Volume IX Issue 3 September 2018 79th PIChE National Convention: Expanding Chemical Engineering Competencies Dr. Almanzor Bags PIChEs First PRC Eric Nubla Award Back row (from the left): Engr. Cezar dela Cruz, Engr, Engr. Malou Celzo, Engr. Mariel Ocampo, Dr. Nuna Almanzor, Engr. Jocel Dimacutac, Engr. Araceli Monsada; Front Row (from the left): Engr. Evelyn Laurito; Engr. Teresita Balba; Engr. Chamaigne Luz Jamandre, and Engr. Jonathan Aquino Dr. Nuna Almanzor bagged the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Eric Nubla award during the 7th PRC Awards Night held last June 21, 2018 at Fiesta Pavillon, Manila Hotel. The prestigious Nubla Award that Dr. Almanzor received from the PRC Awards night was PIChEs first Nubla Award. Dr. Almanzor was also awarded as Outstanding Chemical Engineer during the awards night. The Eric Nubla Award was the highest professional award given to outstanding professionals that has given significant impact in their respective fields (Continuation at Page 2) To cope up with the increasing global competency in the chemical engineering profession the 79th PIChE National Convention was held last February 21 - 24, 2018 in The Bellevue Manila (Continuation at Page 3) PIChE Finished Finalist During the 7th PRC Awards Night Philippine Insitute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE) landed as one of the top three finalist during the 7th Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Awards Night held last June 21, 2018 at Fiesta Pavillion, Manila Hotel PIChE was one of the three APOs that qualified the final five that was screened from over 40 accredited professional organization (APO) that applied for the PRC Award for Most Outstanding APO in category B (APO with 10,000 but less than 100,000 professionals). (Continuation at Page 2) From left: Hon. Cyd Aguilera , Engr. Jonathan Aquino, and Dr. Nuna Almanzor Whats Inside? PIChE News The Presidents Corner Chapter Updates The Chapters Upcoming Activities The PIChE NBOD Pages 2 - 3 Pages 4 Page 5 - 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12

Dr. Almanzor Bags PIChE First PRC Eric Nubla Award...Award for Most Outstanding APO in category B (APO with 10,000 but less than 100,000 professionals). (Continuation at Page 2) From

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Page 1: Dr. Almanzor Bags PIChE First PRC Eric Nubla Award...Award for Most Outstanding APO in category B (APO with 10,000 but less than 100,000 professionals). (Continuation at Page 2) From

Volume IX Issue 3 September 2018

79th PIChE National

Convention: Expanding

Chemical Engineering


Dr. Almanzor Bags PIChE’s

First PRC Eric Nubla Award

Back row (from the left): Engr. Cezar dela Cruz, Engr, Engr. Malou Celzo, Engr. Mariel Ocampo, Dr. Nuna

Almanzor, Engr. Jocel Dimacutac, Engr. Araceli Monsada; Front Row (from the left): Engr. Evelyn Laurito;

Engr. Teresita Balba; Engr. Chamaigne Luz Jamandre, and Engr. Jonathan Aquino

Dr. Nuna Almanzor bagged the

Professional Regulation Commission

(PRC) Eric Nubla award during the

7th PRC Awards Night held last June

21, 2018 at Fiesta Pavillon, Manila


The prestigious Nubla Award that Dr.

Almanzor received from the PRC

Awards night was PIChE’s first Nubla


Dr. Almanzor was also awarded as

Outstanding Chemical Engineer

during the awards night.

The Eric Nubla Award was the

highest professional award given to

outstanding professionals that has

given significant impact in their

respective fields

(Continuation at Page 2)

To cope up with the increasing global

competency in the chemical

engineering profession the 79th PIChE

National Convention was held last

February 21 - 24, 2018 in The

Bellevue Manila

(Continuation at Page 3)

PIChE Finished

Finalist During

the 7th PRC

Awards Night

Philippine Insitute of Chemical

Engineers (PIChE) landed as

one of the top three finalist

during the 7th Professional

Regulation Commission (PRC)

Awards Night held last June

21, 2018 at Fiesta Pavillion,

Manila Hotel

PIChE was one of the three

APO’s that qualified the final

five that was screened from

over 40 accredited

professional organization

(APO) that applied for the PRC

Award for Most Outstanding

APO in category B (APO with

10,000 but less than 100,000


(Continuation at Page 2)

From left: Hon. Cyd Aguilera , Engr.

Jonathan Aquino, and Dr. Nuna Almanzor

What’s Inside?

PIChE News

The President’s Corner

Chapter Updates

The Chapters

Upcoming Activities


Pages 2 - 3

Pages 4

Page 5 - 9

Page 10

Page 11

Page 12

Page 2: Dr. Almanzor Bags PIChE First PRC Eric Nubla Award...Award for Most Outstanding APO in category B (APO with 10,000 but less than 100,000 professionals). (Continuation at Page 2) From


Dr. Almanzor Bags ... (From Page 1) Dr. Nuna Almanzor was honoured this year for demonstrating her superb professional competence in the the field of chemical engineer-ing She sufficiently demonstrated her professional competence to the highest degree and conducted herself with integrity in the exer-cise of her profession by engaging herself in research and develop-ment and technology transfer in the field of chemical industry, food, environment, etc. that built strong linkages between the industry, academe, government agencies and other stakeholders, both local and foreign

Dr. Almanzor , the first Nubla Awardee of PIChE cited because of her unparalleled works and con-tribution and competence in the field of chemical engineering and management

As an ASEAN engineer, she has been instrumental pillar in the field

of chemical engineering and re-search in the country

Currently, she is the executive di-rector of Adamson University’s Center for Research and Develop-ment

PIChE Finished Finalist During the 7th ...

(from page 1)

The top three finalist were United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), Philippine Institute of Chemical En-gineers(PIChE) and Philippine Vet-erinary Medical Association (PVMA) United Architects of the Philippines bagged the PRC’s Most Outstanding APO

Last year, PIChE bagged the PRC’s most outstanding accredited professional organization

PIChE proudly celebrates is achievements garnered during the 7th PRC Awards .

It’s a Yes for PIChE YES!

By: Joshua Bon Roco

A YOUNG AGE BEGINS – The Philippine Institute of Chemical En-gineers (PIChE) harnessed a pas-sionate force of young Chemical Engineers through the formation of the Young Engineers Section (YES). Formally established last July 22, 2018, PIChE – YES is a brainchild

of PIChE’s AVP for Luzon, Mariel Ocampo, AAE, AMIChemE; it was immediately supported by the PIChE National Board of Directors upon conception. PIChE’s new young sector will represent young Chemical Engineers to the Young Engineers of the ASEAN Federa-tion of Engineering Organizations (YEAFEO) through the Philippine Technological Council (PTC). The newly founded sector aims to “elevate and improve the quality of life of the Filipino people through dynamic actions, productivity, in-creased employment opportunities and equitable distribution of wealth” and to “exchange and share the chemical engineering technology” among its engineer colleagues. PIChE – YES’s charter members and first officers are comprised of the following Chemical Engineers: Chairman –Mariel Ocampo, AAE, AMIChemE; Vice Chairman –Reiniel Davis Bandong, AAE; Council Secretary –Lester Lee Bayon, AAE; Public Relations Of-ficer –Joshua Bon Roco, AAE Its regular members shall be com-posed of associate ASEAN chemi-cal engineers, with 35 years of age or below and must be a bonafide member of PIChE.

As Engr. Ocampo excellently ex-

plains it, “The PIChE-YES will cater the essentials of Chemical Engi-

neering practice at a young age. It is the goal of this PIChE Section to

connect young Chemical Engineer-

ing professionals to a network of experts, business partners as well

as young professionals from vari-ous disciplines – geared towards

boosting their capabilities and molding well-rounded Chemical

Engineers, simultaneous with provi-

sion of a new avenue for opportu-nities and career advancement thru

prospect partners.

PIChE YES’s charter members and first officers (L-R): Joshua Roco, AAE, Lester Lee Bayon, AAE, Mariel Ocampo, AAE, AMIChemE, and Reiniel Davis Bandong, AAE

Dr. Nuna Almanzor (center) awarded as the Outstanding Professional Award in Chemical

Engineering during the PRC Awards Night

Page 3: Dr. Almanzor Bags PIChE First PRC Eric Nubla Award...Award for Most Outstanding APO in category B (APO with 10,000 but less than 100,000 professionals). (Continuation at Page 2) From


79th PIChE National Convention:

Expanding Chemical Engineering


(from page 1)

The theme of the convention was “Expanding Chemi-

cal Engineering Competencies for National Develop-


PIChE - Laguna hosted this year’s convention that

was participated by 1, 240 participants from all over

the Philippines coming from the academe, industry,

government agencies and other sectors.

This year’s national convention plenary sessions were

tackled the country’s resource speakers : Prof. Alberto

Laurito, Chair of CHED Technical Panel for Chemical

Engineering Education ; Engr. Albert Samuela,

NALCO Ecolab Director of Marketing; Dr. Devillo Da-

vid Jr, Executive Director of National Water Re-

sources Board (NWRB); Dr. Nathaniel Dugos, Full

Professor 2 at Dela Salle University; Engr. Francisco

Arellano, Head of Corporate Quality and HSE,

Maynilad Water Services; Engr. Reynaldo Esguerra ;

Hon. Cyd Aguilera, Member of Professional Regulato-

ry Board (PRB) of Chemical Engineering.

The plenary session topics are as follows:

1. Outcomes Based Education (Prof. Albert Laurito,


2. Partnering with Industry in Coporate Water Man-

agement (Engr. Albert Samuela)

3. Water Resources and Quality (Dr. Devillo David


4. Exploring Tissue Engineering and Regenerative

Medicine from the Filipino Chemical Engineer’s

Perspective (Dr. Nathaniel Dugos)

5. Determination of Carbon Sequestriation Potential

in the Rehabilitated Mangroves (Engr. Francisco

Arellano, FPIChE, ACPE, APEC, ASEAN Eng)

6. Fueling National Development through compli-

ance to Republic Act 9003 by local government

units (Engr. Reynaldo Esguerra)

7. Expanding Chemical Engineering Competencies

thru Continuing Professional Development (Hon.

Cyd Aguilera, ASEAN Eng, ACPE)

PIChE - CAMANAVA won the bidding for the 80th

PIChE National Convention. The next year’s national

convention shall be held on February 27, 2019 to

March 2, 2019 at Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Orti-

gas Center, Quezon City.

PIChE - Bataan and PIChE - CAMANAVA Chapter

bagged the award for the Most Outstanding PIChE

Chapter. In addition to this awards were also given to

outstanding chemical engineers. The following were

awarded by the PIChE Outstanding Chemical Engi-

neers Award (OCHEA):

1. PIChE OCHEA for Government and Public Ser-

vice: Engr. Nuna Almanzor (PIChE - DOST Chap-


2. PIChE OCHEA for Government and Public Ser-

vice: Engr. Carmela Romero– Centeno(PIChE -

Metro Manila Academe Chapter).

3. PIChE OCHEA for Industrial Envinronment Man-

agement Category: Engr. Estrelita Apat - Malim

(PIChE - Davao Chapter).

Other highlights of the convention were the annual

PIChE National Quiz Bowl and the Annual PIChE fel-

lowship night .

UP - Diliman won 1st place while De La Salle Univer-

sity - Manila placed 2nd during the mind cracking stint

of PIChE National Quiz Bowl. The fellowship night

features the PIChE Chapter’s showcase of dance

prowess in which PIChE - Bataan bested all the chap-

ter by winning the PIChE—Fellowship Night’s Best


The 79th PIChE National Convention was awarded 17

CPD points for catering development programs and

sessions that surely helped expand the horizon of

competencies of Filipino Chemical Engineerns PIChE

also organized Industrial tour program that gave

2CPD points to those who attended the tour.

Amongst the industrial venue toured were UNILAB

Amherst Laboratories at Biñan, Laguna, Gardenia

plant and Monde Nissin Plant which are both located

at Santa Rosa, Laguna

PIChE—Bataan together with the PIChE National Board of Directors During

the 80th PIChE National Convention Opening Ceremony

Page 4: Dr. Almanzor Bags PIChE First PRC Eric Nubla Award...Award for Most Outstanding APO in category B (APO with 10,000 but less than 100,000 professionals). (Continuation at Page 2) From


We are all in a hurry. Time is too important not to be managed well. We are all given 24 hours a day but its full and most effective utilization will vary on how one prioritizes things. Cliché as it maybe but it is a reality that “life is short”. There is no point wasting it on petty things that do not contribute to enriching further oneself and the quality of life one is leading.

In PIChE, we all work on “pro bono” as our way of giving back to the profession. In many instances while we spend our own personal money to attend to activities, it is our personal time that we invest greatly as we deal with the call of our organizational and professional re-sponsibilities. I am sure this experience is shared down the chapter and the individual level. Regular meetings and occasional projects such as CSR activities are ex-amples that eat up those precious week ends that could have been spent with the family or allotted to rest for self-preservation. The same is true for special meetings that happen after office hours requiring you to brace the traffic to and from the meeting place and arrive home and sleep late. There are Chemical Engineers who are fortunate enough to be supported by their company to perform PIChE functions occasionally within the office hours but the majority are on the other side of the fence. But why do we do this in PIChE? Why do we offer our-selves in line of service? Let me offer my simple thought on this. It is because we want to share… our resources, especially our time. Why? Because we derive fulfillment and happiness in sharing and in service. Why? Because of love… for our fellow, for our community, for our envi-ronment, for our nation and for our profession.

Chemical Engineers are expected to adhere to the PIChE Core Values: Excellence, Commitment, Integrity and Service. The same core values that manifest in what I discussed above. These are part of the non-negotiables for ChEs in conducting oneself in the perfor-mance of the discharge of professional duty and respon-sibility. Moreover, doing things that are aligned with our values brings out volunteerism on our part, hence, we do not view it as “part of the job” and in fact leads to enjoyment.


Don’t Count Your Time, Let Your Time


Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers

Case in point, Dr. Nuna Almanzor, PIChE’s first NUBLA Awardee who brings so much pride to our organization and to the Chemical Engineering community is the ulti-mate role model to emulate exuding such PIChE values naturally. Dr. Almanzor is in the forefront from Day 1 of her professional career and it went on consistently in the years that followed. I remember vividly how she answered the questions from the NUBLA Award panel of judges with so much brilliance in her words all com-ing from the heart. I did not need to literally intervene and support her statements (being the APO President witnessing at the time) since every word she uttered all speak for themselves with conviction. She was a former PIChE National President. The list of her credentials and achievements are endless, majority of which are in the name of service, and yet she is oozing with genuine humility. We saw how Dr. Almanzor spent her time that led to the NUBLA Award…and she is still using her time wisely. After all, this is what we are all expected to do, add val-ue in everything we do so we can lead a happy and pur-poseful life. Let us draw inspiration from Dr. Almanzor while in PIChE and even in our individual private lives.

I once read this message and I could not overempha-size more: “Don’t count your time, let your time count.”

Roadmap: PIChE 2020 By: Maricris Vines, ASEAN Eng On the second quarter of this year, PIChE had a chance to gather chapter presidents across the country. It aims to discuss PIChE 2020 roadmap and its new strategies; and ensure alignment of chapters' plans and programs. Headed by PIChE National President Engr. Jonathan Aquino and Roadmap Committee Chair/National Execu-tive Vice President Engr. Maricris Vines, meeting was organized and coordinated with the Area Vice Presi-dents Engr. Mariel Ocampo (Luzon-April 14), Engr. Chamaigne Luz Jamandre (Visayas-April 21), Engr. Araceli Monsada (NCR-May 1), and Engr. Emmie Reyes (Mindanao-June 2). Topics discussed during the meeting includes promoting membership and CPD, empowering local chapters, cre-ating the chemical engineer professional brand, height-ening community service and enforcing the chemical engineering law.

Chapters from Luzon, NCR, Visayas and Mindanao areas during PIChE 2020 Roadmap meeting

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PIChE – CAMANAVA Levels up for the 80

th National Convention

By: Joshua Bon A. Roco, AAE

The Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE) will mark its Jubilee milestone at the 80th PIChE National Convention on February 27 to March 2, 2019 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ortigas, with the theme “EXERGY: Radiating the Culture of Excellence Across Generations,” which will be hosted by PIChE – CAMANAVA Chapter. Approximately 1,500 Filipino Chemical Engineers from the industry, academe, and government are expected to attend. This much awaited yearly gathering aims to provide ex-cellent plenary and technical sessions that will update industry with technologies and developments for the growing businesses. PIChE – CAMANAVA has been very active in preparing for the PIChE National Convention. The chapter has been conducting several meetings and workshops to make the convention an event to remember. The 80th PIChE National Convention will be leveling up by implementing automated transactions through Con-vene, the application that that shall be used during the automated transactions. This July 29, 2018, during the chapter’s 3rd general assembly, the members had the chance to explore the automated process through sharing of contacts. Members had fun in answering polls as their answers are live fed to the screen. They also get to share contacts and register just by scanning QR codes. This coming September 21-22 2018, the chapter shall be holding six CPD seminars simultaneously to simulate the national convention. Learnings and experiences from these seminars shall be applied to the convention. This is how the chapter is serious in preparing for a mo-mentous event, such as the convention. In light of this, PIChE cordially invites all of you, dear Chemical Engi-neers, to be part of the 80th PIChE National Convention. You may register by visiting the official Facebook page, PIChE National Convention, or the official website, pich-enet.org. Expect a more exciting 2019 with PIChE-CAMANAVA as it continuously challenges itself to be e NBxcellent to leave a mark to chemical engineers across generations. And as always, PIChE CAMANAVA goes beyond.

General Assembly 2018: PIChE Bataan Chapter Elected Board of Directors for

2018-2019 By: PIChE - Bataan

The Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers -Bataan Chapter (PIChE-BC) General Assembly of 2018 held last June 7 at the Petron Bataan Refinery Auditorium in Limay, Bataan. The event was hosted by Engr. Kenneth Gonzales and Engr. Sugar Fernandez Engr. Nathaniel R. Orillos, a PIChE College of Fellows and the AVP of Petron Bataan Refinery, gave inspiration-al and meaningful message through his opening remarks. The outgoing President of PIChE-BC, Engr. Mariel Ocam-po presented the accomplishments of the chapter. A total of 248 members are officially registered with PIChE Ba-taan Chapter as of March 2018 with the help of the mem-bership drive. The general elections for the incoming BOD for the year 2018-2019 was also held at the event. Given that Engr. Dennis Pagud was the Vice President of the previous year, he will further lead the PIChE-BC as the President of the upcoming BOD. As for the election, Engr. Mark Ryan De Jesus was elected as the incoming Vice Presi-dent while Engr. Russel Pinlac and Engr. Ralph Edrean Omadto are still respectively the Secretary and Treasurer of the chapter. Engr. Alvis Salimbao as Auditor, Engr. Abby Rotor as the Socio-Civic Committee Head, Engr. Danna Gravador as the Chairman for Membership, Engr. Erika Mercado as the Chairman for Marketing and Logis-tics all of which come from Petron Bataan Refinery. Other nominees who are elected comes from other companies; Engr. Paul Joshua Segubre of San Miguel Consolidated Power Corporation is the new Public Relations Officer and the Editor-in-Chief of The Chain. Engr. Bianca Jamila Ludovice is the new Chairman for Education. And for the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Related Matters Committee Head, Engr. Jessa Loresto fairly won the position. The oathtaking ceremony of the newly elect-ed officers had been conducted after the winner of the election was announced. The goal for the upcoming year is to continuously support the members in developing themselves through various activities in line with the PIChE’s National visions.

PIChE Bataan during their 2018 General Assembly

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PIChE – Pampanga Chapter Held their 2

nd and 3

rd General Assembly

By: PIChE – Pampanga Chapter

Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE) – Pam-panga Chapter held their 2nd General Assembly last April 5, 2018 at Holy Angel University, Angeles City, Pampan-ga. 35 members from different companies attended the event. Engr. Ofelia Bulaong, chairman of Chemical Engi-neering Board, was invited as guest speaker to discuss important matters concerning the Chemical Engineering profession including the new Chemistry Law and the ac-tions being taken by the Chemical Engineering Board to minimize its effect to the chemical engineering profession-als. There was also an open discussion where some of the members discussed the initial effect of the new Chem-istry Law to their companies. The 3rd General Assembly took place at Holy Angel Uni-versity last August 29. Members were updated on the sta-tus of the chapter based on the key standards that were set for the year and what will be the plans moving forward. Proposals on how to attain this program were also pre-sented. Discussions were also made regarding the Self-directed Learning and CPD Seminars. The highlight of the event was the announcement of the first ever Pampanga Chap-ter-sponsored CPD seminar that will be held on October.

PICHE- Olongapo Chapter Held their First General Assembly

By: PIChE – Olongapo Chapter The 1st PICHE-Olongapo Chapter General Assembly was held last April 25, 2018 at Pizza Volante Subic Bay Free-port Zone. Highlights of the Assembly are the membership reactivation of the chapter and election of new set of Board of Directors for the year 2018. The PIChE- Olon-gapo City Chapter is composed of 10 members including its Board of Directors coming from academe and different industries located within Olongapo City and Subic Bay. The newly elected Board of Directors of PICHE-Olongapo City Chapter are Perlas Marabi, Jofelson Ruiz, Danette Mambing, Dominica Cureg, Lydia May Ramos, Wenie Nadi Catungal, and Ma. Rhea Hernandez. Niccolo Ambion and Evangelina delos Santos as Advisers. The chapter aims to increase its membership, reach out and gather Chemical Engineers in the area. Activities such as general assembly, seminar and plant tour are already outlined before the end of the year as support for the Con-tinuing Professional Development.

SUBIDA 2018: 4th PIChE-JCM Students Summit


The SUBIDA 2018 is the Chemical Engineering Summit organized by the Junior Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers – AdDU Chapter (JPIChE-AdDU) and Chemical Engineering Students' Association (ChESA),

together with the ChE clubs of the Mindanao State Uni-versity – Main Campus, Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, and Xavier University, of the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers – Junior Chapter Mindanao (PIChE-JCM). This summit aims to convene Mindanaoan Chemical Engineers while break-ing the barriers between undergraduates and profes-sionals by inviting prominent people in the field of Chemical Engineering to share their insights and ex-periences essential to the development in the field and in nation-building. This was held on February 1-3, 2018, at Ateneo de Davao University and University of Mindanao. The Subida 2018 focuses on the academic and holistic growth of a promising chemical engineer for his/her self-improvement which will be of importance to the profession and to the impacts he/she may bring to the society.

PIChE Bulacan Plant Visit at Moldex by: James E. Empeῇo, PIChE Bulacan Chapter

PIChE Bulacan Chapter conducted a Plant Visit at Moldex Products, Inc., Marilao Plant located in Heritage Homes, Phase 2, Marilao, Bulacan on 18 August 2018. After a lec-ture and presentation by Engr. Annie Andaya, Head of Re-search and Development, and a member of the Bulacan Chapter, the group toured the production facility and learned firsthand the processes involved in making various PVC and PE pipes including testing and quality assurance. The chapter aims to have similar visits as a regular activity for the continual education and technical updates of its members. PIChE Bulacan Chapter is also expanding its membership in the province so that more Chemical Engi-neers can be involved in the projects scheduled in the next two years.

PIChE-CDO Kicks Off the Year with Eskaparte General Assembly


PIChE-CDO chapter is starting the organizational year right with this year’s general assembly theme “Eskaparte” – which means showcase, the chapter literally showcased their efforts into gathering the chemical engineers around the city. On the 7th day of April 2018, at VIP Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City, 52 chemical engineers attended the 33rd PIChE-CDO General Assembly coupled with a Seminar Series. The program was held to mainly encourage mem-bership among Cagayan de Oro’s professional chemical engineers in order to strengthen the force of the chapter.

PIChE Bulacan during the Plant visit at Moldex Products, Inc

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With the rise of opportunities we can avail from abroad through the ASEAN integration, the program offered a workshop on the application process for ASEAN and ACPE Engineer, initiated by Engr. Emmie Reyes, ASEAN Eng., ACPE, FACPE, who is also the present PIChE National VP for Mindanao. A general election also took place afterwards.

The second half of the program featured technical talks from various significant fields of chemical engineering. Starting with the topic on Nanotechnology and its Appli-cations by Dr. Noel Peter B. Tan, a Senior Engineer from Nano & Advanced Materials Institute Ltd. . Engr. Rex Manuel P. Paayas also displayed his expertise on Ther-mal Processing Basics and its Application in the Food Industry. Engr. Paayas is a thermal processing specialist from Del Monte Phils, Inc. His talk is also significant as food manufacturing is said to remain as the country’s most dominant primary industry, where many chemical engineers are involved.

The program concluded with the announcement and induction of the new set of officers, who pledged to sus-tain the chapter’s mission towards continual develop-ment of the profession and fostering unity among chemi-cal engineers in our very own community.

PIChE - Baguio-Benguet Joins Brigada Eskwela 2018

By: PIChE - Baguio -Benguet

The PIChE Baguio-Benguet Chapter represented by its duly elected officers has participated in the annual Brigada Eskwela at the Happy Hollow High School last May 30, 2018. The officers namely, Engrs. Maria Lourdes Pitargue, Katelyn Gabon, Gizelle Pascua, Rudy Tabangin and Leo Ferrer braved the short hike carrying the 3 white boards that were to be donated to the school. The whole day affair included the installation of these whiteboards with the generous help of some faculty and students of the said school. The donation paved way for a more friendly learning atmosphere inside the 3 differ-ent classrooms as compared to the purely traditional blackboards.

The same school was also a recipient of more than 120 Rosemary plants donated by the SLU Chemical Engi-neering students enrolled in Environmental Engineering which were given days before the Brigada Eskwela.

All in all, it was a huge success but the real success is in the giving and helping.

Patubig sa Nayon ng PIChE Laguna Chapter

By: Dr. Flocerfida L. Amaya

PIChE Laguna Chapter, in cooperation with ECOLAB Phil-ippines, held an outreach program in Southville 7 Housing Project, Barangay Dayap, Calauan, Laguna last June 4, 2018. An act of goodwill and contribution towards the ad-vancement of local community were the objectives of this activity. This activity aims to help the Southville 7 Housing Project to have a clean water for their daily use. UPLC So-ciety of Chemical Engineering Students (SChemES) ex-tended their support to make this event possible. Water Conservation and Proper Hygiene Seminar was con-

ducted by Engr. Albert Samuela, the past President of

PIChE Laguna. While the seminar is on-going, Ecolab col-

lected water samples for testing. After the seminar, hand

soap and sanitizer dispensers were installed around the

vicinity of the barangay. After the laboratory analysis of

water samples, PIChE Laguna will plan on how to provide a

potable water supply at the community. The Chapter aims

to adopt this community for a more sustainable program on

water generation and environmental protection.

What’s Up at PIChE - Cavite? By Abram Giron and Bryan Cuevas

Last February 3, 2018 PIChE Cavite elected a new set of officers for Fiscal Year 2018 - 2020. Incumbent Vice - President President Edmon Amoroso, ASEAN Eng was elected as the President of the Chap-ter while Engr. Marvin de la Cruz, Engr. Bryan Cuevas, Engr. Ricky Cachuela, Engr. Sherwin Veloso, and Engr. Abram Giron were elected as Vice –President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and PRO, respectively. During the 79th PIChE - National Convention Fellow-ship Night Presentations,. Engr. Gilbert Alvarez was awarded asa the Best Dress Award during the Fellow-ship night. PIChE—Cavite was hailed as the 2nd Best Presenter by showcasing its very own folk dances: Wa-gaway Festival, Mangga—Gata, Magtalik, Paro—paro Festival, and Bakte Engr. Norman Panganiban had his chance to present his research about Spirulina, during the breakout ses-sion.More than 20 chapter members attended the con-vention

PIChE CDO during their Eskaparte General Assembly

PIChE Cavite Chapter doing their regional dance presentation

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Last June 23, 2018, PIChE Cavite hosted its very first CPD program (CAVITALKS CYCLE1) entitled “Seminars on Chemical Safety and Risk Management” at the Villarosa Hall, De La Salle Health Sciences Institute, Dasmarinas, Cavite. It was attended by 89 chemical engineers from vari-ous areas and fields. It was also graced by our very own PIChE - National President Mr. Jonathan C. Aquino. Finally, several members of PIChE-Cavite from San Miguel Yamamura Asia Corporation went “green” and joined the 2nd Cavite Greening Program Tree Planting last July 27, 2018. This was a program of the Cavite PGENRO, held in General Trias Cavite. These are just some of the programs of PIChE-Cavite has worked on for the past sev-eral months. More activities are expected to be conceptual-ized and launched for the rest of the year.

PIChE Laguna Chapter - Midyear Technical Symposium: TECHNOLOGY


By: Dr. Flocerfida L. Amaya

Another successful Midyear Symposium by PIChE Laguna was held last July 28, 2018, PIChE Laguna at Paseo Premiere Hotel, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna. Entitled with “Technology Nexus for Sustainable Development”, this seminar catered 181 Chemical Engineers who represent-ed various companies and academic institutions. The key idea in this symposium, “nexus” or in layman’s term is also known as connection, it is important to note that as Chemi-cal Engineers, we can become agents of sustainable de-velopment.

Invited speakers gave an opportunity to attain one of the mission of the PIChE Laguna Chapter – to EDUCATE while for most of us, to LEARN. Engr. Manuel Wong from ACER Philippines educated us with the smart technolo-gies and how we can alleviate our lifestyles from them. Engr. Arnel Cabungcal from Amherst encouraged us to be more sensitive on the use of water to preserve our re-sources for future generations. We become more con-scious not only in our lifestyle but also in the development of new processes and technologies such as biofuels with use of life cycle analytical tools such as energetics and water footprint accounting as shared by UPLB faculty members, Engr. Anne Alaine Matanguihan and Engr. Krystel Garcia. Our very own Balik Scientist, Engr. J.M.R. Apollo Arquiza shared his insights on how a Chemical En-gineer can contribute to alternative approaches to further conserve energy in refrigeration processes while mitigat-ing the use of harmful substances. Engr. Mylene Cay-

etano from UP Diliman revealed the present scenario of our atmospheric environment that moved her fellow Chemical Engineers to be more proactive in protecting our environment. Summing up, this seminar presented the current problems of our generation but likewise with solu-tions that are environmentally friendly, economically feasi-ble and socially acceptable.

PIChE – JCMMSU on its 1st

ES Week Celebration


The Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers – Junior Chapter Mariano Marcos State University (PIChE-JCMMSU) celebrated a very successful and meaningful Environmental Engineering Week last November 27-29, 2017, having this year’s theme as “Product Innovation and Environmentalism: Engineering towards a Globalized Country”.

Hosted and organized by PIChE – JCMMSU spearheaded by Exelsis E. Leano, the president of the organization. This event was also made possible by the support of PICHE – Ilocos Chapter as the major sponsor. PICHE Ilocos worked hand in hand with PIChE – JC MMSU.

The highlight of the ES week celebration was the mini fashion show and presentation of the parols made by chemical engineering students also held at the college lobby. The celebration ended with a closing remark from Engr. Charelle Rose Macni, the adviser of PIChE – JC MMSU.

Energy Management Seminar held at PIChE—Palawan

By: PIChE - Palawan

Energy Management Seminar was held at Rio Tuba, Bata-raza, Palawan last May 12 with Engr. Maricris Vines, ASEAN Engr. as the resource speaker. The seminar was granted 6 CPD units and was attended by 29 participants The event was organized by PIChE– Palawan in coopera-tion with PIChE National Board and Coral Bay Nickel Cor-poration During the seminar Engr. Maricris Vines provided helpful insights in the fundamentals of energy-efficient production design. During the seminar , PIChE - Palawan were given the opportunity to discover concrete and technically ma-ture energy-saving tools, helping them decrease energy consumption in the production and reduce energy costs. The event was just one of the seminars that PIChE - Pala-wan that will be organizing for its members this year

PIChE Laguna Chapter during the Midyear Technical Symposium

PICHE—Palawan Chapter During the Energy Management Seminar

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PIChE-Batangas Holds First CPD Seminar

By PIChE - Batangas

As part of its 20th year celebration as an organization, the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE)-Batangas Chapter conducted the Batangas Chemical Engineering Symposium (BATChES) 2018, a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminar intended to promote advancement of knowledge for engineering learning, methods, and practices, held at the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Fine Arts Amphitheatre, Batangas State University PB Main II, Aug. 25. The said event with the theme “Upgrading Chemical En-gineer’s Awareness on Quality, Environment, Health, and Safety (QESH)” aims to expose the chemical engineers to newly acquired application of QESH and help them utilize this program for their career and future require-ments. Around 260 chemical engineering practitioners participat-ed in the said event. The said seminar was credited with 6 CPD points by the Board of Chemical Engineering CPD Council. PIChE-Batangas is also eyeing to conduct an-other CPD seminar next year.

Advanced Tools for Industrial Processes and Safety Tackled in the PIChE - Bataan Fifth ChEmposium

By PIChE - Bataan

BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS. Industries are drowning with the enor-mous collection of data not knowing what do to with them. Data is worthless unless turned into intelligence and that intelligence into action because data will only be signifi-cant if it helps make decisions that have a measurable impact. Unfortunately, the immense collection of data trapped many decision makers rather than enlightened, thus, preventing data and insights from making it to the front lines in relevant and usable forms.

Engr. Karl Ezra Pilario shared his knowledge about indus-trial process monitoring which refers to the monitoring of running process instances to inform unpermitted devia-tion of any process variable from the normal condition. He emphasized three (3) models which are: physics-based, knowledge-based, and data-based, stressing the need to use the data-based models because it is quantitative – responds quickly, and an exact and objective model. It is completely from data and there are no physical modeling or process knowledge requirements, unlike the other models. Moreover, data-based models must be used to transform the vast data into decisions. THE IMPORTANCE OF SAFETY THROUGH PRES-SURE RELIEF VALVE. Last August 4, 2018, during PIChE-BC’s 5th ChEmposium, Engr. Leon Philippe gave an idea of the function and operation of a relief system. The main purpose of a pressure relief valve is the protec-tion of life, property, and the environment. A safety valve is designed to open and relieve excess pressure from vessels or equipment and to prevent the further release of fluid after normal conditions have been restored. Engr. Leon also discussed the instability issues – cycling and fluttering. “Cycling” is the reseating of a valve due to insufficient flow at relieving pressure. Tends to oscillate at a low frequency and does not reach the full-open posi-tion; while “fluttering” is the rapid oscillation of valve com-ponents without touching the seat and can cause rapid wear on moving parts with the eventuality of a non-reclosing valve due to stuck components. In addition, “Chattering” is a worst-case scenario of fluttering valves. In this case, the disc rapidly hits the seat causing eventu-al wear on surfaces and loss of sealing.

PIChE NBOD Meets Newly Revived PIChE Isabel Chapter

By: Ace Marc M. Tutor

On August 18, 2018, the PIChE National Officers along with the officers of PIChE Isabel Chapter discussed the recent reestablishment of PIChE Isabel Chapter and its future en-deavors at Leyte Industrial Development Estate (LIDE) Training Center, Isabel, Leyte. PIChE Isabel Chapter was once an active organization in Leyte conducting different events and programs as part of the organization’s mission to address national issues through active participation in community building. Unfortu-nately, Typhoon Yolanda struck the Philippines in Novem-ber 2013 where the whole province of Leyte was devastat-ed. This has brought the organization to cessation. After four years of being inactive, a group of dynamic chemi-cal engineers finally decided to revive PIChE Isabel Chap-ter. A general assembly was held last November 2017 where the chemical engineers in Isabel gathered to elect a new set of officers and discuss the future goals of the or-ganization.

PIChE National inducted the elected officials in an oath tak-ing ceremony held at PASAR Corp in August 18, 2018 where a seminar on Standards and Procedures for Hazard-ous Waste Management also took place with Engr. Cezar De La Cruz as the guest speaker

Attendees during the PIChE—Bataan’s Fifth ChEmposium

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Roy Roque Rivera Jr Editor-in-chief


Jonathan Aquino, ASEAN Eng, PIChE Nat’l President Maricris Vines, ASEAN Eng, PIChE Nat’l EVP

Emmie Reyes, PIChE NBOD Dr. Flocerfida Amaya, PIChE Laguna

Ace Marc Tutor , PIChE Isabel Dennis Pagud, PIChE Bataan

Remedios Soria, PIChE Bulacan Katelyn Gabon, PIChE Baguio - Benguet

Wenie Nadi Catungal , PIChE Olongapo City Joshua Bon Roco, AAE, PIChE CAMANAVA

Melody Kimberly Pitoc, PIChE CDO Anie Felicia Rasay, PIChE - JCMMSU Wilbur Evan Lubrin, PIChE - JCMMSU

PIChE - Pampanga PIChE -Palawan

Editor’s Note: Filipino chemical engineers are indeed one of most competitive and diligent engineers in the profession. Despite our busy working schedules, we can still allocate a part of our time and volunteer to PIChE. We participate whole—heartedly , learn something new from the activity, and acquaint ourselves to other chemical engineers in our profession. PIChE gives us, in some way, a sense of self -satisfaction and self - fulfillment The Distiller is already accepting articles and write -ups for its February 2019 issue. If you have any interesting articles and news in your chapter have it featured in our newsletter. Please just keep sending articles to my email [email protected]. Thank you everyone for the support and God Bless us all! Roy Roque Rivera Jr. Editor-in-chief The Distiller

Upcoming CPD Programs

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