Earned Value Manager Product Guide

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  • 8/12/2019 Earned Value Manager Product Guide


    CA Clarity Project & PortfolioManager

    Earned Value Manager Product Guider1.1

  • 8/12/2019 Earned Value Manager Product Guide


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  • 8/12/2019 Earned Value Manager Product Guide


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  • 8/12/2019 Earned Value Manager Product Guide


  • 8/12/2019 Earned Value Manager Product Guide



    Contents 5

    Chapter 1: CA Clarity PPM Earned Value Manager 9

    Earned Value Manager Overview .................. .................. .................. ................... .................. .. 9 How to Get Started with Earned Value Manager.................. .................. ................... ................ 10 Contract Audit Overview ...................................................................................................... 11 Contract Processes.. .................. ................... .................. .................. ................... ................ 11 Earned Value Manager XOGs...................... ................... .................. ................... ................... 12 Access to Earned Value Manager ........................................................................................... 13

    Chapter 2: Installation 15

    How to Install PPM Earned Value Manager .............................................................................. 15 Download the .iso Image File ................... .................. .................. ................... .................. .... 16 Extract the .jar File ............................................................................................................. 16 Stop the Services....... .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ............... 17

    Stop Services Using Apache Tomcat ................. .................. ................... ................... ........ 17 Stop Services Using BEA Weblogic/IBM WebSphere ................ .................. ................. ......... 18

    Install the Add-In........... .................. ................... .................. .................. ................... ......... 18 Start the Services ............................................................................................................... 19

    Start Services Using Apache Tomcat (Single Server)......... ................... ................... ............ 19 Start Services Using Apache Tomcat (Multiple Servers) .................. ................... .................. 19 Start Services Using BEA WebLogic/IBM WebSphere .................. .................. .................. ..... 20

    Chapter 3: Contracts 21

    How to Work with Contracts ................................................................................................. 22 Create Contracts... .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................... 24 View a List of and Open Contracts ......................................................................................... 26 Associate Contracts to Earned Value Reporting Periods ................. .................. .................. ........ 27 Associate Agencies to Contracts .................. ................... .................. .................. .................. . 28

    Contract Pricing .................................................................................................................. 28 Manage Contract Undistributed Budgets and Management Reserve ................ ................... .... 30 View Contract Pricing ..................................................................................................... 30

    Performance Measurement Baselines ................. .................. .................. ................... ............. 31 Create New Contract Baselines ................. .................. ................... ................... ............... 32 Edit Baselines ............................................................................................................... 34

    Contents 5

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    Delete Baselines................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ................. .. 35 Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) ................... ................... .................. .................. 36

    Create CWBS Elements.................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .... 37 View a List of and Open CWBS Elements ................ ................... ................... .................. ... 38 Edit CWBS Elements ...................................................................................................... 38 Indent and Outdent CWBS Elements in Contract Work Breakdown Structures ................. ........ 39 Move CWBS Elements .................................................................................................... 40 Expand and Collapse the Contract Work Breakdown Structure................. .................. ........... 41 Delete CWBS Elements... .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ... 42 Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) Dictionary .................. .................. .................. 42

    Monitor CWBS Element Performance ................... .................. .................. ................... ............ 44 Calculate Earned Value Metrics on Contracts ................... .................. ................... ................... 44

    Manually Update Earned Value Data from the Contract Work Breakdown Structure.................. 45 Manually Update Earned Value Data from the Baseline Page .................. ................... ........... 45 Schedule Jobs to Calculate Earned Value Metrics ................ ................... ................... .......... 46

    Monitor Contract Performance.......... ................... ................... ................... .................. .......... 46 Deactivate Contracts ........................................................................................................... 46 Activate Contracts........ .................. .................. ................. .................. .................. .............. 47 Delete Contracts ................................................................................................................. 47

    Chapter 4: Agencies 49

    Create Agency Records ................ .................. .................. .................. .................. ................ 50 View a List of and Open Agency Records...................... ................... .................. ................... ... 51 Edit Agency Records. ................... .................. .................. ................... .................. ............... 52 Activate Agency Records ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ............. 53 Deactivate Agency Records......................... .................. ................... ................... .................. 54 Delete Agency Records ........................................................................................................ 54

    Chapter 5: Summary Level Planning Packages (SLPP) 55

    Create SLPPs................... .................. .................. ................... .................. .................. ........ 55 View Summary Level Planning Packages (SLPP) Remaining Budget.................. ................... ........ 57 How to Draw Down SLPP Budget into Work Packages ................. ................... .................. ......... 58

    Manually Enter Work Package Budget Amount Drawn Down from SLPP................. ................. 59 Manually Reduce SLPP Budget .................. ................... ................... .................. ............... 60

    Delete Summary Level Planning Packages (SLPP) ................. .................. ................... .............. 61

    Chapter 6: Control Accounts (CA) 63

    Create Control Accounts...... .................. ................... .................. .................. .................. ...... 64 View a List of and Open Control Accounts ................. .................. ................... ................... ...... 66 Edit Control Accounts .......................................................................................................... 66

    6 Earned Value Manager Product Guide

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    View Control Account Authorized Budget .................. .................. ................... ................... ...... 68 Control Account Baselines .................................................................................................... 68 Enter Reprogramming Adjustments for Control Accounts..................... ................... ................... 69 Monitor Control Account Performance.................... .................. .................. ................... .......... 70 Delete Control Accounts .................. .................. ................... .................. .................. ............ 71

    Chapter 7: Work Packages (WP) 73

    How to Work with Work Packages.............. .................. ................... .................. .................. ... 73 Work Package Types....................... .................. .................. .................. .................. ............. 74 Planning Work Packages ...................................................................................................... 75 Create Work Packages for Control Accounts ................ ................... .................. ................... .... 75 View a List of and Open Work Packages................... ................... ................... .................. ....... 77 Edit Work Packages................ .................. ................... .................. .................. ................... . 77 Link Work Packages to Projects or Project Tasks .................. ................... ................... .............. 79 View Work Package Earned Value Data.............. ................... ................... .................. ............. 80

    Chapter 8: Burdening 83

    Burdening Overview ............................................................................................................ 83 How to Set Up and Use Burdening Matrices.. ................... ................... .................. ................... 83 Burdening Types ................. ................... .................. .................. ................... .................. .... 84 Burdening Classes..... .................. .................. ................. .................. .................. ................. 84

    Create Burdening Classes ............................................................................................... 85 Edit Burdening Classes ................................................................................................... 86 Delete Burdening Classes.................... ................... ................... .................. ................... . 87

    Burdening Matrices................... .................. .................. ................... .................. .................. 87 Create Burdening Matrices .............................................................................................. 88 View a List of and Open Burdening Matrices................ .................. .................. ................... 89 Edit Burdening Matrices ................. ................... .................. ................... ................... ...... 89 Delete Burdening Matrices .............................................................................................. 90

    Burdening Levels ................................................................................................................ 90 Create Burdening Levels ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... ... 91 View a List of and Open Burdening Levels ......................................................................... 93 Edit Burdening Levels...... .................. .................. ................... .................. .................. .... 94 Burdening Level Escalation Table ..................................................................................... 95 Delete Burdening Levels ................................................................................................. 98

    Associate Burdening Matrices with Projects ................... .................. ................... ................... .. 99 Disassociate Burdening Matrices from Projects .................. .................. .................. ................. 100 How to Apply Burdening in Earned Value Calculations..............................................................101

    Contents 7

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    8 Earned Value Manager Product Guide

    Chapter 9: Reports 103

    Report Submissions............................................................................................................103 Set the Contract Performance Report (CPR) Parameters...........................................................104

    Generate the Contract Performance Report Data.....................................................................105 About SLPPs......................................................................................................................106 Scheduled Report Runs .................. ................... .................. .................. ................... ...........106

    Define or Edit Scheduled Report Run Properties ................. .................. ................... ..........107 View the Status of Scheduled Report Runs ................. ................... ................... ................ 110 Pause or Resume Scheduled Report Runs.........................................................................111

    View a List of Reports ................. .................. ................... .................. .................. ...............111 Run or Schedule Reports To Run ................. ................... .................. .................. .................. 112 View Generated Reports......................................................................................................112

    Appendix A: Access Rights 115

    Appendix B: Earned Value Manager Report Descriptions 123

    Contract Performance Report (CPR) Format 1 - WBS .................. ................... .................. ........123 Contract Performance Report (CPR) Format 2 - Organizational Categories ................... ............... 132 Contract Performance Report (CPR) Format 3 - Baseline .................. .................. .................. ....138 Contract Performance Report (CPR) Format 4a - Staffing (BAC) ................. ................... ............ 145 Contract Performance Report (CPR) Format 4b - Staffing (EAC) ................. ................... ............ 150 Contract Performance Report (CPR) Format 5 - Explanations and Problem Analyses.................. ...155 Contract Work Breakdown Structure Index ................ .................. ................... .................. .....158 Contract Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary ................. .................. ................... ................ 159 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) .................. ................... .................. ................... ......161

    Appendix C: Jobs 163

    Update Earned Value Totals - Contracts Job ................ .................. .................. .................. .....163 Update Earned Value History - Contracts Job..........................................................................164 EVM CPR Report Data Generation Job....................................................................................166

    Index 169

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    Chapter 1: CA Clarity PPM Earned Value

    ManagerThis section contains the following topics:

    Earned Value Manager Overview (see page 9 )How to Get Started with Earned Value Manager (see page 10 )Contract Audit Overview (see page 11 )Contract Processes (see page 11 )Earned Value Manager XOGs (see page 12 )Access to Earned Value Manager (see page 13 )

    Earned Value Manager OverviewUse the PPM Earned Value Manager add-in to manage your internal, U.S.federal government contract programs as part of an ANSI-748 compliantearned value management system. Use Earned Value Manager to ensure thatyour IT projects are following earned value principles defined in the ANSI/EIAstandard 748-A (American National Standards Institute/Electronic IndustriesAlliance standard).

    Earned Value Manager helps you organize your deliverables and track earnedvalue using ANSI-748 compliance constructs. If your organization uses earnedvalue methodology for measuring project performance, you can take

    advantage of the constructs to track earned value on your contract programs.

    CA Clarity PPM is one part of the overall earned value management system.You can use other supporting software systems to manage some compliancepoints, such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or Word documents.

    Chapter 1: CA Clarity PPM Earned Value Manager 9

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    How to Get Started with Earned Value Manager

    How to Get Started with Earned Value Manager

    Before you start using Earned Value Manager, you must:

    1. Complete the administrative tasks: Set up the rate matrices.

    Set up the burdening matrices (see page 88 ).

    Set up the earned value reporting periods.

    Set up the responsible OBS structure(s).

    Set up the performing OBS structure(s).

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Administration Guide for more information on performingadministrative tasks.

    2. If you are posting actuals: Using CA Clarity PPM timesheets, set up timesheet options.

    Note: See the Administration Guide for more information.

    Using financial transactions, set up your entity and its financialattributes.

    Note: See the Financial Management User Guide for more information.

    3. Review the project management earned value settings, including theproject and project tasks default earned value (EV) calculation method.

    Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more information onsetting up projects for earned value.

    4. Schedule one or more instances of the Update Earned Value History Contracts job based on your organizations earned value reporting periods.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the AdministrationGuide for more information on scheduling jobs.

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    Contract Audit Overview

    Contract Audit Overview

    Audit provides a way to track the history of specific activities that occur for acontract. Auditing is set up and enabled by your CA Clarity PPM administrator,who determines which fields are audited and what information is stored in theaudit.

    If audit is enabled for contracts and you have the appropriate access rights,the Audit tab displays when you have the contract open. Use the Contract:

    Audit page to view a log of change, addition, or deletion records for any of thefields chosen for auditing.

    Note: See the Common Features and Personal Options User Guide for moreinformation on audit.

    Contract ProcessesYou can use processes to automate certain elements of earned valuemanagement. Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can define contract type-specific processesor global processes designed to work on a specificcontractfrom the Administration Tool.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the AdministrationGuide for more information on setting up and managing processes.

    Note: See the Common Features and Personal Options User Guide for moreinformation on viewing and starting processes.

    Chapter 1: CA Clarity PPM Earned Value Manager 11

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    Earned Value Manager XOGs

    Earned Value Manager XOGs

    You can process the following data objects or transactions into and out of CAClarity PPM using the XML Open Gateway (XOG):



    This object XOG includes all of the child CWBS objects: contract workbreakdown structure (CWBS) elements, summary level planning packages(SLPP), control accounts (CA), and work packages (WP).

    Burdening matrix

    Burdening class

    Note: If you process contracts that contain work packages that are linked toprojects or project tasks, the information that represents the links are includedbut copies of the referenced projects are not included. You must XOG thereferenced projects separately.

    The following XOG sample files are included when you install the PPM EarnedValue Manager add-in:









    The XOG sample files are located in the following directory:\package\xog

    Where is the name of the folder to where you extracted the.jar file.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Integration Guide

    for more information on using the XOG.

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    Access to Earned Value Manager

    Chapter 1: CA Clarity PPM Earned Value Manager 13

    Access to Earned Value Manager

    Access to PPM Earned Value Manager is determined by access rights. You needcertain access rights to access the Earned Value Managers features. If you donot have the appropriate access rights, you will be unable to see or use someof the features, pages, and fields discussed.

    Your CA Clarity PPM administrator can assign access rights or your contractprogram manager can assign you access rights to a specific contract.Additionally, you may need access rights to several other CA Clarity PPMfeaturessuch as to project managementin order to access the informationthey contain.

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    Chapter 2: Installation

    This section contains the following topics:

    How to Install PPM Earned Value Manager (see page 15 )Download the .iso Image File (see page 16 )Extract the .jar File (see page 16 )Stop the Services (see page 17 )Install the Add-In (see page 18 )Start the Services (see page 19 )

    How to Install PPM Earned Value Manager

    This section describes the steps required to install the PPM Earned ValueManager add-in from a .jar file so that the content is available to users. Youmust complete these steps on your CA Clarity PPM application server. Beforeinstalling the add-in, make sure you have the required CA Clarity PPM versioninstalled and are licensed to use the Project Manager module.

    Important! If you are upgrading from a previous version of CA Clarity PPM,you must reinstall the add-in that is released for the version of CA Clarity PPMto which you are upgrading.

    Before reinstalling the add-in, make sure that you do the following for allactive process instances that are being updated by the add-in:

    Cancel the process instance. Delete the process instance.

    Put the process definition in Draft mode.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the AdministrationGuide for more information on managing processes and process instances.

    The following process details how to install this add-in on CA Clarity PPM:

    1. Download the .iso image file (see page 16 ).

    2. Extract the .jar file (see page 16 ).

    3. Stop the Niku Application and Niku Background services (see page 17 ).

    4. Install the add-in (see page 18 ).

    5. Start the Niku Application and Niku Background services (see page 19 ).

    Chapter 2: Installation 15

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    Download the .iso Image File

    Download the .iso Image File

    All add-ins are delivered as .iso image files. The .iso image file includes a .jarfile. The .jar file contains the files needed to install the add-in. The installerupdates the existing CA Clarity PPM installation with the newly downloadedfiles.

    To download the .iso image file, go to support.ca.com and download the .isoimage to your machine or an accessible network location.

    Extract the .jar File

    Once you can access the .iso image file, extract the .jar file to a temporarydirectory location on the CA Clarity application server where you will becompleting the installation process.

    The .jar file includes the following files:


    The UNIX installation script.


    The Windows installation script.


    The Ant installation script.


    The directory of updated files.


    The directory of supporting files.

    To extract the .jar file to a temporary directory location

    1. Open a command prompt, and issue the following command:

    For Windows: jar -xvf < filename >

    For Unix:

    jar -xvf

    These commands extract the contents of the .jar file to the same locationwhere the .jar file resides.

    2. For a UNIX environment, issue the following command:chmod +x install.sh

    This grants execution privileges for the install script.

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    Stop the Services

    Stop the Services

    You must stop the CA Clarity Application (app) and CA Clarity Background (bg)services prior to applying add-ins, and then re-start the services once youhave applied the add-in to CA Clarity PPM. Do this from CA Clarity SystemAdministration.

    The following sections explain how to stop the services in different serverconfigurations.

    Important! If the CA Clarity System Administration (nsa), the Database (db),the Beacon, and the Reports (reports) services are deployed on the server, donot stop them.

    Stop Services Using Apache Tomcat

    Do the following to stop the CA Clarity Application (app) service and CA ClarityBackground (bg) services in a configuration that uses the Apache Tomcat asyour CA Clarity application server.

    To stop the services

    1. Log in to CA Clarity System Administration.

    The Overview page appears.

    2. Select All Services from the Home menu.

    The All Services page appears.

    3. Select the CA Clarity Application (app) and the CA Clarity Background (bg)service check boxes, and click Stop.

    The services are stopped.

    Chapter 2: Installation 17

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    Install the Add-In

    Stop Services Using BEA Weblogic/IBM WebSphere

    Do the following to stop the CA Clarity Application (app) and CA ClarityBackground (bg) services in a configuration that uses the BEA WebLogic or

    IBM WebSphere as your CA Clarity application server.

    To stop the services

    1. Log in to CA Clarity System Administration.

    The Overview page appears.

    2. Select All Services from the Home menu.

    The All Services page appears.

    3. Select the CA Clarity Application (app) and the CA Clarity Background (bg)check box, and click Stop.

    The services are stopped.

    4. Stop CA Clarity System Administration and applications using theapplication servers administration console.

    Note: See the J2EE vendor documentation for details.

    Install the Add-In

    The following procedure installs the updates to objects, reports, and thedatabase.

    Important! Back up your CA Clarity PPM installation prior to installing thisadd-in so that you can restore the application to the prior version if necessary.Once you have installed the add-in, you cannot uninstall it.

    To install the add-in

    1. Open a command prompt window at the directory location where youextracted the .jar files, and issue the following command:install

    2. Press Enter.

    The installation process begins.

    3. Follow the on-screen directions to complete the add-in installation.

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    Start the Services

    Start the Services

    You must stop the CA Clarity Application (app) and CA Clarity Background (bg)services prior to applying the add-in, and then restart them after applying theadd-in. Do this from CA Clarity System Administration.

    The following sections explain how to start the services in different serverconfigurations.

    Start Services Using Apache Tomcat (Single Server)

    Do the following to start the CA Clarity Application (app) and CA ClarityBackground (bg) services in a configuration that uses the Apache Tomcat asyour CA Clarity application server, where all services are running on a singleserver.

    To start the services

    1. Log in to CA Clarity System Administration.

    The Overview page appears.

    2. Select All Services from the Home menu.

    The All Services page appears.

    3. Select the CA Clarity Application (app) and the CA Clarity Background (bg)service check boxes, and click Start.

    The services are started.

    Start Services Using Apache Tomcat (Multiple Servers)

    Do the following to start the CA Clarity Application (app) and CA ClarityBackground (bg) services in a configuration that uses the Apache Tomcat asyour CA Clarity application server, where all services are distributed acrossmultiple servers.

    To start the services

    1. Log in to CA Clarity System Administration.

    The Overview page appears.

    2. Click All Services from the Home menu.

    The All Services page appears.

    Chapter 2: Installation 19

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    Start the Services

    20 Earned Value Manager Product Guide

    3. Shut down any remote app and bg services.

    4. Click Distribute All from the Distribution menu.

    The Distribute All page appears.

    5. Select remote servers and click Distribute and wait until the distribution iscomplete.

    6. Select All Services from the Home menu.

    The All Services page appears.

    7. Select the CA Clarity Application (app) and CA Clarity Background (bg)service check boxes, and click Start.

    The services are started.

    Start Services Using BEA WebLogic/IBM WebSphere

    Do the following to start the CA Clarity Application (app) and CA ClarityBackground (bg) services in a configuration that uses BEA WebLogic or IBMWebSphere as your CA Clarity application server.

    To start the services

    1. Log in to CA Clarity System Administration.

    The Overview page appears.

    2. Select Install and Upgrade from the Installation menu.

    The Install and Upgrade: Database page appears.

    3. Click Package Application Ear from the content menu.The Install and Upgrade: Package EAR page appears.

    4. Click Create Package.

    The application is packaged, which creates the niku.ear.

    5. Using the J2EE application servers administration console, deploy the(niku.ear) package.

  • 8/12/2019 Earned Value Manager Product Guide


    Chapter 3: Contracts

    This section contains the following topics:

    How to Work with Contracts (see page 22 )Create Contracts (see page 24 )View a List of and Open Contracts (see page 26 )Associate Contracts to Earned Value Reporting Periods (see page 27 )Associate Agencies to Contracts (see page 28 )Contract Pricing (see page 28 )Performance Measurement Baselines (see page 31 )Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) (see page 36 )Monitor CWBS Element Performance (see page 44 )Calculate Earned Value Metrics on Contracts (see page 44 )Monitor Contract Performance (see page 46 )Deactivate Contracts (see page 46 )Activate Contracts (see page 47 )Delete Contracts (see page 47 )

    Chapter 3: Contracts 21

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    How to Work with Contracts

    How to Work with Contracts

    You can define the contracts into which your organization enters with U.S.federal government agencies. Contracts are the top level of earned value dataaggregations and all reporting requirements. Contract information is the basisfor the earned value calculations that are used to track the overallperformance of programs. The contract data is also important for reportingand is included in the contract performance reports (CPR).

    Contracts are made up of:

    Contract work breakdown structure (CWBS) elements

    Summary level planning packages (SLPP)

    Control accounts (CA)

    Work packages (WP)

    The following outlines the expected process when working with contracts:

    1. Create the agency (see page 50 ).

    2. Create the contract (see page 24 ).

    3. Associate the agency to the contract (see page 28 ).

    4. Build the control work breakdown structure (CWBS) hierarchy (seepage 36 ).

    a. Create the CWBS elements (see page 36 ) that will have controlaccounts.

    b. Create the summary level planning packages (SLPP) (see page 55 ).

    c. Identify the contract work breakdown structure (CWBS) elements (seepage 38 ) that will have control accounts.

    d. Create your control accounts (see page 64 ).

    e. Define the work packages for the control accounts (see page 75 ).

    5. Link the work packages to projects or project tasks (see page 79 ).

    6. Baseline the contract (see page 32 ).

    7. As budgets are authorized and work authorization is approved:

    Update the control accounts (see page 66 )

    Update the work packages (see page 77 )

    8. Post actuals against project tasks.

    Note: See the Common Features and Personal Options User Guide formore information on submitting timesheets.

    9. Update earned value totals (see page 44 ) to reflect current earned valuemetrics.

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    How to Work with Contracts

    10. Update historical earned value for each reporting period (see page 44 ).

    11. Set the contract performance report (CPR) parameters (see page 104 ).

    12. Run the EVM CPR Report Data Generation job.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the AdministrationGuide for more information on running jobs.

    13. Review the CPR reports (see page 112 ).

    14. Monitor contract performance (see page 46 ).

    Chapter 3: Contracts 23

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    Create Contracts

    Create Contracts

    Create contracts as part of the bidding and planning process for contracts. Youcan enter information about the U.S. federal government agency and detailsabout the contract using the Create Contract page.

    Note: The agency record you want to associate with this contract must beactive in order for it to be available for selection. By default, when you createa new agency, the agency is active.

    To create a contract

    1. Select Contracts from the Earned Value Management menu.

    The Contracts list page appears.

    2. Click New.

    The Create Contract page appears.3. Complete the following fields in the General section:

    Contract Name

    Defines the contract's name.

    Contract Number

    Defines the contract's unique identifier.

    Program Name

    Defines the value used by contract performance reports (CPR) for theCPR report header.


    Defines the contract's description.

    Program Manager

    Defines the name of the contract program manager. Click the Browseicon to choose another name.

    Default: The name of the resource currently logged in.

    Earned Value Reporting Period

    Defines this contract's assigned reporting period. Once the UpdateEarned Value History - Contracts job runs, this field is locked.

    Default: UnlockedNote: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the

    Administration Guide for more information on using jobs.

    Contract Currency Code

    Defines the currency code associated to this contract. Once thecontract is saved, you cannot modify the currency code.

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    Create Contracts

    Contract Type

    Specifies the contract's type.

    Values: Cost plus award fee, Cost plus fixed fee, Cost sharing, Firm

    fixed price, Firm fixed price level of effort term contracts, Firm fixedprice with economic price adjustment, Fixed price incentive, Fixedprice redeterminable, Grants and cooperative agreements, IDIQ, Lettercontracts, Modifications, Non procurement instruments, Orders underBOAs, Other Transactions, Technology investment agreements, andTime and material


    Defines the current contract program's phase.

    Values: Concept, O&S (sustainment), Planning, Production, or RDT&E

    Share Ratio

    Defines the cost share ratio as defined in the negotiated contractterms.

    Start Date

    Defines the contract work's planned start date.

    Finish Date

    Defines the contract work's planned finish date.

    Definitized Date

    Defines the date the contract was signed.


    Defines the current contract programs status.Values: Unapproved or Approved

    Default: Unapproved

    Contract OBS

    Defines the organizational department or subcontractor/vendor groupwho is responsible for delivering the work within this contract.


    Specifies if the contract is active. You can only delete inactivecontracts.

    Default: Selected4. Click the Browse icon next to the Agency field to define the agency

    associated with this contract, and click Submit.

    A new contract is created and displays on the list.

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    View a List of and Open Contracts

    View a List of and Open Contracts

    You can view a list of contracts on the Contracts list page. This list pagedisplays only active contracts by default.

    To view a list of contracts and open a contract

    1. Click Contracts from the Earned Value Manager menu.

    The Contracts list page appears.

    2. Click the name of the contract to open it.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

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    Associate Contracts to Earned Value Reporting Periods

    Associate Contracts to Earned Value Reporting Periods

    The earned value reporting period defines the frequency and the interval forthe Update Earned Value History - Contracts job to take historical earned valuesnapshots of performance and save snapshot in the earned value history table.When using earned value methodologies to analyze contract performance, theearned value reporting period is used by the job to take the snapshot.

    Historical reporting data is generated based on a contract's association to theperiod. The contract program manager associates the contract to theappropriate period. The earned value reporting period drives the reportingdata that shows up on the CPR reports.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the AdministrationGuide for more information on creating earned value reporting periods and formore information on running jobs.

    To associate a contract to an earned value reporting period

    1. Open the contract to which you want to associate a reporting period.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Complete the following field in the General section:

    Earned Value Reporting Period

    Defines this contract's assigned reporting period. Once the UpdateEarned Value History - Contracts job runs, this field is locked.

    Default: Unlocked

    If a work package is linked to a project or project task, CArecommends that you associate the same earned value reportingperiod to the project or project task as you associate to this contract.

    Note: See the Project Management User Guide for more informationon setting the default earned value options at the project level.

    3. Click Submit.

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    Associate Agencies to Contracts

    Associate Agencies to Contracts

    Agencies are the U.S. federal government agencies with whom yourorganization enters into contracts. You can associate an agency to multiplecontracts, but you can only associate a contract to one agency. Use theContract: Properties: Main - General page to define the relationship betweenthe contract and the agency.

    You can only associate active agencies to contracts. If an agency does notdisplay in the list in the Agency window, it is not active.

    To associate an agency to a contract

    1. Open the contract to which you want to associate an agency.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Complete the following field in the Agency section:


    Defines the name of the agency associated to this contract. Click theBrowse icon to open the Agency window and select another activeagency.

    3. Click Submit.

    Contract Pricing

    Part of your organization's bidding on a contract is determining the total cost

    of the work and your profit or fee for the contract. The contract costs areaggregated based on industry-standard pricing categories, and the aggregatedvalues display on the Contract: Properties: Main - Pricing page.

    The pricing categories include:

    Total Contract Price

    Defines the total contract price, based on the following formula:Total Contract Price = Total Contract Cost + Profit/Fee

    Total Contract Cost

    Defines the sum of all budgets for work on a contract. It includes thenegotiated contract cost (NCC) plus the estimated cost of Authorized

    Unpriced Work (AUW). The total contract cost (TCC) is always equal to thecontract budget base (CBB), except where there is an over target baseline(OTB).

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    Contract Pricing

    Contract Budget Base

    Performance Management Baseline + Management Reserve. Defines thecontract budget base, based on the following formula:Contract Budget Base = Negotiated Contract Cost (NCC) + the Authorized Unpriced Work (AUW).

    Performance Measurement Baseline

    BAC (burdened except for FEE) + Undistributed Budget (UB). ThePerformance Measurement Baseline (PMB) is a time-phased budget planagainst which project performance is measured. The performancemeasurement baseline is formed by the budgets that are assigned toscheduled control accounts and the applicable UB.

    For future effort that is not planned to the control-account level, the PMBalso includes budgets assigned to higher-level CWBS elements. The PMB isthe sum of all the distributed budgets plus and UB. It does not include anymanagement or contingency reserves, which are isolated above the PMB.

    Distributed BudgetsBAC for all CWBS elements. Distributed budget is a time-phased budgetwhich has been distributed to control accounts (CA) or to a higher levelWBS element, or functional elements (sometimes called summary levelaccount budgets).

    Undistributed Budgets

    Defines the broadly defined activities that are not yet distributed to controlaccounts. You must manually enter this value.

    Management Reserve (MR)

    Defines the amount held separately from your contract budget base that

    you set aside for changes in the work that is going to be executed on thiscontract. Throughout the course of a contract, as scope changes occur,money is taken out of the Management Reserve (MR) and distributed tothe control accounts. Each time money is taken out of the MR, a log entryis added. The log is provided to help you keep track of all the money thathas gone in and out in the management of the contract. You mustmanually enter this value.

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    Contract Pricing

    Manage Contract Undistributed Budgets and Management Reserve

    You should update the undistributed budget (UB) and management reserve(MR) values before generating the contract performance report (CPR) data.

    Update these values based on your UB log and MR logs, which you keep forevery contract.

    To manage the contract undistributed budgets and managementreserve

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Define the following values in the Pricing section of the page:

    Undistributed Budgets

    Defines the undistributed budget for broadly defined activities that are

    not yet distributed to control accounts. You must manually enter thisvalue.

    Management Reserve (MR)

    Defines the amount held separately from your contract budget basethat you set aside for changes in the work that is going to be executedon this contract. Throughout the course of a contract, as scopechanges occur, money is taken out of the Management Reserve (MR)and distributed to the control accounts. Each time money is taken outof the MR, a log entry is added. The log is provided to help you keeptrack of all the money that has gone in and out in the management ofthe contract. You must manually enter this value.

    3. Click Submit.Your changes are saved.

    View Contract Pricing

    The contract pricing displays values based on the current contract baselineplus the values from the Contract: Properties: Main - Pricing page.

    To view the contract pricing

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.2. Click Pricing from the content menu.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - Pricing page appears.

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    Performance Measurement Baselines

    Performance Measurement Baselines

    Contract baselines are snapshots of the contract's total effort and total costs atthe moment of capture. This snapshot includes the effort and cost for allcontrol accounts and summary level planning packages associated with thecontract work breakdown structure (CWBS).

    The control account's baseline is the summary of the baseline data for each ofthe control account's work packages.

    A contract baseline:

    Baselines all projects and in the case of master projects, their subprojects,based on the tasks that are linked to contract work packages.

    Rolls up baseline and earned value data from task data up to the workpackage to the control accounts.

    Rolls up control account baseline data to the CWBS element.

    Aggregates CWBS element data to the contract level.

    The Baseline at Completion (BAC) is calculated and stored with and withoutburdens. Earned value is calculated on unburdened BAC and contract pricing isshown by using the burdened BAC costs. Total Burdened BAC is calculatedusing the following formula:BAC = (Cost of Actual Work + Burdened Cost) + (Cost of Remaining Work + Burdened Cost)

    Baseline Currency

    When baseline and earned value metrics are calculated for a contract, the data

    is calculated and written to the contract baseline and contract earned valuehistory tables using the contract's currency.

    Baselines and Work Packages

    When you create a contract baseline, you automatically create a project-levelbaseline for those projects that are associated to the contract via workpackages. You create the association by linking the work package to theproject or by linking it to the project's tasks.

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    Performance Measurement Baselines

    Create New Contract Baselines

    You can create an unlimited number of baselines for a contract. Generally youtake an initial baseline before resources enter time on a work package task.

    After you create this initial baseline, you can create additional ones at variousintervals, such as mid-way through the contract, when different phasescomplete, and at the contract's end. The initial baseline allows you to compareestimates to actuals once the contract is under way. You can only mark onebaseline as the current baseline.

    To baseline a contract

    1. Open the contract you want to baseline.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Select the Baseline subtab.

    The Contract: Properties: Baseline page appears.

    3. Click New.

    The Baseline Revision Properties page appears.

    4. Complete the following fields:

    Revision Name

    Defines the baseline revision's name.


    Initial Baseline, Mid-Term Baseline, or Final Baseline.

    Revision ID

    Defines the baseline revision's unique identifier.


    The baseline version number, such as v1 or v5.


    Defines the baseline revision's description.

    Current Revision

    Specifies whether or not you want to make this baseline the currentbaseline. This field is unlocked only when multiple baseline revisionsexist.

    Default: Selected5. Click Submit.

    The new baseline displays on the Contract: Properties - Baseline page.

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    Performance Measurement Baselines

    Define which Baseline is Current

    The baseline you create last becomes the current contract baseline, by default.If you have defined only one baseline, this baseline is marked as the Current

    baseline. You can change which baseline is current by opening the baselineyou want to be current, selecting the Current Revision field, and then savingthe baseline revision.

    The current contract baseline is used to display data on the Contract:Properties: Main - Pricing page and on the CPR reports. For example, the CPRFormat 3 report displays baseline data at the beginning of the reportingperiod, at the end of the reporting period and lists all baselines between thosetwo dates.

    To define which baseline is current

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Click the Baseline subtab.

    The Contract: Properties: Baseline page appears.

    3. Open the baseline you want to be current.

    The Baseline Revision Properties page appears.

    4. Select the Current Revision field, and then click Submit.

    The baseline revision is saved as the current baseline.

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    Performance Measurement Baselines

    Edit Baselines

    Use the Baseline Revision Properties page to edit the baseline revision's name,ID, and description. You can also view the baseline revision's baseline start

    date, finish date, usage data, and BCWP on this page.

    To edit a contract baseline

    1. Open the contract for which you want to edit a baseline.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Select the Baseline subtab.

    The Contract: Properties: Baseline page appears.

    3. Click the name of a baseline revision.

    The Baseline Revision Properties page appears.

    4. Complete the following fields:Revision Name

    Defines the baseline revision's name.


    Initial Baseline, Mid-Term Baseline, or Final Baseline.

    Revision ID

    Defines the baseline revision's unique identifier.


    The baseline version number, such as v1 or v5.


    Defines the baseline revision's description.

    Baseline Start

    Displays the contract's start date at the time you take the baseline.

    Baseline Finish

    Displays the contract's finish date at the time you take the baseline.

    Baseline Usage

    Displays the system-generated usage at the time you take thebaseline using the following formula:Usage = Total of Actuals + ETC

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    Performance Measurement Baselines


    Displays the system-calculated value of Budgeted Cost of WorkPerformed (BCWP). This value is calculated and recorded when youbaseline your contract or when you update earned value totals and isbased on the cost and rate matrices associated at the project level.BCWP is also referred to as the earned value (EV).

    Calculations are made based on the level at which you are viewing thecalculation. BCWP is calculated at the following levels:

    Control account. Sum of BCWP for i ts work packages.

    CWBS element. Calculated based on the following formula:CWBS element BCWP = control account BCWP + Summary level planning package BCWP

    Contract. Sum of BCWP for i ts CWBS elements.

    Current Revision

    Specifies whether or not you want to make this baseline the currentbaseline. This field is unlocked only when multiple baseline revisionsexist.

    Default: Selected

    5. Click Submit.

    Your changes are saved.

    Delete Baselines

    If you delete the current baseline and another baseline revision exists, the

    remaining baseline becomes the current revision. You must have the Contract- Baseline Delete access right to delete contract baselines.

    To delete a contract baseline

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Click the Baseline subtab.

    The Contract: Properties: Baseline page appears.

    3. Select the check box next to the baseline you want to delete, and thenclick Delete.

    The Confirm Revision Delete page appears.

    4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The baseline is removed from the list.

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    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)

    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)

    Contracts are made up of a set of deliverables that are organized into acontract work breakdown structure (CWBS). The contract program managercreates the CWBS based on the hierarchy of the deliverables. Often the CWBShierarchy is created as part of the contract negotiation process.

    A CWBS consists of one CWBS root node element and a user-defined hierarchyof CWBS elements below it. You define the nodes down to the level of thelowest deliverable. The CWBS elements appear on the hierarchy in the orderyou create them. Each CWBS branch can have different node levels. Levels areautomatically assigned to CWBS elements based on their position in the CWBShierarchy. The order indicates their relationship with each other. Level 1 isreserved for the CWBS root node element.

    Part of building the CWBS hierarchy is identifying which CWBS elements will

    have control accounts and summary level planning packages.

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    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)

    Create CWBS Elements

    Identify the CWBS elements that will have control accounts and summary levelplanning packages (SLPP). As you create CBS elements, they are added to the

    CWBS hierarchy. You can add an unlimited number of CWBS elements to theCWBS hierarchy.

    To create a CWBS element

    1. Click Contracts from the Earned Value Management menu.

    The Contracts page appears.

    2. Click the WBS icon next to the contract you want to open.

    The Contract: Contract WBS page appears.

    3. Click New.

    The Create CWBS Element page appears.

    4. Complete the following fields in the General section:

    CWBS Element Name

    Defines the CWBS element's name.

    CWBS Element ID

    Defines the CWBS element's unique identifier.

    5. Complete the following fields in the CWBS Dictionary section:

    Dictionary Description

    Defines the detailed CWBS data dictionary description.

    6. Click Submit.

    The CWBS element is created and added to the CWBS hierarchy.

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    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)

    View a List of and Open CWBS Elements

    You can view all of the CWBS elementsCWBS elements, summary levelplanning packages, control accounts, and work packagesusing the Contract:

    Contract WBS page. Use this page to design a hierarchical (parent-child)relationship between the CWBS elements you create. You can create andreorder CWBS elements from this page. You cannot delete control accounts,summary level planning packages, and work packages from this page.

    You can view the CWBS element names, the number of CWBS levels, and theCWBS element IDs using the Contract: Contract WBS page.

    To view a list of CWBS elements and open a CWBS element

    1. Select Contracts from the Earned Value Management menu.

    The Contracts list page appears.

    2. Click the WBS icon next to the contract to which it is associated.The Contract: Contract WBS page appears, which lists the contract workbreakdown structure elements.

    3. Expand the CWBS hierarchy to locate the CWBS element, and then clickthe name of the CWBS element to open it.

    The CWBS Element: Properties page appears.

    Edit CWBS Elements

    You must have the Contract - Edit access right to edit CWBS elements.

    To edit a CWBS element

    1. Open the CWBS element.

    The CWBS Element: Properties page appears.

    2. Edit the following fields in the General section:

    CWBS Element Name

    Defines the CWBS element's name.

    CWBS Element ID

    Defines the CWBS element's unique identifier.

    3. Edit the following fields in the CWBS Dictionary section:

    Dictionary Description

    Defines the detailed CWBS data dictionary description.

    4. Click Submit.

    Your changes are saved.

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    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)

    Indent and Outdent CWBS Elements in Contract Work Breakdown Structures

    You can create hierarchical relationships between CWBS elements. Indent anelement to make it a subordinate of the element above it.

    Use indent and outdent to designate individual CWBS elements as parent orchildren. Parent CWBS elements are top-level elements that have child CWBSelements associated with them. Child CWBS elements are nested beneathparent CWBS elements. You can create a parent-child hierarchical grid byindenting or outdenting CWBS elements.

    Rules for Indenting and Outdenting

    You cannot indent or outdent the CWBS root node element.

    You can indent an element multiple times. However, a higher levelelement must always be exactly one indent level above the element youindent. You cannot indent an element multiple times when a higher-levelelement is not immediately one level above it.

    You can only outdent elements to the level 2 position since the CWBS rootnode element is always at the level 1 position.

    There is only one level 1 element and that position is reserved for theCWBS root node element.

    If the element you want to outdent has subordinate elements beneath it,the subordinate elements automatically follow to their parent.

    You can select multiple CWBS elements at once to indent or outdent.

    An error message appears if you cannot indent a CWBS element. If youselect multiple CWBS elements for indenting and one of them cannot beindented, an error message appears and none of the selected CWBSelements are indented. The same rule applies for outdenting.

    To indent or outdent a CWBS element

    1. Select Contracts from the Earned Value Management menu.

    The Contracts list page appears.

    2. Click the WBS icon next to the contract to which it is associated.

    The Contract: Contract WBS page appears.

    3. Select the element you want to indent or outdent, click CWBS Layout>>,and do one of the following:

    Select Indent.

    The page refreshes and the element is folded one level under thenearest higher-level element. A plus (+) sign appears next to thehigher level element.

    Select Outdent.

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    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)

    The page refreshes and the element appears as outdented relative tothe element above it.

    The element is indented or outdented.

    Move CWBS Elements

    You can move elements up or down in the CWBS hierarchy.

    If you move a CWBS element, the summary level planning package, controlaccounts, and work packages are moved along with the CWBS element. Youcannot move SLPPs and control accounts to another CWBS element. You canonly move CWBS elements.


    A parent CWBS element called Housing contains CWBS elements calledFoundation and Framing. These elements are broken down into controlaccounts which have work packages associated with them. You need toreorder the CWBS elements to create the parent/child relationships in theCWBS hierarchy.

    To move an CWBS element up or down within the CWBS hierarchy

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties page appears.

    2. Select the Contract WBS tab.

    The Contract: Contract WBS page appears.

    3. Select the check box next to the element you want to move, click CWBSLayout>>, and select Move.

    The Move CWBS Elements page appears. The name of the CWBS elementyou are moving appears near the top of the page.

    4. Select the CWBS element that you want to place above or beneath theCWBS element you are moving, and do one of the following:

    Click Insert Before to move the CWBS element above the selection.

    Click Insert After to move is below the selection.

    The Contract: Contract WBS page appears. The CWBS element displays inits new location in the hierarchy.

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    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)

    Expand and Collapse the Contract Work Breakdown Structure

    You can expand and collapse multiple branches of the CWBS hierarchy at thesame time and view elements that are in multiple branches of the hierarchy.

    You can see an overall picture of your CWBS, or you can collapse some CWBSelements and expand others.

    Expand the Contract Work Breakdown Structure View

    You can expand the CWBS root node element to view the top-level branches.Indented CWBS elements are folded one level under the nearest higher-levelCWBS element. A plus (+) sign appears in front of the higher-level CWBSelement.

    To expand the view of a collapsed group of CWBS elements

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties page appears.

    2. Select the Contract WBS tab.

    The Contract: Contract WBS page appears, displaying only the top levelCWBS root node element.

    3. Click the plus (+) sign next to each CWBS element.

    The higher-level summary element is expanded, and the lower-levelelements that are indented beneath it display on the page.

    Collapse the Contract Work Breakdown Structure View

    The collapsed view is useful when you want to view a small group of CWBSelements (a parent and descendents) alone. With the Contract: Contract WBS page in view, displaying the CWBS hierarchy in view in its expanded state,click the minus () sign next to each summary element. The lower-level CWBSelements are collapsed under the higher-level summary CWBS element.

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    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)

    Delete CWBS Elements

    You cannot delete CWBS elements that have a baseline or if earned valuehistory has been generated.

    You cannot delete the CWBS root node element.

    To delete a CWBS element

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties page appears.

    2. Click the Contract WBS tab.

    The Contract: Contract WBS page appears.

    3. Select the check box next to the CWBS element you want to delete, andclick Delete.

    The Delete Confirmation page appears.

    4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The CWBS element is deleted.

    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) Dictionary

    The CWBS dictionary contains a detailed description for each deliverable. Thisdictionary provides a definition of the work that needs to be accomplished. TheCWBS dictionary is system generated as you create and add CWBS elementsto the CWBS hierarchy.

    View the CWBS Dictionary Descriptions

    You can edit CWBS dictionary descriptions on the CWBS element or directly inthe dictionary. The dictionary is a working document. As scope shifts or otherchanges occur, update the deliverable descriptions in the data dictionary.

    To view the CWBS dictionary descriptions

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Click the CWBS Dictionary tab.

    The Contract: Properties: CWBS Dictionary page appears.

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    Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)

    Edit the CWBS Dictionary Descriptions

    You can edit descriptions on the CWBS element or directly in the dictionary.The dictionary is a working document. As scope shifts or other changes occur,

    update the deliverable descriptions in the data dictionary.

    Note: See the Common Features and Personal Options User Guide for moreinformation on editing data fields on list pages.

    To edit the deliverable descriptions in the data dictionary

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Click the CWBS Dictionary tab.

    The Contract: Properties: CWBS Dictionary page appears.

    3. Select Edit Mode from the Actions menu.The page's fields become editable.

    4. Edit the following fields:

    CWBS Element Name

    Defines the control work breakdown structure element's name.

    CWBS Element ID

    Defines the control work breakdown structure element's uniqueidentifier.

    CWBS Element Dictionary Description

    Defines the detailed control work breakdown structure element datadictionary description.

    5. Click Save.

    Your changes are saved.

    Print CWBS Dictionary Descriptions

    You can print the CWBS dictionary descriptions by running the Contract WorkBreakdown Structure Dictionary report.

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    Monitor CWBS Element Performance

    Monitor CWBS Element Performance

    You can monitor CWBS element performance using the CWBS ElementDashboard page. This page displays the Earned Value History - CWBS portlet,which displays earned value history data based on the control accounts andsummary level planning packages associated to the CWBS element. As timeprogresses, each new reporting period is displayed on the graph.

    Optionally, you can show projected data on the graph. To have this earnedvalue data display, ask your CA Clarity PPM administrator to set the UpdateEarned Value History - Contracts jobs parameters for project ACWP, BCWPand BCWS and then run the job.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the AdministrationGuide for more information on running jobs.

    You can customize this page by adding or removing portlets. Do this from theCWBS Element Layout portlet page's Dashboard tabs content in Studio.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Studio Developer'sGuide for more information on customizing page layouts and definingadditional portlets.

    Calculate Earned Value Metrics on Contracts

    You can calculate historical earned value metrics based on the contract'sassociated earned value reporting period. You can update your contract's

    current earned value metrics at any time. You can do this manually or you canschedule the Update Earned Value Totals - Contracts job to run at regularlyscheduled times. Both methods refresh the earned value (EV) metrics that aredisplayed on CWBS elements, control accounts, and work packages.

    The earned value reporting period defines the frequency and the interval forthe Update Earned Value History - Contracts job to take historical earned valuesnapshots of performance and save snapshot in the earned value history table.

    Note: See the Administration Guide for more information on running jobs.

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    Calculate Earned Value Metrics on Contracts

    Manually Update Earned Value Data from the Contract Work BreakdownStructure

    You can manually update your contract's earned value data on the Contract:Contract WBS page. This is one of the ways you can save a snapshot of yourcontract's current earned value.

    To manually update your contract's earned value data from the WorkBreakdown Structure

    1. Open the contract for which you want to calculate earned value.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Click the Contract WBS tab.

    The Contract: Contract WBS page appears.

    3. Click Update Earned Value.

    A snapshot of your contract's current earned value is saved.

    Manually Update Earned Value Data from the Baseline Page

    You can manually update your contract's earned value data from the Contract:Properties - Baseline page. This is one of the ways you can save a snapshot ofyour contract's current earned value.

    Note: You must have at least one baseline for the Update Earned Value buttonto display on the page.

    To manually update your contract's earned value data from thebaseline page

    1. Open the contract for which you want to calculate earned value.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Select the Baseline subtab.

    The Contract: Properties - Baseline page appears.

    3. Click Update Earned Value.

    A snapshot of your contract's current earned value is saved.

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    Monitor Contract Performance

    Schedule Jobs to Calculate Earned Value Metrics

    The Update Earned Value Totals Contracts job calculates earned valuemetrics for contracts. You or your administrator can schedule this job to run at

    regularly scheduled times.

    Note: See the Administration Guide for more information on running jobs.

    Monitor Contract Performance

    Use the Contract Dashboard page to monitor contract performance. This pagedisplays the EV History portlet, which displays earned value history data basedon the contract's earned value reporting period and the contract earned valuehistory table. As time progresses, each new reporting period is displayed onthe graph.

    Optionally, you can show projected data on the graph. To have this earnedvalue data display, ask your CA Clarity PPM administrator to set the UpdateEarned Value History - Contracts jobs parameters for project ACWP, BCWP,and BCWS and run the job.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the AdministrationGuide for more information on running jobs.

    You can customize this page by adding or removing portlets. Do this from theContract Layout portlet page's Dashboard tabs content in Studio.

    Note: Contact your CA Clarity PPM administrator or see the Studio Developer'sGuide for more information on customizing page layouts and definingadditional portlets.

    Deactivate Contracts

    By default, when you create a contract, the contract is active. Deactivatecontracts so that they can no longer be used. Once the contract is inactive,you can delete it.

    To deactivate a contract

    1. Open the contract.The Contract: Properties page appears.

    2. Clear the check box next to the Active field, and click Submit.

    The contract is inactive.

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    Activate Contracts

    Chapter 3: Contracts 47

    Activate Contracts

    By default, when you create a new contract, the contract is active. You canreactivate inactive contracts at any time.

    To activate a contract

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties: Main - General page appears.

    2. Select the check box next to the Active field, and click Submit.

    The contract is active.

    Delete Contracts

    You cannot delete contracts that are active or that have a baseline. Instead,deactivate the contracts you no longer want to use.

    To delete a contract

    1. Click Contracts from the Earned Value Manager menu.

    The Contracts list page appears.

    2. Select the check box next to the contract you want to delete, and clickDelete.

    The Delete Confirmation page appears.

    3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The contract is deleted.

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    Chapter 4: Agencies

    Create and define agency records for the U.S. federal government agencies orother organizations with which your organization does business. Once youhave created and defined the agency records, you can associate the agenciesto the contracts.

    This section contains the following topics:

    Create Agency Records (see page 50 )View a List of and Open Agency Records (see page 51 )Edit Agency Records (see page 52 )Activate Agency Records (see page 53 )Deactivate Agency Records (see page 54 )Delete Agency Records (see page 54 )

    Chapter 4: Agencies 49

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    Create Agency Records

    Create Agency Records

    You can define the basic contact information for the U.S. federal governmentagency or other organization with whom you engage in contracts. Use theCreate Agency page to define the agency, and then associate the agency tothe contract.

    To create an agency record

    1. Select Agencies from the Earned Value Management menu.

    The Agencies list page appears.

    2. Click New.

    The Create Agency page appears.

    3. Complete the following fields:

    Agency NameDefines the agency's name.

    Agency ID

    Defines the agency's unique identifier.

    Address 1

    Defines the first line of the agency's address.

    Address 2

    Defines the second line of the agency's address.


    Defines the agency's city location.


    Defines the agency's state location.

    Postal Code

    Defines the agency's postal code.


    Defines the agency's country location.


    Defines the agency's phone number.Fax

    Defines the agency's fax number.

    Primary Contact

    Defines the agency's primary contact name.

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    View a List of and Open Agency Records

    Primary Contact Phone

    Defines the agency's primary contact phone number.

    Primary Contact Email

    Defines the agency's primary contact email address.

    Secondary Contact

    Defines the agency's secondary contact name.

    Secondary Contact Phone

    Defines the agency's secondary contact phone number.

    Secondary Contact Email

    Defines the agency's secondary contact email address.


    Defines whether this agency can be associated with a contract. Youcan only associate active agencies to contracts.

    Default: Selected

    4. Click Submit.

    The agency is created and is displayed on the Agencies list page.

    View a List of and Open Agency Records

    You can view a list of agency records on the Agencies list page.

    To view a list of agency records and open an agency record

    1. Click Agencies from the Earned Value Manager menu.

    The Agencies list page appears.

    2. Click the name of the agency to open the agency record.

    The Agency: Properties page appears.

    Chapter 4: Agencies 51

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    Edit Agency Records

    Edit Agency Records

    To edit an agency record

    1. Open the agency record.The Agency: Properties page appears.

    2. Edit the following fields:

    Agency Name

    Defines the agency's name.

    Agency ID

    Defines the agency's unique identifier.

    Address 1

    Defines the first line of the agency's address.

    Address 2

    Defines the second line of the agency's address.


    Defines the agency's city location.


    Defines the agency's state location.

    Postal Code

    Defines the agency's postal code.


    Defines the agency's country location.


    Defines the agency's phone number.


    Defines the agency's fax number.

    Primary Contact

    Defines the agency's primary contact name.

    Primary Contact Phone

    Defines the agency's primary contact phone number.

    Primary Contact Email

    Defines the agency's primary contact email address.

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    Activate Agency Records

    Secondary Contact

    Defines the agency's secondary contact name.

    Secondary Contact Phone

    Defines the agency's secondary contact phone number.

    Secondary Contact Email

    Defines the agency's secondary contact email address.


    Defines whether this agency can be associated with a contract. Youcan only associate active agencies to contracts.

    Default: Selected

    3. Click Submit.

    Your changes are saved.

    Activate Agency Records

    You can only associate active agencies with contracts. By default, when youcreate a new agency, the agency is active. If an agency is inactive, you canreactivate it at any time.

    To activate an agency record

    1. Open the agency record.

    The Agency: Properties page appears.

    2. Select the check box next to the Active field, and click Submit.

    The agency is active.

    Chapter 4: Agencies 53

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    Deactivate Agency Records

    54 Earned Value Manager Product Guide

    Deactivate Agency Records

    Deactivate agencies so that they can longer be used. If the agency is nolonger needed, deactivate the agency record. Once the agency record isinactive, you can delete it.

    You can deactivate agencies that are associated with contracts.

    To deactivate an agency record

    1. Open the agency record.

    The Agency: Properties page appears.

    2. Clear the check box next to the Active field, and click Submit.

    The agency is inactive.

    Delete Agency Records

    You can delete agency records when the following conditions are true:

    The agency record is inactive.

    The agency is not associated to a contract.

    To delete an agency record

    1. Click Agencies from the Earned Value Manager menu.

    The Agencies list page appears.

    2. Filter the list for inactive agencies.

    A list of inactive agencies displays.

    3. Select the check box next to the name of the agency record you want todelete, and click Delete.

    The Confirm Agencies Delete page appears.

    4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The agency is deleted.

  • 8/12/2019 Earned Value Manager Product Guide


    Chapter 5: Summary Level Planning

    Packages (SLPP)This section contains the following topics:

    Create SLPPs (see page 55 )View Summary Level Planning Packages (SLPP) Remaining Budget (see page57 )How to Draw Down SLPP Budget into Work Packages (see page 58 )Delete Summary Level Planning Packages (SLPP) (see page 61 )

    Create SLPPs

    You can create SLPPs from the CWBS Element: Summary Planning Packages list page. Create them at the lowest level of the CWBS hierarchy. Do this sothat when the time comes to do the future work and you draw down the SLPPbudget into a control account's work package, the SLPP is at the same level asthe control account.

    To create a SLPP

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties page appears.

    2. Click the Contract WBS tab.

    The Contract: Contract WBS page appears.

    3. Expand the CWBS hierarchy to locate the CWBS element for the new SLPP,and click the name of the CWBS element.

    The CWBS Element: Properties page appears.

    4. Click the Summary Planning Packages tab.

    The CWBS Element: Summary Planning Packages list page appears.

    5. Click New.

    The Create Summary Planning Packages page appears.

    6. Complete the following fields:

    Summary Planning Package Name

    Required. Defines the SLPP's name.

    Summary Planning Package ID

    Required. Defines the SLPP's unique identifier.

    Chapter 5: Summary Level Planning Packages (SLPP) 55

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    Create SLPPs


    Defines the SLPP's assigned budgeted amount. When you take acontract baseline, this value is used for the SLPP Budget At Completion(BAC).


    Defines the SLPP's description.


    Required. Defines the SLPP's start date.


    Required. Defines the SLPP's finish date.


    Defines the SLPP's OBS Unit. This value is used for aggregation of

    earned value metrics and baseline data on the CPR Format 2 report.

    7. Click Submit.

    The SLPP is created and displays on the CWBS Element: SummaryPlanning Packages list page.

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    View Summary Level Planning Packages (SLPP) Remaining Budget

    View Summary Level Planning Packages (SLPP) RemainingBudget

    You can view a SLPP's remaining budget on the Summary Planning Package:Properties page.

    Viewing SLPPs With Remaining Budget

    When an SLPP's balance goes down to zero, the SLPP has no remainingbudget. The CWBS Element: Summary Planning Packages list page displaysSLPPs that have a budget greater than zero. You can choose to view all SLPPsby setting the Has Remaining Budget filter field to All and filter the list.

    Note: See the Common Features and Personal Options User Guide for moreinformation on filtering list pages.

    To view an SLPP's remaining budget

    1. Open the contract.

    The Contract: Properties page appears.

    2. Click the Contract WBS tab.

    The Contract: Contract WBS page appears.

    3. Expand the CWBS hierarchy to locate the CWBS element for the SLPP, andthen click the name of the CWBS element.

    The CWBS Element: Properties page appears.

    4. Click the Summary Planning Packages tab.

    The CWBS Element: Summary Planning Packages list page appears.

    5. Click the name of the SLPP.

    The Summary Planning Package: Properties page appears, displaying theremaining budget (BAC) in the Budget field.

    6. Click Cancel.

    Chapter 5: Summary Leve