Dr. Sebastian Herwig Division for Research Information Management Administrative Department for Research Affairs University of Münster (WWU) From Research Portal to Research Analytics Current use cases and future perspectives of CONVERIS at the University of Münster Research Evaluation Seminar 2014 Prague, 17 th April 2014

Dr. Sebastian Herwig Division for Research Information Management Administrative Department for Research Affairs University of Münster (WWU)

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Dr. Sebastian Herwig

Division for Research Information ManagementAdministrative Department for Research AffairsUniversity of Münster (WWU)

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCurrent use cases and future perspectives of CONVERIS at the University of Münster

Research Evaluation Seminar 2014Prague, 17th April 2014

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster


University of Münster – a short profile- Founded in 1780- One of Germany’s five largest universities- 110 subjects of study, 250 courses of study - 15 faculties with more than 550 research institutions- 40.800 students (winter term 2012/13)

- 6.650 staff members-549 professors -4.200 researchers-1.900 further staff members

- 218 university buildings, integrated into the city of Münster

- Interdisciplinary research landscape in the fields of humanities and social sciences, economics and law, life sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster

3From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster

What does the University of Münster… ?

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster

4Heterogeneity as challenge of university-wide research documentation – initial situation at the WWU Münster 

The Current Research Information System of the WWU Münster








Business & Economic Sciences

Social Scienc



Life Sciences


Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster


Source: http://campus.uni-uenster.de/index.php?id=4405&L=1

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster

6The Current Research Information System of the WWU Münster

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster


Objectives and application scenarios of a CRIS at the WWU- University-wide harmonisation and consolidation of the

decentralised pools of research information in a central research information system

- Establishment of a central instrument for a consistent and continuous communication, documentation and reporting of the research activities and results

- Strengthening of the perception and visibility of the research profile and the interdisciplinary research activities of the university

- “Once provided, used several times”-Provision of a university-wide research portal-Provision of decentralised websites-Creation of the annual research report-Perspective: reports and analysis for internal committees,

evaluations, developing the research profile…

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster

8The Current Research Information System of the WWU Münster

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster

9The Current Research Information System of the WWU Münster





Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster

10Major dimensions of research information – the 5 P`s

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster


Patents Publications

Prize & Honors

Persons & Organisations

Post-Doctoral studies

PhD studies

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster

11The Current Research Information System of the WWU Münster

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster


Some first steps towards research reporting and analytics

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster

  Funding body/programme200






external funds

Federal Ministry for Education and Research

- - 1 1 -

German Oriental Society - - - - 1DFG – Cluster of Exzellence 3 3 3 7 4DFG – Individual Grants Programme 2 2 - - 1Fritz Thyssen-Foundation - 1 - - -Gerda Henkel-Foundation - - - 1 2Volkswagen-Foundation - - 1 1 1Contract research - - - - 1

own ressources - - - 1 1

Type of honor200




3Publication award 3 - - 1PhD-thesis award 1 2 - 1Personal merit 2 - - -Other award or honor - - 2 -PhD/PostDoc-Fellowship

- 1 1 -

Research award - - - 1Honorary doctor (Dr. h. c.)

1 - - 1

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster


Future perspectives of CONVERIS at the WWU

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster

Communication(Research Portal)

Integration into and handling of administrative processes along the

research life cycle

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster


Handling steps along the project lifecycle to get information about projects and funding

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster

Grant application Grant Research


project report

- Generation of CVs, publication lists etc.

- Financial calculation

- Judicial and fiscal approval

- Rectors signature

- Monitoring of applications

- Internal grants declaration

- Documentation of research results

- Comunication

- Project reporting

- General reporting and analytics

Financial adminis-tration

Research Information System ERP-System

Financial reporting

- Documentation of project structure

- Documentation of project participants

- Digital folder for project documents

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster


Futher processes relevant for a research information system

- Graduation Management (PhD studies)

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster

- Intellectual Property Rights (Patents)

- Publication Workflow (Quality Assurance)

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster


Extending the 5 P`s

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster


Patents Publications

Prize & Honors

Persons & Organisations

Post-Doctoral studies

PhD studies


Research Infrastructu



Scientific events

Presence in media

Spin offs


Guest researcher


Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster


Future Perspectives of CONVERIS at the WWU

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster

Communication(Research Portal)

Research reporting

and analytics

Integration into and handling of administrative processes along the

research life cycle

Sebastian Herwig | Division for Research Information Management | University of Münster

18Collaboration analysis and visualisation as one possible field of application for CONVERIS Analytics

From Research Portal to Research AnalyticsCONVERIS at the University of Münster