During prehistory, how did early man live? What kind of technology did he have? Reviewing Foundations of Civilization…

During prehistory, how did early man live? What kind of technology did he have? Reviewing Foundations of Civilization…

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Page 1: During prehistory, how did early man live? What kind of technology did he have? Reviewing Foundations of Civilization…

During prehistory, how did early man live?

What kind of technology did he have?

Reviewing Foundations of Civilization…

Page 2: During prehistory, how did early man live? What kind of technology did he have? Reviewing Foundations of Civilization…

Turning Point: The Neolithic Revolution

•The Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Period is the time from 2 million B.C. to about

10,000 B.C.The New Stone Age or Neolithic Period is the time from 10,000B.C. until 3200

B.C.During these times people used stone

tools and technology changed everyday human lives.

Page 3: During prehistory, how did early man live? What kind of technology did he have? Reviewing Foundations of Civilization…

Early humans were nomads, or people who moved from one place to another in search of food. They usually were about 20 to 30 people in a clan.

Most people at this time believed that they afterlife would be very similar to the life they were living. They would provide certain tools to the dead that they would need in the afterlife.

Page 4: During prehistory, how did early man live? What kind of technology did he have? Reviewing Foundations of Civilization…

Animism is a belief that the world is full of spirits and forces that reside in animals, objects or dreams. Ancient people

painted these in cavesalong with other

animals. The Transition from nomadic life to settled

farming is called the Neolithic Revolution. When humans began to raise and control

plants and animals for their benefit, this is called Plant and Animal Domestication.

Page 5: During prehistory, how did early man live? What kind of technology did he have? Reviewing Foundations of Civilization…

Humans throughout the world domesticated animals at different times throughout the world. In Africa, they domesticated goats and pigs. In South America llamas and alpacas. In China, it was rice.

Page 6: During prehistory, how did early man live? What kind of technology did he have? Reviewing Foundations of Civilization…

Early Villages


Established in 7000B.C.

In Modern day Turkey

Population was 6, 500 People

Mud brick houses that were all connected.


In Modern Israel

Established in 9,000 B.C.

Surrounded by a huge wall.

Established a government