Water in human body Water is the most important element for human body. It has an important role - it affects our efficiency- both mental (brain consists of 80% of water) and physical (muscles are water in 75%).

Water in human body by Group2

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Water in human body• Water is the most important element for human body. It has an important

role - it affects our efficiency- both mental (brain consists of 80% of

water) and physical (muscles are water in 75%).

The water in the human body is absolutely essential to life. A man can survive without water from 3 to 5 days,

depending on the loss of water. In normal circumstances, a person loses at least 2 liters of water per day.

The main route of excretion of water:• Breathing - 400 ml

• Through the skin - sweating and evaporation - 400 ml

• By the kidneys - 1000 ml or more

Dehydration • What happens when you lose water from your body? You start to

dehydrate, and because water is essential to life your body let you know

your water level is low. Obvious sign is a thirst of course, but dehydration

can also cause other symptoms.

The effects of dehydration shown in

percentages:• Dehydration of 1% - a slight thirst occurs,

3% of dehydration - a headache, body weakness, loss of strength and emaciation. Sometimes these symptoms can occur before you feel thirsty,

• 5-6% of dehydration - causes drowsiness. Sometimes it takes drinking a

glass of water to reduce drowsiness.

10% of dehydration - causes physical and mental inefficiency. 10% of

dehydration is very dangerous to the nervous system, especially brain. At

this level of dehydration 50% of the electrical impulses in your body do

not reach their destination.

• Dehydration above 15% is dangerous to life - it can be fatal,

so if you notice early symptoms (eg. drowsiness, fatigue, and

thirst) have a glass of water. Get some more information

about what kind of water you can drink.

Some might say - "There is a lot of water

in the world"• It would seem that the dehydration is not a problem because there is more than 1 260 000 000 000

000 000 000 liters of water (one thousand two hundred and sixty trillion liters) on Earth.

Unbelievable number, isn't it? However, 97.38% of this number is salt water which is not suitable

for drinking. A half of fresh water is trapped is in the form of ice, glaciers and ice sheets.

• There are also regions of the Earth - deserts where rainfall is very rare, and it is

difficult to find water. Despite this fact, people who consist of 70% of water live in

the driest places on the planet.

• Does the water have any particular importance to the human body? The answer is

yes. The water is immensely important to the human body. It is the water where

the very first life form evolved on our planet.

The role of water in the human body:• Water dissolves food and transports the nutrients throughout your body.

Water absorbs food from the intestines and helps in the nutrition of the cells.

Water is absolutely essential for the removal of the metabolites.

Water is involved in biochemical reactions because a large dehydration impairs your mental capacity.

Water helps to regulate body temperature, primarily by sweating.

Water wets joints, mucous membranes, eyeballs.

Interesting facts about water • It takes 500 glasses of water for child to grow just 2 cm.

• Water is totally replaced in the body within 20 days. 2000 ml of water flows through our kidneys every day. 1400 ml of water flows through human brain every day.

• Animals that live in the desert take water from the dew.

• There is water on Earth thanks to the comets that fell from the sky. The water can also be found on the other planets, e.g. Mars, Titan.

• Infants can swim immediately after birth.

Conclusion:• Water is very important for your development.

Key facts about water:Firstly, what you drink affects the quality of your body, and affects your health. Water gives life. Secondly, your most important organ (the brain)consists of 80% of water, and its deficiency weakens it to the excessive amount, thus it weakens your mental and physical skills. Thirdly, the water plays an important role in many parts of the human body - both in the structure and biochemical processes as well.

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Group 2