User Manual Version 6 E-Prime Extensions for Tobii For Research Only PST-100777

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User Manual Version 6

E-Prime Extensionsfor TobiiFor Research Only


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CopyrightCopyright 2009 Psychology Software Tools, Inc. All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of Psychology Software Tools, Inc.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this manual, or require installation assistance, please contact Psychology Software Tools, Inc., Technical Support Department at:

Psychology Software Tools, Inc.2050 Ardmore Blvd., Suite 200Pittsburgh, PA 15221-4610Phone: 412-271-5040Fax: 412-271-7077E-mail: [email protected]: www.pstnet.com

Software Notice: The enclosed software is provided for use by a single user who has purchased the manual. The software MAY NOT be reproduced or distributed to others. Unauthorized reproduction and/or sales of the enclosed software may result in criminal and civil prosecution. (17 USC 506).

TrademarkPsychology Software Tools, Inc., the Psychology Software Tools, Inc. logo, E-Prime®, E-Prime® logo, images are trademarks or registered trademarks of Psychology Software Tools, Inc. Tobii and Tobii logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tobii Technology AB.

This manual describes the installation procedure for the E-Prime Extensions for Tobii. Please review the manual completely and thoroughly before beginning the system installation.

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Table of ContentsChapter 1: Getting Started Guide 6 E-PrimeExtensionsforTobiiOverview 6 SoftwareInstallation 6 TechnicalSupport 12 Resources 12Chapter 2: How to Create Your Own Tobii Experiment 13 ProgrammingMethods 14 Tutorial1:AddingTobiiSupporttoanE-PrimeExperiment 16 Tutorial2:WritingtotheTab-DelimitedGazeDataFile 44 Tutorial3:WorkingwithEyeGazeDataInteractively 61

Chapter 3: Reference Guide 71 TET_Open 72 TET_Connect 73 TET_ClearHistory 74 TET_StartTracking 75 TET_TrackStatus 76 TET_WaitForFixation 77 TET_StopTracking 78 TET_Disconnect 79 TET_Close 80 TET_GazeReplay 81 TET_OpenGazeDataFile 82 TET_WriteGazeDataFile 83 TET_CloseGazeDataFile 84

Chapter 4: E-Prime 2.0 Reference Guide 85 TET_Open 86 TET_Connect 87 TET_ClearHistory 88 TET_StartTracking 89 TET_TrackStatus 90 TET_WaitForFixation 91 TET_StopTracking 92 TET_Disconnect 93 TET_Close 94 TET_GazeReplay 95 TET_OpenGazeDataFile 96 TET_WriteGazeDataFile 97 TET_CloseGazeDataFile 98

Appendix A 99Hardware Configurations 99

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Installation InstructionsE-PrimeExtensionsforTobiiiscompatiblewithallversionsofE-Prime.(v1.2,2.0and2.0Professional)The E-Prime 2.0 and E-Prime 2.0 Professional file extension is .es2. This Getting Started Guide uses the.esextension.Also,ifyouareusingE-Prime2.0Professionalyouwillbepromptedtoconvertyour.es2 files to E-Prime 2.0 Professional upon opening them. This is because the samples and tutorials are distributedintheE-Prime2.0format.

ForasummaryofE-Prime’snewfeatures,reviewtheE-Prime2.0New Features GuidethatcanbeaccessedthroughtheStartmenu:Start\AllPrograms\E-Prime2.0\Documentation\NewFeaturesGuide.


E-Prime Extensions for Tobii OverviewE-PrimeExtensionsforTobiiisasetofsoftwareextensionstoE-PrimethatallowcommunicationbetweentheTETServer(TobiiEyeTrackerServer)andE-Primeduringtherunofanexperiment.ItwillallowyoutocreateE-PrimeexperimentsorupdateexistingE-PrimeexperimentstofunctionwiththeTobiiET.Theextensionsalsoincludeasetofsampleexperimentsthatcanberundirectly,orusedasabasisfromwhichtocreatenewexperiments.

Software InstallationBeforecontinuing,besurethatyouhaveadministrativerightstoinstallthissoftwareonthecomputer.Ifyoudonothaveadministrativerights,youwillbeunabletoinstallE-PrimeExtensionsforTobii.Ifyouareunsureofyouradministrativeprivileges,contactyourSystemAdministrator.

Install E-Prime v1.2 or newer 1) UninstallanypreviousversionofE-Prime.TheE-PrimeExtensionsforTobiirequiresa copyofE-Primev1.2ornewertobeinstalledonthemachine. 2) InserttheE-Primev1.2CDintoyourCD-ROMdrive. 3) Theinstallationshouldautomaticallylaunch.IfitdoesnotyoumayuseWindows Explorer to browse the CD and launch the Setup.exe file in the maindirectoryfolder. 4) Followthepromptsintheinstallationprogramtoprovideanyrequiredinformation (e.g.UserName,Company,SerialNumber,etc).InstallationofE-Primerequiresavalid E-Prime License (verified through the E-Prime USB or HASP and Serial Number).

Chapter 1: Getting Started Guide

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Installing E-Prime Extensions for Tobii (Version 6)Beforecontinuing,besurethatyouhaveadministrativerightstoinstallthissoftwareonthecomputer.Ifyoudonothaveadministrativerights,youwillbeunabletoinstallE-PrimeExtensionsforTobii.Ifyouareunsureofyouradministrativeprivileges,contactyourSystemAdministrator.

1) InserttheTobii installation CDintoyourCD-ROM drive. IfyoudonotseetheBrowser Installationscreen,navigate toyourCD-ROM drivein Windows Explorer and open Launch.exetolaunch theinstallation.

2) Choosetheappropriateversion ofE-Primetoinstall.This example uses the install for E-Prime 1.2.

3) ThePreparingtoInstalldialogue willappear.

4) ClicktheNextbutton.

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5) ReadtheLicense Agreement andensurethatyouagree completelywiththeterms andconditionsdescribed oftheLicense Agreement beforeproceeding.

6) ClickYestoproceedwiththe installation.

7) SpecifyaUser Nameand Company Nameorcheck withyoursystemadministrator forappropriateinformation.

8) SelecttheAnyone who uses this computer (all users) option.

9) ClickNexttobegintransferring files to your computer.

10) ClickNexttoacceptthedefault installationlocation.

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11) SelectTypical.

12) ClickNext.

13) Waitwhiletheinstaller configures the software.

14) IfE-Prime Extensions for Tobii isinstalledproperly,youwill seethefollowingwindow.

15) ClickFinishtocomplete installation.

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16) ClickExit toclosebrowser.

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Software Installation (continued)Running a Test Experiment 1) TestTobiiStudio**andTETinstallations.ThefollowingtestoftheEETinstallation assumestheproperfunctioningofbothTobiiStudioandTETServer.Ifyouarenewto Tobii, confirm proper functioning by running and analyzing data from at least one Tobii sampleparadigm.

In this Beta release, after the computer(s) has been rebooted, the current calibration will be lost. You will need to make sure that a calibration is loaded prior to running the experiment; otherwise you may lock up the E-Studio application at runtime.

2) LaunchE-Prime. 3) When E-Prime launches it will detect the new Tobii related sample files. You should allow E-PrimetocopythenewsamplesintoyourMyDocuments\MyExperimentsfolder. 4) AfterE-Primehascopiedthesamples,navigateto MyDocuments\MyExperiments\Tobii\Samples\TET\TETVaryingPositionAOITracking 5) Locate and open the TETVaryingPositionAOITracking.es file 6) IntheE-StudioStructureview,double-clicktheExperimentobjectlocatedatthetopofthe tree. 7) ClickontheDevicestaboftheExperimentPages. 8) Double-clickontheTobiiEyeTrackerdevicetoedititsPropertyPages. 9) SpecifythecorrectIPAddressoftheTobiicomputer.

In this Beta release, if you leave the IP Address field empty or do not specify the correct IP Address you may lock up the E-Studio application.

10) ClicktheOKbuttontodismissthePropertyPagesandsavethechanges. 11) ClicktheOKbuttontodismisstheExperimentObjectPropertyPages. 12) ClicktheRunbuttoninE-StudioorpressF7toruntheTETVaryingPositionAOITracking (betaversion)sample. 13) TETVaryingPositionAOITracking •WhentheTrackStatuswindowisshownyoumustpressakeytocontinue. •Followtheinstructionsonscreentoperformthetask. • When the fixation + is shown, you must focus on the fixation continuously for 2 secondstobegineachtrial.Alternatelyyoumaypressanykeytocontinue.

Calibrate each new subject using Tobii Studio on the E-Prime machine first (In the current Beta Version E-Prime will use the most recently loaded Tobii Studio calibration. Calibration must be re-performed/reloaded each time a different subject is used. This requirement will be removed in subsequent versions.)

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Technical Support


http://www.pstnet.com/e-prime/support/login.asp.RegistrationrequiresavalidE-Primeserialnumberande-mailaddress.Atthesupportsite,youwillalsofind a Knowledge Base including release notes and a compilation of frequently asked questions. The supportsitealsoincludesE-Primesampleparadigmsthatareavailableforyoutodownload.ThereisanadditionalsupportforumyoucanusetopostgeneralquestionsaboutE-Prime1.x,E-Prime2.0andE-PrimeExtensionsforTobii.http://support.pstnet.com/forum/


1) [email protected]) TobiimanualsincludedintheTobiiproductshipment.3) CheckPST’swebsiteforadditionalresources: http://www.pstnet.com/products/E-Prime/E_Prime_Tobii/default.htm4) Collectionofeyetrackingrelatedresources: http://www.pstnet.com/products/E-Prime/E_Prime_Tobii/EyetrackingRelatedResourcesMain Page.htm5) EETStarterProgram: Foralimitedtime,newusersareeligibletoparticipateintheEETStarterProgram. Pleasevisitourwebsitefordetails.6) EETusersareentitledtofullE-PrimeTechnicalSupportviaPST’sWebSupportforE-Prime (seeaboveforregistrationdetails)7) ReferencetoUsermanualTobiiStudio.

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Chapter 2: How to Create Your Own Tobii Experiment

2.1 Overview



While this document includes some basic introduction to programming concepts specific to using E-PrimewithTobii,thetutorialsassumeyouarefamiliarwithusingE-Primetobuildbehavioralexperiments.IfyouarenewtousingE-PrimeitissuggestedthatyouworkthroughalltutorialsincludedintheE-PrimeGettingStartedGuidepriortobeginningthistutorial.

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Programming Methods

Programming Methods OverviewTheE-PrimeExtensionsforTobii(EET)combinestwotechnologiestocreateanintegratedprogrammingenvironment:PackageCallsandInLineScript.ThetypicalEETexperimentwillincludeuseofbothtechnologies.Abriefoverviewofeachisprovidedbelow.

Use of PackageCalls in the EETPackageCalls are pre-written, cohesive sets of E-Basic routines grouped together in a single file that canbemaintainedexternally.TheselibrariesareincludedintheEETinstallation.TheEETPackageCallswillallowyoutoautomaticallyperformvariousfunctionse.g.,hardwareinitalizationanddataoutputformattingviagraphicalrepresentationsinthestructureviewinE-Studio.SomeoftheEETPackageCallswillrequireyoutosetormodifyparameterstoenablethemtoworkwithyourexperiment.TheChapter3ReferenceGuideonpage71inthismanualprovidesalistingofavailableroutinesalongwithdescriptionsofhowtousethem.

PackageCall MethodRoutines contained within a package file are typically called by dragging a PackageCall from the E-Studio Toolbox,anddroppingitintoaProcedureobjectatthelocationwithintheexperimentwherethecallistobeinvoked.

When using the PackageCall it is strongly recommended that you rename the object to reflect the specific Package File and Routine that are being referenced within the object. If you do not follow this recommendationE-Primewillissuethefollowingwarning.

Itisalsoacommonconvention,whencallingroutineswithintheTobiiPackageFile,tocreateanameforeachobjectbyabbreviating“Tobii”as“TET”andthenconcatenatingthenameoftheroutinebeingcalled. For example, a PackageCall that is configured to call the “TET_Open” routine would be named “TETOpen”.

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Programming Methods

InLineScriptMethodAn InLine is an object used to insert user-defined script into an experiment at a specific point. Theobjectisplacedatthedesiredlocationinthescript.TheInLinemethodcanbeusedtocallPackageCallsaswell.However,unlessthereisaneedtomakeaseriesofPackageCallsinsequence,orminglePackageCallswithadditionalE-Basicscript,thiscallingmethodisnottypicallyrecommended.


Developers must have the EET fully and correctly installed prior to using the Tobii PackageCalls by either method.

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Tutorial 1:Adding Tobii Support to an E-Prime Experiment

Summary: IncorporatingTobiisupportintoanexistingE-PrimeexperimentprimarilyinvolvesaddingboththeTETPackageFileandtheTETPackageCallstotheexperimentalstructureattheappropriatelocations.PackageCallsareaddedtotheexperiment,thenrenamed.TherequiredparametersaretheneditedtoallowtheusertoadapttheTETPackagetomeettheirindividualneeds.Duringthistutorial,youwilladdE-PrimeExtensionsforTobiisupporttotheFixedPositionAOIsampleexperimentinstalledbydefaultwithTobii.TheFixedPositionAOIsampleexperimentconsistsofoneblock. The participant views a fixation cross, and then listens to an animal noise. Next, a picture is shown,andtheparticipantisaskedtomakeadecisionabouttherelationshipofthesoundandthepicture.Responsefeedbackisprovidedattheendofeachtrial.Togainthemostfromthistutorialitisrecommendedthatyouloadandruntheexperimentasaparticipant.Thiswillallowagreaterunderstandingtothedesignoftheparadigmwhenviewedasadeveloper.

Goal: ThistutorialillustrateshowtoaddtheTETPackageCallsintotheFixedPositionAOIsampleexperimentincludedwithE-PrimeExtensionsforTobii.Whenyouhavecompletedthistutorial,youwillhavecreatedabasic“TET-enabled”paradigm.

Overview of Tasks:• LoadFixedPositionAOIandresaveitasTETFixedPosition.es• AddtheTETPackageFiletotheExperimentObject.• AddtheTobiiEyeTrackertoDevicesTabandeditthepropertiestoenablecommunication

betweentheTobiiEyeTrackerandTETServer.• AddtheTETPackageCalltoopen/closetheTETdevice.• AddtheTETPackageCalltodisplaytheTrackStatusWindow.• Add the TET PackageCall to open/close the GazeData file.• AddtheTETPackageCalltostart/stoptracking.• AddtheTETPackageCalltoreplaytheGazeData.• Verifytheoverallexperimentstructureandruntheexperiment

Estimated Time:20-30minutes

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Task 1: Open the FixedPositionAOI.es experiment in E-Studio.Locate the E-Studio icon in the Start>All Programs>E-Prime menu and launch the application by selecting it. Load the FixedPositionAOI.es sample experiment.

TheE-StudioapplicationisinstalledaspartofthestandardE-Primeinstallation.Thisapplicationisusedtocreate,modifyandtestexperimentswithinE-Prime.OpentheE-Studioapplication,navigatetotheappropriatefolderandloadtheFixedPositionAOI.essampleexperiment.UnderWindowsXPthefolderwillbe: “My Documents\My Experiments\Tobii\Tutorials\TET\TETFixedPositionAOI\FixedPositionAOI.es”

1)ClickontheWindowsStartmenu,selectAll Programs,andthen selectE-Prime.Fromthemenu,clickonE-Studiotolaunchtheapplication.

2)Select Openan Existing ExperimentandclicktheOKbutton.

3)Navigatetothe“…\My Documents\ My Experiments\Tobii\Tutorials\ TET\TETFixedPositionAOI\”foldertoloadtheparadigm.4)Select theFixedPositionAOI.es file and then clicktheOpenbuttontoloadtheparadigmintoE-Studio. If you cannot find the FixedPositionAOI.es file, you may need to refresh your E-Prime Samples and Tutorials folders. Select Tools|Options… from the E-Studio menu bar then click “Copy Samples and Tutorials to My Experiments folder…”

5)Comparethestructureofthe experimentyouhaveopenedtotheoneshownontheright.







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Task 2: Save the experiment under a new name.Save the FixedPositionAOI.es experiment in the same directory under the new name “TETFixedPositionAOI.es.”


1)SelectFile\Save As... fromtheapplicationmenubar.

2)TypeTETFixedPositionAOI.esasthenewnameintheFile name field.

3) ClicktheSavebutton.


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Task 3: Add the TET Package to the Experiment Property Pages.Open the Property Pages for the Experiment object and use the Packages tab to add the TET Package File to the experiment.

PackageFilesinE-PrimearecohesivesetsofE-Basicroutinesthataregroupedtogetherintoasinglefile that can be maintained externally. In order to gain access to the routines within a package file you must first add the package file to the experiment. Package files can be added to an experiment using thePackagestaboftheExperimentObjectPropertyPages.TheroutinesthatareusedtocommunicatewiththeTETsoftwareatruntimearecontainedwithintheTETPackageFile.







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1)Double clicktheExperimentobjectatthetopofthetreeintheStructureview.

2)ClickonthePackagestabofthe Experiment Object PropertyPages.

3)ClicktheAdd... button.

4)Selectthe TET package file in theAdd PackageProperty Pages. The version numbers may differ.

5)ClicktheOKbuttontodismissthe Add Package Property Pages.

6)Verify theTET Package Fileislistedunderthe Packagecolumnandischecked.Then clicktheOKbuttontodismisstheProperty Pages. The Package File version number displayed by E-Studio reflects the version of the TET Package File that is currently installed on your machine and may not match the picture.

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Task 4: Add the Tobii Eye Tracker to the Experiment Properties.Open the Property Pages for the Experiment object and select the Devices tab to add the Tobii Eye Tracker to the experiment.








1)Double clicktheExperiment objectatthetopofthetreeinthe Structureview.

2) Click ontheDevicestaboftheExperiment Object PropertyPages.

3)ClicktheAdd... button.

4)SelecttheTobii Eye TrackerintheAdd Device Dialog.

5)ClicktheOKbuttontodismisstheAdd Device Dialog.

6)VerifytheTobii Eye Trackeris listedlastundertheName columnandischecked.Then clicktheOK buttontodismisstheAdd Device Dialog. The order of devices from top to bottom is the order in which the devices become enabled via E-Studio at the beginning of an experimental run. Do not move the Tobii Eye Tracker device to the top as the Display device must open prior to the Tobii Eye Tracker device. Otherwise you will encounter a fatal error, and E-Studio will close when you try to run an experiment.

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Task 5: Edit the Tobii Eye Tracker Device Property Pages.Open the Tobii Eye Tracker Device Property Pages, specify the TET Server IP Address and confirm the TCP/IP Port number.







1) Click theTobii Eye Tracker to highlightit.

2)Click Edit.

3)TypetheIP address orName ofthecomputerthathousestheTET Server.

To find out the IP address of the TET Server, on a Windows machine go to Start MenuRun type “cmd” in the text box and click enter. When the cmd.exe displays a prompt type “ipconfig” and press enter. The IP Address will be labeled in the command prompt window.

If you are using the T-Series, you can use the monitor serial number, “serial number.local.”

4)Reviewthe TCP/IP Port Number. A default value for Port Number is provided automatically. The default value (4455) is correct in most cases and need not be changed.

5)Click OK toacceptchanges.

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Task 6: Add the TETOpen PackageCall to begin collecting data.Add a PackageCall at the beginning of the SessionProc and Name the PackageCall TETOpen.

TheTETOpenPackageCallsignalstheEyeTrackertobegincollectingeyemovementdata.Itisnecessarytorecordeyegazedataonlyfortheportionsoftheexperimentthatwillbeanalyzedlater.However,becausetheexampleexperimentissoshort,wewilladdtheTETOpenPackageCallatthebeginningoftheexperiment. You will need to decide where in your experiment it is appropriate to place the PackageCall.

1)Double clicktheSessionProcobjecttoopenitintheworkspace.

2)DraganewPackageCall fromtheE-StudioToolboxand dropit as the first object in the SessionProcprocedure.Theobjectwillbegivenadefaultnameof PackageCall1.

3) Clickonthe PackageCall1 toselectitthenpressF2torenametheobject. You may alternatively right click on the object and select Rename from the context menu.

4)Type“TETOpen”asthe newobjectnameandthenpress Enter toacceptthechange. When the Package file defines an icon for the routine it will replace the default PackageCall icon. In this case, the icon associated with the package file itself will be used.





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Task 6 (continued): Add the TETOpen PackageCall to begincollecting data.Configure the TETOpen PackageCall to call the Open routine of the TET package and accept the default properties.

ThePropertyPagesofthePackageCallareusedtospecifywhichPackageFileandRoutinearetobecalledineachinstance.AfteraPackageisselectedwithintheinterface,theRoutinedropdownlistwillbepopulatedwithalloftheroutinescontainedwithinthepackage.AfteryouselectaRoutine,theParametersfield will be set to the default parameters and the Description field will be filled with the text that the package file author included for the selected routine. You can refer to the Description field for information abouteachparameterinthelist(anyparameterindoublequotesindicatesstringdata).TheTETOpenPackageCallincludesparametersthatallowyoutoturnon/offthecommunicationbetweentheE-PrimeexperimentandtheTobiiEyeTracker.

5)Double clicktheTETOpen PackageCallontheSessionProctodisplayitsProperty Pages.


7)SelectOpenfromtheRoutinedropdownlist. 8)ReviewtheTETOpenparameterslistedintheParametersandDescription fields.

9) ClicktheOKbuttontoacceptthechangesanddismisstheTETOpen Property Pages.




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Task 7: Add the TETTrackStatus PackageCall to enable the Track Status window.Add a PackageCall to the SessionProc and Name the object TETTrackStatus PackageCall.

TheTETTrackStatusPackageCallisusedtodisplaytheTrackStatuswindow.ThisPackageCallwilldisplaythesameTrackStatuswindowthatyouseewhenrunningacalibration,orstudyinTobiiStudioorTobii Studio. A black box will appear with two white circles representing your eyes. You will also be given feedbackregardingthedatabeing“seen”bytheTETServeratthebottomofthewindow.Thebasicpurpose of the Track Status window is to verify that you are getting sufficient data via the TET Server. If therearenocirclescorrespondingtothesubject’seyes,ifthetrackingisinconsistentor“shaky,”youwillnotgetaccurateandvalideyegazedata.Atthispoint,youmaywanttoexittheexperiment(bypressingCtrl+Alt+Shift simultaneously), and recalibrate the subject. Once you are satisfied that the quality of the eye tracking is sufficient, simply press a key to dismiss the Track Status window (while running an experiment).


2)ClickonthePackageCall1toselectitthenpressF2torenametheobject. You may alternatively right click on the object and select Rename from the context menu.

3)Type“TETTrackStatus”asthenewobjectnameandthenpress Enter toacceptthechange.




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Task 7 (continued) : Add the TETTrackStatus PackageCall to enable the Track Status window.Add a PackageCall to the SessionProc and Name the object TETTrackStatus PackageCall.

After you select the TET Package and TrackStatus as the Routine, the Parameters field will be set to the default parameter, “c,” and the Description field will be filled with the text that the package file author includedfortheselectedroutine.TheTETTrackStatusPackageCallincludesparametersthatassessesthecurrentexperimentasthecontext.

4)Double clicktheTETTrackStatus PackageCallontheSessionProctodisplayitsProperty Pages.


6)SelectTrackStatus fromtheRoutine dropdownlist. 7)ReviewtheTETTrackStatusparameterslistedintheParameters andDescription fields.8)ClicktheOKbuttontoacceptthechangesanddismisstheProperty Pages.


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Task 8: Add the TETOpenGazeDataFile PackageCall to create and open the tab delimited GazeData file.Add a PackageCall to the SessionProc and Name the PackageCall TETOpenGazeDataFile.

ThenextstepistoaddtheTETOpenGazeDataFilePackageCallaftertheTETOpenPackageCall.ItisrecommendedthattheTETOpenGazeDataFilePackageCallfollowtheTETTrackStatusPackageCall.Thepurpose of this call is to open the tab delimited GazeData file that will be created (in addition to the .EDAT file) once an experiment has completed (Operationsassociatedwithdatacollectionandoutputwillbediscussedinlengthinthefollowingtutorial).

1) Draganew PackageCallfromtheToolboxanddropit after theTETTrackStatus PackageCallinthe SessionProc procedure.Theobjectwillbegiven thedefaultnameofPackageCall1.

2) ClickonthePackageCall1 to selectitthenpressF2 torename

theobject. You may alternatively right click on the object and select Rename from the context menu.

3) TypeTETOpenGazeDataFile asthenewobjectnameand thenpress Enter toacceptthe





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Task 8 (continued): Add the TETOpenGazeDataFile PackageCall to create and open the tab delimited GazeData file. Call the OpenGazeDataFile routine of the TET package and accept the default properties.

The default parameters of this PackageCall specify the name of the output file using the following format: ExperimentName-Subject#-.gazedata. If you wish to change the name of the output file use quotation marks to enclose the string. The proper syntax to do this is c, “your desired filename”.

4)Double clicktheTETOpenGazeDataFile PackageCallontheSessionProctodisplayitsProperty Pages.


6)SelectOpenGazeDataFile fromthe Routine dropdownlist. 7)ReviewtheTETOpenGazeDataFileparameterslistedintheParameters andDescription fields.

8)ClicktheOKbuttontoacceptthechangesanddismissthe TETOpenGazeData Property Pages.


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Task 9: Add the TETStartTracking PackageCall to begin tracking eye movements.Add a PackageCall to the TrialProc and Name the PackageCall TETStartTracking.


1) Double clickthe TrialProcobjecttoopenitintheworkspace.

2) DraganewPackageCallfromtheToolboxanddropitbeforetheFixationobjectinthe TrialProc procedure.TheobjectwillbegivenadefaultnameofPackageCall1.

3) ClickonthePackageCall1toselectitthenpressF2torenametheobject. You may alternatively right click on the object and select Rename from the context menu.

4)Type“TETStartTracking”asthenewobjectnameandthenpress Enter toacceptthechange. 3




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5)Double clicktheTETStartTracking PackageCallontheTrialProctodisplayitsProperty Pages.


7)SelectStartTracking fromthe Routine dropdownlist. 8)ReviewtheTETStartTrackingparameterslistedintheParameters andDescription fields.

9)ClicktheOKbuttontoacceptthechangesanddismissthe TETStartTracking Property Pages.


Task 9 (continued) : Add the TETStartTracking PackageCall to enable the Track Status window.Configure the TETStartTracking PackageCall to call the StartTracking routine of the TET package and accept the default properties.








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Task 10: Add the TETWaitForFixation PackageCall to halt the trial until the participant fixates on a particular object for a given amount of time.Add a PackageCall to the TrialProc and Name the PackageCall TETWaitForFixation.

ThenextstepistoaddtheTETWaitForFixationPackageCall.ThisPackageCallisusedtohaltthebeginning of a trial until the subject fixates on a particular object on the screen for a set amount of time. A commonly used fixation point is a simple fixation cross, but the particular fixation object is not important,andwillvaryfromexperimenttoexperiment.Inthisexample,thisPackageCallshouldfollowtheFixationobject.

1) DraganewPackageCall fromtheToolboxanddropitafter theFixationobjectinthe TrialProcprocedure.TheobjectwillbegivenadefaultnameofPackageCall1.

2) ClickonthePackageCall1 toselectitthenpressF2torenametheobject. You may alternatively right click on the object and select Rename from the context menu.

3)Type“TETWaitForFixation”asthenewobjectnameandthenpressEnter toacceptthechange




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Task 10 (continued): Add the TETWaitForFixation PackageCall to enable the Track Status window.Configure the TETWaitForFixation PackageCall to call the WaitForFixation routine of the TET package and edit the Parameters.


4)Double clicktheTETWaitForFixation PackageCallobjectontheTrialProcto displayitsProperty Pages.


6)SelectWaitForFixation fromthe Routine dropdownlist. 7)Edit the Parameters toread: c,Fixation,2000,“red” Tasks 11 and 12 will revisit this issue in depth.

8)ClicktheOKbuttontoacceptthechangesanddismissthe TETWaitForFixation Property Pages.


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Task 11: Confirm the sub-object on the Fixation Slide object will display the desired fixation.Add a sub-object to the Fixation Slide and Edit the sub-object to display a “+” sign.

In the last step, we configured the TETWaitForFixation PackageCall to communicate with the Fixation Slide object. Now we will confirm the Slide object displays a “+” on the Fixation Slide object. This step canbeconfusingbecauseboththeslideandtheslidesub-objectarenamedFixation.WhenusingtheTET_WaitforFixationpackagecallitisimperativetonametheslideobjectFixation.

1) Double click the Fixation Slide objectonthe TrialProc to displayitsProperty Pages.

2) Select Fixation sub-objectfromthedropdownlistintheSlide toolbar.

3) ClicktheProperty Pages buttontoopentheSlideText sub-object Fixation sub-object Properties. 4) Confirm theTextreads+. Press OK toacceptthechangesanddismisstheFixation Property Pages.





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Task 12: Modify the Fixation Slide object to work in conjunction with the TETWaitForFixation PackageCall.Configure the Fixation object to accept input from the TETWaitForFixation PackageCall.

ThegeneralmethodemployedbytheTETWaitForFixationPackageCallisoneofactiveprocessing.ThezerodurationoftheSlideobjectwillsimplyensurethattheobjectisdisplayedonthescreen,butthatthePackageCallisexecutedimmediatelyafter.TheInputMaskparametersarenecessaryforthefollowingreasons.ThePackageCallentersaloopthatwillonlyexitoncearesponsehasbeenmadetotheSlideobject(hencetheTimeLimitandEndActionpropertysettings).ThePackageCallwill“keep track” of the subject’s fixations by actively accessing the GazeData information. Once a fixation has been made on the Fixation sub-object for a predetermined amount of time (as specified in the parametersofthePackageCall),akeypresswillbesimulated,terminatingtheloopandthusmovingonwiththerestoftheexperiment.

1) Select Fixation fromtheFixation dropdownmenuintheslidetoolbar. Note that we are selecting the entire slide.

2) Click theProperties button. 3) Select theDuration/Input tab.

4) Confirm theDuration iszero.

5) Confirm theData Logging Menu readsStandard.

6) Verify thattheTiming Mode is Event andthePreRelease iszero.

7)IfKeyboardisnotlistedinthe devices,click theAdd buttonintheInput Masks area.






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Task 12: (continued) Modify the Fixation Slide object to work in conjunction with the TETWaitForFixation PackageCall.Configure the Fixation object to accept input from the TETWaitForFixation PackageCall.





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8) Select Keyboard. 9) Click OK.

10)Verify thatKeyboard islistedunder Device(s) andthatitischecked. 11) Verify thatAllowable reads “{ANY}”.

12) VerifytheTime Limit issetto “(infinite)”.

13) Confirm theEnd Action reads“(none)”.

14) Click OK. The RT on the Slide object will indicate the time elapsed until the participant’s fixation was accepted.

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Task 12: (continued) Modify the Fixation Slide object to work in conjunction with the TETWaitForFixation PackageCall.Explanation of configuration and trouble shooting.

Trouble shooting:



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Task 13: Add the TETStopTracking PackageCall to stop tracking eye movements.Add a PackageCall to the TrialProc and Name the PackageCall TETStopTracking.


1) DraganewPackageCallfromtheToolboxanddropitaftertheStimulusobjectinthe TrialProcprocedure.TheobjectwillbegivenadefaultnameofPackageCall1.

2) ClickonthePackageCall1toselectitthenpressF2torenametheobject. You may alternatively right click on the object and select Rename from the context menu.

3)Type“TETStopTracking”asthenewobjectnameandthenpressEnter toacceptthechange.




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Task 13 (continued): Add the TETStopTracking PackageCall to stop tracking eye movements.Configure the TETStopTracking PackageCall to call the StopTracking routine of the TET package and accept the defaults.

4)Double clicktheTETStopTracking PackageCallobjectontheTrialProcto displayitsProperty Pages.


6)SelectStopTracking fromthe Routine dropdownlist. 7)Review theTETStopTrackingparameterslistedintheParameters andDescription fields.

8)ClicktheOKbuttontoacceptthechangesanddismisstheProperty Pages.


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Task 14: Add the TETGazeReplay PackageCall to visually replay the eye movements.Add a PackageCall to the TrialProc and Name the PackageCall TETGazeReplay.


1) DraganewPackageCall fromtheToolboxanddropitafterthe Feedbackobjectinthe TrialProcprocedure.TheobjectwillbegivenadefaultnameofPackageCall1.

2) ClickonthePackageCall1toselectitthenpressF2torenametheobject. You may alternatively right click on the object and select Rename from the context menu.

3)Type“TETGazeReplay”asthenewobjectnameandthenpressEnter toacceptthechange.




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Task 14 (continued): Add the TETGazeReplay PackageCall to visually replay the eye movements.Configure the TETGazeReplay PackageCall to call the GazeReplay routine of the TET package and edit the Parameters.

IntheTETFixedPositionAOIexperiment,thecriticalstimuluswaspresentedbytheStimulusobject.TheparametersindicatedforthisexperimentaresuchthattheStimulusobjectispresentedonthescreenandtheeyemovementsarereplayedstartingatthetimeofthePrimeobject(Prime.OnsetTime),and continuing on until TETStopRecording is called. It is possible to designate a specific time in which thegazereplayshouldstop,viathelastoptionalparameter.HoweveritisunnecessaryinthiscasebecausetheTETStopTrackingPackageCalliscalledimmediatelyaftertheoffsetoftheStimulusobject,thatsupplantstheuseoftheOptionalparameters.

4)Double clicktheTETGazeReplay PackageCallobjectontheTrialProcto displayitsProperty Pages.


6)SelectGazeReplay fromthe Routine dropdownlist. 7)Edit theTETGazeReplayparameterslistedintheParameters toread: c, Stimulus, Prime.OnsetTime

8)ClicktheOKbuttontoacceptthechangesanddismisstheProperty Pages.


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Task 15: Add the TETCloseGazeDataFile PackageCall to end data collection.Add a PackageCall at the end of the SessionProc and Name the object TETCloseGazeDataFile PackageCall.


1)Double clickthe SessionProc objecttoopenitintheworkspace.

2) Draganew PackageCallfromtheToolboxanddropitafter theGoodbyeobjectinthe SessionProcprocedure.TheobjectwillbegivenadefaultnameofPackageCall1.

3) ClickonthePackageCall1 toselectitthenpressF2torenametheobject. You may alternatively right click on the object and select Rename from the context menu.

4)Type“TETCloseGazeDataFile”asthenewobjectnameandthenpressEnter toacceptthechange.





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Task 15 (continued): Add the TETCloseGazeDataFile PackageCall to end data collection.Configure the TETCloseGazeDataFile PackageCall to call the CloseGazeDataFile routine of the TET package and accept the default properties.


5)Double clicktheTETCloseGazeDataFile PackageCallobjectontheSessionProcto displayitsProperty Pages.


7)SelectCloseGazeDataFile fromthe Routine dropdownlist. 8)ReviewtheTETCloseGazeDataFileparameterslistedintheParameters andDescription fields.

9)ClicktheOKbuttontoacceptthechangesanddismisstheProperty Pages.





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Task 16: Add the TETClose PackageCall to close the TET Server.Add a PackageCall to the SessionProc and Name the PackageCall TETClose.


1) DraganewPackageCall fromtheToolboxanddropitafter theTETCloseGazeDataFilePackageCallinthe SessionProcprocedure.TheobjectwillbegivenadefaultnameofPackageCall1.

2) ClickonthePackageCall1 toselectitthenpressF2torenametheobject. You may alternatively right click on the object and select Rename from the context menu.

3)Type“TETClose”asthenewobjectnameandthenpressEnter toacceptthechange.




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Task 16 (continued): Add the TETClose PackageCall to close the TET Server.Configure the TETClose PackageCall to call the Close routine of the TET package and accept the default parameters.


4)Double clicktheTETClose PackageCallobjectontheSessionProcto displayitsProperty Pages.


6)SelectClose fromthe Routine dropdownlist. 7)Review theTETCloseparameterslistedintheParameters andDescription fields.

8)ClicktheOKbuttontoacceptthechangesanddismisstheProperty Pages.


10)Compare thestructureoftheexperimentyouhavecreatedtotheoneontheright.

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Tutorial 2:Writing to the Tab-Delimited Gaze Data File

Summary: NowthatyouhaveincorporatedTobiisupportintoyourE-Primeexperiment,youwillwanttoenabletheexperiment to write the data you collect to a file. E-Prime provides extensive capabilities for collecting, reportingandviewingdata.InmostdesignsE-Primeisusedtocollectandoutputonedatarowpertrial.Ineyetrackingexperimentsthegoalistocollectandoutputdataeveryeyegazesample(ofwhichtheremaybeseveralhundredpertrialdependingonthetrialduration).Becauseofthis,EETparadigmsareenabledtoemployanadditionaldatacollectionandoutputtechniquewhichresultsinthecreationofatab-delimited text file. This file contains data rows which are a combination of eye gaze data received by E-PrimefromtheTobiiEyeTrackerandanyadditionaldataaddedbytheuserviaE-Prime.

Thetypeandamountofdatayouchoosetocollectisdeterminedbyyourexperimentaldesignandanalysis choices. In order to allow maximum flexibility the methods are performed in code sections of the experiment (as opposed to package calls), to expose both the content and the format of output files tomanipulationbytheuser.

The standard E-Prime data file (.edat) generated by your experiment is always available to you (unless you take steps to specify otherwise). For most eye tracking studies the output file described in this section will be the data most used in your data analysis (as opposed to the .edat file). It is up to the experimenter to specify the column ordering of this output file and to verify that the correct data is availablefortheanalysiswhichyouexpecttoperformonthedata..

What data should you collect in your eye gaze data file? As you will see in this tutorial, the starting design material provided includes the typical non-paradigm specific data you will likely wish to collect. It does not however include paradigm specific data which might be critical to your study. This tutorial will showyouhowtoaddthisadditionaldata.(Werecommendaconservative“verbose”approachtodatacollection: “Unless you are sure you won’t need it, collect it”. While it is easy to filter or ignore data in youranalysis,youcannotretrievedatawhichyoudidnotcollecttobeginwith!)During this tutorial, you will add code to the experiment to manipulate the format of the output file. AdditionallywewilldiscusstheHitTestMethod.ThismethodwillbeusedtodiscerntheAreasofInterest (AOI) we are tracking. AOIs are defined areas on the screen which represent critical objects or regions.AOIsaretypicallyusedtoassistinanalysisorinactiveruntimeprocessinginE-Prime.WewillusetheTETFixedPositionAOI.esexperimentwepreviouslycreatedinthelasttutorial.


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Tutorial 2:Writing to the Tab-Delimited Gaze Data File IfyouhavenotcompletedTutorial1,startbyopeningtheexperimentalparadigm“…\MyDocuments\MyExperiments\Tobii\Tutorials\TET\TETFixedPositionAOI\TETFixedPositionAOI1.es”Beforeyoustart,savetheexperimentunderthename“…\MyDocuments\MyExperiments\Tobii\Tutorials\TET\FixedPositionAOI\TETFixedPositionAOI.es”inthesamedirectory.Thiswilloverwriteanyexperimentwiththesamename.Ifyoudonotwishtooverwrite,chooseanothernamefortheexperimentthatdoesn’texistinthisdirectory.DetailedinstructionsonhowtosavearefoundinTutorial1,Task2,page18.

Resave:Only follow the steps below if you are loading the TETFixedPositionAOI1.es sample. 1)SelecttheFile|SaveAs...fromtheapplicationmenubar. 2) Type “TETFixedPositionAOI.es” as the new name in the File name field. 3)ClicktheSavebutton.

Goal: This tutorial illustrates how to write data to a tab delimited file. Once you complete this tutorial, you will be abletosavethegazedatafromyourexperiment.

Overview of Tasks:• OpentheTETFixedPositionAOI.es• Declare a Global User Defined Data Type and name it UserEyeGazeData.• AddanewmembertotheendoftheUserEyeGazeDatadatastructure.• Editthescripttoappendatabcharacterandnewcolumnlabel.• AppendanebTablinefortheUserEyeGazeData• CreatetheSaveDataInLine• ModifytheSaveDataInLinetousetheHitTestmethodtotrackAOIs.• Verifytheoverallexperimentstructureandruntheexperiment

Estimated Time: 20-30minutes

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1)Navigate to“…\MyDocuments\MyExperiments\Tobii\Tutorials\TET\TETFixedPositionAOI\”.

2) Double clicktheUserScript.txt file to open the file.

3) SelectEditSelect All (Ctrl+A)to highlight the contents of the file.




Task 1: Declare a Global User Defined Data Type called UserEyeGazeData.Open the UserScript.txt file, copy the contents and paste them into the User Script tab in E-Studio.

The UserEyeGazeData data structure is used to keep track of information specific to E-Prime conditional data per eye gaze observation. You may use it to help you to track and log any additional experiment related data that you need to associate with the gaze data. The quick and efficient way to get started is tocopytheentirecontentsoftheUserScript.txtincludedinthe“…\MyDocuments\MyExperiments\Tobii\Tutorials\TET\TETFixedPositionAOI\”andpasteitintotheUsertaboftheScriptviewinE-Studio.

The code provided in theUserScript.txt and the SaveGazeData.txt (Task 7) files can be copied to everyexperimentthatyoucreate.Itwaswrittentobeexportedeasilyandcontainscommonlyusedvariables.Foreachnewexperiment,youwillneedtoaltersomeofthevariableequivalenciestobespecific to that particular experiment.

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Task 1 (continued) : Declare a Global User Defined Data Type called UserEyeGazeData.Open the UserScript.txt file, copy the contents and paste them into the User Script tab in E-Studio.

TheUserEyeGazeDatadatastructureisusedtostorethatpartofthedatawhichiscollectedorcalculatedbyE-Prime.Itislatercombinedwiththeeyegazedatacollectedfromtheeyetrackertocreateasingledatarowpereyegazeacquisition.Therefore,theUserEyeGazeDatamustcontainanyexperimentaldatafromE-Primethatistobeassociatedwitheyegazedatainanalysis.Thequickandefficient way to get started is to copy the entire contents of the UserScript.txt included in the “…\My Documents\MyExperiments\Tobii\Tutorials\TET\TETFixedPositionAOI\”andpasteitintotheUsertaboftheScriptviewinE-Studio.

4) SelectEditCopy (Ctrl+C) tocopy the contents of the file.

5) ClicktheScript view (Alt+5 to open) inE-Studio.

6) Selectthe User tab.

7)SelectEditPaste (Ctrl+V) topaste the contents of the file into E-Studio.

8) Page up to the beginning of the file.

9)Press Ctrl+Stosaveyourworkbeforecontinuing.





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Task 2: Understanding the UserEyeGazeData type.Generate the TETFixedPositionAOI.es script, select the User tab, cut, and paste into an InLine object.

TheUserEyeGazeDataisusedtostoreanyexperimentaldatafromE-PrimethatistobeassociatedwiththeTobiieyegazedatainanalysis.E-Primeprovidesaccesstoawealthofexperimentalandcontextualdata.Anythingrelatedtoexperimentaldesign,stimuluspresentation,userresponses,timingauditresults,andusercalculateddatacanbecapturedandcontextualizedwitheyegazedata.PleaserefertoE-Prime’sdocumentationforthefullrangeofoptions.Asanexampleforthistutorial,ifyourexperimentis displaying an image on a colored background, you may wish to log the color of the background. You wouldthendeclareaparametercalledBackgroundColor(orsomethingsimilar)oftypeString.

For readability, it is recommended that you make any additional User Defined values at the bottom of thestructure.Theorderisnotimportantaslongasyouareconsistentorderingthroughoutthestepswhichfollow.InsomedesignsitmaynotbenecessarytologthePrime,ortheRT,etc.Ifyouhavedeterminedthatyoudonotneedtheminanalysis,youmayremovevaluesthatarenotnecessarytoyour data file (so long as you make sure to delete them in the next two steps).

1)TakeamomenttobecomefamiliarwiththetemplatenowwhichyouhavejustpastedintotheUserSection.Thevariablesprovidedrepresenttypicaldatawhichwouldbecollectedinmoststudies. 1

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Task 3: Add a new member to the end of the UserEyeGazeData type.Edit the script at the end of the UserEyeGazeData type and declare the variable BackColor as a string.


1) Position yourcursoraftertheg onthelinethatreads “RT As Long.”

2)Press Enter.

3)TypeBackColor As String



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Task 4: Edit User script to append Tab and format column.Edit the script labeled ‘Append additional user defined data to label the BackColor column.

You will need to add an ebTab line for each of the new data value you created in the previous step. Forreadabilitykeeptheorderconsistent.

1) Locate ‘Appendadditionaluser defined data in the ebTabgroup intheUser Script (itwillbeaboutthemiddleofthescript).2)Positionyourcursorafterthe_(underscore)onthelinethatreadsebTab & “RT” & _”

3)Press Enter 4)Type ebTab & “BackColor” & _




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Task 5: Edit User script to append Tab and value of BackColor.Edit the script labeled ‘Append additional user defined data in the UserEyeGazeData Group to include the value of the BackColor variable to the data file.

You will need to add an ebTab line in theUserEyeGazeData group for each of the new data value you created inthepreviousstep.Makesuretokeeptheorderconsistent.

1)Locate ‘Appendadditionaluser defined data neartheendoftheUser Script(itwillbebeforetheTET_WriteGazeDataFileline).

2)Positionyourcursorafterthe_(underscore)onthelinethatreadseb Tab & theUserEyeGazeData.RT & _.

3)PressEnter. 4)Type ebTab & theUserEyeGazeData. BackColor & _.




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Task 6: Add an InLine Object to the TrialProc.Add an InLine object to the TrialProc and rename it to SaveGazeData.

The SaveGazeData InLine object is used to write the gaze data to a tab delimited GazeData file, which can be viewed via MS Excel, or similar spreadsheet application. The first step in creating the SaveGazeDataInLineistoaddanInLineobjecttotheexperimentafteryouhavestoppedcollectingeyetrackingdata.Inthisexperiment,theInLineshouldfollowtheTETStopTrackingPackageCall.

ThecodeprovidedintheUserScript.txt(frompreviousTask2)andtheSaveGazeData.txt files can be copied to every experiment that you create. It was written to be exported easily andcontainscommonlyusedvariables.Foreachnewexperiment,youwillneedtoaltersomeofthe variable equivalencies to be specific to that particular experiment.

1) Double click theTrialProctoopenitintheworkspace.

2)Drag anew InLineobjectfromtheE-PrimeToolboxanddropitaftertheTETStopTrackingPackageCall.TheInLinewillbegivenadefaultnameof InLine1.

3)Click the InLine1object,press F2torenametheobjecttoSaveGazeData.Press Entertoacceptthechange.

4)Double click theSaveGazeData InLinetoopenitintheworkspace.





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Task 7: Copy script from SaveGazeData.txt to SaveGazeData InLine.Open the SaveGazeData.txt file, copy the contents, and paste them into the SaveGazeData InLine in E-Studio.

CreatingtheSaveGazeDataFileisacomplicatedstep,andwillvarygreatlyfromexperimenttoexperiment.The quick and efficient way to get started is to copy the entire contents of the UserScript.txt included in the“…\MyDocuments\MyExperiments\Tobii\Samples\Tutorials\TET\TETFixedPositionAOI\”andpastitintotheUsertaboftheScriptviewinE-Studio.

1)Navigate to“…\MyDocuments\MyExperiments\Tobii\Samples\Tutorials\TET\TETFixedPositionAOI\”

2)Double click theSaveGazeData.txt file to open the file.

3)Select EditSelect All (Ctrl+A) to highlight the contents of the file.

4)Select EditCopy (Ctrl+C)tocopy the contents of the file.





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Task 7 (continued): Copy script from SaveGazeData.txt to SaveGazeData InLine.Open the SaveGazeData.txt file, copy the contents, and paste them into the SaveGazeData InLine in E-Studio.

5)ClicktheSaveGazeData InLineinE-Studio.

6)Select EditPaste (Ctrl+V) topaste the contents of the file into E-Studio.

7)Page up to the beginning of the file. 8)Press Ctrl+S tosaveyourworkbeforecontinuing.




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Task 8: Edit the SaveGazeData InLine.Open the SaveGazeData.txt file, copy the contents and paste them into an the SaveGazeData InLine in E-Studio.

NextwewillmodifytheSaveGazeDataInLine.Thecodeyoucopiedinthepreviousstepswasnotparadigmspecific, so that it might be imported into and adapted for other experiments. For each new experiment you will need to check that the variables are set correctly. The first variable we need to check is theSlide variable.Thisvariableneedstocorrespondtotheobjectthatdisplaysyourcriticalstimulus.Thecriticalstimulusistheobjectyouaremanipulatingtomeasurethedependantvariable(yourhypothesis).Inthisexperiment the critical stimulus is the object that displays the images to the left and right visual fields; Stimulus.InadditiontoensuringtheSlideobjectisassociatedwiththecorrectobject,youmustaddalinetoaccount for any additional properties you defined in the User Script, e.g. BackColor, and set a default value fortheadditionalproperties.Ifyoudonotwishtosetadefaultvalue,simplyuseemptyquotationmarkstoindicateanemptystringvalue.

1)Confirm Set theSlide = Stimulus

2) Press Ctrl+S tosaveyourworkbeforecontinuing.


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Task 9: Designate theUserEyeGazeData type variable equivalents.Assign the variables in theUserEyeGazeData type to the corresponding objects in the experiment.


1)Confirm theUserEyeGazeData.TrialId = c.GetAttrib( c.GetAttrib(“Running”) & “.Sample” ) RecordsthevalueoftheTrialNumberinputatthebeginningoftheexperimenttotheTrialIdcolumn.

2)Confirm theUserEyeGazeData.Prime = c.GetAttrib( “Prime” ) RecordsthevalueofthePrimeobject e.g., the name of the sound filepresented,forthatparticulartrialtothePrimecolumn

3)Confirm theUserEyeGazeData.AOI1 = c.GetAttrib( “LeftImage” ) RecordsthevalueoftheStimulussub-objecte.g.,thenameofthe.bmp file presented on the left side for thatparticulartrialtotheAOI1column

4)Confirm theUserEyeGazeData.AOI2 = c.GetAttrib( “RightImage” ) RecordsthevalueoftheStimulussub-objecte.g.,thenameofthe.bmp file presented on the right side for thatparticulartrialtotheAOI2column

5)Add theUserEyeGazeData.BackColor = Stimulus.BackColor.ThiswillrecordtheBackColorvariablewecreatedintheprevioussteps.

6)Press Ctrl+S tosaveyourworkbeforecontinuing.

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Oncethetrialisover,theSaveGazeDataInLinewillprocessalloftheeyegazedatawhichhasbeencollectedsinceitslastexecution.TheSaveGazeDataInLinewillthenperformanycalculationsrequiredto fill the variables pertaining to the current trial. This is accomplished in the script sample in Task 12. Thisloopwillrunthrougheachoftheacquiredgazedatapoints,andlogtheappropriateE-Primerelateddata.

Details on how the SaveGazeData InLine Saves Data

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Task 12: Log the objects on screen via .OnsetTime.Use the .OnsetTime property to log the time at which the object was placed on the screen.

BelowisthescriptthatcontrolshowtheGazeDataisassociatedwiththeobjectspresentedonthescreen.The.RTTimepropertyoftheGazeDatawillgiveyouatimestampofwhenthecurrentgazedatapointwascapturedbyE-Prime.Byusingconditionalstatements,youcancomparethattimestamptothe.OnsetTimepropertiesoftheobjectsinyourprocedure.Intheaboveexample,theUserEyeGazeData.UserDefined_1 is used to log which object was on the screen when a particular gaze data point was acquired.

1) Confirm If theGazeData.RTTime >= Fixation.OnsetTime Then theUserEyeGazeData.UserDefined_1 = “Fixation” End If 2)Confirm If theGazeData. RTTime >= Prime.OnsetTime Then theUserEyeGazeData.UserDefined_1 = “Prime” End If

3)Confirm If theGazeData.RTTime >= Prime.OnsetTime Then theUserEyeGazeData.UserDefined_1 = “Stimulus” End If

4)Press Ctrl+S tosaveyourworkbeforecontinuing.




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Task 13: Declare AOIs as Slide sub-objects.Associate Area Of Interest (AOI) Objects with eye gaze data.

Recall that we previously defined an Area Of Interest (AOI) as areas on the screen which represent criticalobjectsorregions.AOI’saretypicallyusedtoassistinanalysisorinactiveruntimeprocessinginE-Prime.NowweneedtopopulatetheAOIcolumnswedeclaredintheUserscriptwithdata.In Task 8 (Page 55) we defined the critical stimulus as the Stimulus object. The Stimulus object contains threesub-objectsFixation,AOI1andAOI2.WehavealreadyassociatedtheAOI1labeltotheimagespresentedontheleftsideofthescreenandtheAOI2labeltotheimagespresentedontherightsideofthescreeninthecodewhentheexperimentwasoriginallycreated.

1) Select AOI12)ThegrayboxesaroundtheimageindicatethattheobjectcorrespondingwithAOI1isselected.

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Task 14: The HitTest MethodUse the HitTest Method to determine which sub-object a given GazeData point is within.

E-Primesupportsamethodcapableofdeterminingwhereonthescreenthecurserormouseclickislocated on a Slide object by using the X and Y coordinates. This is known as the HitTest Method. The GazeData point can be recorded with this method by substituting the .CursorX and .CursorY property of theGazeDatafortheptMouse.xandptMouse.yrespectively.Thiswillallowyoutodeterminewhetherornotthecurrentpointwaswithinthegivensub-object.ReferencingthenameoftheSlidesub-object,e.g.,AOI1,AOI2,Fixation.The“Else”casewillloganullvaluefortheAOIintheeventthatthegivengazedatapointisnot within any of the AOIs. You will need to add to the script below to include any of the possible AOIs which youpresent(inadditiontoremovingtheAOIsthatdonotexistinyourparticularexperiment).FormoreinfoseeHitTestinE-Basichelp.

1) CommandlinethatexecutesHitTest. 2)Commandlinethat specifies the hit test to check the area definedasAOI1.

3)Commandlinethat specifies the hit test to check the area definedasAOI2.




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Tutorial 3:Working with Eye Gaze Data Interactively

Summary: Intheprevioustutorialseyegazedatawas“passively”collectedbyE-PrimeandcombinedwithE-Primedata to create an output file. When used “actively” eye gaze data may be used to allow the paradigm to “interact”withtheraweyegazedatapropertiesduringthetrial(aswiththe“WaitforFixation”example).Thecurrenttutorialfurtherillustratestechniquesforusingeyegazedatainteractively.

Importantly,E-Primecanalsobeusedtoperformcalculationsforanalysisatruntime.Runtimeanalysisresults can then be passed on to the data file for use in post hoc analysis. In this tutorial you will analyze the eye gaze data while it is being collected to determine which object on the screen is being fixated on bythesubject.Duringthistutorial,youwillsetuptheTETVaryingPositionAOITracking.esexperimenttoactivelyaccesstheGazeDataduringatrial.IfyouarenotfamiliarwiththeTETVaryingPositionAOITracking.esexperiment,itisrecommendedthatyouruntheexperimentnow.

Inthisexperimentyouwillbeenshownatargetandaskedtoidentifyitlater.Thetargetconsistsofaletter with a specific orientation. You are shown the target, i.e. an upside down A. You are then shown a fixation followed by a randomly generated screen of the same letter in different orientations. The object istoidentifytheoriginaltargetandtolocatethatexactletterandorientation.Asyouarelookingthroughtheletters,eachissurroundedbyeitheragreenboxoraredbox.Thecolor,greenforcorrectandredforincorrectisdeterminedbythecorrectcircuit.


Goal: Thistutorialwillteachyoutheconceptsbehindsavingactiveeyetrackingdata.

Overview of Tasks:•OpentheTETVaryingPositionAOITracking.es•SettheStimulusSlideObject’sPropertyPages.• Confirm and review the necessary variable declarations.•Reviewthecodewhichisusedtocontinuouslyinspectthecurrenteyegazedata.•UsethecurrenteyegazedatatointeractivelyhighlightAreasofInterest(AOIs).•Verifytheoverallexperimentstructureandruntheexperiment.

Estimated Time:10-15minutes

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Task 1: Open the TETVaryingPositionAOITracking.es experiment in E-Studio.Locate the E-Studio icon in the Start>All Programs>E-Prime menu and launch the application by selecting it. Load the TETVaryingPositionAOITracking.es sample experiment.








1) ClickontheWindowsStartmenu,selectAll Programs,and

thenselectE-Prime.Fromthemenu,click onE-Studiotolaunchtheapplication.

2) Select Open an Existing Experiment and click theOK button.

3) Navigate tothe“…\MyDocuments\MyExperiments\Tobii\Tutorials\TET\TETVaryingPositionAOITracking\” foldertoloadtheparadigm.

4) Select the“TETVaryingPositionAOITracking.es” file and then click the OpenbuttontoloadtheparadigmintoE-Studio.

If you cannot find the TETVaryingPositionAOITracking. es file, you may need to refresh your E-Prime Samples and Tutorials folders. Select Tools/ Options… from the E-Studio menu bar then click ‘Copy Samples and Tutorials to My Experiments folder…”

5) Comparethestructureoftheexperimentyouhaveopenedto theoneshownontheright.

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Task 2: Set Stimulus Slide Object Property PagesOpen the Stimulus slide object Property Pages and edit the PreRelease and Duration.


1)Double clicktheStimulus slide objecttoopenitintheworkspace.

2) Select Stimulus fromthedropdownmenuinslidetoolbar. 3) Click theProperty Pages button. 4) Select theDuration/Input tab. 5) Confirm theDuration issetto5000.

6) Confirm thePreRelease issetto5000.

7) ConfirmtheAllowableandCorrect areboth 1.

8) Click OK.









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Task 3: Understanding the variable declarationsVerify variable declarations.


1)Double clicktheAOITracking InLinetoopenitintheworkspace.

2)ConfirmDim theGazeData As TobiiEyeTrackerResponseData TheGazeDatawillstoretheTobiiEyeTrackerResponsedata. 3)ConfirmDim theSlide As Slide Declaresvariablefortheslide.

4) Confirm Dim theState As SlideState Declaresvariablefortheslide state.

5)Confirm Dim theCurrentAOI As SlideImage Declaresvariablefortheslide image.

6)Confirm Dim thePreviousAOI As SlideImage Declaresvariableforthecorrect slide.







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Task 3 (continued): Understanding the variable declarationsThe following steps allow you to confirm the declaration of each of the necessary variables.


7)ConfirmDim strCurrentAOI As String Thisvariablewillsavethecurrent AOIdata.

8)Confirm Dim strPreviousAOI As String Thisvariablewillsavetheprevious AOIdata.

9)Confirm Dim nOnColor As Long Thisvariablewillsetthe“on“colorfortheborder.

10) Confirm Dim nOffColor As Long Thisvariablewillsetthe“off“colorfortheborder.

11) Confirm Dim pt As Point Thisvariablewillsavethepoint coordinates.






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Task 3 (continued): Understanding the variable declarationsThe following steps allow you to confirm the declaration of each of the necessary variables.


12)ConfirmSet theSlide = Stimulus 13) Confirm nOnColor = CColor(“red”) Thisvariablewillchangethe“on”bordertored.

14)Confirm nOffColor = CColor(“white”) Thisvariablewillchangethe“off”bordertowhite.




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Task 4: The Do..Loop.Understand the basic function of the Do..Loop and how it works in the AOITracking InLine.

ADo..LoopisusedinthisexperimentinconjunctionwiththeIsPendingmethod,tocontinuouslyevaluatewhich if any AOI is being fixated on until a response is made. This allows E-Prime to analyze the eye gaze data to determine when a fixation moves “off of” and “onto” the available AOIs. Here this information is used to provide feedback to the subject as to what object they are fixating on.





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Task 5: Set theGazeData equal to strCurrentAOI.Edit the script labeled ‘Get the current gaze position.

In this step you will create a GazeData object to stop the X Y coordinates mapping the point of regard to theE-Primescreen.

1)Locate ‘ Get the current gaze position intheAOITracking InLine (itwillbeatthebeginningof theDo..Loop). 2)The “Set theGazeData =” linecapturesthecurrenteye gazedatageneratedbythe TET Server.3)pt.x = theGazeData.CursorX equatespt.xwiththeCursorXpropertyintheGazeData

4)pt.y = theGazeData.CursorY equatespt.ywiththe Cursor Y property intheGazeData

5)Set theState = theSlide. States(theSlide. ActiveState) allowsE-Primetoassociatetheotherdatawiththeactiveslidestate.





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Task 6: AOI TrackingUse the HitTest method to determine which AOI is being viewed and display the appropriate border.

In the previous step, pt.x and pt.y were assigned the values of Cursor X and Cursor Y. We will now use thatinformationtoperformahittest.ThenwewilldeterminewhichAOIisbeingviewedandaltertheappearanceoftheslideborderrespectively.

1)PerformaHitTest onthe strCurrentAOI. 2)Use aconditional statement todetermineifstrCurrentAOI= strPreviousAOI. 3)Use aconditional statement to switch ON the BorderColor ifthe AOI iscurrently being viewed. 4)Use a conditional statement to switch OFF the BorderColorifthe AOI isnot currently being viewed. 5)Release theCurrentAOIand thePreviousAOIreferences. 6)Redraw thescreen.







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Task 7: Set the values for the next trial.Clear the references and redraw the border for the next trial.

Thelastthingweneedtodobeforethenexttrialisreseteverythingpriortostartingthenexttrial.Wewill first reset or turn off the BorderColor, redraw the screen and then release the variable references.

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1) Turn off theBorderColor. Thiswillensureitisnothighlightedatthebeginning ofthenexttrial.

2) Redraw thescreen. 3) Release References.

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Chapter 3: E-Prime 1.2 Reference Guide

Tobii PackageCall ReferenceThissectiondetailsthesetofroutinesthatareavailablewithintheTobiiPackageFileandhowtoproperlycallthem.

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SyntaxTET_Open c,[,strState][,bConnect]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

Optional strIPAddress As String TheOptionalparametertospecifyIPaddressforTETServer.Thisisnormallyretrieved from the Tobii Eye Tracker device. If not specified this will default to an empty string.

Optional strIPortNumber As Long TheOptionalparametertospecifyportforconnectiontotheTETServer.Thisisnormally retrieved from the Tobii Eye Tracker device. If not specified this will default to 4455.

Optional strDebugLogFile As String The a. Optional parameter to specify location of debugging log file. This is normally retrieved from the Tobii Eye Tracker device. If not specified this will default to an empty string.

Optional strState As String TherequestedstateofTETcommunications(“on”,“off”).

Optional bConnect As Boolean OptionalparametertospecifywhetherornottoimmediatelyconnecttotheTETServer. If not specified this will default to True.

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SyntaxTET_Connect c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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SyntaxTET_ClearHistory c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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SyntaxTET_StartTracking c [,bClearHistory]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

Optional bClearHistory As Boolean OptionalparametertospecifywhetherornotthedataintheTEThistoryshould be cleared when tracking is started. If not specified this will default to True.

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SyntaxTET_TrackStatus c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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DescriptionWaits for the user to fixate on a designated object before continuing. When fixation is obtained a key press will be simulated to terminate the input enabled on the specified Slide which can be used to obtain an RT related to the duration of the fixation period.

SyntaxTET_WaitForFixation c, theSlide, nMinFixationDuration[,strVisualFeedbackColor] [,strKey]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

theSlide As SlideA Slide object in the experiment which will be used to obtain the fixation object and provide visual feedbackifenabled.TheSlideobjectprovidedmusthaveasub-objectdeclareduponitnamed“Fixation”.Thesub-objectmaybeeitheraSlideImageorSlideTextobject.Thesub-objectnamedFixationmusthaveitsBorderWidthpropertysettoavaluegreaterthan0ifvisualfeedbackisbeingused. You must also make sure to enable keyboard input on the Slide. Set the TimeLimit property to “(infinite)” and the EndAction property to “(none)”.

nMinFixationDuration As LongThe minimal amount of time specified in milliseconds of how long the subject’s gaze must remain on fixation before continuing.

Optional strVisualFeedbackColor As StringOptionalparametertospecifywhetherornotvisualfeedbackwillbeprovidedwhenthesubjectisonfixation and to provide a color for the visual feedback. The feedback will be presented as a change in BorderColoronthesub-object.IfyoudonotwishtoseeapersistentborderaroundtheFixationobjectyoucanmaketheBorderColorpropertyofthesub-objectmatchtheSlide’sbackgroundcolor.Ifnotspecified visual feedback presentation will not be enabled.

Optional strKey As StringOptionalparametertospecifyakeytousetosimulatearesponsewhenthesubjecthasobtainedfixation. If not specified the “1” key will be used.

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DescriptionStopsTETrecording.Afterrecordinghasstoppedyoumustprovideavalidfilename through the TET interface in order to save the recording.

SyntaxTET_StopTracking c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.



SyntaxTET_Disconnect c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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DescriptionStopsTETrecording.Afterrecordinghasstoppedyoumustprovideavalidfilename through the TET interface in order to save the recording.

SyntaxTET_StopTracking c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.



SyntaxTET_Disconnect c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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SyntaxTET_Close c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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SyntaxTET_GazeReplay c, theStimulus [,nStartTime] [,nStopTime]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

theStimulus As Slide ASlideobjectthatwillbedrawnonscreenbeforereplaybegins.

Optional nStartTime As Long A start time stamp for the first gaze point to be included in the replay. Typically, this is specified as the OnsetTime of an object in the experiment. If not specified, this will default to the first sample in the history.

Optional nStopTime As Long A stop time stamp for the last gaze point to be included in the replay. If not specified, this will defaulttothelastsampleinthehistory.

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DescriptionOpens the tab delimited GazeData file.

SyntaxTET_OpenGazeDataFile c [,strFilename]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

Optional strFilename As String Optional parameter for the filename of the file to be opened. If the parameter is not specified a filename will be created of the form...<ExperimentName>-<Subject#>-<Session#>.gazedata

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TET_ WriteGazeDataFile

DescriptionWrites a line of data to the GazeData file and tracks the line count.

SyntaxTET_WriteGazeDataFile c, strLine

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

strLine As String Tab delimited line of data to write out to the GazeData file.

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TET_ CloseGazeDataFile

DescriptionCloses the GazeData file.

SyntaxTET_CloseGazeDataFile c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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Chapter 4: E-Prime 2.0 Reference Guide

Tobii PackageCall ReferenceThissectiondetailsthesetofroutinesthatareavailablewithintheTobiiPackageFileandhowtoproperlycallthem.

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SyntaxTET_Open c,[,strState][,bConnect]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

Optional vIPAddress As String TheOptionalparametertospecifyIPaddressforTETServer.Thisisnormallyretrieved from the Tobii Eye Tracker device. If not specified this will default to an empty string.

Optional vIPortNumber As Long TheOptionalparametertospecifyportforconnectiontotheTETServer.Thisisnormally retrieved from the Tobii Eye Tracker device. If not specified this will default to 4455.

Optional vDebugLogFile As String The a. Optional parameter to specify location of debugging log file. This is normally retrieved from the Tobii Eye Tracker device. If not specified this will default to an empty string.

Optional vState As String TherequestedstateofTETcommunications(“on”,“off”).

Optional bConnect As Boolean OptionalparametertospecifywhetherornottoimmediatelyconnecttotheTETServer. If not specified this will default to True.

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SyntaxTET_Connect c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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SyntaxTET_ClearHistory c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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SyntaxTET_StartTracking c [,bClearHistory]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

Optional bClearHistory As Boolean OptionalparametertospecifywhetherornotthedataintheTEThistoryshould be cleared when tracking is started. If not specified this will default to True.

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SyntaxTET_TrackStatus c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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DescriptionWaits for the user to fixate on a designated object before continuing. When fixation is obtained a key press will be simulated to terminate the input enabled on the specified Slide which can be used to obtain an RT related to the duration of the fixation period.

SyntaxTET_WaitForFixation c, theSlide, nMinFixationDuration[,strVisualFeedbackColor] [,strKey]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

theSlide As SlideA Slide object in the experiment which will be used to obtain the fixation object and provide visual feedbackifenabled.TheSlideobjectprovidedmusthaveasub-objectdeclareduponitnamed“Fixation”.Thesub-objectmaybeeitheraSlideImageorSlideTextobject.Thesub-objectnamedFixationmusthaveitsBorderWidthpropertysettoavaluegreaterthan0ifvisualfeedbackisbeingused. You must also make sure to enable keyboard input on the Slide. Set the TimeLimit property to “(infinite)” and the EndAction property to “(none)”.

nMinFixationDuration As LongThe minimal amount of time specified in milliseconds of how long the subject’s gaze must remain on fixation before continuing.

Optional vVisualFeedbackColor As StringOptionalparametertospecifywhetherornotvisualfeedbackwillbeprovidedwhenthesubjectisonfixation and to provide a color for the visual feedback. The feedback will be presented as a change in BorderColoronthesub-object.IfyoudonotwishtoseeapersistentborderaroundtheFixationobjectyoucanmaketheBorderColorpropertyofthesub-objectmatchtheSlide’sbackgroundcolor.Ifnotspecified visual feedback presentation will not be enabled.

Optional vKey As StringOptionalparametertospecifyakeytousetosimulatearesponsewhenthesubjecthasobtainedfixation. If not specified the “1” key will be used.

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DescriptionStopsTETrecording.Afterrecordinghasstoppedyoumustprovideavalidfilename through the TET interface in order to save the recording.

SyntaxTET_StopTracking c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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SyntaxTET_Disconnect c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

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SyntaxTET_Close c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

Page 95: e Prime Manual

Version6 Page95



SyntaxTET_GazeReplay c, theStimulus [,nStartTime] [,nStopTime]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

theStimulus As Slide ASlideobjectthatwillbedrawnonscreenbeforereplaybegins.

Optional nStartTime As Long A start time stamp for the first gaze point to be included in the replay. Typically, this is specified as the OnsetTime of an object in the experiment. If not specified, this will default to the first sample in the history.

Optional nStopTime As Long A stop time stamp for the last gaze point to be included in the replay. If not specified, this will defaulttothelastsampleinthehistory.

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

Page 96: e Prime Manual



DescriptionOpens the tab delimited GazeData file.

SyntaxTET_OpenGazeDataFile c [,strFilename]

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

Optional vFilename As String Optional parameter for the filename of the file to be opened. If the parameter is not specified a filename will be created of the form...<ExperimentName>-<Subject#>-<Session#>.gazedata

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

Page 97: e Prime Manual

Version6 Page97

TET_ WriteGazeDataFile

DescriptionWrites a line of data to the GazeData file and tracks the line count.

SyntaxTET_WriteGazeDataFile c, strLine

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

strLine As String Tab delimited line of data to write out to the GazeData file.

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

Page 98: e Prime Manual


TET_ CloseGazeDataFile

DescriptionCloses the GazeData file.

SyntaxTET_CloseGazeDataFile c

Default Parametersc

Parametersc As Context Thecurrentexperimentcontext.

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777AppendixA:Hardware Configurations

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

Page 99: e Prime Manual

Version6 Page99

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777AppendixA:Hardware Configurations

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777Chapter4:E-Prime2.0Reference Guide

DualHead Graphics Card External Switch

Appendix A:Hardware Configurations

Page 100: e Prime Manual


DualHead Graphics Card Internal Switch





E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777AppendixA:Hardware Configurations

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777AppendixA:Hardware Configurations

Page 101: e Prime Manual

Version6 Page101

Configuration for LiveViewer with Tobii Studio


E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777AppendixA:Hardware Configurations

E-Prime Extensions for Tobii User Manual PST-100777AppendixA:Hardware Configurations

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