mouth and swallow it; imbibe. The children like to drink soda.

To DRINK TO: to wish for health, happiness, or success for someone or something, then lift your glass and drink from it.

To GULG: to drink something quickly.

To NURSE: if you nurse a drink, you drink it slowly over a period of time.

To SIP : to drink in small amounts.

SUCK (up): drink something with a straw.Sally sucked up all the juice from the carton

To SWIG: to drink something from a bottle can, glass, etc. carelessly and in large amounts.

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To THROW BACK: to drink something quickly, usually swallowing it all at once.

To TOSS BACK : to  drink something, usually alcohol, quickly, swallowing it all at once.

To BOOZE: To drink alcoholic beverages excessively or chronically.

To FUDDLE: To get drunk; intoxicate.

To TIPPLE: To drink (alcoholic liquor), especially habitually. Those who liked to tipple.

To GET PISSED: (informal) To get drunk. Last Saturday we all got absolutely pissed.

To KNOCK BACK: drink quickly.

Francis knocked back his beer in a flash!

To QUAFF: drink a lot of something quickly, knock back.

Guests quaffed champagne while waiting for the bride to arrive.


Eat   humble pie: To be humbled, admit one`s error and apologize. "She had to eat humble pie when he proved she was wrong."

Eat   one`s words: To take back something one has said, admit something is not true. "I'd told him off but had to eat my words, when he proved I was wrong."

Eat   dirt: To act humble, accept another`s insult or bad treatment. "He bullied his employees and made them eat dirt."

Dish   the dirt: To spread gossip about someone. "He offered to dish the dirt on her, but I told him I don't listen to gossip.

Coffee   break/ Tea   break: To take a short break from work to rest and drink coffee, tea, smoke a cigarette etc.. "I usually have a coffee break around 10.30 am."

"Cup of tea.": Used to describe something one enjoys or does well. "I really enjoyed the film, it was just my cup of tea."

Go Dutch: To share the bill for a meal or a night out. Each person pays for what they have eaten or the bill is simply split. "It's usually better to go Dutch on a first date."

Suck   up: To be really nice to someone in order to gain favour. "I never liked her, she was always sucking up to the boss."



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