Welcome Welcome Stakeholder Meeting Stakeholder Meeting on on Disaster Preparedness (DP) Disaster Preparedness (DP) Planning for 2010 Planning for 2010 December 24, 2009 December 24, 2009 DPNet Nepal DPNet Nepal NRCS Building, Kathmandu NRCS Building, Kathmandu

Dp planning for 2010 presentation on aintgdm 24_dec2009

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Page 1: Dp planning for 2010 presentation on aintgdm 24_dec2009

WelcomeWelcomeStakeholder MeetingStakeholder Meeting

on on

Disaster Preparedness (DP) Disaster Preparedness (DP) Planning for 2010Planning for 2010

December 24, 2009December 24, 2009

DPNet NepalDPNet Nepal

NRCS Building, KathmanduNRCS Building, Kathmandu

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AgendaRegistration: 1400 hrsMaster of Ceremony (Ms. Samjhana Lamichhane, Coordinator DPNet)

– Chairing (Dr. Meen BP Chhetri, DPNet Chair person)– Chief guest (Mr. This Bahadur GC)– Other guest (Gov, UN, INGOs)– Welcome speech (Mr. Shyam Jnavaly, AINTGDM Coordinator)– Introduction – Agenda setting & Session starts Back ground of Disaster Preparedness Planning process ….. (DPNet)

Sharing the draft Disaster Preparedness Plan for 2010, (Ram Luitel, UNOCHA)

Status of AIN Report on disaster lesson’s learnt, best practices and gaps (DR Gautam)

Discuss on the mechanism for active participation of the concerned agencies

Preparation for regional and central level workshops on Dis. Preparedness

Involvement of local civil societies in the DP process at district level (NNDAC, DIMANN, …)

Advocacy on DRR/DP plan (–national platform)

• Key notes from Chief Guests

• Closing remarks from Chairperson (DPNet) by 1600 hrs

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Disaster Preparedness (DP) Planning for 2010

Jointly Initiatedby

DPNet, AIN TGDM, Red Cross, Government and UN agencies24 Dec 2009

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Preparatory Works at central level

• More than 5 meetings held jointly with AINTGDM, UN agencies, Red Cross and Government,

• Acknowledged the positive impacts of the previous DP events (before monsoon),

• Meetings also agreed to continue joint DP events at district/regional/central levels,

• Meetings have clarified roles and responsibilities of the agencies for LL exercises …

• AIN has hired the Consultant to compile the best practices on the DP and share at central level workshop,

• The draft DP plan is endorsed from both IASC and Government authorities

• Joint meeting among the cluster focal persons from different ministries need to be set up prior to the central workshop (2nd W Jan 2010)

• NRCS is ready to be involved in all DP initiatives at all levels (district to central levels)

• The above information are updated regularly (every week) in the Website – Nepal Information Platform (http://www.un.org.np)

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The website include the documents related to DP Initiatives are http://www.un.org.np/DisasterPreparedness/index.php

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Major features of the District Level LL Discussion

• The Lesson Learned exercise will be applicable where there was a disaster response in the last monsoon or applicable where DCP prepared before the last monsoon

• Assess the effectiveness of the last response activities

– Identify the gaps (weakness) and highlight the good practices (strengths) in the last response; e.g.

• Partners’ roles and responsibilities,

• Coordination mechanisms,

• Feedback on the contingency plans (if exist), and

– Suggestions or inputs to regional and central level workshops

• Draft Agenda for the LL exercise/discussion is prepared and shared

• DDRC organize the discussion with the support of a lead agency,

• The discussion will be a half day event or more depend on the participants,

• It is almost completed all the districts (only 4/5 districts remained)

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Regional Level “Lessons Learned” Workshops

Following the district level workshops, the regional workshops will be organized to focus on different types of disasters in the following three locations: Dhangadhi (flood), Doti (landslides) and Itahari (flood).

Expected Outcomes of the Regional Workshops

• Effectiveness of the disaster response in 2009: Identify the gaps (weakness) and highlight the good practices (strengths) in the last response in 2009;

• Partners’ roles and responsibilities,

• Coordination mechanisms,

• Feedback on the contingency plans

• Feedback on the application of cluster approach

• Timeliness of response etc;

• Recommended actions and action points for the central level workshop.

• It will be one full day exercise in different 3 locations (above)

• RDRC is expected to lead the exercise with the support of lead agency

• Need to be completed with 2nd week of Jan 2010

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Central Level Review and Planning Workshop

• Following the regional lessons learned workshops, one or two days (?) long central level Review and Planning Workshop is planned

– to share the outcomes of the district and regional lessons learned exercises

– to prepare the detailed plan for district disaster preparedness activities in a coordinated manner for 2010

– The IASC cluster leads or members and government focal persons are expected to take part in the regional and central level workshops.

• The workshop will be organized as in the May 2009. The details of the workshop modalities will be agreed in the next meeting (Jan 2010).

• As in the last year, DPNET will support MOHA (GoN) to organize the central level workshops in consultation –I/NGOs, UN agencies, Red Cross & others

• The outcome of this meeting will be used as the basis for the detailed plan for the District Level Disaster Preparedness Workshops from Feb to May 2010.

• Others ……………

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District Level Disaster Preparedness (DP) Planning Feb – May 2010

General consensus:

• District Level Disaster Preparedness workshops or meetings are the final product of all the processes

• It is understood as -one of the events of capacity building at district levels

• Lead agency supports DDRC / RDRC for organizing the disaster preparedness initiatives jointly with other stakeholders,

• DP workshops or meetings are assumed to be in > 50 districts in 2010,

• DP activities start from the beginning of February till June 2010

• DP events will be organized according to the existing Guidance note prepared last year ( + DCP)

• The detailed cluster level contingency plans will contribute for general DCP for coordination purpose (Health …….),

• List of proposed districts and lead agencies – will be finalized at the central level review and planning workshop in Jan 2010.

• Further discussion is required in the central level workshop,

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Suggestions and comments !!!!

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Thank You