Love Me, Love My Wife. By GEORGE B. RUM Gladys was profoundly ashamed of herself for all the mean things she had thought about her husband. Besides, she had to add a black mark against her own awful conduct for having conspired with another woman to expose him in his lovenest with his outside woman - his pot-of-sex heifer. Chad was at home when his wife arrived; livid as a cold, turkey gizzard, she asked in a choked up voice; "are you home, honey-bunch?" She hadn't called Chad "honey- bunch since Janet was a baby. Chad threw his head back and laughed a deep throaty, boyish laughter; "are you run- ning a temperature?" "Please, Chad, don't poke game at me. I feel awful enough. You know I can never stand for you to tease me." "You've had a run in with missionary sisters. Was it Sister Emma Lou or Sister Elsie?" Gladys ignored the jibe; "what are you trying to cook?" "I am experimenting." "You are messing up my kitchen." "I am mixing our first batch of fortune candy." "Fortune Candy!" "Yep. I've decided to put gradma Lizzie's candy recipe to work." "You are ruining my cook- ware, Chad." There was a smile on her face, but her voice was tear streaked." "Don't fret, honey. With the money we earn from Granny Lizzie's Peanut Candy, we can have a whole new kitchen." "My lovely utensils --." Gladys whimpered. Then she dashed from the room. She wasn't angry; she was going to make ready to help him ruin her pots; her genuine steel cookware that she was paying $26.50 per month for two years before she could call it her own. *i I " Chad was a little down in the mouth when Gladys re- turned to the kitchen, but his innate exuberance was doubled when he learned that they were to wotfc together. And while the sugar and glucose was climbing to a boiling point of 180 degrees, Chad and Gladys shelled peanuts. The boyish spirit of Chad's happy, con- tented mood loosened his ton- gue and he laughed at his own jokes. Some of these were real dooseys and Gladys found her- self laughing, too. Between ribald jokes and boisterous laughter, round, crinkled aluminum, two inch pans were greased with margarine. "Honey, if this candy pro- ject is a success, we should be able to do some of the things we have always wanted to do. "Let's not count our chick- ens before they hatch," Gladys offered as a brake to Chads gushing enthusiasm. She had no wish to discourage her hus- band, however, she did not wish to see him hurt by an onslaught of disappointment. "I am aware of the many pitfalls, Mrs. Hodges - I must set my goal higher than my reach if I expect to obtain parexcellent results Chad's voice had lost traces of mirth and sounded strange and drawn as each word was formed and rolled off his tongue. Gladys' eyes quickened to tears and she turned away from Chad and fumbled with three sizes of measuring spoons. "How much nutmeg do you want for the first batch, Chad?" ' "Use two heaping spoons in each pot. I am adding a wee-bit more than Grandma Lizzie used. As I recall, her candy was pale for the lack of enough spice. Grandma's candy was good; but, a little more spice would have enhanced the flavor." "And she used raw pea- nuts?" Gladys quizzed cau- tiously. Then she pasted the bowl of red-skinned peanuts to her husband. And while he stirred the raw peanuts into the boiling syrup, she was seized with pangs of remorse; Next, she was seized with overwhelm- ing impatience - a great wish for him to drop everything and come to her. "Chad," she called out soft- ly; "I am sure you are going to do well with your candy venture. I will see to it that Granny Lizzie's Peanut Candy sells." Chad turned the flame down under the boiling pot and continued stirring the mix- ture. "I am glady to hear yoi say you will help me. We can make a marvelous team." Together they laddled the peanuts into the greased pans. "Chad," she called softly to him onoe more, I think you're a wonderful person. I love you." Chad turned to her, his eyes searched her face for reassur- ance; he wasn't sure his ears had not deceived him. "t love you, Gladys." "Thanks Chad. I have never doubted your love. There are times when I feel the chill of a cooling off - and I wonder about us." Chad was deeply unstrung by Gladys' sudden out burst, her open confession of her love for him. "We should get together more often, Mrs. Hodges." Gladys removed the idling ladle from between Chad's fingers. I haven't scared you, have I?" "No! No. I was just think ing." "Don't study too long." Chad chuckled, "I'm sleepy now." "I have been drowsy -- dis- TODAY'S PEOPLE HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT. ®5S!&* Ilgf'l Ifyou can find a lighter bourbon, buy it ANCIENT AGE STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY ? 85 PROOF ? O ANCIENT AGE DISTILLING CO, FRANKFORT. KT. concerted all day -? but, sud- denly, I am wide awake and happy to be alive. Chad, we haven't had such a miserable life together, have we?" "I think we have done well ? Give me some sugar." And be- fore Gladys knew what was happening, she was in his arms, her lips reaching out hungrily for his lips that were fragrant with nutmeg. She clung to him with all her might. The spicy fragrance of the candy, the blessed quietness, the slow movements of Chad's body and the crushing of their lips stirred up a wildness within her that she had forgotten. The light switch was nearby and before she realized what she was do- ing, they were enshrouded in darkness. "Chad, she ? whis pered, "I love you." The words of Effie's favo- rite song added fuel to his great desire: Love me! Love me! Baby, love me all the time Love me when I'm right love me when I'm wrong Love me when I'm weak Love me when I'm strong - Baby, love me all the time SATURDAY, MARCH 4. 1972 THE CA*Of!HA TTMES- dents, official guests, and intro- duced Borman. The 7 pjn. dinner at the Civic Center was preoeeded by a social hour in the Durham Hotel. Approximately 850 in- vited guests attended the 60th meeting. An excessively loud noise can rupture the human ear drum in much the same man- ner as a musical drum could be rtamaf rt if struck bjran- cMriw fore*, according to tha Beitone Cn?da for Hearing CotiMiution. On-the-job locations so noisy that it it difficult to carry on a normal conversation at a distance of thne Beet or leas, cail for employees being supplied with protective ear devices, according to the Bettone Crusade for Hearing Conservation. BRUNSON'S Home of Quality Prodafe ZENITH DUNLOP Tom MAGNAVOX FIRESTONE TBOB TAPPAN DELCO BATTERIES KITCHEN AID BRAKE SERVK® GLBSUN ALIGNMENT HOOVSI RETREADS Easy Terms WE SERVICE AND FMAKCB WHAT WB WtUk pwecare ? 11111//111 o *c^io ISM " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \?& mtKmmmSKKM ' FFeV MILL "FLAVOn 117n ) valuasu , I | I WCOfFUCOUPOH "uf Cfi ft \u25a0% _ llf ! "l°» "oood-old-do,.- Ho.or today *? »» [ tt»> Mem H MUT A 4* H MM g% 11 WW mM I K CHocv# m.i<J, mtilow ll«M O'CM \ »f» wort* 23« afptlrt to »ht I INSTANT PLEASURE AND fl lP Sugar IHpST 25* j SsSfelj fifCTJIifT CHlllMr C Thi * Ad lIrBTH COUPON good in aip food stoms lltOl/Wfl vMf IllwO Effective BaQ %V I& . ? THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH 4 mmum* \u25a0\u25a0««*« H* DURHAM STORES _ONLY «tArsW jr"" LIMIT ONI COUPON PIR PURCHASE | FOR INSTANT n, 7y t..,?1l COFFEE DRINKERS ! ( \ / \ "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY FRESH "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY HIAVY instants and there are instants ... ~ GRAIN-FED BEEF and they're not all the same. * .. ? - ~ \u25a0_, \u25a0»«\u25a0? ,?».. . n ?j The thing that makes Eight O'Clock Instant Coffee l> so superb is its special blend of "%w f . ** » \u25a0 ftl \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 fine Brazilian Coffees. \]/Wl WHOLE VI wMI« 100% Brazilian Coffete Nothing else H,*h, NMta. S<fl 30 ti }Q And that's the secret behind one ® \u25a0 w ® H Jr memorable moment of instant pleasure. v- / * . j Limit T-lone H Sirloin . .. ti* j '"* > 2 Bags Lb. Lb. \u25a0 U. Enjoy its great taste and you 11 discover " WM \u25a0 another delightful fact ... instant savings. *. y / v / C«p'n J«Kf»'s Fr«B«n Prt-Cooktd F»r A R««l Tr««t Try "S«»«r*ltifl*" Quality Qfim-fwd Bw# FKITiraiKK 2t JM | JAR l °^ A* Fish Sticks 'ft? 49c WJ 75c Picnic SHx X' 45c Strip Steaks H ZZ? u $1.59 i (SO Qfkl CO# QQ|k C.,» Wi r».« AtP DELICATESSEN DELIGHTS Q.riln fcw-M Uml INSTANT COFFEE L(Sr ' DU* HSf Fish & Chips n, 69c Pimi.nto s P r«ad Flank Steaks u $1.49 WW Cay'n JvKn'l Fr«.tfi H«M«<k or OcHi Parch Cole SlflW c?, I*. jMP Fir> H iMiii|M There's no better instant at any price. Fish Dinners nf . 49c Fruif Cocktail Cm, Seasoning BaCOn % 69c That's why we unconditionally guarantee you'll love it Morton Proton A Aiigood Brand Sliced m J IfcHH !£\u25a0 »a 9* BaeM #6y«*l* i www i [ WJ'f'Tilffy.fl BHI Jane Parker Bokt Serve MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM Twill ROIIS 4 $ 1 °° Cheek! Com,M,r ' ! AIP Dr * N," t ; *'x"X" \ vtrr" sisrßr«d3-«9 C Miik solids $220 3 - Yellow Onions 5 n, » Potatoes «**.*?. 10Fresh Spinach 10-Fresh Kale " r 59c pineapple «? Pt.Strawberries Apple Pies "" 49c led Ddgb 10 4o c 3 Sp.ciol lav rncc! Morvcl Sweat Cieam^unnylicld l -OO White Bread Butter Sir ?-79« Sweet Milk luttermilk ? Golden Rise Fresh Lettuce 19. 4 I Biscuits 6 S 49' J HERB-OX BOUILLON CUBES 9c V Ann Poj* Really Regular Cut Mayonnaise ' 49. E2@El -S?? 7,*"f-39 c Ann Page Ketchup Y.n!. 25c Ann Pago Woffle Syrup tiSH 49c \u25a0 I, \ »"1I \u25a0 I k'.'l ?I LTrmk IM ? Special Low Price AAP Brand » N ai Poanut Butter 69c Am Pork and Boaril e" 15c »\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 Check! Compo on- Quality ROU I MlMiiWßl Hfldfl I-W M 111 ToZZ QQ^ Sell Detergent 59< SlHi ? " mp a 49. Www Borden's =- 6 1 39° *"* *"\u2666 -*** rRSgIBIMPI CW-fc|.*.A. KM VEGETABLE SHORTENING I - JianiWiiLi Pepperoni 'if 87c f*-S e( , A m QQ, Daily Dos Food "a? mc sous« 9 e unsco =- sue * ® * «\u25a0" Creamer Sim limM Bihh»«i \u25a0 a itm' ? ? iM-c. np ck«k *»r i.o. aa S Coffee Mate Cold Power A&P Aspirin ?- 25c Toothpaste'-* 295. Pancake Flour 2"? 35c $1.05 wfjptfft 36c - iiftiiiLiiiiJiiLLmiLLi iCfi) - ??+ <? SAVE^ga ; ?a B (TO -MKr a J A save is» g I|| Marcal Napkins fl N^MFf 1H? ® B IfflQ flour ?g jJ§ Joy oAwmmt g «*«' I 1- \u25a0 WyWA\ HI.HOUt C.U..H ?\u25a0\u25a0 Im HU_ ' Cox jar OCn ««M cSS H I eg JZM\ »ou «» ». \u25a0 \u25a0 w " _, _ . in b vvC rtrtJUaz Y** nt>iw o=< u«itoni pii fAMiu c AISX Dltflrfint '? T V * Cjj. **trt> 11, ltTl| ' »010 APTII MABCN 11. I«?l "JllA WIVI Mill ©SiifflßEiiiS Ommmmmmfa Bifli - >1.34 * N vEK '^9 ii|i W* .«*. k\ w \u25a0, '*Jkf~ aWkjJBB 3M*, IML^ HHtm SHV AHMI . r ? COMMERCE MEETING Borman at Chamber of Commerce Banquet By JOHN MYERS the Durham Civic Center, From breaking the sound barrier to men on the moon was the topic of the film nar- rated by Frank Borman at the 60th Annual Chamber of Com- merce meeting Tuesday 22 at average man would miss. Victor S. Bryant, Jr. Presi- dent, Chamber of Commerce presided over the annual meet- ing. Bryant's portion of the program following dinner re- cognized past chamber presi- Borman, Senior Vice Presi- dent for Eastern Air Lines,was one of the Apollo Astronauts to circle the moon. Borman's narrative pointed to things to watch for in the film that the 5B

The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-03-04 [p 5B]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn83045120/1972-03-04/ed-1/seq-13.p… · 04/03/1972  · cookware that she was paying $26.50 per

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Page 1: The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-03-04 [p 5B]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn83045120/1972-03-04/ed-1/seq-13.p… · 04/03/1972  · cookware that she was paying $26.50 per

Love Me, Love My Wife.By GEORGE B. RUM

Gladys was profoundlyashamed of herself for all themean things she had thoughtabout her husband. Besides,she had to add a black markagainst her own awful conductfor having conspired withanother woman to expose himin his lovenest with his outsidewoman - his pot-of-sex heifer.

Chad was at home when hiswife arrived; livid as a cold,turkey gizzard, she asked in achoked up voice; "are you

home, honey-bunch?" She

hadn't called Chad "honey-bunch since Janet was a baby.

Chad threw his head backand laughed a deep throaty,boyish laughter; "are you run-ning a temperature?"

"Please, Chad, don't pokegame at me. I feel awfulenough. You know I can neverstand for you to tease me."

"You've had a run in withmissionary sisters. Was it SisterEmma Lou or Sister Elsie?"

Gladys ignored the jibe;"what are you trying to

cook?""I am experimenting.""You are messing up my

kitchen.""I am mixing our first

batch of fortune candy.""Fortune Candy!""Yep. I've decided to put

gradma Lizzie's candy recipeto work."

"You are ruining my cook-ware, Chad." There was a smileon her face, but her voicewas tear streaked."

"Don't fret, honey. Withthe money we earn fromGranny Lizzie's Peanut Candy,we can have a whole newkitchen."

"My lovely utensils --."

Gladys whimpered. Then she

dashed from the room. Shewasn't angry; she was going tomake ready to help him ruin

her pots; her genuine steelcookware that she was paying$26.50 per month for twoyears before she could call ither own. *iI "

Chad was a little down in

the mouth when Gladys re-

turned to the kitchen, but his

innate exuberance was doubledwhen he learned that theywere to wotfc together. Andwhile the sugar and glucose was

climbing to a boiling point of180 degrees, Chad and Gladysshelled peanuts. The boyishspirit of Chad's happy, con-tented mood loosened his ton-

gue and he laughed at his ownjokes. Some of these were real

dooseys and Gladys found her-

self laughing, too. Between

ribald jokes and boisterouslaughter, round, crinkledaluminum, two inch pans weregreased with margarine.

"Honey, if this candy pro-ject is a success, we shouldbe able to do some of the

things we have always wantedto do.

"Let's not count our chick-ens before they hatch," Gladys

offered as a brake to Chads

gushing enthusiasm. She hadno wish to discourage her hus-

band, however, she did not

wish to see him hurt by an

onslaught of disappointment."I am aware of the many

pitfalls, Mrs. Hodges - I must

set my goal higher than my

reach if I expect to obtainparexcellent results Chad'svoice had lost traces of mirthand sounded strange and drawnas each word was formed androlled off his tongue. Gladys'eyes quickened to tears andshe turned away from Chadand fumbled with three sizesof measuring spoons. "Howmuch nutmeg do you want forthe first batch, Chad?" '

"Use two heaping spoons ineach pot. I am adding a wee-bitmore than Grandma Lizzieused. As I recall, her candywas pale for the lack of enoughspice. Grandma's candy wasgood; but, a little more spicewould have enhanced theflavor."

"And she used raw pea-nuts?" Gladys quizzed cau-

tiously. Then she pasted thebowl of red-skinned peanuts toher husband. And while he

stirred the raw peanuts into the

boiling syrup, she was seized

with pangs of remorse; Next,she was seized with overwhelm-ing impatience - a great wishfor him to drop everythingand come to her.

"Chad," she called out soft-ly; "I am sure you are goingto do well with your candyventure. I will see to it thatGranny Lizzie's Peanut Candysells."

Chad turned the flamedown under the boiling potand continued stirring the mix-ture. "I am glady to hear yoi

say you will help me. We canmake a marvelous team."

Together they laddled the

peanuts into the greased pans."Chad," she called softly to

him onoe more, I think you'rea wonderful person. I loveyou."

Chad turned to her, his eyessearched her face for reassur-ance; he wasn't sure his earshad not deceived him. "t loveyou, Gladys."

"Thanks Chad. I have never

doubted your love. There aretimes when I feel the chill of acooling off - and I wonder

about us."Chad was deeply unstrung

by Gladys' sudden out burst,her open confession of her

love for him. "We should gettogether more often, Mrs.Hodges."

Gladys removed the idlingladle from between Chad'sfingers. I haven't scared you,have I?"

"No! No. I was just thinking."

"Don't study too long."Chad chuckled, "I'm sleepy

now.""I have been drowsy -- dis-





Ifyou can find a lighter bourbon, buy it


concerted all day -? but, sud-denly, I am wide awake andhappy to be alive. Chad, wehaven't had such a miserablelife together, have we?"

"I think we have done well ?

Give me some sugar." And be-fore Gladys knew what washappening, she was in his arms,her lips reaching out hungrilyfor his lips that were fragrantwith nutmeg. She clung to himwith all her might. The spicyfragrance of the candy, theblessed quietness, the slow

movements of Chad's body andthe crushing of their lips stirredup a wildness within her thatshe had forgotten. The lightswitch was nearby and beforeshe realized what she was do-ing, they were enshrouded in

darkness. "Chad, she ? whis

pered, "I love you."The words of Effie's favo-

rite song added fuel to his

great desire:Love me! Love me!Baby, love me all the timeLove me when I'm rightlove me when I'm wrongLove me when I'm weak

Love me when I'm strong -

Baby, love me all the time


dents, official guests, and intro-

duced Borman.The 7 pjn. dinner at the

Civic Center was preoeeded bya social hour in the DurhamHotel. Approximately 850 in-

vited guests attended the 60thmeeting.

An excessively loud noisecan rupture the human eardrum in much the same man-ner as a musical drum could

be rtamaf rt if struck bjran-cMriw fore*, according to thaBeitone Cn?da for HearingCotiMiution.

On-the-job locations so

noisy that it it difficult to

carry on a normal conversationat a distance of thne Beet

or leas, cail for employees

being supplied with protectiveear devices, according to the

Bettone Crusade for HearingConservation.

BRUNSON'SHome of Quality Prodafe



pwecare ?

11111//111 o*c^io


\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \?&mtKmmmSKKM ' FFeV MILL"FLAVOn 117n ) valuasu ,


"uf Cfi ft \u25a0% _ llf ! "l°» "oood-old-do,.- Ho.or today *? »» [ tt»> Mem H MUT A4* HMM g% 11 W W mM I K CHocv# m.i<J, mtilow ll«M O'CM \ »f» wort* 23« afptlrt to »ht I

INSTANT PLEASURE AND fl lP Sugar IHpST 25* jSsSfeljfifCTJIifT CHlllMrC Thi * Ad lIrBTH COUPON good in aip food stoms

lltOl/Wfl vMfIllwO EffectiveBaQ %V I&.


mmum* \u25a0\u25a0««*« H*DURHAM STORES _ONLY «tArsW jr"" LIMIT ONI COUPON PIR PURCHASE |

FOR INSTANT n,7y t..,?1l


"SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY FRESH "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY HIAVYinstants and there are instants ...

~ GRAIN-FED BEEFand they're not all the same. * .. ? -

~ \u25a0_, \u25a0»«\u25a0? ,?».. . n ?jThe thing that makes Eight O'Clock Instant Coffee l>so superb is its special blend of "%wf . ** » \u25a0 ftl\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0fine Brazilian Coffees. \]/Wl WHOLE VIwMI«100% Brazilian Coffete Nothing else H,*h, NMta. S<fl 30 ti }QAnd that's the secret behind one ® \u25a0 w ® H Jrmemorable moment of instant pleasure. v-/



Limit T-lone H Sirloin. ..

ti* j'"* > 2 Bags Lb. Lb. \u25a0 U.

Enjoy its great taste and you 11 discover " WM \u25a0another delightful fact ... instant savings. *. y / v /

C«p'n J«Kf»'s Fr«B«n Prt-Cooktd F»r A R««l Tr««t Try "S«»«r*ltifl*" Quality Qfim-fwd Bw#

FKITiraiKK 2~°t JM | JAR l°^A* Fish Sticks 'ft? 49c WJ 75c Picnic SHx X' 45c Strip Steaks HZZ? u $1.59i(SO Qfkl CO# QQ|k C.,» Wi r».« AtP DELICATESSEN DELIGHTS Q.riln fcw-M Uml

INSTANT COFFEE L(Sr ' DU* HSf Fish & Chips n, 69c Pimi.nto s P r«ad Flank Steaks u $1.49WW Cay'n JvKn'l Fr«.tfi H«M«<k or OcHi Parch Cole SlflW c?, I*. jMP Fir> HiMiii|M

There's no better instant at any price. Fish Dinners nf . 49c Fruif Cocktail Cm, Seasoning BaCOn % 69cThat's why we unconditionally guarantee you'll love it Morton Proton A Aiigood Brand Sliced m

J IfcHH !£\u25a0 »a 9* BaeM #6y«*l*i www i[ WJ'f'Tilffy.fl BHI

Jane Parker Bokt Serve

MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM Twill ROIIS 4 $ 1 °° Cheek! Com,M,r ' ! AIP Dr* N," F« t

; *'x"X"\ vtrr" sisrßr«d3-«9 C Miik solids $2203 - Yellow Onions 5 n, » Potatoes «**.*?.

10Fresh Spinach 10-Fresh Kale"r 59c

pineapple «? Pt.Strawberries Apple Pies "" 49c led Ddgb 10 4o c

3Sp.ciol lav rncc! Morvcl Sweat Cieam^unnylicld

l-OO White Bread Butter Sir ?-79«Sweet Milk luttermilk ? Golden Rise

Fresh Lettuce 19. 4 I Biscuits 6 S 49'J HERB-OX BOUILLON CUBES V£ 9c V

Ann Poj* Really Regular Cut

Mayonnaise ' 49. E2@El -S?? 7,*"f-39cAnn Page Ketchup Y.n!. 25c Ann Pago Woffle Syrup tiSH 49c

\u25a0 I, \ »"1I \u25a0 I k'.'l ?I LTrmk IM ? Special Low Price AAP Brand»

Nai Poanut Butter 69c Am Pork and Boaril e" 15c»\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

Check! Compo on- Quality ROU IMlMiiWßl HfldflI-W M 111 ToZZ "» QQ^Sell Detergent 59< SlHi ?

"mp 0«

a 49. Www Borden's =- 6 1 39°*"**"\u2666 -*** rRSgIBIMPI CW-fc|.*.A. KM VEGETABLE SHORTENING

I -

JianiWiiLi Pepperoni 'if 87c f*-Se(,A m QQ,Daily Dos Food "a? mc sous« 9 e unsco =- sue* ® * «\u25a0" Creamer Sim limM Bihh»«i

\u25a0 a itm' ? ? iM-c. npck«k *»r

i.o. aaS Coffee Mate Cold Power

A&P Aspirin ?- 25c Toothpaste'-* 295. Pancake Flour 2"? 35c $1.05 wfjptfft 36c- iiftiiiLiiiiJiiLLmiLLiiCfi) - ??+ <?

SAVE^ga ;?a B (TO -MKr a J A save is» g I|| Marcal Napkins

fl N^MFf 1H? ® B IfflQ flour ?g jJ§ Joy oAwmmt g«*«' I 1-\u25a0 WyWA\ HI.HOUt C.U..H ?\u25a0\u25a0 Im HU_ '

Cox jar OCn ««M cSS H I eg JZM\ »ou «» ». \u25a0 \u25a0 w "

_, _.

in b vvC rtrtJUaz Y**nt>iw o=< u«itoni pii fAMiu c AISX Dltflrfint'? T V * Cjj. **trt> 11, ltTl| ' »010 APTII MABCN 11. I«?l "JllA WIVIMill

©SiifflßEiiiS Ommmmmmfa Bifli - >1.34

* NvEK '^9ii|i W*

.«*.k\ w \u25a0, '*Jkf~ aWkjJBB 3M*, IML^HHtm SHV AHMI




Borman at Chamber of Commerce BanquetBy JOHN MYERS the Durham Civic Center,

From breaking the sound

barrier to men on the moonwas the topic of the film nar-rated by Frank Borman at the

60th Annual Chamber of Com-

merce meeting Tuesday 22 at

average man would miss.

Victor S. Bryant, Jr. Presi-dent, Chamber of Commercepresided over the annual meet-ing. Bryant's portion of theprogram following dinner re-cognized past chamber presi-

Borman, Senior Vice Presi-dent for Eastern Air Lines,wasone of the Apollo Astronautsto circle the moon. Borman'snarrative pointed to things to

watch for in the film that the
