The Collapse of the Economy: How to Protect Your Wealth with a Gold IRA

E-book Protect Your Wealth with a Gold IRA€¦ · How to Protect Your Wealth with a Gold IRA. $18 Trillion and Counting: Why Our Economy is in Danger Until 1971, the U.S. dollar

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Page 1: E-book Protect Your Wealth with a Gold IRA€¦ · How to Protect Your Wealth with a Gold IRA. $18 Trillion and Counting: Why Our Economy is in Danger Until 1971, the U.S. dollar

The Collapse of the Economy:

How to Protect Your Wealth

with a Gold IRA

Page 2: E-book Protect Your Wealth with a Gold IRA€¦ · How to Protect Your Wealth with a Gold IRA. $18 Trillion and Counting: Why Our Economy is in Danger Until 1971, the U.S. dollar

$18 Trillion and Counting: Why Our Economy is in Danger

Until 1971, the U.S. dollar was backed by gold.

But President Nixon’s decision to abandon the gold standard gave the U.S. Federal Reserve power to print unlimited money.

As a result, we’ve seen the invisible expansion of money supply ever since—and the diminishing of your purchasing power.

Since 2008, the Fed has printed over $4.5 trillion in order to prop up a falling economy and keep consumer confidence high.

But at the same time, our debt has almost doubled since 2008, going from $8.5 trillion to over $18 trillion.

Since the early 1980s, politicians have relied on issuing treasury bonds to provide the cash needed to fund federal programs.

And right now, the U.S. Treasury owes $5.232 trillion for internal use, and another $13.488 trillion debt held by the public.

Even worse, foreign governments own between 1/2 to 2/3 of our debt ... countries like China and Russia ... who aren’t exactly our friends.

The U.S. economy is in danger ... and the time to prepare yourself is NOW.

Central Banks have Turned into Casinos

Bill Gross, one of Wall Street’s most famous bond managers, says he has “the sense of an ending” to the great bull run that began in 1981, predicting it will culminate in a “time of great unrest.”

And more recently, he’s become vocal about what the Fed is doing, calling central banks “casinos” that “print money as if they were manufacturing endless numbers of chips that they’ll never have to redeem.”

The current record low interest rates are a result of ultra-loose monetary policies by central banks across the globe, and they are badly distorting financial markets.


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Gross compared today's global monetary policy to a foolproof betting system known in gambling circles as the Martingale.

Martingale’s theory is that if you lose one bet, you simply double the next one to get back to even, but if you lose that one you double down again and again until you finally win.

“Given an endless pool of ‘chips’, the theory is nearly mathematically certain to succeed, and in today’s global monetary system, central bankers are doing just that”.

“Even Martingale casinos eventually fail. They may not run out of chips, but like in Atlantic City, the gamblers eventually go home and the doors close,” Gross added.

Politicians and the Federal Reserve

Since the Great Recession of 2007-09, our political leaders are running their own version of a Martingale casino.

But Politicians aren’t doing this by design ...

They are so incompetent, they actually believe they are doing the right thing.

They commit to a strategy, get deeper and deeper into it, but then pride keeps them doubling down on a losing strategy.

But even if they are aware of the dangers and risks we are facing, they will avoid addressing the issue for one main reason …

... Because your Congressman’s top priority is to get re-elected.

And plenty of political careers have gone down the drain after the first mention that we seriously need to “do something” …

So every few months, Congress and the Fed simply “kick the can down the road” and push the problems towards the next generation.

In 1971, President Nixon made the decision to decouple the gold standard from the dollar.

As a result, the Federal Reserve was no longer limited in its printing money ... which is exactly what it started to do.

By 1981, the economy was so inflated with newly printed dollars, Fed Chairman Paul Volcker was forced into a series of interest rate hikes — until they reached a mind boggling 20%!

But instead of raising interest rates, Volcker shifted Fed policy to aggressively reduce the overall money supply.


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He took this approach for two reasons:

First, mounting inflation made it difficult to know which interest rate targets were appropriately tight.

While the nominal rates the Fed targeted could be quite high, the real interest rates (the effective interest rates after adjusting for inflation) could still be quite low due to investors’ expectation of inflation. [37]

Second, the new policy was meant to signal to the public that the Fed was serious about low inflation.

We made it through, of course, largely because of the Reagan tax cuts ...

But back then, the national debt was a mere $3 trillion, compared to today’s national debt of $18.2 trillion and growing.

Now, fast-forward to the bursting of the housing bubble ...

After the dot-com bubble burst, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan kept interest rates artificially low by introducing $0 down payment programs for new cars, and “no-doc” loans for real estate purchases.

This allowed unqualified borrowers to get new mortgages, as well as refinance their current homes.

Between 1997 and 2006 (the peak of the housing bubble), the price of the typical American house increased by 124%.

This housing bubble resulted in quite a few homeowners refinancing their homes at lower interest rates, or financing consumer spending by taking out second mortgages secured by the price appreciation.

Anyone could get into a mortgage simply by stating their income — whether true or not.

But, as borrowers stopped paying their mortgage payments (this is an on-going crisis), foreclosures and the supply of homes for sale increased.

This placed downward pressure on housing prices, which further lowered homeowners' equity.

The decline in mortgage payments also reduced the value of mortgage-backed securities, which erodes the net worth and financial health of banks. This vicious cycle is at the heart of the crisis.


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From September 2008 to September 2012, there were approximately 4 million foreclosures in the U.S.

On October 13, 2008, Hank Paulson, then-Treasury Secretary arm-twisted CEOs of the nation’s nine largest banks into giving up hundreds of billions worth of equity in their enterprises to the U.S. government.

He told them, in no uncertain terms that they would be selling stock to the feds. “We plan to announce the program tomorrow – and your nine firms will be the initial participants.”

Bush approved the first $700 billion bailout, propping up the same large banks who were responsible for the real estate problem in the first place.

And even before that, in 2004, President Bush financed the entire war in Iraq with make believe printed money.

Then there’s President Obama ...

In January 2009, his first month as President, Obama signed the $800 billion stimulus, financed 100% by printing new money that we didn’t have …

These federal bailout programs equal 90.14% of America’s gross domestic income. That means for every one dollar you make, brand new federal bailouts have a claim to more than 90% of your hard-earned money.

In addition, since 2009, our debt has gone from $8.5 trillion to over $18 trillion ... including a hostile takeover of the banking, real estate, automotive, and healthcare industries ... and rolling out program after program for “entitled” Americans.

The Fed has set us up for the worst financial crisis in history

Today our economy is weighed down by a heavy burden ... and at any point we could see it collapse under the bloated bureaucracy in Washington.

The American way of life, and the American dream, will suddenly be turned upside-down for millions of families.

The Fed has spent six years keeping rates at zero, issuing bonds, and paying all its bills with make believe printed money.

The bursting of the Real Estate bubble was delayed by the Fed printing $4.5 trillion dollars out of thin air, and issuing over $9 trillion in bonds.

But when bond holders come looking for their money, and the U.S. government must make these payments ... the printing press is not going to save us.


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To make matters worse: The Fed has convinced Europe, Japan, China and other countries that ‘tapering’, or quantitative easing (QE) — another term for printing new currency — is the best way to solve our economic problems.

For example, in March 2015, the European Central Bank (ECB) launched its long-awaited program of quantitative easing (or QE), adding huge sums of public debt to the corporate bonds it has already been buying.

Its monthly purchases rose from around €13 billion ($14 billion) to €60 billion until at least September 2016.

The ECB is just the latest central bank to jump on the QE bandwagon. Most rich-economy central bankers began printing money to buy assets during the Great Recession of 2007-2009, and a few, like the Bank of Japan (BOJ), are still at it.

So when the collapse happens, this time it’s going to be on a global scale and unlike anyone has ever seen before.

The Fed has continued its charade, promising to raise interest rates with the perceived growing U.S. economy, falsely maintaining a high-level of consumer confidence.

But in all reality, interest rates have been held at zero for the past six years, with little-to-no growth, and the unlimited printing of dollars continues to pay for our bills and the high cost of government programs.

When investors figure out this game of cat and mouse, confidence in the dollar will go down the drain, causing everyone to cash out at the same time.

The problem:

It is extremely difficult for the Fed to raise interest rates ...

When investors wake up to this reality, their wallets will snap shut, and they won’t be buying up worthless U.S. Treasuries anymore unless they are getting higher returns.

Without global support of bonds, the U.S. government will have a hard time finding a way to pay its bills ... including the 110 million people—almost 1/3 of the population—who rely on a government check every month to cover their cost of living.

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, government pensions, veterans’ benefits ... there will be no way to make these payments except for printing more and more money.


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Why Unlimited Money Printing Doesn’t Work

If you were to double the supply of capital goods (like oil) and consumer goods (like cellphones), in theory, society would be twice as wealthy … in fact, you wouldn’t know how to store it all.

This is exactly what’s happening with the oil industry right now ... and, according to CNBC—with oil producers unwilling to publicly make moves to reduce the supply of oil, traders don't appear to see crude rising back above $50 per barrel any time soon.

But on the other hand, if you were to double the money supply by printing more money, you would not be double wealthy ... instead, your money would be worth half as much since there is twice as much of it in the system — a simple law of supply and demand.

To paraphrase Adam Smith, if you have a ticket to an NFL football game, your seat is reserved. And even if the stadium decides to print double the amount of tickets, there are still only a certain number of seats available.

If magic money printing worked, we could just send printing presses to third world countries and watch them prosper overnight. Every country in Africa, like Zimbabwe, could instantly be as wealthy as America.

But, obviously, unlimited printing erodes the value of the currencies they have just created.

If we have hyperinflation, you will need gold to preserve the value of your money, because the paper money won’t be worth anything.

With zero interest rates, the Fed is paying people to take its money, and there is no growth. It’s like paying people to come to your restaurant and eat for free.

By printing this money, the Fed is preventing the recovery.

When Does a Drug Addict Decide to Change?

A drug addict will keep abusing substances his bad habits until he realizes his actions have ruined his life ... He might first lose his house, then his family, find himself living on the streets eating from dumpsters, begging strangers for money ...

But he will only change when things finally hit rock-bottom. Only then will he stop cold turkey, go to rehab, and turn his life around.

The U.S. needs to do the same, as the founders wanted … with limited government, sav-ings, production, and smart investments.


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Washington cannot tax, print and spend forever. It’s simply unsustainable. We’ve always known that the day would come when it would all come crashing down.

Protect Your Retirement Portfolio by transferring your paper stocks and bonds over to a West Hills Capital gold/silver IRA. Don’t Delay.

Call 1-800-867-6768 to get your account started today ... with NO FEES!


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The Currency Crash: Could History Repeat Itself in

Modern America?France:

The Western world’s first experiment in unbacked fiat paper money—ended five years later in disaster.

Around 1700, Louis XIV spent a massive amount of money on his palace in Versailles along with all the luxuries that came with it. When he died, Louis XV came to power, but the country was already broke.

Beginning in about 1715, a man named John Law from Scotland came to talk to Louis because he had an idea that could make France rich again. When he arrived at the palace, he introduced his concept of printing money.

“As the king, you are the monarch. The wealth of France belongs to you, and you have the army and guns to back it up. As such, you could make the people use the paper, and back it up by the force of the government.”

Louis loved the idea, and quickly promoted John Law as the head of the printing presses.

Things started great, as the new mint of France started catching up on the country’s debts. But within a few years, prices soared, reflecting the decline of the value of their money.

Within five years, the paper had become worthless. John Law became a hunted man, and he died poor in Italy. [24]

U.S. Continental:

In 1775, American colonists issued paper currency called the “continental”, for the Continental Congress to finance the Revolutionary War against England.

The notes were backed by the “anticipation” of future tax revenues.


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Without solid backing, and because they were easily counterfeited, the notes quickly became devalued giving rise to the phrase “not worth a continental.”

Weimar, Germany:

From 1914 to 1918, the country of Germany thought it was going to win World War I.

However, when they did not win, the Treaty of Versailles was passed, and they found themselves owing a lot of money to pay war reparations.

But when they couldn’t make their payments, the entire economy quickly fell into a state of chaos and panic.

To solve the problem, they set up 300 paper mills, 150 printing companies, and 2,000 presses -- all working around the clock to print more German Marks.

Educated professionals lost their jobs and had to sell jewelry and furniture just to feed their families.

Stores ran out of products to sell, and farmers refused to bring food to the merchants in exchange for worthless paper.

Finally, with millions on the brink of starvation, the German government stepped in, scrapped the worthless mark, and replaced it with a new currency backed by gold and farmland.

Bolivia: In 1978, one million Bolivian pesos would bring you $40,000 (25 pesos for each dollar).

Then, in 1985 when Bolivia had 50,000% inflation, the value of pesos were 150,000 to the dollar, which then climbed to 200,000.

That means the value of $40,000 went down to $5 within those seven years.

Bolivia was forced to issue a new currency.

This was the second time since WWII that Bolivia’s currency crashed.

Zimbabwe: With inflation in the millions of percent, Zimbabwe had the largest dollar note ever issued. There was a $100 trillion bill, then a $200 trillion bill. It did not take the country long until it this paper currency was worthless and they had to switch to a new currency.

Greece: In October 2009, Greece announced that it had been understating its deficit figures for years, raising serious alarm bells about the soundness of the Greek financial system.


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After three bailouts adding up to almost 300 billion Euros, the money was supposed to buy Greece time to stabilize its finances and relax market fears that the European Union itself could break up.

The stimulus money helped, but the money mainly went toward paying off Greece’s international loans rather than making its way into their economy.

Greece’s problems haven’t gone away ... the economy has shrunk by a quarter in the last five years, and unemployment is above 25%.

Puerto Rico: This economy is on the cusp of default because the government borrowed too much money ... even though they have less debt per-capita than America.

Income in Puerto Rico is about 50% of Mississippi, but their creditors are demanding much higher interest rates. They can’t borrow money they can’t afford.

China: In August, when the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England (BOE) halted their printing and started talking about the first increase in interest rates, nervous investors were ready to start selling at any moment.

From November 2014 to August 2015, investors pumped money into the world’s second largest economy driving up the prices for Chinese stocks.

But when China announced its economy was slowing down, it raised a lot of concerns among investors, leading to massive sell-offs of Chinese stocks.

In order to correct itself as quickly as possible, China finally fell in line with the most other central banks, and injected more money into their markets through their own quantitative easing program.

And just like that, they were able to quickly recover.

China did not want to inflate their monetary base because it knows what will eventually happen to the world economy.

And it is making plans to hedge against the eventual collapse of the dollar ...

Americans buy numerous Chinese-made products, and since China keeps the value of their currency—the Reminbi—pegged low against the dollar, it keeps our prices as consumers low as well.

But China’s central bank has recently signaled its intention to change the way it manages the yuan’s value by easing its loose peg to the U.S. dollar and instead letting it track the currencies of its broader trading partners.


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But any shift away from the dollar could have broad repercussions for currency mar-kets—such as reducing China’s demand for dollars—as well as for investors and global trade.

It would also demonstrate China’s determination to make the yuan a global currency, with a value determined more in line with other major currencies, and to step out of the dollar’s

China’s buying up gold, too ...

Armored personnel vehicles have been bringing shiploads of gold into China—over 3,000 tons of gold in the past 3 years alone.

And when gold moves from the GLD warehouse to the Chinese warehouses in Shanghai, which it is … that gold is never going to see the light of day, at least not for several hundred years.

China is storing up as much gold as they can to create a hedge against the collapse of the dollar. It is mining gold around the clock, and the government will not allow any gold to leave its borders.

Also, China’s Renminbi has recently been accepted into the basket of currencies for special drawing rights (SDR) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as one of the world reserve currencies.

And worse, China is making bi-lateral agreements with nations around the world, one-by-one, making arrangements for when the dollar loses its status as the world reserve currency—a benefit America has enjoyed since 1944.

The Coming Crisis:


The European Union — the EU — nearly fell apart a few years ago.

And we know that the massively unpayable debts piled up by members of the EU were the reason.

Germany is basically the only country with manufacturing and a strong economy, but even they have slipped into recession.

In the past few years, the European socialist countries like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, and France have all come dangerously close to defaulting on their debt.

Since 2008, the European Central Bank (ECB) has repeatedly bailed out its member states.


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But the bailouts have only given politicians license to increase their reckless spending.

And today, 22 of the 28 EU member states—including the largest states: Spain, France, Italy and the UK — are deeper in debt now than ever before.

In Spain and France, it would take nearly all the money generated by their economies in an entire year to equal their national debts.

Spain’s government has added a bank deposit tax to its already high income-tax ... and it has closed down many of its free hospitals.

To keep up with this socialist worldview they’ve had for over 40 years, the ECB is now printing so much money that its economy could implode at any moment.


Traditionally, Japan is known around the world for their high savings rate, but the financial crisis of 2008 really hurt its economy too.

In 2009, as the U.S. turned up the printing presses to prevent the real estate bubble from popping, demand for Japanese products went down, which pushed their economy into a recession.

But then Japan decided to jump onboard with all the other central banks and print more currency as well to solve their fiscal shortcomings.

In January of 2013, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) printed 10.3 trillion yen, but the economy just kept getting worse.

So, in December of 2014, Japan announced the printing of an additional 3.5 trillion.

But even with all this printing, the country is now in another recession, the third in only the past four years.

Japan’s social programs are costing over 30% of their yearly budget, clamping down on an already struggling economy.

America’s Coming Crisis

It’s no secret the Federal Reserve has printed over $4.5 Trillion dollars since 2008.

And it has borrowed over $18 trillion by issuing bonds (IOUs).

But that’s just a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of its “unfunded obligations”—the money it owes primarily to veterans and to seniors in pensions, Social Security and Medicare payments.


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When added altogether, Washington really owes around $256 trillion.

And there’s no way to pay it back.

For the past seven years, the Fed has pumped artificial new money into the Economy, in an attempt to artificially prop up the markets and delay the inevitable.

Because of this massive amount of money creation, investors have remained confident in the dollar, as we’ve see it soar against many other currencies.

But the day will come when investors around the world figure out the Fed’s endgame, and foreign governments will stop lending us money unless interest rates go up drastically.

The interest rates will be raised, and this will trigger a financial avalanche that could be too big to stop.

When this happens, the U.S. government’s treasury bills, bonds and notes won’t be worth the paper they’re printed on.

There’s no time to be complacent ... You need to protect your retirement NOW!

The time to prepare and protect your portfolio is NOW.

Gold and Silver—the Ultimate Hedge for Your Retirement Portfolio

For thousands of years, gold has been the standard for commerce throughout the world.

Its value never changes because, unlike the money supply, the supply of gold never changes. The amount of gold that exists today will essentially be identical fifty years from now.

However, the same can’t be said about U.S. currency (or any nation's currency as we see from previous examples).

When risks grow excessively for traditional investment strategies, you’ll want to own an asset everyone else is trying desperately to get. History shows that gold always does well in time of crisis.

• Precious metals are liquid and can be sold anywhere in the world.

• They are an insurance policy for your portfolio and provide you peace of mind.

• Plus, there is a large profit potential in gold and silver. In the 1970s, gold increased 2,000%. Since 2000 the price of gold has multiplied over five times. Significant gains within a tax-deferred retirement account offer a real advantage by deferring taxes on those gains.


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Why You Should Convert Your IRA to Gold

Security—For the entire history of civilization, gold, silver and other precious metals have been used as a store of wealth, and have been sought after for numerous uses.

With new strategies and precious metals IRA accounts becoming available, more and more Americans are in a position to convert their IRA to gold.

This strategy has become increasingly popular because it does not require any additional cash investment, it offers the same convenient account features as traditional IRAs, and the process is easy, and penalty-free.

Resilience—This is substantially different from most retirement accounts, which require investors to invest their money into dollar-denominated assets like stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETFs. Not only do precious metals IRAs offer more flexibility while saving for retirement, they also offer more options for investors when they begin spending in retire-ment.

Owners of Gold IRA accounts can chose between receiving physical gold or selling their gold at market prices and receiving a check.

Having physical gold during your retirement years can make a huge difference in your standard of living, and maintain your comfort level as you age.

Lasting Value—Because gold is extremely scarce, and cannot be produced at the whim of governments and central banks, investors can invest with confidence that it will actively preserve and grow their wealth until the time comes when they need it the most.

Tax Benefits—When investors Convert IRAs to Gold, through Gold IRA accounts, they continue to enjoy the same tax benefits of traditional IRAs in their new precious metals IRA account.

Although the rollover process is easy, most investors chose to work with a Gold IRA company like West Hills Capital, to help guide them through the conversion process and make sure you follow all IRS rules and regulations that govern Gold IRA rollovers.

No Fees—Retirement savers are using the assets in their old retirement accounts to own gold in IRA accounts with precious metals as the primary investment vehicle.

This opportunity to own gold without an additional cash investment has caused a substantial increase in retail demand for gold and silver coins, as well as bullion with his-torical value.


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West Hills Capital has gone one step further by enabling you to add the power of precious metals to your IRA investments AND offer you a degree of flexibility and peace of mind you won’t find anywhere else.

You now have the chance to preserve and protect your retirement by simply transfer-ring your paper stock and bond IRA into a tangible gold and silver IRA.

Call 1-800-867-6768 to get your account started today ... with absolutely NO FEES.


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7-Ways Inflation Can Destroy Your Retirement Dreams

Inflation is defined as the general rise in the prices of goods and services, and as prices go up, the purchasing power of your money goes down.

For example, if the annual inflation rate is 4%, that means prices will, on average, increase by 4% in a year, but if inflation is 0%, prices will remain the same on average.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is supposed to measure inflation at the consumer level, and over the past six years the CPI has recorded minimal increases ...

Since June 2009—when the recession ended—the 12-month change in consumer prices has averaged 2% and, according to the CPI, has never been more than 4%.

But the Reuters CRB Commodity Index—which tracks the price fluctuations of coffee, cocoa, copper, and cotton, as well as energy—is up more than 38% over the past six years, representing an 8.6% compound annual rate.

As you can see, increases in the cost of raw materials aren’t translating into broader inflation ... because the inflation caused by the rising cost of raw materials is being offset by the below-normal increases in wages.

The government is doing this in an effort to maintain price stability in the overall economy, but it isn’t great news for middle-class American families who are seeing prices go up as their incomes remain flat.

To keep up with the rising costs of goods, workers need to be able to command higher pay to make up for increases in their cost of living, but instead, they are forced to live with a decline in real after-tax purchasing power.

How Inflation Works

Imagine yourself sitting in the driver’s seat of a Formula One race car.

The engine under the hood represents the economy ...

The tachometer on the dashboard, which goes up and down as you rev the engine, repre-sents inflation ...


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Your gears represent interest rates. When you shift up, interest rates go up, and when you shift, interest rates go down.

You hit the gas and start driving. When you get up to around 2000, 3000 RPMs, the car is running smoothly ...

But as the engine keeps revving, you move closer to the red line.

In economic terms, this means there is too much inflation, usually a result of more money printing by the Fed. When you’ve got the gas pedal to the metal, the result is too much inflation—and the engine is going to blow if you don’t do something.

One way to calm the engine down, so to speak, is to increase interest rates.

So you move up a gear (raise interest rates), which lowers the RPMs, and the economy continues to run smoothly again.

But when this new gear pushes up toward the red line once more, it means the economy is expanding once again because of printed money, and you must shift up to a third gear, raising interest rates to level out inflation. [23]

In 2008, in order to prevent the housing bubble from collapsing, the Fed took its foot off the gas pedal entirely, allowing interest rates and inflation to drop to zero ... and the car slowed down and almost stopped in the middle of the road.

Now, as the engine struggles to keep the economy moving at near zero miles per hour, we may be in danger of seeing our economy stall or possibly even slip into reverse.

Watch Out for These 7-Warning Signs of Inflation:

1. Quantitative Easing (expanding the monetary base with more printing)

Imagine you have an empty pitcher with a giant sponge in the bottom ...

As you pour in the water, the sponge soaks up as much as it can, but eventually the pitcher fills and starts to overflow, even though the sponge soaked up the initial liquid.

If somehow you believe the sponge will continue to soak up all the water indefinitely—no matter how much you pour in—then you would’ve achieved the same bizarre mindset as central bankers have around the world.

In this example, the sponge represents central banks and their printing presses ...

Stock prices are going up because companies are benefiting from the Fed’s printing of money, and they’re soaking up all the excess cash.


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Goods are still coming in from offshore because we print money and ship that money abroad—In other words, we get their stuff and they get our paper.

But once foreign bond holders decide to stop financing our debt and accepting our paper, they won’t loan the U.S. another penny until they get a far greater return for their investment.

And when this happens, it could drastically increase prices for products Americans use and consume every day.

But, there are two pieces of positive news:

• The first is that you still have time to prepare.

• The second is that getting through this safely—securely growing your wealth—will not be difficult IF you make the right moves now.

Investors seeking to protect their portfolio from these and other dangers are transferring a portion of their fragile stock and bond IRA into a secure gold IRA with West Hills Capital.

2. Unprecedented Market Risks

Today, the entire global economy is teetering on the edge of a liquidity cliff, and the only two things still holding us up are the near-zero interest rates and the Fed continuing to print easy money.

For example,

• Zero-interest rates kept the Great Recession of 2008 from becoming the Second Great Depression of the 1930s.

• Zero-interest rates allowed the housing market to recover.

• Zero-interest rates have allowed corporations to remain profitable, keeping millions of people employed who otherwise would’ve lost their jobs.

• Zero-interest rates paved the way for the government to issue trillions of dollars more in treasury bonds, inflating the mother of all financial bubbles in the bond market, the stock market and into the entire world economy.

This risk is not just at home in the United States, but now it also applies to the entire global economy.

As interest rates go up, inflation will increase, and the dominos could start to fall.


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3. Higher Prices Hurt Your Standard of Living

As the Fed continues to print around $118 million around the clock—every hour of every day—your dollar is rapidly losing its purchasing power.

And when the Fed announces it can no longer print enough money to keep up with inflation … prices for everything around you will rise substantially.

Even today, despite Washington’s claims to the contrary, inflation is already out of control:

From 2009 to 2015 ...

• Bacon has risen from $3.62 to $5.90, an increase of 63% ...

• Ground beef is up from $2.17 to $4.08, an increase of 88% ...

• Coffee is up from $3.60 to $4.60, an increase of 28% ...

• Eggs have gone from $1.60 to $2.80, an increase of 75% ...

As inflation continues to rise, so will interest rates, and the purchasing power of your dollars will continue to fall.

4. Longevity

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal passed in 1933, the average life-expectancy was only 63 years.

In 2016, the average lifetime is expected to be 78.

And in 2050, it is predicted to be around 88 years of age.

Social Security checks will pay less and less over time, so it’s very important you have a plan already in place to protect your retirement portfolio.

Will your retirement assets still be there when you need them?

The uncertainty of the next five-to-eight years could potentially be devastating to your wealth and savings if you don’t take action today.

If you are seeking to safeguard the lifestyle you are already accustomed to in your retire-ment years, then owning precious metals is the very best way to give yourself peace of mind in volatile economic climates.


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5. Unexpected Expenses

As the purchasing power of your dollar continues to go down, it will become harder to pay for your expenses.

You might run into unexpected expenses that come along like:

• Home repairs: A new heater, replacing the leaky roof, or fixing any number of plumbing or electrical issues ...

• Air conditioning or sprinkler systems you need fixed ...

• Car repairs. New brakes or tires ...

• Emergency medical procedures for you or your spouse ...

• Expensive drug costs and co-pays ...

• Covering lost job income ...

• Paying off your current credit card debts ...

• Paying off your other bank loans ...

• Paying for regular bills and expenses you’ve always been able to cover ...

In fact, millions of Americans who’ve never experienced a hard day in their life are already finding it increasingly harder just to get by.

For example,

• People are finding it more difficult to go out to eat and socialize with friends.

• Families around the country don’t have the money for birthday or Christmas presents like they always have in the past.

• People are cutting back on their dreams of purchasing a second home or traveling the world in retirement.

The best way to preserve your purchasing power—so you can pay for these unexpected expenses—is to transfer your paper stock or bond IRA into a secure West Hills Capital gold/silver IRA.

6. Higher taxes

As inflation sets in, the government will only have two options:

1) Reduce the money supply and overall size of government


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2) Raise taxes

Of those two choices, which one do you think will happen?

As you already know, if your taxes go up, it will take a bigger bite than ever out of your income and spending power.

7. Higher rates for your mortgage and other loans

The cost of your home mortgage and the costs for borrowing money for just about any-thing will likely go up too.

There will be deep consequences for corporations as well.

For homebuyers considering a fixed or floating-rate mortgage, it is important to under-stand how rising rates can affect these choices.

“The most immediate impact of a Fed rate hike will be on loans tied to short-term or floating-rate debt,” says Brian Rehling, the St. Louis-based co-head of global fixed income strategy at Wells Fargo Investment Institute. [8]

These rate hikes could take even more money out of your pocket.

Have You Properly Invested in Precious Metals for Your Retirement? 

Instability in the U.S. and in world economies—with the elements of both inflation and deflation—present ever growing risks for traditional investment strategies.

And the mechanics of retirement have changed over the past few years because of un-precedented market risks, rising prices, greater longevity, and greater demands on wealth.

Perhaps the question should be asked: Will your retirement assets still be there when you need them?

The uncertainty of the next five-to-eight years could potentially be devastating if you don’t take action today.

Protect yourself against inflation right now!

The best way to preserve your wealth is to transfer at least 20% of your paper stocks and bonds into a West Hills Capital gold/silver IRA.

Call 1-800-867-6768 to get started with your NO FEE transfer to a gold/silver IRA.


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The Best Way to Store Your Gold, Silver, & Precious Metals

You want to ensure that your gold or precious metal investment is safe and secure.

There are three options for storing your gold and silver:

1. Keep it at home in your own safe

2. Put it in a local bank safe deposit box

3. Use our recommended secured storage program

But, to make sure you know all the details when it comes to making the right decision, let’s take a look at all the pros and cons of each option:

Storage Option #1: Locked up at Home in Your Safe

Many investors don’t trust the government when it comes to the protection of their gold, and prefer to keep their gold in a safe at home or buried in the backyard.

They believe that if something goes terribly wrong with the economy, the government might freeze all IRA accounts, or worse, seize all physical gold and silver held in IRAs and safe deposit boxes.

However, if you try to buy and store the gold yourself, you could run into many roadblocks, as well as stiff penalties from the IRS. If you don’t get everything set up the right way, you could quickly find yourself in the crosshairs of the IRS.

Home Storage Problem #1: Creating an LLC for Your Gold

The main issue with the private storage option is that you—as a client—will need to start a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which will cost you time and money.

Not only do you need to maintain that LLC according to the rules and limitations of your home state, but you also need to pay all the yearly maintenance fees that come with your LLC.

These yearly fees help you preserve the corporate shield and protect your other assets from liability ...


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But this can create additional stress for you, because filling out this extra paperwork— without any errors—is a challenge for anyone to do on a regular basis.

When storing your IRA gold at home, here are a few issues you should consider:

• The metals still belong to the IRA, and not to you, so you must avoid any prohibited transactions with them or else your IRA is at risk. An example of this would be pledging the metals for a personal loan, or taking personal ownership of the metals directly.

• Distributions of metals, or other assets owned by the LLC, must first go to the IRA provider so they can be reported to the IRS.

• Providing storage space for LLC assets at your personal residence, in your personal safe, or in your personal backyard, may be prohibited by the IRS.

• LLC set up and legal fees are required.

• The LLC must have a separate business bank account which may require monthly fees.

• Annual Federal reporting and state filing fees may be required for the LLC.

• The IRS is notified annually that your IRA owns the LLC.

• If the IRS asserts that a prohibited transaction occurred, the burden of proof will be on you—the taxpayer—to ensure you did not receive a personal benefit. In tax court you are already presumed guilty until you prove your innocence.

• Metals held personally are likely subject to a higher level of due diligence from buyers as there is no documented “chain of possession” ensuring the metals have not been tampered with, and this may reduce the resale value for some metals.

West Hills Capital handles all of your paperwork—with NO FEES—and will make sure you pass all IRS regulations for storing your gold at home.

Home Storage Problem #2: Insuring Your Gold Stored at Home

Mike Clark, president and general manager of Diamond State Depository, points out the dangers for investors storing gold bullion on their own.

Bottom line: “If you lose it, it’s gone,” Clark says. “It’s not like your stock certificate where you can pay an administrative fee and have it replaced. If you lose your 10-ounce gold bar, it’s gone. You can insure them under certain circumstances.”

If you lose your gold at home, it’s gone.

Just as if you had cash stored or hidden in your house and someone stole it, gold works the same way ... if you lose it for any reason at all, there will be no way to replace it.


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Most home insurance policies don’t cover more than $1,000 worth of gold, so you may need to shop around for a specialist insurance provider.

In addition, once you have insured your gold, you will be on record as a gold owner.

If you are worried about government seizure or a request for tax payments, then insuring your gold might not be in your best interest.

This is why West Hills Capital offers the best possible insurance for you—All of your gold and silver coins and bullion will be insured by Lloyd’s of London, the A+ rated financial insurance company.

Home Storage Problem #3: Liquidity for Your Gold Stored at Home

According to James Turk—founder of GoldMoney.com—another problem with storing your gold at home is the liquidity factor. “To make it liquid”, he says, “you need to return your coins and bars to a dealer to sell them, which is a hassle.“

“What’s worse, even before the dealer accepts them, you may even need to get your gold bars refined so the dealer can verify the gold content, which costs money and takes time,” Turk added.

West Hills Capital anticipates and avoids these liquidity issues, because we only offer the most liquid bullion coins, such as the American Gold Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf, Austrian Philharmonic and Gold Buffalo ... as well as many options for you in silver and platinum.

Storage Option #2: Safe Deposit Box at Your Local Bank

Storing gold bullion in a safe deposit box works for many people.

However, the safe deposit box option is not without its flaws.

Bank Problem #1: Safe deposit boxes can be expensive

• Boxes (most are 5 inches wide and 24 inches long) start at around $50 dollars per year.

• Mid-size ones (5 inches high) cost around $100.

• The largest (10 inches high and wide) run about $200.

• Keep in mind that silver eagles take up much more space per dollar.

Bank Problem #2: Limited Banking Hours

Bank hours are limited, as is your opportunity to get your gold.


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If there’s a huge increase in gold prices on a Friday afternoon, you may not have time to get over to the bank to get your coins from your safe deposit box.

That means it could be Monday before you can get to a dealer who will buy them, and by then the market may have turned around ...

If you can’t make it to the bank in time, your chance of opportunity could go away by the next business day ...

And if the banks close down—like we saw on September 11, 2001—it could be days or even a week before you would have access to your metals at all.

Bank Problem #3: Insurance

The bank doesn’t insure the contents of your safe deposit box ...

And although insurance is available from select vendors, it is expensive and hard to ob-tain.

For example, $100K = $200/year ... $50K = $110/year ... $20K = $75/year

You should also consider the security risks going to and from the bank with physical gold in your possession.

Bank Problem #4: Safe Deposit Box Size

Finally, size of your safe deposit box can be an issue ...

If you choose to make a large investment in coins or bars, the holding could be too bulky, exceeding the capacity of the ordinary box.

Storage Option #3: Our Secured Storage Program (*recommended)

Although the idea of having your IRA’s precious metal sitting on your kitchen table may sound appealing, most of our clients realize that holding their IRA’s metals with a professional administrator is the best option with lower stress, lower hassle, and lower risks.

That’s why West Hills Capital can arrange to store your gold or precious metals at our recommended third party storage facility.

There are many benefits to keeping your gold IRA in a secure storage facility ...

With third party storage:


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• You have exceptional liquidity because you can sell your metal 24/7, even when the bank is closed on weekends and holidays ... Plus, you can have the proceeds wired the same day to your bank account anywhere in the world.

• Your gold and silver is insured with a specific "all risk" custody policy underwritten by Lloyds of London that protects your precious metals.

• You have the option to receive independent third-party audits, which confirm essential details, and come with unlimited online access.

• You can also take delivery of your gold any time. The precious metals can be delivered by armored car or shipped overnight with express and insured delivery.

• In addition, gold can be posted as collateral for you to receive a loan, avoiding tax consequences for selling the commodity.

Remember, the gold and silver coins and bullion in your IRA are yours ... not ours.

These are real tangible assets and you own them ... so you’ll want to make sure your gold or precious metals investment is safe and secure.

West Hills Capital provides you with all the information about alternative safe and secure storage methods to alleviate any concerns you may have.

We also provide you meaningful advice and tips to protect your assets stored in your home.

And don’t forget—West Hills Capital takes care of all your setup and maintenance fees—100%.

That’s right ... NO FEES at all for you!

If you have questions about ownership of gold, silver, or other precious metals, contact a West Hills Capital representative today to learn more.

Call 1-800-867-6768 to get started with your gold/silver IRA today!


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50 & Up: An IRA Plan for Your Future

Planning for a secure retirement is one of the most important decisions you could ever make as an investor ...

And if you are at least 50 years old, you need to make sure your retirement portfolio is safe from any surprises that may come your way.

After all, you’ve worked your whole life to build up your nest egg to keep you and your family safe—and now the most important thing to consider is preserving the purchasing power of what you worked so hard to keep.

But if you’re worried about not having saved enough to retire at 65 like you had planned when you first started working, rest assured you’re not alone ...

Because the number one financial concern for Baby Boomers is not being able to maintain the level of their current lifestyle throughout retirement.

According to a recent AARP poll, over 70 percent of Boomers said they will have to put off retirement ... and 16 percent said they expect to never stop working altogether, according to a Pew Research Center study.

Surprisingly, only 60 percent say they have any retirement savings at all—down from around 80 percent in 2011.

In fact, some Boomers already are feeling the financial stress before retirement ...

Almost a quarter of all Boomers said they had experienced some difficulty paying their mortgage or rent in the past 12 months, and a growing number are now putting off retirement.

There are many reasons Baby Boomers are feeling this pressure:

• The “Great Recession” of 2007-09: When the dust finally settled, Baby Boomers were shocked to discover they had lost an astonishing 40 percent or more of their investment savings.

• Social Security: Many Boomers are worried that Social Security benefits will be dried up during their lifetimes. According to a Center for a Secure Retirement study, about 70


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percent of current retirees rely on Social Security for nearly half of their retirement income. And 80 percent are concerned about the future of Social Security.

• Medicare: Most Baby Boomers feel Medicare may be in trouble as well ... Ninety percent said they are worried about Medicare, while about one-third said they aren't sure how they will pay for long-term care, according to an eHealth Baby Boomer survey.

• Family pressures: Many Baby Boomers are already working almost around the clock to meet the financial obligations of their aging parents and for their growing children. According to the AARP, nearly 66 million Americans are taking care of their children, spouses, and parents—all at the same time.

"Most people do not plan for retirement,” says Annamaria Lusardi, academic director of the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center. “They have never tried to figure out how much they will need to save. Only 46 percent say they have ever tried to figure out what they will need in retirement,” she added.

Gold protects your savings ... no matter what happens with the economy

Right now we are facing growing geopolitical instability around the world ...

A possible stock market crash, an assault on our dollar led by China, and the biggest threat of all—radical terrorists—who could strike again, anywhere, and at any moment ...

In fact, a survey by the Boston Globe shows that 88 percent of investors now fear terror-ism more than they fear the threat of rising interest rates ...

And when investors were asked what affects their economic outlook most, over one-third of respondents said “terrorism.”

This is a much greater response than the political environment (12%), international prob-lems (9%), oil prices (4%), the economy and unemployment (3% each) and stock market conditions (2%).

No wonder more investors are turning to the safe haven of a gold and silver IRA to protect their precious savings from risk and volatility.

You’ve got to think outside the box ... and prepare for the real crisis that could be right around the corner.

Gold is the best way to safeguard your savings from the devaluation of the American dollar!

[insert inflation chart from the WHC landing page]


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Investors diversify their retirement savings with a gold or silver IRA because they know the purchasing power of their savings will be protected no matter what happens.

We don’t know if this economic downturn could happen today, next week, or next year.

And even though we can’t do anything about the coming economic crisis, we can still take important steps to prepare and limit the damage to ourselves.

Take Control of Your Retirement with a Gold IRA

Owning gold and other precious metals is the best way to take control of your retirement.

When you have direct access to your gold, you’ll never have to wonder if your retirement fund is secure, because you will already have all the control right at your fingertips.

If you are part of the Baby Boomer generation, there are many reasons for you to consider owning gold:

• Most investors have a retirement portfolio heavily weighted in volatile equities that haven’t been rebalanced in years.

• People nearing retirement have the most to lose when the stock market declines or crashes.

• For the next 20 years, about 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 each and every day.

• Difficult economic times have made it harder than ever for anyone to build a nest egg.

• The average life expectancy is rising—retirees will need more money than they have in the past to sustain them.

• There is an ever-smaller number of workers supporting the increasing numbers of retir-ees.

• The current ratio of workers-to-retirees is 5:1. By 2050, it will drop down to 3:1.

As a result, there is an increased pressure on the liberal-minded government to redistrib-ute wealth and “move money around” in order to take care of people who can no longer take care of themselves.

And there is a very real concern that the money you’ve now been socking away in your IRA or 401(k) retirement plans may not actually be there when you need it ...

This has already happened with private pension plans, municipal retirement plans and other accounts that investors thought were secure, but later turned out not to be so.


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Just think about the many unfortunate people who invested their whole retirement with someone like Bernie Madoff.

When it comes to preserving your retirement portfolio, it’s better to be a few years too early than a single minute too late. Prepare yourself now!

The best way to protect yourself is by rolling over at least 20% of your IRA into gold or silver with West Hills Capital.

Call 1-800-867-6768 to transfer some or all of your current IRA with NO FEES.


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The 9 Greatest Dangers of Owning a Stock or Bond IRA

As the U.S. Federal Reserve implements a series of interest-rates hikes, it could result in the worst financial crisis in U.S. history.

Nobody knows when the rug will get pulled out, but we ALL agree that it WILL happen at some point very soon.

And at a time like this, building up wealth and liquidity is your only defense.

The Fed has watered-down the value of the dollar with unlimited printing, deceived bond investors worldwide, and tried everything it can to keep interest rates near zero for the past six-years.

But there’s no time for complacency right now ...

For those who prepare, they will create the greatest wealth-building opportunities of our lifetimes.

The best way to preserve your wealth and your peace of mind is to transfer your fragile stock or bond IRA into a gold IRA with West Hills Capital.

But first, let’s look at the 9-greatest dangers of owning a stock or bond IRA ...

1. Rising Interest Rate Dangers

The Federal Reserve has been printing new money at record pace to keep up with its debt obligations, and it has been keeping interest rates at near zero since 2009.

But it’s inevitable that interest rates will go up, and they will keep going up until the economy rebalances itself.

As interest rates begin to rise, many investors will be caught off guard and lose massive amounts of their savings and investments. That’s why it’s so important to do your research and prepare right now.

As you’ll see in a moment, the U.S. Federal Reserve will no longer be able to keep interest rates low, and a series of rate increases could be crippling for investors who are not ready.

For years, Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen have been propping up our falling economy …


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Instead of allowing the market to correct itself …

• The Fed has been pumping the weak economy full of new money …

• The Fed has been artificially inflating bond prices and stock prices …

• The Fed has been keeping real estate rates artificially low to stimulate investments and homeownership …

• The Fed has been spreading dishonest accounting and economic propaganda …

• And the Fed has been leading millions of consumers, savers and investors into a false sense of security …

Worse yet, the Fed has convinced central banks around the world that quantitative easing, or printing up more money, is the right thing to create a healthy global economy.

And just like it did with the tech-bubble in 2001 and the real estate bubble in 2008, the Fed will keep on pumping more and more air into the “bond bubble” until it finally pops … sending the dollar spiraling down into an historic free-fall.

But this time the crash will be far worse -- because the bond bubble has swollen up to over $76 trillion … and no amount of money printing can reverse the avalanche once it starts.

The Fed has no cash reserves for emergencies and will be powerless to stop the next collapse

Here’s why:

• Because it has printed more than $4.5 trillion since 2008 -- the highest amount of dollar printing of all time and now up to around $118 million every hour of every day …

• Because it has used the new money to buy bonds … to drive bonds higher … and keep interest rates near zero to delay the collapse …

• Because it has carelessly spent the entire $17 trillion Social Security “trust fund” …

• Because bureaucrats are now giving 110 million people -- more than 30% of the entire population -- government assistance every single month …

• Because we’ve shipped most of our manufacturing, technology, and customer service jobs over to Asia -- and they’re not coming back …


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Even worse, countries that finance most of our debt -- like Japan and China -- are questioning whether they will ever get paid back or not … and as our interest rates keep rising, they will be dumping U.S. Treasuries like never before.

Janet Yellen and her partners at the Fed are apparently captivated with the idea that monetary policy must be normalized from its system of extreme printing that has been going since the Great Recession of 2007--09.

But if a premature tightening of monetary policy results in another downturn, Ms. Yellen will be remembered for something else: Mirroring the Fed of 1937.

Early in 1937, a sudden and unexpected tightening pushed the economy back down into a recession while it was still struggling to recover from the 43-month plunge of 1929-33. It took World War II to get the U.S. economy back on its feet.

The bottom line about interest rates:

• Greenspan should have allowed the market to correct itself after the bursting of the dot-com bubble. But he only kept interest rates at 1.5%, along with introducing cheap ways to get new car loans and mortgages ...

• Bernanke should have allowed the market to correct in 2008, raising interest rates and allowing the greedy banks on Wall Street to go under. Instead, we’ve seen bailouts, stimulus packages, and a propping up of a failing economy ...

• And when Obama promoted Janet Yellen to be Federal Reserve Chairman in 2014, she should have raised interest rates on the very first day ... but instead decided to keep them at zero and continue printing $4.5 trillion new dollars into circulation.

2. Inflation Dangers

Due to the Federal Reserve’s continuous expansion of the U.S. dollar supply and the increasing debt that burdens our nation, the dollar will continue to weaken, and traditional markets will continue to be a minefield for investors and savers.

Our unstable economy, with elements of both inflation and deflation, will make established investment strategies -- like the safety of Treasury Bonds -- obsolete.

When the Fed announces it can no longer print enough money to keep up with inflation … prices for everything will skyrocket.

Even today, despite Washington’s claims to the contrary, inflation is already out of control.

From 2009 to 2015:

• Bacon has risen from $3.62 to $5.90, an increase of 63% ...


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• Ground beef is up from $2.17 to $4.08, an increase of 88% ...

• Coffee is up from $360 to $4.60, an increase of 28% ...

• Eggs have gone from $1.60 to $2.80, an increase of 75% ...

As inflation continues to rise, so will interest rates, and the purchasing power of your dollars will plummet.

3. Declining Purchasing Power of the U.S. Dollar

How much more money do you think will be printed by the time you retire?

You’ve worked hard for many years to save your money ...

And now, the most important thing is to protect the purchasing power of what you worked so hard to save ... because the first thing that will be sacrificed is the value of the dollar.

Warren Buffet, arguably the world’s most successful investor, said; “Just as unchecked carbon emissions will likely cause icebergs to melt, unchecked greenback emissions will certainly cause the purchasing power of currency to melt.”

The government will keep printing and keep rates at zero at all costs. It will have to sacrifice the dollar to sustain everything else.

Even if you have bonds they won’t be worth anything.

This will dramatically increase the cost of living to double, triple, even quadruple what you are used to paying for things now.

The plunging value of dollars will permanently reduce our standard of living.

The value of the U.S. dollar affects all dollars in the bank, in your wallet, or in your IRA ...

For over 50 years, the world has relied on the U.S. dollar to measure value.

But in 1971, under Richard Nixon’s “wisdom”, the U.S. stepped away from the gold standard. This gave the Federal Reserve unlimited power to print as much money as they deem necessary ... with no checks or balances.

And since that moment, the value of the U.S. dollar has been declining.

[insert inflation chart 1971-2015]

That means what you can afford today, might be out of your price range tomorrow.


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Gold on the other hand never decreases in value ...

Sure, you may see the price of gold rise or fall, but nothing is changing about gold itself.

It's the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar that changes, not gold.

Most investors want to save their principal … they’ll say, “I don’t want to lose any money”...

But saving your principal is not going to help if your money loses its most of its value.

So you’ve got to think outside the box, and prepare for the real crisis that will catch millions of investors off-guard.

Remember, the more money that gets printed or borrowed by the government, the less each dollar will be worth.

Protect Your Purchasing Power with Gold

When the dollar weakens, investors look to move their wealth into hard assets such as gold and silver.

And fortunately, with West Hills Capital, you now have the ability to start a new gold IRA, or transfer your current IRA to gold, for NO FEES!

4. Bond Market Dangers

The U.S. government issues treasury bonds in exchange for printing more money.

Right now, our debt adds up to over $18 Trillion, and between 1/2 and 2/3 of that debt is owned by foreign investors like China and Russia ... countries that aren’t exactly our friends.

These bonds we’ve issued are nothing more than massive “IOU” promises to pay back at a later date.

And if you decide to cash in your bonds, the Fed pays you back by printing more money!

Now the Fed has swelled this “government bubble” of treasury bonds up to around $76 trillion …

Despite all of this, people continue believing the dollar will be safe, because the Fed keeps promising to raise the interest rates ... (as of this writing, the Fed has increased interest rates by 25 basis points).

A lot of currency speculators have been buying the dollar, severely underestimating the U.S. economy.


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But ...

When the rug is pulled out, the crashing bond prices will kill global demand for U.S. treasuries, and Congress will have no choice but to cut spending …

We will start to see deep cuts in Social Security, Veteran’s benefits, Medicare, Medicaid and other programs.

You may have already seen recent federal budget cuts in your state, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

As interest rates go higher and higher, it could be the final weight that crushes the U.S. bond market ... sending market interest rates surging higher ... and ultimately sending the U.S. economy into a tailspin.

5. The Next Bear Market is Right around the Corner

After six long years of an artificial bull market, economies around the globe are starting to slow down.

Investors are struggling with a nagging feeling that something doesn’t seem right, and this uneasiness shows up in all the surveys.

The euphoria we had when the Federal Reserve was flooding the investment markets with $85 billion of buying power each month is gone.

And investors are not jumping into the pool feet first the way we once were.

There are many reasons for investors to feel that something is off ...

China’s economy and stock market are in their worst shape since the global recovery began. Brazil is in even worse shape, with a looming budget disaster with an ongoing commodity crash pushing its stock market to within 10% of its lows from the great financial crisis.

Europe is spinning out of control with Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and others covered in debt ... not to mention the migration of thousands of Syrian refugees into the continent.

But there is also the constant fear about the future course and timing of interest rate hikes.

What if stocks and bonds sell off at the same time?

Right now, with both bonds and stocks selling at historically high valuations, this could be a very real possibility.


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This is a nightmare scenario for the investor who has wisely divided up his assets among stocks and bonds, but could be watching helplessly as both his stocks and bonds sell off at the same time.

Your broker will tell you to sit tight and ride it out while you lose your shirt ...

However, if you want to protect yourself from the next bear market coming, you should pull out your cash or transfer over to a gold IRA as soon as possible.

The best strategy entering a bear market is to lower your market exposure ... and transfer your stock and bond IRA into a West Hills Capital gold IRA.

6. Gold Dangers -- High Demand, Limited Supply

Throughout history, gold has been a safe haven during economic crises.

Bullion, investment grade gold and rare coins tend to outperform other investments during times of economic uncertainty.

In fact, many refer to gold as the "crisis commodity" due to its excellent resilience through the most difficult periods in recent U.S. history.

Gold demand is outpacing supply while production is declining ...

Both the Chinese and Indian governments are purchasing gold in unprecedented quantities, and encouraging their increasingly well-off citizens to accumulate bullion.

Gold demand has also surged from central banks, which have been net buyers since 2009. All of these realities will help keep the value of this precious metal high into the foreseeable future.

Many currencies have problems ... the Euro, the Yen, the Dollar ...

But when things start going bad, people will start demanding their physical gold.

We’re getting closer and closer to a crisis, so people are getting worried and want their gold.

Governments in Europe are demanding their gold back.

The State of Texas has demanded its gold from the Fed.

And right now all around the world, there’s a growing lack of trust in the institutions claiming to hold the gold ... because they’ve loaned it out to short-sellers on the market, who in turn have sold it themselves.


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Right now people are shorting gold to all these speculators ... but there’s no actual gold there.

The people who actually have the physical gold will not sell it in the event of a market downturn or crash.

7. Corporate Dangers

Corporate America has been quick to indulge by refinancing hundreds of billions of dollars in high interest rate debt at much lower rates.

It’s an easy choice considering they don’t have to pay taxes on borrowed money ...

Instead of using cash that they have, companies like Apple are tapping into debt markets.

But its not just Apple ...

Its also companies like American Apparel, which is struggling under a debt load, companies like Sears and JCPenney, which have struggled with the market dominance of Amazon.

They have cash overseas that they’d rather not take a tax hit on.

The billions in annual interest savings flow right onto the earnings reports, and allow them to increase dividends or share buybacks.

As a result, the balance sheets of large corporate America are in as good a shape as they have been in a generation.

But, when the rates start to creep up little by little and the cost of borrowing gets more expensive ...

Companies that have borrowed heavily over the past few years to finance their operations or haven’t been able to turn around their operations will be under threat.

And as the global economy continues to slow down in the next few years, what will happen when investors lose their interest in buying up these corporate bonds?

These companies we never thought could fail just might default on some their loans because the lending rates have gone up and it’s not so cheap any more.

Can you imagine the panic on Wall Street if Apple’s share price takes a nosedive?

We already got a small taste of this last August, as investors worldwide held on to their seats and held their breath.


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After “Black Monday”, Twitter was down 17.2 percent, Facebook 12.6 percent, Apple 11 percent, and Google 7.9 percent.

As these large companies start to see profits grind to a halt employees will be losing jobs.

They will try to get jobs in the healthcare sector, education, or in the energy sector -- industries that have been adding jobs at a very fast rate.

But as investors scramble to take their money out of the stock market and cash in their bonds, these government-backed industries will implode as well.

8. Real Estate

The 2008 bubble was all about real estate.

Government programs allowed people to get mortgages without proving their true income.

Banks made millions of bad mortgages and sold them to the secondary market.

But when people stopped paying their house payment the bottom fell out.

In 2008, George Bush and Hank Paulson approved the $800 billion bailout of nine of Wall Street’s largest banks.

Instead of allowing the market to correct itself, and letting these greedy banks go under, the government propped them up with $800 billion make believe dollars, and fired up the printing presses.

The Fed also dropped mortgage interest rates to near zero.

These low mortgage rates have indeed spurred the housing market, but that too is to artificial ... because they swept the problem under the rug, and delayed the real crash for sometime in the future.

There are still various mortgage programs, like FHA, (Federal Housing Administration) where only a 3% down payment is required.

In addition, policymakers have expressed concerns over the amount of Fannie Mae issued and Freddie Mac issued mortgage-backed securities that the Fed now holds. These purchases appear financially risky because they include some of the very same assets—the so-called toxic assets—that led to the financial crisis.

The creation of money through these Fed asset purchases raises concerns about the stability of the dollar and the possibility of an inflation spike in the future.


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Even after financial markets stabilized, the Fed expanded its asset purchases because the recovery was slow to materialize.

These ongoing monetary policies have come under fire for being ineffective, for exposing taxpayers to further losses, and for increasing the likelihood of future inflation because they were so aggressive. The scale of these operations is reflected in the growth of the Fed’s balance sheet.

And worse yet, the Fed’s balance sheet expanded from about $850 billion to more than $4.4 trillion.

[Insert Chart 1]

The Fed lends these mortgage securities to the federal government. In effect, the federal government pays interest on these securities to the Fed, and the Fed simply returns the interest to the federal government, thus allowing the federal government to borrow more money.

The architects of the Federal Reserve system were leery of this sort of activity because it would be seen as “lending to the crown.”

8. Banks

Banks earn profits when they create new money through lending, but they lose money when they make bad loans.

Many banks are likely waiting for economic conditions to improve, and simply do not have many profitable lending opportunities.

Banks are also hesitant to make too many loans given the regulatory uncertainties surrounding the 2010 Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

There is a strong reason to believe these regulations have put a chokehold on banks and have slowed growth.

Banks now have more than $2.6 trillion in excess reserves, which means they can create up to approximately $26 trillion in new money.

In other words, banks now have the power to create more than twice the amount of money currently in the U.S. economy, increasing the risk of future inflation.

9. Education Loans

According to a study conducted by Wells Fargo of Millennials age 22-32, over 30% say they wish they had never gone to college.


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Many adult children are still living with their parents because their philosophy degree can’t get them a job.

And they are regretting ever accepting all the student loan money they received.

Millions of high school students would be better off getting a job at a factory and working their way up with a good work ethic.

Instead, they are lured to college with the free student loan money and end up wasting four years to get a degree that won’t get them a job.

When they get out of college, they have no skills or experience, and if they had just started working after high school, they would have the means to move out of their parents’ house.

Right now, the total outstanding student loan balance is $1.4 trillion, and a whopping 11.5% of it is 90+ days delinquent or in default.

That’s the highest delinquency rate among all forms of debt and the only one that’s been on the rise consistently since 2003.

The delinquency rate on student loans is higher than credit cards, mortgages and auto loans, which have all seen a decline in late payments.

[insert student loan chart]

In the near future, people on Social Security, Medicare, bond payments to cover, defaulted student loans, defaulted mortgages -- the Fed will have to print money for all of this.

Our whole economy is built on cheap credit. The rug will be pulled out. It’s going to implode.

If you want to prepare for these volatile economic times, the best way to protect your portfolio is to transfer at least 20 percent of your portfolio into a gold/silver IRA.

You can transfer your IRA into the safety of a rock-solid precious metals IRA that will retain its value in any economic situation.

And with West Hills Capital, there are NO FEES!

Protect and preserve your wealth from right now with a call to West Hills Capital.

Call 1-800-867-6768 to get started with your Gold/silver IRA today!


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10-Point Checklist for Your Gold IRA

At West Hills Capital, communication is one of our strongest assets—You’ll find your transfer from paper to gold IRA hassle free—easier than you imagine.

As a member of the ‘Safety-First IRA Plan,’ we do all the heavy lifting for you. We make it a simple, easy to follow process and make sure you are kept in the loop along the way.

Typically, the paperwork is electronic so all you have to do is approve it in your e-mail, and once you get it back to us, we’re processing it and you’re pretty much done.

Getting Started with Your Gold IRA

1. Closing your Current IRA

West Hills Capital can help you close your current IRA account without incurring an early withdrawal penalty ...

Once you've met the minimum qualifying requirements, you can close your IRA account at any time. The requirements are slightly different depending on whether you have a tradi-tional IRA or a Roth IRA.

The qualifying requirements for a traditional IRA are strictly age-related. You can withdraw funds from your traditional IRA without an early withdrawal penalty and close you account once you reach age 59-1/2.

Qualifying requirements for a Roth IRA are time-related. You can take penalty-free withdrawals from your Roth IRA once you have had the Roth account for at least five years, provided you meet at least one of the additional requirements.

The IRS mandates include being 59-1/2 years old, being disabled or using the funds to purchase a first home. In the event of your death, your beneficiaries can access the funds in either type of IRA without a penalty.

2. Transferring Your Current IRA to a New Custodian

Any portion of an existing IRA account can be either transferred or rolled into a West Hills Capital sold, silver or other precious metals retirement account.


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You can transfer an existing IRA into a precious metals IRA at any time as long as the assets go "from custodian to custodian."

With a direct transfer, the money flows directly from one IRA custodian to another.

This means the distribution check from the old IRA custodian must be made out in the name of the trustee or custodian of the new IRA account that receives the funds.

Transfers may be made as often as you like, and West Hills Capital has already organized hundreds of these types of transfers for our customers.

3. Creating Your New Account

Getting your account set up is a breeze.

When you decide to convert some of your hard-earned cash into the stability of gold, simply call to speak with a West Hills Capital representative who will assist you in locking in the price, and discuss your responsibilities and options.

You’ll get updates by e-mail along the way, and we call you and let you know when the process is complete. It’s really just that simple.

We strive to make our clients feel comfortable, so communication is one of our top-priorities ... and we plan on working together with you for years to come.

4. Your Tax-free and Penalty-free Rollovers and Transfers

When you transfer to a West Hills Capital Gold IRA account, you will continue to enjoy the same tax benefits of traditional IRAs in your new precious metals IRA account.

In an IRA, you have the flexibility to dollar-cost-average, simply accumulate, or trade in and out of investments, and deferring all taxes on gains.

Although the rollover process is easy, most investors choose to work with West Hills Capital to help guide them through the conversion process, and make sure you follow all the IRS rules and regulations.

5. Shipping

You have two options for shipping your gold or silver:


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Option 1: You can have the precious metals that you’ve chosen to purchase shipped to your front door step.

Option 2: Or, you have the option of having it shipped to a recommended and secure facility.

Secure shipping generally takes between 5–14 business days.

With rare precious metals, shipping could take an additional 7 days for rare coins or spe-cial orders—a total of up to 21-business days.

Your purchase will be double-checked before sent to you, and we track your purchase with video cameras from fulfillment through shipping. This investment in the additional security is just one way we ensure accuracy of your purchase.

West Hills Capital insures all packages shipped.

If a package gets lost or damaged in while in transit, West Hills will choose whether to re-place the item or refund the client’s purchase price.

All of these extra precautions help ensure a worry-free transaction for you.

6. Storing Your Gold and Silver

What should you do with your gold, silver, or other precious metals?

Remember, the gold and silver coins and bullion in your IRA is yours ... not ours.

These are your real tangible assets and you own them ... so you’ll want to make sure that your gold or precious metal investment is safe and secure.

Instead, Although the idea of having your IRA’s precious metal sitting on your kitchen table may sound appealing, most of our clients realize that holding their IRA’s metals with a professional administrator is the best option with lower stress, lower hassle, and lower risks.

That’s why West Hills Capital can arrange to store your gold or precious metals at our recommended high-security storage facility.

There are many benefits to keeping your gold IRA in a secure storage facility:

• You have exceptional liquidity because you can sell your metal 24/7, even when the bank is closed on weekends and holidays ... Plus, you can have the proceeds wired the same day to your bank account anywhere in the world.


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• Your gold and silver is insured with a specific "all risk" custody policy underwritten by Lloyds of London that protects your precious metals.

• You have the option to receive independent third-party audits, which confirm essential details, and come with unlimited online access.

• You can also take delivery of your gold any time. The precious metals can be delivered by armored car or shipped overnight with express and insured delivery.

• In addition, gold can be posted as collateral for you to receive a loan, avoiding tax consequences for selling the commodity.

We can also provide you with information about alternative safe and secure storage methods—such as keeping the gold in your home, or getting a safe deposit box.

If you have questions about ownership of gold, silver, or other precious metals, please contact your West Hills Capital representative today to learn more.

7. Insurance

For your peace of mind, all of your gold and silver coins & bullion will be insured by Lloyd’s of London, the A+ rated financial insurance company.

8. Administration costs, Bank fees, Insurance, and Storage Fees

A typical gold or silver IRA includes annual fees for storage, insurance and management fees (approx. $225/year) ...

But at West Hills Capital, we take care of all these fees for you—100%. That’s right ... NO FEES at all for you!

9. Paperwork

After your initial conversation, your representative will send forms that need to be filled out by you and then filed.

Once you have returned your completed forms and delivered an acceptable method of payment (bank cashier’s check, personal check, or the preferred method of a bank wire transfer) then we will quickly get your gold transferred.


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10. Get Started with West Hills Capital Today

Don’t worry about completing this checklist by yourself. West Hills Capital has helped hun-dreds of investors just like you, preserve and protect their retirement by rolling over their IRA into a secure gold/silver IRA.

Call us at 1-800-867-6768 with any questions you may have.