> > J." ' . . WL t >' ^^^^^^fe^ ttWi!*WrWW8«*^^ wyfffipr ent. Bat it means to Einborfas3 the con- trolling party to gain the Sooth, and thns . compel the Democracy of the North tomnite with it. The scheme is not so mpoh Tot tli(i present, thongh it has its mischief to do, now as for two years hence. ' erm»,81 SW,s«iria»£ initials, 3 montUs. v 4 i f W f onbm^'EtoaLl&LSojaig: JW3 ISHGMS. i The Snecjal TTeetiiig. ' The pTdcetfdtogs of the speoial meeting of the §upj^pr>, jieldat Oantq") on the 19th iDSt.; will-be found on an first pago of this issne. The objeot of the meeting was the reorganization of this county_jntp Assembly districts, according to the aet#f the Legis- lature. As will be seen by thetproceedi&gs, the Board concluded to leave the boundary lines of the three dikrjiqtsijusHis-tboy were, whioh we presume will' 'be satisfactory to people generally, . TheV Xtonton 'Plaindeai- or, however, imog'mes.sonTebpdy is hit and. going. tQ light, and thus.'isqaares off' as the champion of the Board: W e believe thia action of the Board to be entirely satislactory to a large majority oMhe^eople-of thia County, and if a few "Bismark" politicians -who -have -in. times past run the County for their own benefit, and who sought to retain the departing scepter by a re-organization of the Assem- bly Districts, have been pgain foiled, no one has any regrets. W e had the pleasure of listening to a good deal of belligerent talk alter the adjournment of the Board, and beard manv gratifying promises made by the disappointed ones to visit with their sore displeasure one or two unfortunate men who had opposed the plan of the "Bisumrks." If the gentlemen have concluded to make war upon any body because of their action in this matter, why then we feel it our sol- emn duty to inform them there will be blows on both sides. We commend them to a prudent husbandry of their resources. If there are any "dead ducks" whose un- timely demise cnu be traced to' this action of the Board, we submit that it would have been in better taste for the Plaindealer to have waited until the mournful 'quack.quack' . of distressed friends announced thefact.than to herald-the news by its own c ck-a-hoop over the bodies of the slain. V'e should really like to know, however, win v-as hit. Won't the Plaindealer, which t JS to know all about it, explain ? The resolutions of a political chat icter which the Board saw fit to pass, are fully in accord with the Union sentiment of this county. Tuo people ol St. Lawrence un- qualifiedly endorse Gov. Fenton in his ve- toes of tbe'i'aidingscbemes upon their pock- ets, anJ it wa's proper for the Board in its officW-cUaracter to say so. The course of our representative in Con- gress has ever received the fullest approval -ofthrconstitae»tSr«ad-th»-K>soIotioo-pttas=. ed by the Board only expresses in an offi- cial form the (eeling ever entertained by each member. The unanimity with which the Board •d the resolution appropriating money m . ! of a Normal School to be established in th i place is especially gratifying. It shows the members to be possessed of brood and enlightened views, and that they -•''' appreciate the importance of having sr an institution located in this section. The law provides for the establishment of but tour of these schools in the'State, therefoie SioT §f£ Gen. D. H.'StroiiiW, of Vlminia.iell.1 *• known as''Porta Orayton,' r ijasb"een"appolnt-1 *' ed consul to Baenos Ayresj. Connecticut leads the van in adopting the constitutional amendment. It passed the J3ouse yesterday by a strict party vote. The election in Texas passed off quietly. Throckmorton, the rebel candidate for Gov- ernor, has probably received nice-tenths us the vote of the State. . A fir, ..'=troyed the greater part of the Schenectady locomotive works, yestejday morning. The loss'is u...iuat«4 at S3Q0,r 000. It is now thought that the Niagara Ship Canal bill will pass. Discussion brings out more friends to the bill than it bad been supposed to have. The Hnitst Committee on Foreign Affairs will report adversly to the proposed repeal of the neutrality law. They are also op- posed to any indorsement of the Mex'can loan. Mr. Seward has finally promised to attend the inauguration Of the Douglas monument at Chicago", and the President will also be present il Congress adjourns in season. At Ottawa, the Finance Minister has giv- en a favorable view of the finances of Cana- da, and estimates the expenses of patting down the "Fenian Snake," (which he says "is scotched, not-killed") at $1,100,000. • A dnwn-east editor, in describing a coun- try dance, says: "The georgeoua strings of glass beads glistened on the heaving bosoms of the village belles, like polished rubies resting on the delicate surface of warm ap- ple dumplings. Alter seventy-nine ballots, Hon. John A. Kassou, Congressman from the Fifth district of Iowa, was shelved, being beaten twelve votes by General Grenville A. Dodge. The troubles of Kasson with his wife contributed largely to this result. Before his death Mr. Lincoln expressed to Mrs. Lincoln his destro to make some present to Frederick Douglas. Since her husband's decease, Mrs. L. has forwarded to Mr. D. the late President's-favorite walk- ing slick. Douglass considers this the best caning he ever got from a woman- It is believed that by the 10th of this month the Great Eastern will be in readi- ness to sail from Valentia, and once more attempt the laying ot the Atlantic cable. There are 2,800 miles of new cable on board the Great Eastern, and the machinery, both for payiag out and picking up,.is said to be the product, ol the best skill that England could bring into requisition. The last and most ingenious device inven- ted for the purpose of enabling the ladies to delude men by deceitful Bhow is called a palpipalor. It i3 an artificial bosom, made with a steel frame, which encloses a bellows, operated by clock work. The machinery gives that portion of the bosom which is in- tended to be looked upon a gentle heaving motion about twenty times a minute. The effect is said to be wonderful. The polpitv W may be readily attached to That garment worn to give shape to the body, while it gives support by the aid of driijing, whale- bone, eyelets, lacing, etc. THE GERMAN-WATrf—OBf> BaTTM FOCQBT^ THB RDSSIAN? COJfE IX BOR A SH4UK, The Prussians entered .Saxony on the 15th. The.Jftng.issued =a proclamation to •hte faithfttlipepple, in»which htreliesopon ijibir l o y # co-operation. The .King left Dresdanto join the array_ The entry of iB?~Ef9Bslarl"s' «intcf"T35xony was preceded" byaiprmul declaration of war. The Bus-' sian minister was about to leave Dresden, The entry ol the A-astriuns into Saxony was hourly expected. It is rumored that' Saxon army effected & junction with the Austrians. The King of Hanover and the Crown Prince joined) the army at Goiting- en. Diplomatic relations between Bavaria and Prussia has been broken off. The Prussians occupy Hanover and threaten FsankfoEt. ,The Prussians occupy Oassel. An engagement took place between the. Russians and Hessians near Frankfort. One regiment cf Hessians was almost anni- hilated. The Russians are pushing on to Bohemia. The Federal plan of operations is the re-con^aeat of Holstein. Oldenburg and Anhalt have withdrawn from the Con- federation. Gaiibaldi leltComo. Aa?oon as the volunteers are completely eijupped they will proceed to Bergaiub and Brescia. BSBUK, J«ne 19. Russia formally declared ' war against Austria yesterday. The minister of Hesse Darmstadt had been ordered to leave the Prussian Capital. KEICHENUTRG, June 17. The army corps, 30,000 strong, bivouack- ed at Abersdorfl last night. Twelve thous- and are expected to-day at Seifhauersdorff and 800 are at Littdorfi. The Prussians occupied Seidenbnrg in considerable torce, and reioloreements were still pouring in. EUEH BOUUMIA, June 19. ss££ Down South. The Augasta papers are laughing over a suit brought by a colored girl against a ne- gro swain, for breach ol promise of marriage. Such a prosecution has never before been, known in a Georgia Court The Richmond Whig is terribly alarmed by the rapid influx of Yankees into the " jBd. calls ri'pon3Droperty owners to On Saturday 200,000 Prussians occupied Mochern, two miles from Leipaic, and sub- sequently Thersen, Dahlen, and Biesa. Railway*- communication between Lerpsic and Biesa destroyed. The Westphalian ar- my corps, stationed at Sohenditz, is going to the Silesian frontier. FRANKFORT, June 19. From thirty to forty thonsand Federal troops are assembled before tlus city. LOXOON, June 20. No serious collision has yet taken place anywhere between the Austrian and Prus- sian forces, bnt battles are expected at Frankfort and Saxony or at Selesta. Ow- ing to the adverse vote in the Betorm Bill, there is a ministerial crisis in England. It is believed the ministers will tender their resignations. A Gigantic Swindle. On Saturday, the 16th instant, Hezekiah S. Bennet and Loomis Willard, both of Wright's corners, Niagara county, were ar- rested on a charge ofconspiracy to defraud a Mr. Fobes a bankerSf^T'oronto, C. W., of $45 by the sale of spurious drafts. The examination of these parties is progressing before Justice Hamilton at this writing; but the lacts thus far developed by the evidence as well as those in the possession of the -police, present a startling scheme of villainy which the public cannot too soon be made Acquainted with. ,' _J:_ The drafts in question pnrported to have been drawn by the "Cautriil Bank" u , ' the Second National Bank of O'bw V Tbey bore date and were presented to Mr. Fobes last November. During the month several individuals (whose names are in pos- session of the authorit ;»s) rented a room and opened an office in Oiinton, St. Lawrence county. In a short time they iiad issued drafts to the extent of?200,O00Tltll purport- ing to be drawn by the Canton Bank- institution that had no existence, ftS^ paper—and upon the SecorjjJ^atibti*! of New York. ThewhotScodWp* 1 '' flooded dajtagtMe-pjat; "li if i, f amoving* in "his matter, and we understand the Board ol Supervis- ors of Clinton county propose to appropri- ate §30,000 provided * Normal School is established at PJatUburgh. Our Board of Supervisors and the Board of Trustees of" St. Lawrence Academy have both done their duty, and it now remains for the town of Potsdam to do her duty. We believe our citizens will pursue a short-sighted poli- cy if they do not furnish whatever ismces- sary to secure the location of one of the schools at this place. Let our people think this matter over, and when the timo«omes be prepared Jo act. The Hew Jotasdn Party. ' i cjHjrmy. »,beat a i f few days a fired Mr. Bly:''. Brie, so that he is not ..A- hi i i The call of the NationntComsntion by Messrs. Bands!! and Doofitfle of Wisconsin, Browning of Illinois, and'^owan of Penn- sylvania, with 1 the indorsement of Senators Dixon of Cp'nnectirint, Hendricks oflndiann Nortbn"oTffl mtiFsota, aTrd^esmitJi erf Ore- gon, can be understood oBt otherwise than as a formal proclamation of withdrawal by the Johnsohites from the National Union party. Mr. Hendricks/ and perhaps we. should add Mr. Nesmith, .cannot withdraw from a party to which they never professed to belong; bat-tnarifljer 8 hatfo all been honor- ed and trufsted" as members of .the great party ?ijcB tlw y nt ™ ° P enlv abandon and conspire: tq-owrthrow. VVe thank them for theiritanknessfand shall hope to find them more*inahly as antagonists than they have . been Jaitjjful as. compatriots. ThiscalVsimply proclaims tho adhesion of the;tfonijapnites.proper,to the party made up of th^Kebels and pro-Rebels which aims to sijiiSB the'flfbvCTnm.ljit and control the destinies dlotit country. Messrs. Eandall & Co. wilt!furm8b tie new combination With a libera! propoj'tHjn. of its manners and officeholders; ; bnt nlnety: nine bund, dthspf its votes must be sapplied by those whi voted last for PyeSJdenjieither for. Jefferson Davis or George B. McClellan. I t may be that they will vote rfext for Andrew Johnson; Bnt weido not believe it—nor do they. , Lef-it be. distinctly .understood on all hands that this Johnspn-Bandall Convention is a blow/aimed' with deadly intent at the integrity anfiasoendoncy of the Union party. It means'defeat this Fall to Gflv. Fenton, to Qsii^&arjj^ttnjJJfl the Union ticket * Ohio, Indiana andtheif"siBter"Btates; If means, tiie-festoration of the Jerry Blaeljs and Howell Oobbs to the-amastery of our, conntryv.1 ifsisucli.it demands the sternest,' moB¥*nejgetierew8lance.-f-2Vio!me. ' J ;,^*!r 3rtj Ibjipsii? MEANS. The ^ef'^ffncr^HmeB reveals the objeot of the ne.w'flpJJtXca|.rooveriient. It is tp.oh;. tain controji,oi,thp,B.rjuth, with the hope of: pr- rag enough.-ortho North to.give it the .. .)daney.. iTlie Times quotes and cotn- mi is upon" tn^iJeclaratip'BB of the Southern press as follows: Tba jBjoiiBiond Dispatch, for eSainpIe, remarks .that the" XBbvenTton "pill h< the •most important event of our time, and v. " look mora lifts anioh, than anything that !u .,.•*..-.-., ,. An(J tho Ricl) _ fjia call "liberal in at Gjeenihofl g^ti tfie 01 g & i . t the, akigi wHt W pejlted to ifitvive. A^MempUis policeman having murdered a negro, was sentenced to ^ ; ue years in the State Prison by a militiuy commission, but having been released by civil authority, was restored to his former place, and has peti- tioned the city governmemt lor the amount of his back pay and lawyer's fees I The women of Tallahassee, Fla., lately held a fr-ir, and raised a purse of-88,200, for presentation to Major Gee, the infamous keeper of the Salisbury prison. The fact that he had probably starved a few hundreds of Federal soldiere to death, was regarded 'as bis especial claim to consideration. The Mobile Nationalist shows tSat the freedmen are both earning and saving mon- ey. At the several branches of the Freed- meti's Saving and Trust Company, the de•' posits for March and April amounted to ©204,829.98. the amount deposited np to May 1st was Sflgg.Sg'i^? ; the total deposits paid was $256,774.39, leaving a balance due OS the depositors pf 8232,222,83. - ——•»».«.., redr has been persons to an 80)0.000. Western siring to give my nerves a second sbqcjv that day; but on the rond I met ari old^ d4» "irepid female, clothe^.ia a worn wrappoijfpfjj coarse domestic, carrying on her b,\ok a! sack, in which was half a bushel ot meal. "Madam" said I,"you are wearied,are yoa not; you uro too old (o carry such a load." "I have toted it cightefth miles; clomr from Gurterville," said abb. "How far do you live From here ?" I usk- "Half a mile." "And you have c arricd this all tho Way from Ganterville; bad yo.u no one tosend?" "No, sir," said she; "I had Jtwo soss''w1lip, lived with me, and two mora ^hoflkd/fumj--'- lies living near. They were. alK killed in- the war, and the wife of one of them is; dead, rind I had to take care of his fonr,' children, the oldest of whom is eight years of age: I bad to cany this clear from (iuut- erville or starve." NO MEAT SINCE At'Gt'ST. " I met a boy about thirteen years of age carrying a peck of meal, and I risked: "How far do you live fiom tho city ?" "Five miles." "Are the people bad off there?" "YesjWeliave had to live on the corn meal given us. We have had no moat iff our house sinoe August lust, and the Lord knows when we shall have any more." "Do you get corn meal enough ?" "No^eir; we don't average more than a peck a week, ami there areTour ot us ia fte 1 family." "Where is your fath"r ?" "He was killed at the Mission Ridge." "Are the people around you as bad oft as you are ?" "Yes sir, some are worse off, and only a few are better off; we expect to all-starve unless the Yankees help ua." 1 could fill columns with particulars as heartrending as these. 1 conversed with at least a hundred persons during my stay, which lasted till the morning of the 4th of June, and all of them gave accounts as dole- ful as these narrated., I made inquiries of different parties, well informed on the condition of affaiis, and they estimated that m five counties south of the Tennessee river, there were at least twenty thousand persona bordering on a state of starvation. All looked to the Yank- ees, and to them alone for assistance. No one ever dreamed of obtaining assistance from the wealthy planters of. their own .State. 5 tf^Nortbem'Nat^T? coriVieolion with.6er&! mBeamsm S"5HHB nreglad toleara that itkKPettOletim^Go.i to" f,-EJpwer, hatfatruci: oil, and have jjow, a ateadHy rfypdncfte.weU in the oil regiousof Culjuda,.ylejdln£#em about $1-50 per- day i.n^l|, 1^,®$""* owns two-fifltis'of ••the wwifilan'dHJaoinfc- ly with tho company, and b,hVuaa;M)B.n)an- ngoment for the laBt tttrj.^moBths«->-Wlifer- Sgy Who appreciates tho fact'thfifthero Ms any great importance. attaohoaVto aqeb. a ."'c'ommodity as a F i l l ? It is generally sup- posed that anybody can make them, as nil can take them. But visit' the laboratory .of Dr. J. C. Ayor and you will be disabused of tho idea, that it is a trifle to make any med- icine and adapt it to tba wants of millions of m e n - to so adjust it to tneiv .needs", s a d so cere their complaints, as to make them its constant customers in all the stones. Physicians find it requires some skill to adapt tlmir doses to a single patient; ask theni-if it is not an intricate problem to ad- jast a. purgative bill to the necessities of untold numbers, so that it shall benefit them nearly all. Dr. Ayer's laboratory supplies 60,000 doses of his pills per diem, or 19,- OlM.Otlu a year. Think of that Escalapioa ! Well may it whiten the head of any man to administer to that amount of Buffering, and especially when, as is here evident, every- Thero ts nothlnp Hko Dr. Veprffl Froncn Tills for keeping the complexion froih inn! cutlr«ty tree from pimples. Tuo cmtso or whloh ttntlut U rogalatoa tho tatltfi fomali' svalom. Sold by all Druggists. S<«4 STKAN«SE BVT TIIUXD. Kvory young liuly and gontlomm tti too Uilllod Btatoa can ho«f somolhlng v«ry much In iholr »ov»n- -taffe-tjy rului'u ia«ll {ft;.uo otflbwgo^ lyf.ixudrCTIttjihfr unJorslgnod. Itiojo ti»vlDgfc»r« ofbolnjtiumbuggod Ftomalo olsouos are oauieu' by Borofuta in Ibo blood and are often soon cured by thia extract orsarrapar. tllinn is done with the extremest nicety arid . ltoMidis.oardtWBin,ralaablomodloinobMau»oyou muif, Kuu««. f v" «o X g g " " ' " ' " V -"-- -baw*o<)r^mr^6a^iwiv*y«a«tMojh1Hr««Midlng-to- care.—Kandolph (Vt.) Statesman. bo Sarsaparllia, while It Vas uoL^fGnyou biyo asod Ayor'a; than, and notyil then, will vonknow tho virtues ofSaraaparllbt. For roluulo pu-tlculanor lliu MARKET REPORTS. Poudum Retail Prices Current. n. ^ -^'il iwcfcly/nr the Oouricr <fi Frtanan. !L. \ • PureriAM, July 4. lilt'' I'IKOMKIXS, Wbolosalomid ttctaitGrocer,roport8 , .ii rvtlowa Flour.....' 12 00 @ 18 00 t ^i bushel, 2. 00 @ C^rii "0 busbol, O 00 @ livp \\ busbol,.. IJurb-v, ?! buibol o-itsil busbot .lliitkwboal fl busbol,. llcuu.-; ^ bushel,...,.. IV41S -$ busbol, rululoos ^ busliol,... Vi:gs@aozca HuUorplB, CliccsvOjIrS, Ijril p f t Tallow,^ % I'o ' - ' : t* barrel, 35 00 The Cause of Equal Jlights. Mr. Theodore Tilton, of the Independent, who is on a visit to Washington mad a speech ou Friday. Among other good things be said: "To-doy, looking at the dome of the Cap- itol, I said nnto myself, 'Unto what can it be compared except to St. Peter's at Rome-V-But; St : .Peter's at Kome was originally" "drafted by Michml Angelo for a greattiSapd fairer streature than the architect w^allowed to erect. The great plan was d^aiffed.'" There are authors and planners in XJongress of a scheme of recon- struction as fall orbed as Michrcl Augelo's dome, bot the President will not allow it to be built. Nevertheless it must be built, President or no President, Congress or no Congress. Let both' ends of the avenue take heed 1 that tho party of justice, the party of liberty, is the party that controls the conscience'of the nation, and will sooner or later control its policy. Gentlemen in Washington! be it known unto you that you shall never have rest for the soles of your feet until yonrjegislation shall be,squaied, every4pt and title according" to. the grei rulejoi^rjaal rights. [App"li '"'*"" "" world wtis not built' ~" realization of a be liadrJnry^ml 'th^fplPBr ,.__ „ „... .. to'ihis"natiflp. It'is wfmen in Heaven that [6»-f th^iTjftHjftfon* on earth shall be modeled i-aeeff ?s8^ a ™^ aller P'!" 1 - Keep the glowing idol jj^hatt "QiCTefore, in your minds. - Seek to achieve ' it- bu cunleut iilth. uuthing lnu.—Out af B'-ef, livo weight... 1'ork hi tho bog,.! IVulliy ?» ft A|>|i!oa»lrieJ ^i busbol,. Ai.ntoi, 5I bbl. new, I^mtuis 5* box on»Qg-.-s c* box > bbl. Ilffiow _ know tl ;niSh; cannix^ 1 .aSt|&inoSf. ts»*5r give it 2 60 100 086 0 76 0 76 1 60 2 00 1 60 76 26 40 20 26 16 37 00 4 12 _ 13 50 @ 10 26 0 00 @ Of 00 0 00 © 0 00 12 00 tS 14 00 @ 00 00 © S 26 @ 10 00 10 00 @ 12 00 6 00 7 00 0 00» 0 00® 0 06 @ 1 00 @ 1 25 @ 0 00 @ 0 60 @ 21 @ 3J ® 12® 20 ® 13® 3 00 ( Piaster, fat lot. Hay ^ ton Wood ^ cord ,.. 4 00 Gr.tssSeod, 00 @ Coru Meal ^ ewt. @ 2 00 Omous B bosbel, 160® 2 00 Maple Sogar 11 ft 16® 20 Majile SJrup ^ gall @ 1 60 Spirits Terpentine, |1 gall 160® 3 00 Flaxseed, clean , ^ buab 2 SO @ 2 26 Kerosene Oil, ?l gall 00® 00 Beeswax, %1 ft ".. 26® 35 BOUNTY AND PENSION AGENTS S. C. C R A N E , POTSDAM,N.Y. l*ic£nsetl Pension Agent, 63*-PaHicui&rattentlonpaidloprooorineBoaliUcl Tor wountledSoldiers. 23-lv ,Bomljy, Pay and Pension Agency .-The undersigned collects BouniyJPay and Pensions forj Soldiers^ WISH! •t^»n*^S"i^S l SS<^9'iS>l^"s- _- SrTl^^^fefe^- 9 minor ChifdraiK?WldoWed Mothers or Orphan Sis- tedPof deceased Soldiers; Bounty, Pay and Pensions for discharged Soldiers; Pay for Wives or Widowed Mothers of Prisoners'of War; „. New York State Bonntv of S50> the fragments of eleven disrupted States . TERMS I/O W. reconstruct a Union on the " basis « f n i SSr* Nobiry Pnblic, takes affidavits, BO- Christian democracy; otherwise your work knowledgments, &c. Governor Fentoa on the Amendment. Governor Fenton sent the following letter to the Eocbester meeting Thursday evening, in answer to an invitation to be present: ALBANY, June 20,1866. GEKTI.EMEN—I have just received your invitation to attend the meeting called for to morrow evening to ^ratify the Constitu- tional Amendment, »nd regret thot my offi- cial engagements will not permit me to ar> cept it. I have no time bow to discuss in detail the merits of the proposed amend- ment, and need only say it meets my most hearty approval. During the past few months onr pnblic .councils' have been agitated with perplexing and grave questions relating to the civil re- adjustment of our national affaire. Thanks to the firmness and moderation of Congress, for uniting on a plan so acceptable, practi- cable and just. The proposition seems to me so wise that lean hardly believe that it will encounter serious opposition. It. .o 1 "' braces, certainly, no more.than the loyal States may properly demand in the spirit of justice and conciliation, and no more than the States lately in revolt should cheerfully coneddo, - > _ . . , - ' .Tho proposed amendment is in harmony gives.appropriate expression to the prevail/ 7 itfg sentiment and, conTietipns. of the Union ork, Canada, Michigan, Illinois and most of the Western States, have been' the chosen fields of operation of this gana of swindlers; and information has been re- ceived of the cashing of these drafts in Ken- tucky -aad Alabama. The public are not often victimized by a more audacious swin- dle. Daring the lost winter one these drafts for $1,500 v»5 offered at the Exchange Bank bf Lock 1'u.'.. Tbe Cashier sciutiniz- ed.it, and whispered to one of the clerks to go for an officer; npon which the stranger who bad offered it took alarm and disap- peared on horseback. It is believed timt there i3 full 8100,000 more of this paper afloat in tbe hands of parties to the fraud. The pnblic cannot be to careful in remembering the fact Of course the drafts are utterly repudiated by theSec- "Ond-NationatBsnkT)fNew ; Sork. No such institution as the Canton Bank is at pres- ent known on its books and concern. A deposit of $300 was made in December, but withdrawn in ten days; evidently a mere blind. The case of the two men under examina- tion presents tbe difficulty that the act of defrauding- was committed in Canada, while the conspiracy to delraud for which'they are to be punished (if punished at all) "was entered into in this country. It is consider- ed questionable whether the statute* covers a case where the act contemplated by the conspiracy was_committed out of the State. Whatever may'bo tbe result of this*examin- ation", it has been the means of giving pub- licity) to the enormous imposture, whose ramifications reach over the whole country, and which employs dozens oCagents.—JBI^V f-alo Express. will perish—otherwise it ought to perish." England Heard Prom. Those Canadians, who have bean waiting to hear from Englatrd"iefare. they formally demanded satisfactidn from the United States for Fenian outrages, will probably conclude' that there is no occasion for action. Eogla'nd has been Heard from, the British Lion has been informed of the proceedings of the United States: and roars as gently as a sucking dove. The London Times, the thunder, after reciting the details of the Fenian movement and the efforts of our Government to maintain neutrality, thus ex- tenuates:— Before congratulating ourselves and the Canadians on this satisfactory result, we hasteJi to express our se?ise of the admirable spirit^ksplayedin^teir'^ymsrtdnmsbTrifre- Mictttr-n-nrwouiuis recelved- IOOK more Illie utiivn, tuuu happened ej,# the war." tnond EhqdiNLedasid.ere •• *Soath#fn,«rftMit ; W # p I y . vitaliraBferSate'd-iW theTSttccass of jfhtunove. men^PM|(i4fe#WP^*foW?-|9f a «k"WoW&>* aha^e'^rieb-b^V. i*.Mi«',!&'&<WrilM»*&vrt>. ontiftill.tMl E .•So tire la VlifctrtiiM^^H^ submitted' .as ttWiWlWOoflven'tM *«i""broad* enong¥|ifJ#M mW^- »> •«" ,ira ixmfmmwpw' cant TtUO ^•-•rvrrr -r .t,- -»- - 4-- . w i O T t i o l f ® l w g J i Wto aaothev if it ftould helri^S^^^M#P"J8 aUand gja' 'jg^y.' n»rnB^W^w€ ! ':JP]p8i oe i'' lti o ** '•mimmwmmm*-•*- to control a single Northern ' Constitution faiffifplly-rMects^DetiBmptii! qf, the Nation, a$$ti}$§mf$$f0BiQW -t«- sulting from caloi tefleofiferj.^gfl^xBe"riefc£9i shall yte attaiq the greatest, stability, pposi pe'rhy and greatness, Jfthis moasqre shall become a part of tho supreme law of tho 'Wd.^s we have every reason "to hope,' it will do much W. perfect ; the work of oor fathers, and -seonre .in all time to come the-liberty and-righta of, ilie,citizens, ond IheWoor and unity of -the Sejpnblic. "I*t -us, then, all flnite-J.B $Bpp.b>ft'4£'ythibVWise arid^amane, provision,: 4nathf> Brm ^belief that it will afford security it6m prjtt l*e thoso we, liave.eneountoi'ed'-in the, paet, and will guarantee in the futnro aijust ei)hi« poise between tho St:itflsflBtfpvfarraod equal representation in all the-departmentsofthe QBritol Government., "Very, respectfully, . •* •'•.. ' tt'.-33. Ffctrr(>K. ' ' GeOrge-H.Barry, Eerp, Chairman, &o., (jnd ottiers.'Sochestor, N. T. ' ' y x « < » • . » i i- ' ' ••• -3i-^- -^..-^aesMShL, PAY PENSIONS, BOUNTY AND COLLECTKD AT 'THE V. S. CLAIM 4GESCT, POTSDAM, N.T. Crary tie V a n c e , ATTOKXTTS ASB GENERAL OLArM A0ENT3, Give &|>.t -.i niti-ulion to Ihe prosccotlon Ohd tollec- tkrti ->f i' - il'"-! clajnw aRalnst thoGovornmcnt. B o u n t y a n d P a y C l a i m s or dtetiiargod offi- cers an,l -,' :ipr.-, seamen, or ol tho legal hoirsor.rep^ rescDUit . -, oriliose wttodied-in thoserrlco,prompt- ly nttcui.-,: i.V P e n s i o n s are grunted to disabled ofUcers, pri- vates, beam * aod marinesj who resign or-are dis- charge^ „ii aecouut of wonnds received or disease contracl,-,! ^.Inie in the servico in tbounoofdaty. 1 eupot,- are granted to widows, minors under 16 year* of Kt -e. dependent mothers and orphan sisters or all i3S,:>-r t. i>rii-iitcs, seamen or mariaes, who are The StarviBg Poor of Sorth Alabama— Frightfnl Soenfls Among the Sufferers, A correspondent of the Ohigago Tribune writes from Bellefonte, Ala., under date of June 8th: I passed a number of cabin", around which were half a dozen nearly nak- ed children, bnt did not stop at any of them till I had reached a point about three miles from the edge of the Coosa valley. Here, within ten 'feet Of the road was one'Of those hut* in which- the banished poor of the Sontb, who have been driven from the fer- tile valleys and plains by tbe ezclusiveness and grasping of the wealthy land owners, have for years taken refuge... Several children, ranging in age from four to twleve years, ond clothed only in what is a^^aaniBB^rj'TJudeT^nrre^ter^BW'^ir^iig- -SBKsM s SB^o4bies, Gonernmeni of the United States. It would be impossible to exaggerate tiie good faith the friendliness, the sincerity, and the regard for mutual obligations uhicli hare promot- ed Otese energetic and decisive measures. If we have sometimes thought that the American Government were tardy in dis- cerning, sufficient grounds fur their inter- ference, we must now acknowledge tfiat" when the occasion occurred they have acted in a manner which even exceeds anything that conld reasonably have been expected from the most friendly nation. » * , « * * e * «< To employ these two officers (Grant and Meade) is not only to insure thatihe Fenian* attempt shall be most effectually suppressed but to give the most conspicuous evideneeof the determination of ike Government to op- pose, and if necessary, to suppress the Feni* an Society. In point of moral force, Presi- dent Johnson's proclamation itself conld hardly bo more effectual. This document, however, and the arrests by which it has been accompanied, are the most complete blow which could have been struck at the movement, and will do for ua everything we could have wished to do for ourselves 1 These energetic aots of. genuine friend- ship on the,part of the United Government around," while two females were, With ema* and we we almost disposed to thank the •JFenianiJur having qivHh the Americans an occasion for displaying so conspicuously their JYiendlineas and good feeling. After this we shall expect the email fry "tooterS" to put, up their horns '0»folow another time. It is seldom that any foreign nation receives so tmien of laudation from the London Times and when we find it sssfeia—naisraUj. line ' By a ru persou- w i rlcs rerer, Air. •-, HOUBP <-r r. come a b.« month lo all wh *. la\>, full bounty is now alloWed to all liavo ficcu discharged by reason of bsja- while in the service. >. li?tug bounties has already passed the "•aentntives and will doobtles^ soon bo- lt provides TOr lbs paymentpf^flX per have been th Borvjc.e,, dcdncll^g KD. SPECIAL NOTICES. will obtigo by not DoUclna Ibis card. All othorewlU plauo mltlrosi tbolr obtxjtont sorvaol, TH03. F. CHAPMAN, t ,83ly 881 Broadway,MOW York. AYER'S SARSAPARiLLA. Iti A concentrated extract of tbo oboloo root, BOCOHI- binotl wittt other nufasUinccs or*till greater alterative power as to atloril au oQectu&l antUJoto lor <lfsi<ascs Sussparllte. Is roputod to euro. Such a romody is suroly wanted by Wioaa-jifeo^auCfer ftom Strumous complaluts, and that ono whioh \TUT aoooffipttslrthel^ euro mast jirovo, &s this has, of immonso eorvlco to tbla largo olaefl of our "afflloted lollow oltlzone. IIow completely this oomjiQaad will Co It has been provtm by exporimeot on many <if tbo worst caeca tobofoutid In tho fbHowliiff complain tsi Scrofula,8crofyloua£^voiUnjHrand8ore», 8klu Uls- easeo, Pimulot. Pmtules, Blotches, KrapiiooB. St. An- thony'B Firo.Koaoor UryslpulaSjTottcror SaitRboum Scald Head, Rlogwor i,fto. Syphilis pr Vonertjei Blaoaao it oip»lted Jrom tbo system by the prolonged, UBOofthls Sarsanarilla. nud the pattont Is left In comparatiro health. diseases H onres, wo rotor you to Ayer's American Al manao, which tho agent* below uamed will (urntsU gratis to all who cantor it. Ayor'a Cathartic Pills, for tbo euro of Costivoness. Jauudloo, DyspopsiAj bidlgcstlon, Hysoutcry. Fonl Stomaoh, Headaobo, PUca, Rboamatlam, Heartburn arising from disordered stomaoh, Palo, or morbid In- aotloo of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss ot Appetite, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, format Gout, Neuralgia, and fof a dmnor pill. They are sugar oos^ed, so that the most sgnslttvo can take them pleasantly, and they arc the belt apur- rlont in tbo worldfrr all tbo purposoa of atomilvphy- sio. Preparodby J.C,At£&4C0., towoll, Mass., sold by C. M. Peck,H. D. Thatchjir, Lamphearft:Co., Potsdam, and all druggists and dealers in modfoloo everywhere. At wholesale by T. H. Camp iCo., Wa- tertown, ^ ^ 419m A B i a g l e Dtex o f B H A N D R E T H ' S P H . L 0 contains mors.vegetable oxtraetlvo matter than twenty boxes of any pHla Is the world besldos; flfty-flvo hun- dred physicians uso them in their practice to tho ex- clusion of othor purgatives. Tbo first letter or thvir value is yet acarcoly apprcotatod. Whan they are better snown, sudden death and ' continued Blofcneaa will bo of tbe past. Let those who know them speak right initio their favor. It ia a duty which will save life. * Oar race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile at this teasoD, and it is dangerous as it IB pre- valent; but Brandreth'B PUls afford an invaluable aad efficient protection. By their occasional ase we pre-, vent the collection of those impurities which when ha sufficient quantities, caosoeo much dangor to the body's health. They soon euro Liver Complaint, Dyspopsia^Loss of Appetite, Pafn In the Head Heart- burn, Pain in the Breast-bone, Sudden FaiitneBS and CoBtivtmesBv Sold by all respectable Doalera in Uedicmes. 42 lm i,n. CARPENTERS BARNES APOTHECARY HALL! 1T A " WOK Bt'i AVJ! AGAIN Hta'J.RMISlIKn T1U. OI.t) 1'oaT Ui l t l i l N U WITH HfieipsjrMaVJt.-^. DRY GOODS. Special aUi-rlloli In n-"i«''sU-*l U" o or .0, SUMMEE Dress C AT VERY LOW PRICES. Organdies, tircnodiuos, Slosambiques, Juconots, Lends, Prints, Poplins, A,lpacns, riinlliOH, Mohairs, Delaines, I S selling all kin-la ol tnoruhuiiulio Ibat lieloltfia I., tho Drug trailo, at ttiv very toivont tirlces that tuo llrat oualily of iioodfl can lm ttllortleil . llruj!S WAST dew Gloss, lo THATCHER'S. IF YOU WA.NT 1 Tin-Itr-Rt Juimn Ton tlmt Qnu no lomiil In tlilu or any othor market, QD to THArCHER'S. Lodies* FitrnislunK Goods. II' YOU WANT Po,,,v Allspice, Soaps, Oalmual, Slarcb, or Coooa, :blo01l, Cliocolatur Oo to THATCHER'S. EMPLOYMENT FOR BOTH SEXES. ; Disabled anil retnrnetl soldiers, ^ tilqvrs aun or- pnans or slain eoldiera, and tbo unemployed of both eexes generally, in want of respectable and prnQtable employment, incurring no risfc, can proenro sucb by enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope; tor particu- lars , to Dr. Jora HJ DiGHAli.-Box 163, S8 ly Brooklyn, N. T- Dr.aEOa W. MELOTTE, B K N T 1ST . OtBee e*raer Mmrlcel u t t E I m Sle. Potsdam, N.Y.- 'fcnmoiaa O F TOBTU. A gentleman who snflered for years from Kervonc DobOlty, Premature Decay, and all the effecttofyouthr- fol indiscretion, will, for tho sake of safer Ins hiimanS- ty, send frco to sU who^teod-ltrtho^eolPe-tmd-dii tions for matins tbo slmplo remedy by which having. cored. -Snfforers visbing to proOt by the advesttser 1 experience, can do so by addressing J0HNB.OGDES,. -' 23 l y No. 13 Chambers St. fUs* 1 Yorki. Tbe Mmson^Hstmim OstbUuitiOlttsuu forty diirerentiSJi - ^"'"— ~ munic.for - •-,«,!«-. .-Mrr^a. »nora44»B*>secul«!P', $8oto;?(TOOfif36#rr^)Ns.fioia» bt'^swt!. IllnstratodcaUIognessenifree. Address MASON i HAMLIN, Boston.or MASON BteOTaEJ>8, New T o r t Sly mm Boot and ShoeStore, TO COSSVJW*TXy3CB The advertiser, having beca*et^ed to tiHtlk2flti-aV. few weeks by a Tery simple rpmcdjr, aSlfir.having spfr fered for sereral year* ^HU a. BOTQVO l a s ^ aifectico^ and tbst dread djl^ase, CtoMoinpftto*, *« «n«IO«S:,tp: moke known to hh. Jfettem-sulTcriTB (fie means of ctuo. • To all who desirpi it, fte will send a,eopy at. foe-pre. icriptiop nsfMl (|rfK bXjdtajge) yjtb, the direcllopsfor .hoanty Lcretoforo recetrcdV Soldier'., retain your dlschor^&i-ih^y' are W0(£hn more to ym t Una to any ihird Itt^tji The iinmeroosactsOf GoligrCBB'iifld ordcrtj of tiw ^Tar Dejiartmctlt relating e^peclaily ijo such claims.' .tnnkc it cxiremoiyiM^^TortySranflts toentrost their bunnugs-tD anUconfeed br inexperienced and in- com,t*!tem .lfir^ong, T^'lOngpmtiCeaOdttncqaalied saccess uf oar Sir. Crai$'%itM prosecution of these claims. a&ci : iQt! personal cipotiecco in military afiiirs of our ifr. Vance, giv&ia& advantages which are not possesricij by otuer ogetiw. ^onous :csiding at a distance can W o theirolaiiru attcndPii to by writing to"tis : j civltig tnonfttflft dftho .suWier, lus (wiiitttiy audICgl^nJ. Only the roes (siiWishcdfey kV- ! ftr&collected,aiid- no charge '»r survives made until thfi claim f» allow? M. Advujt (roe. Apply in perEfla or'lij'lettor; «ly CRABY&VAbTCB. TUANSFOEMATION. The HuperBtuions of fialiqutty are only "food "for •» IL . ' """i 1 LU ° V."!!*" V!,uvtjr " ulBU M laurglitst'jjit thepresont.day,andyotthis to an sin •make lqng. and cordially remember^]^t,f-^ aiiRA^iiBa . afc<i<;.u)p)lshed ^Uh tho ajd ni? science. For example: gray, sandy or red hair is Changed in a Moment,^ the richest conceivable hlack or brown, by a simplfl application of Crlfetouloro's H a i r Dye, Manufactwred by 3. OIUSTAD0H0,0 Astor Honsc, N. Y. Sold by druggists. Applied by hair dreuor*. 46 4ir ailsof the c^()gy^flst„^ i far Ja a.OBC. cmted countenanoeB, pickmgSomeiwild veg. TS- :.! .-. S'S'S.i^'k-L-vKivjL ir-2-..i-*' stable in the vicinity, from «hicht<J-liinke a f eal far themselves and enfieriaj^tfjldren. conld not niiBtakfj their conditio^-Of flesti- tntion, even nt a glance; bnt rdote'rrtlined to hear their story IVotfi their 6«ra'4lbs, and I accordingly halttidf-fty» lrorsoj 'Wiaasi' >i one of tbefemftlesfe'V. -'"• ' "M»j(ani, conld 1 ' yoU flcooamo&lo' ra« wIthi.3inner'to(day?" '" She passed a "niomant, aild I re'p'o'atSd, thpqaestirSn;, " •" ' "God knows," eaMslie,' and tnara began tq tricicfcrdbVrfi heT TShBeTtg/f'thttt I would flot'tnnJ 4 fti.sttonger dtfdd trav^Je'rawfty, bnt ())pre has been on dnlico of meal or meat in the house for 4>e dgysj we and onr children WHO. IS TOJBHJ!EKn.SWte/grp*4M^ mti& tL rdvpge§« Jyl MMMmMm cttvMlbat will sarMJieij r|ave %aib ont*'ft|ai» Vff 4] ^inndefl aB,o,ceti*(i rit m-aj WO refer M t « VMbM jye.Iivedflntirely, dqriflg fliaf. psri i boileS | r c e | | / | | n f a t h e r salt nor pe| "Tnf*e ah'^^OTdyt*0^%^W!Sn)WJi aSfyon seo, cannot even go' '^gfesiflothj (Hri*wb#«tU(M teaf-tiiey | i.esra'intejndi yj'd tidf toilWef-we _-.., 1'to" flaijt in rjnr gafr Ps&adijf ;- ".<•-. YliJeWb laeormyV'.-' ' pMtbeiS|rvl,cf!^ arisea!"ba^B ^e. not done w o much ?" Buioide of-G'en. Lane. ,BHttfOT;()N,,Jljly 2, ' 'f«i-.*. rjfe-vi.- ,- BepreaentlVls'vewJfW •Efrnsas, haa re- Wived a telfMmSftffi, s l^^D*ortbJ dated tt>M% saying Suujgffl. ^ jttnjes H. XAW rto^irnseTf.thrOfll|i||; Jipafi last .nicbt. TfBis&'gepns laMfeaft obKrecoyer ;Tbia ii«1forn1a;titfjK.-$|on;*Jbe;ciiriie' l i n o w n s I both httiises of "OfiiigffjsS, and excited, nnfth com- to'ent, ' *Jjj' ,* , ' "liAiBB.—tfflnatosfarnea H.Xiane, if-Knn- sas, nttcmptoa! to"cftmniit euioide at l^eavap- Wortb, on..SSqpy , )niRbt, try' sliobt'ng him- self through tho head. The shot tiqk eff- ect, b.u't he'li'vjjd tWbngii'the nlg!n5 irid un- til nl^'l ji'plm Jflatpraay raornjri^ $', v)\i% time be expire* 'Senator Ijiin^-Jio^.for soine flayVprwioMs to -Ws nttempBBti self- ieatriJDtWn,%heBr(Sl»e^JIJ, t '., . , —4-tH***^,^ J , fm YpKK,JaW2d. * « s m a w R 0 quota: Orange atip Sua- >j^W*rfailr'S6 to 40o: flniinatlgq, •BtS prepariug and uslugjthessine, wilcli they will flna» «uro curofor.ConsuraptlfBi, toOm*, Bronoi'itni.CoIils, Coughs and all throat anit lime affections. Tbe onrjt objeot of the admrusor Is nonJlogtho prescrlptio*, is ;tobcno%ih(ialSloteaa»il,ip««4 larorrojitloa -ishlcli ,6e concolKO«.lo,liftiBjrsja»ble,aud ho hopes ewry sof- foror will trs hlsropedy, ss ft trill cost tfawi nothing and may provo a hlessuig. Parties wlihior-'llie pr« »crip;ioB, ram, by return mail, win please address SIT. EDWABD A. wnfiON. SSljr 'mniamshorgh.KtetsCo.iN. Y PRKFARK1 FBEPABK1 CHOlERA^Wincheslor's "Jifalte Chderm Drop (used for more than twenty years in llanilta and the East Indies) ,,is an rmuuiBis m e m o for Asiatic Cholera, Cholera'Morbus, Diarrliea, -Dysratery, Cholera I nlintam or Bum- mer Complaint, and all !>!*• orders of tho Bowels. 4fr- The Cholera Drops should bo kopt oa casd, in overy housobold, for UBIAXT ore is •4tl»<ass$oi,ii|jw. In xo rssri-ioi has It crer been known to foUUictfo^t inn a core. Price $1 60 per rial; four vials tot t&. Sent by null f*orywhere, on receipt of Iho prion andelsht^ed stamps for poitaio. Circulars free. Address 82 l y J. WWraBESIBB,MJouuB».,K.Y. LYON'S PERIODICAL DE0P8! jjS^IBH GREAT FEMALE HB3aEDY4»at —-•-.:• - ^-•*-g«s-fiiSESgiaaBiE6r^~ J ^ ~j-|j. Tboso drops' are a scientifically compoondod fluid proparallon^Bild bettor than any Pills, Powdeya or Nostrums.' &lfig liquid, their notion' |B direct and posltlvo, rendering tbem Q roliablo, speedy iln;d cer- tain Bp^aitlb Ibr tbo.otlro of all ahstructlanj ;ahd flifp. presslons'of nature. Their popdtarity'U'ln'dll!o,todiijr the Ibct that orer 100,000 bottles Jiro annaaliy eoidf anil consitmed by tho ladles oftlio Coiteil-Slitcs, evo-' •ry otlo oftWlionvspenk iti the str*> irest torMB ofpralso atmait'^ilmiitHe: Thoy.nw rnpldlj tskhig tb plooo OM'Vory othor Foinaloflbniody,aii afo consM-, oreahyrttlt.whokoowlaogh't'dft'boni, as the surcsi, surest on'dr : mo9t Infalliblo prSp'oyatloh (in the world,' for tbo cure of all.fcnialo complaints, tho r^mpvnl of -" otaiwtott'MlSlMKw} "'"' BEAUTIEUI, TEETH! Artificial Teeth? tf«o, call on D r . N i c k e l s who bssjustrecetr* ed n supply olnow styles, Tory nstural In appoaranco and warranted a Ot in ofhfeue. ••»"»•"»• FtUlns and all other dtmuloporattuua porfomed M a sngerlor manner. i Offlce on Market Street, Pot«dom.Ma» a Potsdam,Noy. 8. rogulantjr-nlidsWengtli. Bfpll{lt directions Btotlug whomhoj5.may bo used, odd isplaihing when nod My Uic«shpul<i.uot, nor could bot bj> uiod without prdrfpiSflKipfflJil'ls contrary to oMoro*s chiBOh Wwli-: will Ho.wilitaWofully foldod nriuodMobboHIb.wllh' tho *ri)to«i*Miiijture of jolra tJiyoiu sttlipai vrhlob nonoAto'eoillite ' '• KiB.BfriWM.ti Slia^fl,.. Independenj ^iSteel Tooth ymiltimwitvieii&i iShntVow y<ir*gha« '"^•W^-'.^jrJi. tt " , - -.-'.. bond ,5ttJd s n W a i m a - » ™ » — on oxiMuiafeStwmtb. u ^_ for itissA%mma i!mmwtr J OTUtBRAiBO We Iiavoafcjoaililt'd to our stock u htr(rf assiirtmeiit WINDOW SHADES, MUSLIN and LACE CURTAINS. HOSIERY, GLOVRS, 'nES, PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS. RETICIJL.KS, AND ARTIOI.ES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. We would again rail youruttcntion lo our COTTON GOODS, tSSIMEREg, ana beautiful stales of SACK CLOTHR, Indies' Bulmo- rnl and HOOP SKIRTS, CAMBRIC, EMBROIDERY, And GOODS Iff'GREAT VARIETY. E. W. CARPENTER, . C.p. BARNES. Potsdam. Juno 12tb, 1800 JCHAaLJCJBLE CHEAPEST! IF YOU .WANT Boiled Oil, Varnishes, WUiteWn'd, or colored Pitiats ott aoy kindf, Go lo THATCHER'S. IP YOU WANT Paint Brushes, Graining Combs, Blcndwa, Bronzo„ Spirits Turpentine, or Whitewash Brushes, Go to THATCHER'S. IP YOU WANT to buy a good article at a reasonable price, or as low as Bond Ooods'can possibly bo sold and have It worth what it eostsyou. Go' to T H A T C H E R ' S . DOORS, SASH^BLTOS. M ANOFAOTHR'Dancl for sale WUOI.K8.ALU and BBT.UL, by GEO. B. SWAN, (Potsdam, 5T.Y. AU.OrdQtg$y.innter dtborwlso promptly osoouLcd! -DoorS;;(ipnu)loli'&lz6,:froni 76c. to SX 25. Bltadsj-ftdm-Mo. tb SI 26 por window. Soafagfrom^B toji cents per light. 'Puaiing', paiotlog and glaring done to order. «r3llop,'Wcs"t sldo or tbo river, near tbo Grist. MM'.. i - 27 ly The Greatest Luxury of the Age, P ROL0S6ATIOK otLifo, wllbenso and comfort, by. tbo use of GooUoVs Improved Patent Adjnstlble- SPRING . BED BOTTOM. For durability, simplicity and adjustment, this bot- tom has not been equalled. U can be fitted to any bedstead, and make s an easy bdd with but one mat- tress, i'or It adjusts itsolf to every turn of tho body, Price, S3 to sio, accordnig^o number of spripps. Towii, County and Slate Rights for sale, by Wai. H. GOOOALE,Proprietor, 47 4w Oo\tou, St .Lawrence-Co., NT y. J. S. LORD I T T * * Jost retoroetJ l^oni Boston and New'Yorfe L-£t-ffiArkets yrith a new una select stodcot - Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c. which, luiiribg iioeti bought at tbelato decline, will be sold a t the lotfe>'t |)rices- He cordially Invites bla old friends »Qflcust«omorfl,atid tbe public generally ,to call and examine his stock and heflrllloffer tbe •Best or Indttecmenu to Pnrcha.Mera,i W11ICII ARK Good Work and Low Prices. QtatlDg again witb incrcared axporlouco and faclli-- ties lor Ibe baslnoes,bo bopos to merit an Incrcoso of iho liberal patronage boformerly rccoived. Boota and ^nos of ni] Kinfls Made to OIUOJL' auU Mo^uLt'ed. * - *»-Store lately occupied by O. C. Brookius, as a rionr and Food Btoro, DOUOMS DLOCK, May 10, I860. MABKBT ST., POT3DAJI.N.Y: 40 ly' IEW , uiaft jlcoraiswiSBiirtsKby DB. TO&UB' ™_™.„ VENBHA^J LTNIHENT, Ifustditbca Urnt talam \u porsooiofttMpofaW/hablls.-.-ThUmddlclno has b e n 'fcidsr'fii mtgmkjilf* ntw.-ao^oare. Mwnsonds hKemtMhffij^W^a -etltpd t<r euro V * - » m p W « & l p | t i f I * tssoqtlHIIiaM. nod >H tbo- |'.*^»^»t?!iiI^I^«ffe4owiiOT*^ wilbosi it. -in HieCboloytfoMMs Dr. Tbblin attonded esses and. ibii 4; botni (alloa «V*O.B uto to d«»ny good. .• DmWtimSJ^aif.'itueimaUH la *• Slno-gUss (OTwaWr tdmnaUm&ISr two fioiirsiSba rob tbj= abdomen >(id ,Wr/oilUcs»(0ll.*it)i'4)iiJ.t,]Dl|l»ii» •tii W»y ibo tuirst, !•!{<>> lurnii of loo lDfthSiaoutbiiboUt', Ihs s!» jrl jutoUntittr m MtibM <Mttlr«S^ '«d porfooilJiimioboiat to tti* Interfillly,. 8ofiF»« "" ?0W»'. nofiVMCoOrlland MiSSRS.CLIfrOI.&DiEtoG T J A V E tKIs any ontorod into co-partnership for the •mmm #..'!•• oM'StnOd'fbtmorlf nccmiod by Domlnir&'Co %tXl£Wtf&& a'" lb ° U eu >* °< iJ > pint Cl«.s Crockery A Furniture Store •hd wonld nonounco to tbo poopio or St, UwroOco- ffiK,i^tej. nt "'I ,f «P»«"' to foroisKSor Yo'kT " ° ro ln ' Nor """' 1 ' H«w 0u> stock consists In'pnrt of tbo rdllowing: '/ ^!iss^« 1?I?J ,I " ,,) > Boroaoa ffl Ico'lO-add'ao 0,001a'. . .JH», 8tjnowa'ro, Uoips, OldkDK, Unleras, Boraors, i f l M I * tn*»a m Giraa* # Hmmx and 'MMWF ubMt * 1°" «i»«W« "Ota HsvVork i^#**^r««^*««»tt*^lt»«»ttW' M*'™ l i , . , ! WM0, ' ,h "l , *' , abJ(l» iomtlWuotitiii' Inifdr HB»Jl>Uorjr. .gjllliisri soppjlod wittinituras,. atld tilt ok*. ;*--' • . , " ,T , .•„• *»• iWb'toorWSaM.nlgndtsi,, ' '; •ir^.% J&f6SJM.3Bn5vT.j, # •* IPKOVED ^ 8ofao„ Toto a-to£es, Obnlro.. Tables StOnds, BOdDtosda, Mirrors, «.•.-'•" _ . Hlrrpr I'lntos Hi rnney Brnrtios, BrookctB, flb ldrsn's Csrr'gs, muta, gild's Toy Sots" 'ftirlor&W iunslnsrFiald, VOSM. Toll»ls, Plotoro Jloold'g, Bed Springs, Bed Cords, Ten Trays. Knives & rorks, Spoons, J'oa'thor Dusters, Chamber flots, mmnmm PIANO - FORTES, e Organs &Melodeons» CLBMONS &REDINGTON, OGBENSBURGH, Genernl A Bla. f*r Noi-ih«rn Sew Tories for the Pianos of the celebrated makers, GEO. M. QtTILD it CO. and BAULBT,GRATIS, * CO AtXO, FOK TIIK *"" ^ ' Cottage Organs andMelodeons , or EarEY & CO. with tbroo patonl lmprovom«nta,vlz: PATENT HABMOSIC ATTACHJTENT, wbl^ob donblcs tbo power of tbo Instrument; PA TENT'HANDAL StJB-BASS, oporaiod by .tbo koys nltbool. tlio lncon.venleoeo ot 1 . .iia; and tbo VOX HOMANA TBEJIOtO,. pronoancod by tbo Drat orgaolbls nod organ build ore of tbo country as tbe "king of tremolos," and "only perfect tromolo over Invented." Wo bivo Uio most beaiitlfal and porfoot PIANOS FOB SMALL PAJKXOR8 manurnolnrcd, wltb power abd purity of tonb tor au Porlor to tbo largo Instruments of many makers. Our Instruments oro all watraiiiod ror five years. J.B.SBEs>Bir,'X»ealAgciif - 4»" Potsdait LEMONS AND ORANGEY Sy the Box jtitto tm**%<H^xTuX 1mSto'.' """" ' 'FOB B^'AFTHE UNION SALOON! POTSDAM, N. Y. And ifSverjrililng nsuo-lly kept In » • . . ,. Cnnyritry Balonn VEEI LOW I OB OASH,, ttW a» llio bolldlng Is sodtt lo bo repaired, pulnt-tO' 49- ed,nii4l)!!iid up;*ltha S p w ^ ^BlobkofOoSas. 4 ^ "'•' . ' •--- ^ - ^ ^ i i O T M S i t t l B t t l \ %tr Ft>m^0^0m:f '• «fflJ M ff-PMi%8MP »iwFll»ili|ifhti .*«*, -hoavWlt' fa! IRi A ((00<1 hlo for all oil ut litis oildross at op ham!, —Hrfoiff-fe-j «6iy Ad uliould b( morninp ti unieo boin aiul 13 U> 13 Nrnr Vo Wiitorto Albany, North 01 (•arlsbV! t'l-Uf-lt, 1 North nl WI'HI ail- 1'arlshvl Hilton, i Wc-sl To lly kluilfio «rn It. It. an limit uolng fe lor ilmtribut twi'lily foor ol i line. 'I'llH F- boon mod morrow t h this town oxcbuDgeB at all coi liavo no.d; tliy of noti works. E . been mad< paiiimeots celebratloi of Mr. Prt tlemao evi devolving erything tl substantia iicicut cov tables, it fa rain or s a t will be of addition t( a large D present, ai bo worth 1 expended doubt the to give th< witnessed Come o fl@-Th -iug and efi have canst ! the Deparl This will f people of t (postal l a w charged ai No moi sum less tl lars; and i orders sba following < for one do! exceeding shall be eh master g i t more than_ dollars the *'or every c fee of twei «@»Th. 4th this j> procession gratulnte I nelj, Esq., Mr. Bickn pleasiDg i deliver a fi oar llermc thecelebtn •vie have h •was that g i^ ovoniog !oi •^ : Saturday e >are tho ra& human ra,C' h° "Oon'tli - Air. To . M eoinbim wtterevor t Hulburd f< the Memor *?-Character t Bonoroft. «6TTho •wotor is a c it. •m. M. Ei agency foi Twistod L i chinos^th late In the : to bo the b :' macblDO at 1 Clinton &' The V liar machine itnong farn | works t< rlptioo ai ana wltht raft, onso ihstrnctio! iwor. It on at all ivonicmt, Jarmors, d< ifixarniried tl Wo rofor Vonsed IOVO state A H. Oi Kelaey, fi. OHM : nvJlth, MUSI [WM Jfct Hermori; Truman J EyofSi f-TUp lonnoy'a ia on !t to b ii'odiioiiig p " knit good T' i ' i .k* h. .'^ij»»' l iii)^)il.ji^?l"'liii 1 ll' Mr* "-^vt »v l ;,'J l j^'i^l!'\^Atp^ I 1 ~*r -j^trfvUd^B r».i^>.^af> ^^^.^fi*^ «®»Wo ndcro, t o of B> woil at.P . Ji'ttnoptu ."owhafji, i and"jod r. 4, H

DRY GOODS.nyshistoricnewspapers.org › lccn › sn83031769 › 1866-07-05 › ed-1 › s… · JW3 ISHGMS. i The Snecjal TTeetiiig. ' The pTdcetfdtogs of the speoial meeting of the

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Page 1: DRY GOODS.nyshistoricnewspapers.org › lccn › sn83031769 › 1866-07-05 › ed-1 › s… · JW3 ISHGMS. i The Snecjal TTeetiiig. ' The pTdcetfdtogs of the speoial meeting of the

> > J." ' . .

WL t >'

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f e ^ ttWi!*WrWW8«*^^

wyfffipr ent. Bat it means t o Einborfas3 t h e con­trolling party to gain the Sooth, and thns

. compel the Democracy of the North tomnite with it. The scheme is not so mpoh Tot tli(i present, thongh it has its mischief to do, now as for two years hence. '

e r m » , 8 1 SW,s« ir ia»£ in i t ia l s , 3 m o n t U s . v4 i fWf onbm^'EtoaLl&LSojaig: —



T h e Snecjal TTeetiiig.

' T h e pTdcetfdtogs of the speoial meeting of

the § u p j ^ p r > , j ie ldat Oantq") on the 19th

iDSt.; will-be found on an first pago of this

issne. The objeot of the meeting was the

reorganization of this county_jntp Assembly

districts, according to the a e t # f the Legis­

lature. A s will be seen by thetproceedi&gs,

the Board concluded to leave the boundary

lines of the three dikrjiqtsijusHis-tboy were,

whioh we presume will' 'be satisfactory to

people generally, . TheV Xtonton 'Plaindeai-

or, however, imog'mes.sonTebpdy is hit and.

going. tQ light, and thus.'isqaares off' as the

champion of the Board:

W e believe thia action of the Board to be entirely satislactory to a large majority oMhe^eople -o f thia County, and if a few "Bismark" politicians -who -have -in. t imes past run the County for their own benefit, and who sought to retain the departing scepter by a re-organization of the Assem­bly Districts, have been pgain foiled, no one has any regrets. W e had the pleasure of listening to a good deal of belligerent talk alter the adjournment of the Board, and beard manv gratifying promises made by the disappointed ones to visit with their sore displeasure one or two unfortunate men who had opposed the plan of the "Bisumrks." If the gentlemen have concluded to make war upon any body because of their action in this matter, why then we feel it our sol­emn duty to inform them there will be blows on both sides. W e commend them to a prudent husbandry of their resources.

If there are any "dead ducks" whose un­

timely demise cnu be traced t o ' this action

of the Board, we submit that it would have

been in better taste for the Plaindealer to

have waited until the mournful 'quack.quack'

. of distressed friends announced thefact.than

to herald-the news by its own c ck-a-hoop

over the bodies of the slain. V'e should

really like to know, however, win v-as hit.

Won't the Plaindealer, which t J S to

know all about it, explain ?

The resolutions of a political chat icter

which the Board saw fit to pass, are fully

in accord with the Union sentiment of this

county. Tuo people ol St . Lawrence un­

qualifiedly endorse Gov. Fenton in his ve­

toes of tbe'i'aidingscbemes upon their pock­

ets , anJ it wa's proper for the Board in its

officW-cUaracter to say so.

The course of our representative in Con­

gress has ever received the fullest approval


ed by the Board only expresses in an offi­

cial form the (eeling ever entertained by

each member.

The unanimity with which the Board

•d the resolution appropriating money

m . ! of a Normal School to b e established

in th i place is especially gratifying. I t

shows the members to be possessed of brood

and enlightened views, and that they -•'''

appreciate the importance of having sr

an institution located in this section. T h e

law provides for the establishment of but

tour of these schools in the'State, therefoie


§f£ a §

Gen. D. H.'Stroi i iW, of V l m i n i a . i e l l . 1 *• known as''Porta Orayton,'rijasb"een"appolnt-1 *' ed consul to Baenos Ayresj.

Connecticut leads the van in adopting the constitutional amendment. I t passed the J3ouse yesterday by a strict party vote.

The election in Texas passed off quietly. Throckmorton, the rebel candidate for Gov­ernor, has probably received nice-tenths us the vote of the State. .

A fir, ..'=troyed the greater part of the Schenectady locomotive works, yestejday morning. The loss'is u...iuat«4 at S3Q0,r 000.

It i s now thought that the Niagara Ship Canal bill will pass. Discussion brings out more friends to the bill than it bad been supposed to have.

The Hnitst Committee on Foreign Affairs will report adversly to the proposed repeal of the neutrality law. They are also op­posed to any indorsement of the Mex'can loan.

Mr. Seward has finally promised t o attend the inauguration Of the Douglas monument at Chicago", and the President will also be present il Congress adjourns in season.

A t Ottawa, the Finance Minister has giv­en a favorable view of the finances of Cana­da, and estimates the expenses of patting down the "Fenian Snake," (which h e says "is scotched, not-killed") at $1,100,000. •

A dnwn-east editor, in describing a coun­try dance, s a y s : "The georgeoua strings of glass beads glistened on the heaving bosoms of the village belles, like polished rubies resting on the delicate surface of warm ap­ple dumplings.

Alter seventy-nine ballots, Hon. J o h n A . Kassou, Congressman from the Fifth district of Iowa, was shelved, being beaten twelve votes by General Grenville A . Dodge. The troubles of Kasson with his wife contributed largely to this result.

Before his death Mr. Lincoln expressed to Mrs. Lincoln his destro to make some present to Frederick Douglas. S ince her husband's decease, Mrs. L. has forwarded to Mr. D. the late President's-favorite walk­ing slick. Douglass considers this the best caning he ever got from a woman-

It is believed that by the 10th of this month the Great Eastern will be in readi­ness to sail from Valentia, and once more attempt the laying ot the Atlantic cable. There are 2,800 miles of new cable on board the Great Eastern, and the machinery, both for payiag out and picking up,.is said to be the product, ol the best skill that England could bring into requisition.

The last and most ingenious device inven­ted for the purpose of enabling the ladies to delude men by deceitful Bhow is called a palpipalor. I t i3 an artificial bosom, made with a steel frame, which encloses a bellows, operated by clock work. The machinery gives that portion of the bosom which is in-tended to be looked upon a gentle heaving motion about twenty times a minute. The effect is said to be wonderful. The po lp i tv W may be readily attached to That garment worn to give shape to the body, while it gives support by the aid of driijing, whale­bone, eyelets, lacing, etc.



The Prussians entered .Saxony on the 15th. The.Jftng.issued =a proclamation to •hte faithfttlipepple, in»which h t r e l i e s o p o n ijibir l o y # co-operation. T h e .King left Dresdanto jo in the array_ The entry of iB?~Ef9Bslarl"s' «intcf"T35xony was preceded"

b y a i p r m u l declaration of war. The Bus-' sian minister was about to leave Dresden, The entry ol the A-astriuns into Saxony was hourly expected. It i s rumored that' Saxon army effected & junction with the Austrians. The K i n g of Hanover and the Crown Pr ince joined) the army at Goiting-en. Diplomatic relations between Bavaria and Prussia has been broken off. The Prussians occupy Hanover and threaten FsankfoEt. ,The Prussians occupy Oassel. A n engagement took place between the. Russians and Hessians near Frankfort. One regiment cf Hessians was almost anni­hilated. T h e Russians are pushing on to Bohemia. The Federal plan of operations is the re-con^aeat of Holstein. Oldenburg and Anhalt have withdrawn from the Con­federation. Gaiibaldi le l tComo. Aa?oon as the volunteers are completely eijupped they will proceed to Bergaiub and Brescia.

B S B U K , J«ne 19.

Russia formally declared ' war against Austria yesterday. The minister of Hesse Darmstadt had been ordered to leave the Prussian Capital.


The army corps, 30,000 strong, bivouack­ed at Abersdorfl last night. Twelve thous­and are expected to-day at Seifhauersdorff and 800 are at Littdorfi. T h e Prussians occupied Seidenbnrg in considerable torce, and reioloreements were still pouring in.

E U E H BOUUMIA, June 19.


Down South.

The Augasta papers are laughing over a suit brought by a colored girl against a ne­gro swain, for breach ol promise of marriage. Such a prosecution has never before been, known in a Georgia Court

T h e Richmond Whig is terribly alarmed by the rapid influx of Yankees into the

" jBd. calls ri'pon3Droperty owners to

On Saturday 200,000 Prussians occupied Mochern, two miles from Leipaic, and sub­sequently Thersen, Dahlen, and Biesa. Railway*- communication between Lerpsic and Biesa destroyed. The Westphalian ar­my corps, stationed at Sohenditz, is going to the Silesian frontier.


From thirty to forty thonsand Federal troops are assembled before tlus city.

LOXOON, June 20.

N o serious collision has ye t taken place anywhere between the Austrian and Prus­sian forces, bnt battles are expected at Frankfort and Saxony or at Selesta. Ow­ing to the adverse vote in the Betorm Bill, there is a ministerial crisis in England. I t i s believed the ministers will tender their resignations.

A Gigantic Swindle.

On Saturday, the 16th instant, Hezekiah S. Bennet and Loomis Willard, both of Wright's corners, Niagara county, were ar­rested on a charge ofconspiracy to defraud a Mr. F o b e s a bankerSf^T'oronto, C. W. , of $ 4 5 by the sale of spurious drafts. The examination of these parties is progressing before Just ice Hamilton at this writing; but the lacts thus far developed by the evidence as well as those in the possession of the -police, present a startling scheme of villainy which the public cannot t o o soon be made

Acquainted with. ,' _J:_

T h e drafts in question pnrported to have been drawn by the "Cautriil Bank" u , ' the Second National Bank of O'bw V Tbey bore date and were presented to Mr. Fobes last November. During the month several individuals (whose names are in pos­session of the authorit ;»s) rented a room and opened an office in Oiinton, St . Lawrence county. In a short time they iiad issued drafts to the extent of?200,O00Tltll purport­ing to be drawn by the Canton Bank-institution that had no existence, ftS^ paper—and upon the SecorjjJ^atibti*! of N e w York. ThewhotScodWp* 1 ' ' flooded dajtagtMe-pjat;



i, f

amoving* in "his matter,

and we understand the Board ol Supervis­

ors of Clinton county propose to appropri­

ate §30,000 provided * Normal School is

established at PJatUburgh. Our Board of

Supervisors and the Board of Trustees of"

St. Lawrence Academy have both done

their duty, and it now remains for the town

of Potsdam to do her duty. We believe

our citizens will pursue a short-sighted poli­

cy if they do not furnish whatever ismces-

sary to secure the location of one of the

schools at this place. Let our people think

th i s matter over, and when the t imo«omes

be prepared Jo act.

The Hew Jotasdn Party. '

i cjHjrmy.

» , b e a t a i f few days a

fired Mr. B l y : ' ' . Brie, so that he is not ..A-

hi i


The call of the N a t i o n n t C o m s n t i o n by Messrs. Bands!! and Doofitfle of Wisconsin, Browning of Illinois, and'^owan of P e n n ­sylvania, with1 the indorsement of Senators Dixon of Cp'nnectirint, Hendricks oflndiann Nortbn"oTffl mtiFsota, aTrd^esmitJi erf O r e ­gon, can be understood oBt otherwise than as a formal proclamation of withdrawal by the Johnsohites from the National Union party. Mr. Hendricks/ and perhaps we. should add Mr. Nesmith , .cannot withdraw from a party to which they never professed to belong; bat-tnarifljer8 hatfo all been honor­ed and trufsted" as members of .the great party ? i j c B t l w y n t ™ ° P e n l v abandon and conspire: tq-owrthrow. VVe thank them for the ir i tanknessfand shall hope to find them more*inahly as antagonists than they have

. been Jaitjjful as. compatriots.

ThiscalVsimply proclaims tho adhesion of the;tfonijapnites.proper,to the party made up of th^Kebels and pro-Rebels which aims to sijiiSB the'flfbvCTnm.ljit and control the destinies d lo t i t country. Messrs. Eandall & Co. wilt!furm8b t i e new combination With a libera! propoj'tHjn. of its manners and officeholders; ;bnt nlnety :nine bund, dthspf its votes must be sapplied by those w h i voted last for PyeSJdenjieither for. Jefferson Davis or George B . McClellan. I t may be that they will vote rfext for Andrew Johnson; Bnt weido not believe it—nor do they. ,

Lef-it be. distinctly .understood on all hands that this Johnspn-Bandall Convention is a blow/aimed' with deadly intent a t the integrity anfiasoendoncy o f the Union party. It means'defeat t h i s Fall to Gflv. Fenton, to

Qsii^&arjj^ttnjJJfl the Union ticket * Ohio, Indiana andtheif"siBter"Btates; I f means, tiie-festoration of the Jerry Blaeljs and Howell Oobbs to the-amastery of our, conntryv.1 i f s i suc l i . i t demands the sternest,' moB¥*nejgetierew8lance.-f-2Vio!me. •

' J ; , ^ * ! r 3 r t j Ibjipsii? MEANS.

The ^ef'^ffncr^HmeB reveals the objeot of the ne.w'flpJJtXca|.rooveriient. I t is tp.oh;.

• tain controji,oi,thp,B.rjuth, with the hope of: pr- rag enough.-ortho N o r t h to.give i t the .. .)daney.. iTlie Times quotes and cotn-mi is upon" tn^iJeclaratip'BB of the Southern press a s follows: •

Tba jBjoiiBiond Dispatch, for eSainpIe, • remarks .that the" XBbvenTton "pill h< the •most important event of our time, and v. " look mora lifts anioh, than anything that !u .,.•*..-.-., ,. An(J t h o Ricl)_

fjia call "liberal in

at Gjeenihofl g ^ t i tfie 01 g & i . t the, akigi wHt W pejlted to ifitvive.

A^MempUis policeman having murdered a negro, was sentenced to ^ ;ue years in the State Prison by a militiuy commission, but having been released by civil authority, was restored to his former place, and h a s peti­tioned the city governmemt lor the amount of his back pay and lawyer's fees I

The women of Tallahassee, F la . , lately held a fr-ir, and raised a purse of-88,200, for presentation to Major Gee, the infamous keeper of the Salisbury prison. T h e fact that he had probably starved a few hundreds of Federal soldiere to death, was regarded

'as bis especial claim to consideration.

The Mobile Nationalist shows tSat the freedmen are both earning and saving mon­ey. At the several branches of the Freed-meti's Saving and Trust Company, the de•' posits for March and April amounted to ©204,829.98. the amount deposited np to May 1st was Sflgg.Sg'i^? ; the total deposits paid was $256,774.39, leaving a balance due

OS the depositors pf 8232,222,83. - — — • » » . « . . ,

redr has been

persons to an 80)0 .000 . Western

siring to give my nerves a second sbqcjv that day; but on the rond I met ari old^ d4»

"irepid female, clothe^.ia a worn wrappoijfpfjj coarse domestic, carrying on her b,\ok a! sack, in which was half a bushel ot meal.

"Madam" said I,"you are wearied,are yoa not; you uro too old (o carry such a load."

"I have toted it cightefth miles; clomr from Gurterville," said abb.

"How far do you live From here ?" I usk-

"Half a mile." "And you have c arricd this all tho Way

from Ganterville; bad yo.u no one t o s e n d ? " "No, sir," said she; "I had Jtwo soss''w1lip,

lived with me, and two mora ^hoflkd/fumj--'-lies living near. They were. alK killed in-the war, and the wife of one of them is; dead, rind I had to take care of his fonr,' children, the oldest of whom is eight years of age: I bad to cany this clear from (iuut-erville or starve."


" I met a boy about thirteen years of age carrying a peck of meal, and I risked:

"How far do you live fiom tho city ?" "Five miles." "Are the people bad off there?" "YesjWeliave had to live on the corn

meal given us. W e have had no moat iff our house sinoe August lust, and the Lord knows when we shall have any more."

"Do you get corn meal enough ?" "No^eir; we don't average more than a

peck a week, ami there areTour ot us ia fte1

family." "Where is your fath"r ?" "He was killed at the Mission Ridge." "Are the people around you as bad oft as

you are ?" "Yes sir, some are worse off, and only a

few are better off; we expect to all-starve unless the Yankees help ua."

1 could fill columns with particulars as heartrending as these. 1 conversed with at least a hundred persons during my stay, which lasted till the morning of the 4th of June, and all of them gave accounts as dole­ful as these narrated.,

I made inquiries of different parties, well informed on the condition of affaiis, and they estimated that m five counties south of the Tennessee river, there were at least twenty thousand persona bordering on a state of starvation. All looked to the Yank­ees, and to them alone for assistance. N o one ever dreamed of obtaining assistance from the wealthy planters of. their own .State.

5 t f^Nortbem'Nat^T?

coriVieolion with.6er&!

mBeamsm S"5HHB

nreglad to leara t h a t

itkKPettOletim^Go.i to"

f,-EJpwer, hatfatruci:

oil, and have jjow, a ateadHy rfypdncfte.weU in the oil regiousof Culjuda, .y lejdln£#em about $1-50 per- day i . n ^ l | , 1 ^ , ® $ " " * owns two-fifltis'of ••the wwifilan'dHJaoinfc-ly with tho company, and b,hVuaa;M)B.n)an-ngoment for the laBt tttrj.^moBths«->-Wlifer-

S g y Who appreciates tho fact'thfifthero Ms any great importance. attaohoaVto aqeb. a ."'c'ommodity as a F i l l? I t i s generally sup­posed that anybody can make them, as ni l can take them. But visit' the laboratory .of Dr. J. C. Ayor and you will be disabused o f tho idea, that it is a trifle to make any med­icine and adapt it to tba wants of millions of m e n - to so adjust it to tneiv .needs", s a d so cere their complaints, as to make t h e m its constant customers in all the stones. Physicians find it requires some skill t o adapt tlmir doses to a single patient; a s k theni-if it is not an intricate problem to a d -jast a. purgative bill to the necessities of untold numbers, so that i t shall benefit t h e m nearly all. Dr. Ayer's laboratory supplies 60,000 doses of his pills per diem, or 1 9 , -OlM.Otlu a year. Think of that Escalapioa ! Well may it whiten the head of any man t o administer to that amount of Buffering, a n d especially when, as is here evident, every-

Thero ts nothlnp Hko Dr. Veprffl Froncn Tills for keeping the complexion froih inn! cutlr«ty tree from pimples. Tuo cmtso or whloh ttntlut U rogalatoa tho tatltfi fomali' svalom. Sold by all Druggists. S<«4

STKAN«SE BVT TIIUXD. Kvory young liuly and gontlomm tti too Uilllod

Btatoa can ho«f somolhlng v«ry much In iholr »ov»n-• -taffe-tjy rului'u ia«ll {ft;.uo otflbwgo^ lyf.ixudrCTIttjihfr

unJorslgnod. Itiojo ti»vlDgfc»r« ofbolnjtiumbuggod

Ftomalo olsouos are oauieu' by Borofuta in Ibo blood and are often soon cured by thia extract orsarrapar.

tllinn is done with the extremest nicety arid . ltoMidis.oardtWBin,ralaablomodloinobMau»oyou muif, Kuu««. fv" «o X g g " " ' " ' " V -"-- -baw*o<)r^mr^6a^iwiv*y«a«tMojh1Hr««Midlng-to-care.—Kandolph (Vt . ) Statesman. bo Sarsaparllia, while It Vas uoL^fGnyou biyo

asod Ayor'a; than, and notyil then, will vonknow tho virtues ofSaraaparllbt. For roluulo pu-tlculanor lliu

MARKET REPORTS. P o u d u m R e t a i l P r i c e s C u r r e n t .

n. ^ -^'il iwcfcly/nr the Oouricr <fi Frtanan.

!L. \ • PureriAM, July 4. lilt'' I'IKOMKIXS, Wbolosalomid ttctaitGrocer,roport8 , .ii rvtlowa

Flour.....' 12 00 @ 18 00 t i bushel, 2. 00 @

C rii "0 busbol, O 00 @ livp \\ busbol,.. IJurb-v, ?! buibol o-itsil busbot .lliitkwboal fl busbol,. llcuu.-; bushel,...,.. IV41S -$ busbol, rululoos ^ busliol,... Vi:gs@aozca HuUorplB, CliccsvOjIrS, Ijril p f t Tallow,^ % I'o ' - '

: t* barrel, 35 00

T h e Cause of Equal J l ights .

Mr. Theodore Tilton, of the Independent, who is on a visit to Washington mad a speech ou Friday. Among other good things be said:

"To-doy, looking at the dome of the Cap­itol, I said nnto myself, 'Unto what can it b e compared except to St . Peter's at Rome-V-But; S t : .Peter's at Kome was originally" "drafted by Michml Angelo for a greattiSapd fairer streature than the architect w ^ a l l o w e d to erect. T h e great plan was d^aiffed.'" There are authors and planners in XJongress of a scheme of recon­struction as fall orbed as Michrcl Augelo's dome, bot the President will not allow it to be built. Nevertheless it must be built, President or no President, Congress or no Congress. Let both' ends of the avenue take heed1 that tho party of justice, the party of liberty, is the party that controls the conscience'of the nation, and will sooner or later control its policy. Gentlemen in Washington! be it known unto you that you shall never have rest for the soles of your feet until yonrjegislation shall be,squaied, every4pt and title according" to. t h e grei rulejoi^rjaal rights. [App"li '"'*"" ""

world wtis not bui l t ' ~" realization of a be liadrJnry^ml

'th^fplPBr ,.__ „ „... .. to'ihis"natiflp. I t ' i s wfmen in Heaven that

[6»-f th^iTjftHjftfon* on earth shall be modeled i-aeeff ? s 8 ^ a ™ ^ a l l e r P'!"1- Keep the glowing idol jj^hatt "QiCTefore, in your minds. - Seek to achieve

' i t - bu cunleut iilth. uuthing lnu.—Out af

B'-ef, livo weight... 1'ork hi tho bog,.! IVulliy ?» ft A|>|i!oa»lrieJ i busbol,. Ai.ntoi, 5I bbl. new, I mtuis 5* box on»Qg-.-s c* box > bbl.

Ilffiow _ know tl ;niSh; cannix^1

.aSt |&inoSf . ts»*5r give it

2 60 100 086 0 76 0 76 1 60 2 00 1 60

76 26 40 20 26 16

37 00 4 12

_ 13 50 @ 10 26

0 00 @ Of 00 0 00 © 0 00

12 00 tS 14 00 @ 00 00 © S 26 @ 10 00

10 00 @ 12 00 6 00 7 00

0 0 0 » 0 0 0 ® 0 06 @ 1 00 @ 1 25 @ 0 00 @ 0 60 @

21 @ 3J ® 12® 20 ® 13®

3 00 (

Piaster, fat lot. Hay ^ ton Wood ^ cord , . . 4 00 Gr.tssSeod, 00 @ Coru Meal ^ ewt. @ 2 00 Omous B bosbel, 1 6 0 ® 2 00 Maple Sogar 11 ft 16® 20 Majile SJrup ^ gall @ 1 60 Spirits Terpentine, |1 gall 1 6 0 ® 3 00 Flaxseed, clean , ^ buab 2 SO @ 2 26 Kerosene Oil, ?l gall 00® 00 Beeswax, %1 ft ".. 26® 35 B O U N T Y A N D P E N S I O N A G E N T S

S . C . C R A N E , POTSDAM,N.Y.

l* ic£nset l P e n s i o n A g e n t , 63*-PaHicui&rattentlonpaidloprooorineBoaliUcl

Tor wountledSoldiers. 23-lv

,Bomljy, P a y and P e n s i o n A g e n c y . - T h e

undersigned collects

BouniyJPay and Pensions f o r j


WISH! •t^»n*^S"i^SlSS<^9'iS>l^"s- _ -S r T l ^ ^ ^ f e f e ^ - 9 minor

ChifdraiK?WldoWed Mothers or Orphan S i s -

tedPof deceased Soldiers;

Bounty, Pay and Pensions for discharged


Pay for Wives or Widowed Mothers o f

Prisoners'of War; „. New York State Bonntv of S50>

the fragments of eleven disrupted States . T E R M S I / O W . reconstruct a Union on the " basis « f n i SSr* Nobiry Pnbl ic , takes affidavits, B O -Christian democracy; otherwise your work knowledgments, &c.

Governor Fentoa on the Amendment .

Governor Fenton sent the following letter to the Eocbester meeting Thursday evening, in answer to an invitation to be present:

ALBANY, June 2 0 , 1 8 6 6 . GEKTI.EMEN—I have just received your

invitation to attend the meeting called for to morrow evening to ^ratify the Constitu­tional Amendment, »nd regret thot my offi­cial engagements will not permit m e to ar> cept it. I have no time bow to discuss in detail the merits of the proposed amend­ment, and need only say it meets my most hearty approval.

During the past few months onr pnblic .councils' have been agitated with perplexing and grave questions relating to the civil re­adjustment of our national affaire. Thanks to the firmness and moderation of Congress, for uniting on a plan so acceptable, practi­cable and just . The proposition seems to me so wise that l e a n hardly believe that i t will encounter serious opposition. It. .o1"' braces, certainly, no more . than the loyal States may properly demand in the spirit of justice and conciliation, and no more than the States lately in revolt should cheerfully coneddo, - > _ . . , -' .Tho proposed amendment is in harmony

gives.appropriate expression to the prevail /7

itfg sentiment and, conTietipns. of the Union

ork, Canada, Michigan, Illinois and most of the Western States, have been' the chosen fields of operation of this gana of swindlers; and information has been re­ceived of the cashing of these drafts in Ken­tucky -aad Alabama. The public are not often victimized by a more audacious swin­dle.

Daring the lost winter one these drafts for $1 ,500 v»5 offered at the Exchange Bank bf Lock 1'u.'.. Tbe Cashier sciutiniz-ed.it , and whispered to one of the clerks to go for an officer; npon which the stranger who bad offered it took alarm and disap­peared on horseback.

I t i s believed timt there i3 full 8100,000 more of this paper afloat in tbe hands of parties to the fraud. The pnblic cannot be to careful in remembering the fact Of course the drafts are utterly repudiated by theSec -

"Ond-NationatBsnkT)fNew ;Sork. N o such institution as the Canton Bank is at pres­ent known on its books and concern. A deposit of $300 was made in December, but withdrawn in ten days; evidently a mere blind.

The case of the two men under examina­tion presents tbe difficulty that the act of defrauding- was committed in Canada, while the conspiracy to delraud for which'they are to be punished (if punished at all) "was entered into in this country. I t is consider­ed questionable whether the statute* covers a case where the act contemplated by the conspiracy was_committed out of the State. Whatever may'bo tbe result of this*examin­ation", it has been the means of giving pub­licity) to the enormous imposture, whose ramifications reach over the whole country, and which employs dozens oCagents.—JBI^V

f-alo Express.

will perish—otherwise it ought to perish."

England Heard P r o m .

Those Canadians, who have bean waiting to hear from Englatrd"iefare. they formally demanded satisfactidn from the United States for Fenian outrages, will probably conclude' that there is no occasion for action. Eogla'nd has been Heard from, the British Lion has been informed of the proceedings of the United States: and roars as gently as a sucking dove. The London Times, the thunder, after reciting the details of the Fenian movement and the efforts of our Government to maintain neutrality, thus ex­tenuates:—

Before congratulating ourselves and the Canadians on this satisfactory result, we hasteJi to express our se?ise of the admirable spirit^ksplayedin^teir'^ymsrtdnmsbTrifre- Mictttr-n-nrwouiuis recelved-

IOOK more Illie utiivn, tuuu happened e j , # t h e war."

tnond EhqdiNLedasid.ere ••

*Soath#fn,«rftMit ; W # p I y . vitaliraBferSate'd-iW theTSttccass of jfhtunove.

m e n ^ P M | ( i 4 f e # W P ^ * f o W ? - | 9 f a

«k"WoW&>* aha^e '^rieb-b^V. i*.Mi«',!&'&<WrilM»*&vrt>. ontiftill.tMl

E .•So t i r e


V l i f c t r t i i M ^ ^ H ^ • submitted' . a s ttWiWlWOoflven'tM *«i""broad*

e n o n g ¥ | i f J # M mW^- » > •«" , i r a

ixmfmmwpw' cant TtUO ^•-•rvrrr -r . t , - -»- - 4-- . „ w

i O T t i o l f ® l w g J i Wto aaothev if i t ftould h e l r i ^ S ^ ^ ^ M # P " J 8 aUand gja' 'jg^y.' n » r n B ^ W ^ w € ! ' : J P ] p 8 i o e i ' ' l t i o * *

'•mimmwm mm*-•*-t o control a s ingle Northern '

Constitution faiffifplly-rMects^DetiBmptii! qf, the Nation, a$$ti}$§mf$$f0BiQW -t«-sulting from caloi tefleofiferj.^gfl^xBe"riefc£9i shall yte attaiq the greatest, stability, pposi pe'rhy and greatness, J f th i s moasqre shall become a part of tho supreme law of tho

' W d . ^ s we have every reason "to hope,' i t will do much W. perfect ;the work of oor fathers, and -seonre .in all t ime to come the-liberty and-righta of, i l i e , c i t i zens , ond I h e W o o r and unity of -the Sejpnblic. "I*t

-us, then, all flnite-J.B $Bpp.b>ft'4£'ythibVWise arid^amane, provision,: 4nathf> Brm ^belief that it will afford security it6m p r j t t l * e thoso we, l iave.eneountoi'ed'-in the, paet, and will guarantee in the futnro aijust ei)hi« poise between tho St:itflsflBtfpvfarraod equal representation in all the -depar tmentso f the QBritol Government. , "Very, respectfully, . •* •'•.. ' tt'.-33. Ffctrr(>K. '

' GeOrge-H.Barry, Eerp, Chairman, &o., (jnd ottiers.'Sochestor, N . T .

' ' y x « < » • . » i i- ' ' •••

- 3 i - ^ - -^..-^aesMShL, P A Y P E N S I O N S , B O U N T Y A N D


C r a r y tie V a n c e , ATTOKXTTS ASB GENERAL OLArM A0ENT3,

Give &|>.t -.i niti-ulion to Ihe prosccotlon Ohd tollec-tkrti ->f i' - il'"-! clajnw aRalnst thoGovornmcnt.

B o u n t y and P a y C l a i m s or dtetiiargod offi­cers an,l -,' :ipr.-, seamen, or ol tho legal hoirsor.rep^ rescDUit . -, oriliose wttodied-in thoserrlco,prompt­ly nttcui.-,: i.V

P e n s i o n s are grunted to disabled ofUcers, pri­vates, beam * aod marinesj who resign or-are dis­charge^ „ii aecouut of wonnds received or disease contracl,-,! .Inie in the servico in tbounoofdaty.

1 eupot,- are granted to widows, minors under 16 year* of Kt-e. dependent mothers and orphan sisters or all i3S,:>-r t. i>rii-iitcs, seamen or mariaes, who are

The StarviBg Poor of S o r t h Alabama—

Frightfnl Soenfls Among the Sufferers,

A correspondent of the Ohigago Tribune writes from Bellefonte, Ala . , under date of June 8th: I passed a number o f cabin", around which were half a dozen nearly nak­ed children, bnt d id not s top at any of them till I had reached a point about three miles from the edge of the Coosa valley. Here, within ten 'feet Of the road was one'Of those hut* in which- the banished poor of the Sontb, who have been driven from the fer­tile valleys and plains by tbe ezclusiveness and grasping of the wealthy land owners, have for years taken refuge. . .

Several children, ranging in age from four to twleve years, ond clothed only in what is „ a^^aaniBB^rj'TJudeT^nrre^ter^BW'^ir^iig- -SBKsMsSB^o4bies,

Gonernmeni of the United States. It would be impossible to exaggerate tiie good faith the friendliness, the sincerity, and the regard for mutual obligations uhicli hare promot­ed Otese energetic and decisive measures. If we have sometimes thought that the American Government were tardy in dis­cerning, sufficient grounds fur their inter­ference, we must now acknowledge tfiat" when the occasion occurred they have acted in a manner which even exceeds anything that conld reasonably have been expected from the most friendly nation. » * , « * * e * «<

To employ these two officers (Grant and Meade) is not only to insure that ihe Fenian* attempt shall be most effectually suppressed but to give the most conspicuous evideneeof the determination of ike Government to op­pose, and if necessary, to suppress the Feni* an Society. In point of moral force, Presi­dent Johnson's proclamation itself conld hardly bo more effectual. T h i s document, however, and the arrests by which it has been accompanied, are the most complete blow which could have been struck at the movement, and will do for ua everything we could have wished to do for ourselves1

These energetic aots of. genuine friend­ship on the,part of the United Government

around," while two females were, With ema*

and we we almost disposed to thank the •JFenianiJur having qivHh the Americans an occasion for displaying so conspicuously their JYiendlineas and good feeling.

After this we shall expect the email fry "tooterS" to put, up their horns '0»folow another time. I t is seldom that any foreign nation receives so tmien of laudation from the London Times and when we find it


line ' By a ru persou- w i rlcs rerer,

Air. •-, HOUBP <-r r. come a b.« month lo all wh

*. la\>, full bounty is now alloWed to all liavo ficcu discharged by reason of bsja-while in the service. >. li?tug bounties has already passed the "•aentntives and will doobtles^ soon bo­

lt provides TOr l b s paymentpf^flX per have been th Borvjc.e,, dcdncll^g KD.


will obtigo by not DoUclna Ibis card. All othorewlU plauo mltlrosi tbolr obtxjtont sorvaol,

TH03. F. CHAPMAN, t,83ly 881 Broadway,MOW York.

A Y E R ' S S A R S A P A R i L L A . Iti A concentrated extract of tbo oboloo root, BOCOHI-

binotl wittt other nufasUinccs or*till greater alterative power as to atloril au oQectu&l antUJoto lor <lfsi<ascs Sussparllte. Is roputod to euro. Such a romody is suroly wanted by Wioaa-jifeo auCfer ftom Strumous complaluts, and that ono whioh \TUT aoooffipttslrthel^ euro mast jirovo, &s this has, of immonso eorvlco to tbla largo olaefl of our "afflloted lollow oltlzone. IIow completely this oomjiQaad will Co It has been provtm by exporimeot on many <if tbo worst caeca tobofoutid In tho fbHowliiff complain tsi

Scrofula,8crofyloua£^voiUnjHrand8ore», 8klu Uls-easeo, Pimulot. Pmtules, Blotches, KrapiiooB. St. An-thony'B Firo.Koaoor UryslpulaSjTottcror SaitRboum Scald Head, Rlogwor i,fto.

Syphilis pr Vonertjei Blaoaao it oip»lted Jrom tbo system by the prolonged, UBOofthls Sarsanarilla. nud the pattont Is left In comparatiro health.

diseases H onres, wo rotor you to Ayer's American Al manao, which tho agent* below uamed will (urntsU gratis to all who cantor it.

Ayor'a Cathartic Pills, for tbo euro of Costivoness. Jauudloo, DyspopsiAj bidlgcstlon, Hysoutcry. Fonl Stomaoh, Headaobo, PUca, Rboamatlam, Heartburn arising from disordered stomaoh, Palo, or morbid In-aotloo of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss ot Appetite, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, format Gout, Neuralgia, and fof a dmnor pill.

They are sugar oos^ed, so that the most sgnslttvo can take them pleasantly, and they arc the belt apur-rlont in tbo worldfrr all tbo purposoa of a tomilv phy­sio. Preparodby J.C,At£&4C0. , towoll, Mass., sold by C. M. Peck,H. D. Thatchjir, Lamphear ft: Co., Potsdam, and all druggists and dealers in modfoloo everywhere. At wholesale by T. H. Camp iCo., Wa-tertown, ^ ^ 419m

A B i a g l e Dtex o f B H A N D R E T H ' S P H . L 0 contains mors.vegetable oxtraetlvo matter than twenty boxes of any pHla Is the world besldos; flfty-flvo hun­dred physicians uso them in their practice to tho ex­clusion of othor purgatives. Tbo first letter or thvir value is yet acarcoly apprcotatod. Whan they are better snown, sudden death and ' continued Blofcneaa will bo of tbe past. Let those who know them speak right initio their favor. It ia a duty which will save life. *

Oar race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile at this teasoD, and it is dangerous as it IB pre­valent; but Brandreth'B PUls afford an invaluable aad efficient protection. By their occasional ase we pre-, vent the collection of those impurities which when ha sufficient quantities, caosoeo much dangor to the body's health. They soon euro Liver Complaint, Dyspopsia^Loss of Appetite, Pafn In the Head Heart­burn, Pain in the Breast-bone, Sudden FaiitneBS and CoBtivtmesBv Sold by all respectable Doalera in Uedicmes. 42 lm



1 T A " WOK Bt'i

AVJ! AGAIN Hta'J.RMISlIKn T1U. OI.t) 1'oaT Ui

l t l i lNU WITH



Special aUi-rlloli In n-"i«''sU-*l U" o or

. 0 , SUMMEE Dress C

A T V E R Y L O W P R I C E S .

O r g a n d i e s , tircnodiuos,

S l o s a m b i q u e s , J u c o n o t s ,

• L e n d s , P r i n t s ,

P o p l i n s ,

A , l p a c n s , r i i n l l i O H ,

M o h a i r s , D e l a i n e s ,

IS selling all kin-la ol tnoruhuiiulio Ibat lieloltfia I., tho Drug trailo, at ttiv very toivont tirlces that tuo

llrat oualily of iioodfl can lm ttllortleil

. llruj!S


dew Gloss,

l o T H A T C H E R ' S .


1 Tin-Itr-Rt Juimn Ton tlmt Qnu no lomiil In tlilu or any othor market,

Q D to T H A r C H E R ' S .

L o d i e s * F i t rn i s lunK G o o d s . II' YOU WANT

Po,,,v Allspice, Soaps, Oalmual, Slarcb, or

Coooa, :blo01l,


Oo t o T H A T C H E R ' S .

EMPLOYMENT FOR BOTH SEXES. ; Disabled anil retnrnetl soldiers, ^ tilqvrs aun or-

pnans or slain eoldiera, and tbo unemployed of both eexes generally, in want of respectable and prnQtable employment, incurring no risfc, can proenro sucb by enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope; tor particu­lars , to Dr. Jora HJ DiGHAli.-Box 163,

S8 ly Brooklyn, N. T-

Dr.aEOa W. MELOTTE, B K N T 1 S T .

OtBee e * r a e r Mmrlcel u t t E I m Sle .

P o t s d a m , N . Y . -

' f c n m o i a a O F T O B T U . A gentleman who snflered for years from Kervonc

DobOlty, Premature Decay, and all the effecttofyouthr-fol indiscretion, will, for tho sake of safer Ins hiimanS-ty, send frco to sU who^teod-ltrtho^eolPe-tmd-dii tions for matins tbo slmplo remedy by which having. cored. -Snfforers visbing to proOt by the advesttser1

experience, can do so by addressing

J0HNB.OGDES,. -' 23 ly No. 13 Chambers St. fUs*1 Yorki.

T b e M m s o n ^ H s t m i m OstbUuit iOlttsuu forty diirerentiSJi -^"'"— ~ munic.for

- •-,«,!«-. .-Mrr^a. »nora44»B*>secul«!P',

$8oto;?(TOOfif36#rr )Ns.fioia» bt'^swt!. IllnstratodcaUIognessenifree. Address MASON i HAMLIN, Boston.or MASON BteOTaEJ>8, New T o r t

S l y

mm Boot and ShoeStore,

TO COSSVJW*TXy3CB The advertiser, having b e c a * e t ^ e d to tiHtlk2flti-aV.

few weeks by a Tery s imple rpmcdjr, aSlfir.having spfr fered for sereral year* ^HU a. BOTQVO l a s ^ aifectico^ and t b s t dread djl^ase, CtoMoinpftto*, *« «n«IO«S:,tp: moke known to hh. Jfettem-sulTcriTB (fie means of c tuo . • To all who desirpi i t , fte will send a,eopy at. foe-pre. icriptiop nsfMl (|rfK bXjdtajge) yjtb, the direcllopsfor

.hoanty Lcretoforo recetrcdV Soldier'., retain your dlschor^&i-ih^y' are W0(£hn

more to ym t Una to any ihird Itt^tji The iinmeroosactsOf GoligrCBB'iifld ordcrtj o f t i w

^Tar Dejiartmctlt relating e^peclaily ijo such c la ims. ' .tnnkc it cxiremoiyiM^^TortySranflts toentrost their bunnugs-tD anUconfeed br inexperienced and in-com,t*!tem .lfir ong, T^'lOngpmtiCeaOdttncqaalied saccess uf oar Sir. Crai$'%itM prosecution of these claims. a&ci:iQt! personal cipotiecco in military afiiirs of our ifr. Vance, giv&ia& advantages which are not possesricij by otuer ogetiw.

^onous :csiding at a distance can W o theirolaiiru attcndPii to by writing to"tis:j civltig tnonfttflft dftho .suWier, lus (wiiitttiy audICgl^nJ.

Only the roes (siiWishcdfey kV-!ftr&collected,aiid-no charge '»r survives made until thfi claim f» allow? M. Advujt (roe. Apply in perEfla or'lij'lettor;


T U A N S F O E M A T I O N . The HuperBtuions of fialiqutty are only "food "for

•» IL . ' """i1 LU° V."!!*" V ! , u v t j r"u l B UM laurglitst'jjit thepresont.day,andyotthis to an sin •make lqng. and cordially remember^]^t,f-^ a i i R A ^ i i B a .

afc<i<;.u)p)lshed ^Uh tho ajd ni? science. For example: gray, sandy or red hair is Changed in a Moment,^ the richest conceivable hlack or brown, by a simplfl application of Crlfetouloro's H a i r D y e , Manufactwred by 3. OIUSTAD0H0,0 Astor Honsc, N. Y. Sold by druggists. Applied by hair dreuor*. 46 4ir

a i l s o f the c ^ ( ) g y ^ f l s t „ ^ i f a r J a a . O B C . cmted countenanoeB, pickmgSomeiwild veg. TS- :.! .-. S'S'S.i^'k-L-vKivjL i r - 2 - . . i - * ' stable in the vicinity, from «hicht<J-liinke a

f eal far themselves and enfieriaj^tfjldren. conld not niiBtakfj their conditio^-Of flesti-

tntion, even nt a glance; bnt rdote'rrtlined to hear their story IVotfi their 6«ra'4lbs, and I accordingly halttidf-fty» lrorsoj 'Wiaas i ' >i one of tbefemftlesfe'V. -'"• '

"M»j(ani, conld1' yoU flcooamo&lo' ra« wIthi .3inner'to(day?" ' "

She passed a "niomant, aild I re'p'o'atSd, thpqaestirSn;, " •" • '

"God knows," eaMslie,' and tnara began tq tricicfcrdbVrfi heT TShBeTtg/f'thttt I would flot'tnnJ4fti.sttonger dtfdd trav^Je'rawfty, bnt ())pre has been on dnlico of meal or meat in the house for 4>e dgysj w e and onr children


mti& t L rdvpge§« J y l M M M m M m

c t t v M l b a t will sarMJieij r |ave %aib ont*'ft|ai» Vff 4] ^inndefl aB,o ,ce t i* ( i r i t m-aj WO refer M t « VMbM

jye.Iivedflntirely, dqriflg fliaf. psri i boileS | r c e | | / | | n f a t h e r salt nor pe|

"Tnf*e a h ' ^ ^ O T d y t * 0 ^ % ^ W ! S n ) W J i aSfyon seo, cannot even go'

'^gfesiflothj (Hri*wb#«tU(M

teaf-tiiey | i.esra'intejndi

yj 'd tidf toilWef-we _ - . . , 1'to" f la i j t in rjnr gafr

P s & a d i j f ;- ".<•-. YliJeWb laeormyV'.-' ' p M t b e i S | r v l , c f ! ^

arisea!"ba^B ^e . not done w o much ?"

Buioide of-G'en. Lane .

,BHttfOT;()N,,Jljly 2, ' ' f « i - . * . rjfe-vi.- , -

BepreaentlVls'vewJfW •Efrnsas, haa re-Wived a telfMmSftff i , s l ^ ^ D * o r t b J dated tt>M% saying S u u j g f f l . ^ jttnjes H . XAW rto^irnseTf.thrOfll|i||; Jipafi last .nicbt. TfBis&'gepns l a M f e a f t obKrecoyer ;Tbia ii«1forn1a;titfjK.-$|on;*Jbe;ciiriie' linown s I both httiises of "OfiiigffjsS, and excited, nnfth com-to'ent, ' *Jjj' ,* , ' "liAiBB.—tfflnatosfarnea H.Xiane, if-Knn-

sas, nttcmptoa! to"cftmniit euioide at l^eavap-Wortb, on..SSqpy ,)niRbt, try' sliobt'ng him­self through tho head. The shot t iqk eff­ect, b.u't he'li'vjjd tWbngii'the nlg!n5 irid un­til nl^'l ji'plm Jflatpraay raornjri^ $', v)\i% time be e x p i r e * 'Senator Ijiin^-Jio^.for soine flayVprwioMs to -Ws nttempBBti self-

ieatriJDtWn,%heBr(Sl»e^JIJ, t '., . ,

• — 4 - t H * * * ^ , ^

J , f m YpKK,JaW2d. * « s m a w R 0 quota: Orange atip Sua-> j ^ W * r f a i l r ' S 6 to 40o: flniinatlgq,


prepariug and uslugjthessine, wilcli they will flna» «uro curofor.ConsuraptlfBi, toOm*, Bronoi'itni.CoIils, Coughs and all throat anit lime affections. Tbe onrjt objeot of the admrusor Is nonJlogtho prescrlptio*, is ;tobcno%ih(ialSloteaa»il,ip««4 larorrojitloa -ishlcli ,6e concolKO«.lo,liftiBjrsja»ble,aud ho hopes ewry sof-foror will trs hlsropedy, ss ft trill cost tfawi nothing and may provo a hlessuig. Parties wlihior-'llie pr« »crip;ioB, ram, by return mail, win please address

S I T . EDWABD A. wnfiON. SSljr 'mniamshorgh.KtetsCo.iN. Y

P R K F A R K 1 F B E P A B K 1 CHOlERA^Wincheslor's "Jifalte Chderm Drop

(used for more than twenty years in llanilta and the East Indies) ,,is an rmuuiBis m e m o for

Asiatic Cholera, Cholera'Morbus, Diarrliea, -Dysratery, Cholera I nlintam or Bum­

mer Complaint, and all !>!*• orders of tho Bowels.

4fr- The Cholera Drops should bo kopt oa casd, in overy housobold, for UBIAXT ore is •4tl»<ass$oi,ii|jw. In xo rssri-ioi has It crer been known to foUUictfo^t inn a core.

Price $1 60 per rial; four vials tot t&. Sent by null f*orywhere, on receipt of Iho prion andelsht^ed stamps for poitaio. Circulars free. Address

82 ly J. WWraBESIBB,MJouuB».,K.Y.

L Y O N ' S P E R I O D I C A L D E 0 P 8 ! jjS^IBH GREAT FEMALE HB3aEDY4»at

—-•-.:• - ^-•*-g«s-fiiSESgiaaBiE6r^~J^ ~ j - | j .

Tboso drops' are a scientifically compoondod fluid proparallon^Bild bettor than any Pills, Powdeya or Nostrums.' &lfig liquid, their notion' |B direct and posltlvo, rendering tbem Q roliablo, speedy iln;d cer­tain Bp aitlb Ibr tbo.otlro of all ahstructlanj ;ahd flifp. presslons'of nature. Their popdtarity'U'ln'dll!o,todiijr the Ibct that orer 100,000 bottles Jiro annaaliy eoidf anil consitmed by tho ladles oftlio Coiteil-Slitcs, evo-' •ry otlo oftWlionvspenk iti the str*> irest torMB ofpralso atmait'^ilmiitHe: Thoy.nw rnpldlj tskhig tb plooo OM'Vory othor Foinalo flbniody, aii afo consM-, oreahyrttlt.whokoowlaogh't'dft'boni, as the surcsi, surest on'dr:mo9t Infalliblo prSp'oyatloh (in the world,' for tbo cure of all.fcnialo complaints, tho r^mpvnl of -" otaiwtott 'MlSlMKw} "'"'


A r t i f i c i a l Teeth? tf«o, call on D r . N i c k e l s who bssjustrecetr*

ed n supply olnow styles, Tory nstural In appoaranco and warranted a Ot in ofhfeue. ••»"»•"»•

FtUlns and all other dtmuloporattuua porfomed M a sngerlor manner. i Offlce on Market Street, Pot«dom.Ma» a Potsdam,Noy. 8.

rogulantjr-nlidsWengtli. Bfpll{lt directions Btotlug whomhoj5.may bo used, odd isplaihing when nod My Uic«shpul<i.uot, nor could bot bj> uiod without prdrfpiSflKipfflJil'ls contrary to oMoro*s chiBOh Wwli-: will Ho.wilitaWofully foldod nriuodMobboHIb.wllh' tho *ri)to«i*Miiijture of jolra tJiyoiu sttlipai vrhlob nonoAto'eoillite ' • '• •


Slia^fl,.. Independenj ^iSteel Tooth

ymiltimwitvieii&i iShntVow y<ir*gha« '"^•W^-'.^jrJi. tt " , - - . - ' . .

bond ,5ttJd s n W a i m a - » ™ » —

on oxiMuiafeStwmtb. u^_

for itissA%mma i!mmwtrJ


We Iiavoafcjoaililt'd to our stock u htr(rf assiirtmeiit








We would again rail youruttcntion lo our



ana beautiful stales of SACK CLOTHR, Indies' Bulmo-rnl and



A n d GOODS I f f ' G R E A T V A R I E T Y .


Potsdam. Juno 12tb, 1800

J C H A a L J C J B L E

C H E A P E S T !


Boiled Oil, Varnishes, WUiteWn'd, or colored Pitiats ott aoy kindf,

Go l o T H A T C H E R ' S .


Paint Brushes, Graining Combs, Blcndwa, Bronzo„ Spirits Turpentine, or Whitewash Brushes,

Go t o T H A T C H E R ' S .


to buy a good article at a reasonable price, or as low as Bond Ooods'can possibly bo sold and have

It worth what it eostsyou. Go' t o T H A T C H E R ' S .


for sale WUOI.K8.ALU and BBT.UL, by


(Po tsdam,


AU.OrdQtg$y.innter dtborwlso promptly osoouLcd! -DoorS;;(ipnu)loli'&lz6,:froni 76c. to SX 25. Bltadsj-ftdm-Mo. tb SI 26 por window. Soafagfrom^B toji cents per light. 'Puaiing', paiotlog and glaring done to order. «r3llop,'Wcs"t sldo or tbo river, near tbo Grist.

MM'.. i - 27 ly

The Greatest Luxury of the Age,

PROL0S6ATIOK otLifo, w l lbenso and comfort, by. tbo use of GooUoVs Improved Patent Adjnstlble-

SPRING . BED BOTTOM. For durability, simplicity and adjustment, this bot­

tom has not been equalled. U can be fitted to any bedstead, and make s an easy bdd with but one mat­tress, i'or It adjusts itsolf to every turn of tho body,

Price, S3 to s i o , accordnig^o number of spripps. Towii, County and Slate Rights for sa le , by

Wai. H. GOOOALE,Proprietor, 47 4w Oo\tou, St .Lawrence-Co., NT y .

J. S. LORD I T T * * Jost retoroetJ l^oni Boston and New'Yorfe L-£t-ffiArkets yrith a new una select stodcot -

Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c. which, luiiribg iioeti bought at tbelato decline, will be sold a t the lotfe>'t |)rices-

He c o r d i a l l y I n v i t e s b la o ld f r i e n d s »Qflcust«omorfl,atid tbe public generally ,to call and examine his stock and he flrlll offer tbe

•Best o r I n d t t e c m e n u t o Pnrcha.Mera,i


Good Work and Low Prices. QtatlDg again witb incrcared axporlouco and faclli--

ties lor Ibe baslnoes,bo bopos to merit an Incrcoso of iho liberal patronage boformerly rccoived.

Boota a n d ^ n o s o f n i ] K i n f l s M a d e t o

OIUOJL' auU Mo^uLt'ed. * -

*»-Store lately occupied by O. C. Brookius, as a rionr and Food Btoro,


May 10, I860. MABKBT ST., POT3DAJI.N.Y:

40 ly'


, u i a f t

jlcoraiswiSBiirtsKby DB. TO&UB' ™ _ ™ . „ VENBHA J LTNIHENT, Ifustditbca Urnt talam \u porsooiofttMpofaW/hablls.-.-ThUmddlclno has b e n 'fcidsr'fii mtgmkjilf* ntw.-ao^oare. Mwnsonds hKemtMhffij^W^a -etltpd t<r euro V * -» m p W « & l p | t i f I * tssoqtlHIIiaM. nod >H tbo-|'.*^»^»t?!iiI^I^«ffe4owiiOT*^ wilbosi it. -in HieCboloytfoMMs Dr. Tbblin attonded i» esses and. ibii 4; botni (alloa «V*O.B uto to d«»ny good. .• DmWtimSJ^aif.'itueimaUH la *• Slno-gUss

(OTwaWr tdmnaUm&ISr two fioiirsiSba rob tbj= abdomen >(id ,Wr/oilUcs»(0ll.*it)i'4)iiJ.t,]Dl|l»ii» •tii W»y ibo tuirst, !•!{<>> lurnii of loo lDfthSiaoutbiiboUt', Ihs s!» j r l jutoUntittr m MtibM < M t t l r « S ^ '«d porfooilJiimioboiat to tti* Interfillly,. 8 o f i F » «

"" ?0W»'. nofiVMCoOrlland

MiSSRS.CLIfrOI.&DiEtoG T J A V E tKIs any ontorod into co-partnership for the

•mmm # . . ' ! • • oM'StnOd'fbtmorlf nccmiod by Domlnir&'Co

%tXl£Wtf&& a'" lb°U eu>* °< iJ> pint C l « . s Crockery A F u r n i t u r e Store

•hd wonld nonounco to tbo poopio or St, UwroOco-ffiK,i^tej. nt"'I,f«P»«"' to foro i sKSor

Yo'kT " ° r o ln'Nor"""'1' H«w 0u> stock consists In'pnrt of tbo rdllowing: '/

^ ! i s s ^ « 1?I?J,I",,)> Boroaoa

ffl Ico'lO-add'ao 0,001a'.

. . J H » , 8tjnowa'ro, Uoips, OldkDK, Unleras, Boraors,

i f l M I * tn*»a m Giraa* # Hmmx and

'MMWFubMt* 1 ° " «i»«W« "Ota HsvVork

i ^ # * * ^ r « « ^ * « « » t t * ^ l t » « » t t W ' M*'™ l i , . , !W M 0 , ' , h"l ,*' ,abJ(l» iomtlWuotitiii'

Inifdr HB»Jl>Uorjr. .gjllliisri soppjlod wittinituras,. atld tilt ok*. ;*--' • . , " , T , .•„•

* » • i W b ' t o o r W S a M . n l g n d t s i , , ' ' ; • i r ^ . % J & f 6 S J M . 3 B n 5 v T . j , # •*


8ofao„ Toto a-to£es, Obnlro.. Tables StOnds, BOdDtosda, Mirrors,

«.•.-'•" _ . Hlrrpr I'lntos Hi rnney Brnrtios, BrookctB, flb ldrsn's Csrr'gs, muta, gild's Toy Sots" 'ftirlor&W

iunslnsrFiald, VOSM.

Toll»ls, Plotoro Jloold'g,

Bed Springs, Bed Cords, Ten Trays. Knives & rorks, Spoons, J'oa'thor Dusters, Chamber flots,



e Organs &Melodeons»


O G B E N S B U R G H ,

G e n e r n l A B l a . f *r N o i - i h « r n Sew T o r i e s

for the Pianos of the celebrated makers,


AtXO, FOK TIIK *"" ^ '

Cottage Organs andMelodeons , or EarEY & CO.

with tbroo patonl lmprovom«nta,vlz:

PATENT HABMOSIC ATTACHJTENT, wbl^ob donblcs tbo power of t b o Instrument;

PA T E N T ' H A N D A L StJB-BASS, oporaiod by .tbo koys nltbool . tlio lncon.venleoeo ot 1 . .iia; and tbo

VOX HOMANA TBEJIOtO,. pronoancod by tbo Drat orgaolbls nod organ build • ore of tbo country as tbe "king of tremolos," and "only perfect tromolo over Invented."

Wo b i v o Uio most beaiitlfal and porfoot

P I A N O S F O B S M A L L P A J K X O R 8

manurnolnrcd, wltb power abd purity of tonb tor au Porlor to tbo largo Instruments of many makers.

Our Instruments oro all watraiiiod ror five years.

J . B . S B E s > B i r , ' X » e a l A g c i i f -4 » " Potsdait


Sy the Box jtitto tm**%<H^xTuX 1mSto'.' """" '

'FOB B ^ ' A F T H E


P O T S D A M , N. Y.

A n d ifSverjri l i lng n s u o - l l y k e p t I n » •

. . , . Cnnyritry B a l o n n

VEEI LOW I OB OASH,, ttW a» llio bolldlng Is sodtt lo bo repaired, pulnt-tO'

4 9 - ed,nii4l)!!iid up;*ltha S p w ^

^ B l o b k o f O o S a s . 4 ^ "'•' .

' •--- ^ - ^ ^ i i O T M S i t t l B t t l \ % t r •

Ft>m^0^0m:f '•

«ff lJM f f -PMi%8MP »iwFll»ili|ifhti .*«*, -hoavWlt'



A ((00<1 hlo for all oil ut l itis oildross at op ham!,


«6iy A d uliould b( morninp ti

unieo boin aiul 13 U> 13

• Nrnr Vo Wiitorto Albany, North 01 (•arlsbV! t'l-Uf-lt, 1

North nl WI'HI ail-1'arlshvl Hilton, i

• Wc-sl T o

lly kluilfio • «rn It. It. an

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