1 Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi: Üniversiteler ve Akademiler| Diplomacy Education in the World: Universities and Academies Research by Gökhan Yücel, Co-Founder Mustafa Güçlü, Analsyt ©YeniDiplomasi.com | May 2012

Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi | Diplomacy Education in the World

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This survey documents academies and higher education institutions that specialize on diplomatic training and diplomacy-related courses.

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Page 1: Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi | Diplomacy Education in the World


Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi:

Üniversiteler ve Akademiler|

Diplomacy Education in the World:

Universities and Academies

Research by

Gökhan Yücel, Co-Founder

Mustafa Güçlü, Analsyt

©YeniDiplomasi.com | May 2012

Page 2: Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi | Diplomacy Education in the World



This study documents academies and higher education institutions that specialize on diplomatic training and

diplomacy-related courses.


Bu çalışma dünyadaki diplomasi, kamu diplomasisi, dijital diplomasi ve kültürel diplomasi ile ilgili akademik ve

diplomatik eğitim kurumlarının bir dökümünü yapmaktadır. Teknolojinin hızlı gelişimi iletişim araç ve

gereçlerine erişimi kolaylaştırmış ve bunun sonucu olarak iletişimin hem içeriği hem de yöntemi değişerek

dijital uygulamalar konvansiyonel medyanın yerini almıştır. Kamu diplomasiside (public diplomacy) bu hızlı

dönüşümden payını almış ve hedef kitle ile diyaloğa önem veren, kazan-kazan (win-win) felsefesine dayalı,

karşılıklı anlayış, iyi niyet ve kamusal destek arayan iletişim uygulamaları gözle görülür oranda artmıştır. En

temel yaklaşımla,“kamuoyunun anlaşılması, bilgilendirilmesi ve etkilenmesi” olarak tanımlanan ve ülkelerin

dünya üzerindeki nüfuzlarını artırmak, bölgesel ve küresel sorunların çözümünde aktif bir rol oynamak,

karşılıklı güven ve faydaya dayalı stratejik ilişkiler geliştirmek gibi amaçlarla yürütülen kamu diplomasisi açılan

birçok lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora programları ile bilimsel bir zemine oturtulmuştur.

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Amerika, Avrupa ve Asya’da kamu diplomasisi alanında eğitim veren kurumların sundukları dersler ve içerikler

her ne kadar birbirinden farklı olsa da bir çok okulda human rights, conflict resolution, conflict management,

international economy, economic policy, international relations, international law, policy analysis, global issues

alınması zorunlu dersler (core courses) kapsamında değerlendirilmektedir. Aynı zamanda birçok okul

öğrencilerine regional studies kapsamında Ortadoğu, Latin Amerika, Uzak Doğu, Avrasya, Avrupa Birliği ve

Afrika üzerine uzmanlaşma imkânı sağlayan dersler sunmaktadır. Üniversite ve özel eğitim veren kurumlar

kamu diplomasisi alanında oldukça özgün ve geniş bir yelpazeye hizmet eden seçmeli dersler (elective courses)

sunmaktadır. Bu dersler arasında en çok göze çarpanları cultural diplomacy, news media, advocacy, strategic

management, leadership, international negoations, peace studies, özellikle 11 Eylül saldırılarından sonra ders

programlarında kendine yer edinen security policy, international intervention, global governance, democracy

building sayılabilir. Özetle, kamu diplomasisi alanında her kurumun kendine özgü ders programı olsa da temel

amaç uluslar arası ilişkiler konusuna bütünüyle hâkim, iletişim yönü kuvvetli, ekonomi ve hukukun temel

ilkelerini bilen ve etkili stratejiler geliştirebilen öğrenciler yetiştirmektir.

Page 4: Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi | Diplomacy Education in the World


Diplomasi Okulları ve Programları | Diplomacy Schools and

University Courses

Avrupa | Europe

Avrupa’da kamu diplomasisi alanında eğitim veren üniversite ve özel araştırma enstitüleri yoğun

olarak İngiltere’de bulunmaktadır. Kıta Avrupası’nda diplomasi üzerine verilen eğitim daha çok

Uluslar arası İlişkiler, Avrupa Çalışmaları, Asya Çalışmaları veya Ortadoğu Çalışmaları gibi

bölümlerin içerisinde ders, seminer veya bir alt disiplin olarak yer alırken, İngiltere’de “Kamu

Diplomasisi” adıyla açılan yüksek lisans ve doktora programlarının sayısı oldukça fazladır. Kıta

Avrupası’nda diplomasi alanında lisans eğitimi veren okullar Çek Cumhuriyeti, Hırvatistan, İtalya

Letonya, Malta, Rusya ve Slovakya’da konumlanırken, bu alanda yüksek lisans ve doktora eğitimi veren okullar

neredeyse kıtanın tamamına yayılmıştır.

Country School Name B.A. or B.S.

M.A PhD Dual Degree Diplomacy Related Courses

Web Address

Belgium College of Europe - EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies x http://www.coleurop.be/template.asp?pagename=irdintro

Belgium Vesalius College - International Affairs x http://www.vesalius.edu/academics/internationalaffairs

Croatia Dubrovnik International University - Dubrovnik School of Diplomacy x http://www.diu.hr/en/schools/diplomacy/

Croatia University College of International Relations and Diplomacy x x http://www.diplomacija.hr/eng/o-nama/

Czech Republic University of Economics, Prague - Jan Masaryk Centre for International Studies x http://ids.vse.cz/

Czech Republic Anglo-American University - School of International Relations and Diplomacy x x http://www.aauni.edu/schools/international-relations-diplomacy-school

Czech Republic Masaryk University - Department of International Relations and European Studies x http://www.fss.muni.cz/en/site/struktura/katedry/katedra_mezinar_vztahu_a_evrop_studii

Estonia Tallinn University - International Relations x http://www.tlu.ee/?LangID=2&CatID=5285&ArtID=365&action=article

Estonia Tallinn University of Technology - International Relations x http://www.ttu.ee/programmes/bachelor-studies/international-relations-2/

France American Graduate School in Paris – School of International Relations x http://www.ags.edu/international-relations/degree-programs/master-in-international-relations

France Sciences Po - Paris School of International Affairs x http://www.psia.sciences-po.fr/

France Centre d'Etudes Diplomatiques et Stratégiques x x http://www.ceds.fr/

France Université Panthéon Assas x http://www.u-paris2.fr/16278802/0/fiche___pagelibre/&RH=MASTER-09&RF=M1-SPOS-09

Germany Dresden University of Technology - School of International Studies x http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/zentrale_einrichtungen/zis/index_html/document_view?set_language=en

Hungary Central European University - Department of International Relations and European Studies

x http://www.ceu.hu/node/22921

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Hungary Corvinus University of Budapest - Faculty of Social Sciences x http://www.uni-corvinus.hu/index.php?id=16502#c16513

Hungary Eötvös Loránd University - Faculty of Humanities x http://www.btk.elte.hu/en/international

Hungary Andrássy University of Budapest - Faculty of International Relations / Central European Studies

x http://www.andrassyuni.eu/en

Israel Tel Aviv University - Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences x http://international.tau.ac.il/prospective-students/graduate-programs/ma-in-security-and-diplomacy.html

Italy University of Trieste - Faculty of Political Science x x http://international.units.it/degree-programmes

Italy NATO Defense College x http://www.ndc.nato.int/

Italy Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center - H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies

x http://www.jhubc.it/HOME/

Italy European University Institute - Department of Political and Social Sciences x http://www.eui.eu/DepartmentsAndCentres/PoliticalAndSocialSciences/Index.aspx

Letonia Riga Graduate School of Law - Law and Diplomacy x http://www.rgsl.edu.lv/en/study-at-rgsl/bachelor-programmes/law-and-diplomacy/

Malta University of Malta - Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies x http://www.um.edu.mt/medac/prospective_students

Poland Collegium Civitas - Media, Diplomacy and International Negotiations x x http://www.civitas.edu.pl/ba_media_diplomacy_and_international_negotiations

Poland University of Warsaw - Institute of International Relations x http://gmapir.ism.uw.edu.pl/staff.html

Poland University of Wrocław - Faculty of Social Science x http://international.uni.wroc.pl/en/master/international-relations

Russia MGIMO University - Moscow State Institute of International Relations x http://english.mgimo.ru/index.php/international-institute-of-energy-policy-and

Russia MGIMO University - Moscow State Institute of International Relations x http://www.ip.mgimo.ru/

Russia St. Petersburg State University - School of International Relations x http://www.sir.spbu.ru/

Russia Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation x http://www.dipacademy.ru/index.shtml

Serbia University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Science x http://www.bg.ac.rs/eng/memb/facult/pdf/master/Faculty%20of%20Political%20Sciences%20-%20Master.pdf

Slovakia Matej Bel University - Faculty of International Relations and Diplomacy x x x web1.umb.sk/showdoc.php?id=2990

Spain IE University - School of Arts and Humanities x http://www.mir.ie.edu/

Spain Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) - International Relations x http://www.ibei.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=1&id=2&Itemid=3&lang=en

Sweden Stockholm School of Economics - Stockholm School of Economics x http://www.hhs.se/EDUCATION/MSC/Pages/default.aspx

Switzerland Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies x http://graduateinstitute.ch/corporate/teaching/programmes_en.html

Switzerland University of St.Gallen - International Affairs and Governance x http://www.unisg.ch/de/Studium/Master/InternationalAffairsAndGovernance.aspx

Switzerland University of Geneva - International Organizations x http://www.iomba.ch/

Switzerland Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations x http://genevadiplomacy.com/

The Netherlands Leiden University - Institute of Political Science x http://en.mastersinleiden.nl/programmes/international-relations-and-diplomacy1/en/introduction/

The Netherlands University of Groningen - School of Arts x http://www.rug.nl/prospectiveStudents/degreeProgrammes/bachelors/BachIrIo

The Netherlands University of Groningen - School of Law x www.rug.nl/prospectiveStudents/degreeProgrammes/bachelors/internationalAndEuropeanLaw

United Kingdom Coventry University - Department of International Studies and Social Science x http://wwwm.coventry.ac.uk/postgrad/postgraduate/Pages/pgft_InternationalRelations.aspx?itemID=26

United Kingdom Keele University - School of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy x http://www.keele.ac.uk/spire/postgraduatecourses/diplomaticstudies/

United Kingdom Lancaster University - Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion x http://www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/ppr/politics/postgraduate/masters/degrees/ma_diplomacy_foreign_policy.htm

United Kingdom Royal Holloway University of London - Department of Politics and International Relations

x http://www.rhul.ac.uk/politics-and-ir/

United Kingdom University of Birmingham - School of Government and Society x http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/students/courses/postgraduate/taught/govsoc/international-relations-diplomacy.aspx

United Kingdom University of Buckingham – School of Humanities x http://www.buckingham.ac.uk/humanities/ma/globalaffairs-diplomacy

United Kingdom University of Cambridge - Department of Politics and International Affairs x http://www.polis.cam.ac.uk/

United Kingdom University of Kent - Politics and International Relations x http://www.kent.ac.uk/courses/postgrad/subjects/politics-and-international-relations

United Kingdom University of Leeds - Institute of Communications Studies x http://ics.leeds.ac.uk/pg/ma-international-communications/

United Kingdom University of Leicester - Politics and International Relations x http://www2.le.ac.uk/study/postgrad/distance/politics/diplomaticstudies

United Kingdom University of London - Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy x http://www.soas.ac.uk/cisd/programmes/mapgdipisd/

United Kingdom University of Nottingham - School of Politics and International Relations x http://pgstudy.nottingham.ac.uk/postgraduate-courses/diplomacy-masters-ma_126.aspx

United Kingdom University of Oxford- St Antony’s College x http://www.sant.ox.ac.uk

United Kingdom University of Reading – School of Politics and International Relations x http://www.reading.ac.uk/spirs/pg-taught/spirs-madiplomacy.aspx

United Kingdom University of St. Andrews - School of International Relations x http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/intrel/home/

United Kingdom University of Sussex - Department of International Relations x http://www.sussex.ac.uk/ir/pgstudy/madegrees

United Kingdom University of Warwick - Politics and International Studies x http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/pais/

United Kingdom Richmond, The American International University in London - Department of Humanities, Social Sciences & Communications

x http://www.richmond.ac.uk/undergraduates/ba_international_relations.asp

United Kingdom London School of Economics and Politics - Diplomacy and International Strategy x http://www2.lse.ac.uk/IDEAS/teaching/ExecutiveProgramme/home.aspx

United Kingdom Oxford University - Department of Politics and International Relations x http://www.politics.ox.ac.uk/

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Kuzey Amerika | North America

Dünyanın en iyi 100 üniversitesinin yaklaşık 1/3’ünü topraklarında barındıran Amerika Birleşik

Devletleri ve Kanada kamu diplomasisi eğitimi alanında da diğer ülkelerden oldukça ileri

konumdadır. Birçok üniversite kamu diplomasisi eğitimini bünyesinde bulundurdukları

araştırma enstitüleri ile desteklemekte ve bu alanda sayısız alt disiplinler sunmaktadır. Kanada

ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde kamu diplomasisi alanında eğitim veren üniversitelerin başlıcaları şunlardır:

Country School Name B.A. or B.S. M.A PhD Dual Degree

Diplomacy Related Courses

Web Address

Canada University of Calgary - School of Arts x http://www.ucalgary.ca/admissions/ss_inre

Canada Simon Fraser University: School of International Studies x http://www.sfu.ca/internationalstudies.html

Canada Carleton University - Norman Paterson School of International Affairs x http://www1.carleton.ca/npsia/

Canada McMaster University - Faculty of Social Sciences x http://politicalscience.mcmaster.ca/

Canada University of Toronto: Munk School of Global Affairs x http://www.munkschool.utoronto.ca/

Canada University of Waterloo: Balsillie School of International Affairs x http://www.balsillieschool.ca/

Canada Université Laval - Hautes Etudes Internationals x http://www.hei.ulaval.ca/en/home/

Canada University of Regina - Faculty of Arts x http://www.arts.uregina.ca/international-studies

United States American University - School of International Service x http://www.american.edu/sis/

United States Boston University - Department of International Relations x http://www.bu.edu/ir/

United States Brandeis University - The Heller School for Social Policy and Management x http://heller.brandeis.edu/

United States California State University in Fresno - Department of Political Science x http://www.csufresno.edu/polysci/index.shtml

United States Carleton University - Norman Paterson School of International Affairs x http://www1.carleton.ca/npsia/

United States Claremont Graduate University - School of Politics and Economics x http://www.cgu.edu/pages/541.asp

United States Columbia University - School of International and Public Affairs x http://www.sipa.columbia.edu/

United States DePaul University - International Studies Program x http://las.depaul.edu/int/About/index.asp

United States Duke University - Sanford School of Public Policy x http://www.sanford.duke.edu/graduate/

United States Florida International University - School of International and Public Affairs x http://casgroup.fiu.edu/international/

United States Florida State University - College of Social Sciences x http://www.coss.fsu.edu/inaprog/index.html

United States Fordham University - International Political Economy and Development Program x http://www.fordham.edu/academics/programs_at_fordham_/international_politi1/index.asp

United States George Mason University - School of Public Policy x http://policy.gmu.edu/

United States George Washington University - Elliott School of International Affairs x http://elliott.gwu.edu/

United States Georgetown University - Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service x http://sfs.georgetown.edu/

United States Georgia Institute of Technology - Sam Nunn School of International Affairs x http://www.inta.gatech.edu/

United States Harvard University - John F. Kennedy School of Government x http://www.hks.harvard.edu/

United States Hendrix University - Department of Politics and International Relations x http://www.hendrix.edu/academicaffairs/default.aspx?id=1074

United States Howard University - Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center x http://www.howard.edu/rjb/Default.htm

United States Johns Hopkins University - Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies x http://www.sais-jhu.edu/

United States Monterey Institute - Graduate School of International Policy and Management x http://www.miis.edu/academics/

United States New York University - Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service x http://wagner.nyu.edu/

United States Norhtern Arizona University x http://politics.nau.edu/

United States North Carolina State University - School of Public and International Affairs x http://spia.ncsu.edu/is/

United States Pennsylvania State University - School of International Affairs x http://sia.psu.edu/index.php

United States Pepperdine University - School of Public Policy x http://publicpolicy.pepperdine.edu/

United States Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

x http://wws.princeton.edu/

United States Schiller International University - International Relations and Diplomacy x x http://www.schiller.edu/programs

United States Seton Hall University - John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations

x x http://www.shu.edu/academics/diplomacy/

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United States Stanford University - Ford Dorsey Program in International Policy Studies x http://ips.stanford.edu/

United States Syracuse University - The Maxwell School x http://publicdiplomacy.syr.edu/default.html

United States Texas A&M University - Bush School of Government & Public Service x http://bush.tamu.edu/

United States Thunderbird - School of Global Management x http://www.thunderbird.edu/

United States Troy University - Collge of Arts and Sciences x http://www.troy.edu/catalogs/1112grad/3G_cas.html#masterofscienceininternationalrelations

United States Tufts University - The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy x http://fletcher.tufts.edu/

United States University of California, San Diego - School of International Relations and Pacific Studies

x http://irps.ucsd.edu/

United States University of Denver - Josef Korbel School of International Studies x http://www.du.edu/korbel/

United States University of Kentucky: Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce

x http://www.uky.edu/PattersonSchool/programs.htm

United States University of Maryland - School of Public Policy x http://www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/

United States University of Miami - Master of Arts in International Administration Program x http://www.miami.edu/index.php/maia

United States University of Michigan - Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy x http://www.fordschool.umich.edu/

United States University of Minnesota - Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs x http://www.hhh.umn.edu/index.php

United States University of Oregon - Department of International Studies x http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~isp/

United States University of Pacific - School of International Studies x http://www.pacific.edu/Academics/Schools-and-Colleges/School-of-International-Studies.html

United States University of Pittsburgh - Graduate School of Public And International Affairs x http://www.gspia.pitt.edu/

United States University of Southern California – School for Communication and Journalism x http://www.annenberg.usc.edu/

United States University of Texas at Austin - Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs x http://www.utexas.edu/lbj/index.php

United States University of Washington - Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies x http://jsis.washington.edu/

United States Yale University - The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center x http://www.yale.edu/macmillan/flash.htm

United States University of Chicago - Committee on International Relations x http://cir.uchicago.edu/page/about

Asya Pasifik | Asia Pacific Asya kıtasında kamu diplomasisi alanında eğitim veren okulların çoğu Avustralya, Güney Kore ve

Japonya’da toplanırken, dünyada sağladığı ekonomik üstünlüğü çok yakın zamanda eğitim, sanat,

spor ve kültür diplomasileri ile desteklemeyi hedeflediği yeni politikası ile Çin çok yakın zamanda bu

alanda da diğer ülkelere karşı hatırı sayılır bir üstünlük sağlayacaktır.

Country School Name B.A. or B.S.

M.A PhD Dual Degree Diplomacy Related Courses

Web Address

Australia Monash University - Diplomacy and Trade x http://www.monash.edu.au/study/coursefinder/course/2643/

Australia Australian National University - College of Arts and Social Sciences x http://studyat.anu.edu.au/programs/7881XMDIPL;overview.html

Australia Australian National University - College of Arts and Social Sciences x http://apcd.anu.edu.au/programs/index.html

Australia University of New South Wales: School of Social Sciences and International Studies

x http://socialsciences.arts.unsw.edu.au/

Australia University of Sydney - School of Social and Political Sciences x http://sydney.edu.au/arts/government_international_relations/

Australia University of Melbourne - School of Social and Political Sciences x http://www.ssps.unimelb.edu.au/

Australia University of Queensland, Australia - The School of Political Science & International Studies

x http://www.polsis.uq.edu.au/

Bangladesh University of Dhaka - Department of International Relations x http://www.duir.ac.bd/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=103&Itemid=18

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China China Foreign Affairs University - Department of Diplomacy x http://www.cfau.edu.cn/cfauEN/acdemics.html

China Fudan University - School of International Relations and Public Affairs x http://www.sirpa.fudan.edu.cn/english/

China Peking University - School of Government x http://www.sg.pku.edu.cn/en/

China Renmin University - School of International Studies / Department of Diplomacy

x http://en.ruc.edu.cn/104654/78367.html

China Shanghai International Studies University - College of English Language and Literature

x http://language.shisu.edu.cn/English/faculties_staff.html

China The University of International Relations - Department of International Relations

x http://www.uir.cn/news.php?id=1108

India Manipal University - Geopolitics & International Relations x http://www.manipal.edu/Institutions/UniversityDepartments/Geopolitic/Documents/MSGIR_Curriculum.pdf

India Mahatma Gandi University - School of International Relations and Politics x http://www.mgu.ac.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=289&Itemid=119

India Jindal School of International Affairs - Diplomacy, Law and Business x http://www.jsia.edu.in/jg_cms.aspx?this=4&mid=218

India Jawaharlal Nehru University - School of International Studies x http://www.jnu.ac.in/main.asp?sendval=SchoolOfInternationalStudies

Indonesia University of Indonesia, Faculty of Politics and Social Science Studies x http://www.fisip.ui.ac.id/

Indonesia Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Political and Social Science Studies x http://www.ugm.ac.id/en/

Japan Ritsumeikan University - Graduate School of International Relations x http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/

Japan International University of Japan - Graduate School of International Relations

x http://gsir.iuj.ac.jp/

Japan Utsunomiya University - Graduate School of International Studies x http://www.kokusai.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/english/index.html

Japan Waseda University - Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies x http://www.waseda.jp/eng/academics1/asia_pacific.html

Japan Nihon University - College of International Relations x http://www.ir.nihon-u.ac.jp/gs/index.html

Japan Ritsumeikan University - College of International Relations x http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/html/academics/undergrduate/kinugasa/kin_03.html/

Malaysia University of Malaya - Faculty of Arts and Sciences x http://fass.um.edu.my/?modul=About_the_Faculty&pilihan=Departments&subpilihan=International_And_Strategic_Studies

New Zealand University of Canterbury -School of Social and Political Sciences x http://www.saps.canterbury.ac.nz/dipl/index.shtml

New Zealand University of Auckland - University of Auckland Faculty of Arts x http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/home/about/subjects-and-courses/international-relations-and-human-rights

Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam University - Department of International Relations x http://www.qau.edu.pk/betaqau/ir/index.php

Pakistan National Defense University - Faculty of Contemporary Studies x http://www.ndu.edu.pk/fcs/fcs_ir_msc.php

Philippines De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde - School of Multidisciplinary Studies x http://www.dls-csb.edu.ph/default.asp?section=240&what=1000112

Philippines Lyceum of the Philippines University - College of Arts and Sciences x http://cavite.lpu.edu.ph/index.php/academics/22-college-of-arts-and-sciences/academic-services/programs-offered

Philippines Miriam College - College Of International, Humanitarian & Development Studies

x http://www.mc.edu.ph/academicunits/college/internationalstudies.html

Philippines Al Khwarizmi International College - International Relations and Diplomacy

x http://rcakicfound.com/

Philippines University of Manila - Department of Foreign Service x http://www.um.edu.ph/

Philippines University of San Jose-Recoletos - International Studies x http://www.usjr.edu.ph/index.php

Qatar Georgetown University - International Poliics in School of Foreign Service x http://qatar.sfs.georgetown.edu/academics/degree/110660.html

Singapore Nanyang Technological University - S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

x http://www.rsis.edu.sg/

South Korea Korea University - Graduate School of International Studies x http://gsis.korea.ac.kr/

South Korea Seoul National University - Graduate School of International Studies x http://oia.snu.ac.kr/

South Korea Yonsei University - Graduate School of International Studies x http://gsis.yonsei.ac.kr/

South Korea Ewha Womans University - Graduate School of International Studies x http://www.ewha.ac.kr/english/

Taiwan National Chengchi University - College of International Affairs x http://www.nccu.edu.tw/server/publichtmut/html/w203/ew203.html

Taiwan Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-sen University x http://www.ips.nsysu.edu.tw/eng/modules/tinyd2/

Thailand Mahasarakham University - College of Politics and Governance x http://www.copag.msu.ac.th/files/pdfs/eng/MApolitics.pdf

Thailand Thammasat University - Faculty of Political Science x http://www.reg3.tu.ac.th/registrar/program_info.asp

United Arab Emirates Zayed University – Diplomacy and International Affairs x http://www.zu.ac.ae/main/en/colleges/colleges/college_arts_science/graduate_programs/ma_int_affairs/intro.aspx

United Arab Emirates American University of Sharjah - College of Arts and Sciences (Int. Stud.) x http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/a148f1f8#/a148f1f8/108

Page 9: Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi | Diplomacy Education in the World


Afrika | Africa

Afrika’da diplomasi hakkında çalışmaların çoğu üniversiteler bünyesindeki araştırma

merkezlerinde yürütülüyor.

Country School Name B.A. or B.S.

M.A PhD Dual Degree

Diplomacy Related Courses

Web Address

Cameroon University of Yaoundé: International Relations Institute of Cameroon x http://www.iricuy2.net/-Student-Guide-at-IRIC-.html

Kenya University of Nairobi: Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies x x x http://archive.uonbi.ac.ke/faculties/?fac_code=46

Liberia University of Liberia - Graduate School in International Studies x http://www.universityliberia.org/ul_course_master_list_ibb.htm

South Africa University of the Witwatersrand: School of Social Sciences x http://www.wits.ac.za/academic/humanities/socialsciences/internationalrelations/8408/international_relations_home.html

Latin Amerika | Latin America

Latin Amerika’da diplomasi eğitimi üniversitelerin “International Relations” bölümlerinde ders

olarak yer almaktadır. Diğer ülkelerden farklı olarak Latin Amerika ülkelerinde diplomasi

alanında verilen eğitimlerin birçoğu bölgesel problemleri tarihsel ve siyasal perspektiften ele

almakta bu alanda farklı ders içerikleri sunmaktadır.

Country School Name B.A. or B.S. M.A PhD Dual Degree Diplomacy Related Courses

Web Address

Argentina Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina - Instituto de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

x http://www.uca.edu.ar/index.php/site/index/es/universidad/facultades/buenos-aires/cs-politicas/nuestra-facultad/historia/

Brazil Centro Universitário Senac - Relações Internacionais x http://www.sp.senac.br/jsp/default.jsp?newsID=DYNAMIC,oracle.br.dataservers.CourseDataServer,selectCourse&course=6223&testeira=453&type= G&template=409.dwt&unit=NONE

Brazil University of Brasilia: Institute of International Relations x http://irel.unb.br/2007/03/30/international-relations-one-of-unb%C2%B4s-greatest-traditions/

Brazil Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - Relações Internacionais x http://www3.pucsp.br/relacoesinternacionais

Brazil University of São Paulo Group of International Conjuncture Analysis - Relações Internacionais

x http://www.ufrgs.br/decon/ri/

Brazil La Salle University Rio de Janerio - Relações Internacionais x http://www.lasallerj.org/vestibular2012/#

Brazil Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco - Relações Internacionais x http://www.riobrancofac.edu.br/site/Graduacao/Relacoes_Internacionais/

Brazil Universidade Católica de Brasília - Relações Internacionais e Diplomáticas da América do x http://www.ucb.br/Cursos/112RelacoesInternacionaisEDiplomaticasDaAmericaDoSul/

Page 10: Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi | Diplomacy Education in the World



Chile The Institute of International Studies - University of Chile x http://www.iei.uchile.cl/?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=engliverIEI

Colombia Universidad Externado de Colombia - Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales

x http://portal.uexternado.edu.co/irj/portal/anonymous?guest_user=admision&NavigationTarget=navurl://f915c3247a9f08bf54966000dfe6cc7f

Costa Rica Universidad Nacional - School for International Relations x http://www.ri.una.ac.cr/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=42

Mexico Centre of International Studies - Relaciones Internacionales x http://cei.colmex.mx/R_Internacionales.html

Mexico Monterrey Institute of Technology - Relaciones Internacionales x http://www.ccm.itesm.mx/dhcs07/bienvlri.html

Mexico Universidad Iberoamericana - Relaciones Internacionales x http://www.uia.mx/web/site/tpl-Nivel2.php?menu=adAlumnos&seccion=Lrelaciones

Peru Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Department of Social Sciences x http://www.pucp.edu.pe/EN/content/pagina39.php?pID=3026&pIDSeccionWeb=3&pIDReferencial=

Diplomasi Akademileri | Diplomacy Academies

Avrupa | Europe

Country School Name B.A. or B.S. M.A PhD Certificate Training Field Research Conference / Seminar Web Address

Albania Albanian Diplomatic Academy


x http://www.albdiploacademy.com/training_irtc.html

Albania Albanian Diplomatic Academy Summer School


x http://www.albdiploacademy.com/training_dss.html

Albania Akademia Diplomatike


x http://www.pad.gov.al/content/dap/ministrite/MPJ/Akademia%20Diplomatike.htm

Austria Diplomatic Academy of Vienna


x http://www.da-vienna.ac.at/programmes

Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy


x http://ada.edu.az/academics/graduate/

Belgium Royal Institute for International Relations

x x x http://www.egmontinstitute.be/index.html

Bulgaria Diplomatic Institute


x http://bdi.mfa.government.bg/default_e.htm

Croatia Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs and European Affairs



Czech Republic The Diplomatic Academy of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs


x http://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/about_the_ministry/diplomatic_academy/diplomatic_education/index.html

Czech Republic The Institute of International Relations

x x x http://www.iir.cz/display.asp?ida=22&idi=45

Estonia Estonian School of Diplomacy - International Relations and European Integration


x http://www.edk.edu.ee/client/default.asp?wa_id=594&wa_object_id=1&wa_id_key=5c353dea5c27a0eb4ac62369943a9268

European Union Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats

x http://diplomacypractitioners.org/the_professional_body

European Union The Institute for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy



France Ecole Nationale d'Administration (French School of Public Administration)


x http://www.ena.fr/index.php?/en/formation

France Académie Diplomatique Internationale


x http://www.academiediplomatique.org/en/pag12-Training.html

France Institut d'Etudes Diplomatiques et de Relations Internationales Contemporaines


x http://idericparis.free.fr/index.php?page=diplome

France France Diplomatie



Germany Cultural Diplomacy in Practice (CDP)



Germany Internationale Diplomatenausbildung


x http://www.diplomatie.diplo.de/en/programmes.html

Greece Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


x http://www1.mfa.gr/en/the-ministry/diplomatic-academy/

Italy Società Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale - Diplomatic Studies


x http://www.sioi.org/pages/posts/master-course-in-diplomatic-studies-319.php

Italy Istituto Per Gli Studi di Politica Internazionale


x http://www.ispionline.it/eng/school.php?id=15

Malta Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies


x http://www.um.edu.mt/medac/overview/UDDSPTE-2010-1-O

Malta Diplo Foundation


x x

x http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses/learning

Montenegro Diplomatic Academy Gavro Vuković



Poland Polish Institute of International Affairs

x x x http://www.pism.pl/en

Romania European Diplomatic Academy

x x x http://eucir.webs.com/europeandiplomaticacademy.htm

Russian Federation Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation x x x x x

x http://www.dipacademy.ru/index.shtml

Serbia Serbian Institute for Public Diplomacy



Serbia Diplomatic Academy Koca Popović

x x


Page 11: Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi | Diplomacy Education in the World


Spain Diplomatic School of Spain of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation


x http://www.maec.es/en/MenuPpal/Ministerio/EscuelaDiplomatica/MasterenDiplomaciaRelacionesInternacionales/Paginas/master2_ED.aspx

Ukraine Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine

x x x http://www.dipacadem.kiev.ua/en/about.html

United Kingdom London Academy of Diplomacy - International Communication and Diplomacy



United Kingdom London Academy of Diplomacy - International Security and Diplomacy



United Kingdom London Academy of Diplomacy - International Business and Diplomacy



United Kingdom London Academy of Diplomacy - International Diplomacy



United Kingdom Oxford University - Foreign Service Programme



United Kingdom Oxford University - Foreign Service Programme



United Kingdom London Diplomatic Academy



United Kingdom International Business and Diplomatic Exchange



United Kingdom Diplomatic Academy of Europe



United Kingdom King's College London Diplomacy Society

x http://www.kclsu.org/society.asp?section=295&sectionTitle=Societies+List&itemid=4628

Kuzey Amerika | North America

Country School Name B.A. or B.S. M.A PhD Certificate Training Field Research Conference / Seminar Web Address

Canada Canadian Foreign Service Institute


x http://www.international.gc.ca/international/index.aspx?lang=eng&view=d

United States American Academy of Diplomacy

x x x http://www.academyofdiplomacy.org/index.html

United States Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

x x x http://www.adst.org/

United States The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs

x x http://apsia.org/apsia/index.php

United States Foreign Service Institute


x http://www.state.gov/m/fsi/

Latin Amerika | Latin America

Country School Name B.A. or B.S. M.A PhD Certificate Training Field Research Conference / Seminar Web Address

Brazil O Instituto Rio Branco

x x x http://www.institutoriobranco.mre.gov.br/pt-br/

Chile Academia Diplomática de Chile


x http://www.minrel.gob.cl/prontus_minrel/site/edic/base/port/academia_diplomatica.php

Chile Instituto Diplomático




Costa Rica United Nations University for Peace



Cuba Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales "Raúl Roa García" (ISRI) (Cuba)

x x http://www.isri.cu/cursos/cursos_titular.html

Ecuador Academia Diplomática del Ecuador


x http://www.mmrree.gob.ec/ministerio/academia_presenta.asp

Mexico Instituto Matías Romero

x x x http://www.sre.gob.mx/imr/

Paraguay Academia Diplomatica y Consular



Peru Academia Diplomática del Perú


x http://www.adp.edu.pe/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=134&Itemid=27

Trinidad and Tobago Institute of International Relations of Trinidad and Tobago

x x http://hostings.diplomacy.edu/iirt/index.htm

Uruguay Instituto Artigas del Servicio Exterior

x x x http://www.mrree.gub.uy/gxpsites/hgxpp001?7,1,56,O,S,0,MNU;E;339;4;336;1;MNU;,

Venezuela Instituto de Altos Estudios Diplomaticos "Pedro Gual" (Venezuela)

x x http://www.institutopedrogual.edu.ve/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=21&Itemid=128

Page 12: Dünyada Diplomasi Eğitimi | Diplomacy Education in the World


Orta Doğu | Middle East

Country School Name B.A. or B.S. M.A PhD Certificate Training Course Field Research Conference / Seminar Web Address

Egypt Institute for Diplomatic Studies

x x x http://www.mfa.gov.eg/English/Ministry/institute2/Pages/default.aspx

Jordan Jordan Institute of Diplomacy

x x x http://www.id.gov.jo/training_programs.asp

Lebanon Académie des Hautes Etudes Diplomatiques et des Relations Internationals

x x x http://www.libanvision.com/adri.htm

Oman Diplomatic Institute

x x


Saudi Arabia Institute of Diplomatic Studies of Saudi Arabia

x x x http://www.ids.gov.sa/sites/en/Pages/default.aspx

Turkey Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs



United Arab Emirates Emirates Institute of Diplomacy

x x


Asya| Asia

Country School Name B.A. or B.S. M.A PhD Certificate Training Course Field Research Conference / Seminar Web Address

Bangladesh The Academy



India Foreign Service Institute

x x x http://mea.gov.in/mystart.php?id=5002

Iran School of International Relations



Japan Public Diplomacy Department

x http://www.mofa.go.jp/about/hq/org.html

Kyrgyzstan Diplomatic Academy of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Kyrgyz Republic

x x x http://www.mfa.kg/system/diplomatic-academy-2_en.html

Malaysia Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations

x x x http://www.idfr.gov.my/

Nepal Institute of Foreign Affairs

x x x http://www.ifa.org.np/about.php

Pakistan Foreign Service Academy


x http://www.fsa.gov.pk/index.htm

Philippines Foreign Service Institute

x x x http://www.fsi.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=2&Itemid=101

South Korea Diplomatic Academy of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security

x x x http://www.ifans.go.kr/eng/index.html

Sri Lanka Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute


x http://www.bidti.org/

Afrika | Africa

Country School Name B.A. or B.S. M.A PhD Certificate Training Course Field Research Conference / Seminar Web Address

Algeria Institut Diplomatique et Des Relations Internationales



Cameroon The International Relations Institute of Cameroon



Tunisia Institut diplomatique

x x x http://www.diplomatie.gov.tn/index.php?id=173