I.E.S Puerta de la Axarquia LA CALA DEL MORAL MÄLAGA


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a unit to work integrated learning in 3rd year secondary school with the bilingual group

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I.E.S Puerta de la Axarquia


The term "healthy environment" is a huge one, encompassing many different

meanings. To complicate the matter, environments that are healthy for one

population aren’t always healthy for another. This makes it hard to agree upon

what is needed in order to create a healthy environment, and to determine what

has priority in this environment, such as humans, other animals, insects or plants.

Usually, when people use this term, they refer to a human environment that

would pose few risks for disease or health hazards.

Our health depends mainly on our way of life: Our actual food, the pollution in

our environment, the traffic, a lot of types of radiations around us, the noise

and so on. “Progress” is also a danger for human beings, if we understand it

without taking care of Nature.

Environmental factors affect human health in important ways, both positive and


Environmental Factors Affecting Health

Positive environmental factors sustain health, and promoting them is preventive

medicine. They include:

sources of nutrition (farming: soil quality, water availability,

biodiversity, genetically modified organisms (GMOs); hunting, fishing:

wildlife, fish populations.)

water (drinking, cooking; cleaning / sanitation);

air quality;

ozone layer (protection from UV, cancers, etc);

space for exercise and recreation;

sanitation / waste recycling and disposal



environmental factors

threaten our health

They include

Look at the diagram and the pictures. They are both related…Match the pictures

with the corresponding negative factor and if they can affect our health.

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Human-caused climate changes lead to the deaths of at least 150,000

people around the world every year, a figure which

is likely to increase as global warming continues to exacerbate existing

environmental health threats around the world.

Children, the elderly, and those in disadvantaged communities are the most

vulnerable to such exacerbations. The

following expected health impacts of global climate change can be

separated into direct and indirect effects. Direct

impacts stem from extreme events such as heat waves, floods, droughts,

windstorms, and wildfires, while the indirect effects may arise from the

disruption of natural systems, causing infectious disease, malnutrition, food

and water-borne illness, and increased air pollution. Both, direct and

indirect effects, are the reasons for disasters to happen.

Answer the following questions:

Can you explain what a disaster is?

Name at least 5 natural disasters and the reasons why they happen.

Have they increased in the recent years?

Is climate change contributing to these natural disasters happening?

Can you think of any examples of man-made environmental disasters

that have taken place anywhere in the world?

How do they affect our health? (click on the link to get information

in order to answer this question) In case the link is not available here

you have the complete text.


That’s a question I had always wondered about. When we think about climate change, or global warming, we often visualize an image like a polar bear precariously balanced on a small floating patch of ice but, in the bigger picture, can it affect our own health?

The answer is absolutely.

Unfortunately, there are many ways that are often overlooked and never even discussed when we consider climate change. The change in global temperature can have long-term effects on human health because it affects the food we eat, the

diseases we get, the disorders we develop, the air we breathe and the water we drink… all the things essential to a healthy body.

Here are just a few concerns to consider if anyone ever thinks this is only an environmental issue:

Greenhouse gasses can cause respiratory issues and more severe problems for asthma suffers because plants will actually produce more allergens when temperatures increase.

Extra heat creates more ground-level ozone,

and increases pollution, which creates addedstress for our heart and lungs.

Rising temperatures can increase the range of infectious parasites and therefore increase the rate and severity of infectious diseases.

Weather extremes will increase, resulting in intense heat waves or bouts of

bitter cold, resulting in cardiovascular and respiratory disorders.

Crops can become compromised, decreasing the yield and reducing their nutritional quality.

Water supplies are reduced along with the quality of water, coupled with an increase of water-borne illnesses.

Research has shown that bugs, plants, animals are all literally moving closer to the poles to escape the increases in heat. Tropical fish have even been found off the coast of Long Island, New York, because of the rise in water temperature.

The next time someone rejects the idea of climate change affecting their lives, remind them that our environment can’t change without changing us too!

Can we do anything to stop these natural disasters? How can we


In the following pages you are going to work on this last question.

Consider the pictures bellow.

Environmental health risks you might encounter in everyday life, in

everyday places.

Click on the picture and then roll your mouse to do some research on how

toxic chemicals may affect us.

Write a brief summary of what you have discovered in Tox Town in relation

with health and how we can be affected .

Ok. In my opinion you are ready to click on the following link to learn how

you can do your bit.

Why go green?

After reading activity

Find 6 reasons in the link above Why go green , write them down and you

will be ready for next section:


In case the following link is not available, the complete text is included


Why go green?

So, You're Finally Ready To Learn How To Go

Green? That's great news. You're about to take a positive step in your life that will make you feel better

about yourself, and help save the Earth, and your family, all at once! How can you go wrong?

The collection of short, mostly free, courses here at How To Go Green University will help you

understand the simple steps it takes to "going green" in your life. Browse through our classes and

when you're ready to learn, simply enroll at any time.

WHO AM I? My name is Doreen Kukral and I'm an active and proud member of the green movement. I write a

popular blog at MomGoesGreen.com, please stop by.

WHY GO GREEN? This IS the most fundamental of questions. We each have our own idea of what “going green”

means, and perhaps, a variety of reasons for doing so. But it’s a question worth answering.

If you ever asked yourself this question, or if someone ever asks you “why”, think about the big

picture and the reasons we “do what we do”. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a cause worth fighting


1. In a nutshell, I believe the “go green” movement is all about the concerns for the depletion

and contamination of the earth’s greatest, and most important, natural resources… think

about clean water, clean air, clean soil… (not to mention a clean and healthy body). They are

directly linked to our well-being and they are in jeopardy.

2. When we choose not to recycle, our trash (that reaches landfills) contains harmful

chemicals and ingredients that affect the soil, leach into the ground and surface water, and

contaminate everything… from the soil that grows our food to the water we drink. This

contamination also creates harmful conditions for wildlife and eco-systems.

3. When we DO recycle, we save the resources needed to create new products and the

energy needed for their production, which prevents excessive CO2 emissions caused by the

production process.

4. Reducing energy consumption reduces your demand on polluting power plants that create

excessive emissions and seriously contribute to global warming.

5. Water is essential to our survival and it is NOT renewable. Being conscious of our use(and

preventing overuse) of water and seeing that we do all we can to prevent contamination of our

fresh water supply simply protects this invaluable resource.

6. Buying organic locally-grown foods means avoiding harsh chemicals, supporting agriculture

that does not contaminate the soil and food (with pesticides/herbicides and harmful chemicals),

and avoiding the emissions created by shipping produce from somewhere across the country or

(potentially) another hemisphere entirely. This, in turn, slows deforestation by reducing the

demand for producing news crops… therefore saving delicate eco-systems, valuable trees (that

hold CO2) and precious wildlife.

7. Choosing products that are biodegradable and contain natural ingredients prevents

absorption of chemicals into our own bodies and the contamination of resources when they reach

landfills and water sources. This includes everything from body products and cosmetics

to household cleaners and lawn care chemicals.

8. Choosing products made from recycled or sustainable resources does everything from

protecting resources, habitats and forests, to preventing more landfill waste, to the reduction

of production energy.

9. When we choose NOT to use resources, it SAVES resources. Is there really any reason

NOT to want to do that?

10. People, plants, animals and the environment/eco-systems are all interconnected. We

cannot change one without affecting the other and, the way I see it, we are the only “element” in

that equation that has the true ability to make a positive change.

Look at these pictures, identify the different types of natural disasters or natural hazards, write their names, the reason for them to

happen and the effects they leave.

Disaster or Hazard? Cause Effects

Disaster Disaster or Hazard? Cause Effects

Now it’s time for your task.

Your task will consist of an oral presentation about one disaster, “The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico” or

“The Japan Earthquake -Tsunami” .Compare them. Contrast them. Differentiate them. Illustrate them.

Related Websites where you can find information.

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico


A BBC Newsround report on the oil spill (3rd May 2010).


Another Newsround report (4th May 2010).


Facts about the oil spill from BBC Newsbeat (30th April 2010).


A BBC article on problems encountered in trying to contain the oil leak (8th May 2010).

Japan earthquake: Tsunami hits north-east (11 March 2011)


Japan's most powerful earthquake since records began has struck the north-east coast .Live coverage from BBC News.


Japan — Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Crisis (2011)


A series of links where you can find all the information you need.







A. Materials made by nature that are necessary for life

(also called raw materials).

B. A specially constructed site for disposing of garbage.

The less garbage we throw away, the less we need this.

C. Made from raw or recycled materials, consumers buy

these every day.

D. Although it protects products before they are bought, some

products, like fresh produce, don’t need any. Look for

products with less of this.

E. This can be collected in your community and made into a new

product by a manufacturer.

F. Nature’s way of recycling food scraps and yard trimmings.

G. Something that can harm people or the environment if not

disposed of properly is called this.

H. To use wisely, avoiding waste.

I. Metal comes from this mineral or rock in the ground.

J. Food scraps, soiled paper, and other things you throw away.

J. Food scraps, soiled paper, and other things you throw













See if you can match the following words with their correct definitions.

Before you start Reading the text listen to the following

information on “Changes in the Environment” ( click on

the blue sentence)

What’s in our trash?

Each year, we generate millions of tons of

trash in the form of wrappings, bottles, boxes,

cans, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, phone

books, and much, much, more.

Durable goods (tires, appliances, furniture) and

nondurable goods (paper, certain disposable

products, clothing) account for several million

tons of the solid waste stream.

Container and packaging waste is a significant component of the

waste stream as well. This material includes glass, aluminum,

plastics, steel and other metals, and paper and paperboard. Yard

trimmings such as grass clippings and tree limbs are also a

substantial part of what we throw away.

In addition, many relatively small components of the national

solid waste stream add up to millions of tons.

What Can We Do?

Since we all produce garbage, we are all part of the problem.

But we can also be part of the solution. Of all the environmental

issues we face today, garbage is one each of us can (and should)

do something about. It's all about making wise choices.

The choices we make every day affect the amount and types of

garbage we toss. When we rethink the way we live, reduce what

we buy, reuse things instead of getting new ones, recycle and

compost; we not only make less waste, we also save valuable

natural resources and energy, and create less pollution.

Take responsibility for the waste you produce. Make a

difference at home, school and when shopping. It's easy and

every little bit helps! The Problem Is Too Much Trash!!!

Reduce the amount of unnecessary packaging.

Adopt practices that reduce waste toxicity.

Tips for Reducing Solid Waste

Reusing products is just one way to cut down on what we throw


Consider reusable products.

Maintain and repair durable products.

Reuse bags, containers, and other items.

Borrow, rent, or share items used infrequently.

Sell or donate goods instead of throwing them out

Choose recyclable products and containers and

recycle them.

Select products made from

recycled materials.

Compost yard trimmings and some

food scraps

Educate others on source reduction

and recycling practices.

Be creative - Find new ways to

reduce waste quantity and toxicity.

Look at the picture on the right.

Does it suggest something to you?

Try to design one and participate in

the class competition.

Draw types of recycle bins.

Rachel Carson (1907 - 1964)

Books can open closed minds. The books by Rachel Carson helped

to open the minds of government regulators, executives in the

chemical industry, and the general public about the environment

and the dangers of insecticides and herbicides. Just as mighty

forests spring from tiny seeds, Rachel’s powerful books sprang

from her childhood fascination with nature

Rachel grew up loving nature and exploring its wonders. She thought

that everybody should enjoy nature. Rachel wrote:

"The pleasures, the values of contact with the natural world are

not reserved for the scientist. They are available to anyone who

will place himself under the influence of a lonely mountain top – or

the sea – or the stillness of a forest; or who will stop to think

about so small a thing as the mystery of a growing seed."


In this part of the unit you will work with “power point” or

“movie maker”, it’s up to you!

Your project will be based on Rachel Carson’s life, who has

contributed to save the environment or at least has helped doing


Good luck!!!

Name………………………………………………………………………………………….. Date……………………………

Each year, we produce enough trash to fill enough garbage trucks to reach halfway to the moon! Where does all that waste

go? How can we reduce the amount of garbage we make? Think about these questions as you complete the chart below.


The number of

times I use this

object in one


The number of

times I reuse

this object in

one month

The time it takes

for this object to

decay in a landfill

One way that I

can use this

object more


Another use

for this object

Paper bag

30 days

Plastic bag

1,000 years

Aluminum can

200 to 500 years

Glass bottle 1 million years or


Data released by the United States Data released by the United States Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency

shows that somewhere between 500 shows that somewhere between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags are billion and a trillion plastic bags are

consumed worldwide each year.consumed worldwide each year.

National Geographic News September 2, 2003National Geographic News September 2, 2003

Less than 1% of bags are recycled. Less than 1% of bags are recycled. It cost more to recycle a bag than It cost more to recycle a bag than

to produce a new one.to produce a new one.

-- Christian Science Monitor News PaperChristian Science Monitor News Paper

““There's harsh economics behind There's harsh economics behind bag recycling: It costs $4,000 to bag recycling: It costs $4,000 to

process and recycle 1 ton of plastic process and recycle 1 ton of plastic bags, which can then be sold on bags, which can then be sold on the commodities market for $32the commodities market for $32””

-- Jared Jared BlumenfeldBlumenfeld(Director of San Francisco's Department of the Environment)(Director of San Francisco's Department of the Environment)


Where Do They Go?Where Do They Go?

A study in 1975, showed oceangoing vessels A study in 1975, showed oceangoing vessels together dumped 8 million pounds of plastic together dumped 8 million pounds of plastic annually. The real reason that the world's annually. The real reason that the world's

landfills weren't overflowing with plastic was landfills weren't overflowing with plastic was because most of it ended up in an oceanbecause most of it ended up in an ocean--fillfill

-- U.S. National Academy of Sciences U.S. National Academy of Sciences

Bags get blown aroundBags get blown around……

……and to our seas, lakes and rivers.and to our seas, lakes and rivers.

Bags find their way into the sea Bags find their way into the sea via drains and sewage pipes via drains and sewage pipes

-- CNN.com/tecnhology November 16, 2007 CNN.com/technology November 16, 2007

Plastic bags have been found Plastic bags have been found floating north of the Arctic Circle floating north of the Arctic Circle

near Spitzbergen, and as far south near Spitzbergen, and as far south as the Falkland Islandsas the Falkland Islands

-- British Antarctic Survey British Antarctic Survey

Plastic bags account for over 10 Plastic bags account for over 10 percent of the debris washed up on percent of the debris washed up on

the U.S. coastlinethe U.S. coastline

-- National Marine Debris Monitoring Program National Marine Debris Monitoring Program

Plastic bags photodegrade:Plastic bags photodegrade:Over time they break down into Over time they break down into

smaller, more toxic petrosmaller, more toxic petro--polymerspolymers

-- CNN.com/tecnhology November 16, 2007CNN.com/tecnhology November 16, 2007

which eventually contaminate soils which eventually contaminate soils and waterwaysand waterways

-- CNN.com/tecnhology November 16, 2007 CNN.com/tecnhology November 16, 2007

As a consequence microscopic As a consequence microscopic particles can enter the food chainparticles can enter the food chain

- CNN.com/tecnhology November 16, 2007

The effect on wildlife can be catastrophicThe effect on wildlife can be catastrophic

-- World Wildlife Fund Report 2005World Wildlife Fund Report 2005

Birds become terminally entangled Birds become terminally entangled

-- World Wildlife Fund Report 2005World Wildlife Fund Report 2005

Nearly 200 different species of sea Nearly 200 different species of sea life including whales, dolphins, seals life including whales, dolphins, seals and turtles die due to plastic bagsand turtles die due to plastic bags

-- World Wildlife Fund Report 2005World Wildlife Fund Report 2005

They die after ingesting plastic bags They die after ingesting plastic bags which they mistake for foodwhich they mistake for food

-- World Wildlife Fund Report 2005World Wildlife Fund Report 2005


What do we do?What do we do?

If we use a cloth bag, If we use a cloth bag, we can save 6 bags a week we can save 6 bags a week

That's 24 bags a monthThat's 24 bags a month

That's 288 bags a yearThat's 288 bags a year

That's 22,176 bags That's 22,176 bags in an average life timein an average life time

If just If just 1 out of 51 out of 5 people in our country did this people in our country did this we would save we would save

1,330,560,000,000 bags 1,330,560,000,000 bags over our life timeover our life time

Bangladesh has Bangladesh has banned plastic bags banned plastic bags

-- MSNBC.comMSNBC.com March 8, 2007March 8, 2007

China has banned free plastic bagsChina has banned free plastic bags

-- CNN.com/asiaCNN.com/asia January 9, 2008January 9, 2008

Ireland took the lead in Europe, Ireland took the lead in Europe, taxing plastic bags in 2002 and taxing plastic bags in 2002 and have now reduced plastic bag have now reduced plastic bag

consumption by 90% consumption by 90%

-- BBC News August 20, 2002BBC News August 20, 2002

In 2005 Rwanda In 2005 Rwanda banned plastic bags banned plastic bags

-- Associated PressAssociated Press

Israel, Canada, western India, Botswana, Israel, Canada, western India, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Taiwan, and Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Taiwan, and SingaporeSingapore have also banned or are moving have also banned or are moving

toward banning the plastic bag toward banning the plastic bag

-- PlanetSave.comPlanetSave.com February 16, 2008February 16, 2008

On March 27th 2007, San On March 27th 2007, San Francisco becomes first U.S. city Francisco becomes first U.S. city

to ban plastic bagsto ban plastic bags

-- NPR.orgNPR.org (National Public Radio)(National Public Radio)

Oakland and Boston are Oakland and Boston are considering a ban considering a ban

-- The Boston Globe May 20, 2007The Boston Globe May 20, 2007

Plastic shopping bags are Plastic shopping bags are made from polyethylene: made from polyethylene:

a thermoplastic made from oil a thermoplastic made from oil

-- CNN.com/tecnhology November 16, 2007 CNN.com/tecnhology November 16, 2007

Reducing plastic bags will decrease Reducing plastic bags will decrease foreign oil dependency foreign oil dependency

ChinaChina will savewill save 37 million barrels of 37 million barrels of oil each year due to their ban of oil each year due to their ban of

free plastic bags free plastic bags

-- CNN.com/asiaCNN.com/asia January 9, 2008January 9, 2008

It is It is possiblepossible......

It is time you evaluate yourself!!!!

Read the text:

Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we seem to hear of yet another

problem affecting the environment - and what a list of problems! - pollution,

acid rain, climate change, the destruction of rainforests and other wild

habitats, the decline and extinction of thousands of species of animals and

plants and so on.

Nowadays, most of us know that these threats exist and that humans have

caused them. Many of us are very worried about the future of our planet

and unless we can find a way of solving the problems we have made then the

environment will suffer even more.

It all sounds so depressing - but we certainly mustn't despair! Every one of

us, whatever age we are can do something to help slow down and reverse

some of the damage. We cannot leave the problem-solving entirely to the

experts - we all have a responsibility for our environment. We must learn to

live in a sustainable way i.e. learn to use our natural resources which include

air, freshwater, forests, wildlife, farmland and seas without damaging

them. As populations expand and lifestyles change, we must keep the world

in a good condition so that future generations will have the same natural

resources that we have.

Complete the following quiz (Click on the blue word or the picture below)

and you will discover some interesting facts about yourself!

Now you can play a game

and have some fun!

(Click on the link blue word

or the picture)

With this interactive you can discover how green you are at home. Click on

the house or the blue word and then on each room items!

Many things we buy have unnecessary amounts of plastic and paper around


(Power point plastic bags) In case you can’t use audio visual aids, a copy on

paper is enclosed with the didactic unit.


Now write a brief paragraph in which you express your attitude before and

after working with this unit.

Look at the poster. Here you can get some ideas for your group Project. Can you guess?

When you buy a new toothbrush, what do you do with the old one? Throw it in the

dustbin? I’d rather you didn’t because there are lots of ways of using it for other

purposes. And the same is true about other devices. Here is a list of ideas:

Choose the correct verb form in each sentence to make the text complete. Toothbrushes:

Old toothbrushes can use / be using / be used in the kitchen cleaning around the

kitchen sink, including the taps.

Your keyboard and monitors can cleaned /clean / be cleaned with an old toothbrush.

Your lips may make /be made / made softer by brushing them gently with an old


Silver objects will be cleaned / cleaned/ cleaning perfectly.

Old toothbrushes can also use / used / be used for cosmetic purposes: clumps on your

eyelashes will removed / removing/ be removed very easily.

The following ideas are about old plastic bags. Change them into the Passive Voice.

Old Plastic Bags

You should cut them into strips and knit the strips into a stronger reusable shopping bag.


You can keep bags in your car to help keep it tidy. You may need them if you stop at the




If you have pets, you can use plastic bags to clean out the litter box


When you take your dog for a walk, you may tie a couple of bags to the leash handle so

you will always have a bag available to pick up the poop.



You should take them with you to the grocery store. You can reuse them and you needn’t

buy new ones.



Use the given words and write down what could be done with old CDs and DVDs.

Use the Passive Voice again. Don’t forget to add some extra words e.g.


CDs and DVDs

They / can / decorate / stickers.

_________________________________________________________________ Designs / may / draw / them / markers

_________________________________________________________________ Artwork / can / create / discs

_________________________________________________________________ Discs / may / mould / hot water. Then / they / can / cut / different shapes /


_________________________________________________________________ They / mustn’t / put / oven.

_________________________________________________________________ Junk CDs / can / turn / a disco ball

_________________________________________________________________ Your mirror / may / decorate / old CDs


How creative are you? Here is a list of different things that you usually get rid

of, although they could be reused. Come up with as many suggestions as you can.

Use the Passive Voice.

Empty Beer/Coke Cans: _______________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Broken Cups/Vases/Plates: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Old Toys _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Old Socks/Stockings/Tights __________________________________________________________________________


Old Magazines/Newspapers _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score

Pair work You haven´t worked in


You have shared your

ideas and listened to

your partner.

You have worked together

with your partner sharing

your ideas and solving any


You have worked side by

side solving any possible

problem with respect.




Your collaboration has not

been as much as should be.

You have played a passive


You have collaborated

with your partner but

you has not shown a good

attitude towards the


You show respect to your

partner´s ideas and

interest when doing the

tasks. You have done a

good job!

You show respect,

interest and master of

new technologies. You

are a great partner!




Some significant grammar

mistakes. Very simple

presentation with no

images. Don´t follow the


Very few grammar

mistakes. Good

presentation but no


Not too many grammar

mistakes. Well-organised


No significant grammar

mistakes. Creative

presentation. Text and

pictures well-balanced.




You haven´t prepared your

presentation. You read

what it was written.

Low accuracy when

speaking and don´t look

at the audience.

Your language is accurate

but you speak too low and

you are very serious.

You speak clearly and

loudly. Very good

pronunciation and body



Total Score: %100




I have done my homework on time.

I have respected my partners’ opinions.

I have helped my partner or the members of my


YES With



I can say things about the topics of this unit and

about an important person.

I can read web sites and find information.

I can understand oral presentations and listenings.

I can write about an important person.

I can use the grammar rules explained in this unit


I know new things about the environmental factors .

I know new things about disasters and their consequences.

I know things about The London Fog, , The Great fire of London, The Oil Spill in

the Gulf of Mexico or the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

I have learnt new vocabulary about environmental issues

I have learnt how to be greener.