LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj t9 U>e Ivwcst ^ica ilae* controti wen rtnored In Oct. IHt. GMd maa choice hen veKhlsf IM- a t n>*. broncht taly KOM. FINAL CITY EDITION A Reponal Newspaper Serving Nim Irrisated Idiho Coontles VOL 30, NO. 801 TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 10,1W8 PRICE 5 CENTS Russ Say ‘Golden Rain’ of U.S. Coin Backed Nazi Rise MOSCOW, Fob. 10 (U.R)—The RuB.sian Rovcrnmcnt snid to- ilny it soon would release cnpturcd German documents prov- inff the United SUitcs was responsible for the Bccond World war by reflrminfr Hitlerite Germany with a “golden rain of Americnn dollars.” Britain nnd France were equally Ruilty. Russiu charsed, by complctinK a series of Beparote pacta with Germany which broke down th e European policy of collective Bccurity against a German rcsurgcnce. A Btatcment issued at a press conference by the Soviet in- formation bureau said Russia would publish •‘shortly" docu- ments captured by Soviet troops to prove these charges. •nii: Sorlet »UiUrment — I made mtnl'B pubUcftUon of secret 11141 nuMlan-Oermftn dlplomnUc documenta. These charB«S the Rus- ulniu ftnd Ofrmanfl with a con- eplracy to conquer nnd divide Uie TfOtld. The aUtcment. C.OOO worda In length. wM described ns only the •■flTJl holl" of the S<n-let nccusaUons. The second hdW will be released later, the Ravslans said, and then the documents provlnc the gallons will be publlahed. The Rusiisn statement wm UUed -p^Ulflera of History—A Hlatorleal Note." It eharsed Ujc U.8. stale de- partaient was falclng history by pub- llahlng only selected documents. Other secret documenU showlne the pillt of Uie western powers have been eoncealcd, Russlft chftrged. The J^iem ent said these nre the docu- ^ e n ls which Rus.ila will publish. (Radio Mucow besan broadcsst- 1ns the Ruulan accusations slmul- Uneously In EnKllsh and Oermsn at 3:30 a. in. OMT (8:30 p, m. MST. London reported.) The Russians asserted that World war II would have ended In the first year with Hiller's defeat If Oennany had not been bolstered by American cspilal and Anslo-French appease- ment. •It was the Rolden rain of Amer- ican doUaia that frrtlllicd the in- dustry of Oermaiiy and portleulirly her w»r Industry, reestablished her war potential, ploeed In the hands of the Hitler regim e Uje weapons needed for affgresslon and enabled OerTnany.to-orodnci ' ‘ ' try." W oUtir.e’ T : 1NVITATH LONDOK, T e b . _ Britain today bekl out viutlon tORussla to Join the western powers iQ tmcensored pubUcotlon of ^aennaa foreljn offlcc documenta wcm’crlns nad'Decotlatlons with boUi the east and the weat. One eocullUon w u attached to the Invitation. Russia would be required lo.airee to the presentation of the documtnls as a historical—not UUcat-reccrd. 4 More Area War Dead on Way to U. S. Bodies of four Magic Valley serv- icemen, killed In the Pacific theater durlns World war II. will orrlvfl Thursday In Ban Pronclseo. Calif, alon^ wltli the rejnalns of 3.752 serv- icemen and women aboard the fu- neral ship Cardinal O'Connell. Included with the bodies of 31 Idaho Jtenlcemcn are Pfc. Dlalnc Nelson Hyde, marine corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Hyde, route 3, Twin Fnllj; First LleuU Osbum E, Whltelcy. air corui, son of Mr. and Mm Joseph E.‘Whltelcy. Oak- ley; Pfc. James O, Griffith, army, eon of Mrs. Verna M. Griffith, Folr- lleld, and CCS Ivory n. Dcneti>r, nav)'. broUier of Dort>lhy W caUur- ■m, route 3. Jerome. Hyde, private first class, who listed In the marine corps Dec. 8, IffU. the day wor was declared, was killed in action on Nov. 3, 1M3. or Guadalcanal bland. He was a grad- uate of Tn-tn Palls high school and was later employed by the Ellwood dairy, Ooleu, for two years. Private Hyile was bom Feb. 3, 1920. In Falrllcld. He is survived by hU parents; two brothers, Rosel Hyde, In Uie nary at Key We«t. Fla., and Oren Hyde. Caldwell; two sls- (C.allng. ra P>s* II. C*Ibi Obsolete Qassroom Equipment Used '■ Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Along NEW YORK, Feb. 10 (AP)—Prices nose-dived swiftly today on commodib' and wholesale markets alike. Stocks were caught in the downward swirl to the tune of .$1 to ?5 a share. Cotton and grain led the reti-eat. The break was more general than at any time since the fii-st dramatic crack in the commodity price structure last Business A i’ca These beri and flrU are tlodenU at the tld Uoeein school boUdinc. They an In «m •! tha whieh has been brou<ht Into use acain (a aeeommodate Increased eareUaent. Old.fashloDed a«a-«diast» able dedis and chain are alt that ore avallible for this oTerflow room, and nunjr loas-tect«d boya ao4 llrU. like the yonn< feUow In the ecaler, moit all cramped at desks to* smaU fee them. (Staff phoU* enxrarlnf) * * * * * * * * * * * Overcrowding in Grade Schools Here Causing Tough Problem of Expansion In Twin Falls, as In other com* znunlUes, old buildings equipment, much of which has been previously discarded, arc beloc returned lo use. and bulklU^ and remodeilns programs are gcttlnj; un- der 1^-ay as fast as funds will aUov. The old Lincoln school buUdl&s Deputy Takes Stand to Tell Of Kjn Death Claude Wlley, Tw in rolls county deputy sheriff. Tuesday described In district court th e Occident he Inwjtlgated last Sept. 31 In which hta moUier was Injured and hLi .itep-father sustained Injuries which led lo his death three days later. The deputy sheriff wo* a wltnrss flt the opening of the trial of Ed- wsrd -Yragul. 25. who la chaorcd with manslaughter In connection wlih the death of Charles August Baker. Wiley's step-father. TJie ac- cident which led to Baker’s death occurred on the su(jar foctory road ^hout two miles cxut and one mile • u th ef Twin PWU. Other* Injured Other persons Injured In the col- .iiuon, which overturned the Baker car, were Mrs. Boker. Wiley's tnoUi- er; Mrs. Louise Rackow. M n. Ba- ker's sister, and aeorge T. Peter- son, driver of the Baker car. ProtecuUng AUomey Ih-erett M. Sweeley Introduced Into evidence pictures taken by W lley after Uie accident. They met with no objec- tion from Atiorney yrank L. fliephan. who is defending TraguU IIlp Broken Wlley followed Peterson to the sund. PeUrson testified that he was msvlng east alonff the sugar fnclory road when the oUier car, going rorth along a country road, crashed Into the right aide of his ear. Pelerson received a broken hip. Wlley was followed to the stand b)- 0, A. Kelker. photosropher, and (CmiiitM *■ Pm # *. Marcb' 1 w u set for public hear- ing on the piDposed Twin Falls ton- ing systeol by the city eouocUmen lost night Tliey also revised eched- tiles. effecUro Feb. 73. for the Twin Falls Bus compugr. Under the new proposal, nil of the original townslU) will be In either a second class resldenUal area, the business or Industrial areaa. None of the original site wili be In the first resldentloi area. Extension Set The business district will be ex- tended and small buslnew aectlons will be permlllcd in sei'eral of the oi:tlylnK sections, according to tho plsns which wUl b« advertised ahort- ly. . Hie eouncllmen discontinued bus Ine service from 10 p. m. to mld- nletit on week-days and from 0 n. m. utiill noon on Sundays upon the recommendation of Ted Davis, prc-'Itlenl of the Ta-ln Falls Bus :ompany. LliU Income Davis, wlw operates the franchise mder city gram, Infonncd the coun* cllmen thut figures for the past three monUis Indicate Uie nveroge income during itie mentioned week- day hours was t<5.63, and «34i)0 on Che Sunday houn. Ma)-or Herbert 0 . Liuilerbach wu* ouUinrlted to sign and award the contract for Uie csostructlon of the admlnlslratlon buHdlng at the mu- nicipal alTTKrt to tho Reynolds and Walker ConstrucUon company. Tills Is merely the last format step In the matter whldi signifies civil nerenautlcs admlnlslratlon approv- al of the eonstnictlon. Work will start Immediately, according to tlie mayor. Red Y uth Group Outla , ed in India NEW DELHI, Feb. 10 (UJO - AU youth groups offlllnted with the Indian Commuulst party In Madras BroTlnce. a communist stronghold, ^•ero outlawed by the Bovemment today In an extensicjn of the ban against private armies and semi, military orsanltatlorui. Police throughout India eonlinued their drive ogaiiul the Moslem khaksan and national guards. Ninety leaden wero arrested and their offices staled. New raids also were made against the outUwed Hindu extxemlst youth * croup, the Rashtrlya Se>ak Singh, adding to the 2,100 leaders and memben arrested In Uie firat doj-s foUowlns'j^ohaodsa .2C. .Qandbll rtflttlnitlm France Freezes Its Meat Prices PARIS, Feb. 10 (UJO—The BO\'ern- ment today ordered wholesale meat prices frozen as port of a brisk of- fensive against the rising prices of food, in some coses as much as 10 per cent ilnee Jan. 1. The secretary of agriculture nounced the government was tak- ing by decree four new steps de- signed lo counter the upward trend In prices. He ordered wholesale meat prices fnnen ft the lerel of the last week In January. The freezing was tched- uled to remain In effect uaUl June. Masterson Named Minidoka Officer ROPERT, Feb. 10-Gerald Mas- terjon was named Minidoka county assessor here Monday by the board of county commissioners to succeed Arthur T. Smith, who resigned after 15 years In the poslUon. Masterson will serre until an elected. successor Is named In Norember. Smith has taken a pcsl* tlon with the aut« tax board. Petition* were filed with tho oom- mlsslonen on behalf of Masterson and Harrty Bllderback. The ocni- mlttioam made the «ppolntinea{., T»la F*IU Khoolil. By VEItNA 6INEMA With an uneasy feeling of Inad- equacy tliB administrators of Twin Falls schools aro making prepara- tloru to accommodate the continued InOu* of the bumper baby crop which has crowded the lower grades ’or the past few years and shows no ndlcatlon of decreasing for many Throughout the country the num- er of children of school age has In- creased far more rapidly than was School Chief Asks Support Of Bond Vote Ttrmlng overcrowding of T»In Falls schools a threat to educational standards of the community, A. W. Morgan, city superintendent of sclioola. today urged full support for the $75,000 special bond election on Feb. 20. In an Impromptu speech at tlic Rolary club luncheon In tlie Pork hotel, Supcrlnundent Morgan sirej- sed ihr need for a long-mnge school prognim to take care of the rapidly swelling ranks of children in the elementary grades. New Jump The present capacity a^ ............. 33 youngsters In a classroom will be- come even greater If the exppcied Jump In cnroUmcnta of 15 per cent In 1948 becomes fact, he said. Plana arc under woy, he revealed, to convert the basement In Lincoln scliool Into cla.«rooms and con- struct prefobrlcatcd liouslnft units odjaeent to Uie ecliool building lor addltlonol classroom space. Temporary Measure* Tlie.se ore temporary measures lo lake care of immediate needs In HH8. he said. Under present con- dltlon.1. he conUnued, It Is lmpo.-ulble for elUier Uie Junior hl«h scliool student body or Uie senior hljh (OnllnaH Pai* II. C*I>an «) estimated before the war. As Indi- cated In Prcaldent Truman's eco- nomic report to congre.u on Jan. 14. Uiere will be more than 33^00,000 children between the ages of 8 and 17 In Ui9 United Stotes in 1055 as compared to 27.c00.000 In 1040. Some itaUsUclans predict that the In- wlll not level off until 19C0. Typical of the problem Is the alt- uatlon at Lincoln school where there three rooms each of sixth, fifth and fourCi grads students, four rooms (och of third and second graders and five rooms of flnt graders. was built In 19«. Bh»« the de* Atructlon of the otlglnol Blcktl school. It Is the oldest pubUe school building In Twin FaUs. It cov houses nine first and second, cradt and two tlilrd grade rocnu. m 1037 when the new im ooo 11- room Lincoln building was con- <CMiti>iH4 .« s. I) Cold Cold weather and more snow lo«-ard the end of tho week Is In •lore for Maglo Valley, accord- ing to the five-day weather fore- <-sJi received here Tuesdaj- via tie Associated Press. However, Uie predleUon Indl- ca’e.< only light snow Is to be fxpi.*ted Friday and Saturday. Here !■ ' tlie complete forecast: •Tem.ierature much below nor- mal. Light snow Fridoy and Sat- urday." Dixie Coal Group Cries ‘Foul’ Over Ching Statement Mild Prices Dip Won’t Alter Plan On Pay Tax Cut WASHINOTON, Feb. 10 OI.W — Itepubllcans said today lhat a mild econcmle recession would not change their plans to cut personal Income taxes Uils year. Senate OOP leaders snld niiy rc- ceuloii would iuivo lo be severe lo l>e ft factor In whatever revisions thry make on Uie MiOO.000.000 toj reduction bill approved by the lioiiw. Tliey said that thry would Rive no consideration to a relatively mlnur break In commodity and ^tock prices such os last week's, llrpubtlcan senators are studying ays of scalUig Uie hou.-K tax slasli down to <4.000,000.000 or U.OOO.- 000.000. TliLi u not ba.wd on any fxpecutlon of a depression, which would rcdtiee national Income and reduce govemment tax revenue. Their main rear.on u to win over Uie approxlmnlely 15 senate Demo- cratic volei that will bo needed for the nece.mry two-thirds roajorlty lo override an anticipated tax reto by President Truman. Some Demo- crats have indicated they will go nlons wlUi a lax cut of around $4,000,000,000. WASinNGTON, Feb. 10 WV-Cy- u a Chlng. clUef federal labor conclllalor. said last night Uie gov- ernment won't permit n soft coat shutdown this spring. Afembers of the SouUiem Coal Producers as.vxlaUon were still yell- ing "foul" today. They sold Chlng has procUcally handed John L. Le«'is a loaded gun If a strike what the United Mine Workers has In mind. "Lewis comes Into the nesotlations with an ace In Uie hole," protested Raymond SalvaU, a West Vlrsbla mine offlcloL cannot get together and his demands are such that we cannot concede Uiem, Uie govemment would step In and grant Lewl< what he wants. He knows that Uie only way the government can get coal Is to give In." Chlng <ald flaUy the naUon “will not tolerate a coal stoppage." If a strike develops, he told Uie •ouUiem producers .at .a dinner meeting, "the government will step lo." He added: ■'In Uiat case, U will be settled by somebody who'does not know as _________ _____________________ much about the tltuaUon as you da* T-bsr tow, capable of transportln* Lewis alrcftdr has tAken what from S5 to 350 skiers up the moon- many cosl operators regard as a tain every hour. poMlble first step to cnd hls present .The forest ser%-lce proposes to coQtTMt AptU 1. I incrtoM ths parking area to hold Winter Gives U. S. Another Wave of Cold By Tbe AMocUIrd Prrta Winter pouted another frtiid blast OTtr much of the country to- day. Below rero teroperoturea prcvallevJ In many states. areas were buried under no* blanket of snow. Snow fell In Utali and Idaho, hampering traffic and mulUne In nimierous autcmoWle aecldenLv Bo'ce canyon, la southern Uuit, reported 3( Inches of snow on the ground. Salt Lake a iy got thrre Inches of new flakes and Ocden trafflo battled nine Inches. City In southern Idaho had a n It- Inch fall, wlih PocaleUo. Twin FaUs. Idaho Falls. Dolse, Gooding ai«d Burley gelling lesser amounts. Tcmperalures descended In the Inle^ountaln Mai<-.\ with W est YcUcrwstone, Monu. recording 13 be- low, probably Uie coldest spot in the WesL Salt Lake City wa.i -TnlW with a reading of 20 above, live desrees warmer than Ogden. Twin Falls' low this morning was 19. Federal weather bureau lorecjit- crs said tempemlurea across the country—exce^ In zouthem Florida —wero below seasonal levelv The cold will continue. Uiej- .vald, al- though temperatures will moderate slowly. Southern states got the wxirst of Uie P'ebnury climatic capers-heary falls of enow, rain and sleet o.id a drop In temperature lo lar below freexlng. TTie snow belt co\ered ports of Dixieland, with he«ry falls in Arkansas, Tennessee and the Cazo« Unas. Snow al.<« fell on AUtama and In porta of Mtols-ilppl, Loulsl- ana, Georgia and \1rglnla. Pair Attempts to Rob Woman Shopper Here Txvin Falls city police arc seckinj hvo younjf men who were reported bj- Mrs. William A. Popplcton to have slopped her at 6:15 p jn. Monday and demanded her purse, Sho told police that the two boys had followed her from Shoshone •street and Main atToue as she went to a gnxery atoro In tho 300 block of Shoshone street. Thci- remained outside while she purchased jfrocerles and when she emcrjred from the store followed her to Second avenue and ThtnJ street cast where she was stopped. TTie twv> bop, dfsotbed as II or 19 m r* old. demanded her bUl- foW, M rv IVp^^Jetoa told officers. She gave them the mfoJd but Uiey returned It aT.er fladteg tt coatatn. 1 no Bcoey. Mrs. Pc-p^eion toJd ofllcm she revived her pay ch«k frctm the Ctly cafe, where she h empJoyed. Mcnday but hid not cashed It and ■id not hate n tn tfi* bUirold. The two boT> were last seen _ tT4; toward Svicvhane atnet past the telep.V»e bulIHag. Sirs. P o f^ io n said the boys were about nt* feet, nme Inches ta heljht. wT.-e bUck and white check- ed msctuuw eoata and wm ban- headed. She aljo SiSd that she bellevtd the two had dart hair and wtie weartee hhn* Jeans tmt was unsun because of daxtness. County Boai'd Appoints New Vote Officials Regtitran for the IMS elections hate been named by Twtn FWb county cosunlBtoners. Twtn Palls rectitran and the preclr.ct they wtU reprt?*-nt arc Mrv Mildred Browii. No. l; Cora McCoy. No. 3; Sitx Belle White No. 3: Mrs. C. IL SlUt-’on. No. «; Mri. iL P. Kenworthy. No. 5: Mrs. Lydia D oerxe. No.. 6; Mn. Nor- man Bcccnseo. Na 7; Mr. and Mrs. U V. Smith, «: Mn. Louis Itahn. N a 9.' Mrs. norry Ball. No. 10; Mrs, lUxiy Sm^ck. N a 11; Mrri. Maxine Moore. No. 13; Mrs. Malloy Ftsher. N a 15: Mr. and Mrs. IL T. Biike. Na H: Kathrm Kirt- man. Ko. 15 and Mr. and Mrs. L I^ PttSygroxe. No. 16. Repreentlns preci.'jcu in Buhl __ MI3. Mary Swtger. No. 1; Mt^v. Don C Brancea. Na 2; Mn, llenry A. Rodlg. Nv\ 3; Mra. R. R. Brannon. No. * and M rv M. S. Cur.rJngham, Na V Reprwenttej Fvler No 1 Is Mrr. A2ty O U isW jtr: Filer No. 3. Mr*. U. t llammersulit; Kimberly No. 1. Mrs. Mab^ ll^ictn and Klmberjy N a i Mr*. Lewis M. Denlo.n. Other? are Mtsl . C^lft Davts. .\Uen- dale; Mrs. LeoU PhU^r*. Ca.MleIord: Mrs. DonnW^ A aderxo, C o w ; Mrs. Paul Shnxer. Deep Creek: Mrs. W. a Stuart, Lueeme: Mrr. Bertha Siertr. Maxoa; Mr . C. C CrlexT, Thometx; M n. J. C O?«ood. Han- sen; A nnlt Oocslmarx. Murtaufih: M n. O urles CUxt. Rock C?wk: Mrs. noBSle McGresec. Bertrr: Ruby Dean. HoUijter and Mrv Peari Berrr, Canal Fum’s Board Elects G. R. Ballai'd George R. Ballard was elected as- sistant secreUiry-lreasurer of th# Twin FalU Canal company at the monthly board of dlrecton meeUng here Tuesday, In electing Ballard aaslstant sec- retary-trtasurer. the board of direc- tors ttesubllshed a poslUon In the company that Was aboUshed Jan, 33 at the annual rtcrganlzaUcnal meeung of the board. VloUUon Uited AcUng Atlamey Oraydon Smith polniKl out to the board that la abolbhlng the poslUon of assistant secreury-lreaiurer the board had acted in TlolaUon of itate lawi and hy-laws of tho orgsnlraUoo, . A. Wynne SmlUi hsd been asslslant secrelair-tTtasurtr until the office was abolished. The poaiuon wos fint creaUd about 30 years ago by the board of directors to have a peraoo account- able only to board os a safe- guard and a check on the company manager. DonTSlaffoTd, president of the board, explained. CI>e^ Befased SUiffonl pointed out Uist since the poslUon of assistant secretory- treasurer had been abolished. Magic Valley banks had refused to honor chfcks wniten by the company. In order for checks to be honored they had to be signed by the assistant «crtlary-trea.^urtr and counler- -Mcned by either Ute secrctary- trtasyrer, N. V. Sharp, or the presi- dent of the board of directors, Staf- ford. The board of directors Is planning to get a (50.000 bond for Uie as- viilant secretary-lrea-wrer. Ballard. Sufford announced Ihst the water levels In Jackson lake and the American Palls resen'olr for Jon. 31. IMS. exceeded water levels for the same date In 1947. In Jackson lake ilierB ore snjMO acre feet of r as compared wlUi 528.C30 acre on Jan. I. 1M7. In the Amerl- Falls resenolr. Uiere are 30-JM acre feet of water as c pared wlU> U83.U0 a year ago. WednestJay. Livestock prlcca remained' at yesterday’s lowest fifftircs as fresh supplies were cut back severely overnight. Wheat, oats, com, lard, hides, Boybcana and cotton- seed oil were down the limits. Cost-nf-Urtng lltms were down In many Instancts, but American Woolen company announced a prlc* boost of eight to 13 per cent on men's worsted luIUng fabrics for next falL Some lUms on Uie wholesale meat market at Chicago fell oi much as - >4 a hundred pounds. Srea butter, which has been at record high re* cently. skidded. Among the grains, wbeat resisted the decline for a short time on buy- Farm Index High BOISE, Feb. W (UJO-The In- dex of prices received by Idaho farmers surged eight points to 311 in the monU)'s p e ^ end- ing Jan. 15, or fire per cent aboTe the 3M recorded u Uie prerlous high In 1911 foUowlng the fitst World war, Uie bureau of agrlenl- tural economics reported today. Tho index shows Uist the level of prices paid fonners.galned 33- per cent In a yetr^ time. 1,000-Foot Rope Tow Will Be Installed for Magic Mountain Plans for the installation of a 1.000-foot rope tow on the beginners' slope of Pike mountain and the Improvement of Magic mountain AkIlQK faclllUea were approved unanimously at the Twin Falls youth and recreaUon council meet- ing In The Sporter Monday night. Acting on recommendnUons drawn up by Uie council committee last week. A, E. Brlgg^ Minidoka na- Uonal forcjt supcn-lsor, in a letter read at Uie meeting. Instructed Claude Jones, operator of Uie Ufta, to go ahead with the changes for the 1M8-4J skiing season. Tlie present lift on M agi Mountain it to be - • • - an addlUonol 50 cars and to improve saiUlaUon faclUUes on Uie grounds. On Pike mountain the present 450-foot xope tow will be moved further north and nearer the ski hut to allow room for a 1,000-foot rope tow on the beginners* slope. No changes or Improvements hav* been proposed for Uie ski tow Knob Bill. tinder the present plans. Jones wUl so ahead with Uie InstaUatkn and Impewreocnt of socnetlme this summer. Members of Uie committee vhkh submitted the recommendaUoas arc Uoyd Shewmakrr. Dave Ftx. M tn FU tt and Bowtrd W. Oerrtsb. At the end or Uie mcetlnc « ntwiTi«t<T>y cosnltlte was appoint^ ed to name candidates for the elec> tion of a president of the cmnUI at thu BCSlOO, Keds Given Blame For Korean Strife SEOUU K0.-W, Ftb. 10 ail>- Lteuj.-Q«». Jciia R. Hodge, com- mander ot Amtrlcaa-occap^rd Ko> rta, charged tcday that rectnl e«n- munlst aciuUoa ta asaUi K cm was diierted from the Soviet sone. tn a bhint, IJUIO-wvd statement dislritw‘ .*d lo the Ka-ran petta and radio, Bodge said the puipoit be> htad Ust w « t end^ disJiirbances was to dehide a Cnited NaUaas ccot- mlsssaa Into believing L*i« Kortans “either da Dot want, cw aw not trady for aa electicn.'’ nodcet sUtement ease after D& otnetais set the dtaUt...loajn the KBSBualst-led distMnirmlons at It. Althwish agtuuon for a general strike appearrd to have failed. Xoerican mUltaiT authonues ex<> pected fttrt&er vttesst oothitaks. U. S. Red Party Official Arrested WASHCCOTON. m . M - The Jmtke depaxtstest annoonced the arm* ta New to rt today of John truaaasoa aalboal Ubor sccretuT ot the ctcnnmatrt party ot the Cnlted StaloL. WlCtataseo. the departmcot xald, WQhe he« fw depottatte to hts aatln Scotkad. A dipartnecit Titd tothe aim t u Fire Near Paul Bakes Spuds in Wholesale Lots PAUU Feb. 10—The air In the vicinity of Paul Sunday was fUled wlUi the odor of baked potauws. Only the spuds were not being baked to a delecuble brown, but to a dirty black—clear through. •n>e burned poUtoes were a part of 1,G00 bags stored In Uie potato cellar on the Noble Ode form four mUta west of here. The cellsr caught fire from an overheated stove, fire tn which had been started Saturday evening to keep the spuds from lre«lnB; Mrs. Cole discovered the blaze at 3 :» a.m. Sunday. The Paul flro department was called but by the time Uie trvck had arrived. Uie fire had gained considerable headway. AU the water in the on Uia truck was used and was refUled numerous times tiom a nearby dlU*., AlUwugh the fire could not be cwitroUed. a considerable amount of potatoes was saved from the bartUng strocture and trucked to Burley. Damage has been eaUmated at tU OO . *nie fire truck was handled by Joha Duff. Oeorve DeLong. Ray Crmvea and Ray Sweet Town Shelled by Greek Guerrillas SALOmKA. ortece. FCh. 10 OLB- O iT^ rRTTlllas pitched 73-mlUl- raeter and mottac shells into UiU city of iSOjOOOfor M minutes early today tn the oost darinc. tccay ot the faoctUlUes tn Qreeoci. One ahcQ acond a diraet hit oo • BrlU^ cnard post, n killed a BrlUsh private and scttonOy wounded'a coiponl «ad kDMher prtrate. , Ing attributed to mill Interest*. But when that buying was orcr the drop was sharp. A sUUsUdan said Uie grain break appeared to be csused by lack of confidence. Teaterdsy's rally, he added, seems to hsTs been the re«ult of short covering. A broadside of telling pounded cottcD down almoBt 110 a bale,.the dally allowed limit. Tbe declines on Uie New York stock exchange put Uie share aver- (Cm (Iiih4 aa ru« a. M taa I) Stage Leaves R o a d ; W oman H m t Slightly BtlHL. Feb. ICk-Only one person was sUghUy Injured at 3:30 p. m. Monday when a westbound Orey- hound bus skidded and orertumed on the road nine and one-half miles northwest of here. One woman received several scratches on her back but a physi- cian sold the injury was not serious. The bus, carrying 15 passengers, and operated by Otto Ryals. Boise, overturned at a cunT, a sherUfs deputy who InvesUgaied the mis- hap reiwrtcd. The Iront of Uie ma- chine maile Uie curve but two Inches of wet snow on the highway made the rear wtieeb skid oif the pavement. Uyala tried lo gel Uie wheels back on the highway for 50 or CO feet wlUiout success, Uie deputy told. See- ing that Uie bus wu going over as the front wheeU slid from the pavement. Rj-als switched off the IgnlUon to prevent a possible fire. The bus received lllUe damage as it was barely morUig at Uie time, ihe officer said. Passengers were picked up by ah easlbound bus and relumed to Buhl to wait for an- other machine, he uid, MeanwhUe, Icy road condlUoai ere blamed for two traffic mishaps within 30 minutes of each other Sunday, sUte police oUlcers re- ported. The first, St 7:15 p m.. occtirred' (CvaUaiM M r>n X C*Im l> 35 Thought Dead A s‘Home’Bums ST. JOHN& Nnd, Feb. 10 (IU&- Fire. fanned by a 60-mIle-an-hour wind In Kto weather, destroyed the Bull Nunlng home today. Fire officials said U aged and Inflrsi persons died la Uw hlaxe. which was started by explosion of- n oil stove. Flames enguUed the buOdlnf, private nursing borne. vlUUn a short time after ths fire broke out and officials said U w u not known whether there were soy lurrtron. Frontier of Spain, France Is Opened PARIS, Feb. 10 TTa'<(te ' ' mored acna theFnneh- Bpanlsh: border legally today fcr tb* f ltit: - time ta near^ two ytan, . ' .J . Telcgra^du and taltpbOM ' Icei were resumed, and traialt «cb - < merce.wat penomed;.•■awmr.l, trade between ftaaee M d.apaJa • m pnblbUed.pBdiDga9W.1^|' Into' thetr "tt"**** oonaMct •Ittcaooo.'• .........

Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj

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Page 1: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj

L A T E B U L L E T I NDENVEB; F e b . 10 OJJC^Hort dropped

on (he DeSTcr mmrhel la d a j t9 U>e Ivwcst ^ ica ilae* c o n tro t i w en r tn o re d In Oct. IH t . GMd maa choice h e n veK h lsf IM- a t n>*. b ronch t ta ly KOM.



E D I T I O NA R eponal N ew spaper Serv ing N im Irr is a te d Id ih o C oontles

V O L 30, N O . 801 TW IN FA LLS. ID A H O , T U ESD A Y . FEBRUARY 1 0 ,1W 8 PRICE 5 CEN TS

Russ Say ‘Golden Rain’ of U.S. Coin Backed Nazi Rise

MOSCOW, F o b . 10 (U.R)—The RuB.sian Rovcrnm cnt sn id to- ilny i t soon w o u ld release cnpturcd German docum ents prov- inff the U n ited SU itcs w as responsible for the Bccond W orld war by re flrm in fr H itle rite Germany with a “golden r a in of Americnn d o l la r s .”

B ritain n n d F ra n c e w ere equally Ruilty. Russiu ch a rse d , by complctinK a s e r ie s of Beparote pacta w ith G erm any w hich broke down t h e E u ro p ean policy of collective Bccurity a g a in s t a German rc su rg c n c e .

A B tatcm ent is su ed a t a p ress conference by th e S o v ie t in ­formation b u r e a u sa id R ussia would publish •‘s h o r t ly " docu­ments c a p tu re d b y Soviet troops to p ro v e th e s e charges.

•nii: Sorlet »UiUrment — I made

mtnl'B pubUcftUon of secret 11141 n u M la n -O e rm ftn dlplomnUc documenta. T hese charB«S the Rus- ulniu ftnd O frm anfl with a con- eplracy to conquer nnd divide UieTfOtld.

The aU tcm ent. C.OOO worda In length. wM described ns only the •■flTJl holl" of th e S<n-let nccusaUons. The second hdW w ill be released later, the Ravslans said, and then the documents p rov lnc the gallons will be publlahed.

The Rusiisn s ta te m e n t w m UUed -p^Ulflera of H isto ry —A Hlatorleal Note." I t eharsed Ujc U .8 . stale de- partaient was falclng history by pub- llahlng only selected documents.

Other secret docum enU showlne the p illt of Uie w este rn powers have been eoncealcd, Russlft chftrged. The

J ^ ie m e n t said th e se n re the docu- ^ e n l s which Rus.ila will publish.

(Radio M ucow b e sa n broadcsst- 1ns the R uulan accusations slmul- Uneously In EnKllsh and Oermsn a t 3:30 a. in. OMT (8:30 p, m. MST. London reported.)

The Russians a sserted th a t World war II would have e nded In the first year with Hiller's d e fe a t If Oennany had not been bo lstered by American cspilal and A nslo -F rench appease­ment.

•It was the Rolden ra in of Amer­ican doUaia th a t f r r tll l ic d the in ­dustry of O erm aiiy a n d portleulirly her w»r Industry, reestablished her war potential, p loeed In the hands of the H itler reg im e Uje weapons needed for affgresslon and enabled OerTnany.to-orodnci ' ‘ 'try." W oU tir .e ’ T :


Britain today bek l o u t v iutlon tORussla to Jo in th e western powers iQ tm censored pubUcotlon of

^ a e n n a a fo re ljn o fflcc documenta w c m ’crlns nad 'D eco tla tlons w ith boUi

the east and the w eat.One eocullUon w u a ttached to the

Invitation. Russia w ould be required lo .a iree to the p resen ta tio n of the documtnls as a h is to ric a l—not UUcat-reccrd.

4 M o re A r e a W a r D e a d o n

W a y to U . S.Bodies of four Magic V alley serv­

icemen, killed In the Pacific theater durlns World war II. will orrlvfl Thursday In Ban Pronclseo. C alif, alon^ wltli the rejnalns of 3.752 serv­icemen and women aboard th e fu ­neral ship Cardinal O 'Connell.

Included with the bodies of 31 Idaho Jtenlcemcn are Pfc. Dlalnc Nelson Hyde, marine corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Hyde, route 3, Twin Fnllj; First LleuU Osbum E, Whltelcy. air corui, son of Mr. and Mm Joseph E .‘W hltelcy. Oak­ley; Pfc. James O, G riffith , army, eon of Mrs. Verna M. G riffith , Folr- lleld, and CCS Ivory n . Dcneti>r, nav)'. broUier of Dort>lhy W caU ur- ■ m, route 3. Jerome.

Hyde, private first class, who listed In the marine corps Dec. 8, IffU. the day wor was declared, was killed in action on Nov. 3, 1M3. or Guadalcanal bland. He was a grad­uate of Tn-tn Palls high school and was later employed by th e Ellwood dairy, Ooleu, for two years.

Private Hyile was bom Feb. 3, 1920. In Falrllcld. He is survived by hU parents; two brothers, Rosel Hyde, In Uie nary a t Key We«t. Fla., and Oren Hyde. Caldwell; two sls-

(C.allng. ra P>s* II. C*Ibi

O b so le te Q a s s ro o m E q u ip m e n t U sed


Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Along

NEW YORK, Feb. 10 (A P )—Prices nose-dived swiftly today on commodib' and wholesale m arkets alike. Stocks were caught in th e downward swirl to the tune of .$1 to ?5 a share.

Cotton and grain led the reti-eat. The b reak was more general than a t any tim e since the fii-st dramatic crack in the commodity

price s t r u c t u r e la s t

Business A i ’ca

These b e ri and flrU a re tlodenU a t the tld Uoeein school boUdinc. They a n In «m • ! tha whieh has been brou<ht Into use acain (a aeeommodate Increased eareU aen t. Old.fashloDed a«a-«diast» able dedis and ch a in a re alt th a t ore avallible for this oTerflow room, and nunjr loas-tect«d boya ao4 llrU . like the yonn< feUow In the ecaler, moit all c ram ped a t desks to* smaU fee them. (Staff phoU* enxrarlnf)

* * * ★ * * * * * * * *

Overcrowding in Grade Schools Here Causing Tough Problem of Expansion

In Twin Falls, as In o the r com* znunlUes, old buildings equipment, much of which h as been previously discarded, arc beloc returned lo use. and bulklU^ and remodeilns programs are gcttlnj; un ­der 1 -ay as fast as funds will aUov.

The old Lincoln school buUdl&s

D e p u ty T a k e s S tand t o T e l l O f K j n D e a th

Claude Wlley, T w in ro lls county deputy sheriff. T uesday described In district court th e Occident he Inwjtlgated last S e p t. 31 In which hta moUier was In ju red and hLi .itep-father sustained In juries which led lo his death th re e days later.

The deputy sh e riff wo* a wltnrss flt the opening of th e tr ia l of Ed- wsrd -Yragul. 25. w ho la chaorcd with manslaughter In connection wlih the death o f C harles August Baker. Wiley's s te p -fa th e r . TJie ac­cident which led to B aker’s death occurred on the su ( ja r foctory road

^ h o u t two miles cxut a n d one mile • u t h ef Twin PWU.

Other* In ju re d Other persons In ju red In the col-

.iiuon, which overtu rned the Baker car, were Mrs. Boker. W iley's tnoUi- er; Mrs. Louise R ackow . M n . Ba­ker's sister, and a e o r g e T. Peter­son, driver of th e B a k e r car.

ProtecuUng A U om ey Ih-erett M. Sweeley Introduced In to evidence pictures taken by W lley a fte r Uie accident. They m e t w ith no objec­tion from A tiorney y r a n k L. fliephan. who is d e fe n d in g TraguU

IIlp B roken Wlley followed P e te rso n to the

su n d . PeUrson te s tif ie d th a t he was msvlng east a lonff the sugar fnclory road when th e oUier car, going ro rth along a coun try road, crashed Into the r ig h t aide of his ear. Pelerson received a broken hip.

Wlley was followed to the stand b)- 0 , A. Kelker. pho to sropher, and

(CmiiitM *■ Pm # *.

Marcb' 1 w u set fo r public hear­ing on the piDposed Tw in F a lls to n ­ing systeol by the city eouocUmen lost n igh t Tliey also revised eched- tiles. effecUro Feb. 73. fo r th e Twin Falls Bus compugr.

Under the new proposal, n il of the original townslU) will be In e ither a second class resldenUal a rea , the business or Industrial areaa. None of the original site wili be In the first resldentloi area.

Extension Set The business district will be ex­

tended and small buslnew aectlons will be permlllcd in sei'eral o f the oi:tlylnK sections, according to tho plsns which wUl b« advertised ahort- ly. • .

H ie eouncllmen discontinued bus Ine service from 10 p. m. to mld-

nletit on week-days and from 0 n. m. utiill noon on Sundays upon the recommendation of T ed Davis, prc-'Itlenl of the Ta-ln F a lls Bus :ompany.

LliU Income Davis, wlw operates the franchise

mder city gram, Infonncd th e coun* cllmen thut figures for th e past three monUis Indicate Uie nveroge income during itie mentioned week­day hours was t<5.63, and «34i)0 on Che Sunday houn.

Ma)-or Herbert 0 . Liuilerbach wu* ouUinrlted to sign and aw ard the contract for Uie csostructlon of the admlnlslratlon buHdlng a t th e m u­nicipal alTTKrt to tho Reynolds and Walker ConstrucUon company.

Tills Is merely the last form at step In the matter whldi signifies civil nerenautlcs admlnlslratlon approv­al of the eonstnictlon. W ork will start Immediately, according to tlie mayor.

Red Y uth Group Outla , ed in IndiaNEW DELHI, Feb. 10 (UJO - AU

youth groups o ffllln ted w ith the Indian Commuulst p a r ty In Madras

BroTlnce. a com m unist stronghold, ^ • e r o outlawed by th e Bovemment

today In an extensicjn o f the ban against private a rm ies and sem i, military orsanltatlorui.

Police throughout I n d ia eonlinued their drive oga iiu l th e Moslem khaksan and n a tio n a l guards. Ninety leaden wero a rre sted and the ir offices staled.

New raids also w ere m a d e against the outUwed Hindu ex txem lst youth

* croup, the Rashtrlya Se>ak Singh, adding to the 2,100 leaders and memben arrested In U ie firat doj-s foUow lns'j^ohaodsa .2C. .Q a n d b ll r tf l t t ln i t lm

France Freezes Its Meat Prices

PARIS, Feb. 10 (UJO—The BO\'ern- ment today ordered wholesale m eat prices frozen as port of a b risk of­fensive against the rising prices of food, in some coses as much as 10 per cent ilnee Jan. 1.

The secretary of agriculture nounced the government was tak­ing by decree four new steps de­signed lo counter the upward trend In prices.

He ordered wholesale m eat prices fnnen f t the lerel of the la s t week In January. The freezing was tched- uled to remain In effect uaUl June .

Masterson Named Minidoka OfficerROPERT, Feb. 10-G erald Mas-

terjon was named Minidoka county assessor here Monday by the board of county commissioners to succeed Arthur T. Smith, who resigned a fte r 15 years In the poslUon.

Masterson will serre un til an e lec ted. successor Is nam ed In Norember. Smith has taken a pcsl* tlon with the a u t« tax board.

Petition* were filed w ith tho oom- mlsslonen on behalf of M asterson and Harrty Bllderback. T he ocni- m lttio a m made the «ppolntinea{.,

T»la F*IU Khoolil.

By VEItNA 6INEMAW ith a n uneasy feeling of Inad­

equacy tliB adm inistrators o f Twin Falls schools aro m aking prepara- tloru to accommodate th e continued InOu* of the bum per baby crop which has crowded the lower grades ’or the p a s t few years and shows no ndlcatlon of decreasing for many

Throughout the country th e num- er of children of school age has In­

creased f a r more rapidly than was

S c h o o l C h ie f A s k s S u p p o r t

O f B o n d V o teTtrm lng overcrowding of T»In

Falls schools a th rea t to educational standards of the community, A. W. Morgan, c ity superin tendent of sclioola. today urged full support for the $75,000 special bond election on Feb. 20.

In an Im promptu speech a t tlic Rolary club luncheon In tlie Pork hotel, S upcrlnundent M organ sirej- sed ih r need for a long-m nge school prognim to take care of the rapidly swelling ranks of children in the elementary grades.

New Jum pThe present capacity a^ .............

33 youngsters In a classroom will be­come even grea ter If the exppcied Jump In cnroUmcnta of 15 per cent In 1948 becomes fac t, h e said.

Plana arc under woy, he revealed, to convert the basement In Lincoln scliool Into cla.«rooms and con­struct prefobrlcatcd liouslnft units odjaeent to Uie ecliool building lor addltlonol classroom space.

Temporary Measure*Tlie.se ore tem porary m easures lo

lake care of imm ediate needs In HH8. he said. U nder p resent con- dltlon.1. he conUnued, It Is lmpo.-ulble for elUier Uie Junior hl«h scliool student body or Uie senior h ljh

(OnllnaH Pai* II. C*I>an «)

estimated before the war. As Indi­cated In Prcaldent T rum an 's eco­nomic report to congre.u on Ja n . 14. Uiere will be more than 33^00,000 children between the ages of 8 and 17 In Ui9 United Stotes in 1055 as compared to 27.c00.000 In 1040. Some itaUsUclans predict th a t th e In-

wlll n o t level off until 19C0.

Typical of the problem Is the alt- uatlon a t Lincoln school w here there

three rooms each of six th , fifth and fourCi grads students, four rooms (och of th ird and second graders and five rooms of f ln t graders.

w as built In 19«. Bh»« the de* Atructlon of the otlglnol B lcktl school. It Is the oldest pubUe school building In Twin FaUs. I t c o v houses nine first and second, c ra d t a n d two tlilrd grade rocnu.

m 1037 when the new im o o o 11- room Lincoln building was con-

<CMiti>iH4 .« s. I)

ColdCold weather and more snow

lo«-ard the end of th o week Is In •lore for Maglo Valley, accord­ing to the five-day w eather fore- <-sJi received here Tuesdaj- via tie Associated Press.

However, Uie predleUon Indl- ca’e.< only light snow Is to be fxpi.*ted Friday a n d Saturday. Here !■' tlie complete forecast:

•Tem.ierature m uch below nor­mal. Light snow Fridoy and S a t­urday."

Dixie Coal Group Cries ‘Foul’ Over Ching Statement

Mild Prices Dip Won’t Alter Plan On Pay Tax Cut

WASHINOTON, Feb. 10 OI.W — Itepubllcans said today lh a t a mild econcmle recession w o u l d not change their plans to cut personal Income taxes Uils year.

Senate OOP leaders snld niiy rc- ceuloii would iuivo lo be severe lo l>e ft factor In whatever revisions thry make on Uie MiOO.000.000 to j reduction bill approved by the lioiiw. Tliey said th a t th ry would Rive no consideration to a relatively mlnur break In commodity and ^tock prices such os la s t week's,

llrpubtlcan senators are studying ays of scalUig Uie hou.-K tax slasli

down to <4.000,000.000 or U.OOO.- 000.000. TliLi u no t ba.wd on any fxpecutlon of a depression, which would rcdtiee national Income and

reduce govem m ent tax revenue.

Their main rear.on u to win over Uie approxlmnlely 15 senate Demo­cratic volei th a t will bo needed for the nece.mry tw o-thirds roajorlty lo override an anticipated ta x reto by President Trum an. Some Demo­crats have indicated they will go nlons wlUi a lax c u t of around $4,000,000,000.

WASinNGTON, Feb. 10 WV-Cy- u a Chlng. clUef federal labor

conclllalor. said la s t n igh t Uie gov­ernment w on't perm it n so ft coat shutdown th is spring.■ Afembers of the SouUiem Coal

Producers as.vxlaUon were s till yell­ing "foul" today.

They sold Chlng has procUcally handed John L. Le«'is a loaded gun If a strike w hat th e U nited Mine Workers has In mind.

"Lewis comes Into the nesotlations w ith an ace In Uie hole," protested Raymond SalvaU, a W est V lrsb la mine offlcloL

cannot get together a n d his demands are such th a t we cannot concede Uiem, Uie govem m ent would step In and g ran t Lewl< w h a t he wants. He knows th a t Uie only way the government can get coal Is to give In."

Chlng <ald flaUy th e naUon “will no t tolerate a coal stoppage."

If a strike develops, h e told Uie •ouUiem producers . a t . a dinner meeting, "the governm ent will step lo." He added:

■'In Uiat case, U will be settled bysomebody w ho 'd o e s n o t know as _________ _____________________much about th e tltuaU on as you da* T-bsr tow, capable of transportln*

Lewis alrcftdr h a s tAken w hat from S 5 to 350 skiers u p the m oon- many cosl operators regard as a tain every hour. poMlble first ste p to cnd h ls present .The forest ser%-lce proposes to coQtTMt AptU 1. I incrtoM ths parking a re a to hold

W in t e r G iv e s U . S. A n o th e r

W a v e o f C o ldBy Tbe AMocUIrd P rrta

W inter pouted another frtiid b la st OTtr much of the country to ­day.

Below rero teroperoturea prcvallevJ In many states.

areas were buried under n o * blanket of snow.

Snow fell In Utali and Idaho, ham pering traffic and m u lU ne In nimierous autcmoWle aecldenLv

Bo'ce canyon, la southern U u it, reported 3( Inches of snow on the ground. Salt Lake a i y got th rre Inches of new flakes and Ocden trafflo battled nine Inches.C ity In southern Idaho had a nIt- Inch fall, wlih PocaleUo. Tw in FaUs. Idaho Falls. Dolse, Gooding ai«d Burley gelling lesser amounts.

Tcmperalures descended In the In le ^ o u n ta ln Mai<-.\ with W e s t YcUcrwstone, Monu. recording 13 be­low, probably Uie coldest spot in the WesL

Sa lt Lake City wa.i -TnlW with a reading of 20 above, live desrees w arm er than Ogden. Twin Falls ' low th is morning was 19.

Federal weather bureau lo rec jit- c rs said tempemlurea across the country—exce^ In zouthem Florida —wero below seasonal levelv The cold will continue. Uiej- .vald, a l­though temperatures will moderate slowly.

Southern states got the wxirst of Uie P 'ebnury climatic cape rs-hea ry falls of enow, rain and sleet o.id a d rop In tem pera ture lo la r below freexlng.

TTie snow belt co\ered ports of Dixieland, with he«ry falls in A rkansas, Tennessee and the Cazo« Unas. Snow al.<« fell on A U tam a a n d In porta of Mtols-ilppl, Loulsl- ana , Georgia and \1rglnla.

Pair Attempts to Rob Woman Shopper Here

Txvin F a lls c ity police a r c s e c k in j hvo younjf m en w ho w ere rep o rted bj- M rs. W illiam A . Popplcton to have slopped h e r a t 6 :1 5 p j n . Monday and dem anded h e r purse, Sho told police th a t th e tw o boys h ad followed her from Shoshone •s tree t a n d M ain a tT oue a s she w en t to a g n x e ry atoro In tho 300 block o f Shoshone s tre e t.

Thci- rem ained ou tside w hile she purchased jfrocerles and w h en sh e em crjred from th e s to re followed h e r to Second av en u e a n d T h tnJ s t r e e t ca s tw here sh e w a s s to p p e d .

TTie twv> b o p , dfso tbed as II o r 19 m r * old. demanded her bUl- foW, M rv IVp^^Jetoa told officers. She gave them the m fo Jd but Uiey returned It aT.er fladteg t t coata tn .

1 no Bcoey.Mrs. Pc-p^eion toJd o f llc m she

rev ived h e r pay c h « k frctm the Ctly cafe, where she h empJoyed. Mcnday bu t h id no t cashed I t and ■id not h a te n tn tfi* bUirold.

T h e two boT> were la st seen _ tT4; tow ard Svicvhane a tn e t past the te lep.V »e bulIHag.

Sirs. P o f ^ io n said the boys were about n t* feet, nm e Inches ta h e ljh t. wT.-e bUck and white check­ed m sc tu u w eoata and w m b a n - headed.

She a ljo SiSd tha t she bellevtd the two had d a r t ha ir and w tie w eartee hhn* Jeans tm t was u n su n because of daxtness.

C o u n t y B o a i'd A p p o in ts N e w V o t e O ffic ia ls

R e g tit ra n fo r th e IMS elections h a te been nam ed by Twtn FWb county cosunlBtoners.

Tw tn P a lls re c titr a n and the preclr.ct they wtU reprt?*-nt arc M rv M ildred Browii. No. l ; Cora McCoy. No. 3; S itx Belle White No. 3 : M rs. C. IL SlUt-’on. No. «; M ri. iL P . Kenworthy. No. 5: Mrs. Lydia D o e r x e . No.. 6; M n. Nor- m an Bcccnseo. N a 7; Mr. and Mrs. U V. Sm ith, «: M n. Louis Itah n . N a 9.' Mrs. norry Ball. No. 10; M rs, lU xiy Sm^ck. N a 11; Mrri. M axine Moore. No. 13; Mrs. Malloy Ftsher. N a 15: Mr. and Mrs. IL T . B iike. N a H : K ath rm K irt- m an . Ko. 15 and Mr. and Mrs. L I ^ PttSygroxe. No. 16.

R e p re e n tln s preci.'jcu in B u h l__MI3. M ary Swtger. No. 1; Mt v. Don C B rancea . N a 2; M n , llenry A. Rodlg. Nv\ 3 ; Mra. R. R. Brannon. No. * and M rv M. S. Cur.rJngham, N a V

R ep rw en tte j Fvler No 1 Is Mrr. A2ty O U isW jtr: Filer No. 3. Mr*. U. t llam m ersu lit; Kimberly No. 1. Mrs. M ab^ ll^ ic tn and Klmberjy N a i Mr*. Lewis M. Denlo.n.

O ther? a re Mtsl. C^lft Davts. .\Uen- dale; Mrs. LeoU PhU^r*. Ca.MleIord: Mrs. DonnW^ A aderxo , C o w ; Mrs. Paul Shnxer. Deep Creek: Mrs. W. a S tuart, Lueem e: Mrr. Bertha S iertr . Maxoa; Mr . C. C CrlexT, Thometx; M n . J . C O?«ood. Han­sen; A nnlt Oocslmarx. Murtaufih: M n . O u rle s CUxt. Rock C?wk: Mrs. noBSle M cGresec. B ertrr: Ruby D ean. HoUijter and M rv Peari Berrr,

C a n a l F u m ’s B o a rd E le cts

G . R . B a lla i'dGeorge R. Ballard was elected as­

sis tan t secreUiry-lreasurer of th# Tw in FalU Canal company a t the monthly board of dlrecton meeUng here Tuesday,

I n electing Ballard aaslstant sec- retary-trtasurer. the board of direc­tors ttesubllshed a poslUon In the company th a t Was aboUshed Jan , 33 a t the annual rtcrganlzaUcnal m eeung of the board.

VloUUon U ited AcUng A tlamey Oraydon Sm ith

polniKl ou t to the board th a t la abolbhlng th e poslUon of assistant secreury-lreaiurer the board had acted in TlolaUon of ita te lawi and hy-laws of tho orgsnlraUoo, . A . W ynne SmlUi h sd been asslslant secrelair-tT tasurtr until the office was abolished.

The poaiuon wos f in t creaUd about 30 years ago by the board of directors to have a peraoo account­able only to board os a safe­guard and a check on the company m anager. DonTSlaffoTd, president of the board, explained.

C I> e ^ Befased SUiffonl pointed out U ist since

the poslUon of assistant secretory- treasurer h a d been abolished. Magic Valley banks had refused to honor chfcks w niten by the company. In order fo r checks to be honored they had to be signed by the assistant «crtlary-trea.^urtr and counler- -Mcned by either Ute secrctary- trtasyrer, N. V. Sharp, or the presi­dent of th e board of directors, S taf­ford.

The board of directors Is planning to get a (50.000 bond for Uie as- viilant secretary-lrea-wrer. Ballard.

S u ffo rd announced Ih st the water levels In Jackson lake and the American Palls resen'olr for Jon. 31. IMS. exceeded water levels for the same da te In 1947. In Jackson lake ilierB ore snjMO acre feet of

r a s compared wlUi 528.C30 acre on Ja n . I. 1M7. In the Amerl- Falls resenolr. Uiere are

30-JM acre feet of water as c pared wlU> U83.U0 a year ago.

W ednestJay.Livestock prlcca rem ained '

a t yeste rday ’s lowest fifftircs a s fresh supplies w ere cu t back severely overnight.

W heat, oats, com , la rd , h ides, Boybcana and co tto n ­seed oil were down th e lim its .

Cost-nf-Urtng lltms were dow n In m any Instancts, bu t A m erican Woolen company announced a prlc* boost of eight to 13 per cen t on m en's worsted luIUng fabrics for n ex t falL

Some lUms on Uie wholesale m eat m arket a t Chicago fell o i m uch as - >4 a hundred pounds. S re a butter, which has been a t record high re* cently. skidded.

Among the grains, wbeat resisted th e decline for a short time on buy-

Farm Index H ighBOISE, Feb. W (UJO-The In­

dex of prices received by Id aho farm ers surged eight points to 311 in the monU)'s p e ^ end ­ing Jan . 15, o r fire per cent aboTe th e 3M recorded u Uie prerlous high In 1911 foUowlng the f i ts t W orld war, Uie bureau of agrlen l- tu ra l economics reported today.

Tho index shows U ist the level of prices paid fonners.galned 33- pe r cent In a ye tr^ time.

1 ,0 0 0 -F o o t R o p e T o w W i l l B e In s ta lle d f o r M a g ic M o u n ta in

Plans for the installation of a 1.000-foot rope tow on th e beginners' slope of Pike m ountain and the Improvement of Magic m ountain AkIlQK faclllUea were approved unanimously a t the Tw in Falls youth and recreaUon council m eet­ing In The Sporter M onday night.

Acting on recommendnUons draw n up by Uie council committee last week. A, E. Brlgg^ M inidoka n a - Uonal forcjt supcn-lsor, in a le tte r read a t Uie meeting. Instructed Claude Jones, operator o f Uie Ufta, to go ahead w ith the changes for the 1M8-4J skiing season.

Tlie present lift o n M a g i Mountain it to be - • • -

a n addlUonol 50 cars and to improve saiUlaUon faclUUes on Uie grounds.

O n Pike mountain the present 450-foot xope tow will be moved fu rth e r north and nearer the ski h u t to allow room for a 1,000-foot rope tow on th e beginners* slope.

No changes or Improvements hav* been proposed for Uie ski tow K nob Bill.

t in d e r th e present plans. Jones wUl so ahead with Uie InstaU atkn a n d Impewreocnt of socnetlme th is summer.

M embers of Uie committee v h k h subm itted the recommendaUoas arc U oyd Shewmakrr. Dave Ftx. M tn F U tt and Bowtrd W. Oerrtsb.

A t th e end or Uie mcetlnc « ntwiTi«t<T>y c o s n lt l te was appoint^

ed to nam e candidates for th e elec> tion of a president of th e cmnUI a t th u BCSlOO,

Keds Given Blame For Korean StrifeSEOUU K0.-W, F tb . 10 ail>-

L teuj.-Q«». Jc iia R . Hodge, com­m ander o t Amtrlcaa-occap^rd Ko> r t a , charged tcday th a t rec tn l e«n - m unlst a c iuU oa ta asaUi K c m was d iie rted from th e Soviet sone.

tn a bh in t, IJUIO-wvd statement dislritw ‘.*d lo th e K a-ran petta and radio, Bodge sa id the puipoit be> h ta d U st w « t end^ disJiirbances was to dehide a Cnited NaUaas ccot- m lsssaa Into believing L*i« K ortans “e ith er d a Dot w ant, cw aw not trady for a a electicn.'’

n o d c e t sU tem en t e a s e a fte r D & o tnetais se t th e d ta U t...lo a jn the KBSBualst-led distM nirm lons a t I t. A lthw ish a g tu u o n for a general strike appearrd to have failed. X oerican mUltaiT authonues ex<> pected fttrt&er v tte ss t oothitaks.

U. S. Red Party Official Arrested

WASHCCOTON. m . M - T he Jm tk e depaxtstest annoonced th e a rm * ta New t o r t today of Jo h n t r u a a a s o a a a lb o a l Ubor sc c re tu T o t th e c tcnnm atrt party o t th e Cnlted StaloL.

W lCtataseo. th e departm cot xald, W Q h e h e « f w d e p o tta t te to h ts a a t l n S c o tk a d . A d ipa rtnec it

T itd to th e a i m t u

Fire Near Paul Bakes Spuds in Wholesale Lots

PAUU Feb. 10—The air In the vicinity of Paul Sunday was fUled wlUi the odor of baked potauws. Only the spuds were not being baked to a delecuble brown, but to a dirty black—clear through.

•n>e burned poUtoes were a part of 1,G00 bags stored In Uie potato cellar on the Noble Ode form four mUta west of here. The cellsr caught fire from an overheated stove, fire tn which had been started Saturday evening to keep the spuds from lre«lnB ;

Mrs. Cole discovered the blaze at 3 :» a.m. Sunday. The Paul flro department was called but by the time Uie trvck had arrived. Uie fire had gained considerable headway. AU the water in the on Uia truck was used and was refUled numerous times tiom a nearby dlU*.,

AlUwugh the fire could not be cwitroUed. a considerable amount of potatoes was saved from the bartUng strocture and trucked to Burley. Damage has been eaUmated at tU OO. *nie fire truck was handled by Joha Duff. Oeorve DeLong. Ray Crmvea and Ray Sweet

Town Shelled by Greek Guerrillas

SALOmKA. ortece. FCh. 10 OLB- OiT^ rRTTlllas pitched 73-mlUl- raeter and mottac shells into UiU city of iSOjOOO for M minutes early today tn the oost darinc. tccay ot the faoctUlUes tn Qreeoci.

One ahcQ acond a diraet hit oo • BrlU^ cnard post, n killed a BrlUsh private and scttonOy wounded'a coiponl «ad kDMher prtrate. ,

Ing attributed to mill Interest*. B ut w hen th a t buying was orcr th e drop w as sharp.

A sUUsUdan said Uie g rain break appeared to be csused by lack of confidence. Teaterdsy's rally, he a dded, seems to hsTs been th e re«ult o f sh o r t covering.

A broadside of telling pounded cottcD down almoBt 110 a b a le ,.the dally allowed limit.

T b e declines on Uie New York stock exchange put Uie share aver-

(Cm (Iiih4 aa ru « a. M ta a I)

Stage Leaves R o a d ; W o m a n H m t S lig h tly

BtlH L. Feb. ICk-Only one person w as sUghUy Injured a t 3:30 p. m . M onday when a westbound O rey- hound bus skidded and orertum ed o n th e road nine and one-half m iles northwest of here.

O ne w o m a n received several scra tches on her back but a physi­c ian sold the injury was not serious.

T h e bus, carrying 15 passengers, a n d operated by Otto Ryals. Boise, overturned a t a cunT, a sherU fs deputy who InvesUgaied the m is­h a p reiwrtcd. The Iront of Uie m a ­ch ine maile Uie curve but two Inches of wet snow on the highway m ade the rear wtieeb skid o if the pavem ent.

Uyala tried lo gel Uie wheels back on th e highway for 50 or CO fee t wlUiout success, Uie deputy told. See­ing th a t Uie bus w u going over as th e fron t wheeU slid from the pavem ent. Rj-als switched off the IgnlUon to prevent a possible fire.

T h e bus received lllUe damage as i t was barely morUig a t Uie tim e, ih e officer said. Passengers were picked up by ah easlbound bus a n d re lu m ed to Buhl to wait for a n ­o th e r machine, he u id ,

MeanwhUe, Icy road condlUoai ere blamed for two traffic m ishaps

w ith in 30 minutes of each o the r Sunday, sU te police oUlcers r e ­ported.

T h e first, St 7:15 p m.. occtirred ' (CvaUaiM M r> n X C *Im l>

35 Thought Dead As‘Home’Bums

ST . JOHN& N nd, Feb. 10 (IU&- F ire . fanned by a 60-mIle-an-hour w ind In K to weather, destroyed th e B u ll N unlng home today.

F ire officials said U aged a n d In flrs i persons died la Uw hlaxe. w hich was started by explosion of-

n o il stove.Flam es enguUed the buOdlnf,

p riva te nursing borne. vlUUn a sh o rt tim e a fte r th s fire broke ou t a n d officials said U w u not known w hether there were soy lu rr tro n .

Frontier of Spain, France Is Opened

PA RIS, Feb. 10 T T a '< ( t e ' ' m ored a c n a th e F n n e h - B p an lsh : border legally today fcr tb* f l t i t : - tim e ta ne a r^ two y ta n , . ' .J .

Telcgra^du and taltpbOM 'Icei were resumed, and tr a ia lt «c b - < m e r c e .w a t p e no m ed ;.•■ aw m r.l, trad e between ftaa ee M d .a p a J a • m p n b l b U e d .p B d iD g a 9 W .1 ^ | '

In to ' th e tr "tt"**** oonaMct ■• I t t c a o o o . ' • .........

Page 2: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


Stocks C a u g h t I n S k id d in g o f G r a in M a rk e t

i r n a Ow> t f t ^ a onr >o« unca u rtr lu tJua*.

Pan litcn l runtm lim r tn n l ln s th f world «oo«B lo p lc tu rt waJ iM ii U u t Ibe dovQturn tn lU ples m «r fom h»dQ* t bustneu rtc tsu o n b t f r tn the r«*r. It no t aocner, n - lultcd ta ft U«h(t&tn( o t ttock hold- In p .

G ta e n l K crrvviM nA t tB tn l awTWBatM pw loenl-

lu ie d »U tanrfct'^ Tl>« nation^ eeoaomlJU *twUt<J ih c downwanl tn n d clotel; (or c!uca to th i bml- IMB ple tu» «hM d

A p r t« tr»ajurtn iea t now w « tU , be -pftlixral. bu t Bot VC.TT w rtous," Dr. U w ctu NftcCcr. K cv York un T tn ll r p r«lnsor d{ tu i*nct. u td .

B« tQld Uie m U -vusttr t n u t c«n> fw toce «f the Amer1c»n lU nker* u w cla llca thftl tt rcroU nt to be wen whether ta fU tko wlU eoa in i m .

Tti* lonctr It lu ts . t>r. NftOler iftld. -th e mcr» d lino ilt will be the period o t rvftdjuitmenl u d ih s loocer lt3 d m ilo a . '

C«a»wam W*Tat4 Ooniumen. bopcMl o t m e tl b&r-

(ftlns resulUns trom • th a rp drop In U m toek prlew. w t« wvned by econorsht* not to b« too cpUcaUUc.

Bacon, h u n txvi itrftks w rre u« > red ft m tle lowtr In mfttyr ( to m . Ret»U price* o a flour. U rd. ftnd br«ftd also ««r« d o n tn come tbop*.

But the entire m snn ien l

Oent »prt»dlnB aalt on ley eld*, waik tn tront of posiofflee and Iclclcs Ixftflfln* from *top «jid so Uglita « M «ln-8hoshon« lni*r*eeilon . . . UojTl Yoiun getUng hU “e n n low- ertd" In local b trbcr shop . . . Ralph W n jh t talking th lnca over In Cham- fare of Commerce office . . . Young feUow merrtly pUylng with a yo-yo ■ itreel com rr unaw are of crowd

klbltier* . . . w ild exchange of )w balls between early arrlTala

. high Khool lawn . . . Jaclclo Ca- node ilothing around in anow wear­ing open-iofd ahoea . . . Denney DuiUr. age 2. r a p p e d from head to toe in blue colored anow suit . Oraydon Sm ith cauUously- atepplng over Ice-flllrd mud puddio . . . Idaho

.............. ........... license: r r - n i3 . 3T-8W and JT-IOInlaU Telj amall acale and the r« 1. . . Just leen; ^tra. PYed Posa Jack

w « no certainty tha t it w »j p e r- M adland. J. H, n iandford. T . J.Uoyd. Loa-tll NulUng and E>ella Mom* . . . And overheard; Group of fcllowa dlaeujslng the proper way to file their Income ta x return*.

Keep the White Flag of Safety Fl^tng


r s LNow 1 6 days without a

traffic death tn our Maple Valiev.

Seen Today


KnuU Grange Has Regular Meeting

I t i* K&oU Q rv tre held Jta n r u la r nw etlnf ftVlay enn in* and elected U r. aad M n. Frwl Sm ith amd Mra. O«org« B . B est u aew

The pngram taehjded t«Tv» on IJaootn ftad hU tnother by Mart BtUtI aad John OUm. Three num* b«a by tha high Khool boy*a quftr- trt. Elbworth. vniUam Porter, Keith Croaley aad Robert Poster.

«ua*. ftceaapaaled ttr Joyce R a h er a t the plaao.

A m dlat gt«n Patrick neaiy Ooectaw. wai foUowd by » ooUon Pletmt dnn by the Jerotne Co- cpcraUte crtaaery.

Refrwha»tnls were aerred at the ctoaa ot tha meeting.

M eet in BurleyALBION. PA. l&_Pa*t m u itn

tftheAIbloaiUacclctodgeatt^ !r aesjloa and bamjuetto Bwley last wwk. -nicse who aU i?5S l. Bl Chatbura. BenMcWiniama. WlUl* Searj and Walter

The HospitalB a e rte a e r bed t oaty were araU*

able -njesday a t the Twin Pall* econly hospital. Vinun* hourj a re trom a to 4 and 7 t o t p A

A B anT O D Mrs. Shlrlty R h lnehart a t..

B W ea and M n. Roih O w la. Tw in PaUs: Mr*. Helen P ra ther. Buhl, a ^ Mt». I n a e Lemmon a n d U ra. A W a Nichols, BafrTmaa.

DISMISSED T ted lAppc. M n . Luceada Robin*

•on a ^ ^ M n. E uttne Sum m er^ Twin PWla; Mr*. Boyd W aldemar ^ io a a ad Mrs. Royal Lancaster. P ^ : Mrs. A tU» Lee a ad aon and

J . O. Rlcca. Kimberly: Rutus AUea. B a » lio a : Dpme DuPul*. V aaoocm . Wash.: Mrs. H . A. T ha- m ert. nansea . a ad Mra. c . P . Bee* ta d daughter. noUUter.

W e a th e rTwta Palli a ad r ttin J ly -P artly

« > e ^ U algbl aad WntMaday. n ig b

^ IX a t t a. n . u . P r « ip j u u « . « • & » . & yeatertay. J e t a a toeh.

Resident of Filer Reported Missing

Clj'de Hobbs. 37. P lltr . ha* been missing from hU hom e there alnce Friday and the Twin" PalLi county sherura office haa been aaked to aearch tor him.

A«ordtng to PUcr Chief of Po- Uc« A. C, Bowen. Hobba waa last seen about 1 p. m. Priday on a PUtr atreeL Bowen <ald he might possibly b« an amnesia rlctlm .

He waa described aa lire feet. lOH laches tall, HS pound* la weight, roddy complexion, gray eye*, brewn hair, alender and w ith a U ttoo of a woman's face on the outer aide of his lower left arm.

Anyone seeing llobba 1* urged to conUct the Twin Palls aherlll'a office o r call Bowen In PUer,

T r a f f ic F in e sAn even dosen person* paid J t

^ tor overtime parking tn Twin Palis Moodaj-. They are K enneth Chapman. K. D. K nlckbaum. Carl Holmes. E. D. Relnsdorf. Mrs. Ptank Abbott, James Poodllner, Hom tr Saxon. Bruce. Bunker. B. R. “

D e p u ty T a k e s S ta n d to T e l l O f K i n D e a th

(rf»» Pm« Ox )SUte Police Lieut. A. Z. Perkins. Perkins wm on the *iand when the noon-day recess waa ordered by J u d p Porter.

Perkins aald the day v u clear and the slop algn on the county road was Tlslblo for about 300 yanl*. Pakln* aald he meanired M feet of aUd marks before the pcliit ol tm* pact a t the accldeaL

Brakes N em al Yragul'a brakes were described as

normal by Perkins.The Jury conaUU of Mrs. Adolph

Mathacek. Buhl; Herbert Neale, Pller; Prank IL SUpley. Twin Palls; Hamer Adam*. Twin PalU. Hadley Potee, Twin Palls; Ella George. Twin Palli: J . 0 . HIU, Hansen: WUllsm D. Wiseman. Tw tn Palls; J . J . Win- Urholer. Twin PalU; Mrs. Ruth Blass, Pller. and Mrs. O. W. Bice. Twin Palls,

A Jury th a t deliberated lo r mo than five hours Monday reached Ttrdlet a t 0 p. m. finding Max L. Oalify guilty of assault with Intent to commit rape. The Jury, howerer. recommended leniency a t the courfa discretion.

Galley will be sentenced a t 10 a. m. Thursday by Judge Porter.

Castleford Makes Counter Offer in School Unity Plan

Caatleford school district trustee* have luggeiled a counter«proposal In the discussion over the consolida­tion of Castleford and Buhl districts. Lee Lelchllter, chalnnaa of the county board of reorganlsaUon said Tuesday.

At the hearing conducted In Castleford Monday afternoon, th t trusUea proposed th a t Caatleford establish a separate fia-M a Indep­endent district by consolidating with parts of four o ther districts.

Such a more would give the CasUeford proposed dUtrict a pro­perty valuation in excess of <3.000,- 000. The tnistees would like to have parts of Syrlnga, No. 19; Deep Creek, No. 37; Palrvlew No. 34 and Super' lor No. M Join with them.

Tliese partial a re u also are In­cluded tn the Buhl consolidation which already has been formulated, LelchUter aald.

At the meeting, delegations from Palrvlew and Superior presented objections to th e plan proposed by Castleford. Lelchllter aald.

Hearings on th e m atter were . . . . tinued Tuesday afternoon In Buhl. Anoihtf meeting will be held from 1:30 to 4 p. m . Wednesdaj- tn the Twin Palls office of County SupU Doris stradley.


T w i n F a lls N ew s i n B r i e fCBdtrgoM O p m tlm

Mrs. H. A. Mlnnerty. rouU two. laderw ent a major operatloo Mon­day a t the Twin PaUs county h c ^ - tai.

Cbsreb Group McetaCircle 10 of the WSCS of the

Methodist church will meet a t t Wednesday a t the home of

Mrs. Irr tn G rtenleaf.

N ones le MeetThe P lrs t District N unes a u o d -

atlon will m eet a t the home of Mra. Luther Tbompeon. 817 Shoshone

north , a t a p4S. Wednesday.

D ab Meet RasseU L aae Harmony club will

meet a t 3:30 p. m. Wedaesday a t the home of Mrs. Milford Joaes. Roll caU will be answered by '*patrl* otle gema." T h e n will be a program and valentine exchange.

Crmnge to MeetMountain Rock G range win meet

a t S p ja . Priday a t th e community church. Men and boys a n re^ueated to bring boxes of sandwiches and cake to eerre two people. AU mem* b e n are urged to a ttend.

Dtrthswas boro Tuesday to Mr.

and Mrs. Shirley R hlnehart. Twin Palls, and on Monday a te rn to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nichols.

a t the Twin Palls cormty

B e ts m P n o i THpwT . J. Lloyd has r tta ro e d to Twin

Palls from a buslacs tr ip to Salt UUe a i y and Ogdea. Utah.

a BetA display and dem oastratioa ot

home food freezlag u a lts will be given a t the T w la Palls Grange meeting a t g p . m . Wednesday the lOOP hall.

California VisitorsRICHFIELD. Peb. lO -M r. and

Mrs. Joe Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. r ra a Johnson and Louis Johnson ha re left for O akland. Calif., h av . Ing been callcd there by-the Ulness o t Peter John.y>n. fa the r of Joe Johnson and Ivan Johnson and brother of LouU Johnson. Peter Johnson la a former Richfield resi­dent.

Magic Valley Funerals

TWIN PALLS-FMnenvl .crvlcM for A. P. Roucli will be held a t 3 p. m . Wednesday in the White mortuary chapel w ith the Rev. A. R. PUe. Botie. offlclatlnp. Burial will be In Sunset Memorial park. The family requests th a t no flow en be s e n t

Local Masons to Attend Sessions

Representatives of the Twin Palls chspter of the Royat Arch Masons will attend the annual George W ash- Ington convocation of Pocatello's RAM Peb. 33 a t Idaho Palla.

Thoae from the Twin Falla chap- ter who will a ttend Include Claude Oliver. Pller. and Roy Wetherbre. Kenneth Richardson. Jack Puller and Pa;e Hann, Twin Palls.

Representatives from RAM chap­ters In Idaho Falls. Dlackfoot. R u­pert and Buhl also wilt be present.



Baa P a r t tn PUyAlice Parre tt. Tw in Palls, hasle of the leading roles to “Siiuar-

Ing the Circle." a three-ac t comedy being presented by the dramatic departm ent a t the College of Idaho March 11. 13 and 13.Case Ccntlnned

Vernon T . Homan, le s Sidney street, was ordered to appear befon justice of the Peace Jam es O. Pum* phrey Pieb. 18. a fter gaining a con­tinuance Monday when he appeared — sU tc poUce charge! o f falling

stop a t a stop*algn.

B etom a From TripMrs. Henry Powell. Twin Palis

haA returned from a alx-weeks trip to southern California. Mexico and G uatem ila. She made the tr ip with Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Wall. Long Beach. C alif, former Twin Palls residents. Mrs. Wall Is Mrs. Pow­ell's sL'itcr.

Water User Plea Being Considered

BOISE. Feb. 10 (U O -SU te Recla- matlon Engineer M ark R. Kulp Tuesday had under advisement the protested application of the Taylor brothera of Burley to divert 60 sec­ond feet of w ater from R aft river, north of Malta.

T he oft-poslponed hearing was held before K ulp Monda>\ A group of water users from the M alta area protested th e application.

K tM U R L Y MAN a T E OKIMBERLY, Feb. 10—William I.

tfcParland, Kimberly, was cited to appear before Justice of the Peace Dennis Sm ith by sta te police to an- swer chargea of no t having a trailer llcen.w on a hay rack pulled behind

Special ta te r ta t Meet All adult m eaiben- o r the LDS

third w art a re urged to attend a special in te r tit class a t 7:30 p. m. Wednesday la th e th ird ward R. C. Tolmaa will rfU m n tha U th section of the O octitaa and Covta- ants. Refreshm enti T ill ba w m d .

Services Held for Albert d M e y

BtTRLTY, Feb. l»»PuDcrml m iT ' lets w en held Sa tunU y afteraoco St Burley M etbodlu church for Al* bert C. BaUey w ith th a R*r. Don I. Smith offlctatlaf.

Musical num ben w t n gtven by Hal Mathews a n d U r* . R«tt« Payna. Irtl G udmusdsen a n d th e R«* U r. Smith gtT t sh o r t ta lk t a t tha msr^ Ice.

Pallbearen w e n Jo h a O ltsa . Keith Slffloas. W illiam Galloway. Oaude Dick, Jo h n Brooks and Wal* ter Schodde. P tow en w e n cairltd by Mrs. May SheDiy. t o . Nick Mlnsur. Mrs. Abbla Emlgh. Mrs. lA u n Bensoa. M rs. S thel OaaaeL Mrs. E hm a O leaa . Mrs. Katie Austin, Mrs. OtU lU Buattogtoo. Mrs. M argan t M cLean a ad Mrs. Winifred Grecp.

Burial waa m ade la the Burley cemetery.

John A. Wardell Paid Last Honor

UAZSLTON. Peb. 10—LDS ftmerai services for Jo h n A. W ardell were held a t 3 p. m. T uesday la the Haxtl- too LDS church w ith BUhop J . O. Gardner In charge.

Ih e opeidng p raye r w as read by Lyman Harding and George Men­denhall was the speaker. H ie clos­ing prayer was read by O n la GanS-

Stage Leaves R o a d ;W o in a n H u r t S lig h tly

< rn a P««« OmIse rea aU ea southeast ol T tln PaUs on highway 21 .WUUaa P. Ttegas- kls. Sacramento. CaUf, driving a truck and seml-lr«ller. skidded ai he w ent around a curve aad over­turned. gotsg tnto a ditch a t the side of th e r t« d . Trtga^kls n a Injured.

A t 7:33 p. a . four and oae-half B iles aoutheast of Twin Palls on tha sam e highway, the same off)cer tavMUgated a mishap la which Tt- h ides o p e n te d by t ^ b t I. Ncm- nick. Z33 T h ird s t m t south, and Howard W. Sherlock. rouU J. Twtn PWls. w e n tarolred.

According to the officer a thi machine stopped on th i highway' froQt of th e two tehlclM. both g - tng the same dbecUcn. Sherlock pulled up bdxlad the t in t machine a ad stopped. W hen Nwanlck tried to slop. hU machine h it a frosen spot o a th e road aad crashed tnto th e rvar o f the Sherlock nh ltle . the offV»r ssOd. M laor damsge waa n ^ o rte d to both m aehlsts and oae was iQ jund.

Last Rites Held For Mrs. Miller

Ponera] serrlces f v t o . E nbelle P ra aU UUler w en held a t 3:30 p. a . Tuesday la the White m ortuarr chapel w ith Dr. G. L. Claric o fn d a l- Ing.

P a r i s Sweet sang a Kito aecom- panled by M n . Charles Alien.

Booorary pallbearen w e n Hogh RoUoway, Leooaid Holloway. J. A. Locan. and G lea Doud.

AcUre pa llbea rtn were O m ar

P e ttn c n . lU y Raffloo. M elrto t o r . na. Sdwaid Sharp, E art Alger an4 lU lp h l t e i a a .

K L O V E R K L U BA nlkbl* for Prirale

PirtlesPar tafem aU ea

PD0N2 PJfc TO i a >t

Inner-Aid Medicine Real I ^ e f for Gas, Constipation

O ae m an rtceatly took D W m - AID three days aad said afUrward th a t he never would h a n bellered his body contained so much waste substance. H e asors h ii stomach. In tm tln o , bowels aad whole system w en 80 thoroughly cleansed th st his coastsinl headaches c*me to aa end, sereral pimply skin ertipUons on hU race dried up overnight, and eten the rheum auc pains In hi* knee disappeared. At present be U an a l. (acecher dlffercae man. feeling ftne 1 every way.

INNER-AIO contain] 13 Great Herbs; they cleanse boweb. clear (as from stom ach, ac t on shigglsh Uver and kidneys. Mlstrsble peo­ple soon feel different all .......don 't so no sufferlagl Get DiNER. AID. Sold by a ll drug ito«a,-Adv.

A trio composed of K eith Brim- hall. Orrln G ardner and Bhhop G artner sang two num bers accom­panied by Mrs. M addens Gardner,

Pallbearers were Edw ard Groce. George Groce. G eorge Talley, Altln Wardell. Harold W ardell and George Mitchell,

Burial was m ade In the Haselton cemeteo'.


Mother of Burley Minister Passes

BURLEY. F^b. l» -W o rd was re- •elved here M onday m orning of the death of Mrs. C harles A. Balfour, nother of the R er. U oyd M. Bal­four, pastor of th e F irs t Christian church here.

l l ie Rev. M^. and t o . Balfour I d t h e n Saturday for Los Angeles. Calif., after receiving word of h b mother^ Ulness. She died Saturday evening. Funeral scrrlccs were held a t 3 p. m. Tuesday a t G race chapel. Burial was made tn Inglewood ceme> terj-.

W hen y o u r c lothes com e o u t o f th e ir cleinlnff b a th the>’ go to ou r ex p e rt apoU cr. H e knoira n-h«t chemJ- cals to u se and how to u se them , giving your clothes th e l)est ca re and p ro tec tion . Call Richardsons, phone 870, fo r unusual c lean ing servicc.

Dry Cleaningio n th a n a service.. I t U an a r t , SclenUflc methods, trained

personnel, modem equipment. aU coortlnated to give your clothes the c a n th a t preserrea the fabrics u well as the looks.



O j c I i a n W fi k C le a n e rs S J > ^ e ra ^ ^

Page 3: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


O v e r c r o w (lin g O f S c h o o ls to F o r c e C h a n g e

(rnm Om > tlTucled. c l(h t rooms of Uie ol4 itrue ture ««re occupied. As U>« iludeol enrellm ent ineretied Uie rcnpt; room) w m lUled until onl]p Tour tre em pty to ftbeorb Ibe expected IncrMM from not only the U neote dlitrJc t. bu t abo from Ihe Slckel and W aahlngton achool iU»> trtcts which h a re no tu n h er room tor eipon&lon beyond the uUlluUoo of libraries a n d (>^arrooms.

In kddlUon to the studcnU In Lincoln d lilrtc t. bordertd by SUih •venue north, H arrlion and &ho- ihone strw ta . th e present Lincoln enrolloicnt Includes ‘>0 bus students frwn th e U bor c*tnp *nd Saulh i ^ k u « u . w hich correctly beloni to the Dlckel <li5trtct.

T he sending of students to ichoot outside th e ir own district Is no new p n e tlc e In the Twin FkUs &chool system, w hich h u been fsced lerersl times w ith diaproporlloniie populstioni. I t Is probable that In the nex t few years this solution will be utlUied to an even (rea ttr extent and th a t It may be necca* >ary to rtp lo t the Mhool dutricts In more functional divisions.

The old Lincoln bulldlnj. which may easily be filled to capacity in the next school year, has been kept In good repair. Swnd>absorblns >ur« fsclng was rccenUy laid on tlie -sialta between Uie first and &ec- snd floor to replace the noisy wood- rn steps, snd the entlr# bulldln* Interior has been repaired and dec- orated in cheerlul tones.

The rooms a re la rje and in mo»t cases the light is sufficient. How­ever. In 1)0 way do the faclllUes of the old building e<iual those of the new p lant. T he coiutnictlon of a connecting p tu a g e between tiie old and new structures eliminated sef. era] cloakrooms and the substitute fonstructlons a re Inconveniently located.

W ith tlie continued a<idltlon of rooms, discarded cla-vroom e<jul[>- n e n t h as been brought from stor­age. Many Lincoln students and oth­ers a t the Dlckel school are using old-lashloned non-adjustablc seats and desks. T hese are ade<iual« In most Instances, bu t many fast- growing youngsters a re continually unconfortable a t desks fiCYeral sites too small for tliem.

IleclU tlon benches are another ex- nple of outmoded equipment that

U used becau.%e noUiIng better Is available. T^iere are few bookcases, and many teachers have hod to use tables because of a shortage of desks as new clftasrooms were open­ed.

These conditions are being alle­viated os rapidly as funds and avail- ability of oqulptnent make It pos­sible. bu t the eriroltm cnt continues to Increase faster than e< ta n be ocqulred.

Beulah Way, p rincipal a t Lincoln Mhool. beUcves there are many ad­vantages 'In the Mgresutlon of the younfier studentA In the old build­ing. However, s h e deplores Uie loci ttiBt the only lavatories In the old building, a re in th-s baser«cnt and thot M rtn and elght-year-olds on the third floor m ust travel two flljhls of Blnirs to reach tliem. When th e building was conjtructed only the older fifth and sixth graders were housed on the upper floor.

I Adequate facilities would be slm-* liar to those In the new building,

where each floor has a boj-s' and a girls’ w ash roan .

One U ilrd-floor ro a n nnil three In the basement rem ain to be filled. Two of th e husement rooms, class­rooms a t on# tim e, are now used as itorcrooou and another Is a play­room. None is d&slrable as a clasj- room. T he venUlnUon system is in­efficient, m aking the close proxlm- liy of the roems to th e luvoratorle* and furnace room disagreeable and Increasing the bu rden of the Jani­tor. who m ust keep th e rest rooms

clean. A rtilida l llghtUig

«1U hare to be Izutalled to provide sufficient light.

During th is year, from 773 to 800 students have been enrolled a t the Lincoln acbooi In Ita 33 class roosu. yrom the rlew poln t of th e instruc- lort. these figures a re favorable, for the Individual teach ing burden has been light w ith w orkable u n lu of about 3i stu d e n u each.

From the sta n d p o in t of the admin- Istratont. the f igure Is enUrely too Urge. According to speclaUsU In ed­ucation. an 18-unit school is as large u ts desirable for effective super­vision.

In addition to tl)e aliortage of equipment, th e L incoln school has Inadequate playground and auditor­ium accommodations.

Oioomy though Uie picture may seem, it Is fo rtim ate th a t for Uie present a t least Utere Is room the children. However, i t Is becom-

. increasingly a p p aren t to school officials th a t a fourUi elementary ichool m ust be considered soon— but th a t it m u st w ait until the more pressing problem of a new hi(h school is solved.

The proposed new , high school plant, for which th e 'bond elecUon for Uie purcho-ie o f land has been called on Feb. SO. would make pos­sible the opening of a grade school in the present h igh school building.

Buhl Riding Club Plans Horse Sale

BUllL. Feb. 10—T h e annual horse sale of Uie Buhl riding club wlU be held April 10 a t the Buhl rodeo grounds.

Plans for Uie annual sale were dltcu.v.ied a t a meeUng of the club last week. The annual bonquet of Ihe group will be held March 10 St Uie R and R cafe.

Springdale R esidents Take Several TripsSPniNODALE. r e b . 10-M r. and

Mn. O ltn Spackmaii and sons mo­tored to Preston. ArU., bccause of the Illness of M rs. Spackman’s mother.

Jnmrs Bron:.on le ft Sunday for Dohc on n bu.'lne.%s trip.

Eugeno Christensen, Dornl ClirLi- tensen and Oeriiid H u n t Imve le tt on a trip throuRh Arizona, Call- fumln. Ncvftdii ar»! Utnh. "niey ex­pect to be gone th ree weeks.

‘C h em iu 'gy’ Is T o p ic a tL o a n

G ro u p P ai’le yOOODINO. Feb. 10-A talk on

chemurgy by R. E. Oali. Boise, gen- cral sales manager of the Idaho Power oompaay. hlgliilfhted the annual stockholders meeting of the Ooodlng KaUonal Farm Loan asso- claUon here Monday In the M etho­dist churcli.

Addressing 12J stockholders In the orgoniialion. who w a d e d threugh lour Indies nf snow to a t ­tend the meeting. Oali elaborated on Uie different varlUes of crops Idaho fannens could plant to in - crease their farm production by th is new method. He alio jpoke on the experlmenls his co.-npany is coii- ducting in the fltld of chemurgy.

The other speaker a t the meeting WM WlUlam M. new , Spokane. Wash., manager of Uie federal land bank. n « 3 guve an overall picture ot the financial jtructure of the Farm Loon asjoclotlon,

After Uie distribution of dividends. SecreUry-treasurer J, E Dailey. Ooodlng. gave a progress report for 1047.

J. E. Nellsen, Jerome, and Henry Bau.«her. Fairfield, were reelected as directors of liie fimi to ser^e with the incumbent president. Jutes Bciunldt. Ooodlng, and directors, Charles O. Paulson. Hiehfleltl, and Fred L. Brown, Carey.

Fruit Growers to Attend Boise MeetC ounty Agent C. W. Dalgh, County

Commlsslonera Chairman K enyon G reen , and several Twin Falls fru it producers will attend the tw o-day S ta te HorticuUural society meeting beginning ThuiVlay a t th e H otel Boise. BcOse.

O algh sold all Inilt producers and o thers Interested are Invited to lend th e sessions.

H eyburn GuestsHEYBUllN. PW), 10-Roxle Croft,

stu d e n t nuree In Idaho F a lb . was a week-end guest here.

M r. and Mrs. Ddred Browes. Nyssa. Ore.. were guests of re ia - Uves he re Monday.

M r. and Mrs. Byron H ocking. Logan. Utah, visited relatives here ove r th e week-end.




a ^O D E L IN O




Wednesday Deadline Set on Reservations

Final date for making rcservaUoos to Uie annual Twin Falls Clxambcr of Commerce banquet, to be held Frldsy a t SL Edward's school, has been « t tor Wednesday, Cham ber Secretary O. J . Bothnc has a n ­nounced.

Advance ticket sales. Bothne said, Indicate that more Uian 2^0 m em ­bers will attend.


Richard Elliott has tjk e n over the clas.wj of Mrs. Darlene Orenicr. who has resigned from Uie Olenns Ferry high .-^hool faculty.


H*Tp IS MIIm of Kl<ln«v T ubM Flush O ut Po itonouaW aata

WwB dl«H«r of IWnrr funeUon p»no!t» peUonotu Miitr to rrmala in ymr blood.

s s . « a . ' s s ' s u ; . " r t t f•cantr l-Auam vlUi u u n iu uu l^ m ln x •ontUmta iSowi lhcr« li •ooMlblu wross »iHirx«rk(iofT*orbUJdff.Koo't »»ltl A»k Tour far Doan'*niu. > lUmuUat dlunUe. u««l nintuXullr


HOME BOLD FILER. Feb. JO -Jobn Flemmer

h as sold his home on Mala avenue to Everett Veatcii, Eden.



Tlie skilled professional does hla work quickly, propcrl>-—he knows through knowledgo hard earned by study and experience. Our Radiator Repair Bcn'lce Is Uie professional kind. I t will give Uie satlsfacUon the exacting find hard to obtain.

Complete Stock ofNEW RADIATORS


1 3 9 2 N D A V E . . E . T E L .2 3 1

Everything fasfes better with


m i PfTW WIN! CO. SAM flUNClSCO, CAltf.

NEW HOME KA2ELT0N. Feb. 1 0 -M r. nnd M n.

Paul Conway are ruslalng the i pletion of their new home south of town In the Dixon district.


■ OfTcnure cou^ii due to colili, iinok’ lag? Gel this pre*cripUon-lype fomiuia of proven cotijih-rtlief iofmliniU long uied h j tioclon. Quick, long-laating re­lief 9 impartant wtyt: f» f«i«< threat tIckU

2« tM iM i rmw, Irrilaltrf mtMbraMl 3 . K*l»iU«wn phUtm

Magic Valley Auction Co.Vt m l!e weal o f hospital on H iw ay 30


W E SELL A N Y T H IN GF ir m E q u ip m en t — Cars — T rucks — H ousehold

F um lsh ins:* — o r W hat Have You

EXTRA SPECIALB eau tifu l tw o-bedroora house to be sold a t A uction

D on’t m iss seeing th is Hom e!

M ANY OTHER ITEMS . . .Tool B oxes, W ool Blanket^, PUIows, M a ttre sse s , B unk Beds, Oil a n d Coal Stoves, Bed S p rin g s a n d m any o th e r ite raa .

A rllcle* to b e toM can be checked in a n y d a y excep t Saturday .

Special F R E E G IFT to each purchaser a n d to cach person b r in g in g goods to (fe sold.

Goods to b e so ld picked up on W ednesday’s only.

R easonable c h a rg e . Phone 0394-R-l.

H . H . H A T M O NA uctioneer’s Phono 0192J3




BATHROOM Combinations

(Tub, Toilet and Lavatory Complete W ith Trim)

1 4 9 9 5D rcu your bialiroom lor spring wltli thlj ihlnlnij new ensemble consisUng ot n live foot rece.wcd tub, complete w ith trim, steel luvntory, camplelc w ith tr im , liiiil com­plete closet combination.

Im m ediate in s ta lin tio n . Ask for F ree E s tim n tc ,


W here M h rIc Valley Shops W ith C onfidence

For Gleaming Floors Use


4x4 TILE

*15 SQ. F E E T

Ifhaglne your k itchen or ph jr room dune in gay new KenUle. Your diolce of color# pltis free expert advieo on th e thotunndj or beautiful com blnatloai •vttlU »ble. More durable thnn the Ilnrst of in!nld< nnd as Incx- penilve.


Home Water System Gas Water Heater Elec. Water HeaterWITH DEEP W EL L PUMP

Provltlcs plenty of wnter for the averoge farm family. Compact, liiMpcniilve to op­erate. Complete with prci.s«re tank . We Clin arrange to have a well duK for you a t once.


TIME TOite-ttooF


Hexagon ShinglesDouble Thick A.>;phnlt

9 9 9 5

Fully automatic ho t w ater heater—Uifs clean Inex­pensive Butane G oa for fuel. Insure* plenty of p ip­ing hot water 24 hour.^ » day. Immediate Installa­tion available.

40 GALLON SIZEaiiL'.i lined Empire ho t M tc r heater— guwantecd for tw enty yean of clear, trouble free hot water. Completely Inau- Iftted, Double therm w lat. Exceeds all Ida­ho Power company ffpecUlcatloni.

W catlier reaUUnt. doubly thick, a sphalt hexagon shingles in red o r green. Insure your home RKAlmt the r»vaee» of rain and w eother. 16 year manufactureia KunrantM, and lo«-est price In town.

SQUARE C O V E R S 100 SQ. F t.


Lim ited Q u a n tity

D eadenhig"F e lt

Resin P a p e rOne Roll C overs -f Qpr 200 Sq. F o c t........... l - i ' U


Rockwool InsulationOne Bag Covers 30 Sq. Ft.

to a Depth of 3 Inches

1 5 9

Y0UII never have a hard to heot room In your Insulated home. You'll stay w arm er all win­te r (save up to 30% lo fuel) cooler «]) turn* nier. Completely lire proof. Easy to apply. H ie lowest price In town. Limited quaaUty.

7 4 9

Roll Roofing

A sphalt roll roofing.. M pound « -el8h t Corrlea.moDUfacturtrs IS year guanuitee. F u t and eaty to apply .One roU c o w n lOO'aq.'It.

3 4 9

200 SQ. FT.


Plaster BoardO ne R oll C overs P C r t BOO S q . F e e t ______ Roll

Oil FurnaceA Xumace In the winter, *n air con­ditioner In th e summer this eompaet h ighly effic ient Meyer furnace—100,000 BTU capacity complete w ith blowers, n ite rs and n il controls for completely •u tom atlo operaUon,


A S K F O R F R E E B ID SFrom O ur E x p e r t P lum binc nnd H ca tln c E n g in ee r


Wfl have on hand all neccsjary Installation m aterials Including BalvanlsM pipe and fltUnffs. soil pipe and IltUncs. Pum aco pipe and fltUnss. Call 30C3 for a free citlmale. no obtiffatim. o f course. i:k>mpetent mechanics avaliable for ail plmnblns, hcatlQB o r roof- Ins InitaUaUoos.

N A J I E ______________________________________________

A D D R E S S _____________________________________ ____

R E M A R K S ________________ _________________________

i i m

Page 4: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


.. . . . . .Jd tba Tvts rtUt N*«« ..................fsbluM 4tll> ■ .d Sbb<i> (I lU S«o«4 ftTM Wat, Twla

r«Jlk laha. trj tb* Tla»N>ws Pvblkhlni C<a»*ar.EBltr«<f u «coi4 cU« nOl nuR ..................

» l Blfk* U TtIi rtlk. Uito, as4«

o«uu< eui« *f i4u«i

)«rUullM l« '(« vVkflthM •N kfr.'« til i* lin s ra d u lMB« «r Uli virrr Mnuisl is Swlles l».)0( I. U !>». u tii t i tkn<t« br Cbitu> U<, tt}> ImmIod U o i ef II

RUSSIA SQ U EA LS I f J . M. RoberLs, Jr., fo re ig n a f f a i r s a n a ly s t

fo r th e A saocla ted P rcsa , la r i g h t , th e tu r n in g p o in t ho3 been r e a c h c d In t h i s c o u n ti7 '5 re la t io n s h ip s w ith H u ssia .

N o t a lncc th e e n d of t h e w a r h a r e w e aeen a n y new s d isp a tc h a s f r a n k a s t h a t In w h ic h A n a ly s t R o b e rts d e sc r ib e d w h a t th e U n ite d S t a t e s Is do in g In p r e p a ra t io n f o r a n y e v e n ­tu a l i ty w ith R uss ia .

I t ’s bc ca u sc a r in g o f s te e l Ls b e in g b u il t . u p a g a in s t a n y f u r t h e r a t te m p ts o f com -

m u n L it a g g ression , th a t R u s s ia Is beglnnlnpr to sq u e a l, as R o b e rts c x p la in a It. A n d h e p re d ic ts w e ’ll b e h e a r in g a lo t m o re sq u e o lln g f ro m Moscow fro m h e re o n o u t .

T h is a n a ly s is w aa n o t a l l a p e c u la t lo n w ith - th e A P obse rve r becouae h e s u b m it te d con - . v ln c ln g ev idence, su c h aa t h e $10,000,000 ■ b a a e w h ic h th e a rm y la c o n a tr u c t ln g on : O k in a w a .

H e n ry W allace , Son. O le n T a y lo r a n d th e ; u a u a l c ro ss -se c tio n of p a c i f i s t s w ill con>: d e m n a ll s u c h p r e p a ra t io n s a n d p re c a u tio n s

aa w a r-m o n g e r ln g . T h e y w o u ld even go so : f a r a a to h o ld us to b la m e s h o u ld w a r w ith

R u .'u la becom e a r ea lity , e v e n th o u g h Rus.sla h a a sh o w n no In c lin a tio n to e s ta b l is h a w orld

. p e a c e .W e ’re m o re In clin ed to g a in aom o r e a s s iir -

: a n c c f ro m A naly st R o b e r t 's r e p o r t . A t le a s t ; w o c a n fe e l t h a t o u r c o u n t ry h a a n o t been

a s le e p to th e R u ss ian m e n a c e , even th o u g h w e h a v e le an e d o v e r b a c k w a r d s to p la c a te

• t h e s u r ly b e a r.: W h a t If w e follow ed o u t th e r e a s o n in g of : W a lla c e a n d T a y lo r to t h e p o in t o f m a k in g , ' a fo o l’s g e s tu re? W h a t If w e d is c o n tin u e d

m i l i ta ry p r e p a ra tio n s a n d g a v e th e w orld t h e a to m ic bom b? W h a t If w e fo rc e d o u r-

; ee lvca to believe t h a t R u ss ia h a d n o u l te r io r . m o tiv e In sp ite o f h e r d e te r m in e d agg re ssiv e '

n e s s ? W here w ould th a t p u t u a In th e e v e n t o f a n o th e r P e a rl H a rb o r?

W h e n w e a to p to th in k th i s a l l o u t, w e h a v e n e v e r be en a n a g g re sso r n a t io n . N o t on ly : t h a t , w e h a v e probab ly d o n e m o r e t h a n a n y : o th e r c o u n try on e a r th t o p r o m o te a w o rld

p e a c e . B u t even aa p e a c e - lo v e rs , w e c a n n o t a f f o r d to bo o ff o u r g u a rd a g a in s t th o se w ith h o s t i le m otives.

W e a d m ire o u r c o u n try 's p r e s e n t a t t i tu d e of : n o t ap o lo g iz in g fo r those p r e c a u t io n a r y s te p s

w h ic h a re be in g fo rccd u p o n u s .R u s s ia h a s a sked fo r i t a ll w i th h e r a rro*

g a n c c , dece p tio n a n d s e c re t lv e n c s s . T h e r e ’s n o th in g a b o u t h e r a c tio n s w h ic h w o u ld m a k e a n y c la im s o f f r ie n d sh ip r i n g t r u e .


W HIRLIGIGWASHINOTOK—ttjb (Ut« departm tnl'* r tce a t nul>-

UaiUon of i « r t l piper* re re i lln j the RIUer-BUim conaplracy to p lun je Europe Into w ar In « Joint »t- t tm p i a t WQfld dominion »«umea a new *nd poIiUc*! J ljh i f tlK r « careful check ot the T rum aa adm lnU tri- tlon*8 orlslnnl plan to ban releaie oi^Uiesfl documentj unUl 19i9

In MpIaJfUnj the prtmalur# r«-, i ta w m lew »ceki ago. P rttldent 'rn im a n amlllnsly u ld It «aa done for th e benefit o f “Wjioriani." al though other material of e<jual Ini' portjmce has been withheld froml ■ u e h dliUnguUhed auUwrs a i'C harles A. B*&rd.

’The seneral imprm lon a t I cap lU l t» th a t ih tt t rcveUUoni theilBJB diplomatic dtiU were made . ^ public a t th li tim e lolcly to high* prcM urc c o n frru Inlo enactment of th e MarahsH plan w ithout the "eroAinf of an 1 or tha do ttJn j ef a t."

Moreover. President Trtiman. Torrner Btcrelaw Byme* and Secretary M anhall knew th e contenla and th e sljnlfleance of thwe documenta elnce May of 10«. T h a t waa btforo the PoUdam conference a t w hich Mr. Trum an save w many eoncesiloti* to eiaJln and lo n t before the Prejldent and M arahall decided th a t the re was no hoj* of R uulan collaboraUon for world recovery.

POSTPONE—The pUn to postpone any revelation of th e Hlller-Stalln plot agilnat Britain and the United S U le i wa» announced by {he tu to department on O ct. 3, imo, n month* after the documenta had been ACl*ed and analyied by Ihlj country'* m ost expert diplom ntj, On th a t d*y the stale departm ent save out th la announcrment;

"A progmm for the publlJhlnB of an auUiorllallve coUecUon of Oerman f o r t to office documenta and o ther official ^ape^» la beliij undertnkni by the depurU ncnt ol fta te . . . I t l i believed th a t 20 or mors volumes will be required for the tank. I t l.i believed th a t th ree year* or more will be required for the taik."

T he original plan of "tliree year.i or more" of docu* m entation and analjal* has special significance. It would have meant complete M^recy un til a lte r the 10<8 prealdentUI election. I t u-oulrt have prevented the O O P from making the charse tha t the U. 8. tru itw l nuM la even after top level perusal of thtte papers.

READING—To bulwark the belief th a t th e release waa tim ed to force pawaRc of the Marahall plan with­out a n y amendmeiiLi. Uiere Is the added fact that the a U te deparunent'i original pa ttern of publication contem plated a work of JO volumes.

In aueh a thick encyclopedia the sharp and aenia- tlonat de tails of Btulln'A hatred of the United Statei, B rita in and th.- eapltatljllc west vv-ould have been almost obliterated.

T he recen t releaio by the state departm ent 'con­tained only 300-odd paies. A few select correspond* cnts regularly a&'Llgned to Marshnll'a office, like bomber pilots before a raid on enemy country, were carefully briefed In advance.

I t w as advertised quite generally th a t copies of the n n ti-R a u la n book could be obtained for a dollar from th e Bovemment printing office. T he sales have assumed best-seller proportions, and It Is good reading.

B A D C O M P A N Y F O R W A I X A C ^ H e n r y W allace Is p r e s e n tin g h im s e lf to th e

c o u n t ry aa a s o r t o f sp ir i tu a l r e in c a r n a t io n o f F r a n k lin D. Roosevelt. B u t h e c a n n o t b r in g h im s e lf to r e p u d ia te c o m m u n is t s u p ­p o r t , a s th e la te P re s id e n t d id . O n th is p o in t , I n f a c t , h e s ta n d s In d ir e c t o p p o s it io n to M r. R o o se v e lt’s v ie w .

M r. W allace sa y s h e h a s s e e n n o e v id en c e to su p p o r t th e c h a rg e t h a t c o m m u ijls ta ad* v o c a tc th e v io le n t o v e rth ro w o f o u r g o v e m - n ie n t . In view of th e c o m m u n is t l i t e r a tu re a v a i la b le a n d th e p a s t u t te r a n c e s o f A m e ric an c o m m u n is ts , i t m u s t be t h a t M r. W alla ce c h o o se s to s h u t h is eyes to t h e e v id en c e .

T h is a sp ec t o f th e W n lln c e -c o m m u n ls t a s ­s o c ia t io n m ay n o t seem to o Im p o r ta n t . A m e ric a a p p ea rs no c lo ser to a c o m m u n is t* le d rev o lu t io n tod a y th a n M r . W a lla c e d o c s to t h e p res id en c y . B u t Mr. W a lla c e Is s h u t t in g h i s e y ca to m ore t h a n t h e e v id e n c e o f th e w o rld -re v o lu tlo n goal w h ic h c o m m u n is ts h a v e b e e n w o rk in g tow ard s ince K a r l M a rx p o in te d I t o u t 100 ye a rs ago.

I f M r. W allace 's pub lic s t a t e m e n t s r e p r e ­s e n t h i s t r u e fee lings, h e Is a ls o s h u t t in g h i s ey ca to th e f a te o f m o s t I n n o c e n ts w ho B u b m lt to th e com m unLst e m b ra c e . " A n y c o m m u n is ts w ho su p p o r t th e In d e p e n d e n t t ic k e t ," h e says, "w ill be s u p p o r t in g o u r p ro ­g r a m . n o t th e co m m u n ist p r o g ra m .”

T h a t Is a re m a rk a b ly g u lle le sa s ta te m e n t f ro m a m a n w ho h a s been In n a t io n a l p o lit ic s

■ f o r t h e la s t 15 years , T h e t h i r d p a r ty c a n ­d id a te m a y dism iss th e F r a n k e n s t e in s to r y a s a fab le . B u t can h e d ism is s th e c r p e r l - c n c e a o f som e of h is c c n te m p o m r le s —S id n e y H il lm a n a n d Jo h n L. L ew is, fo r I n s ta n c e ? "

W alla c e m a y fin d th e c o m m u n is ts ech o in g h i s s e n t im e n ts a n d c a r ry in g h im ' a lo f t In t r iu m p h . B u t, If th e y r u n t r u e to fo rm , t h e y wlU s lip a couple of le g I ro n s on H e n ry r i g h t I n th e m id s t o f th e t r i u m p h a l p ro c e s ­s io n . W h en H en ry tr ie s t o J u m p dow n a n d le a d th e p a ra d e , h e l l d isc o v er t h a t h e Is g o in g t h e c o m m u n is ts ’ w ay, n o t v ic e v e rso .

S o u n le s s th e c lassic p a t te r n h a s ch an g e d , M r. W alla c e will f in d h im s e lf In a s p o t b e fo re N o v e m b c r ,_ E ith e r h e can d is a v o w th e c o m ­m u n i s t s a n d a l te r h is ow n p o s i t io n a c c o rd in g ­ly o r h e c a n s tr in g a lo n g w i th t h e m 'a n d lose t h e s u p p o r t o t th o se s ln c c re fo llo w ers w ho m a y n o t f e a r a re d rev o lu t io n ; b u t w h o do

. .r e se n t.t h e a g e n t s . o f - a J o r t i d j j o K c r j p a k l n g s u c k e r s o f th e m .

SUSPICIOUS—I t alio Intrigues members of con- sress th a t the originally propa^ed delay In publlsJilng the R ltle r-S talln negetlatlona did no t apply to the a tate departm en fs handling of aecret documents In* volving F ranco of Spain and Peron of Argentina.

••Dlue" and “white" books denouncing these unsavory d lctatora were hurriedly prepared and publlclced In 1048. based on captured Oermnn foreign office papers.

A lthough they were made public so aa to aid Ilus- ala's schem es In those extremely anU-communlat coun< tries, th e ir only effect was to weaken American pres­tige and Influence In Madrid and Buenos Atres In a political. dlplomaUc, economic and mlUtary way.

I t Is incidents like these which, rightly or wrongly, tend to m ake Congreai luxplclou-s of the Marahall plan. Such on-again-off-agaln prnctlees also Incline the MC's to fea r th a t the state departm ent has no basic o r c lear-cu t foreign policy save Uie polltlco-dlplomatle need or whim of tiie moment.

Ion's de-

e six to decide

E M B A nR A S SE D -nie Trur......... ..............liberate u-ootng of the colored vote—without this elC' m rn t o f th e electorate, the President has no chance of w inning—h as embarra.ved Aaaoclate Supreme Court JusUce WUUam O. Douglas. In view of simultaneous .luggestlons th a t he ^hould be Mr. Truman'.i runnlng-iiute.

Before th e supreme court a t the moment are se>-- era l cases Involving Uie question of real estate cove­na n ts containing antl-sejregntlon provblons. Three Justices have reIu.^ed to s tt In the ca.w for noiinced reasons, leaving I t to th is histo ric cau.ie.

As a liberal. Justice Douglas will probably vote to Invalidate any antl-raclal clau.«es. Should he do so. however, h e will be acciMd of voting on the court wlUi his eye on the ballot box.

K EOntGA TlO S'—The \Vhltc IlOU-ie haa gone out of Its w.iy to Up olf the high tribunal on the kind of decision I t want*. T he Presldenfi commlttce on civil rights, th e departm ent ot Ja'tlce. the naUonal housing nuthorlty . th e army (not the navy) and o ther Bsencles have, In the few weeks before the eotirf.-i expected decision, declared and acted against scKregaUon.

Presiden t T rw nan. who needs thU vote In northern cltJea. will be dtiappolnted If the Rooscvelt-Truman Jurists do no t give him a political lift In their ruling. He figures th a t h# can disregard southern Democrata' protesUt In th e expectation th a t they will vote for him, aiy-way. Moreo\-er, the Republicans are pitching Uie sam e ao rt of wool

WANT TO K E E P BATSrThe Editor in Charge* of Fillers,

those little th ree a n d four line biu of useless in form ation you cotuUtu- ents find sc attered h ithe r and yon about the T>N, called our attention to Uils little gem ;

>11 U eatim aln ! th a t U e««U aboBi M a year to keep a ra t on a U .8. farm .-Ytah. bu t w ho w anta to keep ’emt And by the w ay , can you imagine

what a b r illian t con>e:'’aiioBallat a guy would be a fte r wnUng that sort of s tu ff aU day?

CAUGHT LS TUB MIBDLEOne of the p o t Shota Field Agents

checked in by phone the other day to Inform ua of th e la tes t derelop- menta In hU a ea rch for a nickel worUi five cen ts. T hen he pasted on the following y a m :

I t seema n . J . Holmea had left hU auto parked a n d returned eome time la ter only to find an officer

the law w ith a foot cocked up cn the running boa rd whUe he wrote out a ticket. W hen R. J. asked the member of th e constabulary how come, the gen t In uniform polntec to a sign.

But snow h a d be en plastered . .. the sign so i t cou ld n 't be read. An open discuaalon o f the situation suited In an end to the Ucket-w Ing activltle.i.

But Mr. Holme.<t, our Field Agent declared, purchnned two duc&ti to the policemen’s ball.

OUR BU LLETIN DOARO A Loyal D em ocrat—Your contri­

bution Is more In line of material for the Public Forum . I f you caretodrop into the T -N office and sign your name to the le tte r, the Forum editor saya he 'll be gIa<J to run it. Anyway, Judging from the autlonery and w hat wc Jcnow of the local pol­itical situation, th e pen name isn’t much of a puzalcr.

CAB SHORTAGE ENDING PVotii the le tte r of a friend In

Washington. D. C., wc gather that the car shorU ge soon will be Just anoUier memory.

She s ta rted w ritin g a le tte r (one of thoie m a ra th o n affairs) and mentioned In th e f irs t InsUllment tha t she and h e r husband were thinking about g e ttin g a new car. She also told th e p a rticu la r model of auto In which th e y were interested.

As la the way o f those marathon letters, some so r t o f Interruption delayed the re s t o f It far a couple of days. O n th e th ird day. ahe fin­ished her writing.

Yep. th a fs r ig h t. Ju s t th ree days after alie wrote they Imd started tlUnklng of ge tting a new auto, they had It. And th e sam e model and style (even to th e color) ahe men­tioned In th e f i r s t inutalhnA t.


Twin Falla h ig h school and Jun­ior high school s tu d e n ts aren 't apt to appear droopy these cold morn­ings, we learned v ia John Flatt, principal.

I t seems the h e a tin g p lan t doesn’t gel around to delivering the goods until later in th e d a y . eapcclally on Monday m ornings. La.it Friday all atudenU in Uie bu ild ing had a little someUilng ex tra In tJie way of holi­days. \Vhen Uie building failed to watm up m uch by 10;30 a. m., eveo'one was s e n t home.

Just to ru in w h a t could have oUierwL-ie been a n ic e day. etiidenta returned to cla-isea a t 1 p, m,

FAMOUS L A ST LINE . . If bog price* go down a bit e we can a ffo rd bacon.



PEGLER’S ANGLEI reilUe. of course, th a t when

Judge decides an Im portant case c.. a question of fact, he may gracefully decline to exhibit 3ls thoughU In a formal opinion. I know also, how-

that writLig e more ardu- work than

p h y s i c a l labor and. k n o w in g Mmethlng about Judges. 1 suspect the fellow who,

;e an umpire i n ______ _baU game, de-

cldea a close onewlUi a snap and tu rns hU back and walks away.

I accept snap decision, wltiiout objeclion, only on the wide ones. Umpire* are no t required to Justify their decisions except in casea in ­volving InterpretaUons of riUes. These are Uielr questions of base- bsll law.

On quesUons of fact, th a t Is, in plays wherein the umpire's eye Is the sole authority i s to w hether the

the player waa firs t to the bag, the umpire rulea on the in su n t and brooks no dispute.

He *111 be wrong a few times In IM games a year. B ut the philoso­phy of baseball Justice Is th a t the breaks come out about even for Indi­viduals and teams. In a game, a series, a season or a lifetime.

In baseball th a t U well, but In our courts It Is bad. In basebaU sportsmanship Is supposed to pre­vail and the vicUm of a bad decision Is supposed to take It without pro­test. To our general surprbe , some­times he does.

But sport and Jaitlce are separate Inatltutlona. a word I cherish be­cause It can designate anj-thlng fron the house or detenUon to the geodetic survey, and. the line r the line between fair and foul, the more scrupulous the Judge should be to Justify his decision and maintain public confidence.

Any athleio m ay be subject to hundred decisions In one contest,

le total effect of which will not alfect his r lg h u a s a citizen. The clUzen St bar may never iuve been there before and m ay never be there again. Do him Injustice th a t once and you may make an anarchist of ilm.

But If injustice m ust be done through honest e rror by the Judge, he should writo the reasons why he decided as he did. I t is no t an easy ta. k and the sa laries of Judges are not sufficient for high-class lawyers Kho are aUo good writers.

We often get tnnre ability and -esl Uisn we pay for. B ut In too many other cases we get Just about ■slue received. T h a t m eans laiy-

mlnded. Indolent m en who lack the ;;haracier and education to realise tlist they are supposed to personify equal Justice under law.

There Is a class o f federal case* In which the governm ent Is a party In which sane Judges, through latlness, discouragement, InlUal lack of char­acter or political corruption of soul, refuse to decide honesUy.

I t la safe for such a Judge to th m r a case ou t o f court, thus ex- eusmg Uie defendant from Je<^ardy by an arbitrary, outrageous deci­sion which cannot be appealed or which the departm ent of Justice will not take the trouble to appeal, e\'en If Uie right of appeal exists.

There Is ahop talk in the courts.

The departm ent of JusUce some­times goes through false motions of proiecuUng a iw lltlcal ally or protege of the Democratic party without actually tryUig. Judges know tills.

The consistent record of defeats ( Uie deparUnent of JusUce. mean­

ing Uie people of the United States. In prosecutinns of union racketeers

U too notorious to be accepted with­out suspicion.

I beliere the H arry Bridges depor* UUon case U suspect in th a t U>e d epartaen t of jusUce saw to It that no Jury of American cltiteni erer should alt In JudgmenL

Only Judges sa t In this case be cause It Involved a peUUon for i writ of habeas corpus. 8UU, Bridges lost all Uie way to the supreme court, wliere the bench had been loaded by Roosevelt with the sdrlce of a coterla of pro-eommunlsts.

T h a t was clever, keeping Uie luue and the evidence ou t of reach ef a Jury.

Even some of Uie good federal Judges are spiritually deblllUted. Good men see terrible monstroslUes day a fte r day which JurltdlcUon and decorum place beyond Uielr touch. A Judge In New York apoke with resignation about the unspeakable abuse of the bsnkruplty laws by thieving, professional dead-beats.

A podestrian Injured by an auto­mobile wins a Judgment for 15 100. Ue tries to a ttach the defendant’s

damage la aucUoned almost seereUy, from Uie courthouse steps, and la bought for a few dollars by Uie bankrupt's broUier with Uie bank' iiupt's own money.

Bsnkruptcy waa an ac t of the Brlliah parliament to reUeve mer* chant traders who had honesUy lc«l their all by shipwreck or piracy. In our countrj-. especially In New York and particularly in Brookbn, U is

corrupUon.In naturalisation cases. parUcu-

larly where Uie petitioner Is Uie protege of aome American society wlUi a large treasury and hjThe- nated loyalty, some federal Judges con.ilstently decide In favor ot the Immlgranti In flagrant dcflance of Uie facu . We have only Uie con­science of the Judge to guard us here.

A few yeara ago. a predleUon waj made of the court's Impending decl' slon In a prominent case. The pro­phet even named the Judges who a-ould dissent, Uius. by Inference, calling the names of those who would give Uie decision. He was loi per ce . correct.

I knew privately, though a mem. ber of the court. Uiat this prophet had had an understanding in the I» s l w ith anoUier member of Uie court, wliereby Uie sooUuayer re> celved. exclusive, advance Informa­tion In return for personal public­ity favorable to this Judge.

I wrote to Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone, wlio replied U iat he “profoundly disturbed’’

befor* In which peculiar etrcom- stancea abaolutely prored th a t th e n was a leak. Be Indicated th a t he suspected the tam e JusUce.

We of geturalbriefly befora I len . Indica ting pile o f ragged documents about .. foot h igh beside his chair, I asked him if b e had to read them.

These were the peUUons of con- vtcU In federal prisons who had n< lawyers and so wrota the ir own. o r go t oUier conilcta. wlUi more educaUon, to help Uiem. I t waa Uie task of Uie chief JusUce to read them , every one.

Yet, tn many cates, indolent Judges o f our federal dU trlct courts obviously do no t even bother to read the documenu, bu t glibly decide the ‘ facU” In the dark of th e moon on Uieth a t there will be no publicity.

Liquor Sale Count Confronts WomanJEROME. Feb. I tt-T riaJ of Mrs.

M ildred Qogenola on a charge of illegal aale of intoxlcaUng bever. ages has been se t for 10 a. m . Wed­nesday before JusUce of the Peace WlUlam Ccnutock.

M n . Oogenola was arrested l u t week by sta te liquor control men. Dali, pending trial, w u se t a t t3S0.

lA s t week Mrs. Oogenola, who runa a rooming house here, was arrested by local police and fined «](X> on a charge of disturbing t> peace.

to call. W hen I visited him ... agreed wiUi my suspicion Uiat Uiere

as a leak.Chief JusUce Stone asld furUier

there had been a case some time

S c ie n c e h a s do n e a b o u t e v e r y th in g fo r th e .. m o d e m h o u se e x cc p t m o k e a h a p p y h o m e of

I t u p to th e o c c u p a n ts ,--------------

; J& arm ifle rMya’fl writer,-tntw the cdg r Wf a d in e r ’s a p p e t i te . A n d p r ic e s le n d a h e lp in g h a n d .


The furU icr Uie Suuuen.Pauley affair goes, the less cred it la reflected on those Involved, saya the Christian Science M onitor.

Edwin W. Pauley: No evidence h w as yet been brought forw ard th a t Mr. Pauley sought or obtained "InMde JnformaUon.“ Hls trading Is no new departure. H e had been a t It long before he sought public office. Nevertheless, he haa sought high office. Ills appoint­m en ts have no t been thrust upon him. n i.i failure to sense th e im propriety of accepUng office while en­gaging in large-scale speculaUon, and of then taking h is time to get from under hi* market commitments ( a t a pro fit), does n o t enhance hts fltne.is fo r public sen'Ice.

Harold E . SU-wen: To charge th a t Mr. Pauley 1; an "Insider." and has used ln»Ide InformaUon to profit in trading, and then to back up theM accusaUons with no more th a n a "pattem ” of market operaUons, and th e strange contenUon that the "burden of proof” reals upon Mr. Pauley to establish Uwt he d idn 't exploit h is position ra th e r than upon his accu.<er to prove that h e did—th is Is a line of scUon which partakes of irre­sponsibility said smacks of politics.

T he se n ate committee; The RepubUcan majority appears pleased to show up Mr. Pauley, th e Demo- cm U c m inority equally anxious to show up Mr. Stassen. E ach accuses the other of not sharing pertinent InformaUon.—Pocatello Tribune.

TH IS IS BOSTON N athan Haskell Dole, poet and wit. long was a self-

appointed committee of one to Invite to the Boaton A u th o n ' C lub literary celebrlUes visiting Boston. .Learning th a t Count Tolstoy wu a t the Copley-Plaxa hotel. Dole w en t there wlUi his customary InvltaUcn.

W hile a t th e office de.ik ho noUeed th a t th e lobby waa uncommonly crowded. A toonj clerk explained: “ Itie se a « delegates to a road makera’ eonvenUon.“ * T h a t so?'* sa id Dole. “I wonder if th e Colossus of Rhodea la am ong Uiem." 'lH find out fo r you aU-.“ Uie c lerk told bins, scribbling tomtUilng on a card and h r m in g I t to a bell boy.

THe.boy atUl was pagUig, "Mr. Colouus Rhodes. TJrT Co;assus Rhodes.” when Dole took an e lerato r to c w m t T t i l i ^ '* room.—Uwlston TObuae.


A N N O U N C Eth e re tu rn to our s ta f f of

MAYME ADKINSShe will be pleased to welcome and sewe her many friends and pa­trons al


120 Shoshone E. Phone 205

New Building Under W ay in Glenns FerryOLENNS FERIIY. Feb. 10—Work

n a new cinder block building tn the business district here has begun. Cleaning away of debris from a llri m any years ago was Uie flrat step in Uio construction of the 30 by 60- foot building.

T he structure will have a large meeUng room In the baaenient wlUi a m odem kltclien for the accommo­dation of lodges and other com­m unity organizations which have no ha ll of Uielr own. L. L. Clark, who

Issued the building permit, ex- pecta Uie building to be completed wlUiln CO days.

M o n e y to L o a n• Farm Loan*• C ity Resident Loans• C ity Business Bldg. Loam• No Appraisal Fee• No Commlsaloni• Low In terest Rate*


139 Main East Phone 2<7

Palm Sp rinn

I h a n Just been made laayoc of Uiat beauUful land of msJte-beU»v* wher« the fua and tha iky and the sand run barefoot Uuxrugh your

.mosey . , . and I do Bean Palm Springs.

certidnJy a n t a t hoQOf they have bestowed u]>> p a me and I'm In­deed proud to ac- «J« , lu In lact,

]my f in ac t as .mayor will be to

luce the taxes my houae down

Uiere.The citizens of

. . re *0 suspicious, though , . . I wasn't In office two hours before a committee walked In. pointed an accusing finger a t me and said 'T u rn In your grain, you're Uirough."

As mayor I'm doing UUngs in a big way and you should have seen the looks of surprise when I gave every gU’l in town a key to Uie city hall.

Running a ......................Isn't easy. The first UUng I did v replace Uie police canmlssloner, fire chief and tax Inspector , . . In fact.

’s the first time m year* my rela­tives have been working.

W hat a thrill It l\ to be the head -xecutlve of a to rn . When I walk nto a place, even'one greeta mo

and f can have anything I w a n t. . . I keep telling them.

But I'm not going to be drunk w ith power or lose my he.-vd. No. slrl I 'm going to be a hard-aorklng, dlEnlfted servant of Ihe people and If you don't believe me . . . I t says


Father DiesDECLO. Feb. itt-M rs. U w re n e

Gibbons has received word of the dcaUi of her father. Joseph Tliomas. a l Malnd. Mrs. Olbbons, accompan­ied by her husband, left to attend the limtral services.

S T O PH eat Los


O R D E RYour AUco Aluminum


with Suntmer Bcreeni

Idaho Engineering and Sales Co.

US Second E. Pbeae m i

Says Man Has Strange Powers That Work While He Sleeps


Minidoka Tractor Sales Co.IS GETTING SO MANY


THEY HAVE A NEW QUONSETIBob L ynch and Mac M artin are ju s t as PROUD of their H and­some, ru g g e d all-steel QUONSET office, showroom and shop in R U P E R T as they are of their complete line of Ford tractors and equipm ent.

Stop in and Inspect Their New 24’ X 84’ All-Steel

QUONSETfind fiec how th is v c rsa tilo —nil steel btiildlnff cnn

bo th e econom ical an sw er to y o u r builtling ncctls.

P R IC E S START AS LOW A S ....................S619.00For a S tran -S te e l QUONSET completely erectcd on your property.




A strange man in Los Angeles, imown ^ “ The .Voice of Two W orlds,r reveals Uie story of m arkable sj’stem Uiat often leads to Improvement in power of mind, achievement of brilliant business and professional succeu and nei happiness. Many report Improve' m ent In health. Others tell of in' creased t>odtly strenghth. magneUc personality, courase and poise.

T h e m an, a well.known explorer and seoBrapher. tells how he found

'these strange methods In far-off and m ysterlow Tibet, often called Uie land of miracles by the few traveli perm itted to visit It. He dlselofies how he learned rare wisdom and long hidden pracUees, closely guarded for three thousand years by Uie aaccs, which enabled many to perform am azlnc feati. He maintains tha t these immense powers are la ten t In- a ll of us. and Uiat meUiods for uslns them are now simplified so Uiat they can he u-wd by almost any per­son w ith ordinary Intelllsence.

Ho m aintains tha t man. Instead of belns l ^ t e d by a one-man>power- mlnd. has within him Ui# m lnd- power of a thousand men or more as well as Uie enent}--power of Uie uni­verse which can be used In his dally affairs. He states that this sleeplnff g iant of mlnd-power, when awak­ened, cxn make man capable of Bur- prlslns accomplishments, from U i» ^ prolonRlng of youth to success InW many fields. Strangely, he sa ji th a t this power work.? best while we sleep, when proper meUiods are used.

T lie author statea Uie lime haa come for hla lons-hldden system to be dlsclwed to Uie Western world, and offers to send his amazing fl.OOO-tt-ord treatise which reTeab m any starUlnR rc!ult.i—to readers of Uils paper. Iree of cost or obllRa- tlon. For your free copy, address Uie Institute of Mentnlphyjlcs, 313 SouUi Hobart Blvd., Dept 381-E, Los An­geles 4, Calif. Headers are ursed to write promptly, as onl}- a limited num ber of the free treatises have




From N ovem ber 1. 1946 to October 31, 1D47


•TIn WAKIlANTtt—*1.1, fDSijT"' W»rrtBti


~ ‘n')¥Al. M~i o lti-ic't;il-'f r TOTAL POND nnCKtlTii -

TuTAtl 'ni:gT:ri-TH . ........— »,«» <


STATE o r IDAHO Coantj of Cm iU

f. E»tl 0.ttrlitT■lloni Ol u ii < n rrw a U lu tlof m UI l^titrkl

IU*n. Sfcrrurr of tlii Ullncr Low Lift trrtxilba Dlitrict kmbr forwoJn* la a full. tn<« »Bd «>rr«t cf t)i« fla«MUl eptJ'llflir Lem U fl IrrUatlon UUtrlct. corfrlni a rcrbxl of on* t.ir . *a<l

b«t of BW-lino«Wt». iBfurmillnn lb( fUiO.-Ul MndllbaI tht cluM «( U>t riMtl

TARL t>. UlAllS,

Page 5: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


A n a ly s t V iew s K o r e a n S trife

A s S h o w d o w nH r DEWITT SU CKEK nE

AP FerelcB A tfa ln AuO rit Somctloe. tomcwbere, Dure must

IM • thovilcnni txtween the bl« democntlc majority o f tb t DrJled N&Uoni tn d the red minority com* p rtilsg Russia and h r r u tc U ltu . who (hui far ha re hamstrung t h e peace ortB& iu- lion— and Korea may well furnish (ui early Import* an t (U no t dcnnl- Uve) test.

The p o s i t i o n lesdUiB up to th e present disorders In louthem Korea 1* this; At the end of the late war the herm it Unsdom, as Korea was called, was occupied by Russian troops In the northern half and by Americans In the south. I t was understood th a t the aim should be to consolidate the two areas and hold free elections for establbh- m rnt of en Independent Korean gov­ernment.

North Sealed Off Instesd of puisulns this policy,

Russia sealed off the north from the south completely and commun- Iscd the Soviet Mctlon. At the some Ume red agenU made an Intensive drive to organlxe ccmmunbt cells In the south and have done their' best to create unrest among the people.

Korea, being a mighty atom itrateBlcally from the military aUndpolnt, I* » pivotal point for peace In Uio fa r east. Wljat raon natural, then, th a t the IT, N. gen­eral assembly finally should send a commission to Korea with ln> stnictlons to hold elections through­out the country — meanlnR both south and north. Tlie Soviet Ukraine decJ/ned « placc on the commis­sion.

E ntry ItefcuedWell, of course the Riuvlans have

refused to permit tills commlislon even to enter northern Korea. Not only Uiat, but a wave of sabotage and bloody political disturbances, alined a t hampering the commis­sion. Iios swept the United Stales zone, and American sources a t­tribute this trouble to lelllsts.

The commlMlon now has report- . ed lu failure to the U. N. little ' oAsembly (which sits when tlie gen- • eral aj-«mbly isn 't In ac-vlon) and

has settled back to awall tlie lit- clsloti. So now the big epeculntlon l5 what line the little assembly will t«l;e.

In Salt Lake CityCASTLETORD. I -tJ. !0 -M r. and

Mrs. Frank Kndc..li liiive left for Suit Lake Clly, Ul.iti, wlicrc Ko- de.'.h will receive mcdlcnl tre.Hintnt.

Mr. uiid Mrs. John Prlluclk are In t>;iR Like Clly 10 br near Mr.s. rniufllt.’s l.1Ier who la 111 lii a hw - pltjil thl^re.


Dean aiocklng and tons, Boise, wrre recent RUej.t.% of .Mr. and Mrs, Clif­ford aiocklnjc.

VPI Student From Buhl Given Post In Agronomy ClubBUHL. r e b . 10—M anhall R. Cam-

mack, S u h l. a Junior a t Virginia Polytechnic institute, has been elected vice president of the s tu ­dent fecUon of the American So­ciety of Asronomy.

Cammack was bom u d reared In Twin Palls county. He entered VPI tn l l l « bu t soon Joined the anny a ir forccs, where he serred three years. H» was discharged a t P t. Lewis. Wash., In lOiS. He re* enrolled a t VPI In the faU of that year.

)!e h as « eUter. Mrs. W. U . Cobb, living In Duhl. Another sister, Mrs. V. a . Ncllson. resides In Twin Falls. His b rother. W. E. Cammack, Is a resident o f Pller.

In addition to a ttendbg school. Cammack works for the Virginia agricultural experiment station and plans to do research work In plant breeding a t Wosliingtun SUte Agrl- cultural college when he Is grad­uated from VPI next year.

Speaker Stresses Need of C. of C.

ROPERT, Peb. 10 — R ajtaoad Snyder, president of SICE, spolt* on th e rtsponalblllty of m Cham­ber o f Commerce to develop eommu- nlCy thinking and a feeling of dvle m ponslblU ty a t a meeting of the R upert Chamber last week.

Pointa emphasUed by Snyder were representAtJon tn the orvan- Uation of all the area aerred by th e commuQlLy, lull representation of cUl types of busmeas and pro­fessions, and Immediate and long range objectives toward which the group could work.

Victor Sorenson, Pocatello, repre­sen tative of the Idaho magazine, npoke briefly on the s u te 's ’ tour­ist •tXracUons.


Cleaners has been transferred to Mrs, Jane Slirvm who will manage Uie business and whose son. John, will operate Uie ddivery scrrlcc. Morris Decker had bten operating the business here tor some montlu.



roltn. If 7*a ttin ••ilr. SATIHPACTION CUABAN. TEEP. 6rti< ll,l* TOUAT

W ESnVARD n o , Orovlllr, Calif.

M eeting PlannedRU PERT. Peb. 10-H ealth and

welfare executive meinben are p lanning a public meeting a t the LDS tabernacle Peb. 20. The m eet­ing will be in preparation for adult classes on family relations and ao- clal hygiene.


INSULATION CO.133 Third Ait. Bo.



SociETli quality chocolatcs—

like C upid's arrow— hit the

spot! T he sweetest g ift for

discriminating tastes.

THANKSW c wi.sh to express o u r sin cc re thaiik.s fo r the niiuiy kinclnes.se.s nnd

con.sidcrations shown us in o u r rccen t bcrcnvemenl. Espccinlly do we wish to thank ou r m any friendK nnd custom ers fo r licinp: p a tie n t during th e dnys when th e loss of M r. B a b b d di.sruptcd businc.ss th e m ost. Thnnka ngnin fo r being fio considenitc.

THE FUTUREW e flhnll continue to t ry nnd m erit your confidence b y producing

work nnti service of th e h ig h e s t quality—w ith an aim o f p leasing y our every individuni like in c k a n in p and ta ilo ring service. W hen em ergencies a rise please feci free to call on u s fo r special services, w hich w e will be glad to g iv e . '

EXPERIENCEI t is ou r good fo rtu n e to have employed th e m ost experienced em ployees

possible to obtain. They have n il been w ith ub from two to flix yenra, nnd each one— be lie in the cleaninir o r taiiorinK departm ent— is qualified to produce only the h ighest q u a lity work.

EQUIPMENT ____ -Good employees a rc handicnppcd w ithout good tools. W c hnvo con­

tinually been buying th e late.st in cleaning nnd f in ish in g m ach inery so t h a t we have a com pletely m odern p lan t. This assures you o f th e beat in c lean ing nnd tailoring.

GUARANTEE - INSUREDId le boasta wo do n o t caro to m ake, b u t we do w ish to e ta te uncondi-

tionally th a t our service m u s t please, o r i t will n o t cost you a cen t. W e w an t y ou to be satisfied, and a sk only fo r th e chance to p rove i t on a satia- faction guaran teed basis. A ll c lo thes a re insured w hile in o u r card.

PRICESW e have always tried to be honest in ou r prices, a n d sh a ll continue

to ch arg e no more th an ab so lu te ly necessary for ou r se rv ices. B ecause of* th e g r e a t savings a ffo rded u s b y opera ting on a Ca.sh and C a rry basis, wc sha ll con tinue to givo a 2Q7o d isco u n t on all do* cleaning b ro u g h t to o u r p la n t

Mrs. F . A. Babbel Roy E. Babbel

* 'In d iv id u a l C le a n in g a n d T a ilo r in g '*

Babbels Clothing Clinic*‘T h c p e r f e c t c o m b in a t io n o f e x p e r t C le a n in g a n d T a ilo r in g * ’

121 T h ird S tree t South g j j





Dainty lace trima on tm ooth rayon knlL Strap »lecve 8tylt4.White, tearose. 3<-<0_________________

BATISTE GOWNS5o eazy to launderl Tubable printed batiste. Pitied type. 34-40____________

E very Woman Could Use Several

Print Aprons 1.49

Purclin;,ed f.'ipcclnlly for Valentine Rift Rlvlngl Crisp, neat pcrculcj, dainty sheers, all u’ltli neat pocfceW and ruJfIc Itlnu. Bib sty lu , adjustable straps and tie:.




TAILORED SLIPSIlnyoD saUn, 4-gore tailor­ed. Durable. pracUcal gifts.T ea , white. ^ 2 0


3 Matching Picccs You Can Buy ,As A Set, or Indiciduallyt

Sol 2.13H ere’s the-croam of the te r ry crop— tljc thickest, f inest anyw here a t th e se prices! Luscious peach, g reensp ray , roflcdawn .azure nnd bu tte rcu p tones in a Penney exclusive design.

22" X 44” B ath S iz e ........................... 1.19

16” X 27” Face S iz e .............. .............. 65c

12” i 12” W ash c lo th s .........................29c

CHECK LIST OF VALENTINE GIFTSSeersucker, Hou.secoat,s, flo ra ls ,

w raparound ....................... ................. 1.08Gay Spring Hantlkerchlefs, p rin ts ,

80 da in ty ............................................... 29cS oft H eadsquarcs, large size,

sp rin g shatlc.s .......................................{)8c

Piece Goods— prin ted rayons o rfine c o t lo n s ......................39c to 98c yd.

Delicate E arrings, dain ty biLs ofglam our ...........................................1.00

Gnymode Nylons, 45 gauge, sp rin g K hadc.s....................................................1.15

D ress Up Your Tablel


1.98P rin ted ! Choo.se lilac clus­te r o r f ru it b asket design— gay as a garden in bloom! B r i g h t e n every tab le! W ashable, sturdy, closely woven cotton. 62” square.

Soft P aste ls on W M te l


4.98Lovely additions to e v e ry bedroom! Blue, d tu ty rose , peach, green o r go ld f lo ra l designs on w hite. L a u n d e r­ed and p rc-shrunk .

and, if your Valentine is a man —


100^1; All Wool


Men W an t Towncrafl*

Patterned SHIRTS

3.49T h ere’s a place in every m an’s w ardrobe fo r the.so fino combed cotton sh irts . W oven-in patte rn s of ex­ceptional clarity ! Sanfor* ized. N u -craft collars!

Reg. U. B. PaU Off.T ow ncraft T i c s ............1.19

F o r h is leisure h ou rs! Carc^ fu lly tailored a ll wool slacks — th e kind he en joys w ear­ing . C rease holding, w rin­kle rc.'ilsting g a b a r d i T i e . ' T an , brow n. Sizes 29 to 38 w a is t All lengths.

Rayon Slack SockB

49cPlain , s trip e o r clock de­signs. E lastic top, rein- /o rced heel and toe, lOVj-


Just 100 Carefully Selected All Metal





•B A R G A IN S t

PLANNED FOR VALENTINE GIVINGA w ide v arie ty of round o r square com pacts w ith so lid color and two-tone enam eled tops. Com plete w i th m ir ­ro r, puff, generous pow der space ,tool A tru ly BurpriB- in g V a lu e l.



Page 6: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


D e m o cra cy Is D iscussed at

P T A M e e tin gA p in e l (Uicuulon a ln a s tn c Cie

topic. “Wh*t Mti we u p a rcn ta »nd te achen do to mtke democracy vork fti IhU roodfm w rld ?" was fea tured ■ ( the W iihlngton PTA mccUng U ond«7 eTenlnr

Max Llord. .Cl7de K oontz aiid K m neth Kal) were spcsk tra in Uie dUcuulon, and A rthur K lclnkopf terrcd u m odrntor.

Llord aald, "ChUdrtn ahould b« ta u sh t to «xtoU the r lc h n and clorlei oi democracy In th e ir oim home*.'' 'P arfn ta ihould er«Juat« propacanda In front of ch lld rea ," he contlnuMl.

D m o c ra rr Means T olerasee 1 >emocrAC7 means lolerMice. both

racial and rellfloiu. Rail declared. -T ight aklrta of prejudice shorten the itepa of progrtu." he pointed out.

Kail em phailud the ra]ue o f vU> ua] education and lald th a t i t helps more in developing tolerance than a n ;th ln e eUe. lie explained th a t the poiilblllUes for vuual education are pncUcaUy unlimited.

Koofiti »trfM«I the golden ru le In his talk. M jlng tha t young children should be taught to be honest to they wUl be able to share the burden of democracj-.

■•Iroportant, too, is teachlns ch il­d ren hov to deal with others ." KoontJ said. He sUted th a t t«och> Ins children to sene others a n d to take on active Interest In (orclgn, nn> tiona] and civic affairs 1» necessary,

V itsal EdacatJeo F a l r a t Visual education by way of film*

In the schools was endorsed by Koontz.

Tn’o fourth grade teachers con­tinued the program. 2.1rs. P a t Cocknun and Jojre Goodman save sh o rt tAlks stating the ir a lm a in teaching.

“Work with the parent and child to f it tiiem better for society." » a s one of the alms lUted, and “help* I n t children to live as well a i le a m .” w as another emphasised aim.

Both teachers asreed th a t the t«*cher m ust aid the child In davel- oplng personality, itre n rth and character.

Mrs. H. A. Paynter presented a short talk on "founder's day." M rs.Lk 8 . Shurtleff w u elected c h a ln n a n o f the nominating committee.

Chairm an of the PTA education fToup. Mrs. Charles Pullm an. .... nounced th a t a metUne will be held Feb. 33 a t the Washington school and everyone Is invited.

A short bustneis meeting w aj ducted by the president, M rs. M as UoTd.

T w in F a l ls R a d io S c h e d u le sKLIX




I 'lioion IJjirphonrI T, ». Ilourr flub

10 ‘I-ikI WhlltmtB11 Old Jo*>0 II.M KdUs.K Junnu .‘iKItin

tc lUrard Xtiop <0 *C«drl« Tam■a 0.jiUr Clir

i n iihi iii» a «Toinm» I)urMT SI

KTFI-AM -FMa n o K ILO.99.7 M IG )

iNBC *ULKk.t44l>* hrt.

l:00 ,Il«b Hum Shu.IlM «U»d Slwltan l.-Ofl l^upp»T Ctsk HIS N ln» ru i«o E< t;M •MJIlaa UnU i:OQ iNvwt &«mm«n not iD slcn far Lht<iilR«

0 xWorld Nvwt IlMnd'jp S H xle V .llT AtrU1 U rnkriii EdlUm

litS bias Blno »;«fl iNor« Ortk«J S K . ' - S L - i - ’ ")i(9 ijorc* Jor4«am.::M Clwll«n(« S«r<n*<I« tilS Noon N«wf. MukiU liM ilU^lo S«rUb Ii09 i(;4ii«r*l u n it Hour


IS Uude bt UuUa 10 xAunl Karr IS iH . V. KAlUBbon IJ K l» .r if l^ tdillon 10 iM uU Maktn « «Duff>'. T»«ni » Wa^B W1»«,U10 iJ lam r Duriow Sfce 4 i!tapp*r Club

NJn*-rirt»a C<9ltl«n 10 m rra t CIU«nlMTf

All Principals in Schools Rehired

Prlnelpsls of all Tn-ln Palls schools sere relilrcil for th e com­ing yesr Monday n igh t w hen the school board held a regular meeting.

Arthur M. Klclnkopf was rchlred I director of curriculum.In addition to rch lrln* Klcln-

kopf and the school principals, Uie Aoliooi truitees h ired Alfred J. lUecliers. KollLiter, ns bookkeeping Instructor a t the h ich school,

PrlnclpsU renamed were John D. Platt, high school: Mrs. Vera C. OXeary, Junior high; B eulah Way. Lincoln; Vivian Kllnk, Blckel. and Nom Prilcher, W ashington.

BUls amounting to t<,300 were ipprored.

Sheriffs Posse Sets Rodeo Time

D a ta fo r the third annual rodeo to b t sponsored by the S heriff's mounted poasa were se t w hen the sro u p m et Mondsy evening.

■nie rodeo will be held Ju n e 7i. 35 aad 38 la th i Frontier field arena no rth of town. Later m eetings will ba hetd to complete a rran g e ­ments.

ElectloD of officers was held a t the Mondaj' meeting, and Curtis T u rner was reelectm captain. O eon Kendrick will serve as secretary for th e oomlns year. Turner will ap* point two lleutenasts to assist h im dnrbyr th e year, but they wlU b« nam ed later.

‘n ie group also discussed drills they » 1U practice durln f the sxim. m er fo r rodeos and other shows.

ResignsOOODWO. Peb. 1 ^ -Id a M . John-

m Henderson, who h as been seer*- Ury-tressurer of American Palls reservoir district No. 3 for th e last 30 )-esr«, ha* resigned. M rs. Hen­derson has been employed by the district for tha last 33 years. Nancy Haddock, formerly of Shoehone, has been hired to succecd M rs. H ender-

Valley Students to Debate at MCE

U N IV tn a m r o p IDAHO. Mos­cow. Feb, 10 -Perry Dodds. Kimber­ly, and Paul R lg trup , Burley, are members of the th ree debate teams representing the U niversity of Idalio a t the annual tr i - a n fu la r debate meet Uils week.

The Narthem Idaho College of Education. Lewiston, will serve as hoat school for the th ree -w ay tour­ney of debaters from NICT. W ash- Ington 6U te college a n d th e Uni- verHty of Idaho.

The toumey Is fo r stu d e n ts »-ho have had only one year 's prtn-ious experience In college debating.

On T ripsriLER, Peb, 1 0 -M r. and Mrs.

C. A. B«em were veek»end Tlsltors at Boise and Nampa.

Mrs. Anna Oano. w ho spen t the l u t nine m onths a t th e home of her niece. Mrs, L eonard M artin , has left for C sllfom la to visit rel­atives before retu ra ln* to h e r heme In Bams. Kans.

ELECTEDUJnVEMITV OF IDAHO, Mos- | >w, p^b. 10—Willard BelU. Rupert. ,

has bees elected vice president of 'Kappa Sigma, social fra te rn ity a t I (he University of Idaho.

A U TO anti T R U C K

G L A S SSAFET? OLAfiS c u t and f i t In all make or model cars o r trucks.

SASH GLASSWE ALSO HAVE single and double strength sash. . . Crystal Sheet Qlass for desks or table tops.


m 2od Ave. E. Fhaoe 4S3-W

Lou H e lle rFIRE and AUTO

I N S U R A N C E IOipbeBin B n lld la f

M e d ics T e s t S ire n D e vice

T o K i l l B u g sBy HOWAEO W. BLAXCSLEX

AP Sdeae* EdltwNEW YOIIK. Peb. 10 OP»-A slrtn

whistle th s t kill* fUea and mos- qultoM In 10 seconds b descrtbed In the ioum al of the AeousUeal So­ciety ot America today.

The whistle Is hooked to a horn th a t difrcts the sewnd. But don't make one je t. It has to be almost a.i close to the fly as a swatter. If you sta rt wlibUinf the TUes to death, jtdu soon would become d ia y -ind probably atart seeln< double,

n u n a a Risks New The human risks of tills whbtle

j e new to tclcnfc. They are re­ported bj- Doctors C. H. Allen. R. Prlngs and I. Rudnlck of P tnnsyl- vanla State coUeg*. The scientists are hunUng for some to rt of a loud* speaker to kill crop insects.

The siren makes a noise too h l|h« pitched for human ears to hear But a fte r a IltUe while a pcrvon dose

It gets dizzy. He dota no t ha re be In the sound stream—tn tact.

If any part of him u directly in the beam of sound close up, th a t p a rt gets veo' hot.

If a hand Ls placed in the stream, with fingers touching, the places where they touch get burned The tempersture a t these fieih cooUct po la u Jumps to more than 1 » fahrenhelL

Bwome More Ttwd Workers spending an entire d a r

In the sta te college whistle rocra report th a t they become more »h«n ordinarily tired.

Those who open their mouths while the whUtle is blowlnf. lee] a cool tickling setuaUoQ In their mouths. Some like thU tickle, other* don't.

T he reasons for these e ffec ts__not kno«Ti. except the burning. TTie uhlsUe kills the Insects because the sound wsves overheat their bodl«. f t heats anything the sound blast touches.

■nieie bum s kill cockroache* and caterplU an in thre« to four min­utes. The roaches used were ttiout two Inches long.

SICE’s Yearbook Ready for Printer

s o c m iE n N iD A a o o o l l e o eO P EDUCATION, Albloo. Ptb. vy - U aterta l fo r the 6 a ^ . yeutiook published by the studeats a t tha S oulbem Idaho CoUet« of Educa- Hon. wtU be ready for tha prtoiers SaturrUy. D on EawwtU. editor, a a - announced Tuesday.

S ta ff m em ben. in addition to Ed­wards. a re Max Craaer. BurUy. a s iis ia o t edlior*ln-chlef; o iena Trem ayne. Albion. Jianagtof editor: G uy Roberts. Burley, assistant man- aglns editor; Mark McIntyre. Weet CUrkavtUe, N. Y , pho ti^apher; EleatKusMae Wall, Twin Falls, edi­tor o f ' %tAarti'» acurtues; Oonlon McEwen, Burley, editor of a e n ^ ac­tivities; O eorre LoTtleas, Burley, sport* editor; Beulah Moore. Buhl, •oclely edito r; Yvonne Drake, Jer­ome. dram atic and music editor; Cal Pace. Burley, a rt editor, and David Ross, faculty adnsor.

Acequia Residents Are Recent HostsACEQUIA. PVb. lO -E d o n SUph-

eoMo. a stisdeat a t the Utah s u te A jrlnU tural coUeft. Locsm. Utah, spent last week-end here with his parenta. Mr. aad Mrs. j . a. Stephen-

Mra, A. C. Sm ith. KalitpeU. Moot, Tlsltin* a t the home of her niece.

Mrs. C harles CoUlns.Mr. and M rs. Merlm HamUton.

PocaUUo. Saturday visited a t the Spencer Parker home.

Vernon M avm cam p and Dale M ateiKam p. Ha*»rman. were week­end c u fs ts a t the K enneth Roch- lord a n d J . B. H urd homes. They are fo n ae r Aetqula m id tn is .

C hapter OrganizedRUPERT. Feb. 10-T he Hl*Y

club, a nalloQwtde service w ran lsa- Hoc. recently fonaed a ' chapter a t th e • R upert high school Carl Sprlnc. speach Instructor, b the ulty advuor.

Desrrees ConferredR U 7E R T . 10 — Project « •

<*m p«nm t Jfa. K lo o p . met r»- ccn tl7 to coDfer th« patztarchal de- M m OD tw o cu iU daU a tran i BurUj. Th* to h leB rule win ba coDfcrred oa th e w caZMtidatca a e x t Monday. A bazsq;Qtt vlO toUov the

Rob«n W a f te r aad John Gummar- SCO n c e lre d th e tixltbtwy decree In the n ibo td lnala lodge Feb. 4. T he Burley - R u p e rt social o t the tv o lodcta will be held m BuHey fiatur.«lay.

Purple a n d Tlolct colon a n t to r> ertth aophlstlcatlon.

X O TH E K D IE 8O L IN N 8 FERRY, Feb. 10-M r*.

^ l e a a W alke r died Jan . 27 a t the b < ^ o f h e r dau ib tcr, Mr*, llm c r Butler. S b « va« l i ye an of age a t the tlm a o f .her death. Burial w u m ade la B a lt Lake c ity . U*«>»

RETt'RN HOMK HF\*BURN, Peb. 10-Mr. and Mrs.

W alter HoJsten have returned home frtwi a trip to Salt Lake City.



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N o w A v a i l a b l eThrough C ata log

S u p e r -S ire W ARDROBEHolds 30 suite, coals o r dresses. Space for hsts, shoes, o r ties— center panel h u full view m irror.

$ 1 2 . 9 8

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Quick heatlng-hesvy gauge steel im ier un it. Two-toned w alnu t r a in e d porcelsln finish. H eight



Three-speed. Rcmovsblc mljUtig head. Comes w ith 1 and 3 Qt. Blass bowls-Jutcer and 3 beatara.

Twin W AFFLE IR O N SChrome plsted finish. Two cast aluminum grids. H eat Ind i­cator. Two plugs. Orlds m ay be used separately, a m

Uses 700 wslU. ^ 7 * ^ 0


M otor driven cleaner with 'i H P motor, triple action cleaner — rerolvlng brush. Rubber fu m l- ta re lu a rd s — ^ a m Uses 350 watts . ? 3 4 * 9 5

CU R TA IN STRETCHERAdjMUble for curtslns up to U x

Movable gsuge bars — w ild rrama. Btreteher folds op. Overall s i n W f e r t . ____ - $ 6 . 4 4


F\aur pieces for. tea, coffee, sugar and flour. Painted ^ « a m intertots. 8«t ___


R em onble rack. Holds 16 lb. roast or 9 lb. foa-l. a ^ ^ Family s i t e - ___


z in c -p la ted — rust ree b tan t. Flexible steel wire. Pits a ll a d u lt sizes 2 5 c

****** th* t t a n order desk ta afUst you b i K wish yea msy pheae ottr mall

o y r t t t c n l (IMO) u d h a ra them place yonr order fo r yoa.

FALES Seninj Ajent for



FEB 6” 12

OJifS WORLV' ^ * 1." u ' i " -’ ’ f ■ S c o u h f r o m 3 8

n j t i o n i h e l d t l i « i r J a m b o r e e o f P e a c e . I T ie y i p o k e

m a n y d i f f e r e n t l a n g u a g e s a n d p r a c f i c e d m a n y d i t

f e r e r f c u r t o n w . Y e t . f h e y l i v e d t o g e t k e r . a t e

i . * “ " S ♦ o g o t h e r a n d' ’f ' S r e e t b r o t h e r -

i i e m W o r l d — a h a p p y w o r l d — f o r

A n d t l i ! i o n a e a m p i H e l o c a t e d o n a p l a i n t h a t

h « f o r e e n t u n e i b e e n t e r r o r i z e d b y t h e h o o f b e a t t

o f t h e F o u r H o r s e m e n o f V / a r .

. T h e d r a m a t i c p i c t u r e * a b o v * s h o w * 6 0 . 0 0 0 w ill-

i n g h a n d ^ ^ e h a n d s o f b o y s - i t e p m j f h t i r w o r ld a b o v e p r e i u d i c e t a n d i n t o l e r a n c e s t h s t b e g e t w a r .

T r u l y , h e r a t t a l e u o n f o r a d . s y m b o f a e d b y t h e

B o y & o u t b r o t h e r h o o d — a M o v e m e n t t h e t f l o u r ­i s h e s i n l e n d s w h e r e m e n o f g o o d w i l l g o v e r n .

*(Ore«« fraai «■ a m tt lU Js«U>»«)

S c o u tin g w ill flo u ris h in o u r h o m o t o w n w h o n I t h as th e su p p ort o f a ll c itize n s

W hy n o t m eet w ith some Scouts th is week?

Bert A. Sweet 6c. SonFiTie Furniture

Says * rwlU PaiTAround th e clock-around the

season—a n d around the year; a Universal JE E P works In the pro* ductioQ of asrlcu ltu ra l products.

W ith th e power take-off you can power your hay chopper, feed grind* er or any o th e r belt operation. I t 's a trac tor. plck>up. mobile power unit and tow truck. For the farm*

I t a ll a d d s up to a sound In­vestment.

Drop In to the McRae Motor Co. and ask fo r facts and figures . . . See them he re In stock for Imme* date delivery.


STYLE NO. 4040


O CaA □ CVargt O c o o !


Page 7: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


Double-Ring Rites Marry Virginia Walker to Prince

The Bev, A lbert B. . . . .dueled U)e doublCTlng cem sonr which united in m w rlage VlnlnU Mbt1« Wftlker and W alter Mack Prince. Jr.. nt 3 p jn . Sunday, Feb. 1. * t the F irs t M ethodtJl church.

The bride Is t h f d iughter ot Mrs. W ilttr H *«cr, T*-ln Pail*, and the brlde^rocTO Is th e son of Mr*. Lou Bter. a a r llc ld . U tah.

A BBlhcrlng of 75 suesta wltHBistd Use ctrtraony w hich was prrfortned before ft background of pink u d white snapdragons and candelabra.

Tlie whlC« SAtln bridal gown was fashioned w ith les>o>mutton sleeves and a.Tound yoke line bordered with » quilted floral pa item . A three- quarter le n s th veil was held In I^ace with a beaded pearl tiara. The bride’s bouquet w as an orchid rounded bjr pink caraatlona.

Annie Lou Raedels was maid of honor a n d wore a yellow taffeta dress « t h pink camauon*. The brtdesznalda were Mra. DIU Meycn and Lola M agnuson. Mr#. Meycn

I was d reued In blue net with whlt« carnations, and M lu Magnuson wore rosQ toTfeta with white carna­tions. Each wore a halo of match­ing carnations.

Before th e wedding. Ilogcr Btaf- ford eang "Always" and "I Love You T ruly." accomponled by M n. BUfford.

Linds L«e, coualn of the bride, w u flower girl. 8 h e carried a bas­ket of rose petals. Lawrencc Walker, uncle of th e bride, gave his niece In marriage.

Bill W Ullaini w as best man i with BUI Me5'en. al*o served usher. T lio usher* lighted the c dim preceding th e Mrcmony.

Mrs. H ager choso a block dress wlUi pink acceasorles for h e r daugh­ter's wedding. H er corsage was of pink camaUons.

Too recP T " '" church pa ri ‘nvg bridal couple cu t the cake In the trad itional m anner, and Mrs. n . L. Reed a n d M rs. B. O. McCall helped w ith th e cutting and serving. Mra. Williams served the punch.

Miss Raedels was In charge of the gtiest book and M rs. Meyers saw <o the entries In th e gift book. The reception was arranged by Mr*. Raedclj, Mra. Reed. Josephine Doyle and Mrs. McCnll.

Out-of-toT^-n guests who attended Uia wedding were Mr. and Mrs.

LLawrence W alker. Mr. and Mrs F a e o rg e W alker. Wendy Walker

Mrs. May Lee and Joyce and Linda

Vera Cesari Is Wed in Rupert

Catholic Rites

Marian Martin Pattern

Lee. William W alker and Mn. Olen Spencer. aU Pocatello.

P rior to h e r wedding the bride was honored a t a shower a t tiie h a n e of Miss Boyle with M lu RaedeU and MIas Magnuson ai hostesseo.

For her traveling ensemble Uie bride had selected a bolUe-grrcn suit with brown acceasorlM and the orchid from he r bouquet . corsage.

following a ehort trip to Balt Lake City, the couple will go to LcwU- ton where they wilt reside at 1S?7 38th street for a few month.?. Tliey will Dim return to T uln Palls to make tlirlr home.

« « «

Heyburn ClubsHEYDURN. Feb. 10-T he Neigh­

borly Nine and th e flyrlnBa cluhs m et recently.

Mr.'. Eugene Pullman was honor­ed on h e r b irthday by the Nelsh- borly Nine a t a meeting a t her home. At pinochle Mrs. Jolm Mar­shall won high score. Mrs. Harold H unter won traveling prize and Mrs. K enneth King. low. A special gift was pre.iented Mrs. Pullman and a birthday cake was «r\-cd.. 13ie Syilnga club .‘pent the after*

noon sewing n t itfl meeting Friday a t the home of Mrs. Joe Pullman. Burley.

RUPERT. Feb. 10-V em Ceaari d aughter of Mra. Itallna Cesari. R upert, and Jam es Qrassfleld. son of Ur. and M n . Clair Brassfleld. Mini* doka dam. were united In marriage a t 7 p. m . W ednesday. Jan . 3B a t the 8U Nlcholaa Catholic church.

T he double-ring ceremony read by the Rev. Father D, L. Me* n ilg o t t. before a background of calla Ulles, F rench heather and acacia. M rs. Rausch, a t the organ, played th e proceasJenal and recessional. She also accompanied M n. Clyde B ott. William Henacheld. and Mrs. A. J . Schell, who Bong "Ava Marla.*' Leo Heoscheld and Blllle Rausch w ere a lta r boj-s.

The bride, given In marriage by h e r uncle. A. P. Dal Sogllo. wna a t­tired In a hand-m ade white satin gown. She wore a n e t veil held by a crown of a white orchid and pink bouvardla. Her bouquet was pink roses and w hite bouvardla.

Mold of honor, Lola Cesari. wore a gown of blue taffeta and the brldeamalds, Valerie Klebe and Mrs. Oole Taylor. Pocatello, also wore blue gowTui. All carried fan-sliaped bouquets o f pink carnations end wore short veils held by matching ilovae. Debbie Henscheld, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Henscheld. acted as Junior bride. She was a ttired like the bride and a lavender orchid held her veil.

Oaie Russel! acted as best man. and Ronald Klebe and Darrell Oeorges were ushers.

T he bride's mother wore a black su it and the bridegroom’s mother a ault of tan . Their corsages of pink bouvardla.

Im m ediately following the mony, a wedding dinner was served In th e parish hall for 70 friends and relatives. Mrs. Charles Klebe, Mrs. Vlo DolSogllo and Mrs. E. L. Dot- so sllo prepared the dinner. Assist­ing Mrs. E dith Moncher, who waa In charge of the tables, were Mrs. T ed M errill ond Mra. Joe Engkraf.

Dom DalSogllo. Mary OnemI, Dorothy Hen;<held. Angelin# Hen- scheld. DeJares Henscheld. Mary Trtimer, and B o n n i e Bchroeder s e n ’ed. T he table centered by the th ree - tiered wedding cake was adorned fu rther by roeea and car­nations. Delores nnd Dorothy Hen* scheld had charge of the bride's book and th e gift Ubie.

A dance was held a t the Moose ha ll a t 0;00 p. m. the same evening. In honor of the young couple.

FV)r he r traveling entemble. the ew Mrs. Bra.vfleld chore a three-

piece green suit w ith brown acces« Borles and a n orchid corsage.

T h e bride, a JM7 graduate of the R upert high school, acted as secre­ta ry for Lawrence H. Duffln prior to he r wedding. Mr. Bra»fle1d grad* uated from Acequla high jtcliool and served In th e navj-.

T he couple will make their home In Pocatello where the bridegroom Is a studen t a t Idaho StAte collff'*

» ¥ ¥


cow, Feb. 10—Ella Marie Pamlum, Ketchum, was pledged by PI Beta Phi »ororlty a t m ld-semeslrr rush-

t Uie University of Idaho.

Newlyweds Feted With Burley Reception-Dance

Carl Hogg, who were united In mar. rlage Ja n . 3S, in the Idaho F^lls LDS temple, were honored a t a reception and donee last week a t the Burley f irs t ward LDS rrcreatlon hall, w ith more than 300 guesU attending.

Before h e r marriage, the bride w u Carol LuDean Bench, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lealle Bench, Bur­ley. The bride's parents and the bridegroom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Uogg. and Mrs. Beatrle Soren* son. of Moore, accompanied the couple to Idaho Falls for the c mony.

Receiving th e guests a t the eepUon were th e bride and the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Bench, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hogg. The bride waa dressed In her weddmg gown of white slipper sa tin . Her Ilnger-Up veil was held In place by

crown o f seed pearls ond ^he wore corsage of pink rosed. Her string

of pearls was borrowed from her aunt, Mrs. Sorenson.

Mrs. Bench wore a gray afternoon dress, w ith a coraage of red and white carnations, and Mrs. Hcgg wore 0 black p rin t dress with a red and white cotsage. A special guest was Use bridegroom's grand' mother, Mrs. Robert Ilogg.

M argaret W yott had charge of the guest book, and Mr*. Vena Price arranged tlie g ift room, assisted by Mrs. Beatrice Soreruon, an aunt of the hrlde, Mrs. Ha Broft-n Ontario, Ore.. R uth Bench. Janice Hogg, and Cleadella Oorrord assisted with the reception.

The serving table was centered with a th ree -tie r 'weddlng cake surrounded by pink and white tapers In crystal holders and arrangements of pink and w hite eam atlons. ‘Hie newlyweds c u t th e wedding in tradi* tlonal m anner, and the cake, ptmch, and cookJes w tn served to the guests.

A short program was given which Included a plftno duet by Doris and Oloadelta O a m rd . a vocal (olo by Mrs. Sorenson, accompanied by Joyce Budge, and a readm g by Lois Seovll. T lie c\'enlng was spent in dancing.

Hogg Is a g raduate of Burley high school and Is employed In Burley, where they will moke their home. Mr*. Hogg a ttended Burley high school.

* * ¥

Club DancesHAZELTON. Feb. H t- In a valen­

tine setting, the 100 dance club en­joyed an evening of dancing to tlie music of Arlon’s Bastion's orchestra Tliursday evening.

The donee was held a t the high Khool oudltorliun which was orna­mented w ith a celling of balloons and outlined with valentines In vari- Ota alres.

» ¥ ¥

Sleigh RideIMILEY. Feb. lO -M rs . Nona Moesl

took her Slscetonwon group of Camp Fire girls fo r a sleigh party recently. Refrtahm ents were served o t the Hotel H lawotho. and la ter the group attended a movie. Each girl brought 0 guest.

! ini6. GAEL UOGG (Sherrod phot«'StaX( engraving.)

Going-Awoy FeteMrs. Edward Skinner entertained

Friday evening a t a golng-away ahower for he r niece. Patsy Fields, who Is leaving Wednesday for the Milton IL Berry fountJoUon school.

There were 16 people present in­cluding aome out-of-town guests from D ietrich and JeiPme. A heart game w u played for entertainment.

A valentine theme was followed in TTj« hostess a<-

Husband FetedMURTAUOH, Feb. ICt-Mrs. Clar­

ence H lddleston entertained a t • surprise birthday party for her husband recently. Pinochle w u the evening's diversion. Quests were Mr. and Mrs. R. H . Wolker, Mr. and Mra. Ted Haynes, Mr. and ^T^s. K enneth Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Orv.:!e Carney and Mr. and M n. Charles Brou-n. Kimberly.

CalendarFILER. Feb. 10—“n ie Legion aux-

Ulaiy will meet M onday evening a t the Legion hall.

« ¥ W The 3-5-7 Masonic dance club will

hold a dance a t B p. m , Tburaday a t th e Radio Ronderoo. Arlon Bastlan and his orchestra wUl play.

¥ * ¥SqulUa club will m eet a t 3 p . m.

Wednesday with Mrs. D lls Fuller instead ot with M r.. Velda T a j’lor u was previously announced.

¥ ¥ ¥P I L E a re b . 30-M rs. Emily Boker

will entertain the Elmwood Social club Wednesday. Roll call response will be a funny joke o r s too '. Mra. Thelm a Wright «-iU be assistan t hostess.

¥ ¥ ¥Ttie W anen's A m cia tlo n of the

PresbyUrlan church will hold lt« general meeting a t 3;30 p jn . T hu rs­day a t the church. D evotions will be led by Mrs. M. P . K enw orthy, a review of "acnilBmen's A greeo ienf wUl be given by Edith D j’gert. a ta lk on 'Brotherhood" by Mrs. Raymond Poulton and special music by Mrs. Austin Wallace.

¥ ¥ ¥Maroft Women's club wlU m eet

a t 3:30 p iu . Tliursday a t th e school h o ^ Mrs. Will Reed and Mrs. John Drury wU] be hostesae^ For roU caU there will be a comic V^alen- Une exchange. Mrs. Tom Alw orth U to give a drnmatlrod book review on Portrait of Jen.iy" b>- Robert

m th a n . Meiiibera are rem inded of the ottendanee contest.

Rosette Dance Is Planned by Stake

A committee of the L D 3 youns women's MIA m et Prlday evening a t the home ot Mrs. M elrln Full­mer to make pU ni for tn e annual sUke roeette ball which will honor eo Junior girls.

The ball, to be held a t th e Radio ;Rondevoo on Thursday evening, Feb. IP. will be a leflp-year valen- Une party.

The girls will send heart-shaped valentine Invltatlona to t h e i r young men, will call for them and escort them to the ball.

At the baU the Junior glrU who have earned their awards will step through a large lace-trtm m ed red heart and be presented a rose which U the Junior glrla' aymbol.

T ils Is a stake dance and all membera are invited.

Mr. and M n . P . L . Tucker winhold open bouM from 3 to 4 p a . Sunday a t the ir bono a t m FourUi sueet MUth, in celebratloo o t tb d r Mth wedding aaal»<r«ai7.

The couple cordially is r lte kS their friends to a ttend and make a special retjuest t l u t no prtsenU bo brought.

« « «

NewconnersThree recent arrivals tn Twin

Falls were guests a t th e Hewcdnen club luncheon held Satunlay a t the Rogerson hotel. The new were M n. C. W. Dalgh, Mrs. Fred T. Kolough and Mrs. E. H. Barker.

The luncheon waa aerred tn the


h u returned from « two-wtek vtsit a t the homes of hU d a u g h ten and sons-ln-law, Mr. and M rs. Albert Sclioedde, 8snta Rose, and Mr. and and Ufa. Roger Troupe. San F ra n ­cisco. Calif.

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btpiHnlni to no. Jo*i aprliU* a I rAKTcmi. u>« andiM (dom<u>

powder. o» rwr pUi«. U»l4i <i1m t* ^- rinal7. M U>tT (Ml mort eoa>>wt4liI« not (osr. CtMCki 'pUu o io f <4»

. . . . brwlhl, 0 .t rASTECTlI f l u f d n i i • l o f t . - A d f . _ _ _ _ _

So Much Style For So Little


W O M E Nwho feel

N E R V O U Scanstl by ftmctloul ‘nlddli-iiilDo r>u fulTer tnm to tnrrvoiu. irrlUbl* eianunr tMUon—Out to th« funetloaal 'mldOli-ts**

Vrfeubla Comiwuna teplla«* such-crmpwrasl I t f ttw hunbat Doeton cUl a atomactilc tonls tSoetl

^ l» D I* E .P IN K H J lH 'S g S S 5 5 '

You'll find new freedom In .th e eportlelgh

Covert Trotter, pictured o t the right. U

offers style-sure com fort. Easy ‘go ever}'*

where* assurance. T he Covert Trotter is

feather light. In beauUful spring shades of

o turc blue or w hite sands. I ts lining Is

quality rayon and Its easy tide vents and

new short length wUl be r ig h t for seasons

to come. Sires a re Junior a lre j 7 th ru IS

and mlsaes sites 8 th ru IB.

GLAMOUR SnTRTFROCKIm portant for your social llfel

Pattern M35, your favorite shlrt- frock has new subUe Jlatteryl A gored skirt to trim j-our hips—a BCilloped node to fram e your facel

•njis pa ttern glve.i perfect fit, U • a a s y to use. Complete, Illustrated

sew chart ohows you every sUp.Pattern CCS comes In s lu s 34. 38,

3i. 40. « , M. 48, 48. M, Site 30 takes yards 30-inch.

Send tw enty-five cenU In colris for this pa ttern to Tunes-News paU tern departm ent. T»-in Falls, Ida. Print plainly nam e, oddress, »n e , sue and style num ber.

Now Is the tim e to eew 'foriprlngl Fifteen cent* more brings you the l« a d -n e w M arian M artin pattern ^ crara .fu ll ©f exciting spring fashions for ere ryone l Plus—« free pattera p rin ted inalde the b ook - two belts to give you the new look. Better ha re th ls l

G R I F F I Nm esffm em A r


because It hat a h a r d - w a x finish


^ u g . e n e i e a u h p S t u d i oe a u h ^Re-Opened Under New Management

‘Up”-R ightT hat's how you and your hair

■will look . . . In th is delect­

ably soft style with cultured

w a rn , curls.

A complete new staff of competent operators now on duty to care for your every beauty need.

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9 2 8 R a y e tU Cold W ave 9 2 0

J e a n R o e s s l e r , m a n a g e r

125 Fourth Ave, N o . Phone 69


, . . o u r up-to-the-m inut« h a ir ­

c u t . a rran g ed ekiUfully,

o ff-face, into lu stro u s, deep

w aves an d curls

Pictured a t the left is the soft, lusdotii

Sportlelgh C uual. Developed especially

fo r Bportlelgh, this pure, vtrytn wool

Lushla la in 4 blithe spring colors; CberT7 bloesom, hysclnlh blue, turquoise and

c loud grey. Clever gores and hasdsom i

double stitching highlight the new full*

D ess.. . give It an expensive look. Junior

■Ires, 7 th ru IS; misses sizes B th ru I t .

Both Styles $35.00

S p o r t l e i g h s a r e

A l s o A v a i l a b l e i n

. C h e c k e t t e l y o o l e n s

. W h i p s p u n C h e v i o t ,

V e n e t i a n G a b a r d i n e

C a m e l ’s H a i r

Page 8: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


On the

S p o r t F r o n tWith

7 e Olde Sport Soivener vou ldn 't a ttem p t to (u tai vhftt c l u i B will come out of th< <lbtrtcC toum oinent a t K im bttlr u the c liunplon . bu t the pudgy one c»n »Muro jrou th a t which ever U U th a t ochool and the nm ner-up wUJ have a pxxl chance tor the «lat« champtoriihlp.

The tenmajnent »U1 be one ef (be tn Ut« hltlory of the M afie

Plans Complete for Magic Valley Sub-District Cage Tourneys« . u n , c ^ y . » u ; . r s s . ’K ^ » S " S ' r ' S

afe r. (e f t t thelf Ucktti rU b t t

D ie W illiam s Snaps M in e lli y ic t o r y S tre a k

PHlLADELPHtA. fcb . 10 (flV- ZJfhtweUlit Chanplan Ike W llllanu entpped Uvlo MlaelU’e a lrlne of 13 itra lsh t TletorlM In tlili country, outpointing th i ItalUn w ellerrelsh t In a 10-round non-title bout betore a erovd of t j l l a t the arena. WllUanu weighed 137 poUDdt and Mlnelll m t v

The decision wet unanimous u W lllluna chaUcMl up his 13th suc- ceuWe victory by a clde margin.

The capacity crowd, which con­tributed a sate of 130.07433, saw M lnilll make a tlun-bang fight (or the flrel few rounds and tlien weak­en a t the end as Trenton Ike chased hlzn from comer to comer.

Mlaelll was cut orer the left eye wll^i one of Wllllanu' sharp r lg h u In the sixth and from then on the I35*pound champion made the cut a target. At the end the eye


weight champion Joe Louli, w ith a roU of fa t around his midriff, was {orced to step briskly by Leo Mat- ilcclani In ■ four round exhlbltlun tonight.

Tliere was no official decision, bu t the crowd of 3.S30 which pu t up » gate of IU.I3S. eWdenUy thought their Baltimore heavyweight a t least held his own.

Louis had an announced weight o t 230 pounds. He stalked Matrlc- elanl a ll Uie way, but threw punches moelly in self-defense.

TTie Uilrd round brought forth U)e sharpest punching after the champion was stung os the nose t>y two Jabs.

For the first time then, Louis followed up his sharp left with a righ t hook tha t forced Matrlcclanl to crawl Into his shell momriiUrlly.

liouls broke out with a short Q uny wjtli both hands but apparently bothered the 20»-pound Baltimorean.• The champ disdained eren to s it down between th e two*mlnut« rounds. Several tlmw h» seemed to be pulling punches and declined to throw any hard ones.

M atrlcclacl was forced to bock up moat of the way by the plodding Louis.

While Louis showed little speed afoot his hands encased is heavy le-ounce gloves appeared as fast aa ever when he wanted to make them go.

The fact th a t the Baltimore club fighter kept up a rather fa it pace pointed up the champion’s lack of

rw there Is ap t ta be » MU-eot .a t every leulea.

T ljo make-up of the to u m a n irn t also U a qufiUon but Uie an cie n t word puddlrr U going to p u t a few team* on Uie ipo l by citing th a t tljelr records Indlcste th e y ll be am ons the bsUlrrs.

They are:Wood river sub • db trlc t—Hailey . . Coach Jsck Boden's ag g rrsa-

Uon h as a record th s t la fa r supe r­ior to tliose of DeUerue. Carey and Ooodlng B ute school . . . In fac t. Uje Wolverines' recort Is one of tJie best tn the stslc.

N orth Blde>-tjhoshone . . . B u t Dietrich and Falrfidd have • chance l« kick e m th e dope bucket.K ing Hill—a ie n ia Ferr^-. wlU>

Wendell as runner-up . . . T h a t one could be reversed wllh th e Coach K eith Judd 's Trojans toMlng In ba.i- kets from all m er Hit floor n sa ln .

Mlnl'Ca-wla—Paul, w ith H rybum \ runner-up . . . And >-ou co n 't

count Albion out . . , y o u know E rnie's Knee's quintet h as a vlctor>' m-er Paul.

Sentb K U e -C a itltfo n i. w ith Kimberly the ninner-up . . . T he Waives are yel to bow to a c la u D achM l . . . Hewever, llaxelton eoold esttte a lot ef (i«tible and W en U iljin i (adfeaUoQ o f reach - lag Its peak far the loum am eDl . . . M urtaofh Is dowo r ig h t now, b u t Ceach L. D. Anderwoa m ay have his Oed Uerils sp . . . ThU will b« a real DennybriMk.AND THATS TOAT FO R NOW,

except: Harvla Conlln. Rupert's s u t e 100-yard dash record-holder.- has sprinted the fastest Indoor "60“ a t Purdue this year and he and his b rother, Henry, have made th e Boll- c rm aker track team.

had. been conpleted today.The toumamenta _ __________Weed r trrr^A t Hailey s ta rting ^ Wednesday w ith B U ^ H ^er«

Monday wllh Hailey,State and Bellerut

” ---------------- host neyburn, Deelo wtu meet MalU and — '- - --------1 will be p l^ e d a t 10 a. B

D ietrich and Shosbone will meet Friday, while st*rtln« a t 7:30 p. r a the in the opener » t 7:30 p. m. Wedses- the gtrls' aod boys’ chaiCarey. O oodlnf King HIU and Qlenns school* en tran t th is year. Kimberly A lbk» w'm tangle with Paul

Tiny’ Bracken Runs 99 to Set Billiard Record

W riters a t the ringside agrted th a t while Louis' refleies might have been slowed because of hU S3 years, he still packed a shan), vicious punch.

S I C E Loses to L a G ra n d e Q u in t , 53-51

LA GRANDE, Ore.. Feb. 10 w > - E astern Oregon College of Educa- tlon had difficulty tonight w i t h Southern Idaho College of Educa­tion. bu t finally edged In fnait to win, 63 to SI, on the basketball court here.

T he team from Albion. Ida , led. J0-2J. a t the half, but Eastern Oregon deadlocked a t Jfl-all soon a fte r the second half opened. They went ahead on EWon Lilly's field fo a l and stayed In front by a few point*. Tom Taylor paced the EOCE

'Of nlshL SICE (51) JM) E.O.CSLBroTO 14 p 8 Coleman Craner 3 p ^ u iwO klebeny B c 18 Taylor SUmson 13 a u NolandWaUwe 9 0 4 Qf^ry

S. r. su b j-W a m n l. R aaten 3, BeU J: E.O.C£. subs-Yeske 1, Hen­derson 3.

H alrnme - Southern Idaho SO, E as ttrn Oregon 33.

E. O . m n y ) Bracken ran M billiards (70 In the m stch) a s he elim inated Verie U o«r. 225-lM . In 23 Innings In. the city ehamplonslilp billiard tournament at E \c rg ie en pa rlo r last night. Mo&er h a d a h a n ­dicap o f lU points.

Bracken's untlnlslied ru n of 70 !t an a ll- tto o record far th e to u r­

nam ent, beating by 10 the previous m ark also held by him. T he 23- tnn lng m atch also set a record fo r th e tournam ent.

Two other m»lche.i were placed. Addl# Martlndale. employing a 15- p o ln t handicap, eniaed Ross O ay from th e toumsment. 7S-M. In 39 Innings. FVank O rttn defeated N. O . Johnson , who had a 113-pohit h a n ­dicap, 300 to 1«. In 45 Innlnss, O reen h a d a h ljh run of 23

T onigh t T o n WlLson, who b defeated , will oppoeo Gilbert M cCar-

in » 7i-.polnt match, while Floyd P lnnen wlU oppose M ait Beclan In

83-polnt match.

Glass B to Wind up With 17-Contest Bill

T^e Miflc Valley's class B scliool* wtu wind up the ir regular season's basketball sehtdule this week and tlien plunge Into the aub-dlstrlrt tour- nam entj boxfu l of emerging a monUi hence u the lU te champion.

The schools will play 17 games th is week.Outstanding tonight will be three

Magic Valley’s Prep Cage Bill For This Week


fluyert ............................ ....SB u lU ___________ ______ 7U u fl ry ____ —_____ - __ 5 :Oaklr>- ------- -- -------------- 0 :J e r a t ie ________________ 3 (O oo d ln g _____ ___ _ . 0 ■F i l e r __________________0 t


Gooding Dt Jerome Burlry a t Rupert Oakley at Buhl

Friday Ocxxllng a t Filer Jerome at Durley Biilil at «u]>en Ttt'ln Falls a t Caldsell

Katurday Tftln Falls a t Nanip.i


Acequla at Etlen Richfield a t Carey Hollister a t Hansen Qlenns Ferry st Wendell Hagermsn a t Fairfield BUss a t Ooodlng State nalley i t Dleirich Heybum a t Kimberly

Thonday Haiellon a t Dcclo

Friday Custlefonl a t Murtaugh Hacerman a t Glenns Ferry Fairfield a t Slioshone Ooodlng Stale at King Hill Hiilley at Oelleviie Bibs a t Carey Malta at Albion

Saturday Mountain Home a t Glenns


ToesdayCasilrlcrd a t Filer Malm « . Bniln Javeci a t 'l^-in


Twin Falls Javees a t Hansen

games, each of which ahould give the fans some Idea of w hat U going to happen in the toumaments. They a rc : Olenns Ferry a t WendeU. llalley a t D ietrich and Heybum a t Kimberly.

Fairfield a t Shoslione will be the most im portant of the games set for Friday n ight u It will tell whetlier the M ushrrs have « chance In the sub-district against th is foe wlileh U favored to win ih# cliam- plonslilp.

Coach George Hays' Rupert Pi­rates can clinch • tie for Uilrd straight Big Seven Championship tills week but they will have to pull the tiring to do It. Tonight. Uie Buca will oppose Coach luilon Budge's Buriey Bobcats a t Rupert and then on Friday night wUl tan­gle with Coach G ran t Maughan'#

$18,380 CLUBHOUSE OKAYEDErection of Building To Begin in 2 Weeks

Twin Falls* golfers probably will about th e same this coming sum ler. But the duffers will Iiave a comfortable plac4. in which to bemoan

that slice on the fifth and par-bojs can boast in tranquil surroundings of the 30-footer on the pay-off green,

T hat seems assured from last night's acUon of the city councllmen Rho approved constjueUon of an I18J80 brick-veneered clubhouse. The rity father* authortxed the Twin Falls Oolf aasoclaUon to sign the con­tract with Bob Davis, builder.

McFaul Elected Vandal Captain

MOSCOW, m . 10 m - B , a r a M cFaul. a two-yesr lettem uin from

cap ta ino f Ute 1848 University of Idaho foot­ba ll team last night.

A sta lw art defensive lU r for th e V andals last season. MePuul was elected captain by his team m ates prio r to a football banquet honorinc th o team .

Jo h n ChrlsUanien of Nsmpa. Ida., WM elected "alternate csptaln."

Coach Dixie Howell presented — varsity letters to membera of th e 1M7 a(iimd which enjoyed th o m ost successful grid campaign Idaho h as h a d tn y ean .

T hree-year awards were pre.icnt- ed to R alph Paasch and Jack D ana whllo 16 received second year sw eat­ers and I I first ycsr awards.

Bl A S K E T B A L LiS A i,u £ t6


WUnxlii U, Ukhloa K Ktrlkvnltn <1. OkW RIMlimH » . Kmui It HI. I.MU JI. K. N.,„ II

i««> :t, nii»ii «iD*4iiMii* !(. K«l»s««lllf II. nr.<ifr »i. N.tih

Cooper SixthBOISE, Feb. 10 Von S a tte r ­

field, fiharpihooUng Pocatello for­w ard. gained seven points on Bolze's Jim Dtmcan In the Big six confer­ence basketbaU eeorlng raw durlnc th e p ast week but the BoUe pivot m an lUll remains far ahead of th e field.

OUin iMdUi trartn (ranl>vl far tit r- ------ IT TP Ar»

Bees Sign Frisco High School Star

SALT LAKE C m ', Feb. 10 (.7V- T h e Salt Lake City Bees have signed G ael W. Ames. 16-year-oId San rrancLwo prep baseball star. Busl- neas Manager Claude EnRberg said

Engber* tald the Bees gave the s ix loot. IM-pound outfielder a »S00 bonus and s-ere able to sign h im onli* becaujc llie lad's father wanted him to begin protcsslonal play u lth an Independent club.

E njberg announced al4o the sign­ing of Joe W. nettle, a catcher

A t present Uie Bees' w ater In- eludes 17 names, including nine holdovers. Back are pitchers Ted Savarese, Bob Ecvlcr, Vcm Kohout ond Dick Drllllna: catcher Gene Brocker. Intlelders A1 Jacinto and Mike Dalton: ouUlelders Jack Bac- cloeco, Don CoUlns and manager Tommj' Thompwn.

-------- 0 thefloor.

Two vlctorlea will give R upert _ lO-i record and th is will mean Uiat Buhl, now having leven w lju and

loss, «111 have to win all lU remalnfnff games to tie. Burley, wltli five wins and two loases, cannot be counted out, while Coach Howard Stone's Oakley H ornets sUU have a chance.

Oakley will play a t Buhl tonight, while Ooodlng Is takln* o a Jerome.

In addition to the Rupert-Buhl game Friday night, Gooding will Journey to Flier and Jerome wUl go to Burley.

Coach J . s . (Monk) Halllday's Twin Falla Bruins will be Idle until Friday when they play in Caldwell Friday n igh t and In Nampo Uie following evening.

B u h l ’s R if le T e a m s in T i e F o r L o o p L e a d

The Buhl No. 1 and U»e T»-tn F^lls No. 2 teatna suffered their flrM defeats of tho season In the Magic Volley Gallery Rifle league and as a result, th e two Buhl teams were thrown Into a Ue for the loop leadership.

T he Buhl No, I's defeat wus a t Oi8 hands of th e T»-ln FalU No. I, 1,143 to 1,130. while Tw in Falls Na 3 was defeated by Buhl No. 3, 1.131 to 1,114.

T he two TVln Pulls leonis tied for second w ith five wins and one defeat bu t each has a Ue against Its record.

T he scores:Uuhl So. X—J. McCtnm.l. i lf. C John..

T-ln rilU No. t - J I . nipt,,. A. Jon.*, i l l : Jl. 6hiff»r. tlO: U Hun :S |'toul, ju : . ....... ...

Duhl No. 3-J. Bo»d. K. D«n,


Heavyweight Champion Enrico Ber­th a . 34, will make hU American ring debut In a IG-rounder against Jim m y Bell. Washington D. c„ a t th e Chicago Coliseum, Tuesday ryb . 17, Matchmaker Hariy MendeU um ounced.

t w i n f a l l srrs





l)Ikk«n>urr. NtmM _T i7Ulln, IIoIm ___ ____ < j ;CooiMT. T»la r*ll» _ 7 J«

T h e principal magjietlc poles o f tlie e a r th are about IJOO miles from Uie geographlo poles.

Win Streak EndsSOOTH BEND. I n l . Ftb. 10 (/T)—

S t. Louis unlverili)'! fiut-breaklng BUltkens la.1t nisht iclssared a 38- gam e ribbon of home, victories for th e Notre Dame baikctball team, 68 to 51.

Ed McCauley, St. Loub' six-foot, e lght-lnch center, was the big d if­ference between the teams. He scor­ed eight field soali and five free throw s for 31 polnts-and Notre D am e’s best was Kevin O’Shea's 13.

I t was itit l in t Irijh home defeat shice Uiey Ion to Western Mlchl' c an la December, U n,

*11. :»0; M. Cm. K Ij I). rrrvlfrkUotitaul. le tlj handlup. ]<!

ril.r No. I -L WniUo... : ;j .forJ."sisTu.Ut,

: : i ; toUl, M l; li»ndic.p. « ; laul. I

Kllrr No. : _ Co«llr.« No. I (kiodlnc No. 2Ilurir? Ka. 1 .nurir; No. J .

Delegates NamedPhysical educaUon Instructors,

m eeting here last night, selected delegates to a ttend the meeting at th e Boise high school a t 0 a jii. Feb. 14 to organize the Idaho A-uoclatlon for H ealth, Physical Education and RecreaUon,

T lie delegates Included Mac Flen- n lken. Jerom e; Paul McCIoy, Kim­berly; Helen Johnson. Kimberly, a n d Mrs, W alker..

AlUiough two weeks ago the coui :llmen approved plan.i calling for _ tIB.OOO clubhouse. Uiey raised Uii ante after Jam es Sinclair spoke on behalf of the OASoclaUonl revised plan.

For Uie extra expenditure Uie clubhouse would have an extra eight feet of lockers, e ight feet of patio space, plus a brick veneer which will make a civic a tn jctu re of which the city will be proud, Sinclair said.

Darls Low on D oth Estimates Sinclair suggested the Improved

stnicture although ho hod U»e e»n- trsct for the 110.000 structure In his pocket for council action. He said Davis, prcaldent of Progressive Builders, had offered low bid both csUmates.

The suggestion fo r the brtek veneer was mad# by Gordon Edgar. Sinclair said. He also quoted Edgar u sa>-lng th a t th e golf aasoclaUon In Pocatello “wotild have been money ahead" if righ t from the s u r t Uiey had installed lockers.

For Uiese reasons the building committee sought th e addlUonal bid, Sinclair said. Ha added It was Uit Intent of the association to ccostruct

brick veneer outside wiu>ln four five years in any event.

TTie new plans will, provide for _ roof covered p«Uo and allow for 30 double lockera in th e men's room and 13 of the sam e type in the momen's rooms. Ail th is will be sup­plied by Davis under hU contract, blnclslr KBid.

To Have Snack Bar The only exception to the plan

proposed last n igh t as against Uie l«-o weeks ago Is tlie provision

jor a snack bar. he said. However Uie assoclatioQ has purchased a bar from Uie Bowlndrome for twenty-ftflh of the cost of i one. he Mid.

Sinclair said h e had 17.700 In checks. He predicted th a t once con- structloD sta rts the aasoclaUon wlU get sufficient additional $lDO-pay. Ing memben to make up the assocla- Uon's share of the new enterprise.

The agreement calls fo r the city to sliare half the expense with Uie association. M em ben of the golf club are contribuUng tlOO toward the fund, for which they wQl get tlOO «-orth of dues. Dues are still ' I a state of flux.

Mayor Herbert G. Lauterbach said he felt Uie building committee had proposed a m atter worUiy of coun­cils serious conalderaUon. He polled the councllmen.

Mayer Bnxiests Approval The oUier members approved the

mayor's suggestion th a t the 'm atter be done right. If a t all. Upon the motion of Councilman O. H. Cole­man and Uie second of Councilman I. E. NlU'chke the m a tte r was ap­proved.

Davis, agreed to w ait until June for the city's share of the money. Mayor Lauterbach pointed out Uie money will come out of the next budget. Davis said the work should be completed by June 1.

Davis said th a t with weather per­mitting he wUl begin constnictloo In two weeks.

Davis said the building wlU slst of a brick veneer over 4-by-ff- by-S cinder blocks, and tha t the brick will be Burley faced, (similar to Uioee used In the Medical Arts

building, Addison avenue east.Tile no rth end o t the structure

will be specially faced brick for fireplace, h e sold.

After the meeUng, Sinclair eald Edward H arper had been named rules chairm an of Uie association. Harper. wlUi two asiliUnU (o be named, will esUbllsh local rules consistent w ith U. 8. Oolf auocla- Uon regulaUotui.

Edward Purvis, chairman. wIUi two assistants to be named, will ar­range toum am cnU In Uie men's divisions, while Mrs. Wanda SutclUfe WlU make sim ilar arrangements In the «-omen'a divisions. Sinclair said.

The new pro, Zeke Broa-nlng, who b now w ith the Phoenix Country Club, will arrive here May l, 61a- cfalr said. Browning will conduct the tournam ents, he ssld.


Football Coach Bemle Masterson has resigned h is poalUon a t the Uni­versity of Nebraska, effective March first.

B a d g e rs G a in E a i-ly L e a d toT r i p M m -ta n g h

lU ZELTO N . Feb. 10—Taking a 19-9 firs t ha lf lead, the w«Triinr» Badgers defeated the Murtaugh Red Devils here la s t night, M-31.

Coulson w ith nine points. Brown wlUi nine and SouUiworth wlUi 11 paced Coach D ennis’ quintet, while Haynes had 11 for M urtaugh. Tur- - t r , M urtaugh guard, made good

1 five ou t of aeren free throws. W ith DotUe L ehm an scoring 30

polnta. th e Haxelton glrla won Uielr preliminary. 35-13. B. Rose wlUi six polnU was high for H azeltoa

M urU ugb won Uie Junior varsity game, 20-35, b u t nearly lost It In the second h a lf when Raielton scored 17 points to th e visiters' four.

The tabulated score:

c i 1 tklli>lbtrT7 •

i i r "II S 1T| Touk

__________ T i l II—IImUMdi Coalvm I, DouiIm

S. SosOiirorUi t. GHHIlh I. lUrna* 1, BirkM I, 0k«n><rr7

■ I I




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Page 9: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


Page 10: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


M arkets and F inanceStocks

M a rk e ts a t a G lanceNEW YOHCT.b^ H ( « - SlaeU—1IM<7; >nxiv* dacllo*. U9Bd»—Load; mIk M nil* n«liCotloB—W«tk| (RMttl tlQukUtloB.Wl><at-Orf a.lU Halt; liqul^tloc Corti—0(r limit; IlgMklilkin.OtU—OIC lUali: ll<i» tiAP- ll.-r*-«<nmU7 u>p iS ’l.

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Livestock; r*l<r« u l^ l t

t.h.M bl, ,( K.00-I1.M: icxxl >n4 ____■ l*.00; ovJluai la irwj fr«d-

GrainCHICAGO. »b . 1« trv-CrtU (slur-

>n.U IS* prrmkalbU <UU» llalt )■ all U.lmlo at Ih* board of IgUa i4^r. lp«lri lo-»r, *b««l prka rakM Lha

mIIIos on aoaM Bill trarla* la aarl/ aallsf. Whra Uul dtmmod waa uthfM

. t laufh II <«iU. corn *«Vk «n •alt lt\ <.r>U. • bu.b.1.

Traa.frr« aiMiiM »alUrr > .r. UnK F.

. |U<i UUed. iwulbtri. CuMI Um. <;r».t Nwlh.

Co.. SUmlanl Oil INJ-I. <<iir Oil. Ul Corp., SUoJanJ Oil ol CallfDrnla. I niMl. UclhI.htcD SlMl. Chr/ilrr. L JIuIUt. MonUumfiT Wiii. J. I. . Initmallunil IlirtnUr, IXiuitaa AlrrralU M’talrrii Utiloe, Jnlrmitusal Trlrf Krtinwoll. Aumlfan l-Bnlllin. I>ow C

NEW YOKK BT0CK8 NEW YORK, r tb , 10 <-T>-U»t

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ra w » 17.ia-ll.UI.

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AUrii. T op fta A- SanU _Baldwin Locomoilvo -------B a th I r o n ---------------------

Ciiniulliui Pftclflc _

Cerro do Pasco ...

Commercial Credit ..Ooniolldated Copper_____Coniolldated Edison_____ContlnentAi Oil Delaware _Com ProducU __________Crane 4: C o ...

CASH CRAIN:ac;o. r .k 10 Mi-Wk..t ......hV 4 J*0M7-’ ' n *’• r*<i t»*r bunilr»4v«Uht h« ».50.«.«o; ra<i top l».o*.M.t«

r nominal; malllas 2.t4.»|



. ahkriilr lower; ail I MofiJaj-. ilKlIn*; •Iil... lowrr; mliKl tnijea pultf

CubAn-Amerlcon SusarCurtlis W rig h t .............DouRlas Alrcmfc ____D uPont .........................Eastern A irlines_____Eastman .Electric Aulo __________Electric Power and Light _ Erie n i l ________________

KAKSAR c i r r: tlTY, f-.l.. 10 lUI’j-Ilo tf •ktl tirailr t" Ia«»T than >rri(.; mmtilKllna on w.lihu II-.: Kip :s.:J; i„oO anj '

■1 nrlfrn iO.U.:i.OO; i

an.| mli*d

: to 44<: No. :

C h a lle n g e Is G iv e n G 'it ic s

O v e r T r a d in gWASHINGTON, Peb. W (UJ» —

Seey. o f ABrtcullutr Cltnton P A ndtrw n today challenjed con*re»- slonal crlticx to name one ipeculator who p ro n ttd In tlie (rain market break from "adTanee Inside ta . fcraiatJon."

Anderaon «ald the break which sU rted la st week look the whole m arket by eurprlse.

The secretary aald In a statement tha t di&rsM by Rep. Auffusl II. Artdresen. R^ Minn., tha t there was to rerruncnt price manipulation In connection w ith the market were “completely untrue." He u ld the charsts m ust h a te been mado “pri' marlly fo r political reuons."

Becretary A o d e n o n answered what h a termed ‘ loose chareea" by Representative Andresen - ' • lows: ^

1. T h a t sovem m ent curtailment ’ grain buylna caused the bottom '

to fall o u t of the commodlUes ket.

•a iie tru th Is th a t the bottom feU out. and tlien I ordered buyln« stopped u n til prices had ttabUlzed. Every news story tliat I read eon* Ilrmed Ute fact tha t the break fool* ed eveo ' experienced trader and look the whole market by surprise. PuUiennore, the decline started In com. w hich we arc not buying, and spread to wheat—which makes Mr. Andrejcn’a charge look ridiculous." J. T lia t some speeulaton apparent­

ly had advance insld# tnformatlon."I know of no such person. Ub

(Andrrsen) knows of no such person. Again I charse him with bear hunt­ing with a n empty gun. 1 ehallenge' hlm to produce one name and show how it w-aa tuned to Inside informa-

Pastor Back Here To Escape “Cold” Winter in South

The H er. Madkey J . Btwm . who went to T ennessee to enjoy a w arn - - - winter, haa re lum ed to Twin PWls

...................th e climate here U

Potatoes-OnionsIDAHO rALLA

Qeneml Motors .G o o d rich _______Goodyear .G reat northern RR pf _ G reat W estern Sugar _Hudson Motors ______Idaho Power ..................

Interlake I r o n ______________ JISIn ternational Jtan-M ter_____ 81' ;In ternational Nickel C a n ____ 2(5'»

International Paper ..... ...... .. 45^Inlem atlonol Tel T e l_____j j ’iK cn n e co tt_________________ o v

' Kreage -------------------------- 34L o c k l ie r t_______________ __ 13?;Loews .............. ................ ..........Iflr;Mid Continent Petroleum___ 30Montgomerj' Ward .............. ...

. Na.*Ji-Kelvlnator __________Notional Acme

NaUonftl Cash negljter _National Dair>- .........NaUonal Dl.itlllerles ..

r al Mondar't Urrllx

l«.49.1P,CN); „„nrr. anc

1: mtikfl untalaU.

•hlppln* rolnl an.l .


Complaint Still Lacking in Raid

More th a n four and one*haIf daj-s have passed without a forTnal com- jla ln t t>elng made against Ir 'Lng Steinberg, on-ner of the Kloter Klub, rhlch wna "mysteriously” raided by itate agen ts about midnight Thurs­day.

tilelnberK is released on *500 bond pending th e signing of tho com­plaint. A t noon Tueiday. ProsecuUni? Attorney Exerelt M, Sweeley sUll had not taken action on an affidavit presented to him by Sherilf Broda Raybom.

Raybom ha-i said the affidavit contalm information filed by two undercover agents who hare since relum ed to BoLie.

a lot better th an th a t Into which he

T ennoee. his native state, has had one of lU w orst winters in his­tory. the Rev. Mr. Brown said. Be­tween six and U inches of snow covered th e s u te in Jinuary . This was followed by aleet. the local mln- iileir continued, and the entire state

as conrerled in to %a Ice pond. Sc)iools were closed and tourists

running away from the rlgon of northern wlnU: became marooned In Tennessee. Churches. hoteU and even JalU w ere used to house the stranded tourists, th e Rer. Mr. Drown added.

The m in u te r said he went to Florida for two days but found lli ing expenses too high *0 he relum ed to Tennessee and then to Twin Palls. T he Rev. Mr. Brown, who was away four and one-half m onths, did some evangelistic work and supply preach­ing while in Tennessee.

S c h o o l Q i ie f A sk s S u p p o rt

O f B o n d V o te<rn « r«t« 0m>

school to meet a t one time in the cramped high sehod auditorium or

« the gymnasium.If and when a new high school la

tendent Morgan


aiJ’> ,R oy WoIiUheld. 35. whose wife and live children pert-ihed In an rxplailon nnd fire at iheir home Sundnj-, died early today of bums

r .- rrwrtH aal« i

NaUonal Power fc y g h t _____New York C e n tra l....................North American Aviation____N orth A m erican____________

Radio Corp. America „Republic S te e l ...........Reynolds Tobacco D _ Safeway .........................

irailn anrf

Stock Averages

3 Divorces Sought In District Court

In her divorce complaint, filed in district court M onday, Maggie Cljde said h er husband is scn'ing

pri.son term for grand larceny.No children o r community prop- •ty are listed in Uie complaint. Tlie

couple was m arried OcU 10.1D<8. Her attorney Is J . H. Dam es.

Eatreme cruelly Ln charged in two oUier divorce actions filed Monday

Charging Uiat his wife “kept com­i t y with oUier m en” and had said

'wished (the had never seen , Jrxse n . Black, represented

by Roy E- Sm ith, filed suit for d i­vorce from Irene Black. Tliey were married June 25. 1M3. In Ia s Vegns, Nev.. the complolnl stated. No chil­dren or property is listed.

Cu,^tody of n 3-ye»r-o3d son ajhI tl5 a month for hU care were asked by Theo B m nnan in her divorce complaint ogain.il G lenn Brenan. to whom she was m arried In Caldwell Oct. 10, 1043,

She nt.10 requests th a t Bm nnan : aworded cu.-itody of the clilld for ro month.’i during th e •ac,■vllBn sra- m, Mrs. B rannan is repre.ienletl by

W. L. Dunn.

aald. the present high achool build­ing will be turned over to the Junior high school and the top elementary gradM.

As ( added Induct t to tl)e

Butter and Eggs

passage of the special bond Issue. whUh is for purchase of land and the preliminary drawUigs of the building, he said by June. 1M9. all outstanding school bonds will be paid off.

SldeiighU in the public and p ri­vate career of Abraham Lincoln were tlie topic of a talk by the Rev. Aamond Maxwell, pastor ..of the Methodist church. Wendell, the end speaker a t the meeting.

Prank U U . president, introduced new member. Paul Schw art

OuesU were Joseph Simmer. Den­ver. and Harry James, son-in-law of Dr. Malcolm Sawyer.

No Complaint Yet Filed Over ‘Raid’

Tuesday noon, no formal com­plaint had been filed against Irving Steinberg who was arrrsled by two itate agents last TJiursday night on in alleged liquor charge.

Although Sheriff Broda Raybom las filed an affidavit wlUi Proiecut- ng Attorney Everett M. Ewceley in the case, Sweeley has said he will nol be oble to file a complaint until later.

Raybom sold Uie affidavit was signed by two undercover ogents of Uie su te liquor control commlialon who returned to Boise. Meanwhile. Steinberg, represented by Attorney W. L. Dunn, is still under a $500 bond set by JusUce of the Peace James O, Puniphrty.

Accident ReportedBD RL ry, Peh. lt>-Pollea offlclaU

here reported a minor traffle aeci- d en l a t 10:13 a jn . Monday. An ex- p rejs track, d r i v e n by D arld Roeheeler. Salt Lake City. Utah. coUlded With a sedan driven by Vera McCuUoch. Burley. The acci­d en t occurred on North Overland stre e t when Roeheeler, going south, made a left ta rn across the center If th e itreet. Only fender and

bumper damage was reported.

Color expert! say yelkjw has the highest vUlbillty among ihe color*.


<DMa4 «a C«(-p«r-*or4>

m wrtd »*> do ptrw enlpffitu nrda b r«g«tr«d(A t.l« l» i_ „ ..

a >■>/ <ra. (laaaalfUdI ubi. bakrw“n;r~no“ "T?rr


UCAOUNU tor CIualfM snI/. Wnk dart. II a. ta. SuBilajt tiM Saurdar Tbh p«9«r -aacrva tht rli •nj rtJwt «or «iaiiin*j ■

* ar« iljKtlr cmn4nlUl ■ut u» luiormttlea eta b« i1t«b Id »«»nl ta tba airmUr.Zm n ibagU b< r*pon«J lam«!UIa-

r. aUvwtitca vlll b« Da<]« (of sot* Ib*b oot la«crr«l luarUaa.

SPECIA L NOTICESCONTACT A U b.ll, AaonrmoQ. I O. l)e« <t. T»ta faiU. idaha.

BACK HOME DECLO. Feb. 10 -E . Nichols has

returned homo from a lO-day trip to southern Utah and Me.^n. Arlz. He

accompanied on Uie trip by Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Boden, VIei



bM Jiaa^ie.owl.i«ct; bUJIr£ arr.ut.1

sd Ibi.D »ood 499-Jia lb. M<rt

- ..«<S<r pin U(klaf.I* tni] lirtal lt«i waak «jUi


Socony Vaeimm _ Southern Pncific . Sperrj- ,

- Slandiird Oil California .Standard Oil N. J _______Sludebaker ....... ,

Texas Company ______Texas Gulf S u lo h _____Timken Roller l u r in g _ T nm s-A ntertean____

Dnlted S u te s Smelling _United States S te e l___W alg ree n ____________Warner Pictures _____Western Auto Supply _Western D n lo n ________Western A lrb 'rake_____Westlnghouse Electric _ White Motor* — ..Woolworth __________ _Zenith _______________


American Super Pow er_____ _Bunker HIU _____ClUes Serrlce .

— 25'4— n i i— « ‘i — 20>4

0(;de\•, 10 u i-iu .snA i—... .

: :» lc«.r thai

Potato and Onion F u tu res

(CenHesy E. W. McBobert* and Coapaay, Elka Bid*. Phone >901

r . lm tr r - n rai. ,M*rrh-ll ta n a>iU MerrmWr—Tliraa c,

rtounMINNk;AI'OLI.S J-.h, to (,n-H .'ur

» lb. nitlDn aarki; famllr t^tftiU

T^v in F a lls M a rk e ts


Choka butrbrra. II

T e e h a lc o lo r_____1>«na L u x -----------WiJlod G a s __________3t*li.Maho Suftr


E « - ____________(Oaa 4mkT

•Im nsetulaa »li aairaraltr la dall rr 10. t* U« fro

fTwo d v iM «wud) fllANI

Crwt 'Tensan K«. j ^ Cf»»» Nonb»r» No. 1 _

.iSX< <kaien

UVK rOULTUTCelm4 to«U < U». u d o«cr _LajbMD (o>l ______________Antra obiU* fowl - - Ur«i.an. ffr«n rouian -Suit ___ ______________Co;ot»d «cU

It i tt itr cno'odi

» swtod)« <UtTt) .

(Dm dttinCCC POOL

7%> rotlnlai prlc« v a n tapp!M hr t Fniatm TwU rail* Cor

U n t AA . UtT* A _ L u x D __

W atch th is column dally for newt of Maglo Valley's tano auctions and for th e dato the ir listings wi'l appear tn the Tlmes-News, Check th e ir ads for location and all necessary Information.

F E B R U A R Y 11W . I. Sackett

Advertisement. Feb. 8 Hollenbeck A HoUenbetk, Aaets.

FE B R U A R Y I tG eorr« and John Moor* A dvertUem ent Feb. 9>10

Hopkins A HarmoB, Anctlsneers

F E B R U A R Y 12Jo h n Paxton

A dvetilsem eal. Feb. lO-ll O. E. Klaaa, ABctioneer

FE B R U A R Y 12Jo h n Paxloa

Advertisement Keb. lO-ll Oscar Klaaa. ADctionm

FE B R U A R Y 12Commimily

Farm M achinery Aoetlon a t BnU . Idaho

A drcrtbem enl Feb. S-10 UopUns & U arinoa, AncUoDtert.

FE B R U A R Y 12George Abbott

Advertisement Feb. 10-11 J. S. Si Dell K ennlson, Auctloaeen

F E B R IM R Y 16H o n e Aoetlon Sale

Stockgrow trs C em n. Co. Hollenbeck A IloUenbeek. Aocts.

FE B R U A R Y 17 Eaor B lnehart

AdTtrtiseiaeDl. FeUL 1M4 HoDenbeck A DoUenbetk. Aaets.

F E B R U A R Y 17Mr*. B sth Pease

A dvertisement Feb. IS Hopkins A H a m e a . Aoetloaeen

FE B R U A R Y 20B. U TVmlpNed

A dvertiw rnn l Feb. l l - l l nopklni « U annon. Anetlonrfn

FE B R U A R Y 27y F a n a Machinery Sale

1»A R T S — S E R V I C E


Kimberly Road Phone 04SO-JS

lonj clalairuarr •oucben. wllhia rr lh« flrit publkatbn

•Until. tlpiKn rcplartd, t . Offlea Sgpplr. c‘b?to Lbi

SITDATI0N8 WANTEDCt;sniM butiMTlas. W« la uir«k<ra WHao». «* t w . tl>»Jir CUSTOM Blowlas. dlaclus. Ivo tncun.

’ww «OTfea«»t. Pbona tl« nifr.

I . t Kk«>----- Phnho IHt.lt.

lOU T lli t I

kfvtr. Good wlih (bildm. Can nl«b rrfrrTnria. lloi <t.H. T1bw»-W

XHKNT «orli. baaronu nUrsod: floon. old rioon Ispprd llt< sfw. i

rwbm. T. D. 8l»



He l p W a ^I'OSlUU.'i'H .,p,r1 lor >«c,

‘ alt,*r“ ' l j n'rHKLP W ANTED— .MALE

MAKKI1.I> man■utk. Wril. llox JOII,

liAl, .a4IAH for ■.hnl-aU 'r . r ~ U » . r. Idabo riptr Dox Co.

UAIllllLU man 1'or srncral farm »nrk.I. W. UorrcII, Maho.

Inr, Vrar irouni] lub. Iloi ((. GIn» r t t n .


UllUNKi:.S.NK.s.‘i (in b« Ieatra«H »ltli or

T R A V EL— RESORTS^at:h'(iKK ta Lo. AnnU t U t I



-sii: TiioJii'sos :ulrl. of th. niata ' A. n»tcr.

Custom Packing Co.

In connection with O. P. Sknggs Pood Lockers

“ D u z E v e r y t h i n g '* FROM T H E FARM' TO T H E LOCKER


All done by experts In each department.

Phone 2629-W

CUMI-l.kTt: keauir trrrka br aJ<aii ttuilfnlj at rnlticnl prim. Junior ■ drnt ootli [rr<. Ua<hlni!n>a an.l c

iiCHOOLS & TKAININGiw m KAI.LS~Kuilnni Cvllrsr, niel




For Atuoniollvc Tmde


~ '.'irpi.o.o~Ki.y.SluJk.. lUtrn.in ..........................


V v-T:"i:-'-'‘; : i r ^4 McClurr. acioM Inm AuocltUon. klmbolr.

I«rw. Htward. Call 1

T «r»Ttl and hatilln

PUBLIC SALE!IS I have sold m y fa rm , 1 will sell Ihc rollowinR dcacribcd p ro p erly a t public nuclioi >cated 3 m iles E a s t and S>A South from E a s t F ive P o in ls, T W IN FA LLS on—

Thursday, February 12STARTING AT 1:00 P. M.

MISCELLANEOUSGrain grinder S Self feeders, steel Heavy blarksmiUi anvil Feed box and feed tank Large feed cooker Chicken brooder

. Barrel of oil to trea t poits Bench vise Wall drill Forge blower Lawn mower2 seU bay alings, ex tra long 1< aheeta e o m g a te d tin , 8 (t. long.Some woven wlro I J sacks of cement 13 sacks of phosphate Steel wheelbarrow Several empty barrels

, Foar 10-rallon milk cans M orU r box O rchard spray pomp Several step ladders G rindstoneSome ex tra good poles SO and SS ft. long BaUdlng with seme good lombcr—and 2x»'s PaneU and eld lom ber *Pltehforks. shovels, hoes, teg chains, doable

trees, ete. te e nomeroBs to mention S sets harness w ith collars

Some Household GoodsSinger sewing machine Beyal tmng*

LIVESTOCKTeam brown geldlnn, 9-10 yrs., 1750 lbs. Saddle ponyBay gelding, S yean eld, weight 1500 Black mare, 8 years old. weight ItSO This Is an extra gentle team for ehlldren e:

one to work.Roan mare. 0 years old. weight 1754 Sorrel mare, 9 years old, weight ICSO Gnemsey cow, 3 years old, giving 4 gaL. ex

goodTwo doien hens. Red ^Pair of Babblla, w ith hnteh

MACHINERY1934 FORD PICK-UP, m otor Jost everhssled Case tractor, reeondltioned Side delivery rake Beet and bean drill4-row bean cnIUrator M aster milking machine MoUne manore spreader John Deere beet and bean eiilllrator, with all

.attachm ents Hoosler grain drill M artin ditcher, iteel .McCormick csltlra to r Two-way plow IG* McCormick mower. No. 7. A-1 condition .Mormon scraper A-stacker, extra good Wagon and rack, rubber tired Large wagon bed W alking plow 14’4-scctlon wood barrow : garden plowsI row bean cutter t section steel harrow John Deere binder Me-Deerlng mower John Deere Z-way plow Mormon eerragator. S row Bean cnllvator2-wbeel trailer Land noa>




Ol'l’OllTUNITV io n .STnAUV iNCOJin


UNFUKNJSIIED HOUSESIHJOSI unrurni.h..| bwiw irlih iliowir.




OilOt.STliY narOH S-b«lr«ia W i.

to-a pr.frrrtd. Will pa, « momb, 71”^ C«od rcfrrtsMi. r

>r Infarmallon Iradlns b

■ nr' I'hon. ion.n.fllONEY TO L 0 A R ~


T w leeall, «wm<1 cndit aaapur. U n Uabo-s botloiu la IdsU Biua w M St tar.


t u lad 81. WtM Phono m

O ROY HENDERSON When la need of a


CORP.'Radio Bldg. . Phone WO

Page 11: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj




M il pHtlU*-. M .pUftOMt.


t i t n M Ai«s«« Sm U. T»<a Fkb



n i lUla Ncrru Pbm U1

4fo L one T erm FARM LOANS


ru c L r r r national bank o r TWIN TALLS


CHIC HIATT. U cr Ctms4 (Im p Stnk A Tnut Uld«.

l-hoDt 114

HOMES FO R SA L EI kuUMH an<] btlh. modtrn, IM<N.«e

in. I'h"i'»

. boi M-U TiDf*-

m 'C ~ r^ l^u.. on LluT Ukn. Un. (In«u. fl»fpl»c«. full U»*in»nl. fgrnic* fcMl. T.rM. fM p^n.r •{ ISl W .l




KXW 1 b»<roca b«BM M M ten tnrL OoUld* «I17 IlalU, 4**v » ll aa4 snusr* tnUB. HiM b«tb tsd tUeUr •f Mlll-lg uklBM. Coe<leroa abO LbbWIi Is p Mauloo*

4 KOOU n a l.rs fcmiM. cenmUliIr fsr- ■teM onir n .m tC . U.IM (uh. fctUact Ilk* nnt.

. BOOM m<>j<ni kowt elow U. «IU Utdi on North SUt H x c . Md sw cuk dliUrtMi.


FARM S FOIl SALE>4 ACIilta"wl.l.Vi‘rllJ-o'r ¥ : ia~ T

- oil ro4ii. T«« BoJifB hosN. t>r


Ftrk. w t c

A riNE <00-ACnE STOCK ranck. ri>* reon mo4<ri> Som, fixNl «m t« «b4 MitbalMlnit. Abogl :9 *cr« sf food Urm rronBd. bilinct {.uluri- Taylor irtiinf rl(hl {or U kMd o lou lt.

.pnicc in.Mfl.oo R A Y MANN

Jtrfjt, liik*

ril«r fueibill fbld.NKW two bvtrooa homr.^onplrUlr no4-

tfK. lull hunonl. lot. oti lh«iHH list. «irrlJ<nl kxalJon. Inqulrt UT



n«mr ind •ttrxU '* In.U]., Flr^^Vr. lull Uicmrnt. tIoVrr. Good rolilrnlUl loe*ll..(i.


PH O N E 2273

LIVESTOCK— POULTRY, C U c J t^ V .prlni.r A . , b mil- >outi>.


oiiiJEn so w

OLSON lmi.irn.i



I) HULLS :>Iilrf. WblufoM. John Ookllu. Mtt.

niTEy. lUBMklm, 1(« and U cleru. IImU. bUtk AoiU»- >1 or •iraUbc Ut«r«lar« (rM. ntiili llaljInTT. Twl» rtlla.


Dr siMlft* »our «pd«r bj r.broarr 11. D<ll«cr> anr ilm« durlni haUlilD*




Col.DKISll' CIJ .Moflmwi; liTclod'iBi llUrk Uorn. ••«]. KIni'i lUMtgttI

fiT uiu j.rj ira.fl Ud Ixr «1«. oli..r

M cCormick DcerinR BALER TW INE

bulUlnn.ITO. On P (r«B T-l

P R E W A Rl-Si4ri>om homr. oak (lum eraitnt ha.m.anl. alMUli k

K. L. JE N K IN SHi VAIM A vrsu i: wr-sT

I nnDM m~I.rn Um., rl»,. |„, ci.



AN E X C E L L E N T. vatar M(lm>r. tia-

U<« rric* ukadiJ . E. W HITE A GENCY


I HAVE SOME VEHY NICE 1 and I M rooa boaiM

™ ^ 1** ,,*“ bardwoodiEVcnAL*wmi‘ PAliTHCNTa

F. J. BACONt i l Uala N. rbOM t«».W . tlt»-R

2 MODERN DW ELLIN G S'« ana lot. nod tocallos, «kN< li •BUM. fliskcr beat. iara<«. nf' l»r m tJci. pQMiailM Imnadl

CECIL C. JO N E Stm I lUak « Trail Okie. Phoa*


ON 8MALL DOWN PAYMENTII E<Mn«Bt IomUob. taU casiaat

Uacmcnf vilcoiatle haat.

E. W. M cROBERTS & CO.EHu Oldf. fhm t »(«

room hnma and planlj of cliiif (ood eulbulMlniL






L e t Us Hnve Your Order

Nowasd arold U» Bprlai Bu.k







coumrr bom* jtn'f

............PAnSd.l AND RANCHSSK* hira a tint irWtlon of farai and

j*n<h«i In ■ »l4a ratlrtr ef prk«*






r }« rAitkiALL AU« for *Ui*r tracun

I290JO and OP


----------- ii.' ti. aI’I'havtd---------K«w IUmi«l.li»-Whll. Ro<kj

Auiua Whil*—I^horni llaurlira TuMdair and VrMaj. Uuhl o



W ANTED TO BUYwclrr. Tb« Jawal Uo«.

a M l. tra<L W.lu

I *i«H Jairr rmnfh.




PAINTS« Waal AddUoB TSon* 111


Tor baUirMBit, ibowan. ilor* frooU. firtpla***. dralnboardh Hith.ni.


21] Utia At., I . i(un>oou



NICE tkr*« M m * . koM. rirtpUn,baau «B la/fa

UVDIAL tw« btdreea b o u « .,

OO-JO IW a*ra.Tuh t*o booat*. Can b* baadlad *llk t)«4M dovft.

IM ACBES *ait •( J«ns« . H md7 (or »oUlM*. 1 bouM os tkli pUn.



CONBISTtNO o r TltE fOLLOWINOi n** room tiouia III rood eondilloi■ Iti Iprlnf waur plpad fa.1 L*n* fUirr barn.1 l,MCul,u.h,| ,ranarr,rW Inu and soud aolld wwrali l>Sprir* »a«r pIpH U *11 fiad loti i corrala.Good (araia and laacbln* ik*d.UO Acrr* da*dad IrrUatad laad. ■ IM a^m cooj nw crsp laad *od

Jolobf daadad land.

kbia (or {-otato or bcrt plintlnt tkl Good WatiT RlxbU

Loratr.! t>.II„ from lo«n, .tSoo ■Bd chorrk on tood farm lo ntilii

rnicED Fon immediate sale 8EE

J . P . M EH LH A FF' OR


oulbull<lln[a. t;},VIO.C

rl.h t for 100 hr.a r pnTvr^vnla. niiaJ ’rn

10 ACnr. irrlsalxl tan.

:0 ACnC Irrlialt.) i »t®r>- hoiur. full >alroulbulldltxi. frta ti

GBOCEHY ST01:i; .lo M a l ^ ^ p k ” nTfli'

U nOOH ararli^nt mr mMarn. 0'k.j hwrn*


JJl Ird A*.. W. I'hoT.,COODI.SC, IDAHO

tXCKI'TlONAl.I.V t>[>-wkMt lUxV


1. mllUltiTpol-. B a-

H A Y , GRAIN AND FEEDito llALt:a o"'. .r a , . . ,o„„. . . . „

I» AU..C1 Ja,k,',.n Wblp<'r.rTVo«Mriu«rt, Ofltf.n I’Inka a LlnH I'lUhl llnou and D>.d Wwl Sblru

»thtr I'arku and Pant SkU and 1(1 Itonu U tlTWIN FALLS \RMY STORETOlb Bhnna










FU R N ITU R E. APPLIANCESWINl>oW A viV .a^kabla. a)l . l.aa. r« i

U sed L * ll cumLlnatJca raod. lll .ii.

t Mont 'i 5<rrk.r i'.n on <luali




Tiir. .................... ..T1IE wisr. SIIOI'PLU SAVES







Wool Lln*l V .u Uulltt and Ulanktu

tv A C. Wool Dr.Mti J f»*11 Wool Ntw Shlrti All Wool 0. D. Uhlrcj Illua Khop Cnati. Na>

U r,a HI.. W «r <j„i;u- i r Al” M uTlS’i»p LInad D rilthl Jaekrtj

r*lt LInri IlubUr UaoU ■ • - I. SlMpIni Uifi

ir<d Roll Mp*S«-.i ... . . All SIm. rui

StMl Undlnr U<

All kind, or PtuoblRi ru tu ra


J- A- CltBlSTpriir.R50N, MCn.


S-A-L-E-SSHOE PACS. lb. ..I.rw ^.f

RAYON GLOVES, .orn alor.. oraa iinrr> In Italk.r i lo n ____ ll<

CaNanl.«d WATER PAIL.1,

TOIWDUCKLr.S ___________Ganulna briar PIPU. ISM Val'j.

tor « a l 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ „ , |












H EA L E ST A T E F O B ^ A tE -)N'c~oriW bMl 40 KrM~ta l<Uk* D<

Hr modrni btm.. Eiwll.nt■ p«rtr«erk.;

' i r i r t l a * . " WrTu" p1' o‘.“ 5 ia‘u!|


ffcAk r , . r , ;*ait. 4 aoulh. U —



» sr ln « rr___ _ . . .Park. Carl Woolrr,


work hormi 6 haad i

U£R£n>ilO bi«i. I». B*at irpfc U'. Wartk (anvwlBf, D<





• fLVOn SANDING« «atJB>aM. I’b. U U -a



KEy SHOP_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a/triTuMtfr K*r Shop. i:rjB<l"£u“#o.

I. D. Blora. PboB* ltl»JLHack

m liLrnj bT ,l a r . i l . - C r ^ l V H T m ^ m O .

» -WNEH TO LOAN_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _‘l. Baak « TVwt BBlUla*. Pknu t04L

• fAlNTlNG 6 I'APrniSa

R EFRIG ERA TO RSriioBLK V ..........................'iiioeoKmcioAiiic


RA D IO AN D MUSICKlIliTikUNfJ ■ rl.T« Plano'

S P E C IA L SERVICESir «XT»w«ja ar ruck.. CalKn;.

Kaci* Vall*7 R.frliwatloD tarrlM DONALD LOUDER

MB Bloa Lak» pi.d, Pkoa. IIU-B

1 p»parh»B|lai- SUail. I

‘ PLVMBING 0 HEATING>4 Ptamblot aad Ilu. C


• SASII 6 D oomAMMINOM ilor» .lado.n md door.

Idaho Lnc1a««rlnf « Salaa. l i t lad AtaoD* iUaL Fboa. illT.


SIGNS 6 SlIUWCAllUSla ia il S1GN6-Palnl.d 4 W...n, Pk. >1




ibeabM* W PboB. I lir V.B >da B>»d« U *r>I.r. C«l*r *d«


tate a a.w lanmarOar* aboat bair-


t i l iBd A»a. SobUi Pima. ».W

A U TO S FO It SALEt 3ALK1 IUI7 Chcrrnt.l 1,-lu tfUir cuiTiDl<u1r ovcrh.ulrj - I, 1»I7. N n. b»a>7 liuty mS

lUI FORD Ttidnr ]>ll IIIIICK iMantll*IVII UI.DKUOniLK (Man I»IO OI.D.SMOI1ILK. :-c!oi>r UlO DODCt: 13«.l«n BJ7 PONTIAC S«i.«

i« ti ciii:vROLrrr 5*dan ie>a o ld ;;moiiilc s«dan I91i CIIKVIIOLCT. JJoor, «..l»r 1*U atKVRULLT. :-.loor. iiusdtrd l»i7 DO0CS CanopT ton l« ,k ' 1(17 rOIlD Trwk lOU CHEVROLCT Truck t>3( INTHIINATIONAI. Tr«<k t«J) FOltD ^an•1 U Ion *«i. m » n P ...t 1Z


AUTOS FOR S A L Elfl7^l;,^KAnD^.rtiB. Call U tl b«;

itirrTiETHijLTT r;R?r"W £iurr*T.

IKTEUNATIONAL , Tan rickup. N.w llulbtr


ti i l FORD <l.b (oupa ltt( 81UDCI1AKEU ChatBBloa t-d«f Itll CIIKVltOLET .Klao. <-dour IMl PLYU0UT1I ..daa. 4-4oor n i l FORImidor l«lo RTUDERAKER Ckanploa miDOIiRES.'



Pkon. :»1IW tU tad Ara. S.




1«0 PLYMOUTHI door, black, b**l*r ami ndl*


IMl PLYMOUTH Coap.. mtroon. bMlir and radl*


1038 PLYMOOTII( ioor. jrrto. h.aUr and radio tiMllcal cendUloo (or It', aia



m « PONTIAO -0-xrr. l.g loaa. raJIo and und.r


IH l DODQEKir itdm. blatk .n.w molor. he




exT ellest cAn

1041 DODOEA.i'coNDmo.H

m i DODOE Tru^k, : Ion ,t ipMd. IM W. D. t.«M nllta. hf.ur. crill euard and b*i

i m DODOETrr>rk. |< Ion. ral.ln chula. 171 W. II.









l>ir PLYMOUTH t.4oor .xU al kaaUr Il«7 STODEDAKER ChaBiptaa Woor

I tll CHEVROLET t-door *«3>ai ba*b

I tlt PLYUOUTH <.<loor a«laa; bwlcr l«ie I'OriD (.door inlao; baattf. radki 1911 ClIEVROLrr Arm.nlan; b*al«r.

I t l t PLYUOUTll 4 I. baaur a I MiT

T couw.:I til

1911 WILLYS J*(t>I9<: rLYHOUni «-<Iaor >*<lani«(S niEVBOLR Moor a*dan 1911 BUICK .aiMr f-»<i.*n»<T coup. 19tl FLY^OCmt Moor .*<Iat>1911 CUtVROLET <-door .adan

1940 DODCE {.doer .«Ian 1910 MERCURY 4.doer aaOan ]C9 FORD <-door Mdaa19>7 CHRYSLER R«7al S-doer antaa 19:> OLDSMOBIU ooupa in i FORD eosM


rORD 1‘toa traak aUka l* » OODQE pUkop ItU CIIEVSOLET




AUTOS FOR SALE C T a r r z n s r s T f c S S S T s nUH rv ito 4xloor. oM lta l Una t»l

naala* ceedlUo*. Extra «lMa| IM« and foi lUhUi X ha«i«n aad radla. Cd 3i:in«ri:H r«irlha

k r e s o n m n r --------

‘ISpalat. tl.U*.

............. fsod BMbaalcalnadliloo, a«« palat. I7S0. Taatar Ueler Co.. Coodlni.


ItH MIW—Haalar tl.IM.00. Ikt crtN


rboM :<i-j ;*r«




IttT BUICK Roa<lBa.tOT aadlBati* ItU FORD iutxr d . lu i 4 4oor ndtl l td CHEVnOUrr tsira tadaa 11(1 atRYSLEB Boral *«ap« ll t l OLD9MORILC 4 doer aodaa IISI DODCE 4 doer a«Ua I tll PLTMOUTTt MBTallbl. («g»« IIU CHEVROLrr I doer




)C} n e iW f W. rhcBt M

44 CHEVROLET Mdaa<4 DODGE BMlan_________ ll.tTl.lil MERCURY a« tu ______ ll.IU jIS OLDHMJRILE aadaa _____ n i«iII cifEVllOLCT^iZda^O VJ FORD 4 ton pUVap ___IIM.I


U»l of U<.* cara ara la firtt tit; WBdlllea.



U SED CARS17 rORD .uprr Dl. Fordor

41 FOBD .up.r Fordor 41 DODCE club «ou»*4« BUICK »«dan

I Ntw Ford IO<patt«ns«r .(bool koi WE BUY. SELU THADB



19(1 FORD iMloor *«Ub. clna

l»l« I’LYUOUTH 4«laor .aliB. ktalar llt l ClIEVROUrr indoor .riaa. to...

plri<l7 oTnhaslad aad *lib ara polat Job.



' w i l l s ' M OTOR CO.: i i sbohoB. w. rboM tt



II MERCURY 4 door, a.* pain 19 DUICK n>up«10 ClIEVIlOLirr l pau.o*.t ( IJ CHEVn'oLCT S doop

lil t 1STI;HNATH)NAL U Ion 1114 CIIEVROLLT U tonn il FORD J i 1 IIJI FORD I \ i ' “ * IVIO INTKIINATIONAL tU loa n i l FORD IH too


McRAE M OTOR CO.iSl AddiMB W*.t rhe»* 1100-


I.SI.SIIEU IniBtaUd tnli*r~bo«M. ab*a*l

l»l» •. ToW~dinr«L<t l>an*l tmk.~Call loc ij durlft« »Mk da» or Mt *1 (H Mal..Ai«na> N

bovuLurr-Vo^ h ^ ~ tm i* rjii~ (n tlosr. nod condlllOB. lU aR* MuU.

..........................II Malallaa. A»erU%

a , £ i .f l u l l . g U S ' I . l l l - i M b . :

Bftfo. Call :VJT. nWr.,

- .^ v .

Page 12: Downward Rush on Grain Market Pulls Stock Prices Alongnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · LATE BULLETIN DENVEB; Feb. 10 OJJC^Hort dropped on (he DeSTcr mmrhel ladaj


4 M o r e A r e a W a r D e a d o n

W a y to U . S .( r n a Om )

te n . Mra. Blnghnm, P ort-lUMl. O re , u u i L »um i Hydt. Twin PWla. u d h l j ran d p a rro la , Mr. •Dd M n . R. J . Hrde, Pn«lon.

RU f tm ll r U plAonln? (uners! terrlcef In Twin PaU» when h it body * r r i m Bt the Whlt« mortuw y.

U eut«s«Rt WMtrlcy, m Super- io r tn u pUot, w u killed over China o a Var. 31, 1M4. &Ii«r taking port

' m a bombtnr n l d on Japan. J!e w u ft (ru^Uiite o f OftUry hU h achool and attended th# D nlvm lty or Id»- h a Before enlisting In th r a ir corps he w u employed for two yenrs by ( lit h lfh iray dppartm rnt In Sho- rtion*.

U F u tc n u t 'n'hlleley w ii 38 yeara old a t the time of hta death. Sur« Tivors Include hU porcnlj; three brothers. Wlmlow Whltelcy. John Whlt^ley and lUed Wlillclcj-, O ak- ]«>•; five alitem. Mr*. Leo W. Tnylor, Portland. Ore.; Alice BetJi \Vhlteley, S ail Lake City. DtAh; Mrs. B. Shef­field. SL Loula, Mo.: Mnry W ille - Icy. Provo, Utah, and Joyce W hlte­lcy, Oakley.

HI.1 family Is planning funeral ficnlce » h m hla body arrtvra In Oakley.

Private Orlffm) v a i klllrd In ac ­tion during Uie Invanlon of K waja- Inn atoll In th e Marshall LilaJids Feb. i. J0«<. He wa* the second war cwualiy from Camtu county.

lie Is «ur\-lvert by hLi mother, two brothers. A rthur Griffith, Oakley, and o m * O rlfflth, Jerome, and one ilflcr, Mrs. A nna Edwanls, Elko, Nev.

He will be burled In a m lllU tr cemelery In San PrancUco.

Chief Commls-iary Steward Den- ccar was killed In the Botomon la- kndJt.

Idaho Apples Are Included for U. S. ‘Lunch’ Purchase

WAfllUNOTON. Peb. 10 W >- noine t>cauty apples In a production marketing admlnlJlraUon purchaae dockcl under vhlch «3,400,000 vlll be spent to aid ho t lunch and re* Ilrf projm tnu was agreed to by ttis apple Industry tn a recent con« ferenee with the departm ent of agri­culture, Sen. Henry l>«-ors}iak, H ,

la , announced today.Tlie recommendation was made to

enable western Idaho growers to be eligible In th e purchase program which will get undenray wllii the calling of bids about Feb, 33, the senator snid.

However, o ther speclflcallons In- f.Lited upon by the PMA and the Industry may bar Idaho participa­tion since only small sIm apples of export grade, 173 to 31fl count per box. w ent Into the proposed plan.

In Uie west the small Washing­ton and Oregon wlnejiap variety will be moat eligible for offering to th# Kovcmment, Dworaltak explained.

Idaho grower* have Tolced op- poBiUon to tlic discrimination In the proRram but Uie PMA and lndu.itry wlU accept bids only on small alzc export grade apples, he added.

Dance PlannedOOODINO, Peb. l(^-Menlt>er8 o,

the Gooding Rldhig club will epon. sor a dance Peb. 34 a t Dtiffy’j Pav-A-Lon.

Plans for the dance were com- pleled a t a recent meeUng of Uje :Iub. Serving on the dance commit­tee 1*111 be Effle Brooks, nillle Lamb. Clinton Abercrombie and R q u AfcCloud.

INITIATEDPAUL. Feb. lO -nonald Zemke

nltlated Into U;e Paul Lodge of Mo-wai recently. Milo Bohon and Jack Bohon, Heybum, were visitors.

T a f t D eclares A id M u s t N o t H u r t C o u n tr y

ailC A O O , Peb. 10 Q U O -sen Robert A. Taft, R., O., st*rt<sd a western casipalga trip today with a declaration that the U. B. for* elgn a id program must not Jeopar­dise freedom a t home In the of protecting It abroad.

Toft, a candidate for the Repub­lican presidential nomination, In­cluded tha t declaratloR In a ''po­litical credo" prepared fer delivery before the inland Dally Press asso­ciation. I t was the first of 10 epeechea he will dellyer In fire days

f m ajor csmpalgnlng. In six states. Staling tils political phllowphy In

general terms. T aft said th a t bov- em m cnt sliould protect the liberty of the Indlrldual, Insure equal Jus­tice under Jav for all, provide equality of opportunity and pro­mote a standard of llTlng to make happiness possible.

He said American foreign policy "ahould t>e guided by the determ lna-1 tlon to keep our ^ p l e free.“

•TVe aliould not be actuated by purely altrulitls desire to Improve Uie condlllon of a lot of other people wlw have Jailed for centuries to do the Job themselves,” said Taft, who favors trimming (he Marshall plan.

■'We can't build up in peacetime an armed force which a lw tte the

eatlr* producUrt ability or

prices and shortages V h lch th rea ten I h e jw ^ condition here a t hom e we a re Irying to protect.''

T a f t reiterated his belief th a t c o n m m e s t ihould pu t a “floor^ u n ­de r low Income families to protec t them from extreme hardsh ip and poverty. He said staWs and local govem m ^ ts could n o t always h a n ­dle the financial burden for educa­tion, medical care and housing.

Polio ReportEMiaiaON, Feb. lO -M rs. L aura

Moncur, chairman of the Emerson polio drive, rtporls she has tu rned over ttSOJS to the county chairm an fo r the fund. Most of th is money w as obtained through donations a l­though a party a t the school ne tted I37.3i. M n . Moncur said.

Carey R esidents A re Hosts, Go on TripsCARET. Feb. lO -M r. and Mrs.

Lavar Jasteaen are. spendlo* sev­enth dsys a t BD lsg 'w ita 'U ie ir aaa> -In-law and daughter. U r . and Urs. L. E. Morrissey.

Mrs. William Paul. Rupert, spending two weeks w ltii her par- enu, Mr. and Mrs. Alex AlbreUuen. while her husband Is In Milwaukee, Wise.

Mrs. Jaoies s to c k lc s has bees called to Burley by h e r father’s illnesa.

Mr. and Mrs. Lortn Simpiwn liave returned from Boise w here their son, Robert, received medical trea t­ment for a virus Infection.


U u has returned to G re at Lakes, III., after visiting a t th e John Sav­age home.

DischargesDonald E . Bardcr.

M M fa u ttm s, breath. ' ' “ *•

n a s v A -n o -H O L

STORAGEC R A T I N GA nd R en ta l Service

• C X U m S • TABLES• P U K tB r o u s B E n s• FLOOB BA1«DCB8

P H O N E 3 5 4

W hen in


THEOWLF in e Food*—B««r “ W e N ere r


Date with Ferry Como — In­cluding When Day Is Done. W hat'll I Do. Body and Soul, Carolina Moon and bUiers - |3 J7

I’M LOOKING OVER A FOUR LEAF CLOVER:3—A rt Mooney ..... ......................63o

. . . th a n to p a r t w ith m y R e fin ite W a te r S o fte n e r

K eep h ouse w ith R e fin ite S o f t W ate r . . . a n d y o u ’ll see w ho t I m e an . A ll th o se lit t le househo ld chore* a re so m uch cosier. D iahe* sp a rk le . C lo thca w ash fa s te r — g e t c leaner. A nd, i t ’s s im p ly w onderfu l fo r b a tliin g nnd sham pooing . W h a t’s m ore , w e a c tu a lly sa v e m oney w ith o u r Refinite . E asy to ow n. too . Y ou p a y lik e ren t a n d in 36 m o n th s or less k ’s a ll y o u f t. N o dow n p a y m e n t c ither. R efin ite Soft W a te r? I lo re k ."

Coma ia or phone for your «opy of FREE booUel — or aik for free dsn omhation — m oWgafion.

ABBOTT'SPIumblnR & Heating:

Y o t r L o c a l REFIH ITE D e a le r

6—Gene Autry __1>-Kay Kyter —

JO—Vic Damone 11—Sammy Kaye . TEREtiA:13—Vic Dan



• R egu lar $7.95 Values• Sizes 2 to 6 'Plen ty of cold weatlicr ahead . . . and here's your op­portun ity to sa\-e some real money on fine warm, part wool Snow Suita. Two piece style In assorUd colors. A real value . . . but be here early.

, SInin Floor D ry G oods Dcp't.

-.75«13-K ay K j-ser____l i - J a c k Smith ......15—SWNANAi All Dreued Up ^-Uh

A Broken Heart — Peggy LeewlU» Dave Barbour ..... 70e

lfr—Sl,A r ’Ett DOn-N AGIN’ PAW: I'd. Give A Million TomorrowsA rthur Godfrey ...............l_15e

n-SUENENDOAU WALTZ:Walkin’ W ith You In My H eartCharlie Monroe ....................63o

IB-fiTEKL GUITAR RAG; I G nen I ‘ve Bren Dreaming Again — Spade Cooley____________ 75


Clip Uila ad, chcck Uie numbers wanted, and send with jxiur re­m ittance. Include 30c for post­age and Insurance.

C la u d e Brow n M u s ic Co.


PUBLIC SALEHaving sold my farm , I will sell the following described prop­e rty located 4 miles Soutii, 3 West, I'A South of South Park, or 2 miles E ast o f B erger Store on


MACHINERY .Case DC trac tor. sU rter. llghU, like new H art F a rr tractor, N’o. 1SJ6 Spod ealtlvator. fits DC or SC Case 10-foot McCormfek Decrlng trac tor binder e-foot Evans CuUway disc, tz Inch discs, tued one

aeaaonOliver i6-lDcb trac tor spod dljner M eComick Deeriag 2-rcw ipnd p lan ter

disc grain drill. I I hole whh graAS

McCormick box-type bean planter, hoe type Self «-row bcaa cotter mounted on John Deere

beaa cnlU rator U g trailer

t>b«r tired wagon, flat rack line n ^ -lillfT field cnltlrator. w ed one season, on robber

IS-lneh walking plow CnIUpaeker JoBB Deere No. B (racier mower, 7-foot J-row bean eatie r • l*-fool la n d en dUc , i ewnion spring toolA harrow Steel »—I-f«et

A-typ* hay derrick, eabb, pslleys Bcaa tickler

- --------slea com gate rsIron wheel wagoa and rack

l^ y lo r grala machine, old

LIVESTOCKRoan cow. springer, third calf : iiolsleln c o n . springers, first calf Springer Guernsey heifer S HeUer ealvet 2 Goemsey cows, with calves by side, S montlis eld Guernsey cow. dry llotsteln helfrr, coming 2 years old Team of good work mules, smooth moutii Team bine horse*. 8-9 y e a n old, I'M lb.

MISCELLANEOUSForge, dim . drill press, vise, other tools and

wrenches U5 gaL gas tank, new 8—iOO gaL gas or water tanka ru tfo rm scales, SOO Iba.Milk cartUirxe w heat straw pile Bean straw stack Pea straw stackForks, shovels and other arllcles too nomerous to

nsentloB Set o t good harness Several good eoUan : spod entUng Ubles Aeroll weed bsm er, large slse. nearly new Grindstone

FURNITURELarge elrcnU Unt healer Daveno and ch a in - Other articles ef the boms


JOHN PAXTON OwnerO fc a r K laafl, A octloneer Jo h n D am all, Clerk


$4.98Fine qusluy while sa tin w ith beautiful lace trim­ming. Sites of 11, 13 and 18.

Join the P e tticoa t Parade with a . . .PANDORA TAFFETA

PETTICOATColors of yellow, rose, blue and black with checked taffe ta flounce. Clever and New! Assorted s i t e s .............. ,$7.50

M ain F loor LitiRcrie Dcp’l.

New Plastic -


B riffhlon up y oiir biith room w ith a se t o f those sh o w er and curtn in hoIh. Jliicic o f clcnr plastica w ith a q u a tic p a tte rn s in colors of ro.so, ffrcen, (Pfk q Hpcncli, black or blue. S o t .................................... i o y . J U

Show er cu rU iiii.t..................................................size 6’ by G’W indow c u r t i i in a ............................................. size 27” x 51”

; Colorful and New . . .


$2.49 $3.49T«-o-pleco sets consisting o f scat c»rer and mat. Choose from two (Trades in colon of green, yellow, rose, blue and peach. The m aU measure 10'' x 34'.

D ow nstairs B edd ing and D rapery D cp 't.


A ll yours, the winning ways of this do^im* to dotetimo fashion designed for lunior figures by atm tt J^aurU of Mlnneapolii . . . w itfj creamy lace insefs against rich crepe.

■ J fa in Floor Rcady-lo-W car Dcp’t.

) jm n ^

• . th ii b lou io b y TEXTRON*

H ap p y is th e day

w h en y o u see

d ie first b ird o f Springl

H ap p y too a rc all y o u r days . . .

you hea r tlie fla tte rin g ch a tlc r

a b o u t y ou r h a n d p a in te d b ird p rin t

. . . c.vclusivcly b y Textron .

T h e classic lines

a n d so ft delalls

a rc su p e rb ly p o rtrayed

in T ex tron rayon c rcpe

of fine, %vasliable q ua lity .

W h ite w ith R obin p r in t

in R ed ;

B lueb ird p r in t in B lue;

o r W arb le r p r in t in Y ellow .'

Sizes 32 to 38.

. d



IDAHO DEPARTMENT STORE“I f I t M l Right, Bring n Bacl("