E ngage, E mpower and E ducate our Students for Life in a Digital World. ~DCPS Instructional Technology Department Web 2.0 New Web, New Tools, New Schools

E ngage, E mpower and E ducate our Students for Life in a Digital World. ~DCPS Instructional Technology Department Web 2.0 New Web, New Tools, New Schools

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Page 1: E ngage, E mpower and E ducate our Students for Life in a Digital World. ~DCPS Instructional Technology Department Web 2.0 New Web, New Tools, New Schools

Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 New Web, New Tools,

New Schools

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

New Web, New Tools, New Schools

New World Video

Did You Know?

Have you ever blogged, podcasted, wikied, shared photos, or commented online?

Welcome to the New Web, most often called Web 2.0. It is all about the free new tools such as blogs, wikis, photo and video sharing, and social networking that people are talking about and that many are using already.

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0

Application based IsolatedOfflineLicensed or

purchasedSingle creatorProprietary codeCopyrighted


Web basedCollaborativeOnlineFree

Multiple collaborators

Open sourceShared content

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

human-computer interaction

personal connections--from words, pictures, video, and audio

authentic, peer-to-peer channel of communication

open, flexible collaboration

data and applications opened to creative use by the public

harnessing collective intelligence

collaboration/participation/collective intelligence

second generation of services

Web as a platform

the wisdom of crowds

creative amateur is cherished

“democratizes” media


authentic, peer-to-peer channel of communication

collective judgments

user-generated content

safety in numbers

participative Web collective power community

Web changing from “medium” to “platform”

user actions provide valuearchitecture of participation

bookmarking >>> social bookmarking

transparent selves…transparent Web

interactive, community-based Internet applications

Web 2.0 Definitions

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Students and Learning21st –Century Learners

Students are setting trends with their use of technology both in school and out of school.

Communication is a key motivator for students and drives their use of technology for learning and for personal use.

Students are strong believers in the power of technology to enrich their learning experiences. (NetDay’s Project Tomorrow)

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Digital Natives 84% of teens own a

computer, cell phone or PDA

MySpace: 3rd most popular site in the US behind Google and Yahoo

94% use the Internet for school research; 71% used the Internet as the major source for their most recent major school project or report

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Why reach out to your digital natives?

Over half of students say technology has had the largest impact on their learning

Teachers agree that technology makes lessons more engaging, richer, more timely and more accurate

Only 28% of 12th grade high school students believe their schoolwork is meaningful

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Students and learning21st –Century Learners

New Version for 21st Century LearnersOld Version

Bloom’s Taxonomy













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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Teachers and Learning Professional Development

Technology Literacy TrainingProfessional Development and new Web

2.0 toolsProfessional Learning CommunitiesProject-Based Learning

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

New tools

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New tools

Tagging and Syndication (RSS – Simple Syndication)

Blogs and Wikis Podcasts Social Bookmarking Photo Sharing Photo Editing Video Showcasing Web 2.0 Versions of Desktop Tools Web 2.0 Management Tools Other Web 2.0 tools for Education iTunes U

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New toolsTagging and Syndication

(RSS – Really Simple Syndication)

Folksonomies are keywords or “tags that convey meaning about the content

Google Reader

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New tools Blogs

Blog = short for “web log” Easy to read and write Search for posts on your subject:

http://www.technorati.com Read top educational blogs:

http://oedb.org/library/features/top-100-education-blogs Something for everyone: As of December 2007, Technorati

was tracking more than 112 million blogs

Suggested uses for a classroom blog: Post materials/resources Online discussions Class publications Class newsletter Student blogging Sharing lessons Sharing multimedia Replace the need for a website

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New toolsWikis

A wiki is an open, free, constantly updated knowledge base similar to an encyclopedia

Described as a “perpetual work in progress”

Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org is the best known wiki

Ways to use wikis: Encourage free writing and collaboration Debate course topics and readings Share resources, references, writing samples Discuss trends and innovations in instruction Encourage students to add or enhance Wikipedia articles Create lesson plans collaboratively

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New toolsPodcasts

Short, audio or video commentary on a subject Term comes from “iPod + broadcast” Search:

iTunes Google: “<your subject> Podcast”

You – or your students – create your own! Easy to make! All you need…

Computer Microphone Recording software, such as the free program Audacity (


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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New toolsSocial Bookmarking

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New toolsPhoto Sharing and Photo Editing

Photo Sharing Search for images, or

share images you’ve produced

Creative Commons license allows you to use images in noncommercial or properly attributed ways

Document an elementary-school field trip, upload the photos and use the slideshow to review what you saw and learned. (Make it publicly available to let others enjoy your experience virtually!)

Photo Sharing Websites

flickr - Share photoshttp://www.flickr.com/


Photo EditingPhoto Enhancing software Google’s Picasahttp://

picasa.google.com/index.html Apple’s iPhotohttp://


Microsoft’s Photo Storywww.microsoftcom/photostory/

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New tools

Video Showcasing Google Video,

YouTube, TeacherTube

Search for videos (lesson enhancement, even professional development!)

Produce your own - most modern digital cameras also take video

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New toolsWeb 2.0 Versions of Desktop Tools

Google Apps



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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Web 2.0 - New tools

Web 2.0 Management Tools

Other Web 2.0 tools for Education

iTunes U

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

New Schools

What should we expect from new schools? Ideas

Collecting educational data

Educational Materials

The Vision and the reality

Professional Development

Toward a Smart Future

Brainstorming about schools and 2.0 School of tomorrow www.school2-0.org

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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department

Online Safety and Security

Keeping students and data safe and secure in an online environment

Copyright and Intellectual Property www.techlearning.com/hot_topics/copyright.jhtml www.creativecommons.org

Security Solutions Acceptable Use Policies Ethical Behavior District Administrative Procedures

Code of Student Conduct Parental Involvement


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Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department


Many Web 2.0 tools for education Creates rich, engaging & exciting learning environment Users become information producers, not simply

consumers Promotes student-centered learning Educators become more efficient

Reference: Web 2.0 new tools, new schools - by Gwen Solomon and Lynne Schrum

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Let’s Create a Blog

Google https://www.blogger.com/start

Create an accountName your BlogChoose a template

Engage, Empower and Educate our Students for Life in a Digital World.

~DCPS Instructional Technology Department