Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

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Page 1: Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

Easier Platform Administration

using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets

SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015

Andrew HowellANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

Page 2: Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

AgendaBackground• What is a grid & why use it

How it works• Platform Computing (LSF)

• Running SAS clients on a grid

Grid configuration• Prior to SAS v9.4

• SAS v9.4 - Grid Option Sets

• Examples


Wrap up• References, questions, etc.

Page 3: Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

Why use Grid Computing?

Maximise existing environment

• Workload management

• Parallel workload management

• Scalability

• High-availability environmentTraditional



Page 4: Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

ExamplesTexas Tech University

• Investigate stock market triggers• 10,000 samples, 10,000 simulations• 100,000,000 sample data sets• Single machine: 25 hours• SAS/Grid (100 Windows nodes): 40 mins• 2.7% of original runtime

National Institute for Environmental Health Statistics

• Gene sample profiling• 124,000 gene samples• Single machine: 448 hours• SAS/Grid (32 Linux nodes): 14.5 hours• 3.2 % of original runtime

Page 5: Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

How does it work

IBM Platform Computing

• Platform LSF

• Platform Process Manager

• Platform Grid Management Service

• Enterprise Grid Orchestrator

SAS Grid Components

• Grid Manager Plug-in for SAS Mgt Console, Env Manager

• Platform RTM for SAS

SAS Grid components

IBM Platform Computing

Page 6: Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

IBM Platform ComputingGrid definitions

Host: Each computer

Cluster: All computers

Job: Unit of work

Queue: Waiting list

Slot: Number of processes per host(By default, number of processor cores)

Queue settings

PRIORITY - jobs with higher priorities always take preference.

QJOB_LIMIT - the maximum job slots queue can use.

UJOB_LIMIT - the maximum job slots per user in a queue.

CPULIMIT - a time limit applied to jobs.

DISPATCH_WINDOW - the time window when jobs can be dispatched to a queue.

FAIRSHARE - Adjusts priority based on workload to prevent resource hogging.

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IBM Platform Computinglsb.queues file• one of MANY LSF configuration files

Platform RTM for SASBegin QueueQUEUE_NAME = normalPRIORITY = 30DESCRIPTION = default queueEnd Queue

Begin QueueQUEUE_NAME = priorityPRIORITY = 50DESCRIPTION = high priority usersEnd Queue

Begin QueueQUEUE_NAME = nightPRIORITY = 40DISPATCH_WINDOW = (18:00-07:30)RUN_WINDOW = (18:00-08:00)DESCRIPTION = night time batch jobsEnd Queue

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LSF Queue Configuration

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Running Enterprise Guide on SAS Grid

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Running Data Integration Studio on SAS Grid

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Grid configuration prior to SAS v9.4

Apply default queue for a (gridded) Application Context

Can override:•Data Step Batch



Page 12: Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

Grid configuration prior to SAS v9.4

Typical SAS Grid scenario:

•Multiple business units / departments

•Each BU with own application context withBU-specific configuration:- cores, batch windows, folder

locations, etc.

•Each with own logical grid server, own queue

But with same priority !

•All have similar usage, but must be managed


Page 13: Easier Platform Administration using SAS 9.4 Grid Option Sets SAS New South Wales User Group - Nov 2015 Andrew Howell ANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

Grid configuration in SAS v9.4

Same as previous versions.. .. but with more !!

SAS Grid Option Sets

• New to SAS v9.4

• Apply default SAS options& grid settings

• Can apply alternate SASoptions & grid

settings basedon users, user

groups and/orSAS applications

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SAS Grid Option Sets


• Give SAS PlatformAdministrators higherpriority when runningEnterprise Guide

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SAS Grid Option Sets

Other possibilities:

• User specific options: Reporting teams, data miners, etc.

• Client specific options: AMO, EG, EM, DI Studio, etc

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Support multiple business groups centrally

Leave SASApp for SAS Solutions• Credit Risk, etc

Have a dedicated Application Context (SASUsr?) for “regular” SAS usage• Enterprise Guide

• DI Studio

• Enterprise Miner, etc.

When NOT to run on a grid• Small programs

• Lots of workspace server stored processes?

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Wrap upReferences

SAS Support Documentation• Grid Computing in SAS 9.4, Third Edition

• SAS/Connect Users Guide, Third Edition

SAS Training Course• SAS Grid Manager Administration (PCAD94)

SAS White Paper• “Grid Computing and SAS”, Merry Rabb & Cheryl Doninger

• http://support.sas.com/rnd/scalability/papers/101948_1204.pdf

SAS Global Forum Paper• “Queues for Newbies - How to speak LSF in a SAS World”, Andrew Howell

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Many thanks for your interest in SAS/Grid

Andrew HowellANJ Solutions Pty Ltd

• Email: [email protected]• LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/howellandrew• Twitter: @AndrewAtANJ