Its time to track! Keep track of your water intake for the entire month of May using this form—just color or shade in the empty glasses as you go. Submit this form via email (below) or interdepartmental mail (Ashley Varol, ML0039), or report your completion via Sign Up Genius by June 2nd. Points will be submitted to Asset Health and added into the portal. Top participant and one random drawing winner from all participants will be awarded, as well as the top team. Be sure to indicate your team/office (or submit your forms together) for addi- tional prizes Earn 40 points for tracking water for 4 weeks: May 1-26 Submission Details: Name: _______________________________________________ ML: _______________ Email: __________________________________________________________________ Dept/Team (if applicable): _________________________________________________ # on team: ________ Total # glasses of water: ________________________________ Join the Challenge & receive ps and helpful hints: hp://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094ea8ac22a7f94-drink

Earn 40 points for tracking water for 4 weeks: May 1 26...Health benefits of water: Every system in your body depends on water and makes up 60 percent of your body weight. Here are

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Page 1: Earn 40 points for tracking water for 4 weeks: May 1 26...Health benefits of water: Every system in your body depends on water and makes up 60 percent of your body weight. Here are

It’s time to track! Keep track of your

water intake for the entire month of May using this form—just color or shade in the empty glasses as you go.

Submit this form via email (below) or interdepartmental mail (Ashley Varol, ML0039), or report your completion via Sign Up Genius by June 2nd.

Points will be submitted to Asset Health and added into the portal.

Top participant and one random drawing winner from all participants will be awarded, as well as the top team.

Be sure to indicate your team/office (or submit your forms together) for addi-tional prizes

Earn 40 points for tracking water for 4

weeks: May 1-26

Submission Details: Name: _______________________________________________ ML: _______________ Email: __________________________________________________________________ Dept/Team (if applicable): _________________________________________________ # on team: ________ Total # glasses of water: ________________________________

Join the Challenge & receive tips and helpful hints: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094ea8ac22a7f94-drink

Page 2: Earn 40 points for tracking water for 4 weeks: May 1 26...Health benefits of water: Every system in your body depends on water and makes up 60 percent of your body weight. Here are

Health benefits of water: Every system in your body depends on water and makes up 60 percent of your body weight. Here are the functions of water in the body:

1. Eat and Drink– Focus your water intake around food. Before and after each meal you consume, drink an 8oz glass of water.

2. Swap It Out– Swap a drink for water. If you drink a morning coffee: try an ice cold glass of water. If you drink an afternoon soda: drink a glass of water instead!

3. Water Bottle– If you don’t have one, get one! Take your water bottle everywhere you go as a reminder Drink Up! You can even customize your bottle with how much you want to consume and what time of the day to drink.

4. Remind Yourself– Set reminders/alarms on your phone throughout the day so you can Drink Up! Set off a timer that goes off every 30 minutes or hour to drink some water. Or you can even make a post-it note to keep at your desk!

5. Spice It Up– Add ingredients to make your water taste better! Try adding lemon, lime, berries, oranges, cucumber, mint to the mix– whatever the flavor just keep drinking.

6. Set a Goal– If you don’t drink any water, try setting a small goal of 4-5 glasses a day, then increase as you drink more. If you already drink eight 8oz glasses, try a gallon.

Regulates body temperature

Lubricates joints

Lessens the burden on the kidneys and liver by flushing out waste products

Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells

Moistens tissues such as

those in mouth, eyes and nose

Protects body organs and tissues

Helps prevent constipation

Helps dissolve minerals and other

nutrients to make them accessible to

the body

Source: mayoclinic.org, cdc.org