Dear Boys & Girls: © 2014 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only. Because of your giving to BGMC, a team of children’s pastors were able to go to Madagascar and do children’s ministries training in several places around the island. Some of the villages that they went to were way in the jungle and very hard to get to. The people of Madagascar are very poor and don’t have any resources for teaching kids about Jesus. They have no books, no pictures, no puppets, no illusions. The BGMC team was able to teach them how to minister to children with what they can make in their own country. The people were so thrilled! BGMC also brought puppets and gave them out to the children’s workers. I wish you could’ve seen their faces! They were so excited to receive such a precious gift! Now many more children will hear the gospel message because these workers are trained and are excited about reaching more kids for Jesus! Thank you for giving to BGMC!

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Dear Boys & Girls:

© 2014 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only.

Because of your giving to BGMC, a team of children’s pastors were able to go to Madagascar and do children’s ministries training in several places around the island. Some of the villages that they went to were way in the jungle and very hard to get to.

The people of Madagascar are very poor and don’t have any resources for teaching kids about Jesus. They have no books, no pictures, no puppets, no illusions. The BGMC team was able to teach them how to minister to children with what they can make in their own country. The people were so thrilled!

BGMC also brought puppets and gave them out to the children’s workers. I wish you could’ve seen their faces! They were so excited to receive such a precious gift!

Now many more children will hear the gospel message because these workers are trained and are excited about reaching more kids for Jesus!

Thank you for giving to BGMC!

Dear Boys & Girls:

© 2014 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only.

I just wanted to give you an update on half-mile hailers. BGMC bought one of these sound systems and it was recently brought to Madagascar by a team from Indiana.

We took it last week on a helicopter trip to twenty remote villages along the southeast coast of Madagascar. We traveled with several church-planting pastors who preached in every village. It was so great to have a loud PA that was easy to pack around. The batteries lasted throughout all twenty villages.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of photos taken. Some of these places we visited had never had the gospel preached there. I left this PA with the church-planting team in that region for them to use.

What a blessing! Thanks BGMC!

Nate Lashway Missionary to Madagascar

Dear Boys & Girls:

© 2014 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only.

Because of your giving to BGMC, a team of children’s pastors were able to go to Madagascar and do children’s services and share the gospel message with the kids. Some of the villages that they went to were way in the jungle and very hard to get to.

The kids were so excited to hear about Jesus through stories, characters, puppets, illusions, and games. I wish you could’ve seen their faces as they listened to the team telling about Jesus! The kids just sat with excitement!

Hundreds of kids accepted Jesus during this trip, and it was all possible because you gave to BGMC!

Thank you for giving to BGMC!

© 2014 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only.

Dear Boys & Girls:

© 2008 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only.

Greetings from Madagascar! Madagascar is a big island near East Africa. It takes more than a day to fly here on an airplane. The people of Madagascar are very poor. They are a mix of Asian and African. They eat and grow a lot of rice. They eat rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They eat more rice than anyone else in the world. We like rice, but we don’t eat it that much!

We are missionaries to the children of this country. There are over eight million children here, and most of them do not have Sunday School or anything organized for them to attend. Our family travels along with several Malagasy pastors to different areas of the country, and we help to train local church people how to teach kids about Jesus and have a children’s ministry. Because of your giving, we have been able to purchase six puppets for our kid’s crusades. Many kids have never seen a puppet before, and they love them. We also have a large green costume lizard which we use to attract kids to where we are meeting.

Recently we were able to get BGMC funds to translate some training materials for teachers into Malagasy and to purchase a copy machine to reproduce the training materials for future teachers who want to work with kids. Many children across Madagascar are having Sunday School and children’s church for the very first time because of the training materials you have helped us to translate. All of this is because of your giving to BGMC. We think that’s incredible! Our dream in the future is to use BGMC funds to translate the JBQ Bible Fact-Pak into Malagasy so that kids here can learn the Bible even more. So don’t forget to keep on giving.

Madagascar is a very interesting country with weird and exotic animals, like hissing cockroaches, hundreds of types of geckos, and lemurs like Zaboomafoo from TV. This island is also the home to two-thirds of all the chameleons in the world. But we think the most special thing about Madagascar is the children. Thanks for helping us reach them for Jesus.

I’ve sent several photos for you to see of Madagascar (see next page).

Your friends in missions, Nate, Tammy, Caleb (12), and Becca (9) Lashway Missionaries to Madagascar’s Children

© 2014 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only.

Dear Boys & Girls:

© 2008 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only.

Caleb with a puppet, courtesy of BGMC

Nate and Tammy Lashway, with Caleb and Becca

Ministering to kids in Tulear, a village that was flooded by a cyclone the previous month

Kids in Madagascar
