E-Voting Machine - Design Presentation • Group M1 Bohyun Jessica Kim • Jonathan Chiang Chi Ho Yoon Donald Cober Mon. Sept 29 System Hardware Component Diagram Gate-level Data path Updated Transistor Estimates Floorplan Secure Electronic Voting Terminal

E-Voting Machine - Design Presentation

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E-Voting Machine - Design Presentation. Group M1 Bohyun Jessica Kim Jonathan Chiang Chi Ho Yoon Donald Cober. Mon. Sept 29 System Hardware Component Diagram Gate-level Data path Updated Transistor Estimates Floorplan. Secure Electronic Voting Terminal. Status Update. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: E-Voting Machine - Design Presentation

E-Voting Machine - Design Presentation

• Group M1• Bohyun Jessica Kim• Jonathan Chiang• Chi Ho Yoon• Donald Cober

Mon. Sept 29System Hardware Component DiagramGate-level Data pathUpdated Transistor Estimates Floorplan

Secure Electronic Voting Terminal

Page 2: E-Voting Machine - Design Presentation

• Behavioral Verilog Entire System• Gate-level Hardware Block Diagram• Updated Transistor Count Calculations• Initial Floorplan• Structural Verilog Entire System• Refined Floorplan

Status Update

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Data Bus

Machine Init FSM


Selection FSM

ConfirmationFSM Display


Message ROM

Card Reader

Fingerprint Scanner

Encryption Key SRAM

User Input

Write-in SRAM

Choice SRAM


Selection Counter

Key Register


8 bit Full Adder

8 bit Full Adder

8 bit Full Adder

8 bit Full Adder


8 bit MUX0 1

8 bit MUX0 1

8 bit MUX0 1

8 bit Add/Sub

0 18 bit MUX

T: 128


T: 88


COMMS Register

Shift Registe

r In

Shift Register Out

constant init

Page 4: E-Voting Machine - Design Presentation

SUPER MUX!SuperMux:• Our data flow consists of shuffling 8 bits of data

from a source to a destination• These sources and destination are SRAMs, User

Input, Comms, etc• Many are bidirectional• Since only one piece of data will be sent at a

time, it makes sense to use a bus configuration for data movement rather than a set of giant muxes

• We can gate which srcs/dests (drop points) are connected to the bus with one level of pass logic

• This way the data will only ever go through two layers of pass logic to

– Get onto the bus– Get off of the bus

• We will still call this the SuperMux for legacy purposes

• Layout will be fun


Drop point

Drop point

Drop point

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Original Implementation: 64-bit blocks: Two 32-bit inputs 128-bit key: Four 32-bit keys (K[0], K[1], K[2], K[3])Feistel Structure: Symmetric structure used in block ciphers“Magic” constant: 9E3779B9 (Delta) = 2^32 / 1.6180339887 (golden ratio)64 Feistel rounds = 32 cycles

E-Voting Machine Implementation:16-bit blocks: Two 8-bit inputs32-bit key: Four 8-bit keys32 Feistel rounds = 16 cycles

Decision: Scale up 1.6 golden ratio by magnitude of 10 to 16, scale (2^16) by 10 = 655360 and do division 655360 / 16 to get Delta. Avoids using Floating point for key scheduler. New Delta = A000, truncate least sig bit to A000 to fit 16 bits when decrypting, since A00 * 8 cycles = 0x5000

Hardware:4, 5-bit Shifters16-bit Multipliers16-bit Adder / Subtractor

Tiny Encryption Algorithm Project Specs

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COMMS BLOCK Hardware Implementation 1States inA[7:0] inB[7:0] sel_out sel_shift[1:0] sel_sum v_out[7:0] (1) delta sum[7:0] 0 00 0 v_out0 = sum[7:0] (2) v1 sum[7:0] 0 01 1 v_out1= (C+D) (3) v1 << 4 k0 1 10 0 v_out2= (A+B) ^ (C+D) (4) v1 >> 5 k1 1 11 0 v_out3 = (A+B) ^ (C+D) ^ (E+F) (5) v0 out3 0 1 1 v_outx = V0 + (A+B) ^ (C+D) ^ (E+F)

States (6)-(9) same as above except using k2, k3, and flip v1, v0

Implementation goes through 9 states/clk cycles each iteration to update output function v_outx.

Reusing of:(1x) 8 bit Full adder/sub (Ripple carry) [16*8 = 128](2x) 2:1 8 bit MUX for output pass-through [4*8*2 = 64](8x) 2-input XORS [6*8 = 48](1x) 8 bit REG [11*8 = 88](1x) 4:1 8 bit MUX for shifting selection [12*8 = 96]

In addition, logic will to iterate 8 times and be controlled via FSM machine that uses:(2x) 3:1 8 bit MUX for state input selection [8*8*2 = 128](2x) 1 bit Counter adder for updating cycle [16*2 = 32](2x) 1 bit REG for storing updated cycle [11*2 = 22]Total: 606

Advantages:Saves transistors and area for Comms Block

Disadvantages:Very heavy pass-logic from MUX layers and XORHigh clk frequency required since reusing same components for calculating outx by stages. This translates to higher power consumption since we are trying to do more with less hardware.

Tradeoff:Every 8-bit MUX uses 4*8 = 32 transistors compared to 8-bit Full Adder 16*8 = 128 transistors. However MUXES have high pass-logic so area vs. power tradeoff is concerned here.

sum += delta; v0 += ((v1<<4)+k0) ^ (v1+sum) ^ ((v1>>5)+k1); v1 += ((v0<<4)+k2) ^ (v0+sum) ^ ((v0>>5)+k3);


3:1 8 bit MUX


1 bit Full Adder

8 bit Full Adder/Sub 8 bit MUX



inA[7:0] inB[7:0]


0 1


T: 128

T: 48

T: 88


4:1 8 bit MUX

00 01 10 11


T: 64

8 bit MUX0 1

T: 32

T: 32

inA[7:0] sel_shift[1:0] delta 00 v1 01 v1 << 4 10 v1 >> 5 11

3:1 8 bit MUX

Logical Shifter Code


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COMMS BLOCK Hardware Implementation 2

Implementation 2 does concurrent calculations for all 3 parts of function, completes full iteration of calculations in 2 clk cycles.

Uses:(1x) 8 bit Full adder/sub (Ripple carry) [16*8 = 128](3x) 8 bit Full adder (Ripple carry) [12*8*4 = 384] (4x) 2:1 8 bit MUX for output pass-through [4*8*4 = 128](16x) 2-input XORS [6*16 = 96](2x) 8 bit REG [11*8*2 = 176](1x) 1 bit Counter adder for updating cycle [16](1x) 1 bit REG for storing updated cycle [11]Total: 939

In addition, logic will not need complex FSM, just needs to do 8 iterations.

Advantages:Low pass logic, speed performance, low power, MUX logic transistor count essentially halved.

Disadvantages:More Transistor Count and larger area.

Tradeoff:Larger area but low pass logic from reduced MUX and complex FSM simplifies design, increases speed and minimizes power.

sum += delta; v0 += ((v1<<4)+k0) ^ (v1+sum) ^ ((v1>>5)+k1); v1 += ((v0<<4)+k2) ^ (v0+sum) ^ ((v0>>5)+k3);



T: 128

T: 88


8 bit Full Adder




T: 128 T: 128

8 bit Full Adder

8 bit Full Adder

8 bit Full Adder


T: 128



8 bit MUX0 1

T: 328 bit MUX0 1

8 bit MUX0 1

T: 32 T: 32

{V1[3:0], 4’b0} {5’b0, V1[7:5]}

V1 V1

8 bit Add/Sub


sel_out output 0 pass sum, V1 1 pass new sum, V0

0 18 bit MUX

T: 128


T: 88



1 bit Full Adder

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E-Voting TEA Gate Level HardwareFull Adder

Common full adder

Mirror Adder-Uses 28 transistors (including 4 transistors in inverters)-NMOS and CMOS are completely symmetricallogic : S = a b Carryin⊕ ⊕

Carryout = (a b) • Carryin +(a • b)⊕

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E-Voting TEA Gate Level Hardware Full Adder

What we decided to use in this project…1-bit full adder

-Uses pass-transistor logic for computing XNOR-Sum-bit equals to A^B^C, where A and B are 2 inputs and Cin is the Carry-in input; muxing at the bottom will sort out the Cout bit to carry out. -Will use this adder 8 times to compute all 8 bits of data-Uses inverters to strengthen the signal at the end of each XNOR-Uses only 16 transistors yet strong signal

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E-Voting TEA Gate Level Hardware


XOR -To avoid using two t-gates -Uses 6 transistors (XNOR + inv)


T-gate Mux -4 transistors -very tiny hence difficult to layout

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E-Voting TEA Gate Level Hardware REG

TSPC Register-True single phase clock flip-flop-Advantage of single clock distribution, small area for clock lines, high speed and no clock skew-We will use 8T instead of 9T

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SRAM Gate Level Hardware

SRAM Cell-6T SRAM Cell-smaller transistor size-lower energy dissipation-efficient layout

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SRAM Gate Level Hardware

Address Decoder-Combination of inverters and nand gates

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SRAM Gate Level Hardware

SRAM-Input/Ouput tri-state buffers?-Need of Sense amplifier?

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Encryption Key SRAM(4 byte)

2bit Address

8bit Data

Card Reader1bit Card Detected Signal

Machine Initialization FSM

1bit Activate next

Data Bus

8bit Data

COMMS1bit Data Ready

8bit Data

1bit Message Message ROM8bit Data

4-bit Data bus control

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User ID SRAM(8 byte)

3bit Address

8bit Data

Card Reader1bit Card Detected Signal


1bit Activate next

Data Bus

8bit Data

COMMS1bit Data Ready

8bit Data

2bit Message Message ROM8bit Data

Fingerprint Scanner1bit Finger Scanned Signal

8bit Data

1bit Activate this

1bit Reactivate this

Display8bit Data7-bit Data bus control

User Input1bit Yes Signal

1bit No Signal

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Choice SRAM(4 byte)

2bit Address

8bit Data

User Input1bit Next Page Signal

Selection FSM

1bit Activate next

Data Bus

8bit Data

COMMS1bit Data Ready

8bit Data

2bit Message Message ROM8bit Data

1bit Activate this

1bit Reactivate this

Display8bit Data6-bit Data bus control

1bit Previous Page Signal

Selection Counter8bit Data

3bit Count

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User Input1bit Yes Signal

Confirmation FSM

1bit Reactivate Selection

Data Bus COMMS1bit Data Ready

8bit Data

2bit Message Message ROM8bit Data

1bit Activate this

Display8bit Data

8-bit Data bus control

1bit No Signal

1bit Reactivate User ID

User ID SRAM(8 byte)

8bit Data

Write-in SRAM(64 byte)

8bit Data

Choice SRAM(4 byte)

8bit Data

3bit Address

2bit Address

6bit Address

1bit Reset

1bit Reset

1bit Reset


1bit TX_good

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The statement that we only transfer one byte of data at a time is technically false For example:

Encryption Key SRAM(4 byte)


When the Message ROM is sending a message to the COMMSThe COMMS are using data from the Encryption Key SRAM to encode the message


We can circumvent this by hardwiring the Encryption Key SRAM data to the COMMs Key input in addition to attaching it to the bus. This only works because the Key SRAM will never be active on the data bus while the COMMs are accessing it

Data Bus

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Other hardwired Connections:

Choice SRAMTX Check

The transmission check confirms that the data sent to the main computer and held in it’s current session matches the choices stored in our SRAM

During the Confirmation FSM the SRAM data is sent to the main computer and the main computer echos it back.

The echo is streamed into the TX Check (as well as the display) and the TX Check compares it (as it is streaming) to the Choice SRAM

Write-In SRAMUser Input

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Converting Behavioral Verilog to Transistor Counts

module machine_init_fsm(clk, cardDetectSig, commDetectSig, actNext, mux_src, mux_dest, message, address);

//Initializeinitial begin

actNext = 0;state = 0;next_state = 1'b0;


//Main FSMalways @* begin

if(!actNext) begin case (state)

`s1: beginmux_src = 0;mux_dest = 0;//Wait for card dataif(cardDetectSig) begin

//Send card data to the Key SRAMnext_address = 0;next_state = `s2;

end end

`s2: beginmux_src = `CARD_SRC;mux_dest = `KEY_SRAM_DEST;//read in 4 bytes from card readerif(address==3) begin

next_state = `s3;

end next_address = address + 1;


`s3: begin//Send a key request to the commsmessage = `KEY_REQUEST;mux_src = `MESSAGE_SRC;mux_dest = `COMMS_DEST;next_state = `s4;


`s4: beginmux_src = 0;mux_dest = 0;next_address = 0;//Wait for data to arriveif(commDetectSig==0) begin

next_state = `s4;end else begin

next_state = `s5;end


`s5: beginmux_src = `COMMS_SRC;mux_dest = `KEY_SRAM_DEST;//read in 4 bytes from card readerif(address==3) begin

next_state = `s6;

end next_address = address + 1;


`s6: begin//proceedmux_src = 9'bzzzzzzzzz;mux_dest = 8'bzzzzzzzz;message = 3'bzzz;address = 2'bzz;next_address = 2'bzz;actNext = 1;


end else beginmux_src = 9'bzzzzzzzzz;mux_dest = 8'bzzzzzzzz;message = 3'bzzz;address = 2'bzz;next_address = 2'bzz;

end end

//State Register:always @(posedge clk) begin

state = next_state;address = next_address;



Machine Init FSM

1. Create registers:• 6 states => 3 D-flip-Flops• + 2bit SRAM address

2. State Change Logic:• Most changes are sequentially

incrementing• Flip Flops are configured as


3. Further Logic:• Remaining logic consists of

output signals generated mostly by state

• Random logic can be approximated based on number and configuration of outputs

D ~Q

> Q

D ~Q

> Q

D ~Q

> Q

D ~Q

> Q

D ~Q

> Q

State: src dest message

1 0 0 0



4 0 0 0


6 z NEXT z

5 distinct 1bit outputsEach 1-bit output derived from a 3-bit input (state)Approx 2 / 2 input gates for each~10 transistors tfor each distinct output

50 transistors total for random logic

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Converting Behavioral Verilog to Transistor Counts (cont)

Block States Address Registers Distinct Outputs

Random Transistors

Machine Init FSM 6 2 bits 5 5 50 105

User ID FSM 12 3 bits 7 13 130 207

Selection FSM 7 2 bits 5 9 90 145

Confirmation FSM 9 6 bits 10 8 80 170

User Input NA 6 bits 14 20 90 244

Selection Counter NA NA 3 3 0 33

TX Compare NA 2 bit 3 1 0 33

Block Points on Bus T-gates Transistors

Data Bus MUX 13 104 208

Block Messages Inputs ~ Gates / Bit Transistors

Message ROM 8 (1 byte) 8 7 (35 transistors) 280

Total: 1425

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Converting Behavioral Verilog to Transistor Counts (cont)

Block Bits Address transistors Transistors

Key SRAM 32 8*(2^2)+2*2 = 36 228

User ID SRAM 64 8*(2^3)+2*3 = 70 454

Choice SRAM 32 8*(2^2)+2*2 = 36 228

Write-In SRAM 512 8*(2^6)+2*6 = 524 3 596

Total: 7254

Block Bits Transistors

COMMs <slide 7> 939

Shift IN 8 88

Shift Out 8 88

Input/Output MUX 8 32

Register 16 176

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Write-In SRAM

Choice SRAM


Encryption Key SRAM

Comm Register



User Input




Shift In

Shift Out

Selection FSM

Confirmation FSM

Machine Init FSM

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Thank you!